With no fanfare or pre-announcement (scared of being arrested perhaps?), David Miscavige, the True Leader of scientology snuck into Stuttgart and yanked his ribbon. A month ago.
He made a quick in and out dash into the danger zone of the Federal Republic of Germany.
What is most remarkable is that they managed to get anyone at all to speak on a podium at a scientology event in Germany — but the “dignitaries” were less than stellar, though they did present a problem in that three of them were quite tall. Even with a forced perspective shot of his standing in front of them, size was still an issue. So, it would appear he resorted to his old standby, the applebox. Look at these two images of True Leader and the woman on the right standing at the same podium. The mic moves up and down, but the podium itself and the background elements do not change. And even in this shot she is standing back from the camera and he is leaning towards it.
But physical stature is not really the issue.
I am sure Dave longs for the days when scientology could persuade Mayors or elected officials to appear on stage for ideal org ribbon yankings. These days it seems they are lucky to find 4 (apparently this is a mandated number) people who will speak at all.
In Germany the roster was headlined by a lawyer who has been paid by scientology for 40 years (he was around when I was in Germany back in the 1980’s).
The “President of the Jewish Women’s Association of Germany” is in fact the President of the Jewish Women’s Association of Germany of Dresden. A city much closer to Berlin than Stuttgart. And a city without an org. They had to import her from half way across Germany because apparently there is nobody in the Stuttgart Jewish Women’s Association of Germany branch willing to speak.
Then an “advisor” to an Interfaith Center? Not even an official or the President of the Interfaith center?
And finally, a “drug education counselor.” Wow, they could have tapped Narconon for that.
I amsure these are nice people who are well intentioned. But what does their endorsement of Scientology front groups actually signify? Only that they are NOT “changing nations” or even cities. They’re just having virtually no impact at all. Let alone scientology itself.
But Germany wasn’t the only bummer when it came to the ribbon yankings.
After the IAS event he stopped in to Detroit.
Here they could only round up a crowd that could justify them claiming it was attended by “more than 2,000.” Scientology’s expansion factor on crowd estimates is between 6 and 10 times, so the crowd in fact was 2-300 (which IS what the photos show — this is scientology’s own photo…)
This shot from the Detroit Free Press gives you a better idea of how large this space is (not big — it is the width of a street with a large chunk in the front corner taken up by the video/sound truck and has the video screen on it you can see in the top right of this photo).
Here you can see the applebox shot from this yanking.
Here again, the roster was less than impressive. Remember, according to Tom Cruise, David Miscavige stands above all leaders on earth, and he knows because he has “met the leaders of leaders, met them all.”
So, they rounded up the President of the Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion, the “Mentor Director” of InvolvedDad, a Civil Rights Attorney who spoke about CCHR (she was given a “human rights” award by CCHR a few years ago) and finally a retired Michigan State Rep who spoke about WTH (that NON-religious moral code…).
When scientology holds events away from the West Coast or Florida, things are always VERY thin. They just cannot import enough people from their only remaining concentrations of staff and members in Southern California and Clearwater.
When Miscavige has to put himself in the real world, rather than in a tent at St hill o ron the Freewinds the pretense is exposed and that green curtain he hide some behind is exposed as tattered and see-through.
Someone did a count of all the heads in the best wide-angle image from the Detroit opening, and came up with something like 320. There are always a few people outside the frame of even Scientology’s panoramic attempts to get shots showing as many people as possible – but that could also be counter-balanced by the possibility that they photoshopped a few extra heads way in the back to compensate.
I’d say 350 is the best guess of around what they got. And there were reports of about half a dozen buses with Florida plates, presumably bringing public and staff from Flat, which if full could account for pretty much the entirety of that number – the number of local scientologists they can muster for a bit event is likely fewer than 100, given how the Detroit org seems to be struggling (the renovations likely ended up being paid for by international management).
The Detroit Free Press shot only shows what is the attendee screening area – the actual event area, was screened off so that it wasn’t possible for outsiders to get any good photos. I suspect that is in part so that there is no third-party evidence of how small the “crowd” looked with normal photography, and also so that they could get away with some “photoshopping” if they felt the need to alter the images to look better.
At the Stuttgart stealth opening, some of what I’ve seen leads me to suspect that they pulled off some of the sort of “massive photoshopping” to make a tiny gathering look more significant, that Fred Basset reported they had done at Perth. But since critics and protesters didn’t know to show up and take photos, it may not be possible to determine with certainty what they might have done.
He is a “runt” of a man.
Looking again at the group shot, it seems that his hands were also poorly shooped in.
Guess his best pose would be to put them in his pockets, where they belong.
He thinks his hands belong in other people’s pockets.
Which is where they can usually be found.
DM is confirming that things are SOOO bad that he can’t announce where he’s going to be.
Isn’t that the condition below confusion? Find out where you are…?
If Scientology is all about the mind/spirit and the “meat body” it is packaged in is of no consequence, why do they go to such pains to make COB appear physically larger than he is. He’s a small man. BFD. If he’s CLEAR, a wholly advanced spiritual being and supposedly billions of years old, capable of levitation, super healing, time and space travel and any number of other miraculous things, what the fuck does shoe size matter?
There once was a punk named Miscavige
Who loved to belittle and ravage
His pasted on smile
And Shermanesque style
Gave proof that his head was all cabbage
Since I am Jewish myself it disappoints me that anyone from a Jewish organization would speak at a Scio ribbon yanking. I assume she meant well but is ignorant about CoS’s abuses.
Stuttgart. How sad.
I’ll bet the entire Rommel family are spinning in their graves.
I did a TDY stint in Stuttgart back in 1991 when I was in the Army. Very nice region. Too bad the Dwarf went down there to yank another of his silly ribbons.
May this ‘Ideal Org’ be blessed with emptiness and irrelevance like its fellow orgs elsewhere.
I think it was the 2009 Pollstar Concert Industry Awards where the 5-3 Davy Jones was one of the celebrity presenters. He walked on stage carrying a round wooden apple basket. Playing it straight all the way, he unceremoniously placed the basket behind the podium, climbed up on it and went right into his presentation. The problem with tyrants and megalomaniacs is that they’re unable to laugh at themselves. Self-deprecating humor is something they can’t afford.
That apple box picture is a hoot. His head is huge compared to the others, especially the guy to his left. They all have to stand sideways to make him look “normal”.
David Miscavige is just like his cult – fake and phony. It is so appropriate David Miscavige stands on an apple box to give the illusion he is bigger than he is…..so fricken spot on.
Everything about the guy is an illusion: His intelligence, his height, his hair, his tan, his botox fake face, his clothes and his smile. It is all a dog and pony show. Smoke and Mirrors.
David Miscavige uses stolen money after extorting it out of cult members. Hubbard did it too.
{{{{ Scientology – the modern science of fakers, phonies, liars and manipulaters}}}}
If you take a look at the suit jackets on the OTHER men, David’s jacket looks like a boys size 14…..his jacket is so much smaller looking that the other two men.
Yes, but we all know it costs probably thousands of dollars more than any of the others suits. As it is made of silk and custom tailored.
Looked like the “rich kid” making his “Holy Communion”…..dressed to impress on the sweat & beatings of others….
Ah David Miscavige.
The butt of jokes worldwide.
Such a silly monkey.
It always infuriates me to see the shills who show up for these ribbon -shearing shindigs – even if they’re minor ones. Why the hell do they do it? Nothing as crass as direct cash handover, I’m sure, but they’re getting something out of it; photo ops and PR, no doubt. Are these useful idiots so naive that they don’t know how evil sceintology is? Or worse, they know, but are being totally cynical and self-seeking? President of the Jewish Women’s Association of Germany? C’mon, lady, wake up and smell the stench of decay!
Maybe they get a commendation in their ethics file to offset the many KRs.
I would love to be able to buy postcards of the Wizard of Oz – with a tiny Muscavige behind the curtain. . .Is there any wake up call we could all send to our family “inmates” at the same time? I’d like to chip in on a billboard for Clearwater. Would photos of outsider family members work? Agitate!
I already Photoshopped that exact image (with Miscavige standing on Apple boxes) and put it on Tony Ortega’s site since Mike’s is too restrictive. Hilarious!
In that first picture it is so obvious that Miscavige is standing on an “apple box” that it is actually comical. Can’t he see that the picture looks ridiculous. I think the red head could have just held him up like a puppet doll, which is what he looks like. Funny…
Apple Box Tech…Shrub Tech…and last but not least, Photo Shop – Miscavige won’t leave home without’em!
Mike, it occurred to me that possibly the REAL reason His Dwarfship refuses to hand out awards at Int Events isn’t because its “beneath him” but because HE is beneath THEM, literally.
Just about everyone receiving an award would be taller than he is.
Now this strapping red head looks like she could throw Him over one broad meaty shoulder without too much effort 🙂
Yes, and don’t forget that bouffant hairdo adds another 2 inches. And the lifts in his shoes, probably another inch. It all goes for the greatest good.
Or she could have sat him in her lap like Charlie McCarthy.
I blew up the photo from https://www.crainsdetroit.com/news/church-scientology-opens-doors-downtown-detroit and did a head count. 623 total. Nowhere near the “More than 2000” claimed in the photo caption. The cult LIES about everything.
thank you!
I got allll kinds of calls asking us to go. Ridiculous. We’re wayyyyyy far away.
and that’s just the way I like it!
Besides the botox his expression looks haggard, the coloring of his hair doesn’t improve his image (nor his size) at all and his make up is awful.
Oh, and I just heard that his events have joined the Club of Fake News.
A couple of days ago, one of the people who comments here posted a photo of her on Facebook at the Mona Lisa – well to put it more accurately, her in a crowd jostling around the Mona Lisa. That crowd was much more dense than this ribbon yanking. And this was on a weekday at the Mona Lisa.
The Mona Lisa, a painting from the 16th century, which can be viewed online for free gets more visitors at the Louvre in any given hour on a slow day than scientology with its purported multi millions of members gets at a grand opening.
Here are the things that do and don’t occur when you go see the Mona Lisa: No one calls (and calls and calls and calls) beforehand to ensure you are going to be there. If you are bussed in, it is because you paid for the privilege of being bussed in to jostle through the crowds for the brief glance at the Mona Lisa. No one forces you to clap or cheer or listen to an unintelligible speech while looking at the Mona Lisa. If you are in the Louvre and you decide you don’t want to see the Mona Lisa, you don’t have to have a sec check as to why you changed your mind.
I doubt that I will ever see the Mona Lisa in person in my lifetime, it isn’t on my bucket list, but if given the choice between a ribbon yanking and the Mona Lisa, I’d take Mona Lisa in a heartbeat.
often… when I walk into a Walmart or a Costco..and I look about me… I smile and think of how there are more people in this one store with me during this short shopping trip, than there are taking service in my whole state…even nearby states. (and there ARE some small orgs in a few state radius)
scientology likes to throw around the term, “comparable magnitude”
someday I’d like to mention my observation to an Innie.
Time machine to “clear earth” : Never
*(time machine, scn def, target time to comp)
Time for your memoirs Dave. I suggest MEIN KAMPF FOR MODERN TIMES.
This would chronicle your failure in gaining religious recognition for Scientology in Germany and all the harassment the government inflicted upon you and your followers.
And for a more personal account, pen a follow-up to your Dad’s book and call it TRUTHLESS.
“TRUTHLESS”…omg, perfect!
How much Botox is in him? How many face lifts has he had? He’s soon gonna have his chin in his unmoving forehead!
Anita, I think that same thing when there’s a photo of him. His head looks like plastic and oversized. And, have to add, what in the world is that person representing the Jewish Women’s Association of Germany doing there? That’s amazing and she must not have gotten the news that the cult is embracing a man who wants to see Jews eliminated? This is pathetic.
(more hypocrisy from the self acclaimed most ethical group on the planet? – just shocking, (Well, not really)
Someone should forward to this Jewish organization Farrakhan’s anti-semitic rubbishy rants in order to enlighten them about whom Miscavige has ecclesiastically embraced I’m sure these well meaning Jewish people will be interesting to learn all about the Church of Scientology’s embrace of the NOI which believes that Jews are the cause of all the ills of Earth.
They may be interested in Jeffrey Augustine’s site with videos of some speeches from Mr. Farrakhan and his views on the subject. They can make up their minds for themselves whether they want their name associated with the cult. Just a guess but I would think not.
That’s a very good idea, thank you!
I keep thinking that his pics always look like his head was inexpertly shooped into the picture. The swollen head makes him look even shorter 🙁
Yeah, it won’t be long before he’s got more skin on the back of his head than on his face 🙂
Or on the back of his ass!
Or has that happened already?
Probably not, if what I read about him is true. His ex-chefs say that he’s fanatical about his diet. Only so many carbs, just the right proportion of protein to carbs, etc, portion control strictly limiting his daily calorie intake – all very scientifically devised gourmet meals. I’ve read that he has an absolute horror of getting fat.
After the wheels fell off your bus just pretend you are now moving at infinite speed and prey to Ron the last hypnotized sheeple are too dense to notice.
A couple of years ago when the little guy still made a big hoo-ha about every idle mORG opening, he just missed getting a barrel of “liquid pig excrement” hurled at him as he walked down a Budapest street on the way to the ribbon yanking. One or two of his goons got hit, though. That must have gotten his knickers in a knot and now it’s all hush-hush, invite only. Gotta love that Hungarian style!
Hungarians just went up a big notch in my appreciation of them. I will however, suggest they get a little more training in accuracy.
@ Simi Valley,
Hooray for Hungary and Pig Shit Tech!
Wow! I am SO proud of my Hungarian heritage right now!
So Mismanage almost got the Hungarian Pig Excrement Goulash treatment? Nice. The kind of Purification Rundown we’d all like to see him get on a daily basis. Along with humiliating towel-snapping in the shower and some wedgies. Maybe throw him about ala “Midget Tossing” for good measure.
Just my thought, but DM has overplayed his hand in a lot of places and should be afraid. Being somewhat protected in his own little room is one thing, but he has probably way over estimated just how safe he is.
It might be the best justice if he is arrested in one of these other countries where he has absolutely no access to the legal team he has here. No internet, none of the privileges he would have here in the states. See just how it is to have his life completely under the control of someone else.
Indeed. I doubt he thinks much of the enemies he’s made and how much ill will is pointed in his direction and though about daily. All it takes is an enemy with a screw loose to unleash the hounds of retribution. To play the unkind, malicious and inhuman card continuously is usually met with a karmic grisly fate. You are putting yourself in the crosshairs by the abuse you heap on others.
There aren’t many large cities left that are putting up a new mOrg. DM’s rope yanking days are nearly over. What is he going to use as an excuse for the IRS next year? And the year after that? The house of cards can only stand so long.
There will always be a few clowns to stand up next to #1 and #2 for a few minutes. As long as expenses and a proper honorarium are involved you can hire all sorts of people. I hear O J Simpson is available.
I didn’t realize the shills got an honorarium. Still unconscionable but that explains much. Perhaps the moolah shoud be called a dis-honorarium.