Tracey McManus is on the ball again. Reporting on the ongoing efforts of Miscavige and Co. to fulfill their plans to make Clearwater the “first scientology city”.
Her latest story covers a recent meeting between scientology’s capo di tutti capi and three non-elected city officials. Miscavige has had a long term relationship with City Manager Bill Horne and City Attorney Pam Aiken. It seems they brought along Michael Delk so he could be introduced to the big cheese.
Miscavige first began schmoozing Bill Horne and Pam Aiken when he was here trying to keep his ass out of a sling in the Lisa McPherson case. Miscavige considers them to be his allies in the city and speaks of them in those terms — whether they are in fact or not. I recall plenty of times Miscavige barked out to his minions to “set up a meeting with Pam” or “get Bill on the phone” as if they were just another member of his organization. So, it was no surprise to me that this is who the meeting was with rather than with the Mayor and/or City Council.
The meeting was obviously conducted on his terms. There was no public record of the get together and the three city officials met on Miscavige’s turf: carefully staged in the conference room on the ground floor of the “West Coast Building” (or “WB” as it is known internally) rather than in Miscavige’s grander suite of offices in the NW turret of the “Flag Building.” I have attended many meetings in that conference room with Miscavige — it is the location of choice that is away from public view and there are no scientology activities near that office so it raises no questions “what are those people over there doing?”
According to Tracey’s reporting, not one of the three officials asked Miscavige “about the church’s plans for the acquisitions or why the deluge of purchases was made.”
Why the hell not? Apparently Horne said the sit-down “was intended to “reestablish communication” after several years of silence from Miscavige and to “cement a commitment that we continue to meet.” The meeting, requested by Miscavige, was not the setting for difficult discussions, he said.”
Apparently there is NO setting these people would consider appropriate to ask about scientology’s intentions? Miscavige asked for this meeting, yet the city officials felt it inappropriate to ask him what he plans to do with the enormous number of properties they have gobbled up since Miscavige last “cut communication” with them?
But what was really odd about Horne’s perspective on this is his statement that “the Times’ reporting on Scientology’s activities complicates the city’s ability to communicate with church officials because “they know that we are constantly asked by the media to share what we discuss, what we talk about, confidences.””
Excuse me Bill, don’t you work for the citizens of Clearwater? If it wasn’t for the reporting of the Tampa Bay Times nobody would be saying ANYTHING about the fact scientology has taken possession of your city. You seem to think that making the public aware of what you are talking about with Miscavige is in some way harmful? To who or what is it harmful? Your reputation? David Miscavige’s tender feelings? Your special relationship? What you discuss SHOULD be out in the open. There should be no “confidences”. You are playing to the wrong audience and it is time for you to wake up and smell the coffee.
And Michael Delk is like a lamb being led to the slaughter. He says they showed Miscavige the updated plans they have for revitalizing downtown and Miscavige: “seemed to take a lot of interest in that, had good comments about it, spoke positively of it. He reiterated on many occasions that their objectives were the same as ours: to have a successful downtown.” Here is some good advice for you Michael: You can believe the words coming out of his mouth or believe the reality of what you see in the real world. I would suggest you treat the former as nothing but puffery until supported by the latter. Ask the city council members what Miscavige was saying to them when he was schmoozing them with his grand plan for downtown 3 years ago that he then unilaterally took off the table because the city dared not to sell him a piece of property he wanted for a swimming pool. Don’t be fooled Michael.
As usual, Mayor George Cretekos was not involved — but after the fact said he would have “liked to get an answer on the church’s plans for its new properties but that it’s important to first “have a basis of understanding and communication.”” My translation of his comments “I’m too chicken to ask too, so I am glad I wasn’t there.”
City Council member Bob Cundiff took an even more abused-wife stance: “I would not ask a question to someone that would make them angry and not give me the information I’m looking for,” Cundiff said. “There’s no sense in doing that. I’m not saying that’s Miscavige. That’s general communication.”
Why is it seen as so “offensive” to ask Miscavige what his plans are? Or why he has been buying up all these properties? It’s going to make him mad? Why isn’t it the other way around? Why isn’t Miscavige worried about making the city mad?
This is like a bunch of children in the schoolyard who are afraid to say the bully is taking everyone’s lunch money because they think it might “upset” him. This is the sad state of affairs that is reality in Clearwater.
Once again, THIS is exactly why Mark Bunker MUST be elected to the Clearwater City Council.
Scientology is toying with these officials like a cat playing with mice.
Go to to support his campaign. It is important for the future of Clearwater. Someone needs to start saying what needs to be said and not continue to act like a bunch of battered wives.
Today’s article needs to be published in all local Clearwater newspapers, with “” front and center. This will help get the local citizens get the data they need to resist assimilation by the Sea Borg.
I agree! The citizens of Clearwater deserve to know why their city isn’t doing very well, downtown especially. I’m kind of afraid to go downtown while we are on vacation in Clearwater. Scientology is scary to me. The people who are in Scientology are either bullies or being abused. Their celebrities should be investigating the abuses. If they don’t, people should stop supporting them. I can’t watch any more of Tom Cruise’s movies or interviews. I’m going to look up any others. Everyone should do it. I’m scared for Shelly Miscaviage and the other executives held prisoner. Their tax exempt status should be revoked immediately.
Does Clearwater realize they don’t pay taxes?
Yes, Joanne Kidwell, Clearwater realizes that Scientology doesn’t pay taxes, however, there are many people who live in Clearwater who are blissfully unaware of Scientology and how it affects our city. I would not be afraid of visiting the downtown during your vacation if I were you. You’re not going to have any problems. Have a nice time in Clearwater!
JoAnne Kidwell, just don’t do anything that looks suspicious or draw attention to yourself in any way. Just act normal. Otherwise, they might want to “ look you up,” using your license plate number. But, they’re not going to bother you or kidnap you or anything.
Thank you for the link. MB is the first politician i’ve ever donated to, and so far Wise Beard Man shows no signs of popularity going to his head. Whether power will remains to be seen, but i doubt it!
We’re in the process of moving back to the area, but we feel there’s no choice but to avoid Clearwater.
I love Clearwater and have some beautiful memories of it, but with Scientology owning half the city and all these city officials being safepointed or kissing Miscavige’s ring voluntarily, how could you invest in a property or a business there?
Well, they’ve got enough money to buy lots of property and the government of a small city in Florida that had a depressed downtown area when they got there 45 years ago… Big freaking deal! This ain’t Utah in the mid 19th Century. Bottom line in the overall scheme of things? … Nothing …
I have lurked for years on a lot of these boards, don’t post a lot. But this one got me. My first thought about speaking out would be: how will they fair game me? These elected officials are indeed human as well, with friends, family and perhaps, a lot to lose. With all the recounted fair game stories online that detail the abuses perpetuated, it’s sort of understandable to me. The threats of lawsuits, the hate websites, private investigators, planned besmirching, etc that we know the Church puts on, it is in fact intimidating as hell to imagine inviting that upon yourself. No? I mean, we know they will go to lengths to destroy people, so I get why they would be reticent to publicly denounce the Church and unleash the hell, as it were. It would frighten me as well.
Having said that, they are/were elected as city representatives. Which means they ought to be operating under the best interests of the city, which they clearly are not. Perhaps they have been compensated, but I more than likely suspect it’s the fair game.
For those who feel that City council hasn’t been paying attention to Scientology, it seems to me they looked into it after all and guess what? They found out what’ll happen to them if they squawk now.
I understand the reticence to bring the full weight of the church’s destruction engines on yourself, but if you’re an elected official, your job is to do what’s in the best interest of the citizens of Clearwater, not some munchkin wannabe mob boss. If you don’t have the guts to do that, you shouldn’t be in office.
As for the professionals like the City Manager et al., if they are jobbing to Scientology they aren’t doing their job. If they are so firmly under the teacup dictator’s thumb that they are afraid to even ask him questions they are useless to the citizens of Clearwater and should be removed.
Oh, I totally agree. I think they looked into it all, saw what potentially could be brought upon them, and have decided to ‘save their skin’, as it were. Which, as an elected official, is unacceptable. Their mandate is to serve the city first, I agree. If they are not prepared to confront the organization and ask the hard questions, they ought to step down.
A concise hard hitting editorial. This should be the article the citizens of Clearwater are reading. Sadly, it’s clear exactly WHO is in charge of downtown Clearwater at present and it’s not ANY current elected official.
Queen B gave us:
“A concise hard hitting editorial. This should be the article the citizens of Clearwater are reading. Sadly, it’s clear exactly WHO is in charge of downtown Clearwater at present and it’s not ANY current elected official.”
Ms McManus has been doing just that, but it’s not as effective as it could be — yet. I shudder to contemplate what she’s been going through just because she’s sounding the alarm. Sadly, print media has lost its power for the most part. It seems the Tampa Bay Times is hanging in there, but I doubt it’s as strong as the area papers were 40-45 years ago. Tracie’s job is likely hanging by a thread, darn it.
One must have the urge to take a shower after any interaction with Miscavige. The sliminess just oozes off that silly man.
“One must have the urge to take a shower after any interaction with Miscavige. The sliminess just oozes off that silly man.”
True that, WAYC, but if you’re going to mix it up in the political arena, you have to get used to that and worse. Frankly, I’m wondering if Mark Bunker CAN effect a course change if he wins his election. scientology’s already got a number of bones to pick with him, and one restraining order on him which they’ll use at any possible chance, and they aren’t likely to back off, no matter how influential “wise beard man” becomes in the city’s politics. Their efforts to “DA” him will only increase.
Wow, talk about hens dealing with the wolf. They are outsmarted, outmanned, outclassed and outdated. Time for them to go. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were receiving some sort of kickback somewhere.
Throw the bums out.
These guys need to grow a pair. What is WRONG with them? Every day I ask difficult questions of people. That is part of life, part of communication – and one of the challenges of working as a team member is that people can get offended. You need to deal with it. So you have to talk about stuff, not pretend it doesn’t exist.
Odd that you’d post this today when I just finished reading this article and thought hmmm sounds like Miscavige.
Whoops This Article
Bob Cundiff’s statement–sold as “That’s general communication.”–is not only cowed; it is also no less illogical than your typical drug-fueled Hubbard “lecture.”
Sez Bob: “I would not ask a question to someone that would make them angry and not give me the information I’m looking for.” What Cundiff is saying is:
Door A: I ask; they get angry. Ergo, I get NO ANSWER
Door B: I don’t ask. Ergo, I get NO ANSWER
If NO ANSWER is a foregone conclusion either way, at least Bob should man up and ASK. Let Miscavige show his real face to CW residents and be the bully that he and the cherch truly are, instead of letting him have it both ways: not answer and pretend that he’s playing nice.
At least Bill Horne is showing CW residents his true face: The problem is not the cherch. The problem is the rest of CW and those wogs’ right to know what goes on in their city. Now THIS is the kind of conviction that should allow him to find plenty of common ground with the punching pontiff.
Follow the $$$ and gifts…..these officials may not be stupid…..just weak and greedy.
If they do any research on the organization, the smart ones realize they’d better have powerful defences and lots of ready cash if they take Dwarfenführer on directly or indirectly. For what they get for the “privilege” of being Davey’s whipping boys, there’s no upside for trying his patience. AND he’d pursue them *forever* making the rest of their lives living Hells, so they’d be sacrificing all for nothing but a world of hurt.
If you get a chance, watch videos of “Dining with an SP”. It’s hosted by Mark Bunker and Aaron Smith-Levin. It gives a great perspective on the condition of downtown Clearwater and the businesses currently operating there. Also you see that it’s a actually a small section of Clearwater as a whole. Public can eat there, walk around without being bothered by Scientologists, pet friendly, etc etc And it’s beautiful area. If Scientology doesn’t want the public there, too bad for them. Supporting the current non- Scientology’s businesses can only help
Just sitting here thinking to myself, why???? I think (Now we are all in trouble) that he is doing this because he’s pissed, and he can. He didn’t like getting screwed by the City of CW before, now he just wants to “Be” CW. He can’t invade it or conquer it. He can’t blow it up. He can’t leave for another country like Flubtard. A friend that is in real estate development once said that you absolutely cannot become passionate about a property, you should just use your head. This is not impassionate of DM. He is pissed. He is like a government, he’s spending someone else’s money. He’s having others spend their money. There isn’t a master plan here.
Most politicians are easily spooked, especially those on the low end of the food chain. And griping about it tends to be a waste of time. Unless you’re willing to spend time and resources on specific issues with specific govt officials head to head, you’re not much more than a voice in the desert crying out. Mark Bunker understands this.
I think that just about everyone in govt favors complex bureaucratic systems because it’s a good way to keep citizens quiet and off their backs. Cynical but true.
Delk said, “He reiterated on many occasions that their objectives were the same as ours: to have a successful downtown.”
The problem is $cientology’s idea of a ‘successful downtown’ is totally at odds with what the people of Clearwater Delk, Horne, and Aiken work for want. If they want to have secret meetings with Defendant David Miscavige, they should quit their city jobs and join his staff. At least then people would know for sure who they’re working for.
After reading the city officials’ responses, my first thoughts were of an excited Mexican border patrol “reestablishing communications” with a drug cartel, thinking they have the cartel right where they want them.
But the battered wife analogy works too.
I think Bill Horne needs to ask miscavige for his balls back.
I love you for that last line.
“I think Bill Horne needs to ask miscavige for his balls back.”
^^^^^, Mary.
Why am I thinking of Mr Horne originally being one of the “good guys”? I don’t remember why I got that impression, just that I have it from quite a while ago.