I have been noting for some time now the strident, arrogant and often bizarre responses to the media that emanate from David “Karin Pouw” Miscavige.
And here is the latest response to a small piece in the Tampa Bay Times.
Interesting he is so infuriated about the media mentioning that a politician and his wife are at the Ft. Harrison. Why?
Well, the simple answer is that being associated with scientology is such a terrible stain on you, that Miscavige feels the need to “attack, never defend” the reporter who made note of these facts.
How strange.
It’s a real persecution complex. For mentioning that this politican “hangs around with the scientologists” the writer is accused of taking a “bigoted cheap shot” and OMG wouldn’t you be making public mea culpas if you substituted Jews for scientologists.
Hmmm, not really apples to apples here Dave.
If the world “spiritual headquarters” of Judaism was in Clearwater, and it was a closed door church that was mysterious to most of the citizenry, kept to itself, put paper over all the windows of its buildings and had security guards out front to keep people out, I would think it might be interesting and appropriate for such a reference to be made. And if it was the headquarters of the National Geographic society under the same circumstances, I think it would be appropriate to note someone running for the US Senate was hanging with the “National Geo’s”… You like to hide behind that religious cloak you love to wear (except when it isnt convenient). But the reality is that people are interested NOT because you are a “religion” — because nobody thinks David Jolly is a scientologist, or likely to become one — but because your organization is weird, secretive and creepy. You beat people up. You break up families. You take people’s money and won’t give it back.
I got it — better analogy. Do you think the voters should be made aware if David Jolly was hanging with organized crime figures? Or would that be “bigoted” and you would see it as an attack on catholicism?
You, of course, picked the reason to squeal that your precious religious rights are being trampled, when nobody gives a damn about your beliefs. It’s your actions that make you of interest.
Isn’t it of public interest who politicians court? Shouldn’t citizens be allowed to know who their elected representatives “hang with”? What if it was legalizing Marijuana organization or a Big Pharma hosted function. Oh, you would have no problem publishing that in Freedom magazine.
And, let’s not forget about the other aspect of the First Amendment. Freedom of Speech. You don’t give that much credence if the speech is not to your liking.
But the really amusing part of this is the Miscav-o-gram that was dashed off to the Times.
Here it is, in all its indignant glory. Miscavige’s imperious tone is unmistakable.
There are some instant classics in here:
Alex Gibney and HBO released a discredited made-for-TV propaganda piece– discredited by whom? And Oh My, big reveal, HBO makes pieces for TV. Like it’s somehow cheap and nasty because that’s how you describe movies that are not up to theatrical standards. We will see who has the last laugh when the Oscar nominations are announced.
…public officials should be harassed and interrogated if they attend any events in Clearwater in which the Church is a participant… Funny, didnt see mention of harassment or intimidation, just a mention they were at the Ft. Harrison and participated in church sponsored events — not “any events the church participates in.”
Please confirm that you have viewed each of the above listed videos. Hahahaha this is CLASSIC Miscavige. You MUST watch my videos. I refused to appear in the documentary. So did everyone else who was asked. I blew my chance, but now you MUST watch what I have to say.
Nor do you mention that the linchpin of Gibney’s film is a lawsuit brought by two disgruntled expelled ex-staff members alleging “clergy abuse” that was thrown out of federal court on summary judgment as meritless. The Headleys lawsuit is a linchpin of Gibney’s film? Really? It isn’t even mentioned in the film. The Headley’s are not interviewed in the film. How can something not even IN the film be the “linchpin”? Off to wordclearing for you Dave….
The year you started working at the Times, Joe Childs and Tom Tobin had the opportunity to interview Mr. Miscavige, but instead rushed a profile of him to press and cancelled the interview. Geez, Dave is STILL in a snit about the Times going ahead with the Truth Rundown series in 2009 after waiting for him to “make himself available” for months, but always being too busy. You can see the story on the Times website. That is 6 YEARS ago, and he brings it up to a completely different writer as if this is going to “impinge.” Every perceived slight of David Miscavige is a massive international incident that shall never, ever be forgotten. And the definition of slight is any time he doesn’t get his way. Like when he tells reporters they can “wait” as he “he has more important things to do” and when they grow tired of waiting, he then accuses them of being “one-sided.” It has happened MANY times. Recall him being called out on this by Anderson Cooper when he did his week of shows on scientology abuse. Every night he invited Miscavige to come on. (There is a LOOOOOONG back story to that of Miscavige trying to control Anderson Cooper in earlier years by offering to be interviewed but then “never having time” and putting it off for 9 months before the show was finally scrapped in disgust). Miscavige never showed, and eventually despatched Tommy Davis, Monique Yingling and the inch wives to make fools of themselves.
And finally, just to make sure his orders are clear, he repeats them:
That said, in relation to your offending article, I expect to hear back from you that you have:
a. watched the videos listed above with the links provided; and,
b. have added to your article a link to the Church’s response
Hate to break it to you Dave. The world outside your bubble of sycophants thinks you are an arrogant little man who has lost touch with reality.
The only thing you have truly mastered is the uncanny skill of turning everyone you deal with into enemies.
You have scared insubordinates but no friends. You are a school bully in a very small school and one day school is going to be over and you are going to be in the real world.
Ouch, that’s going to hurt.
Dear Mr. Marrero:
Your article “David Jolly and his wife hang with the Scientologists” is another bigoted cheap shot by the Tampa Bay Times at the Church of Scientology. One can only imagine the public mea culpas the Times would be issuing had it published an equally snarky article with a headline stating that an elected official and his wife “hang with the Jews.”
By your logic, because Alex Gibney and HBO released a discredited made-for-TV propaganda piece, elected officials must shun thousands of voting constituents they represent in the Clearwater area solely because of their religion. Furthermore, Times logic seems to argue that public officials should be harassed and interrogated if they attend any events in Clearwater in which the Church is a participant, including an official celebration of the City’s centennial and a charitable event to feed homeless children in Pinellas and Pasco Counties.
Your article indicated you are aware of the Church’s voluminous response to Gibney’s propaganda, yet you ignored it completely. Did you watch:
Had you reviewed the Church’s responses to Gibney’s film in detail, you would have noted that he refused to answer over a dozen letters from the Church simply asking for an opportunity to address any allegations, that he never sent one fact to check and that in more than two years of working on the film he never even so much as asked to visit or film inside of a Church or one of its facilities. Please confirm that you have viewed each of the above listed videos.
You also fail to mention that Gibney’s key sources include three individuals whose conspiracy to suborn perjury was first revealed in the Times’ pages in 2009. Nor do you mention that the linchpin of Gibney’s film is a lawsuit brought by two disgruntled expelled ex-staff members alleging “clergy abuse” that was thrown out of federal court on summary judgment as meritless. In affirming the dismissal, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal held:
Rather, the record overwhelmingly shows that the Headleys joined and voluntarily worked for the Sea Org because they believed that it was the right thing to do, because they enjoyed it, and because they thought that by working they were honoring the commitment that they each made and to which they adhered.
You can see all of this material here: http://www.freedommag.org/goingclear/white-papers/documentary-sources.html.
But, of course, as a journalist, you should have studied this information to provide a balanced report. The Times’ coverage of the Church predictably involves scraping the bottom of the barrel for any excuse to disparage the Church and its parishioners, while turning a blind eye to the unprecedented expansion taking place before your very eyes.
As an example, the Times ignored the opening on July 11 by Mr. David Miscavige, leader of the Scientology religion, of the new Scientology Information Center in the Clearwater Bank Building and six new facilities for the Church’s global humanitarian programs. The event was attended by 4,000 people.
Indeed, the Church’s worldwide growth is manifest, as most recently illustrated in new Church openings in Basel, Switzerland; Bogotá, Colombia; and in Tokyo, Japan. Under Mr. Miscavige’s leadership, the Church has grown more in the last 10 years than in its previous 50 years combined. That is one of many reasons Scientologists worldwide hold him in the highest esteem, regardless of what a struggling media dinosaur like the Tampa Bay Times and a bigoted, one-sided filmmaker like Alex Gibney want them to believe.
The year you started working at the Times, Joe Childs and Tom Tobin had the opportunity to interview Mr. Miscavige, but instead rushed a profile of him to press and cancelled the interview. The Church advised the Times that the sources Tom Tobin and Joe Childs relied on were biased against the Church, but that did not bother the Times.
We have long since proven the sources were lying. Today, they no longer even pretend to be anything other than the anti-religionists they are.
If you are searching for an embattled corporation, look no further than your own front yard. The Church’s Freedom Magazine has investigated the Times’ corporate and financial circumstances. According to public accounts, the Times has a $28 million original loan which your employer does not seem able to repay.
That said, in relation to your offending article, I expect to hear back from you that you have:
a. watched the videos listed above with the links provided; and,
b. have added to your article a link to the Church’s response (www.freedommag.org/going-clear/) so as to give a semblance of fair reporting coverage.
Karin Pouw
cc: Neil Brown, Tampa Bay Times Editor and Vice President
PS: Why don’t you sign the letters yourself you coward?
As Buzz Lightyear would say to Miscavage,” you are a sad strange Little Man”
He actually believes opening empty buildings and building orgs are expantion,expantion of a faith based movement involves human participants! The cathlioc church is an example of sanity in this regard they sell/close there schools or churches when it’s evident no one is going! This man is so patheticly desperate to make the planet-cough,I mean his sheep think he is better than the churches founder in every way,mocking LRH,fixing his thousands of idiotic mistakes and his measley saint hill size has nothing on CObtrc 80x expantion in 15 yrs! Dude we know these buildings you use as proof are Empty,you’re a sad strange little man! I can’t wait for his karma,he’s such a bitch,oh man his eternity is going to be awesome!
The letter is a disturbing glimpse into Miscavige’s devolving thought processes. The only content is the made-up stats about expansion, the made-up facts concerning his history with the press, the made-up defamation about his “enemies,” and his insistent, failed, attempt to prove his self-worth by claiming that scientologists world-wide “hold him in high esteem.” The TBT should remind its readers that Miscavige’s (and other aging scientologists’) comparison of Scientology with Judaism is without merit. No scientologist is in danger of the government marching them into death camps, destroying families, tatooing them with numbers, or depriving them of property, to name just a few of the attrocities carried out against Jews during the Holocaust era. Miscavige, on the other hand, models his leadership style on Hitler, has allied scientology with one of most anti-semitic organizations in the US, the Nation of Islam, and marches his members into horrible prisons, takes away their property and destroys families. There is no comparison between scientology and Judaism. One is a scam led by sociopath who takes delight in destroying people, the other is a religion.
Amen to this!
Not to mention, as Jeffrey Augustine so ably proved a couple of days back on Tony’s blog, Hubbard himself made clear, indisputable plans to eliminate ‘wogs’ and ‘homosexuals/’covertly hostile’ and anyone not sufficiently high on his nonsensical ‘tone scale’.
Finally a quibble: I find Miscavige much more Stalininen in his management than Hitlerian, but that’s just my 2 cents…
Hi Richelieu jr, Your post is chilling but so true for me.I always knew deep down what Ron really thought about homosexuals and covertly hostiles which really hit high gear my last yr or so in Sea Org,The Tone Scales,the one all saw & the OT one Sea Org saw were regarded with great reverence,unless your tone was not what was demanded at the moment.Then anything went.Take Care Ann B.
Thanks, Ann B. Right back at you.
And you know, here is David blasting Tampa Bay, the newspaper that broke the story about the abortions (that the Church denied), days after his attorney filed papers in court demanding the right of forced abortions as discipline. How typical is this of a missed with hold?
What a P.R. man you are David! Just fabulous! Can’t wait to see the headlines you are creating David! “Church of Scientology fights for right to enforce abortions as discipline, as part of the religion”!!! “Church of Scientology demands “right to enforce abortions” as religion doctrine”. “Church of Scientology disciplines unborn children by abortion”. “Church of Scientology admits disciplining it’s staff by sending them for abortion”. “Abortion is a discipline we practice” says the Church of Scientology! “Harsh discipline a religious right ” says Church Leader.” “Scientologists ordered to have abortions as disciplinary actions” . Oh hey laddy lah David. Go on and stand tall for all of us David! Big thinker Dave! keep thinking Big and Bright Dave!!!
And the sad thing, it’s TRUE! And wow did David throw Tommy Davies under the bus!!!!
“Church spokesman Tommy Davis said there was no pressure on women to have abortions, and he disputed the women’s accounts concerning how dynamics were to be applied.”
Now the Church files court papers to defend their right to order abortion as “discipline”. Great media handle David!
“There is no church policy to convince anyone to have an abortion, and the church has never engaged in such activity,” said church spokesman Tommy Davis.”
Yet, there is! The attorney for the Church admitting it in court documents filed onm behalf of the Church, , and saying it is their God given right as a Church to do it!
It’s “discipline” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Mike,BTW your postings recently are razor sharp.Must be cutting into something within The Cult all still totally in are screaming foolishly into the approaching Hurricane that will come,it just has to gather tremendous strength & power.You are a great writer.XO Ann B.
Great piece of writing MIke!!
I think it’s very interesting which politicians hang out with the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology. The Mafia analogy pulls into focus when we recall the number of consistent reports from “cadet orgs” around the world that Child Protection Services never seemed to make an unexpected inspection of the treatment of children in the Damnation Navy (they make a few inspections, but never/rarely a report of a surprising inspection…)
The police idiots in City of London Police got found out, in a time frame similar to Epic Nose Guy getting an official police notice that he could not display a sign calling the Co$ a cult. What a complete surprise!
Miscavige is funny. Funny funny. I mean, he amuses me, like a clown.
(with a nod to Joe Pesce in Good Fellas)(I think Pesce’s taller than Dave, too)
David Miscavige knows how to wake up in the morning and F&^K every Scientologist on the planet up the a$$ by noon.
David Miscavige’s P.R. blunders that cripple the Church as he gets paid to “protect it”, are gushing from the front doors now.
Within the last few weeks the attorney for the Church in the forced abortion case, claims that as a religion, the Church has the right to “discipline” it’s members.
In other words, announcing to the WORLD, that the Church of Scientology uses ABORTION as a method of DISCIPLINE!
Hi The Oracle,Well I am not surprised by this new tactic by the Cult but it is really really eye opening to see this side.I knew it was always there from the treatment I received but others may not.There is a dark dark killer side body mind and spirit within cos It is a cruel Hunter.Just my own opinion the tech can work for good or evil and the latter to me is hidden in plain sight but very hard to totally confront.Love U Ann B.
XXOO . True that Ann.
I finished “The Unbreakable Miss Lovely”. what an eye opener! I have never been involved with Scientology, but support all of your efforts. I am from an evangelical background that has made me feel guilty forever. bless you all!
Hi Deborah mcroberts burkey,Welcome & good to meet you.Wasn’t “The Unbreakable Miss Lovely incredible?! I am proud of you for looking beyond as you were not involved with the Cult, very good choice not to be mixed up in cos soup.Well where I am Baton Rouge LA there is a grand mixture of Catholics Baptists & Evangelicals that are very expert at guilt I have gathered.I live in a subdivision not far from La State U, & there are Buddists,Hindus Muslims and who knows what else in the neighborhood so we all stir the pot.But haven’t found a Scier yet! Yeah.This is a great blog for anyone who would like to learn laugh love & eventually tear this Cult Down.Thank you & love,Ann B.
Mike, this is lethal commentary. Lethal. No wonder Miscavige never confronts you. You’re a Verbal Vegomatic when you want to be, Mike, but more importantly, your wordsmithing communicates and is fueled by the power of truth. I’m not into blood sports and know nothing about boxing, but but if this were a match it would be Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! with “Karin Pouw” on zee ropes.
Dear Davey PouwCavige,
The bats called and they want their shit and crazy back.
The Jews called and asked that you stop trying to legitimize your con by dragging them into it.
HBO called and thanks you for reminding people about the excellent Gibney documentary on your horror show.
The IRS called and would like another look at your expenditures.
Choose your linchpin.
David Miscavige is an idiot who things anyone outside of his little cult gives a hoot about what he is saying or about L Ron Hubbard. Miscavige is getting older and not keeping up with the times. He will end up like dead El Ron did. I really pity the little guy.
Merraro nails the CO$ right in the gonads. All by just printing their complete dis-missive. The clampire and the TBT have had a feud going for a long time. The TBT just prints the news, without the pro-clam slant that the clams demand. Maybe Davy should buy up the TBT or just become the major advertiser.
I was afraid that once Childs retired, the TBT would get boring. Well, thanks to Merrano that is not going to happen. Nice to see that Pouw can take dictation from a scotch addled drunk turn it into the prose we see here. I am surprised that there were only two comments on the original story and none on the Prouw-gram story. Were comments turned off?? If so, flame war averted…
Winy little bitch….got to love that moniker…..
There are a couple of interesting observations to be made here. First off, the Times turned around and published Karen “don’t call me captain” Pouw’s indignant letter in its entirety. Along with that, they reported that the “church” is upset and feels they’ve been treated in a bigoted manner. That’s pretty much where they left it.
What the paper did NOT do is urge people not to read Dave’s entheta letter, be Indignant that COP would dare to be so insolent against a legitimate press organization, accuse him of being an enemy of the first amendment, or refer to how struggling and decrepit Dave’s organization is. Nor did they harp on the fact that this is just the last example in an unbroken string of 60 years of bad PR and clumsy attempts at PR management which are usually notable only for their questionable legality and devastating blow-back. Nor did they mention that the same Dave who is trying to bully/CAUSE them with his iron OT will into reading the “church” propaganda pieces equally prohibits his minions from reading opposing viewpoints of any kind: “You read that stuff, you’ll lose your family, friends and business associates.”
Other than that, Dave sounds like Gary Glitter back in his heyday. He makes you cover your ears in desperation, wishing he’d discover a second riff–ANYTHING, PLEASE!
He claims that scientology is a church just like any other. That’s like saying the Mafia is just another bunch of Catholics, the KKK is just a friendly gathering of Protestants, the Nation of Islam are just a peaceful group minding their own business, and the Westborough Baptist Church are just regular evangelical folks. And why are all these religious bigots always picking on ISIS…
Somehow, his “evidence” is always “overwhelming” while ALL contrary evidence comes from nefarious sources and is “discredited.” Never mind the fact that the “inch man” is playing with the facts just as fast and loose as his mouth-pieces, the deservedly infamous “inch wives.”
And yet again, we are treated to the story of scientology’s fast, furious and unprecedented expansion. Even if that were true, what does that really prove? The Nazis were experiencing explosive and unprecedented expansion–and theirs was actually real. A piss stain that is spreading is still a piss stain. Sorry to be crude about it but them’s the facts!
Loved your comment, Todd. You are the Exterminating Angel of the day.
Very nice Todd. I enjoyed that!
Yes, Mike. This is it!! He has been completely enturbulated and there is NO THETA left in the wee little man.
We are witnessing nothing but pure “bank” coming out of paranoid, psychopathic David “Karin Pouw” “Let Him Die” “Black Heart” “Slappy” “MixSavage” “MixCriminal” MISCAVIGE – leader and dictator of the cult of Scientology.
It is nothing but David Miscavige’s stimulus response mechanism. There is no rational mind left. He is too far gone as well. There is no recovery or rehabilitation. Best to discard him w/o sorrow but he will be taking himself out soon!
What we are witnessing is David Miscavige’s EP of Type III.
Very Well Done Slappy – please, continue!
Miscavige is so full of shit!
I could almost see the spray of spit coming out of his mouth as he dictated this horseshit to his secretary. His Royal Shortness King Miscavige (ref Tony’s blog today) is royally pisssed off ! Great post Mike.
Since I cannot fathom any remotely sane person expecting a letter to a report of that nature having a positive effect for them, I can only assume David KPouw Miscavige has now officially gone completely around the bend. He is the living advertisement of the fact that Scientology does not produce the results it proclaims to produce. The biggest stupidity of MIscavige’s view of how to “handle” the press, “attackers” etc is the words and actions of Miscavige, his mouthpieces and his minions like Jenny Linson. They are living, breathing examples of what Scientology turns people into. And they are apparently completely oblivious to how they appear to the world (they simply are incapable of assuming anybody’s viewpoint other than LRH/MIscavige. Living in a world of dub-in and delusion – and hey isn’t the theory that one devolves into dub-in and delusion due to their overts and evil purposes?
Did she call Mr. Merraro a coward? Ouch. Another thing, “unprecedented expansion taking place before your very eyes”? What? Nobody ever told me that empty buildings equate to “unprecedented expansion”.
Hi Mike, I have to add the lady who is doing a fashion show turn for Scientology! WTF…I missed that boat big time thank goodness.XO to you two.Ann B.
Hi Mike, I saw where a poster explained this charity fashion show gig.I see I thought it was put on by The OT Commiteee brought to the adoring throngs by The Sea Orge! That’s why I said wtf…XAnn B.
Hi Artoo45,Good to meet you.My take on where are the Sci executives not making statements is two fold.Perhaps they are so David Koolaided they cannot see outside the papered up windows or perhaps they are deep down petrified they will get sent to The Hole.What an existence,I wish a new Pied Piper in that old fable could pipe them all out all except David that is.Take Care Ann B.
Lawrence Wright refers to the Headley lawsuit briefly in the film. It is during the time when the FBI investigation is discussed.
Thanks. Nobody would call that mention a linchpin unless they were drunk. Hmmmm….
Mike, you are to IMMEDIATELY review the GOLD media clips on how Miss Cabbage does NOT drink excessively. C.R. by 14:00 hours Thursday…
Agree that its not a linchpin. I’ve watched Going Clear at least 20 times so nothing has gotten past me.
These missives sound an awful lot like those from the KCNA, the official state new agency of North Korea, railing about the horrible fate about to befall anyone who offends the honor and dignity of Kim Jong-Eun, the bouffant-wearing despot at the top of an incredibly dysfunctional organization with a serious cult of personality. The over-the-top prose from the “press” coupled with the fact that the leaders are too chicken to sign their own names, is fun to watch. And the comparisons are constantly fun to draw between these two groups of deluded fools.
Dear Mike,
Yet again, another great article. Does anyone know what the paper’s response was and how the comments section played out? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
When will the media ask the question “Where are all the Scientologist executives?” Or, at least, “What are they so afraid of that they can’t come out and make a statement to anyone in person?” Davy, it’s so obvious to everyone on the outside of the bubble what’s going on in there. Do you really not see it yourself?
Artoo45, why would the media ask that when they already know the answer?
Maybe Pompadour, because deleting LRH materials, forgot that a person with “ARCXs”, has MWHs. This is what Standard Tech. KSW says to follow, doesn’t it?
And boy, he is really upset.
Correct Silvia. As El Con had psychotic, raving ARCX’s with any and all who disagreed with HIM, he must have been sitting on HUGE, GIGANTIC,SP acts also…
John Locke, I agree also that LRH had some huge, gigantic SP acts that he was witholding, which made him go into psychotic ARCXs, but I’m surprised that YOU agree about the overt-motivator sequence etc. I’m not challenging you or being snarky, I’m just curious because you have broad-brushed your dismissal of “the tech” and I took that to mean ALL of it, so now I’m asking you if you consider this bit of LRH’s tech workable.
Aquamarine, my Bible-quoting Aunt Betty used to advise me, “The overt-motivator sequence is mine sayeth the Lord!”
Wait, wait! John L, before you answer, I should have named , “missed withold phenomena” as that which drove LRH into huge raging ARC breaks, not the overt-motivator sequence, specifically. Thanks.
aqua I’m just using what the OP would understand. Actually I go with what I learned (and El Con “borrowed”) from Hamlet, Act 3, scene 2. 😉
So you’re gonna make me work, huh? 🙂 Ok, I’ll go over that meaty scene with its gazillion quotable quotes and get back to you.
Great exposure and analysis , thanks.
A smart cult leader would keep quiet if he knew what was best for him. Or he would at least try to come across as cool, calm and collected. It’s an hysterical and desperate cult leader who elects to act out publicly in a spittle-flying, Donald Duckian rage.
But we, the newspaper and its readers are glad he did! David Miscavige: working hard to make lies and straw man arguments funny for us all!
The beauty of.this particular footbullet is that COB, once again, has drawn more attention to something that was better off left alone.
Sure, people read the first article about Jolly and raised their eyebrows…. ….but they read this ‘response’ and their mouths are left hanging open
Now it looks even more like something is up and Jolly’s connections may even be.deeper than what was first reported.
There’s a saying……OSA, write this down…..sometimes it’s better to LET SLEEPING DOGS LIE
With such a Dear Leader, you don’t need any enemies.
You mean not more enemies .. and this one is enough .. share your view, but if I would not be an old time scientologist (1973) it would not made any matter to me .. I would only ask why they do hang up with such idiotic ideas ..
The goal was to become OT .. the LRH way do not lead to OT .. will never .. but at one time we thought it will be .. all of us (some did not) ..
A friend of mine goes now for her OT VII .. she still thinks that she can become an OT with pulling out the evil purposes of other beings ..
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed, myopic Little Pope is king. However, in the land of the fully sighted, he is blind.
Hi FOTF2012, Your post is on fire today.Thank you.XO Ann B.
A better comparison would to be replace scientologists with ISIS.
So this brings up an old question. Is DM a Scientologist? Based on how defensive he is I think so, but I defer to wiser people. I would love to know Mr Dan Koon’s opinion on this.
Good People. The only facts I know of is that 1) DM knows that El Con Hubbard was NOT an “O.T.” (had none of the powers he claimed) 2) DM knows that doing El Con’s “Bridge” doesn’t produce the results that El Con said it would. 3) DM knows that El Con lied about OT 8 and above. 4) DM knows that by obtaining the State of Clear a person doesn’t gain the abilities El Con stated.
That said, I don’t know if he is SO stupid that he has remained a scientologist DESPITE that knowledge. But, every person I know who has that data set has ceased being a “scientologist”.
Good points, John.
Based on that, I would say DM does what he does because:
1) That is all he’s ever done
2) Cannot see himself living in the wog world working for a living (and still enjoy the status and standard of living he currently has)
3) Is simply “playing the game”
4) Enjoys unquestioning support from his supporters
5) Has got a shitload of money at his disposal
Why SHOULD he leave? Many more cons than pros.
It is quite possible that DM sincerely believes that Scn and the church have something to offer to the world. Does he “believe” in the reality of Clear and OT? I would be surprised if he does. Does he see that OTHERS believe in Clear and OT – you betcha.
He’s just selling people a piece of blue sky.
Nice points Statpush. The wild-card is that he is a sociopath like Hubbard was. Trying to apply our thought processes to him is problematic at best. What makes him “get up in the morning” is hard to nail down as a result. That he is batsh!t crazy is a certainty. A good prerequisite for being leader of the Cult of Scamology.
Thanks as usual, I think you mean infuriated…unfuriated threw me off
What is fair .. fair is fair .. everybody has the right to bring everything in confusion .. this is fair ..
A whole book could be published entitled “David Miscavige Foot Bullets.” It would be a hoot.
In fact, in the dictionary under “foot bullets” there should be a picture of David Miscavige.
So let me get this straight: The lynchpin of a film is a lawsuit that wasn’t mentioned in it. Now do some unbiased research by going to an amazingly bigoted and biased site and watching smear videos and get back with me.
About four years ago I was attempting to help a man run his company and watched his deterioration as he decided meth and heroin were the most important things in the world. He is now serving a 40 year prison sentence after police caught him cooking meth.
As I hung around to help his pregnant girlfriend extricate herself from the mess before I made my retreat (although I had wisely and quietly removed myself as a signatory on his account and surrendered all my credit cards to the bank months earlier), I was on the receiving end of numerous rants that resembled this as the man increasingly believed himself to be omnipotent and everyone else to be incompetent.
One time he wouldnt sign and mail the checks I written to pay the bills after he came off one of his benders because “they had been written three days earlier so they were going to bounce because the checks are covered by whatever money is in the account ON THE DAY YOU WRITE THEM”.
That is the rant that finally spurred his girlfriend to gather her stuff and leave. When he woke up, she had moved to another state and my letter of resignation had been sent certified mail.
This was in 2011 and the shrapnel from this insane man still shows up in people’s lives today.
Miscavige’s rants are becoming less and less sane. It leads me to wonder if it is more than megalomania and scotch that fuels him.
Hi Valerie,Great post. Here is a thought.Both my late parents who had been divorced for many years but lived near each other the rest of their lives and other marriages,went completely insane,Mom passed @ 72 & Dad @ 78. They had really good docs but no one could figure out what they had.Not Allzheimers but a strange brain cell die off with both of them.This totally changed their personalities.Mom stopped talking @ 59 and was in a catatonic state for two yrs prior to passing & Dad decided to use alcohol as a way to cope with his decline so he got vascular dementia from that.Both their brains turned to mush no kidding.So I think you maybe onto something with David Miscavige & Mike as well with his amazing post today.Most erratic behavior he is exhibiting most Strange.I guess that is why I love so much on the outside.If by some ironic twist zi inherent that stuff I want to enjoy this blog and all of you before I can’t remember.But I am going to try my damnest not to have that happen.So far so good. Love U Ann B.
I suspect David Jolly’s campaign manager is cringing right now. He will not want his client Mr. Jolly, having any kook factor associated with him by getting any more press from a loose cannon like Miscavige.
The Tampa Bay Times article was definitely over the top – I couldn’t believe how many pages it was! Doesn’t COP realize that with the already huge critical mass of PR disasters he’s suffered, now is not the time to sound like a whiny little bitch?
It’s official! COP’s new name is now: Whiny Little Bitch!
Thank you, Alice. May that name stick like glue and go into the history books. Forty years from now, they’ll still be talking about that Whiny Little Bitch. And laughing their asses off…
I’m thinking that maybe this whole response of Miscavige’s was targeted at the clueless Still Ins who read the TBT who might catch this article and DM’s super tough, “no nonsense” response to the Oh So Suppressive Media.
Finding all about David Miscavige has it’s own Bell curve.
When you don’t care how rich he is or who is his new beat up prize,
who has gone bankrupt ,on and on.
I’m flat on Scientology on all dynamics.
End of the D.M. rundown.
Nothing says “I’m a petulant, whining adolescent” more than a missive from DLHDKPM. And before him was the spittle spewing toady boy Tommy. Criminy, the last articulate spokesman they had was you, Mike. And your last pronouncement was clear, to the point and not colored by invective, just “I quit!”
That postscript is too ironic for words.
I saw the HBO doc. It was amazing. Mike you seem like the nicest man. The fact they sent people to intimidate you and especially your wife is beyond the pale. They better watch out in FL playing that game. I am curious about a few things that didnt make it into the film like the missing/in-prisoned wife of DM and the mysterious death of Jett Travolta. I find it hard to believe that either the FEDs or local law enforcement cannot find one felony on DM!? Peoples hands have to be being greased;at least thats how it was done in the old country. This guy is more a mafia don than Hitler.
Keep up the great work Mike.
Jimbo, Jett Travolta’s death was hardly “mysterious”. Male teens who are autistic frequently have seizures. Which is what happened to Jett, while taking a shower unfortunately.
John, that may be true but the circumstances after the seizure makes the event suspicious.
And since the cult doesn’t “believe” in autism, I believe he wasn’t allowed to take meds to control his seizures.
Too bad for the Travoltas (and I’m being very sincere here). It seems that one of the most effective means of helping people like Jett is with medical marijuana. More than ample evidence that it reduces that type of seizure.
LDW, I’ve worked 10-20 hours a week for over a decade with autistic children. Your assertion is is NOT backed up by ANY peer-reviewed medical trials. (and CERTAINLY no med trials done by the time Jett had died) HOWEVER, 3 MAJOR university scientific studies in the last 4 years (one of them done over a 30 year period) have shown CONCLUSIVELY, that use of MJ by teens and young adults LOWERS IQ.
I’d be careful about giving medical advice that is not backed up by clinical trials.
And Jimbo, the attempted blackmail of the Travolta’s makes Jett’s NOT unusual death (medically speaking) “suspicious”? I don’t know about that as I just read the medical data and stayed away from the insane Nat Inquirer type reporting on the child.
Good read.
I’m pretty sure that Jolly and his wife will receive plenty of emails, calls and letters to give them pause about being bought by the local Scientology lobbyists.
I wrote them an email this morning. Mentioned they may want to do some research before associating the the “Church”.
I love how “Karin” gives the reporter homework and then expects him to report back on it. Bahahaha!! Hope “she” isn’t holding “her” breath waiting on a response.
Sorry Tiny Tantrum, people outside of your mind-prison give zero f**ks about what you want or what you think. Your arrogant ramblings are a joke. What a sad little man you are, stomping your feet and gnashing your teeth while everyone outside of your cult laughs at you.
You have no power out here, that’s all in your head. You’re really not going to do well in prison.
Well said Nola!
Thank you Sarah.
The gall of Miscavige to basically tell the reporter… “Get back to us when your book report on Freedumb magazine is done.” *gigglesnort*
Yeah, right. 😀 I am sure the reporter will get right on that. LOL
It’s amazing how incredibly thin-skinned Miscavige is. While he likes to project his macho bravado, saving the world and all, leader of leaders, the Pope of Scn, ad nauseam, all it takes is one comment for him to run to the principal’s office. What a big fucking baby.
In their own jargon…he’s just a over-restimulated, hyper-critical, ser-facy, vindictive, PR personality (with a button on self-importance).
Better known as – a vengeful asshole.
What is really scary is that for some time now, orgs have taken on his “winning valance.” Orgs, particularly Sea Org orgs, are completely intolerant to any criticism, and have adopted a “shoot first, ask questions later” attitude. Their opinion of themselves is grossly inflated, their production sucks, yet they demand respect from others and assume their orders will be complied with. Even within the bubble this is wearing thin. Outside the bubble, it is just bizarre and amusing.
“In their own jargon…he’s just a over-restimulated, hyper-critical, ser-facy, vindictive, PR personality (with a button on self-importance).” Statpush, you left out one other important descriptive term for DM: In their own jargon, DM is an SP, a suppressive person.
Ouch! Cindy, going for the jugular ?
I beg to differ… I am an SP, have the cert to prove it. Don’t want him in my club.
I believe she meant ‘SP’ as we ‘wogs’ mean it– ‘Small Penised’ or ‘SPP’,Small Penised Prick’..
Does this sound familiar– “Tell me how big my penis is! Say it! Say it! DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY WOMEN I’VE HAD? You fucking man-hating dyke!”?
Hi statpush,Thank you an insightful post.That does scare me the valence the orgs have taken on now.I just know I never could have stomached David,Ron gave me plenty to deal with.XO Ann B.
Really Ann, what a choice? Ron or DM? Geez…
Hi statpush, I know it suddenly dawned on me I do not want two for the price of one!XO Ann B
David Miscavige has some serious issues. He’s controlling, manipulative, verbally and physically abusive, narcissistic, and shallow. Can you imagine dating this guy? Worst. boyfriend. ever.
By the way, where’s Shelly??
An entertaining outcome of this little dust-up would be that the reporter actually obeys Dave’s command to watch all the smear videos, then writes an article about that. “The Slime Rundown.”
Dave has turned himself into troll-bait. Anyone in the media who’s paying attention has learned by now that it’s easy to push Dave’s buttons. Just the tiniest mention of Scientology, pitched in just the right way, can provoke one of these braying, delusional outbursts. You can turn one article into two, maybe three, with Karin/Dave providing fresh copy at no expense and minimal burden on staff time. The new articles link back to the original, running up page views. The Comments section lights up.
It’s been noted before, but Dave’s disconnection with reality outside the bubble has become so profound that he has absolutely no idea how badly his outbursts come across. One would think that the public image of Scientology could not possibly be driven any lower, but our boy is giving it his best shot.
Are you the author Richard grant?
I do believe he is- At least if he’s the same witty fellow from TUB…
and sometimes the response letter are comedy gold. Like the letter from the lawyer of Captain David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige spelling out that Captain Miscavige personally defrocks any misbehaving clams. (which is, of course, completely consistent with the declarations submitted in Texas that the CSI is completely outside the control of Captain Miscavige…)
Looking past the DM reaction, it may be very significant that Representative David Jolly, who is/going to run for Rubio’s Senate seat, is “hanging with Scientology”. He dumped his wife of 15 years to marry his employee – 29 year old staffer Laura Donahoe. She is modeling in a fashion show for the cult? Jolly is clearly in the thrall of this young woman (As a middle aged woman, am I permitted to use “p$$$y whipped”?) …is she a Scientologist? That would totally affect me as a (former) Jolly supporter and contributor. Anybody have insight about her relationship to Scientology?
You called it.
The “fashion show” is an annual fundraiser purportedly for Winter Wonderland. Many local personalities, officials, football players’ wives, etc. are asked to participate wearing clothing by local designers and shops. So Jolly’s new young thing was probably asked because she’s his wife and is just clueless. I don’t think she’s necessarily a Scientologist.
Great analysis; agree totally. Miscavige is a bit out of touch with reality. The Headleys were not even mentioned in Gibney’s film. They love to use the term “suborn perjury” without defining who and how, it is really a meaningless statement, and sounds officious and silly. I always have to stifle a laugh whenever I read his/their imperious tone, ordering someone to do certain acts, for instance to watch their videos. No thanks! 🙂 Not your minions. Your commands are meaningless to anyone outside your little fiefdom.
It is pathetic beyond anything I have seen. It must be very hard to work in OSA PR these days with such an idiot at the top. He sounds like a Kindergarten bully screaming for the piece of cake he couldn’t get.
I sometimes wonder if there is even a Karen Pouw anymore.
Dan, I also think Karen Pouw is in the Hole, forever perhaps, and it is David, Let Him Die Miscavige ,who writes the letters and signs her name to them. I reminds me of Normal Bates dressing in his mom’s clothing and talking as though it was his mom talking.
The fact that DM plays the victim on all this is right out of the reference, “The Aberrative Personality,” where one of the traits is that anything done to the aberrative personality is horrible and damage can never be made up, whereas anything the aberrative person does was either “deserved” or “not that bad and was nothing.” This is DM to a Tee.
Hi dankoon, Really good point.I still need a tutorial on how David used the name Karen Pouw,but I get the drift.Maybe he dropped all that and let David come out as the Ugly COP that he is.Take Care Ann B.
Miscavige giving orders to a non-Scientologist? (“I expect you to watch the videos.”) Does he really expect obedience from people who don’t give two shits about him?
The Little Princeling was probably using Tone 40 as he shouted his orders after having sent the last person to tell him this wasn’t such a bright idea to the RPF or worse…
Can you imagine what happens to the poor people who laugh at his micro penis?
(Oh, right– SHelley. My bad.)
Hi Richelieu jr, Your post is really good for a laugh at David’s expense.Thank You.I just wish Shelley was not in the trouble I feel she is.After my SO time, but David has a PhD in making people disappear.Sad & troubling.Take Care Ann B.
Love how they admit to fair gaming the press. We investigated you! Really?
I’m shaking in my boots…
Brilliant Mike. I read the piece a couple of days ago and agree with everything you say. The ONLY thing that jumped out at me was arrogance, arrogance and more arrogance. Now that I’m out of the bubble I see it so clearly and am bloody embarrassed to admit I was ever part of it.
Hi Shelley,Welcome to the club!I am bloody embarrassed to admit I did what I did in SO too as are so many here.But the wonderful amazing news is you and all of us Got Out! That is the True Victory.XO Ann B.
“And, let’s not forget about the other aspect of the First Amendment. Freedom of Speech. You don’t give that much credence if the speech is not to your liking.”
This is SO Cult of Scientology. An Independent Cult of scamology website that covered Going Clear declared that Alex should NOT be ALLOWED to talk about Scientology and LRH the way he did in the film as it prevent scientologists from freely practising their religion! More proof that scamology creates insanity.
A dangerous cult, is a dangerous cult no matter who is running it.
No one has ever said that Milestone Two was sane in any way, shape, or form. Anyone who believes that the cult wasn’t fascist enough in its behavior can be taken seriously.
And let’s not forget the response at the South Africa blog. Oh, so many complaints that “Gibney wasn’t told about the Indies” and “why didn’t Mike and Marty clue him in”, promulgated by many names who were contributors here until they came to believe that Mike didn’t lick enough dingleberries off of Hubbard’s asshole: Formost, Ronnie Bell, the rest of the usual crowd that now infests Milestone Two. Fuckin’ Ronnie Bell loves to act as policeman over there. The moment that scnafrica lets a comment through that might be seen as mildly negative about Hubbard, Ronnie’s on the case about scnafrica going against the purpose of his website.
This is why I’ve always said that these people need to be eliminated too. They’re perfect examples of what the philosophy does to someone.
(Yep, I’m out of the hospital and raring to go, folks. Septic pneumonia does something for a guy.)
Hi Espiando, Wow aren’t hospitals a blast!!Very happy you stuck around.XO Ann B.
Happy to hear you’re home and doing well Espi. Take good care of yourself. 🙂
I’m glad you’re out of the hospital Espi…hope you are feeling better!
Quite, Espiando. Thank you for this.
Espi, here you are. I was thinking about you the other day…where is he?, I was wondering. Welcome back and well done on conquering pneumonia and being back to battery, pun intended.
I didn’t know about a site called Milestone Two Espi. I saw it on a site called savescamology.com (or some such wording). But, they sound like the same type of dangerous cult members. thanks for the heads up about those others.
I never heard of Milestone Two, (“a safe place for scientologists”) before today but I just left a rather defamatory comment on an article written by Jim Logan about OT. I’m curious if these scientologists are the run and hide sort or if Jim will stand up to me. My aim is the total annihilation of Ron Hubbard as a quotable authority on anything but dirty tricks.
“There is no “clear” there is no “OT” and the scientology axioms are demonstrably false when they aren’t total gibberish. Hubbard was a liar and presumably a sociopath. A “safe” place for scientologists would be a place where they can continue their fanciful delusions about Hubbard’s “tech” without being regged into bankruptcy by David Miscavige. “
Roger, they won’t respond to you. Despite the fact that Logan, Lana, and Tom (among others) are all mammoth drama llamas, they won’t post anything that disagrees with the hive mind over there because they don’t want to get themselves “involved in games conditions”. So they won’t go out and defend their own beliefs, but, oh, they’re quick to pull the Persecution card if something like Gibney not acknowledging the Indies in GC happens. Assclowns.
Espiando, you appear to be right about them not responding and five bucks says I’m blocked from further contributions. This “safe” place for scientologists is just a different bubble for them. I was thinking they might represent a new generation who defend the faith with traditional apologetics. Of course if they were able to mount a formal defense they wouldn’t need that bubble, would they?
RogerHornaday, the holders of “truth that can penetrate 16 inch steel plate” over at Milestone2 took down your comment fearing that it would harm the “truth” I guess. LMAO
Glad to hear you’re better
Dear Dave;
ML, The Press.
Haha. So true. My my, what s ridiculous piece of crap. He has no idea how INSANE he makes himself sound.
I know!
Which is another indication of how insane He is!
It’s dur diligence for the press to watch every move, every contact public and government officials have with your sleazy organization. It’s their job. And a great way for the IRS to take your organization down for supporting certain candidates which is against the 401c(3) charter. Tick tock. Tick tock.
Rick, what’s “tl;dr”? Unless its an inside joke with you and Mike in which case never mind I’ll live this MU.
Google is your friend, type it into google, I bet you will find the answer and it will be faster than making a comment and certainly faster than waiting for a reply 🙂
(This is a common social media abbreviation for “Too long; didn’t read.”
Dear Dave
TL;did read
Forwarding invoice for 2 mins of my life back