The latest “good news” shouted from the rooftops by our friendly WUS FSC. Somehow, it’s not just the name that evokes the image of minced meat. Prepackaged ground up mystery meat seems to be a fairly accurate description of these offerings from Mr. Mintz.
I am surprised he put this one out as stats are not looking good….
Super Power, Running Program completions and Clears are down. You can see the comparative to the earlier reports below.
Compared to the earlier posts, this is how the stats look (these figures are earliest weeks first, these latest reports added to the end).
Super Power: 21 24 23 21 20 10 15 23 25 31 11 Ruh Roh, this is a BIG drop
Cause Resurgence: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 22 24 20 17
L’s: 27 29 NR 22 21 17 7 18 23 26 30
Clears: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 11 NR 19 8 Another BIG drop
OT VIIs: 9 7 6 11 7 6 10 7 11 NR 8
Objectives: NR 28 22 18 20 21 NR NR NR 26 20
Purif: NR 18 11 21 15 NR NR NR NR NR NR (Given up on reporting this)
I wonder why they allow Mintz to continue sending these out? I assume it must be because it is titled “Good News” and therefore it has to be something to cheer about.
But after 10 months. completing 1000 people on Super Power is absolutely pathetic. People have been paying for this in advance for 20 years in anticipation of its release. Everyone who is a “big name” has completed it. 100 people a month for the year after release of the most anticipated service in Scientology history is a true indication of how many public are left in the church. Even if only 2 1/2% of scientologists have now completed superpower that equates to only 40,000 scientologists left on earth. And I would guess the percentage is considerably higher than that.
And they are making about 10 clears a week, which is half of ALL clears made on earth each week. 20 per week internationally. At that rate if they focused ALL the clearing efforts of FSO and all other orgs onto Liechtensein (population 37,500) they would have their first clear country in 36 YEARS.
Now that is truly “making planetary clearing a reality.”
Ha! I *only* want to be seen in crappy places with scruffy people!
Or, “YSCOHB, you CICS!!!!” Perfect Miscavige TR-4.
And seem to remember that after staff received the rundown that “government leaders” were supposed to be next, and only then public? Is that correct? Maybe misduplicted that. but I do remember wondering how those government leader reg cycles were going to be accomplished…….. : -)
Great quote MJ. The advertising psychologists have been at it for quite some time. I think that might be what LRH was describing in the PTS to the middle class bulletin, although I never felt I understood it that well. It’s like an outside influence that’s pressuring and causing someone to continue on a track without their full awareness. Peer pressure games for grownups. I have known people like that, that were all about appearances and status. Some people freak out if they’re seen someplace crappy or with scruffy people. The rcs certainly seems afflicted by this.
Yes indeed Hallie Jane. I imagine a lot of the folks still in aspire to be like Tom and Dave.
From The Hidden Persuaders written in the 50’s – interesting.
“Within the status systems something else operates that is at the very center of American life and is the most motivating force in the lives of many of us—namely what we call social mobility, the aspiration drive, the achievement drive, the movement of an individual and his family from one level to another, the translation of economic goods into socially approved symbols, so that people achieve higher status.”
This still applies, with hardly any geographic boundary.
Thanks for the quote, I got the book on Kindle, now.
Read this recently about stats. “Statistics are like a bikini – what they reveal may very well be interesting, but what they conceal is critical.”
FB, the Auditors made were Over(t) Products, so have been recalled to the COB Ideal PowerPlant and may graduate at earliest by 27th Century!
Yea. Lots of redos here for sure.
Those still in look at a Clear a day as amazing. I’ve heard it with my own two ears. They could read the particulars on what that would mean for planetary clearing happening and I would bet big money they wouldn’t care. Besides haven’t you heard planetary clearing is going to be accomplished with the 4th Dynamic activities. They believe that too.
But how does DM like these numbers? Also, I heard stats crash over the holidays. This can’t bode well for the future of the church.
I thought that any time a Flag Stat goes down, it IS good news! The New OT 8 cog: I am not Jason Beghe.
And the full EP for OT VIII ……….I am definitely not a $cientologist anymore!
Holy crap. After a two year hiatus of receiving no cult mail, today I received three pieces! They must have redone their central files and added me back in.
Celebrity Mag with Nancy Cartwright on the cover; an invitation to Auditors Day on Sept. the 13th in LA and a promo piece for my son who has not lived here for three years! Glad to see the cult is now in PT with my address and status.
I heard a verbal report that the gag2 training entails a list of possible responses for TR4 (handling originations), which are allowed and no other. So there’s a prescribed list, of what the auditor is allowed to say!!! As there are no standard thetans, I can’t tell you how ridiculous this is. It is not live communication, which violates one of the most basic fundamentals, that makes case gain possible. This is particularly amusing, because I never experienced so many comm cycle additives as I did at flag in 2006/7, where several auditors thought it was ok to make invalidative, evaluative and snarky comments in session. So the stat of 228 on training gives me shivers, as the crap they are delivering is so squirrel, that it’s meaningless anyway. So, they are downstat on their overt products….that IS good news!
You mean, Ideal Good News! C’mon now! Stay with the prescribed program…
Appropriate TR-4 for the cob, “I hear ya motherfucker!”
Now you’re talkin! That would make ole Dickbreath proud to hear some real trash talk instead of all that crappy nicety nice stuff. Let’s get down and dirty for Mr. Chaiman of the Sociopaths and tell it like it is for a change.
Hey MJ, you’re talking my language!
Love it 🙂
Hallie Jane, I just shivered also. A prepared list of allowed TR-4 auditor acks – there are no words except, and here I go again; so glad I’m not there.
Class 4 jukeboxes?… Luna park…
Hush! ‘Live communication’ has died years ago…..
I’m tempted to use those numbers on lottery tickets, simply because how much fun would that be if I won a million bucks off Scientology stats?
Do it, x-barb! Now that would be some funny shit!
Too bad $cientology wasn’t listed on the stock exchange ………… could make some good money selling it short. But Matt would have already done that by now!
I think I remember Michelle Kugler. Makes me sad to see where she’s at.
How many of the new statuses are actually re-dos? Yeah, I too can attain OT 8 in ‘better then check sheet time’, if i had done it twice before.
Ok, the whales have had their boutique experience, what about the rest of the clientele? Are there enough clams with the money for the required sec checks and the actual costs of the courses?
Soon, the loyal minions will be risking ‘declares’ if they don’t line up for the new GAT 2 and line Davies pockets.
Don’t forget now that Dear Leader holds the keys to your eternity. He has the upper OT
levels hid away and if he feels you deserve to be a big being like him? Well he will include
you. So grovel away loyal minions grovel away.
“their boutique experience”. An apt little quip, zemoo. Instead of a help flow to staff, this is what Super Power is. So glad I’m out.
I’d like to able to fast forward these reports for a year from now. Would be fascinating.
As far as 8 clears made… I can make 8 a minute if that was what I was paid to do.
Where are the auditors made?
Frik, that is sooooooo last century! Come up to PT now! Scientology don’t need no stinkin’ auditors. GAG II took care of that.
That statistic should be renamed to “Auditors Remade” anyway due to all those retrains connected to GAT I, II etc.
That is right Mike and, lets take, just for an argument, one # of SP Completions. Lest look at the largest figure of 31 and, lets assume for a moment, none of them were staff.
Now, envision this humongous building where you can get lost within the unprecedented dimensions of it. 31 people among the walls of the Cathedral is like little small ants crawling that you don’t notice until you almost step on them.
Lets give them the benefit of the doubt and lets look at Jeff’s posted numbers, including 163 completions and 228 on training. Anyway, his numbers total 527. Yes, pathetic for the legendary high production Flag used to have and microscopic for the size of that building.
In other words, the Cathedral is empty, absolutely empty.
What were Flag’s stats, once upon a time? Give us a few, for comparison’s sake. I’ve never been there! But the ants in a cathedral analogy is a sad, sad sound!
20 Clears per week internationally. All imaginary. Cool.
Well their bank accounts probably got “cleared”. That part’s real at least.
Dodo, those 20 Clears per week internationally are indeed imaginary. However, the are Ideal Imaginary Clears!
Just imagine the whole planet being clear!
Imagine no scientlogy
It’s easy of you can
No RPF to store us
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the PCs
With their futures in their hands
No sec checks to fuck with
And now they take a stand
You hooooooo
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And world will be as one
(with apologies to John Lennon)
LOL! Great caption Mike. Aside from all of the facts about the stats, the really good news is that despite all efforts from His Most Anointed Wonderfulness, somehow the email leaks continue.
No matter what resources He presses into service, His pond continues to dry up one leaked OTC minutes email at a time and that is the REALLY GOOD NEWS.
That alone has got to be creating personal havoc at the top of the compost heap.
Right on, Coop! The leaks have got to be driving his dwarfness crazy! It seems even within the OTCs, there are disaffected members who, I think, are biding their time until they too leave. This is what I call, Ideal Good News!
Amen to that!~ Really Ideal Good News. The whole problem of trying to ferret out the leak is to figure out how to do it without pissing off those still happily lapping up the ale.
The Miscarriage probably goes to sleep at night wondering if Lou is leaking! It has to be someone at the top and that will put the dwarf into the spin bin for sure.
Yo Dave,
If you knew how to run that new meter thingy you could sec check your own staff and not have to rely on those other losers to try and get it right for you. That is if you could refrain from reaching over the table and smacking them yourself. Hell, grab em by the neck with your veins popping and demand the TRUTH …………. if you can handle it! Remember….the tech works good buddy.
The drying pond reference just gave me a great visual image, which has to do with piranha. For those who don’t know, piranha in open water aren’t really a danger. They become voracious and ferocious when they get stranded by receding flood waters in residual pools and ponds, and as those ponds shrink and dry up, their desperation for food becomes more intense. Expect to see more ferocious piranha attacks on the remaining live flesh in the shrinking pond of Scientology.
hgc10, Good. That may cause a few more people to cog and get out of Dodge.
hgc10 – very good analogy!
I bet a million their compost heap is not as good as yours :)….
To your 6.18 pm (no reply button) comment: The problem with DM and TRUTH is that he CAN’T handle the truth. That’s why he slapped his pc at St. Hill in the first place!
Ah Mike, look at the bigger picture here: over a thousand more mini-me Tom Cruises. THAT’S power. Think how many more TV hosts and journalists can be alienated; how much more DM butt can be kissed; how much more ethics can be slammed in. It’s like – KSW – and I don’t mince words with that. It’s like, BAM! (Ha ha haaaaaaaa!!!). This is it. It’s just phew!!!! This is exactly – it. Uncompromisingly. If the planet isn’t already Cleared just wait till next Thursday 2pm. Bam!
Artificial enthusiasm… It’s all they’ve got left. Poor suckers!
Agree OSD. The sooner this thing collapses, the sooner they will be spared of having to play these charades.
Let’s see, BT, hmmmmmm. Oh, I know! How about if it collapses this week?! As we all know, when it happens, party at my place at the beach!
I actually like Jeff Mintz, but last time I talked with him I explained that Tech was out Internationally. This happened before under LRH and a program was issued to fix this.
Jeff is a cog in a machine that is shrinking by the day, by the hour. D.M. will never turn this situation around, only make it worse. When Jeff Mintz defects that will signal
the end of an era and start of something new , maybe Planetary Clearing, but when the Mintzmobile still promotes the D.M. scam it’s business as usual.
They continue to publicly document their failures, calling them “successes”. But what else can they do, Mike?
They have to be right when they know how wrong they are (how wrong the church is). It’s the old keep on burning the toast just to be right things.
I think so too, Cindy. And the longer they maintain this must-be-right-can’t-be-wrong thing going, is the more painful and difficult it is to confront the isness, so they twist a little more, turn a little more, turn on the dub-in machine, take another big swig of koolaid, fork over some more dough, babble on about how wonderful it all is and how great they’re doing (circuitry installed for that) ..complexity and confront, as LRH wrote, or if one prefers, Shakespeare explained it as the “tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive”. And who are they deceiving? Themselves. No as-ising going on and they’re weaving a tangled web and getting more and more solid. Now I understand why I used to feel so weird listening to some of the still-ins’ uptone talk. It was because it wasn’t uptone at all. These were circuits talking!
CoS becomes Circuits of Scientologists, or circus if you prefer.
Aqua, very astute comment and right you are! All these over the top wins are just circuits talking. The being is hiding and nowhere to be found.
That’s not Shakespeare, it’s Sir Walter Scott. Both are better writers and have contributed more to the human race than L. Ron, Friend To Humanity.
Espiando, there isn’t any factual basic data that El Wrong Hubbard wrote that wasn’t regurgitated/plagiarized from another write or philosopher…
Well, I think this is an overstatement. Whether you agree or disagree with the assertions he made, there is plenty of original non-fiction work by Hubbard in addition to much that was synthesized or plagiarized from earlier works. I do not think you can find “the Grades” or “Grades Processes”, GPMs, Service Facs, R6 bank, OT III, Grade Chart, 7 Division Org Board, ethics conditions, 8 dynamics, ARC Triangle or a lot of other things in earlier works. Whether you think they have any validity is a different question. The simple brush off statement “it was all plagiarized” as an attempt to invalidate it is not very effective because it just isn’t true but also because you are then saying while Hubbard was not original, EVERYTHING in scientology is based on earlier, presumably accepted, philosophies.
Mike, I’m referring to factual material. That doesn’t include made up therapies. All his basic, correct observations about life can be found in prior works from Eastern or Western authors & philosophers. Yes, he wrote lots of original stuff. Auditing processes, made up “axioms” that cannot pass testing and what not. Just because HE didn’t label it as fiction doesn’t mean it i factual… As far as OT level crap. That IS science Fiction.
This could be an endless debate which I don’t have the time to engage in. Based on some of your earlier comments I find it curious that you feel there is “factual material” in scientology, though plagiarized. I also find it curious that philosophical writings of anyone are deemed “factual” — who makes such a determination? Is Freud “factual”? You seem to be pretty loose with your terminology. Is Freud “testable”? More or less “testable” than Grades auditing?
Why would I think that there could no factual data/observations in Scn? Hubbard himself claims to have borrowed from others’ observations from the beginning of written history. Why are you asking me about Freud? (I’ve made no claims about him) A claim is made, it is tested scientifically. It either proves out or not. All I’m pointing out is that the claims Hubbard made FOR his work have not been scientifically shown to be true. He made extraordinary claims. There is ZERO scientific evidence to back up his objective claims. NOTHING fast and loose about that.
Swampland – as you don’t believe the technology works I can therefore ask you with impunity: “Has a withhold been missed?” and you should then get no reaction! You seem to be on some sort of personal vendetta against Hubbard and the technology. Because it hasn’t obviously worked on you does not mean it is not valid – but then you know that deep down don’t you.
Now most of the people on here will realize where you are at and ignore your comments so why don’t do you just stop embarrassing yourself with this vendetta thing? You will feel much better if you just stop doing so and not bothering people with your vitriolic comments which anyone with any knowledge and observations of the tech in real life knows the source of. We are sorry for you that you have bypassed charge of some sort but as you say the tech doesn’t work, so then – don’t worry about it – go and kick the cat or something. My comments somewhat applies to Espiando as well.
I have approved this comment, though I think it really does you more harm than good.
The superior “we know where you are at and what is wrong with you” is unpleasant and unbecoming. It is the language of fundamentalism. “I have ALL the answers, you are clearly ignorant and a sinner because you don’t agree.” This is an ugly trait of religion and it becomes more marked the more fundamentalist the religious person is. It is NOT confined by any means to scientologists. But the language is virtually identical, the terminology just varies between fundamentalist christians, jews, mormons, muslims, Jehovah’s Witnesses, hindus and even buddhists.
Don’t fall into the trap of announcing to the world that YOU have all answers to everything and that anyone who disagrees with you is clearly wrong and a fool or worse, someone to be pitied – based on what YOU believe.
ANd don’t get me wrong, you are absolutely entitled to any belief you wish. And you are entitled to argue about it forever.
I am merely trying to point out that this approach isn’t pretty. The ONLY people that find it so are those of like mind to you. They will pat you on the back and tell you how right you are.
I do not agree with everything people write here. But I do believe that everyone has something to offer the discussion.
I would hope that scientologists outside the bubble of the church would demonstrate a more enlightened approach than those inside.
Mike, if someone decides to attack what I know works (and as you have posted my reply above and of which I realize your predicament in being non-partisan) then of course I am entitled to say what I think, as you say. I am not attacking anything here – the attacks come in from SL and others and all I am doing is defending, and I would think that most people on the board find such comments boring and annoying. It is not getting anyone anywhere for that reason. I would guess here that about 60-70% of people, if not a higher percent here, would agree with me and thus it is wasting both SL’s time and the time of the people who have to wade through their comments.
But now you are somewhat unintentionedly, granted, making out that I am the “bad guy” here. I am not being fundamentalist at all, perhaps about the technology somewhat, but the fundamentalists are those still inside the Church that have changed the technology and the policy amongst the other nonsense they perpetrate on people, and my wish here is that that is where the attention should be focused – on the real criminality and not to waste people’s time with this stuff.
However, you can let SL and others say these things and sometimes you do reply to them in a moderating or explanatory fashion, but it is then a bit unfair that they can be vitriolic with generally no criticism and yet I draw adverse comments from you when I point out that the vitriol is based on some sort of bypassed charge.The premise about me having all the answers is not quite right as most of what I say is covered in HCOBs etc. and which I have regurgitated but my point now is again that I have observed these things happening in real life so it is not a question of blind faith or fundamentalism but empiric observation.
True, I did say that I would not respond to this sort of comment anymore and I will try again not to do so. Sorry for any bother I cause you as a moderator – really – as I say I realize where you have to draw the line.
No need to comment ‘cuz this post says it all. Thanks, Mike.
+ 1
Please correct me if I’m mistaken but I’ve always thought that, per Hubbard, Super Power was supposed to be delivered to Staff first. There’s no money in that, of course, but wasn’t it originally intended to help hard working Staff with their struggles?
You are correct, Panda. It was for SO staff.
That was all before GAG I and GAG II, besides, everyone at Int Base has already done their Effect Resurgence Rundown under Dear Leaders supervision.
LONG before that Cooper. All those HIGHLY trained (tech/admin & ethics) & audited S.O. members (including El Wrong hisself) fell prey to an untrained midget. THIS is all the commentary on the effectuality of “the tech” that is needed…