The string of promises concerning “planetary clearing” and ideal orgs is a long one.
But perhaps nowhere illustrates the miserable failure of this “planet clearing strategy” than South Africa.
The “Kyalami Castle” referred to above is the empty building that was purchased in 2008 to be the home of the “new AO Africa.” (Similar buildings were purchased in Canada and Mexico to “open” AO Canada and AO Mexico – they too remain abandoned shells).
Eight years later, this building remains unused. Except to hold pep rallies (read fundraisers) every now and then.
That this particular empty will “bring a Clear South Africa” is even more bizarre when you know that it is Class V orgs that do the “clearing.” People are supposed to move on to the AO AFTER they are cleared in a Class V Org. An AO exists because clears exist, not to generate clears.
Of course, the problem is that after 12 years, the ideal org in Joburg has accomplished nothing. The letters are falling off its “ideal sign” and it isn’t paying its utility bills. This was one of the 3 original “ideal orgs” (along with Buffalo and Tampa).
There is another “ideal” org in S. Africa — Pretoria. A dismal failure that didn’t even warrant Miscavige showing up to yank the ribbon (he DID go to Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland, Taiwan and Tokyo). It sits empty and forgotten like others around the word. Nobody ever hears a peep from the “ideal” orgs in Malmö or Buffalo or Pordenone or, or, or…
But let’s take a look at the other orgs in Africa and how they are progressing towards “ideal” and “clearing S. Africa.”
Cape Town building was purchased in 2005. It has sat empty since then. More than a DECADE.
Harare & Bulawayo buildings were purchased in 2006 and have been occupied by squatters. These two buildings, as well as the Kyalami Castle were purchased with IAS funds that they could not get out of the country due to exchange control laws.
Joburg Org Test Centre was purchased in 2008 and opened in 2009 – by 2011 it was closed down, re-opened briefly in 2011/2012 and is now abandoned.
Durban building was purchased in 2009 & demolished in 2010. Durban’s ideal is an empty lot.
Port Elizabeth was purchased in 2010. Also unoccupied.
Joburg North was finally purchased in 2015. This org was originally the “Jory Mission” (owned by Bronwyn & Neville Jory – Lois Reisdorf’s parents). The Jorys “gifted” their very successful mission to the church. The org has never been as big or strong as it was since it was the Jory Mission in the 70’s. A bunch of money raised for Jbg North was spent on cost overruns on Pretoria ideal org renovations.
This is the magnificent expansion in South Africa. And remember, there has not been a single new org to serve the 1.2 billion people of Africa since the Jory mission was handed over in the early 80’s, and before that it was the 1960’s. Not one.
At this rate, the AO will NEVER open. It serves no purpose when no Clears are being made in Africa.
On the wall of Moscow ideal org hanging a piece of paper with IAS membership birthday game, Venezuela won with with something like 1600 points, Moscow on the second place with 1400 points, LA in third with 1200 points, most of the US orgs are around 70-120 and Joburg around 50. If you like I can check exact numbers.
All is not lost, however. Last year I met folks in Joburg who run their own center totally independent of the evil CoS and people were doing fabulously well. Winning like crazy. If there is to be any future for Scn it will be outside the evil clutches of Scn and its corrupt pope.
Dan, what are their actual stats like? Did they attract a large number of the former CofS members in the area, or just a few? Are still they getting many new clients, or did they just get a bunch after the purge of a few years ago?
Thanks for the update Mike.
You are correct in stating that the AO will serve no purpose in Africa. But no clears are OTs per definition have ever been made by any scientology organization ever.
thanks for all of this. <3
Got to start with the assumption DM’s promises reflect the goal. That and are we sure we know what the goal is here, really? What he says he wants and what he really is working towards may be two different things. One looks good on a CoS brochure, the other ends in a fully staffed mansion in Columbia…
Yeah. Mexico, Columbia. He’ll need a good interpreter.
Does anyone know if DM reads any of the ex-scientologits blogs or websites?
I know he likes the magazine, Dwarf World.
there’s a lovely story of two critics being deposed by the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology and at some stage several boxes full of binders of printouts from internet forums is wheeled in to show the things that Captain David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige has personally objected to.
I am telling it badly and can’t seem to find the original report on search engines 🙁
Yes they read this and the underground bunker – OSA and DM.
Nice update, Mike, on that part of the world.
Sometimes it is hard to visualize Africa and what it entails. The organizations you mentioned are mostly in South Africa. Two are just north of South Africa in Zimbabwe.
If we added up the population of all of Canada (the hamlet north of NY) and added all of the USA and all of the entire South America, we would probably get the same number of people as there are in Africa.
To clear Africa, to use this analogy of the population of the Americas, the South African orgs equate to, say, having 6 orgs in Florida and 2 in South Carolina and these 8 orgs are holding an event to announce that THEY are going to clear, Canada, USA and South America!
Delusional is putting it kindly. It really is completely nuts indeed Mike.
The reason for South Africa and Zim rather than, say, Nigeria? White people with money.
The only thing that will be Clear in South Africa in the near and far off future is the weather on certain days. 🙂
Mike – I am interested in your thoughts re: Monday’s article in the TBT. More potential for broken promises?
I’m reading Marc Headley’s book now and all of this just makes me so sad for the people that truly believe in this cause. That they don’t realize that they are being used as slaves for profit and (and honestly BELIEVE) that they are doing good. Such a sad waste of their life. Mike, you are doing a good thing by continually doing what you can to get the word out. I don’t fault people for wanting to be associated with a greater good and to find a purpose in life, but I am angry that this is allowed to continue in light of all the evidence. If the government took away the tax exempt status this would surely all come crumbling down.
HI Cindy, can you put “Cindy2” on your posts so we can tell which one of the two Cindy’s is talking? Good points you make, by the way.
Great article Mike as this hits home for me, being South African and my parents famous Mission turned into the Joburg North Org. Up until about 1983/84, that org was bigger than the Joburg Org, but was destroyed when missions came in and ousted my parents, who were the heart and soul of that Org. Their resulting 3rd mission from about 1986 onwards right up until now (being run by my sister), was small and run out of their home in Oaklands – a lovely, leafy suburb in Johannesburg. My sister took over my parents house and the mission after their deaths and it is still being run from the home – in a separate cottage from the main home. This mission wins the birthday game every year as it is the “biggest” mission in South Africa, but it is small. Now, my other sister is running an Applied Scholastics type of school out of there as well, so I am sure it helps the stats for the mission. I am pretty sure sister #1 (mission holder) will be at Flag this weekend to receive her award, for winning the birthday game. The debacle of 2013, of all the many declares was HUGE. The Scn community was already so small to start with, so percentage wise that caused an earthquake for scn in SA. Rumor has it that there are many scn’sts under the radar in that country and NOT happy. Having an AO in that castle is pointless now – there are no public for it and the public that they do go to Anzo and Anzo cannot afford to lose the small scn public they get from SA. It is NOT going to happen.
Hi Lois 🙂 Hope Brandon and the rest of the fam are doing great hun! So happy you guys aren’t in the Clampire anymore <3
thanks for all of this. <3
The new movie “The Founder” about Ray Kroc and the McDonald’s franchise – in the trailer starting at :43 his lawyer tells him to quit the burger business and get in the land business. “You build an empire by owning the land. You’re not in the burger business. You’re in the real estate business.”
Maybe that is what Dave Miscavige is up to. After the Lisa McPherson disaster and the failures of GAT 1 and 2, he must be sick of faking the Scientology pope gig.
He is not able to release anything above OT VIII because Ray Mithoff can’t even figure out how to tie his shoes after decades in the Hole and nobody else has a clue what Hubbard was doing at the end of his life besides drugs and strokes. At least,nobody that is willing to talk to Dave.
Makes perfect sense. Put all that loose cash in real estate, set up some kind of shadow corporation that owns it all, let the Scientology pretense collapse and liquidate the real estate at your leisure. With that much cash it will be some very posh and leisurely leisure.
Please, Mr. Miscavige Chairman of the Board Religious Technology center and all purpose leader of the flock, by all means let Scientology collapse and run off with all the cash you can grab.
Leave some for the Ex Sea Org Pension Plan and to reimburse all the fraud victims. Let all the families reunite and free all the slaves.
You can do it, Mr. Miscavige Sir! This is OK!
I think you may have more chance of the Mafia or the Triads saying “sorry,” than Miscavige ever doing anything good or nice for anyone. At best he may be forced to leave in so much of a hurry one day he’ll leave some crumbs behind. But with lawyers involved, it’s nigh an impossible ask that anything will ever be given to those who deserve compensation for their hard work and dedication.
Scientology passed over into something resembling a closely refined and ongoing strategic conspiracy with the introduction and onset of “KSW think,” (plus the secretive space cooties tech and the introduced security was a required step for future control). It would need nothing of the sort if it worked as stated, and imo by the late 50’s and up until about 63/64ish it was a good as it could ever get. But the problem the organisation/Hubbard demanded in the form of more and more money and more and more stability kept running into was that one of the EP’s of the tech in those days was you didn’t need to keep resigning, were quite happy to go out and get a life etc and leave Scientology as something you did when you felt it was needed, on your own determinism. Plus (this is all my opinion of course) Scientology per the procedures in those days wasn’t for everyone, wasn’t easy to audit or grasp, it was all rushed into use without refinement and it all floated on DMSMH which no-one could apply per the text and was so full of false claims it stings the intelligence. The attacks by Govts and other interested parties may well have been real but forming the SO and an intelligence branch, shore stories and going global, geezers… it’s no wonder it’s what it is today.
What we have been conned with takes a bit to come to terms with but the whole organisation of Scientology and all those behind it deserve to be brought to justice for the scam it is.
I’m still coming to terms with the con more than 25 years after departure.
Scientology is an insidious mind-f**k.
Don’t do it.
“Put all that loose cash in real estate…”. Put all that WHAT cash…?
Just lying around was it? It was coerced and wrenched from the gullible public. Just saying.
I think some or most buildings were bought as a money laundering scheme. Or is he [dm] as dumb as we think he is ?
exccla, the real estate purchases appear to serve the purpose of avoiding having too much in cash reserves when income and membership are dwindling, which in turn fends off some problems with IRS requirements and their tax exemption, at least for a while.
Miscavige is probably more of a true believer in something, if only that some turn of events will change the organization’s fortunes, and in denial about the actual state of things, than you might expect. That is actually typical of cult leaders and the instigators of financial frauds, they get caught up in their own game of smoke and mirrors.
He’s smart, but it’s Charles Manson or Bernie Madoff kind of smart.
No exccla, the buildings are being purchased because IRS regulations regarding max cash on hand allowed for non-profits.
No one is getting a nickel back. One thing I sure wish he’d run off to Brazil or somewhere without an extradition treaty with all the cash and the people could. just. be. free. To hell with him.
The South African based website scientologists back in comm used to be a handy source of info on developments in Africa, but it suddenly stopped being updated in August 2015, anyone know what happened? I’m pretty sure I’ve asked this same question in the past but am yet to have it answered so am still puzzled.
I am going to make a Wild-Assed Guess. The people writing it (a) were seduced back into the fold by who knows what bullshit promises; (b) gave up on fighting Scientology because they had better things to do with their lives, like Mark Rathbun.
I’ve wondered about this too, and haven’t been able to find any answers.
I doubt they were seduced back into the fold, or they would have taken down the blog.
My best guess is the effect – which I wish we had a nifty name for – similar to what appears to be the case with Rathbun, that as people get out of the CofS and start to think for themselves, most end up deciding that there’s not much of value in Scientology, and nothing more to get out of it. We can discern this going on in the bigger picture, with the many other inactive or abandoned websites and the general ack of observable activity in independent (freezone) Scientology, even though many people have left the CofS in recent years.
The only other possibility that I can think of, is that they decided to work more behind the scenes – but leave the blog up as a placeholder.
“(b) gave up on fighting Scientology because they had better things to do with their lives, like Mark Rathbun.”
You mean, like colluding with the cherch to supply its legal weasels with privileged communication with Indies, so that the cherch can crush them in court? (see here for details )
Im a native South African and still living here. The Bacincomm blog did stop abruptly and without explanation.
From what I have been told, the main contributors to the blog realized that the direct that the blog had taken was contrary to what they were expecting.
The blog was hoping to establish an independent style of scientology free of the Church and openly encouraged communication.
The result was that more and more people began to see scientology for that it really is and the blog evolved into open criticism of Hubbard and all things scientology.
Or so I was told.
So, did the folks who were running it and posting there who did NOT want it to devolve into a Hubbard pile-on migrate over to the Milestone 2 site, where they do not allow criticism of the Flounder, at that time
I spent a little time lurking on the Milestone 2 site and quickly got the sense that they were a pro-$cilon site who believed that whatever is wrong with the corporate cherch is lil davey’s fault and not Elron’s.
That’s a completely unsupportable position to take, but one good way of never realizing it is to do exactly what the cherch does, which is to censor and sanction whatever it finds objectionable and inconvenient.
Anybody here seen or discussed The Arrangement, the TV series that premiered this week on E! network that is allegedly (rather loosely) based on the relationship Tom had with Katie? I watched the pilot. It’s a bit cheesy (look at the target audience), but it certainly outlines the symbiotic relationship between a megalomaniacal cult leader and a superstar actor and his micromanaged love life/ They were very careful to avoid certain comparisons but it’s certainly obvious to anyone who knows about them. Just curious as to what others think and if there’s any cult blowback. The leaders wife in the story looks like she is about to already be jettisoned for not kissing his ring.
This reads like the ‘campaign list of battles lost’ of the losing side in some long ago forgotten war.
To me this is all the aftermath and lingering stench of a campaign turned criminal long ago. One of the problems of the demise of Scientology is that it has been assured for decades and offers a kind of sickening satisfaction to see it go, so many gave the prime of their life to that mess. “Relief from the hostilities and sufferings if life,” gee wonder where I heard that before?
So much promise, so much betrayal.
The expression, “the emperor has no clothes” is aptly suited to the flawed dear leader David Miscavige. Most people believe he is so far gone in his self-delusion that he is blind to the facts. I don’t believe that. He reads his reports, and he knows deep down that this cult is collapsing. There is no question in my mind that he must have an exit strategy.
On another note, I have seen rumors on the net that Tom Cruise is distancing himself from Scientology/Miscavige. I also read a rumor that he may be leaving for the sake of his family/daughter, or something. If so that is the smartest move he will ever make. Does anyone know if these rumors have any merit?
The rumors about Tom make no sense knowing about the building he is putting a home on top of reported a few months ago at Tony’s.
Somebody needs to tell Der Leader that he can learn a lesson about orgs. Orgs are like cannolis. A cannoli is only good when it has the yummy stuff inside the shell. An empty shell is not a cannoli. An empty org is a cannoli shell.
I made cannoli once it was time consuming and messy stuffing those shells – if one tore I had to throw it away. Oh the symbolism.
Buy you pre baked cannoli at the bakery, just all round to see which bakery offers them for sale NOT pre filled……..then get a pasty bag and fill it with the creamy goodness and then just slowly squeeze the bag to fill the cannoli…..a medium to big tip will allow the chocolate chips in the filling to pass through the tip… I WANT Cannoli!
RSL….YOU make the coffee…..I will bring the Cannoli!
A deserted Mecca.
Yes, empty buildings to serve all the ‘customers’ waiting for the ‘tech’. After Miscavage destroyed the South Africans who became ‘back in comm’, no one was left to keep the lights on. With no one to serve, why stay around? Any loyal South African clams were sent to Flag or some other Clam facility to give more ‘rah rah’ to the ever decreasing number of clams.
Even Motel 6 keeps the lights on.
All I can say right now Mike, is thank you. Thank you for all of this truth. Thank you for helping Lisa with her mission. Thank you for being the blessed being that you have become. Most of all, thank God for this awakening.
I entirily agree with you “For he’s á Jolly good fellow for he’s á Jolly good fellow …”
YES!!!! Thank you!
So the 1.2 billion people in Africa will NOT have any Model Idle Morgues to gain salvation? Free at last, free at last! Thank God almighty we’re free at last! Now that’s what I call Freedom! They must be the first cleared continent….cleared of Scientology!.
And clear up to their asses in backbiting, entheta, enturbulation and generally non optimum human trafficking conditions as they say in culteze. I say we send in some KRs to dingy Dave about the debacle that has surfaced in the land of the Joburg Sec Check.
However we must correct the outdated KR as it is an oxymoron to call it a ‘KNOWLEDGE’ report. How about an SR as it does align with a STUPIDITY Report.
Yo Dave,
Time for GAG III good buddy. Per your own paperwork, stupidity is the unknownness of time place form and event. CLEARly you have no frickin clue about any of the above in Africa (much less South Africa) so you had better get on with some demands for a few SRs. If you can’t find anyone to git-er-done, handle it from above good buddy. That’s long for YOU, DAVE! You should have no trouble with generating some Stupidity Reports, especially when it comes to the blind leading the stupid……but ………. maybe I have it reversed!
+1! Outstanding post! However…isn’t an oxymoron stupid steer. Or am I just clueless?
Sounds like Africa is well on its way to becoming the very first Cleared Continent…cleared of any trace of $cn’s evil presence, that is 😉
Yo, baby!
Sorry, but there are so many acronyms to remember. What does AO stand for?
Advanced Organization — where the “OT Levels” (Operating Thetan) are delivered.
And here I always thought the AO stood for, Awful Organization.
That too
You’re missing the big picture, Mike.
Now that all of the CICSing SPs have been declared, $cientology South Africa is totally poised to rocket their way to unprecedented levels of expansion. Just you wait and see!
Why open it? Even if it’s derelict it will have cash value when RCo$ finally grinds to a halt. Clear anywhere with more than 5 people (let alone the planet)….. ain’t gonna happen.
For whom the bell tolls?
How’s your hearing Davey boy?
” How’s your hearing Davey boy?”
He doesn’t seem to be responding GTBO, but that is not new news.
But there is news from afar…………..after having stopped by the local Pasadena Idle Morgue I found out that there are 200 people on course.
But it must not have been on that particular day because at 5:00 pm break, zero students exited the building. There were three people in the lobby and all were staff and one was doing the vacuum the floor routine. But she was using a vacuum and not a toothbrush so I think things are looking up for that See Orge staffed Morgue. All were very friendly and dressed nicely.
We did have a good times at the Pasadena Model Idle Morgue. But, Coop, maybe those 200 students were just waiting for us to leave because they were embarrassed that they were taking a course. I wonder if the students spent the night there. Do they know there’s no toilet paper?
Newcomer, thanks for the report.
Scientology seems to be using a lot of correspondence-type courses to boost their statistics, which means they can claim people on course without having to have them physically present. My guess is that number counts all the courses being taken by people who may be doing several at a time, and maybe members who are doing higher level courses through other orgs as well. There usually seems to be some justification for the numbers that can be teased out, though they are really stretching the counts beyond reason, and probably in some cases just padding them as well. And a lot of the course work being counted, seems to be re-dos and basic courses by long-term members. Oh, and don’t forget they probably count training or courses being done by staff, too.
p.s. Also, keep in mind that if you went in to the org, they may try to connect you to your online name. There have been a number of cases where it is clear that Scientology is monitoring these forums and trying to find ways to identify members or critics who are posting.
I agree with you PeaceMaker. I assume that OSA monitors each of us on the blog and in my case, they know exactly who I am, where I live and what I do. As an example, I have asked them to give me a call if they have any questions about my opinions. 209-928-4822 and leave a message if I am not in.
Yo Dave,
Same goes for you good buddy!
IMHO, when the individual is willing to state what he has observed and to also state that what he has observed is true for him/herself; at that point a dialogue can begin which has a possibility of creating an understanding between two people for mutual benefit.
In my case, I will remain interested in the activities of the Cult as long as it is affecting people and because my kids remain in I want to observe how things progress.The cult is interested in my activities only to be able to use them in a twisted way to show my kids how ‘off the rails’ I am with regards to supporting the Cult (explained in a different way), ‘He has no desire to help make the planet a better and safer place , blah de blah de blah ….. because you see how much he rails against us and everyone knows …..(air quotes here) ‘we are the most ethical people on the planet’.
Whatever. We know them by the lies they spew. I will not stop watching, I will never miss an opportunity to enlighten someone as to the truth and I will explain it based on my own direct experience. So I stopped by the org to see for myself. IT IS EMPTY! I was pleased!
Newcomer, thanks for your response. I admire the position that you have taken.
I am just sometimes concerned that new commenters who may wish to remain anonymous, may not be aware that Scientology has been shown to monitor forums like this and act on information posted.
I wouldn’t mind having that real estate portfolio $$$
You ain’t the Leader of Scientology UNLESS you make the breaking of promises the centerpiece of your rule.
And don’t forget beating people up, Mike!
OSD, true, true. What kind of the church be without some good beatings?
Do you sometimes talk about scientology I find yourself looking for the Monty Python script writer hiding in the room somewhere?
You know me so well!
Broken promises are one thing, because sometimes circumstances happen that are beyond our control. I can’t completely give DM a pass here though, because I’m convinced that he knew perfectly well that the promises he was making were going to be impossible to reach…..because he keeps making these outlandish promises despite the church’s track record on being able to actually live up to them.
But flat-out lying about the “progress” of these promises to their members, just so they can keep the money train chugging along, is what is so disheartening about Scientologists “sticking their heads in the sand” (like Mike’s post discussed yesterday). No wonder the church urges its members to never read “entheta” articles (or perhaps more accurately than “urges”, they actually “coerce” them not to read critical articles through fear of KR’s, sec-checking, disconnection, etc. if they’re caught doing so).
I live in Largo, FL, just south of Clearwater. Occasionally, we head to down town Clearwater to go to the Pier and the Library. I see the empty buildings sitting on South Fort Harrison. The “Disneyesque” store fronts would not have meant much to me before watching the A and E specials. Now it is just so sad. Nothing much going on in those building, from what I can see, but it still breaks my heart to see the uniformed Sea Org members walking around. Now that I know what is being done to them spiritually, emotionally, relationally and financially, it takes on a deeper sadness to me. Keep up the good work Mike. Exposing such a profoundly dishonest and abusive organization is monumental.
Dear YL: Don’t be concerned. Each and every one of them has chosen this path to insanity. My guess is you have never heard of Captain Queeg, but Miscavige seems to have take on his personality…quite accurately, I might add. I’ve simply stopped feeling badly about those still slugging along an ugly ditch, all the while believing they are somehow superior to those who are actually living full lives.
I would assume most of the current Sea Org members, especially the younger ones, were born into this life and they simply don’t know any other way. It’s hard to change what you’ve believed your entire life, especially if you know the repercussions that could possibly await you if you decide to leave.
I know there are ways to route out “properly”, but the pressure to stay in would be intense in my limited never-in understanding, especially if you have no money, no job prospects, no friends or family on the “outside”, losing your housing and meal plan, and little to no education in some cases. All of that together seems like it would make leaving even more difficult. The policies they incorporate to keep people in are very draconian, but I’m sure it’s much easier said than done to just decide to walk away one day (they don’t have access to outside information that the rest of us have either, so they’re simply not as informed).
That’s why I still feel sorry for those that remain trapped in this mental prison that LRH erected and for which DM has become the warden.
Mick, I tend to agree with you and especially with those born into the SO. I was born into this nonsense in 1953, believe it or not. I was fortunate in that I got to spend a fairly normal life in Iowa, 150 miles from the TC Org. My father had a normal job and my mother was a full-time parent. Even though my parents had the 3 youngest children sign an SO contract when I was 17 and we all joined the Apollo, I had tasted the real world. There were zero SCN families in Mason City, Iowa. I got to experience girlfriends, doing teenage things like drinking, sports, dragging my buddy’s ’57 Chevy etc. I was quite popular and never mentioned SCN to my friends. “Wogs” were not that bad of folk and life wasn’t too bad.
My biggest problem when leaving the SO was I wanted to route out and it was really important that I find a replacement. I was too much of a team player. I wasn’t afraid at all of this horrible wogworld. I also had family that were not SCN that I could rely on – important point.
Well, a nice ending in that I did blow and now living happily ever after.
These young adults that were born into the SO, never got to experience real life, probably think all wogs are evil and SCN is the only way to true, eternal happiness and salvation. Sadly, they probably do not even know how to write a check. Very sad. They are mentally trapped.
Gman … I’m with you on this. Certainly one who grows up in a cult will proceed in life more or less brainwashed … BUT there comes a point where ANY person can begin to take some responsibility for observing life as it is and their own behavior. There is no hope for the world unless this happens. It was supposed to have been established in Nuremberg after the war that one cannot ultimately blame his culture for his deeds.
But even so, it is not just “being brought up in Scientology” that essentially causes this. I know of quite a number of older Scientologists who I worked with in the 1970s who should DEFINITELY know better but who sill toe the delusional line almost fifty years later. None of them grew up in Scientology. In fact they were children of the rebellious 60s where we thought we questioned authority and came to our own conclusions, not those forced on us “from above.:
Forget about ‘planetry clearing’. How about producing a single ‘clear’? Just one ‘clear’. Forget about ‘OT’, ‘theta clear’, ‘clear theta clear’, homo ‘novis’, or super powers or any of the other bs states of existence touted by the cult. Just one single clear per the Flounder’s definition in DMSMH, I’d love to see one.
Even when the missions were doing their best in the 70s like the Jory Mission in SA there were still no ‘clears’ being made. Sure, lots of us were having some fun and getting ‘keyed out’, but where are the lasting results and abilities gained? When many of us found out that it was all a scam, despite KSW and all of the supposed research into higher states of being, we found the exit door, walked or ran out, and found real freedom just living life and trying to be a human being.
For all you lurkers, under the radar types, fence sitters, side liners and OSA net monitors, take Hubbard’s only good advice (and he probably stole that too) LOOK, DON’T LISTEN. If you can’t find the exit with that maxim I fear there is not much hope for you, but good luck and best wishes anyway.
well well if they went to open in areas where there’s lil money for ppl + can be dangerous place to be & if any “church” Isn’t helping ppl why would they join but glad squatters can use the places to live in & Sct dose what to make this planet a better place well David prob is living Large while the workers bust there tails & for what I ask….smh
Thanks Mike.
Nice comprehensive write-up.The cherch is sounding more and more like Kim Jong-un declaring unparalleled prosperity for the starving North Koreans.
Mike, your article today, says it all. I think back to earlier decades and missions existed and orgs were growing. That is now ancient history. I hope there is an under the radar person who attends the Ron’s birthday event in LA. I have a feeling it will be a piss poor turnout. How much longer is going to be till hardcore members look around to see empty chairs everywhere in the event auditorium and start questioning the constant lie that Scientology is expanding. Miscavige is running out of ways to distract his flock.
And they’ve also lost some of their most dedicated and highly trained staff to Tampa…
Time to reboot
No…my boots are fine. I may reboot in a few years, but, for now they’re good to go.
Cute, OSD.
Well… my boots are nice, but, I never viewed them as ‘cute.’ Maybe I’m just way behind the times.