This drivel is a full page in the latest edition of Impact magazine – the IAS propaganda organ.
You sort of get the idea what he is trying to say. The strange metaphors that are Shermanspeak specialties make it difficult to fathom, sort of like the front porch of eternity or whatever that idiocy was. The great Mr. David Miscavige is trying very hard to portray himself as some sort of humanitarian. Such hypocrisy.
Not only does he personally infringe on people’s rights with reckless abandon, he oversees an organization that abides by articles of faith to:
Destroy its enemies by any means possible – not just deny them the right to speak, destroy them
Deny the right of freedom of religion to anyone who chooses to no longer be a scientologist – they must feel like they have been “hit like a Mack truck (and I don’t mean figuratively)”
Lock people up, keep them under 24/7 guard, take away their passports – deny them their freedom of movement
Split up families – destroy the relationships of anyone who dares question scientology as the ONLY answer for mankind’s salvation
Discourage higher education – it’s all a waste of time, learning information that is unimportant compared to scientology
Eradicate/obliterate psychiatry – psychs have absolutely no rights at all for they are “whole track implanters and SPs”, the scientology boogiemen who take the place of Hitler’s jews.
He likes to sound important and try to position himself as above the fray – never to be soiled by the trench warfare and mudslinging his minions are so infamous for. The reality is he is a vindictive little man who never forgives or forgets a joke, a slight or a criticism. He uses the vast wealth and resources at his disposal to get even and he micromanages every attack, scheme and payback.
He is a classic bully.
Bully –meet Leah Remini. She does not take kindly to bullies.
Watch the first episode tonight on A&E at 10pm EST/9 CST.
On the subject of Miscavige mutterings: his latest effort to “dead agent” Leah’s show is to announce it is a “scripted, rehearsed, acted and dramatized work of fiction.”
Of course, he has not SEEN it and neither has anyone else in the church. But he “knows” and thinks this sounds good to convince the sheeple “there is nothing to see here folks.”
Watch the show and make up your own mind. I can assure you nobody was scripted or rehearsed, acting or dramatizing fiction other than the footage from the church. I am sure that will be obvious to every viewer – keep in mind this ridiculous statement as you are watching.
Programming Note:
Leah will be on 3 Sirius XM Radio shows this morning between 9:10 and 10:15EST (not sure precisely what time for each…)
105 Entertainment Weekly Larry Flick
121 Stand Up with Pete Dominick
109 Jenny McCarthy
Update: sorry if you have been listening the first show (EW) is airing later in day – the other two will be coming shortly
Update 2: Full page that is in today’s NY Post
Please speak to Gerry Armstong,. You guys have a long wronging battle for years and believe me, i understand that…Gery was there in the ealier days, before you, and i go back even earlier lrh was bloody evil.a nd i know because you were a child you can’t accept this, but hey i was achild too once and guess what? I cannot accept how we were treated.
amasin with a t
Sharone, no need to go to Gerry. TONS of people around then have shown evidence to how psycho LRH was back then. Old News.
It’s interesting how the ‘Church’ attacks and mudslings like a 16 yr old. Wouldn’t an organization, such as other churches from other belief systems, remain mute, or send a white wash message because they are not threatened about what one person has to say?
The Catholic Church (I’m not Catholic) has been under scrutiny for years but they don’t send out attack letters about the ones who leave thier church or openly attack them personally. They would most likely just end up blessing the person, at least that is what they are suppose to do. How religious organizations run thier business, and how they actually follow through on thier beliefs, is another article.
Scientologists are really out of touch with the realities of a normal world because us outsiders see through the fact that when they go to great lengths to disavow someone, and attack them so publicly, it’s a knee jerk anger/reaction and makes them look guilty.
It makes the rest of the world chuckle to see how obsurd it is.
It looks like the personalities of Scientologists are no more mature than the mean girl higharchy that you’d find in you local high school. Even the “mean girls” are young sociopaths.
I think the FBI needs to look deeper into this.
Is Miscavige a physical threat to anybody who has disconnected? Do you ever fear that he would hurt you or Marty or other former leaders?
is that “protest(ing) too much?”
Anyway, I love the name-check on the NY post ad.
A huge Thank You! to everyone who speaks up. I got in this struggle to make sure you were allowed to tell your story, so good on all of you for doing so.
On a general note, it amazes this never-in that the counter-attack script is so blatantly confessional. I.e. that critics of L Ron Hubbard (and of the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology) gets accused of doing what – well – appears to be the end purpose of “KSW” and the “Bolivar memo.” But maybe that’s just me 😉
I just watched the show on
It was excellent. Good on Leah, she’s shining sunlight on the clam organization’s nasty deeds. And I swear, if Mike Rinder was a good spokesman for Scientology, he’s an even better one for getting out!
I was happy to see Amy Scobee looking so good – healthy and happy! I loved her collage of family photos next to her front door.
When Amy’s Dad, who disapproved of her joining the SO, talks about telling her that all she had to do was call him and he would always be there – and then finally getting that call 27 years later… and Amy getting to see her Mom… wow.
That asshole Miscavige must be throwing a lot of empty Scotch bottles around and busting people down to the decks right about now…
Golly gosh Scientology is dying a slooooooooooooow death. With all the movies, tv shows, documentaries books etc they will not go away. They just seem to have too much money in the coffers to truly die. Less and less Scientologists every year and still they meander onwards. There will come a time I’m sure when Tom Cruise, David Miscalalalaladingdong etc etc will drop their bodies. It will be interesting to see what happens when those days come.
What gets me is how law enforcement agencies do not have the skills, know how or backing from legislators to put a stop to mass brain washing and clearing people of their money.
Many people have now seen, read and heard about so many of the atrocities and yet politicians, law makers and law enforcement agencies are powerless to put a stop to it. Shame on them for allowing this to happen.
Honestly Dave’s ad is just so much gobbledygook. The first sentence is fine, but the next two? I sincerely doubt anyone will understand what he’s talking about. Perhaps he’s using TR-8 tech where you say meaningless words at the ashtray to prove your intention is senior.
Dave, I suggest you fire Dan Sherman and go back to high school.
HF: “Some folks really don’t take kindly to being messed with or bullied and get even more determined in their opposition when they’re on the receiving end of it.”
CNN’s Brian Lowrey put it this way:
“Scientology’s attempts to undermine its critics, however, run into a public-relations buzz saw in Remini. . .
How long were you in, George?
It use to be that we were afraid of you.
It use to be that you had power over us
It use to be that your power to spread lies worked
But now………………………..
But now you have cried wolf for so many years that your accusations are seen with contempt by:
Every media outlet
Every written publication
All of society…….. ALL…… see you Mr Miscavige for who you are. Someone who destroys lives.
Your pathetic delusional and dangerous cult is experiencing the karma of its own doctrine.
Every violent act, every destroyed family, every death, every enslaved mind, every soul that has been tossed by the wayside to fend for themselves after giving their blood sweat and tears to this cult……………………………………
Is the force, the karmic boomerang, that is headed your way like a tsunami of justice.
You can hide Mr Midcavige from the press and media, but you cannot hide from the effects that your repressive actions have created.
Each bad PR media event, that continues and continues, will one day reach a tipping point. And no guilded fortress of money and real estate will be able to shield you from your own cause, your own psycho demented delusions.
And when it all goes down, and it will, you can thank Ron for teaching you the virtues of violent retribution against our fellow citizens.
Ron’s doctrines against critics WILL be the downfall of Scientology.
Your paper crown has a million lit matches aiming at your head. And each match is a broken heart, a destroyed family.
And all this craziness because L Ron Hubbard did not know the true power of love.
He taught you to hate. He taught you to hold onto power through thuggery.
L Ron Hubbard, in his hiding places, could not run from the madness he himself created.
There is no place to hide from that which you have created.
Karma is not an implant.
Karma IS the law that governs the very fabric of life: cause and effect.
Thank you Leah Remini! You are one powerful mofo!!
You have my utmost respect for your integrity and strength. And you have my prayers.
What was it that the kid said:
“People keep saying, “How’d you get power?” Nobody gives you power. I’ll tell you what power is. Power in my estimation is if people will listen to you. That’s it.
On achieving the position of leader of Scientology — Tobin, Thomas C. (October 25, 1998). The Man Behind Scientology. St. Petersburg Times. Retrieved on 2010-07-03..”
People are no longer listening, the power he only has is the money to hire lawyers and PI’s.
A&E must be paying Miscavige under the table for all the great publicity that he’s generating.
Also, has he thought about offering a million dollar reward for evidence about his abuses. He could put the money in escrow with a non-Scientology entity and let’s see what develops. 🙂
Then again, all the first hand testimonies are already enough to send him up the river.
Mike, thanks for the tip that the show will be on their website. Mariette and I did two lectures today in Gothenburg and I mentioned Leah’s new series. We don’t get A&E here in Sweden so I am happy to hear it will be on their website. I’ll spread the word over here.
Dan — just found out they geoblock from outside the US.
“…they geoblock from outside the US.” What does that mean?
You cannot watch videos on their website from outside the geographical U.S.
That’s a bummer!
It has been forty-four years since that day I was stopped on 5th Avenue.
Enough of it. Get lost Scientology and Davie.
Give it up Dave. Your days are numbered.
Mike, Drivel is a pretty inappropriate adjective … hypocritical, narcissistic, self centered bold faced lies and deceit and misdirection are equally weak and inappropriate and not even in the same realm. I absolutely hate NAZI references, but the big lie, from Hitler’s Mein Kamph, is getting close, [] and has similar evil undertones in its manipulation of an individuals liberty. Why can’t the little fella control himself enough to be quiet when it is infinitely to his advantage?
It’s amazing how tone deaf the experts on communication, business and PR turn out to be, every time and without fail.
IF this ad is intended for ANYTHING at all other than making DM feel like a real man, I can’t see how it could possibly accomplish any of it. Let’s say you’re a NYP reader who has never heard of the scientology “church.” What would you think when you see an ad such as this one?
First off would be: THIS is how a church talks?
Second would be the old “me thinketh thou protesteth entirely too much!”
This reads lie an ad placed by Jeffrey Dahmer telling the world that he is totally misunderstood and, deep down, really a very nice guy.
If nothing else, you have to hand it to them: The foot bullet meets its mark with deadly accuracy.No wonder they have not a leg to stand on!
It was nice for Miscavige to advertise Leah’s show tonight in the N.Y. Post. I’m sure A & E appreciates it very much, as well as their sponsors.
Yep, just like a dog harassing a cat, they just can’t help themselves = one a scratched nose coming up. The victim like defense Miscavige deploys even before being exposed (again) speaks volumes of his guilt. Geezers, talk about inspection before the fact… He just can’t help but “solve it with Scientology!”
He’s not only the biggest squirrel in Scientology, he’s also their biggest, loudest & most consistent lair who’d be a whole lot better off if he just shut the fuck up. If you took the misappropriated money out of the equation he’d be a nobody’s nobody!
It could be suggested as soon as you start spending the money you’ve stolen to steal even more money or using it to defend yourself you just can’t stop. Criminality behaves like a disease and with Miscavige he’s so far gone he’s incurably insane with it.
Life is catching up with the Church of Scientology and David Miscavige as people they have showered with false compliments and praise for being in the church leave and never come back. They must be leaving for a reason. If they are not wanted criminals anywhere or on the verge of ever becoming one, is it possible the church paints a picture of themselves to the public different than the way the church really is? Most definitely yes. People have been inside the church stealing money from the church and its public since I was 19, in front of my eyes. I can retire in the next decade from working if I want, that is how long that has been going on. L. Ron Hubbard sums up himself and the church in 4 poorly chosen words “The Unbreakable Miss Lovely”. Imagine someone who authored the Tone Scale referring to a new journalist in that manner. 🙂
That statement by Miscavige carries all the weight of Bernie Madoff pontificating about sound investment strategy.
All the faith of Jimmy Swaggart preaching marital fidelity.
All the worth of Michael Bay expounding on movie storytelling.
All the sense of Jeffrey Dahmer explaining good hospitality.
That’s a lot of scary you got there, hgc! Especially Jeffrey (room for rent – some assembly required) Dalmer.
You mean disassembly?
For Miscavige to make a statement like that while screaming about people sucking cock on Hollywood Boulevard and abusing his own volunteer staff makes me loathe him even more for his hypocrisy and lies – like he or CofS act like that whatsoever. They imprison and human traffic their own staff without even blinking.
David (fuck no I’m not short) Miscavige = hypocrisy…
Honestly, Mr. Miscavige! Really??? A Hubbard-esque quote full of such lugubrious, self-righteous pontificating you would expect the heavens to open up any minute and release a thousand angels! Where are my hip boots? He’s laying down the law about people treating people respectfully??????????????????
Laughing my fucking ass off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obviously Miscavige is making a play for mythical, legendary status by having his words sanctified between quotation marks and released to a worshipful public. Just like LRH’s words. He has GOT to be psychotic to not see how ridiculous he is making himself look.
“Whoever infringes on the rights of one, infringes on the rights of all.” By his own logic, Miscavige just admitted to infringing on the rights of all. Re: the full page ad in the Post, Miscavige is just spreading the flap for the Church as it were, as reading the self-serving BS in the ad is only going to get more people looking at the show. Is he really that stupid? Guess so.
“Of course, he has not SEEN it and neither has anyone else in the church.” Of course not. That would be entheta–a serious crime in Scientology. So, they have a canned response, and boy does it sound canned.
As the cult keeps on imploding Mr Mini me feels strongly that this is because his wisdom is not featured enough.But the evil psych-aided sp’s that promoted that have now been discovered!
I look forward to more Shermaneque pearls of wisdom.
Since Mini Me works stimulus response I cant wait for his next pronouncements.
See addition to post of full page ad in today’s NY Post
I understand that some, if not all of the “evil apostates and wife beaters” that spoke out against the horrors of the cult, were not paid one cent to participate in the show. I would hope that someone could make that known as a comment during the program if that is indeed the case.
They spoke out because they have lost a son or daughter or parent and want the cult to stop forcing disconnection. DM keeps on using money as the motivation for the participants to speak out whereas it is correcting a wrong and an attempt to stop him from continuing to ruin families.
CPO, you need to shout this one from the rafters!
All I can say about this quote by DM is – Gag me with a spoon! What a bloody hypocrite if I ever saw one.
Does David let him die Miscavige salute the SO members at Int after he beats them?
No, before. He likes the look on their faces when he starts to swing.
‘Fist assist,’ he calls it. See… he’s just auditing after all.
Leah Remini’s show will get a fair bit of attention in the press and in the trade papers. It is not another paper cut on the way to clam dissolution. Neither is it a pumping artery, but it will hurt the clampire deeply. Very deeply.
So many exs are going come out of the woodwork and tell their stories. And many of those stories will make it to media, where many more will be able to read about the abuse. The avalanche is really getting big. Or should that be ‘bigly’?
Can $cientology’s reputation get any worse? Yes, every day that bar is being lowered. Only a snake can play Limbo with that bar these days. And it better be a small snake. Not ever a squashed 4 foot 13 inch clam can get under that bar.
The anti-disconnection movement needs a well-known spokesperson and champion who’s willing to go toe-to-toe with lil davey the savage and let the chips fall where they may. In that way, the many, many folks who’ve been harmed and had their families destroyed through the cruel and sociopathic enforcement of coerced disconnection and Fair Game will feel increasingly safe in telling their own stories.
When that happens the cherch’s defensive position that these bitter ex-members represent a tiny portion of the cherch’s total membership will no longer be able to be maintained.
“Can $cientology’s reputation get any worse?”
Let’s hope so because when it comes to $cn, no matter how bad you might think it is, it’s always worse.
Harpoona, Someone to go toe to toe with DM … looks Leah has taken that on. Not only did she produce this great series on Disconnection, but she is now suing DM and his church. I hope she wins a lot of money. Maybe hitting him in the pocketbook will eventually make him cancel the disconnection thing and stop doing it.
And that’s not even to mention her book o leaving the cherch, “Troublemaker”. Some folks really don’t take kindly to being messed with or bullied and get even more determined in their opposition when they’re on the receiving end of it.
So far, by spending tens of millions, lil davey the savage has been able to avoid testifying in court or being deposed under oath, which is no small trick, given the fact that almost nothing happens in $cn without his direct approval. I guess we all just have to try harder on that one, huh
In CA if you have Direct TV, it airs on A &O E at 7:00 pm tonight. If you have Time Warner it airs at 10:00 pm. So check our your local listings. Same goes for other states. Glad to hear Sirius Radio is playing stuff too.
I have no place to watch it tonight and I am in LA. I could go to the base to watch it with Dave but I probably would not be very good company; cheering after each knockdown, cheering for Lea knock the bastard out. Maybe it’s playing at PAC, surely someone at OSA INT is watching it.
Surely you and Tom have the Officers Lounge at Int fully stocked with popcorn for an enjoyable evening of TV watching.
Does the thought that Shelly and Lois’ sister might escape the fate of Taylor Made Annie Broeker Rundowns TERRIFY you?
Dave: You’re quote is just further evidence that we have been worshipping the wrong God. May I humbly suggest we change the name from $cientology to Miscavology. You’re such a modest guy you probably won’t entertain this suggestion, but just know that WE know who real “SOURCE” is.
Hiel Dave.
“Those at the back of humanity’s line keep everyone waiting at the front door”
I just finished grading 70 undergraduate papers. None had a sentence as poorly conceived as that one. Don’t they hear themselves?
You must remember this
Miscavige will be pissed
Some heads are gonna fly
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by
And what this show will prove
Is decades of abuse
On that you can rely
No matter what the future brings
As time goes by
Shining the spotlight, never out of date
Manufactured bullshit, jealousy and hate
People need to see this brand of mental rape
That no one can deny
It’s still the same old story
A fight for truth and glory
Exposing all the lies
The world will fin’lly see through Davey
As time goes by
Another good one, Mephisto. Your poems are a great contribution. Also your humor in many posts.
Many thanks Marildi.
Miscavige sends his BS propaganda out to a few thousand lost souls in the Scientology bubble that sits on the porch of the Twilight Zone. Meanwhile, Leah is reaching tens of millions of people. She presents one aspect of Scientology’s insanity in a way that is real and will have emotional impact on the audience.
Every year there is a growing number of movies, books, TV shows, radio programs, newspaper and magazine articles, lawsuits, government investigations, etc that continue to expose the crimes of Scientology and David Miscavige. Its the snowball that is becoming an avalanche.
Thank you, too, Mat and your amazing wife. The trailer looked heart wrenching and I appreciate her going through this again and doing this show. The church likes to claim “small group of anti-scientologists….” but Amy’s story has never been told in this venue and millions who do not know her story, will know it now. I thank you both for stepping forward to tell it now. I’ve read it packs quite a punch.
Thank you. I think the show will help make Scientology’s use of disconnection and its affects more real. Just a tiny peak into its dark closet.
Thanks so much for you and your wife’s courage in calling this killer cult and it’s sadistic tiny tyrant of leader to account!
I do hope that everyone featured in Leah’s series, as well as their friends and extended family, will be on the look out for the cult’s paid goons who may attempt to harass and intimidate them in the future. The best way to deal with that kind of behavior is to shine a very bright spotlight on it and publicize exactly who’s doing $cn’s out-sourced dirty tricks for them these days, including the cult’s high-dollar legal weasels who’ve implemented that aspect of lil davey’s reign of terror and mass suppression campaign.
With all public exposes of $cn’s very dark heart that have come out in recent years, lil davey appears to have sunk even further on the tone scale, from “controlling bodies” to “hiding from bodies”.
Thanks. Not much Miscavige can do besides hide behind a womans name and whine “Lia, liar, liar.” The line has been used too many times. No one buys it any more.
Spoken like a true numbers man Mat, spot on accurate. Miscavige heads the smallest “ethical group” on the planet and their plight is about to get a whole lot of sunshine. His sunscreen of words may as well be sewerage, same effect and smell.
Time to sit back on my porch of infinite and watch the fireworks occur as Leah Remini throws a grenade into Scientology’s camp. (and I DO mean figuratively.)
It is amazing to me that David Miscavige is unable to fathom that if he could just keep his mouth shut so many of his sheeple would be unaware of the show. It is nice of him to advertise it for A&E for free. “Holy scripture” requires that he do so. Ignoring it makes so much more sense.
Buddy. I’m angry. Real angry.
To reviewers who have reviewed Leah Remini’s show and were not totally entertained:
Let’s get something straight. Leah Remini’s show is not for “entertainment purposes”. It is an expose of blatant human rights activities happening in your own backyard orchestrated by a hitler-esque copy cat whose greed, brutality and deceit should be of the utmost concern of everybody and particularly those in the judicial system who have the power to do something about it.
So on behalf of Leah Remini and those whose lives have been forever scarred by this evil organization we apologize. You can always change the channel and watch reruns of Leave It To Beaver.
You wanted a reaction? Well, you got it, buddy! I’m angry…real angry!
And what does Tommy (The Weasel) Davis do? He quickly walks away.
So now we refer to him as Thomas (The Weenie) Davis.
It has a certain ring to it…
Oh, go watch Leave It To Beaver, OSD!
I don’t know of :
“lowest human beings”
I only know of :
“Human Beings”
There aren’t any classes or levels of Human Beings
How disrespectful and crazy that sounds……
That’s what I thought too, when I read that. What puts a person in a category of “lowest human being”?
and if you ponder it further, why would you ‘salute’ the person? assist maybe… but salute?
You don|t have the rank to say that!
Hey!!! I’m a surfer!!! I don’t need no stinkin’ rank!!!
My thoughts precisely, Roger. Who refers to a single human or a class of humans as “low”, “lower” or “lowest”? This says so much about David Miscavige and what he thinks of people.
There’s one question that immediately gives away if the church’s responses or video can be trusted:
Who or what is doing the censoring?
In the US, anyone outside of the church can watch, listen to, or read whatever they want in favor of the church or against its human rights violations EXCEPT scientologists. Anyone else can make up their own mind based on the facts they wish to avail themselves EXCEPT scientologists.
As a scientologist, you do and say what you’re told or there will be consequences.
You’ll never see an honest debate with a scientologist.
This is so true. I was recently disconnected your two longtime friends and business partners who inadvertently exposed Miscavige squirreling “source” meaning censoring and erasing Hubbard’s words on latest dvds. I tried to have several honest debates with them and in the end, and I had my guns locked and loaded with irrefutable proof, all they could do was claim the psychs must have planted infiltrators in Golden Era studios. When I offered a large donation if they would expose the “rat” and be A hero to Miscavige, they then told me to contact the OSA. As a wog, I suspected the OSA would not dare contact me to see my evidence which included a false Narconon ad supposedly endorsed by a famous actor I knew personally and Miscavige never dreamed a wog would see the official cherch email and take it to the actor who gave me his agents contact info to contact the cherch and stop what he called an evil lie. I told pre clear and OT5 months ago I would help the OSA find the infiltrators and told them to have the OSA contact me and if my charges were false, I would donate a sum of money for pre clears course work. Of course the OSA never contacted me. My two former partners have erased me entirely from their lives which cost me a large investment of money I will never be able to reclaim as OT5 nears bankruptcy after once living the life of a prince.
Sounds like an interesting story that’s worth telling in more detail!
I’m a little unclear about exactly what you meant here, though: “I was recently disconnected your two longtime friends and business partners who inadvertently exposed Miscavige squirreling “source” meaning censoring and erasing Hubbard’s words on latest dvds. ”
Did these two longtime friends inadvertently expose DM as a squirrel and, if so, why would they be forced to disconnect from you?
I guess Dave thinks of himself as a persecuted minority of one with nothing all around him but jack-booted thugs like Leah Remini trampling on his rights. Delusion, anyone? We have the best 1950 vintage Paranoia, distilled down to 180 proof.
But what is really strange about that quote is that you could easily find something like it in the Hubbard opus and take it out of context to say the same thing. I can’t believe they have run out of airy-fairy Hubbard quotes that sound profound and say nothing. There is a practically unlimited supply.
Is he really trying to take on the positioning of Source? So he can change things without having to fake it with semicolons and SP transcriptionists?
If so it could be a good thing. Scientology could wake up from its fundamentalist prison and join the 21st century. One can always hope.
But since we are talking about Miscavige the Ruthless here it will probably just devolve into even more harsh authoritarianism.
Good one Bruce. I firmly believe that DM knows the truth about everything and knows LRH is not coming back and that there are NO new OT levels and therefore he can do what he likes. He knows it is all a scam. He apparently does no auditing himself or training for that matter and considers himself source. Having been around SO members at AOLA in the last 4 years, he IS it, not LRH. In fact, young SO members I talked to consider the time period I was in the SO (73-82) as the “cowboy years” as though it was all lackadaisical even though it was being run by LRH, and we were all off-policy……..made me sick……that was when I knew for sure that things were crazy. Now it is more about the money than anything else.
That’s a fascinating “inside the cult” perspective, Lois. DM and his fellow Hitler Youth acolytes definitely upped $cn’s game when it comes to hard-core religious zealotry.
I’d love to hear more about exactly what the youngest generation of Sea Orgy $cilons have to say about Dear Leader; the way they see the cherch’s primary mission; the thought police/ snitch culture and the like.
When Lois and I were faking allegiance to the cult, in an attempt to keep our son and get Lois’ family in South Africa back in comm with her, we did some amends at the San Diego Org a couple of years back. Their stupid CF project. The people we did the project with knew that Lois had been a messenger on the Apollo but they never asked her any questions about LRH. But I mentioned that she recruited DM into the CMO and they were flabbergasted, I guess that she was so honored to have met him and also to have recruited him into the CMO. WOW!
I almost fell off my chair.
He is their little Hitler.
Mr David Miscavage:Salute my dogs.
I absolutely cannot wait till Leah & company sling it right back to Miscavige.Mike,with expert precision sliced and diced Miscavige and his absurd quote to shreds.I honestly do not see how any viewer of any stripe,will fail to see the truth of this series.The truth pulses through each and every word uttered by the remarkable group who are willing to take on cos right to their Black Heart.And Mike,I will always love you & what you have achieved.?
DVR locked and loaded.
Yea, bottom line is a point young people should be given time and patience to understand.
The downside to allowing freedoms to “shun” as religious practice, and the freedom to enact institutionally “freedom to shun extremistly” has to be prominently labeled as such.
Scientology, official current Scientology, and at times past Scientology, have engaged in extreme shunning.
That fact has to be simply laid out, so people are warned.
I remember being warned of this, when I joined in 1975 (before going on to have a career in Scientology).
None of my family were in Scientology, I was a walk in, remarkably on my own decision.
So, one of my long range tactics to avoid the problems of shunning, which I couldn’t honestly fathom the ramifications when I walked in, was to NOT promote Scientology to my family. I didn’t ever disseminate.
If someone wished to get involved with Scientology, my thinking, as a walk in, was that it was an extreme group. One senses even in 1975 that Scientology was an extreme group, otherwise there would have been more praise for it.
There is not much praise by establishment people for Scientology.
And the extremist shunning religious right of Scientology is a reason that needs repeating for as long as official Scientology engrages in it.
Free speech to label Scientology’s shunning as extremist, beats out Scientology’s lying that they don’t engage in extremist shunning as their religious right.
It’s institutionalized totalitarian control.
Quit Scientology fast if you are in, just quit fast.
Scientology being past-lives pseudo-therapy and it being exorcism of dead space alien souls that infest human bodies, should be front and center of defining what the lower and upper levels of Scientology consist of.
And official Scientology is extremist institutionalized wholesale shunning. The official Scientology ethics files and International Justice Chief’s list of suppressive persons is massive. The “SP List” in 1993ish when I used to request a copy of it for the Legal person at ASI for his preparations for the ASI reading events to ensure no new SPs showed up on our invitation lists, the “SP List” that International Justice Chief keeps would be transfered to ASI so the Legal person ASI saw it. I used to browse the list from time to time.
There were about 25-30 thousand names on the “SP List” in 1993ish. And that didn’t include all of them, but keeping up that SP List is a massive chore, and it is a list that International Justice Chief keeps up.
Official Scientology’s shunning practise is extremely institutionalized. Lower organizations are mandated to NOT let “SPs” into their churches. All “SPs” are funneled to only communicate with the International Justice Chief.
Even if an ex Scientologist changes their religion, and ever wished to get “back in communication” with some Scientologists, from the position of now being in a NEW different religion, there is NO Scientology institutionalized procedure to allow a former member who was declared “SP” to embark on a level “good roads/fair weather” relationship from their new religion to their former Scientology colleagues and family members who might be still official Scientologists.
That is the point of how horribly insitutionalized and stuck official Scientologists are.
They don’t have a procedure to allow for people who have been declared SP, who have since being declared now found a new religion and chosen a new religious path.
Hubbard’s rules don’t allow for that loophole of “SPs” who are now different relgiions and who have the UN Declaration of Human Rights right to change their religions without penalty or punishment.
Hubbard’s Scientology rules don’t give leeway to “SPs” in the freezone Scientology even.
So, until Scientology’s non-existent Executive Strata “think tank” members resolve this, and figure out a loophole to allow ex Scientologists and others who have changed their religious beliefs on top of being declared “SP” by Scientology, until Scientology allows normal citizen communication (good roads/fair weather) to such “SP” persons who are NOT obliged to follow any of Scientology’s religious rules, then Scienotlogy’s shunning is extreme and heavily institutionalized and morally foul.
And free speech allows these facts to be told, over and over, until Scientology’s “think tank” resolves some path to “good roads and fair weather” communication, or to politer prior policy rules like the old PTS A-J which is not as extremist as what exists today.
A paper laying this out, I ought to do and submit to the Cultic Journal that accepts good papers.
Defining the limits of Scientology’s shunning details and their choices that the “think tank” part of Scientology ought to do to longrange soften the Catch 22 extremism they are caught in, ought to be done for them.
Scientology’s brains aren’t working, so the outside world has to figure it out and lay it out for them.
“Scientology being past-lives pseudo-therapy and it being exorcism of dead space alien souls that infest human bodies, should be front and center of defining what the lower and upper levels of Scientology consist of.”
I completely agree. When I stumbled into the cult in the mid-70’s the secret advanced level stuff was still secret and there was no talk of Lord Xenu or ritual exorcism of the many thousand of disembodied, but super sticky space alien souls that supposedly plague all of mankind. I’m pretty sure that if I had been informed early on in my cult indoctrination about what waited for me on the other side of the Wall ‘o Fire I’d have turned on a dime and got the flock outta there…or at least I HOPE that I would have had the good sense to do so 😉
Every member of any religion has an absolute right to know what the central tenets of faith and belief of that religion really are, and that’s especially truen for one that requires you to shell out huge sums to travel up the bridge. Knowing in advance that you’ll be meeting up with Lord Xenu and be engaged in endless rounds of telepatically plucking dead space alien souls from your body is pretty much going to cool most folks jets, so it’s no wonder that the BIG Con has to be a slow and gradual series of small cons that sets you up for believing in some of the most farcical nonsense and bad science fiction anyone ever encountered.
The question: How could I ever have been THAT fucking gullible, may take awhile for many to unravel, but the time and effort needed to do it may very well be better spent seeing that others do not also fall prey. One of the very best ways to ensure success there is to inoculate the public en masse to what $cn is really about and what they’re still-hidden central tenets of belief actually are so that no encounters the cherch’s manipulative “find your ruin, then drain your wallet” recruitment tactics without asking, “So, tell me about this Xenu character, and what ARE BTS anyhow?
Just for conversation – The Xenu story was a type of koan presented by Elron for each person to figure out. Overpopulation on inhabited planets would be a recurring theme. Population on planet earth in 1960, 3 billion. Population on planet earth in 2016, 7.5 billion. oops
I just came across this and it seems to be an accurate LRH quote.
“One’s body is a mass of individual thetans STUCK TO ONESELF or to the body.” caps mine
This would imply that BTs are also in ones head as well as on their body. Yikes – now I need to audit every odd thought! (I don’t audit – I’ve graduated from scn – lol)
I don’t think I could thank Leah enough….
I was 35 years “in” the cult and only this website and others like it have set me free. For years I wanted so much to tell the world of my 35 year plight but had no idea of how to do it. Now. thanks to Leah and all those that have supported her in her fearless assault on this inhumane citadel of meanness, I have a voice. Thanks Leah and all those that have supported you.
Yes, I agree.
A a wonderful post Robert.So glad you got out.So thankful to all here.❤️
I was happy to see you on this web site and taken the stand you did. (It’s only been about 40 years since we’ve spoken 🙂 )
Glad to see you out Bob. You too Rob. It’s a tough transition but the result of seeing $cn and the real world as they really are is well worth it. As my business card said when I was a Flag Reg 1975-83 “Only the truth will set you free”. Means much more now. Love Jim Grant
I concur. It’s been around 40 years since I first did a personality test – it’s only though the efforts of people like Mike, Leah and similar that the results are starting to make sense.
What, that the test “showed” you were completely fucked up and depressed?
Isn’t that SOP with everyone who walks in?
Standard assessment, fucked up & depressed = money = auditing = dodgy results = new OCA = completely fucked up & depressed = money = auditing = repetitive processing & Bridge steps repeated over and over = new OCA and round and round we go until the bus comes along with your family in it to run your over. Scientology at work Clearing the planet.
Wow! Had no idea that being fucked up & depressed have so many bennies! I think I’ll try lunacy next!
Knock yourself kid but be quick before it’s copyrighted and a patent is slapped on it. Lunacy, the smart alternative to paying your own way. Get yours while stocks last, call now & reserve yours today. All revisions is script and lunacy is subject to availability.
This is also an effort by Minnie Me to position himself inside the bubble as a “philosopher” like Hubtard. He is using “positioning with” strategy so as to make himself more and more “Source” in the eyes of the sheeple.