Whenever things get really worrisome in David Miscavige’s world he orders everyone to rewatch the 1993 “War Is Over” event.
This is his crowning achievement and he wants to remind everyone what an incredible accomplishment it was. He is convinced this is his “greatest performance” and it makes him look good, which tells you a lot. His tiny figure on that massive stage with flaming sconces taken from the castle in Young Frankenstein projects, in his mind, the image of power he craves.
In truth, it WAS incredible. It should never have happened. And while it is a bulwark in the defensive wall that surrounds scientology and its illegal and improper activities, it is also a point of enormous vulnerability now. Remove this single thing and his world comes tumbling down.
In the years since the IRS capitulation there has been an era of relative safety for Miscavige — virtually shielded from any government oversight in the US. But that is changing. The PR climate is unhealthy and getting worse. He can feel the walls closing in. Perhaps he has some idea of what is coming in Season 3…
Whatever else, the demand that everyone watch again the “Turning Point” is always a sign of insecurity.
And that is always good.
What are the 35 crimes of racketeering?
The law defines 35 offenses as constituting racketeering, including gambling, murder, kidnapping, arson, drug dealing, bribery. Significantly, mail and wire fraud are included on the list. These crimes are known as “predicate” offenses.
Dave Miscavige had a farm, C-I-C-I-O
And on his farm he had some sheep, C-I-C-I-O
With a “bleat-bleat” here and a “bleat-bleat” there
Here a “bleat” there a “bleat”
Everywhere a “bleat-bleat”
Dave Miscavige had a farm, C-I-C-I-O
For the R-rated version, substitute F-U-C-K-O
Certain that this worm has what they call “Little Man Syndrome”….and then some! Mike, LOVE the way you voice things….VERY entertaining! You’re a great guy!
Stuck in a win.
I can also image one of the Kims watching this: “Bah, bungling amateurs! We do it much better all the time.”
Miscavige is “a body thetan short of a cluster”.?? Here’s a link to the Little Lunatic’s grand speech. See
Holy SHIT what a freaking load that is. ? While stepping through that sea of steaming cow pies I couldn’t help but wonder what the audience members would have had to do if they had to take a piss while that little pipsqeak wailed, railed and wallowed in his persecuted conspiracy world. Adult diapers maybe? I’m sure no one could dare leave to sneak a bathroom break while that crap was going down. ?
Wow, what a load that speech is, indeed!
Is it legal for a 501(c)3 organization to use tax exempt donations to infiltrate a foreign, e.g., Colombia, governments military and police forces??
How are they allowed to wath this video with so many known SP’s in the audience alone? I would like to see how this is edited. Did they blur the entire audience? Think about how many people who went to that and are no longer in that cult. How is that handled and what is his excuse for that? If it were such a monumental occurence WHY then did so many people run away? lol
You must have been a mischievous baby
You must have been one hell of a child
When you were only startin’
To go to kindergarten
I’ll bet you drove the principal wild
And when it came to yanking on ribbons
You must have shown the other kids how
I can see your schoolmates’ eyes
As they handed you the prize
I’ll bet you made the cutest bow!
Oh! you must have been a mischevious baby
‘Cause Davy, look at you now!
Mike – I am really hoping you and Leah have sat with the decision makers at A&E and asked them to air the Dany Masterson episode. It will be almost 2 years and nothing has been done with the mountain of evidence the LAPD supposedly has. Lacey and the LADA Offcie have clearly shown no interest at all in prosecuting a scilon, so why not air the episode and let the world know how the LAPD has been complicit in this. Now people are stalking one of the vicitms and still nothing happens. There is no good reson no to unearth this episode.
Sorry for the typos
Just don’t let it happen again!
Pretty sure (without double checking) that Leah and Mike had to sign a legal agreement not to air the episode until after the case came to court.
No, not sure where that idea comes from. We were asked by Law Enforcement not to air it. ANd of course there are concerns by lawyers about alleging someone has committed a felony when they have not been convicted of such…
Convicted of such…….yet!
Well, you and Leah are not alleging anything; you are merely reporting on the fact that FOUR women have come forward and pressed charges on Danny Masterson. You also reporting on the lack of quick response by LAPD. You are simply reporting the news.
I just watched a recent interview Diane Saywer did with a top news reporter telling about her hidden life of alcohalism.
I believe Mr. Misscavige is an Alcoholic in addition to his other mental problems. In this interview she talks about her extream anxiety to the point of panic attacks and hyperventilating in the few mins of stress just prior to going on the air. She solved it with wine to relax and winedown/winddown after her stressful days and it worked.
My observation is the Sea Org generates anxiety in it’s crew. It allso generates depression, both mental health issues that scientology can not address and are not even used it the scientology vocabulary.
DMs actions are those of an Alcoholic. It will keep getting worse if he doesn’t address it honesty and get help. Alcohal is known to cause parts of the brain deteroate. These are fMRI studies etc. The brain can be repaired but far as I’m concerned let it play out and run full course. Let Captain He hit his rock bottom. It’s all good.
(Spell check not functioning)
I pulled the plug on it. Sorry.
@cece, as much as I’d like to see him hit rock bottom, here’s my take on it:
My little sister is an alcoholic. She hasn’t had anything to drink for somewhere around 20 years now. She had to take the first step before she could get help. She had to admit to herself that she was an alcoholic. The only way she admitted that was after my parents died, she lost her son to her third ex-husband (not his father) and all of us siblings refused to let her live with us because she wouldn’t stop drinking, which was the hardest decision any of us made.
The woman she went to for help was the mother of an ex-boyfriend of hers. The woman would only help her when she went crawling and admitted she had a problem, then she took her into her home and dried her out. It is especially raw right now because that woman who saved my sister’s life died at a beautiful age of 94 this weekend. My sister was one of the people who cared for her when she got older and was asked to speak at her funeral.
Here’s the huge difference between my sister’s redemption and DM.
As long as DM has money, he won’t be hitting rock bottom because he has no reason to admit he has a problem and he always has someone else to blame in the case of trouble. Some PI or attorney will be always willing to take a money to prop him up.
Until his money becomes too toxic for anyone to touch (highly unlikely) or his funding sources dry up, he’s not going to get near the bottom.
The brain can heal to a point. However, chronic alcohol abuse can lead to permanent neuron damage. Alcohol induced mental illness, like psychosis, schizophrenia, and delusions often never “heal” from alcohol poisoning in the brain.
Both drinking and withdrawal from chronic drinking can raise circulating glucocorticoid levels, known as cortisol in humans and corticosterone in rodents. Prolonged and high concentrations of glucocorticoids can have damaging effects on neuronal function and cognition. Evidence shows that glucocorticoids are associated with neurotoxicity during abstinence after withdrawal from alcohol dependence (AD), and that glucocorticoid receptor antagonism may represent a pharmacological option for recovery.
Thanks for that bit of science. Note my previous response in this thread, about Hubbard’s alcohol and drug use, and his possible later abstinence.
One of the things that’s always struck me, is that Hubbard’s “body thetans” sound very much like the delusional parasitosis that can result from alcohol and drug abuse – some people know it from “tweakers” scratching at their skin and feeling or thinking that things have gotten under their skin:
I wonder if the parasitosis could have lingered as an effect of the sort of damage you describe, even if he ceased or reduced his substance abuse. I certainly think it’s likely that his poor state later on, was due in good part to such damage to his mind and body.
If he’s an alcoholic, then he’s indeed following in Hubbard’s footsteps.
There are many reports that Hubbard was a bottle or two a day drinker early on, as well as a heavy user of drugs at least at times. I suspect that one of the reasons that Scientology took a particularly ugly turn in the mid to late 1960s, marked by heavy “ethics” and the creation of the Sea Org as a paramilitary force to exert totalitarian control over the “church” and its missions, not to mention the craziness of the OT levels and concepts such as body thetans, was that he got off the booze and pills – perhaps with Mary Sue pushing him to do so while at sea – and thus stopped self-medicating for his mental illnesses, resulting in a changes of behavior that worsened in some ways.
Respectfully, I don’t think so.
I think that what was eating at him, what was making him edgy and explosive, what was causing him to lash out and blame everyone but himself, was 1) the fact that he was running from the law and was now legally a criminal, and 2) falling off his motorcycle and breaking his ribs was very physically painful, proving to him that he was, in fact, still a “body” , very PTS and mortal and as such, humiliated and furious. Now, this is wholly my opinion as I wasn’t on the ship, never knew him, never met him and didn’t even get into Scientology until after he died. I do think he was extremely proud and cared outrageously about what others thought of him.
Too right, Mike, Miscavige trucks out this video whenever he is feeling insecure about his fragile manhood.
Ecclesiastical Viagra!
That’s hilarious Aqua! ?
The dwarf has a manhood? I thought he was neutered.
He will be when Leah, and Mike are done. I would however be happy to pay for his shots, and his tracking device.
I’ll go in 50/50.
An ad from my Pharmacist relates to your Viagra comment:
“The components in our Viagra are only American sourced, We do not use Russian or Chinese ingredients lest they interfere with American erections.”
i keep losing the internet so this may post twice;
LOL, jim!
Awesome commentary about the empty soul that is DM. Speaking of season 3 when will that start?? I keep checking A&E website but they don’t show anything.
Dave always in need of another stiff one.
I luv it. DM and Hubbard never took your souls, and you fight back, Furyans you are “defiant to the end” against the Necromonger.
Jefferson Jeffersom?
I’d be interested in dates since 1993 that the crew have been forced to re see this and is Marty eddited out?
I was evicted from the SO in 1996 so I don’t know.
Season 3 is going to be a doozy. I’m hope the release date is behind because of some very important ‘just when you thought it couldn’t get worse’ episode that just had to be fitted in.
I can’t wait till there are ads on TV from law offices willing to take on xscientologists casses on contingency.
Tick tock as Tory would say.
If that is the case, expect daily showings!
Is it going to show in NOI mosques?
Mike, that image at the top of the article is a full life-size photo of Diminutive Miniscule on his specially prepared stage. They have to do extreme close-ups to make him look “normal sized” and use blue screen effects when he’s standing with big people.
The smaller the sociopath the bigger the ego.
I wonder if the sheeple get tired of watching The Turning Point.
Does it make me a bad person that I am happy that a guy I have never met, in an organization I have never been in, is having a terrible year and desperately needs his ego stroked?
Oh, He’ll no! Scientology is there for us to laugh at! Never forget that.
Thank you. I had a few moments of self doubt.
We’ve all had that, Kyle. Never doubt yourself. If you do I might have to open up a 32 once oh whoop ass.
Kyle, if that makes you a bad person then I’m right there with you.
Dwarf has a nerve using this title. This was a terrific film back in the 80s!
I know, right?! That gorgeous Baryshnikov….
I checked: It was 1977! How can that be? Geez. I need to watch that soon.
You’re right. Baryshnikov and Shirley McLaine, and some terrific very young ballet dancer back in the day in the starring role. Oh, and Anne Bancroft too! A good film.
I think you might mean “The Churning Chunder.”
That sounds like what my stomach does.
Old Surf Dude. ..i wonder how many times Mr Cruise has re watched it.
My guess is Zero
Bulwark – perfect word.
Thanks for the observation and insight you are bringing. Gives me hope I’ll get to meet my grandchildren in the not to distant future, probably around the same time I’ll be able to travel again so it all works out. The friend that sent me Amy’s book June 2010 lives in the same town and boy do I have a lot of hugs for her ?
I don’t know about you all but leaving scientology has made for a pretty rocky last 8 years but uptrending overall. Apparently it levels off somewhat after this long I’ve heard – ya know ‘normal’, but that’s a lot to expect when there is so much darn warped mind to change. Two days ago I realized I’ve had this fricken data about ‘having to have before one can do’ running through my mind like a recording to make sure I wasn’t volating anything as I made decisions like having to have the dishes washed and putaway before fixing a meal. Such a waste of brain waves LOL.
I still run into little things like that even now and give myself a mental slap. I’ve been out since the ’80s. The brainwashing runs deep.
A lot of sciospeak and sciothink is just a description of common things and I don’t resist it and sometimes it’s even fun.
I’m “overrun” on doing chores! I’m taking a break!
Thinking “I’m PTS to chores” might require a second look – haha
A concept is a concept. As a courtesy to never ins I usually substitute King’s English in most of my comments.
As a never in I have to admit that I enjoy “sciospeak” as it is kind of fun! Lol . As long as I don’t have to join! ?
I need to “get into action”.
Chris Matthews is an annoying “comm cutter”. He never lets anyone finish a sentence.
He/she is “uptone/downtone”. (Using “the emotional tone scale” to judge people is negative sciothink. The King’s English translation is “a scale of emotions”.
Most of the “tech” dictionary can be retranslated back into King’s English. Another part of it is Hubbard renaming concepts expressed otherwise in mainstream psychology.
I’m off topic and getting “buttered all over the universe” on this.
Grrrroan…not aGAIN!…oh, puLEEZ, not again.
i swear, COB is the Norma Desmond of the cult set.
I wonder who plays the William Holden charactEr for Miscavige”s Norma whilst he screens this thing, over and over… Tom, maybe?
“I’m still big. Its the orgs that got small.”
Who wouldn’t put money on the Dwarf not only insisting that org staff and public watch this again and again and again, but that he also requires his inner circle people watch it too – again, and again and again.
I’ll bet the people close to him watch this shit show, or SUGGEST watching it, a LOT – if they know what’s good for them!
And I can just hear the CLV org staff enthusing about how THEY love to watch it, because it NEVER never gets old, and each time they watch it they get WINS.. all in a vain attempt to convince some stressed out public to come into the org and view this for the umpteenth time…yeah, I can just hear the BS pouring out their mouths now while inside they, too are groaning, “Oh, Lord, not again!”.
Who plays the William Holden character (Joe Gillis)? Hmm. What I want to know is who plays the dead monkey.
Is she still in bed with the dwarf?
That was me.
I wouldn’t know, OSD. Last I heard she was the Dwarf’s Communicator With Benefits.
Its sad. Its the only achievement he’s ever done. Other than that he’s a puppet of a dead man. Its not something I would be proud of.
Yes, its his only “creation”. He forged this deal. He made it happen. A deal is a creation, in its own way. So Miscavige created this one thing. He cannot create anything else; he can only change what LRH created, to make it better…er, excuse me, I just said that a little bit wrong…to make it the way LRH always INTENDED…there, that’s better. But in any event, its not HIS. Its somebody ELSE’S thing. Must be awful, actually. Must really suck to be him, seriously. No wonder he likes to snorkle and take underwater photographs. And quite possibly, no wonder he is compelled to be – evil. Because he cannot create. I’m almost sad for him.
Yes Miscavige forged this deal on the backs of numerous staff who spent many stressed-out and sleep deprived years fighting legal battles, FOIA warfare, creating gigantic submissions to the IRS, investigations and dirty tricks, etc. Miscavige gave lip service acknowledgment to the staff only, he really took credit for the whole thing.
Typical of a narcissist and a sociopath. Anything good is WHOLLY their doing, anything bad is ALWAYS someone else’s fault!
The only way I would go, would be to sneak in some booze, and sit there and get plastered.
Can I go with you? It’ll be fun!
Me too me too!
Exactly, Nan. I’ve never been much for drinking or drugs but honestly, no sane person can sit thru one of these things straight!
I’ve got some great indica if you’d like to try it, Aquamarine.
What’s that? Oh, all right, I’ll google it 🙂 I’m so out of it.
The David Miscavige magazine is gonna be a collectors item soon. A historical document.
Suitable for burning?
Yes, the Dave Mags will be even more boring than Ron’s Mags or even FreeToBeDumb Mags.
A catchy title might help. “Impact” is actually a good name. Its boring as hell but its a good name.
So for Miscavige’s mags, how about “Compost”?
Its catchy and will be so in keeping with the contents.
Self Aggrandizement Times?
To hear David Miscavige tell it, gaining tax exemption was greater than the Apollo moon landing, the building of the Great Pyramid, and certainly greater than the discovery of fire, the wheel, and instant coffee. Nothing greater than this has ever happened in all of eternity. And that is why, for Scientologists, the watching The War Is Over is the Scientology equivalent of the Hajj, the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca.
Is Marty expertly erased out of the big “The War Is Over” video? I mean with Marty defecting and speaking out as he did, surely DM will have him digitally removed from the video just as LRH had his wife air brushed out of the picture from the Apollo ship. But now that Marty has turned coat and jumped to the other side, and is fighting Davey’s enemies, will they then try to put Marty back in? Now that I’d like to see! He won’t fit in his SO uniform from 1993, so just put him up there in his brown and green suit that he wears on all the videos where he looks dead and sings DM praises and attacks DM’s enemies.
“Myth and legend.” As he said in the Koppel interview. Moving towards it at light speed. If you wanted CoS to fold, you will have a lot to thank DM for. Does he even see it? Can you be so arrogant, so narcissistic you become dead to all sense?
Would it be possible for the COS to survive without religious and tax exempt status? Or has it gone too far with all the real estate becoming taxable property, the sea org coming under U.S. labor laws and all the rest of it? There would be a ton of legalities involved, but could it still survive as a diminished corporate entity?
Losing Tax exempt status unfortunately does not do away with legal protections afforded a religion. The Church won a number of cases on religious grounds before it was tax exempt. Not saying it would not be a huge blow to the Church to lose exemption, because it would be a huge blow in many ways. But it does not automatically follow that the Church would never be treated as a religious body on other issues and in other venues simply due to losing exemption.
I doubt the big donors will not like donating when they cannot deduct it.
Yes, that is one of the big problems that would arise and it would be a huge blow.
I think the thing that would hit them hardest would be having to pay minimum wages and benefits, which I figure could cost them around $100 million per year, unless they managed to somehow keep the Sea Org and maybe a lot of staff working as nominal volunteers. That also provides an idea of the extent to which the orgs and other operations are effectively subsidized by staff who now have to work other jobs (or have a spouse supporting them) to make ends meet, aren’t saving for retirement and thus will have to work into their 70s or even 80s, and so on – plus many will end up relying on public benefits when they haven’t paid much into the system, meaning Scientology is depending on backdoor subsidies from taxpayers as well.
As someone already pointed out, loss of the tax exemption would mean reduced donations. On top of that they would have to pay taxes on some operations, and on their properties as well. That could be another hit approaching $100 million per year.
Based on the above, I think that loss of the tax exemption would quickly put Scientology into the red financially. However, my guess, as I’ve stated previously, is that if the IRS does anything, they may take a path of less resistance and just downgrade Scientology’s status while leaving it as some sort of non-profit, perhaps in a status such as a religious community or a private club, which would come with increased restrictions and reporting requirements that would still eventually them into the red.
Losing tax exemption does not automatically lead to paying minimum wage and benefits. But it would put Church corporations on the hook for taxes, which would be crippling. And of course Miscavige would not take the loss of exemption without a huge battle. It would be the War redux. Then would see the money really flow out of the IAS coffers to fund that.
YEs, and it’s loss would open the finances of scientology to scrutiny which would be the most devastating blow of all.
Let’s hope that comes true.
I think that the loss of exemption would be a real blow to the Sea Org. I don’t think they could get away with not paying regular wages and working people long hours if not for the religious worker exemption, plus they wouldn’t be able to bring in the foreign workers they rely on heavily. Whether they could claim other staff as volunteers is another question, but in that case I don’t think they could even offer the pretense of pay.
Another major question is how long it would take for any loss of the IRS exemption to have an effect. The last time that happened, Scientology basically just ignored paying taxes and fought it legally for 25 years, until they got it back. But if states started enforcing wage and hours requirements, that could start to take a toll quickly, making local orgs unviable.
I still suspect that a downgrade might be the IRS’ first move, because it would be harder for Scientology to resist – and between the requirements of other tax statuses, and what courts would require if the CofS fought the IRS, they’d almost certainly have to produce financial reports, which as Mike notes would then be devastating in and of itself.
Whales no longer being able to write off millions in donations would hurt.
But I think the P.R. blow would be the biggest & one more nail in the coffin lid.
It would be hard to sell an already unpopular organization as a ‘church’ when the govt revokes having the same status as every other Church.
Until $camology earns a solid spot for a couple of days on CNN, Fox, and MSNBC with a good scandal, I doubt the status is going to be changed.
What movie would Miscavige have them watch if Scientology ever LOST its Tax-Exempt status ?
I have a suggestion . . .
Dave F.
I was at this event. And I grew sick of having to re-watch this crap just as much as I had to re-read the Wake-up Call from 2001 onward. Miscavige pulls out this event every time he feels paranoid about govt impingement on his cult. There has to be a way for the Columbian incident to be shared with American politicians and get the ball rolling on revoking their status.
Speaking of what’s coming in Aftermath Season 3, I can’t wait! Every morning I look for the announcement. Keep up the incredible work.
Maybe lil’ Davy realizes that the War will soon be back on, and this time he isn’t going to win.
Maybe Davy’s scared of turning into a molecule?
Or a complete and utter fool?
Too late. He already is.
Here is the turning point. There now exists Leah Remini and the Aftermath. There now exists the Aftermath Foundation. There now exists a group of Never-Scientologists right here on Mike Rinder’s blog. These three examples speak for themselves.
Presumably, as Marty is now back in the fold, he no longer needs to be edited out of the video.
LOL! That’s true, WR!
This was quite a coup and turning point in the church. But david miscavige let this go to his tiny little head and control-and-power-freak mind. The shit has been hitting the fan for quite a while and with the constant drum beat of blogs, books, documentaries, and Leah’s show… well, what’s a short-sighted sociopath to do. I can just see his tiny little body sitting behind his great big desk thinking, “I’m a great man, a genius! I’ve made this church more money than LRH dreamed of! I’ll order everyone to watch The Turning Point! What a bunch of SP’s I’m surrounded by.”
Mary that’s such a descriptive comment I feel like I can see it! Spot on, tick tock.
Poor little Davey…why is everybody always pickin’ on me – as he cries into his Macallan’s into the wee hours of the morn.
I thought the rule was that if something bad happened to you it is your own fault because of something that you did, you brought it on yourself. So, if this all falls apart, then it’s on Dave, right? Any bad press is Dave’s fault, right?
He didn’t pull it in, it’s all the freaking SP’s he’s surrounded by! ☺
If he’s surrounded by SP’s then he must be PTS himself.
I’m sure there is some COS formula or something he should apply on himself. 😀
Of course you know he will never take the blame! It will be the fault of all the “SP’s”!
That explains a lot. He’s a spoiled rotten obnoxious pampered little princess with a school girl crush on Tom Cruise. His actions and behavior speak for him. I’m just going with what I see.
Yes! Yes, that’s right, Peggy!
It is undeniably true and Scientology is !00% correct to state that EACH OF US IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR OWN CONDITION.*
*Certain restrictions apply.
Someone’s on fire today! ☺
I just want to know what condition my condition is in. Is that asking to much?
Excellent reminder Aquamarine!
“*Certain restrictions apply.”
*Excellent reminder Aquamarine!
*Certain restrictions apply.”
*and, I will add, always remember to read the disclaimer, ALWAYS read the small print 🙂
OSD As far as I’m concerned your condition is foot loose and fancy free!
Whoa! You really do know me!
Davy, Davy the world’s closing in on you
The scam is ending, no matter what you do
There won’t be a stylish farewell
No perks inside a jail cell
But you’ll be set in prison sweats
In a tiny room built for two
Good one mj!
“In a tiny room built for two” and Bubba making a pet out of you!
Change tiny room to cubicle.
And reduce the size of the cubicle.
So when will Season 3 air?
Very soon.
Thinking about the crumbling willpower to resist the internet…
I wonder if Kathy who came on here for the first time last week still plans to leave scientology? Thinking of you Kathy and hoping you left the cult!
They’ve got to be taking peeks online. When I was taking a tour of the OC Idle Morgue, the staff didn’t look very happy. And it’s only going to get worse.
I remember this well. I had just graduated from high school that year and I wrote a letter to the editor of our local newspaper here in Ventura actually defending him and this decision. I was still fully in the church back then. My letter got published! I was still a believer.
That’s what the Monkeys said when they wrote the song.
What has Miscavige done for anyone lately?
Ummmm…I’m going to go out on a limb and say nothing?
What about SCOHB. He likes that even if it is a spectator sport!
SCOHB? What am I missing here?
Shelly would like to know too.
They don’t pass on info to someone incarcerated.
A bubble’s bubble?
I would like to see the stats of how many people show up. 🙂
Three would a lot of people.
The promo says; “Weekend of Sept 1. Ask any staff member for details”. So have they not decided on what venue to hold this monumental and epic event or are they too worried some unwelcome folks might attend? Maybe someone should call and see what it takes to have the details shared? Wonder what questions the caller would be asked beforehand……
I sensed a collective groan from the still-ins, hoping that this does not become another mandatory annual event.
There’s no doubt in my mind that Scientology would benefit from a David Miscavige ouster. He needs to be expelled in some way. My main concern is that a Miscavige expulsion will only create a power vacuum in Scientology that will only be filled by somebody more psychotic. We can only hope that the reason that the FBI and the IRS haven’t acted yet is that they’re compiling enough evidence to make their case strong when they do crash in the gates at
Golden Era.
You’re right, Alco. Removing Miscavige will only create a vacancy for a Miscavige Mini Me, conceptually speaking 🙂 or someone actually worse. And yes, that’s possible. No matter how bad someone in power is, usually close behind the power is someone just as evil, just as nuts and itching to take over.
Hey Lou, or maybe even Tom… time to dump this little SP before he destroys your religion completely. Grab the reins. LRH wouldn’t have it any other way.
Is TC even a Scientologist anymore? He be so quiet like. Maybe he’s resting up. Putting in everyone’s ethics so ruthlessly takes a lot out of a guy.
Since Lord Tom broke his foot during a movie stunt ‘gone wrong’ I’ma got the feeling it shook His conviction that sciotech had made Him a superman. The other possibility is that, during His PTS Rundown after the broken foot, the name that came up as ‘it’ was he-who-must-not-be-named.
T.C. is keeping scn in the news. The other day I saw a National Enquirer front page headline “Tom Gets Suri!” The headline was misleading as he already gets 10 days per month visitation rights if the article is correct but maybe he wants joint custody.
The coverage Cruise is getting – not to mention what its other remaining celebrities and Hollywood types garner – just makes Scientology look a strange cult for weird actors. The coverage tabloid coverage may be speculative, but the gap in information that it fills is indeed due to Tom’s weird behavior because of the CofS’ strange beliefs about “disconnection” and other matters, so it’s not entirely off base, either.
As far as I’m aware, TC has never exercised any visitation rights, and his lack of any contact would make it hard for him to claim greater rights, plus his schedule would make it hard for him to claim that he could provide a child a stable home and school environment for extended periods. I’d guess that if anything, he’d want at least joint custody so that he could have Suri enough of the time to try to influence her; but I think her mother would have a strong case for opposing that, if not even for permanently terminating Cruise’s parental rights on grounds of abandonment.
Or Jenny Linson the airport bitch.
The airport bitch indeed!
I, the Angry Gay Pope, am the only one who gets away with posting this show on Youtube, Vimeo and Facebook. They just can’t take me down, or this video!
Gads, this is vomit-inducing. The only one getting an erection from this bullshit these days is David Miscavige. Goering would have been right at home there.
AGP, I like your style.
Kyle, I like YOUR style.
Ah, c’mon, AGP! You really wsnt me to watch this pseudo-nazi crap? You want me to sit through Miscavige’s version of a Nurnberg party rally? Nothin’ doin’!
Hitler style stage.
And no matter how big the stage was, or is, Miscavige will always be diminutive in character, heart and care for others.
So true!!
Those were my thoughts too. Full on…Hitler style.
I’m curious to know if Leni Reifenstahl ever watched this. She was still alive at the time. I could see her smiling, not with approval bit just remembering: “Oh, yes, I did that back in 1935.”
“…. flaming sconces taken from the castle in Young Frankenstein…..’
What was he thinking, then, and now, when he does this?
Scientology’s “simulated realism” accoutrements for you, all these things missed by Hubbard and by them, but not missed by the wiser world.
What a sad choice the sconces from a movie, repurposed for Scientology, THAT is a detail worthy of some media story, repeatedly, when describing Miscavige on that stage.
Brilliant little detail.
The sconces at the “War Is Over” event, from a movie of the same time period…..
What was he thinking when he approved that, it must have slipped his mind, or is part of the ongoing blindered thinking from Hubbard to Miscavige, how things look and will forever be perceived, from the outisde world.
Young Frankenstein come real. David Miscavige living Hubbard’s “Boots In The Sky” number 1 guy.
I’ll bet He sits in His parlour at night, swilling Scotch, watching it over and over…
Yeah, yeah, yeah, davie.
But what have you done for us in THIS century?
Amassed billions while creating a mass exodus.
I just want to tell you what an amazingly strong person I think you & all the other contributors to the Aftermath show are. I have been a viewer from the very first episode & rewatched each one multiple times. All of you… keep the faith! You are making a huge impact on lives whether you realize it or not!
Got that right!
Fake medals and living in the past. The end times are playing out for Miscavige and his ilk. Enjoy the show everybody.
I’m sure he’d like to call it “Miscavige – Greatest Hits”, but people would take that literally and be reminded of the insane beatings he dished (or dishes) out.
Track 2 on “Greatest Hits” could be telling everyone that Lfraud went to Target 2. Track 3, maybe his Koppel interview??
Oh, yeah. That last one was a keeper for sure. I actually enjoy watching it.
Good Ole Fred Figueroa from the Miami org tried to tell me how great the Koppel interview was……how Davey totally took control of the interview and “Tone 40’d” Ted the entire way. It wasn’t until I actually saw the interview later that I realized what a joke Davey was and why he never did any more interviews….