Everyone who reads this is probably familiar with the scientology tactic of buying domain names anonymously and using them as “Dead Agent” sites on those who are critical of scientology or David Miscavige.
There are plenty of these sites that already exist — many in the category of “WhoIs[Fill in name].org.com.info.net.biz” etc
The idea is to create sites with shit on people they don’t like at addresses where they might trick unsuspecting web surfers into thinking they had stumbled across real information about the person (until they take one look at the over-the-top hate speech that most of these sites contain). Conversely, they have spent a lot of money gathering domain names of all sorts of permutations that include “David/Dave Miscavige” and his various titles. They don’t want anyone else doing what they do….
It is a reflection of the fear that drives David Miscavige and his organization just how many of these site there are. It a pretty accurate indicator of the terror that is pervading the bubble — this is shaping up to be Black Friday followed by a week of total shit-storm. And worst of all from David Miscavige’s perspective — it is really hard to make it stick that someone else is responsible for what his own father says. This is family. He usually has someone else to blame within the organization. You can be sure he will use the two remaining family members who have not seen him for what he really is as his attack dogs (his sisters) as he is too cowardly to do the attacking himself. They will make all sorts of absurd claims on his behalf — a very strange state of affairs given that this all blew up BECAUSE he could not see his daughters. But in this scientology world, nothing is too weird to be trotted out in “defense of COB.”
But back to the substance of this posting. Someone has gathered together a pretty complete list of the domain names that have been registered to attack scientology/David Miscavige:”enemies” and to protect the “good name” of Dear Leader. This is the site (compiled by Rick Mycroft) — it looks like this….
Below you will see I made a list of JUST the domain names and color-coded them to hopefully make the most relevant information easy to see.
But first, this is a list of the number of domains that mentions each of these terms:
miscavige = 1035
davidmiscavige = 233
ronald = 232
ronmiscavige = 163
rathbun = 56
shellymiscavige = 44
remini = 44
ronnie = 31
shelly = 28
rinder = 28
miscavigesr = 21
headley = 21
hawkins = 20
This gives you a pretty good idea of the level of panic inside Miscavige’s bunker. Ron Miscavige is an incoming missile destined to smash through the walls of bs erected to protect Dave. So it’s “all-hands” working to shore up the sandcastle. You will note that the panic of activity concerning Ron happened in late 2015 — when it was discovered he was writing a book. Until then, he had not been on the radar screen. But now he has surpassed Marty Rathbun, Leah Remini, Marc Headley, Jeff Hawkins and me COMBINED in the number of domains taken in his name.
These domain registrations are NOT free. Even if they are only $12.99 a year — times 1800 that is about $25,000/year. Of parishioner “donations.” For this shit?
These, along with the legal threat letters, “Dead Agent” packs, coerced “sworn statements” and ad hominem attacks that are the bread and butter of scientology “public relations” handlings don’t strike one as very religious. They certainly violate many of the points of The Way to Happiness that scientology holds up like a holy shield to “prove” what a magnanimous, humanitarian organization they are. And hands out to everyone else to tell them how THEY should act. (See posting Ruthless How Will David Miscavige Respond? for more detail on their tactics).
Here is the full list, with a key — click on the images to enlarge.
There are a few pretty amusing domains buried in here that are highlighted with asterisks.
COB forgot to buy up all the other domain names he goes by: ShortArse, Slappy, Punching Pontiff, Apple Box Davey – too many to name. Boy that’s going to be expensive.
Just a question for Mike or any ex CoS peeps, Louis Theroux mentioned recently in an article that in his opinion, we are seeing the circling the drain of the Church, and that we may know the broadstrokes of how it will happen…so what I am wondering is, How much more can Miscavige withstand? Can he really STILL have everyone bluffed around him? Surely this book would be the final nail? Even those around him at the top must have secret misgivings about him?
Steve, the people around Miscavige ALREADY know what is in the book as they lived it. Why would its publishing matter to them? If they were going to stand up to him they would have already. This book doesn’t change anything for those that work for him.
Thanks Mike, I suppose I am thinking that DM rules by fear, and if those around him see that what they dare not mention is now in the Public (WOG) domain, then they may be more likely to break ranks themselves? I’m not an Ex-Scientologist so this may be naive, I’ll admit.
Yes, I see your angle. But “what they dare not mention” has been in the public domain since before DM took over when it was El Con’s dirty laundry being aired. DM’s has been constantly aired for well over a decade now. That plays no part in their thought processes.
These are the most riddiculous domain names imaginable. Yscohb x 4? Variations on “Miscavige is Gay”? This is what tax exempt dollars are spent on? What’s next, buying every vanity license plate in the U.S. so no one can drive a car with a YSCOHB license plate? Trademark registration for YSCOHB (the trademark examiners will love that–especially if there is a narrative attached discussing the logo’s “distinctiveness” and meaning, as well as its “look and feel”). In an effort to point every google search to websites owned and operated on behalf of Miscavige, Miscavige has launched what may be the comic event of the year….or decade.
I have a serious question. I hear how Scientology and Scientologists where making the world a better place. Helping there fellow man, and all that bullshit. But exactly how where they helping man. Auditing? Giving money to some unaccountable organization. Exactly how where you helping mankind?
You should probably ask scientology to try and answer this question. You are unlikely to get anything but cricket sounds here…
Thank you Mike
…and tumble weeds…
the story this book tells
-well, it is HOT.
Way hot. Too hot to keep a lid on it, even inside the mother of all bubbles.
From dear old dad.
And the celebrities involved, besides…
That will gather attention –
A cult following, if you will, HA! that’s good.
Those scn-gists – are the best at keeping things in the dark,
at least for the minions and worker-bees…
But, news will trickle down.
Sooner or later, every single scientologist will be forced to ask himself,
What am I letting this monkey shove me around?
They will start to blow, in real numbers I do predict; soon it will snowball.
Where’s Joe? And Betty and Sue and, and… and…
Dad is always right.
That old saying is right- “Father knows best.”
Bad rule to break, anyway.
Now, talking to Dave bears as much fruit as conversations with a doorknob.
Sad but true. Happily, the sad part is only for him, and talking about him is another thing.
Fruitful indeed, and my prediction is that soon I will have little left to predict:
The End, brought about by the leader himself.
Oh, God…we Anons sent the Dickless Midget and his clown troopers a message back in 2008 that’s even more pertinent today than it was eight years ago: WE RUN THIS:
We told you this from the start, Dave: Anon runs the internet. Anon is the Final Boss of the Internet, not you. Any action you take involving the internet against any critic is, by definition, Epic Fail. You have no clue whatsoever about electronic warfare (and it was a war then and a war now, Davy Wavy Gravy).
Anon countered every move you made then and we’re doing it more easily now, because Anon dealt you a fatal blow: we destroyed your credibility with Old Media. Anon’s Operations make front page news today. Compare how much press Anon got for one video about Anon going to war with ISIS compared to how much press your Vulture Ministers or your Idle Morgue Openings get. We made CNN, the BBC, the old Big Three of American Media, Fox, everybody. You have to pay PRWeb for stories. WE RUN THIS.
In terms of the Internet, you’re stuck in the 1990s, a time when Yahoo could put out a book as a directory of websites (I remember reading this book at the Chicago Tower Records branch, speaking of the 1990s). That’s ten Internet generations ago. If this was human time, you’d be stuck in the 1760s, before the American and French Revolutions, scratching your heads constantly from the fleas infesting your powdered wigs and trying to recruit Ben Franklin for your cult.
Yeah, you purchased all these domain names. Big fuckin’ whoop. The key is follow-through. But there’s a secret little reason why you won’t follow through, and this is also Anon’s fault. You see, when Anon shut their websites down during the assault phase of Chanology (the DDOSes, black faxes, pizzas, and hookers phase that Bunker and Magoo guilted us into shutting down), the cult moved all of its websites to a new host, Prolexic, which specializes in hardening websites to mitigate attacks. Prolexic charges beaucoup for every website hosted under its protection. The more websites, the more the cult pays. More websites are not worth the cult’s money or effort. Here’s something you may not realize your donations pay for: extravagant web hosting costs. Maybe if your cult didn’t have the ability to attract enemies by behaving like absolute assholes, you wouldn’t have to pay about fifty times the cost for hosting that, say, a Mormon website pays.
Yes, it’s now eight years later, Scilons. And we still run this. Give it up. Your leader is about to get an ass raping that Bubba would blanch at, and from his own father to boot. And we Anons are going to be laughing our asses off as it happens. “Schadenfreude! Fuck you, lady, that’s what stairs are for!”
Where is the bow and ribbon? You have fabric over the building signage for DM Studios, but no bow and ribbon yet.
Are you SURE that you are taking the necessary precautions to avoid being arrested on stage at the opening of DM Studios on Saturday, following the airing of 20/20 by ABC on Friday night? You are making things TOO easy. Your buddy Hubbard stated that criminals actually want to get caught.
No Anonymous No!
We in OSA run the intertubes. Our crack team of OSA internet operatives are equipped with 486 Windows 95 machines. They work 24/7 to ruthlessly police SP websites and shatter suppression. Why just today OSA got a J&D comment about Scn removed from the online edition of the Daily Bugle newspaper in Plainville, Kansas. We also had 3 Scientologists unfriend 6 SP’s on FB! That is EPIC WIN!!!
Can you say “Cause Over Cyberspace?”
BTW, all the links on my site are set NOFOLLOW so that they don’t add to the search engine ranking of any of those sites. (I wouldn’t mind bumping the news and blogs that I link to, but it’s all or nothing for that software.)
You do such great work, Mr Mycroft; thank you.
A useful site for finding registered domains:
Co$ devotes so much time, money and effort into resisting what it doesn’t want which is bad enough, but compounded with this it Wrong Targets.
Whatever one gives a lot of attention to becomes stronger and more powerful so its imperative that one’s attention be correctly focused or one does oneself in.
Its like a bullfighter with a red cape who keeps shaking the cape at the bull, swirling it around the animal. The bull becomes totally fixated on the cape and goes psychotic trying to annihilate the cape when in fact it is not the cape but the bullfighter who is going to kill him. Wrong target on the part of the bull does the bull in. At any time, there’s that relatively puny man right there he could destroy but he focuses on the cape instead. (By the way, along with other animal sport-cruelty I HATE bullfighting and if it were up to me I would have it outlawed.)
Point being, when one wrong targets continually one exhausts oneself and goes psychotic and actually does oneself in with very little help.
David Miscavige is the bull who is fixated on the identities of those who tell the truth about him. Like the bull he wants to destroy these people. But these people, these various people, are the CAPES. In his case, the “bullfighter” in any given instance is the truth that is being told. THIS is what has to get handled.
And I’ll add that because he will not, cannot, acknowledge or possibly even SEE his “bullfighter” (his overt acts, his lies) he, like any bull in the ring, will do himself in.
(Actually, this is not wholly accurate or fair to bulls because enough of them HAVE figured out that “its not the red cape, baby” and ignored it, and gone straight for the bullfighter, so from what I hear, bulls are now substantially drugged to prevent them from figuring this out in the ring.)
Now, whether David Miscavige the potential to equal the analytical ability of an undrugged bull is another story.
“Now, whether David Miscavige the potential to equal the analytical ability of an undrugged bull is another story.”
That’ll be the day!
Lets have the “Running of the Scientologists”
through downtown Clearwater.
Chased by registrars? Isn’t that situation normal?
Good one.
Running of the Scientologists? Without guards to keep them in?
Not bloody likely.
someone forgot to register http://cobscohb.com/
Here are 4994 sites with the word “miscavige” in them, available as a ,COM along. Some are worthwhile registering. 🙂 Just quickly scanning them these come to mind:
And that is just perusing the first bunch. Let’s make a concerted effort to drive that registered number up. It’s only .99 the first year, and if you don’t renew, oh well. 🙂 You can register it here:
Let the games begin!
Sorry, the list is here, forgot the link:
As L. Ron Hubbard would say “The game where everybody wins”. “)
Quick! Someone register miscavigeyscohb.com!
Someone likely has a stat of how many fake websites can be created and registered and maintained with content with “entheta.” They have all day and night to do this. It is clear that they are working hard at this. It must be a miserable job.
And what do you think happens if someone makes a dofusdave site? Yes , straigt to the hole because you missed “that obvious site name”
Google David Miscavige:
0.paid ad.
3.Ruthless: Scientology, My Son David Miscavige, and Me …
These registrations are laughably inept. The intended purpose is reputation protection but the actual result is more like an admission of guilt. And it’s a tactic 20 years out of date.
In the mid-late 90s (prior to Network solutions losing the registration monopoly over the gTLDs .com, .net & .org) DNS service providers briefly fluttered with this as a business model. The largest of these companies was Netnames International, based on Tottenham Court Road.
Maybe five hunderd metres down and on the opposite side of the road from Scientology.
Netnames and their competitors used automated systems to perform mass registrations at Network Solutions for the gTLDs and at numerous registrars for the ccTLDs. For example, a customer like Coca Cola would engage Netnames and with a couple of clicks, buy every derivation of “cocacola” around the world. Like this:
cocacola.com {.net .org}
..and so on. In every gTLD and every ccTDL throughout the world, from Afghanistan to Yemen, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars.
and several hundred more hundreds of thousands of dollars to register derivations of c0cacola.com
..and cococ0la.com
..and c0cac0la.com
ad infinitum.
This lasted for a couple of years. By 1999 the global brands got wise, realising this was a massively costly exercise which served no actual purpose. Their actual site (eg.g. cocacola.com) would always rise to the top of search rankings and they could sue the bejesus out of anyone who impinged their copyrights and trademarks through registration of a similar domain name in DNS.
I wonder what legal mechanisms are available in the U.S. to force Domains by Proxy to divulge the actual registrant of these domains. It’s blindingly obvious these were registered by Scientology but the Domains by Proxy service obfuscates this fact.
IANAL but my guess is Mr Miscavige senior would have a good shot at obtaining a court order, if any websites hosted at domains bearing his name (or derivations of it) are defamatory.
The problem with Scientology’s is that it has gotten away with abusing its members and they can’t stop abusing them. It makes a ton of money. David Miscavige gets to live a lavish lifestyle with the dough. He has no conscious and is evil beyond belief.
Scientology is dead and too far gone. Too any bad reviews and serious crimes.
Scientology hurts everyone that comes into its path.
People won’t put up with it in this day and age of being able to easily put a review on the internet.
People don’t like to be lied to, betrayed and bamboozled. Scientology can play all the tricks it wants to but nothing will make up the damage like hurting people and destroying their lives, their families and smashing their dreams.
A few ignorant narcissistic celebrities like Tom Cruise, John Travolta and Krusite Alley won’t bring Scientology back to life again.
It is over.
Stick a Fork in it!
Scientology is DONE!
OMG. Just for fun I googled, david miscavige YSCOHB.
At the top of the page was a paid Co$ ad.
The next item was this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqrop_5O-OA
That really will be your legacy and place in history dave. Get used to it.
OSA: Here are some more for you to register: DavidMiscavigeisaSquirrel, DavidMiscavigeisanSP, DavidMiscavigedestroyingScientology, DavidMIscavigeSuppressivePerson, DavidMiscavigeisaPeaBrainedMentalMidget, davidmisgavigejerk, davidmiscavigeidiot, davidmiscvigeaffairwithlou, and all the various variations of these.
Miscavige would be more successful filling a hole in the sand with water.
Michael, he would force the hole to fill itself….
Actually, he would make his slave labor, RPF’ers, fill that hole in the sand with water for weeks and then put them in The Hole if they didn’t fill it.
You’d think some high powered OTs would band together and use some of that horsepower to stop the book publishing. Heck, cause over life, matter, energy, space and time.. come on boys and girls click those heels together and make it so!
Empty promises, empty technology, empty bank accounts. Nothing to show for it all except the amazing ability to find your car keys or scoop up a parking spot.
That’s is hilarious.
Yeah, you bunch of OT weenies! Show us your power! C’mon, don’t be shy. Show your power! What’s that? Scientology is full of shit? Now that’s OT power!
OSD,stop teasing the OTs. Their quite busy these days, what with having to keep North Korea in line, causing Trump’s hair to stay immolation free and making the sun rise every morning. Frankly, their booked…
Holy shit!!!
Shit’s not the only thing that Holy. So is:
* Toledo
* Crap
* Mackerel
* Fuck
* Moly
Lots of Holy things around us.
There you go, getting all ecclesiastical on us. This is SERIOUS shit!
I love “rottenrat.com”. Compared to all the sites referencing his missing wife, his father, other thorny declared SP’s, and the tiny tyrant beating people it’s just so random that I can’t help thinking some overworked cog in his soul crushing regime was having a tiny tick of revenge. “Yes, Sir, we must purchase rottenrat.com. Cover all the bases. You never know what those dirty SP’s will come up with.”
Good job.
Actually, rottenrat.com is in use. It’s a smear site pretending to be Marty Rathbun’s blog.
Thanks, didn’t know that. I immediately thought it was a reference to COB. I wouldn’t voluntarily go to any of those sites and I’m not tech savy enough to know if they’re in use without visiting.
The church is too far behind the learning curve to ever become effective in the online marketing and PR game. You may as well ask the Amish to build a Radio Shack TRS-80 computer. Scn’s techno-histrionics are little more than cyber flotsam in a vast virtual ocean in which they are flailing and floundering.
Right on the money, again, Murray!
Hmmm…5 domains associated with gay?
Is there something we don’t know here?
Methinks a domain or two have been missed:
miscavigeporn.com is available, just saying.
Will probably be unavailable in… 3… 2….1….!
What kind of guy is Miscavige? Excuse me, I mean David.
Best way to know, I would say, is to look at how he spends his time, to what end, and how he treats people.
What kind of church does he lead?
Best guess would be to take a hard look at the answers you got to question one.
I empathize with you, not wanting to actually walk through the door and ask at the front desk.
What makes me think…
Way back when, when I was in there… I remember being in…
incubating my very first, embryonic, ideas that questioned what the hell was I doing in there.
These ideas would be, of course, very, very private. And quickly squashed.
To question the church would alienate you with whomever you were speaking.
To bring it up in auditing would slide you down the bridge, first, meaning all the money you spent so far would have to be spent again, and…
to bring it up as a Staff member basically means a ticket the Project Rehabilitation Force, for a project as nasty as it sounds.
but, what makes me think…
I remember (around 1974) being in the Thursday Staff meeting with literally everyone else of the org, and the Executive Director (I do remember his name, Alan Larson) mentions the fact that L. Ron Hubbard’s son was an Enemy of the Church of Scientology.
That stuck.
And for the first time, an independent idea of questioning Hubbard and/or his church…survived.
Manifested and continued past the moment of incubation and stayed there, to be in manifestation again into the next moment, as well…
“How could this possibly be?” I was thinking, that the son of the man who saved mankind, what?
And I thought again.
He lost his son?
And, yes, I would think of my Dad, and how I really loved him, and how I had not seen him since becoming a Scientologist, you know, the standard fare. I mean, nowadays we all know this.
But the guys inside today, are by and large not the guys who came up with these sorts of independent thoughts on their own. Very unfortunately, the sinister goal of Scientology is still working for them.
But, this new news, about the leader’s very own Dad?
Word is coming in… at long last.
Didn’t see you and Erin hanging out in your back yard at Coachella. Have you been busy digging a deeper bunker for the upcoming Birthday Boy activities? (Have you told Erin to divorce that schlub that she is married to?)
Hi TFB! In answer to your question about our gig, we PACKED the place! Our first set was 90 minutes long. Normally our sets are 40 minutes, but, we were on such a roll, we just played on. I sang Mustang Sally for what seemed like an eternity (pun intended) because everyone was up and dancing to it. We played at Don the Beachcomber. We only have to play for 3 hours at Dons’. Most of the other clubs require us to play 4 hours. And that’s not getting any easier for me….
I was with u in spirit OSD
And I still am.
Thanks blue moon!
Sounds like you are warming up for the Beach Party when Dave finally takes on the valence of a beached whale.
You got that right!
I will not miss that party, not if can help it
Hm. i just checked over on whois and GoDaddy and yscohb.com is an available domain. For $12, it’s yours. For $17.99 you can get .net, .org, and .info as well.
I bet someone at OSA just snatched it up to make sure no one else reading this blog could. Way to spend parishoners’ $ chukicita!
It is a waste of money to buy those domain names. When someone searches for info, they usually use a search engine (Google) and type in a search term, such as “Miscavige” or “Miscavige book”, the fewer words the better, just to do a quick search. Then they click on likely looking top results for those searches.
None of the domain names the Church of Scientology bought will show up, as they are not real websites that anyone has added content to. I guess they bought those domain names as a ‘preventative measure’ so no one else could buy them? But who wanted them anyway? And if someone does want something similar, there are so many variations on those names, they could just choose some similar words. Buying all those domain names is just silly and a waste of funds.
Love it. This activity of accumulating all these domains does NOTHING to stem the tide of bad news on the Internet. It’s about as useful as opening “ideal orgs” as a recruitment tool.
Hey Dave, Hey OSA….did you hear that? Listen. I’m pretty sure I hear the fat lady singing.
Yep, she sang her heart out. She hates the cult too.
OSD you realize that the psychs and other SP’s out there are behind this entheta book. This is actually more proof of Scientology’s 47 X expansion. This shows how nervous the psychs really are.
How many times have I told you, Doug, don’t start drinking at 6am. C’mon now. I mean, you’re (cough, cough) right about the psychs and other SPs, but, that drinking is going to catch up with you…
On a serious note, I am looking forward to reading this book. I may even start it with my 6AM drink.
Glad I’m not having to sing…my singing voice now sounds more like Elmer Fudd.
“Kill the Wabbit!”
The guy is insane…
Wait…what? You weren’t expecting even a shred of sanity….were you?
OMG! That’s all I can say, except thank you Mike.
Full Definition of ecclesiastical
1: of or relating to a church especially as an established institution
2: suitable for use in a church
Religious practices may include rituals, sermons, commemoration or veneration (of God, gods, or goddesses), sacrifices, festivals, feasts, trances, initiations, funerary services, matrimonial services, meditation, prayer, music, art, dance, public service, or other aspects of human culture.
None of the actual activities of the Church of Scientology as described in this current expose of Scientology by Mike Rinder describe religious activity.
“Dead Agent” campaigns are not suitable activity in a “church”. Nor are “Fair Game” or forced “Disconnection” ( indoctrination aimed at the destruction of the very bonds that hold together families for the purpose of retaining membership financial support and suppression of free speech)
At least L Ron Hubbard had a sense of that and made most of his shenangians covert or issued “policies and letters to governments stating that “disconnection” was cancelled, and made it a part of a PR move in the “Reform Code of 1968.”
The Church of Scientology today (under the leadership David Miscavige) is behaving in exactly the same manner that was described by Justice Latey, High Court of London, 1984…
“Scientology is both immoral and socially obnoxious…It is corrupt, sinister, and dangerous. It is corrupt because it is based on lies and deceit and has its real objective money and power for Mr. Hubbard (David Miscavige) It is sinister because it indulges in infamous practices both to its adherents who do not toe the line unquestionably and to those who criticize it or oppose it. It is dangerous because it is out to capture people and to indoctrinate and brainwash them so they become the unquestioning captives and tools of the cult, withdrawn from ordinary thought, living, and relationships with others. ”
General opinion of Scientology today would probably be fairly neutral had the organization reformed after Hubbards death and allowed a free market system to prevail, stripped away the para-military Sea Org model and gone the softer route of the secular self help movement instead of pretending to do so.
If Miscavige has accomplished anything he has made sure the word “Scientology” = radioactive waste.
“Radioactivity naturally decays over time, so radioactive waste has to be isolated and confined in appropriate disposal facilities for a sufficient period until it no longer poses a threat.”
Excellent analysis. It’s almost as if Miscavige wants to destroy Scientology.
Hmmmmmm. Your post got me thinking, BK. You may be right. He’s probably sick of all the entheta that’s been dumped on him for so many decades, that, he really does want out. So destroying the cult allows him to wander away with 10s of millions of dollars. Maybe he’ll go to Bulgravia…
He already has, it’s the corporate image he’s working hard on now. With all that money it’s developed into a game of “us vs them” or in the mind of Miscavige “me vs everyone & everything” – that’s all he’s got.
The only reason Miscavige gets up in the morning is to maintain the status quo and or the destruction of something or someone, otherwise he has no existence beyond wasting air.
Don’t forget there are heaps of influential people out there very happy with his performance. Just the concept of what Scientology could possibly do if it was true gives them the hibby gibbies. Better to see all things like that kept under a strictly ineffectual condition under the apparent guise of constitutional compliance.
Some people simply “get off” fucking people’s lives up. It’s all they’re good at and the bonus of being paid big bucks for doing it too!
Scientology is fucked whichever way you look at it, it’s in an untenable position anyway and has entered into electronic warfare – a game it cannot possibly win no matter how much $ it throws at it.
Excellent observations, particularly the 3rd from last paragraph about reform, imagine they could actually be helping a few people improve their education or their ability to face other people. But no they continue with their arrogant self righteous BS right up to the present day. The idea of ever apologizing to anyone just doesn’t enter their tiny minds.
Apologizing is strictly against “church” policy.
“Make enough threat or clamor to cause the enemy to quail. Always find or manufacture enough threat against them to cause them to sue for peace. Don’t ever defend. Always attack.” (HCO Policy Letter of 15 August 1960
“Never treat a war like a skirmish. Treat all skirmishes like wars.” (HCO Policy Letter of 16 February 1969)
“NEVER agree to an investigation of Scientology. ONLY agree to an investigation of the attackers. Start Investigating them promptly for FELONIES or worse using our own professionals. Start feeding lurid, blood, sex, crime actual evidence on the attacker to the press.” (HCO Policy Letter of 25 February 1966).
Dear Doug that’s an insult to radioactive waste. Lets call it like it is, just plan old Daveshit.
And its still old Ron-shit as well. Lets face it, he passed on every opportunity to mend fences, come back with amended HCOPL’s etc and apologize for all the insanity and make new policy to cancel the BS before he went bouncing around the Bluebird a few last times with needle marks from Vistaril injections in his ass before expiring. Spending his time writing science fiction instead of cleaning up his messes before he got too old still sits in my craw back-assward. Even if he was a genius he was still a fucking asshole in the end. (no mental images required) Miscavige inherited a cats breakfast for which there was no return. A midget punk from Philly no less. What a cluster fuck.
Oh, my god! He forgot DixielandRonMiscavige and all permutations thereof.
Someone at OSA is going to be soooooooo busy today. Shall we place bets on how many hundreds of new domain names are registered for David Miscavige today?
I didn’t go thru all of the names but did anyone notice DMsadick.com or davidmiscavigeasshole.com? There are so many adjectives they could register relating to his name.
This reminds me of the little boy who put his finger in the leaking dike.
But that was a fairy tale..
The David Miscavige domains are either openly registered to RTC or privacy protected to hide the owner. All the things he wants to promote are RTC, and all the things he fears/hates are protected. (Fat lot of good it does when they register them all in batches.)
It would have been nice to be a fly on the wall during the meetings where they divided the naughty and nice lists.
“So, davidmiscavigegay.biz, RTC or private?”
*Frozen Tone 40 Stare of Death*
“Uh, private it is.”
Rick — thank you for your work in compiling this list. I did not realize it was yours. Now added to the post.
As I mentioned the other day… apart from generating hate, what does Scientology do exactly?
Excuse me, ma’am, but they happen to be the PR wizards of the Universe.
Perhaps PR stands for Pretty Ridiculous in their case.
NOTHING, I Yawn! That’s it. Hate. In all it’s ugly forms. The kind of hate that will fry their minds, if the cult hasn’t done that to them already. They live on hatred. It’s their bread and butter. However, what you send out always come back to the sender. So…basically they’re all fucked.
Mike, thank you for compiling all of the names and variations. It does indeed show the desperation in the church. I noticed that many of the domain names expire in 2017. Would it be a good move to have someone on the outside buy up the domains when they become available and put the truth on them? That is what the church did with the Cult Awareness Network site. To stop them, they bought up their domain when it became available and then put their own propaganda on it so that when people came to get the dirt on Scn they got “the truth.” What if we turned it around and gave DM a taste of his own medicine? Would that be a worthwhile project to do?
Doubt it is worth buying any of these things. As a number of people have pointed out, nobody searches by domain name, they search by content. And anyway, they have a sophisticated paper filing system that keeps track of when these expire I am sure. They will pay to renew them as it would be a horrendous crime on Dear Leader to allow any of them to lapse.
I wouldn’t count on the domains expiring. By design, CoS registers almost all domains for only a year at a time, and then renews them each year, again and again.
Occasionally something happens to distract those renewals, like when there was an all-hands to remove all mention of Marty Rathbun from all the sites, and a whole bunch of domains dropped into the bit-bucket.
Someday the person in charge of renewals is going to blow and they’ll forget to hat a replacement. Then the sites will go out all over the net.
Let’s see – Love Understanding Empathy Compassion Tolerance Truth Honor – nope none of those. I think hate and any concept aligned with hate would suffice as an explanation of what the church of scientology or david miscavige generates.
They also could write a hand-book: How to purchase, renovate and run billions of dollars worth real estate with no start-up funding employing thousands of well trained satisfied workers for 1$ an hour. Bonus – generic contracts which will completely protect you from any legal risk. Extra bonus – How to never have to pay taxes or health care for your workers.
Cece more like 1dollar for a eighteen hour day.
It’s there to make Demento Miscarriage feel wanted and bolster his massively inflated and fragile ego. Oh yes, almost forgot to mention the money. Even Scrooge would frightened of him.
This is the foul smell of desperation.
Ordinarily, the foul smell of desperation signals immanent danger, something to avoid, a sort of defense mechanism for the innocent wandering through the wilderness of civilization…
This case, however, is unique.
That smell is like roses,
for a bad church being placed in a coffin.
And the world is becoming a better,
more enlightened,
place. I love the Earth, mankind, and especially the kind part.
And I love the foul smell of desperation in the morning. It ALWAYS smells like victory.
I wonder how long it took them to figure out how to register domain names with a telex machine.
@Emily Comment of the day. Now I’m going back to read my telex manual because I want to get yscohb registered before anyone else does. ;-0
Yes Emily, yours is the comment of the day! lol.
A church near my house, don’t even know what denomination it is other than “Protestant” is very lovely and has a lovely view out its windows of the entire valley below it. I commented on this to my neighbor and she said she went there as a non member and that they welcomed her and told her to come in and gave her a tour and said some any time, etc. Contrast this to Flag, the mecca of Scn, where there are security guards on bikes and on foot everywhere and no one comes in to a service without security doing facial recognition and checking on them. And at the Fort Harrison, guards don’t let anyone in the FH unless they are verified as a member in good standing. Where is the mercy, the goodness, the giving of succor to the masses that other churches do? I asked an MAA why the church had security on bikes, so that I could handle my mother on this. The MAA basically said it is because the church is a victim and we have to protect ourselves from crazies that would try to harm us. Ha! It was only decades later I found the truth — that they are mostly there to keep their own staff from blowing. Security on staff members tightened up more and more each year to the point that they don’t want staff going into the stores and one staff member, I think it was Mike Henderson, was written up because he went into a store. And they can’t have PO Boxes at the One Stop Shoppe anymore. This is to keep the staff from reaching out to public to get a plea for help out, or to ask for help in escaping or to keep comm lines with loved ones on the outside going. DM cuts all the new recruits’ com lines and that is the start of the cult taking over each new recruit — separate and isolate them.
I still see people in Publix near the church alone. Do you think these people have a special status? Just wondering.
It might just be some certain stores they can’t go in.
As in, “She blinded with…”
As in, “She blinded me with…” I gotta stop drinking in the morning.
Good heavens, Miss Akimoto, you’re beautiful!
good to know somebody’s finally noticing the surfer’s up side.
There’s hope for us all.
In all of this — my heart cannot help but feel the pain of a father losing his son.
Ron Sr., from my experience, never wanted to go down THIS path — until he was clearly up against the proverbial wall. And then — the Marine took over — going back INTO the war, rescuing the wounded and those fallen bringing them back to safe territory.
Leaving no man/woman behind.
Young David – forgot who his father is/was and took his earlier unwillingness to “write THE book” as a sign of weakness or capitulation or ?
It has been said by many that the pain of losing a child (at any age) or having a child turn it’s back ON a parent is an unsurpassable pain …
Ron Sr’s unselfish actions will ripple outward endlessly and the effects will be immeasurable (as we can’t possibly know WHO will be watching, talking, reading, sharing, saved etc.)
Way to happiness precept…..Honor and Help Your Parents.
davidmiscavigeisamoron.com and davidmiscavigeisanasshole.com are still available!
Attempted-killed-David-Miscavige is mine… I think ‘if he dies, he dies’ as an order to those tailing Ron and ORDERING them to not help him can, by a reasonable man, be seen as murder through inaction, and possibly even something worse based on the fact that his implied orders to the PI’s was to let him die. Haven’t figured out what to do with the page yet.
I didn’t think it was theirs. They would have bought the complete set — now maybe they’ll buy the rest?
Isn’t this stuff hilarious? Two things:
1. There are a whole bunch more David Miscavige domains under Scientology sites which are officially registered to RTC or CSI.
2. If you click on the Created column header, it will sort the list by when the domains were created. There have been obvious Panic Attacks of Ron Miscavige domains created as news of book deals and impending publication comes closer.
Sorry for the huge size of the pages. One of these days I’ll figure out a better way of structuring the information.
defense of the COB
oh please, to stoop that low
would throw my back out
and that hurts big time.
good Lord get the midget
a dog.
A dog? Then he’d have the RSPCA on his ass too.
As a pet idea for Miscavige – a Gila Monster sounds about right or how about a stonefish, rattle snake maybe, black widow spider?
But something nice and poisonous with attitude he could pet would be ideal.
Gila Monsters are not fatal and take cute pictures.
An Asian snake that kills within a few seconds
might work unless bitten by David Miscavige first
which would be instantly fatal for the snake.
Nobody tell the OSA about the 533 brand-new domain name extensions like .estate, .financial, .guru, .lawyer or .rehab. I’m sure we’d all hate to see Miscavige waste all that money trying to protect davidmiscavige.sexy.
OMG Hahahahahahahahahahaha Daveyyy is the real king of the bubble…great post
Maybe the list should be headed:What your donations buy
Ok, I’ll take a shot. What your donations buy: Private jets. A $3,000 a week meal allowance. Christmas and birthday gifts from people who work for pennies an hour. A wardrobe fit for a King (in his case for a dwarf). Skimming hundreds of thousands of dollars off the top that are tax free. Being able to incarcerate your own employees for years at a time. Paying PIs to harass your perceived enemies. No expense spared to show the world what a World Class Asshole you are.
Someone should kick the apple box he stands on out from under his feet. I’m done….
Don’t forget making enemies on a daily basis because you are incapable of just. leaving. someone. alone.
Had they backed off and left me alone as I asked any time during the first couple of dozen calls they made to me in their attempt to recover me, I would have never come to any of these blogs.
HowEVER after a few hundred calls, I was bound and determined to do whatever it took to make sure they never called again. Unfortunately, they make it so that the only way they won’t call you is if you speak up against them (and even then they still might be stupid enough to call you because their CF is so backlogged).
LOL! All for naught. A domain name does not Google ranking purchase…
IKR? Most of those domains are simply on parking pages, which search engines will completely ignore.
It’s all about content! I could create a site called OboeTuning.com, but if I filled it with well-structured rich content about David Miscavige, it would rank high in the results, especially if it was linked to by other high-ranked sites.
Whom ever is doing this has extremely poor ideas about how search engines and the internet work. The domain name does not ‘have’ to be the sites subject or purpose. Schmucks….
Attack sites that attack Atack misfire, again.
DM seems to be acting out his Daddy issues. And that therapy is not going well.
Scientology has created the bad rep for themselves. The louder they scream about all these impossibly outrageous things that are supposedly being done by “others”, the more people look into their affairs and discover the truth.
Some of the websites are pure paranoia.
It would suck to spend your life as David Miscavige, constantly looking over your shoulder, believing that you are always under attack from the countless people you have harmed.
Its not paranoia when everyone really is out to get you
I think it is, actually, since that reality was created by his own mind.
You mean he’s not?
You’re spot on, Valerie. I can’t hate the guy. That would be going at least as far as he has managed, thus pointless. Can you even *imagine* living a day with his thoughts? His fears? His manias? No thanks. No number of pairs of Lobbs could tempt me.
You strike me as a most compassionate man, sir Peter.
I hate him too.
You’ve got it Peter. I was married to a wealthy man in the late ’70s and early ’80s. When the doorbell would ring, he would hide in the bathroom and say “get rid of them”. Besides the fact that it was a hellish marriage all around, the relief of not having to look over my shoulder (due to the number of people he had pissed off) after the divorce was the best thing of all.
I commented once to a young girl that we had spent $40,000 on basically nothing the week before we got divorced and she asked me “why did you leave him?” I looked at her and said “trust me, money can’t buy you happiness.”
I would be willing to bet that David Miscavige is one of the most miserable men on the planet.
“I would be willing to bet that David Miscavige is one of the most miserable men on the planet.”
“…………This is one of the hallmark traits of the sociopath. It means that they can do practically anything, and then act as if nothing as happened. What are you making a fuss about?
Sociopaths have no fear. They do not care what others think of them (unless it involves being exposed, which would affect their ability to con further). A sociopath can do and say the MOST outrageous things, and then act like nothing ever happened when it is convenient for them. They are all different and they all do different things but examples would be:
Compulsive pathological lying (outrageous ridiculous lies)
Deception and manipulation (conning)
Cheating and infidelity
Living like a parasite
Faking ‘love’
It never occurs to the sociopath that the person that they are deceiving or cheating, has their own rights, and their own mind, and their own ability to make decisions for themselves. To the sociopath, what they need and want is most important of all.
The sociopath thinks only of himself, and if he seems to be ‘helpful’ this is usually because he has his own agenda to achieve. If he wants something, he will make sure that he obtains what he wants by using whatever means he needs to.
If you had something that the sociopath wanted, he could just take it for himself. He wouldn’t think about how this would make you feel, or your loss. All he would be thinking of, is achieving his own needs.
For most people, when we do an act which hurts somebody else, we feel guilt, we have regret, remorse and shame. The sociopath does not experience these feelings. He will only experience regret, if his actions have affected his own life, and therefore damaged his life.
In this circumstance, the sociopath will apologise and say ‘sorry’ but he is not sorry for pain that he has caused you, and your life, it is simply sorry for his own loss of supply. “
Now they need to head over to WordPress.com to register all of these again. You know, things like…
Get cracking OSA!
I DON’T BELIEVE THIS! Hahahah ahah ah ah ha
This is both fucking hilarious and plain nuts. A “church!”
OMG, the last four on the list. I bet Mike Rinder laughed for 5 minutes.
Only one of those was actually registered (expired now). I added them to my monitor list just to see if anyone picked them up.
Wow…impressive report Mike, thank you.
Now, I wonder why Miscavige is so upset at his father as, after all ,Ron M is only applying the sacred scriptures of delivering an effective blow to the enemy, isn’t he?
Silvia right on! a doubt formula from hell. Hey DLHDM the best part you was a stain on the sheet,
My god…They have no clue about the Internet, Google, Marketing and not even PR…The behave like some Little Kids..
Their Actions are a waste of Money, nevertheless the book has already a high ranking in Amazon even it’s not published yet:
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#6,314 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
#7 in Books > Religion & Spirituality > Other Religions, Practices & Sacred Texts > Scientology
#16 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Psychology & Counseling > Psychiatry
#32 in Books > Politics & Social Sciences > Social Sciences > Criminology
Roger, aren’t they still stuck in the 50s?
The cheese has slipped off the cracker!
What?? No Davethedwarf.com/net/org or the million others that it wouldn’t be “polite” for me to write…
They are slipping, someone needs to put KR’s in on the SP who is working round the clock on buying domain names.
Domain name purchases… Finally a stat that’s up!
Bahahahaha!! Some of these are hilarious.
More hilarious is that Miscavige & OSA really do not understand the internetz at all. No one types in the info they want and DOT anything anymore. Almost everyone uses search engines and none of them look good for you Dave. The entheta is piling up and there is little you can do to stop it.
When the media saw your toothless, spineless threats against Alex Gibney resulted in absolutely nothing the fear of you began to fade away. Let me assure you this isn’t going to change, the media are becoming less afraid every day, as are your members.
Hey OSA, I know the upper folks are telling you that you can defeat the web but you really can’t, best to get out now. This is going to be a really bad week for you and it is not going to get better.
Hey dwarf boy! When your Niece & your own Father have to escape from YOU and then come out with tell all books, you know you are REALLY hated. And that’s something you need to realize. You are, indeed, hated. But you are a piece of dog shit wrapped in vomit…
…and then there’s LRH’s granddaughter who also had to escape – I hear.
That’s right! What was her name…Morann or something like that? She left her Mom as the last Hubbard standing. I hope she has the courage to pack up and leave. How come we never hear from her?
I forgot all about Roanne. She was a very cute kid. I never read anything about her later life (post 5-6 years old)
Hi Mike Wynski, I recall the day Roanne was born.We had a special muster @ Asho to receive the news.Much hip hooraying- know you know the drill.I forgot about her too.Always,Ann.
Really? Wow, I didn’t know they did that. She had a nanny while her mum was in the RPF & her dad was a declared SP and in the RPF’s RPF.
Hi Mike Wynski, Thank you for filling me in.I figured the poor child would get the shaft at some point.Very glad she escaped.xo Ann.
Marc Headley mentioned her in BFG. And here is Marty’s write-up of her leaving Int:
“Earlier this year, the grandaughter of L. Ron Hubbard, Roanne, blew from the Int base. She is the second to last of the Hubbards to leave (only Diana remains). ”
13th Paragraph down.
Thanks gtsix. Yes, I knew she “left”. God, she was ~35 years old when she finally escaped! It’s been over 10 years since I’ve spoken to a family member in person. Only Dianna remains trapped in the insanity.
Awesome find, Mike. Tells volumes with just the listings. But the walls of the dam are crumbling and daddy’s book – even the title – will drive still more people away.
LRH: “I didn’t have a second wife.” DM: “I didn’t have a dad. My mom was a single mom. Who is this guy?”
But, he did! He did have a second wife. And by that I mean he had Polly Grube and Sarah Northrop AT THE SAME TIME. What a guy a was…..
OSD Aaaaaaaand THAT’s how you get around “having a second wife” – he was never legally married to her (at least in his mind) even though he married her.
The part that always made me laugh at that is if he “never had a second wife” yet he was not married to Polly or Sarah but Mary Sue, what was Mary Sue if not his second wife if Sarah didn’t exist (which she did).
And now you have made me want to have a drink to clear my mind after this scrambled mess. You have to buy because it’s your fault because you made me think.
FOTFLMAO!!! Whew! Now that’s some funny shit, Valerie. I need to come over and have a drink with you!
If DM’s mother was a single mom, that means that by definition DM is a bastard.
1. a person born of parents not married to each other.
synonyms: illegitimate child, child born out of wedlock;
“he had fathered a bastard”
2 informal
an unpleasant or despicable person.
“he lied to me, the bastard!”
oh. my. gawd. lol.. that is totally insane scared. Is what that is. Wow.
Wow!!! This guy has a real problem. Talk about paranoia. He’s a basket case and should see a psychiatrist post haste.
Awwwww. You are so out tech! Suggesting psychiatry! Off to the Dir I and R with thee! I hereby banish thee to the RPF for all eternity!
If David Miscavige’s team working on acquiring these sites have done their jobs properly there should be at least double this and more given the vast number of permutations available. David-Miscavige-Abuser does not seem to be listed nor does The-Official-David-Miscavige-RTC (with or without the “-“) . The-Abusive-David-Miscavige and so on…
Whoops! Now that you’ve made them aware of them, check in a few hours to be sure they have spent parishioner money to snap up those sites too.
I was thinking the same about dmscohb, ysysys, davidmiscavigescohb, david-miscavigescohb and dozens more permutations.
Well….he really does….doesn’t he?
Surprised that David-Miscavige-Squirrel does not seem to be listed to be honest.
They don’t believe in ever taking the high road like a “normal” religion would. “I’m sorry my Dad feels that way, I did my best to help him.”
Anything like that would be so much better than slinging mud onto the fire.
We have to “dead agent” him.
Always amazing to me that after studying upwards of a billion previous societies, LRon never anticipated the internet and the planet getting in instant communication.
The cherch will quickly be called out on their most probable attempted super smear response to the book.
“Always amazing to me that after studying upwards of a billion previous societies, LRon never anticipated
the internet and the planet getting in instant communication.”
Ever MORE amazing that that is the fact that instant computer communications existed while El Con was alive and PERSONAL COMPUTERS too and he STILL couldn’t figure out that consumers would end up with it widespread.
or that an actual science-fiction writer nailed it all pretty well in 1946. In “Astounding Science Fiction”
good points to both you and MW. Thanks.
Given that El Con would have read that story, as he wrote for that mag, he is doubly shown to be NOT at all insightful…
Yea, why don’t they just do like the KSW policy and like the Atomic Branding Iron policy, and supremely correctly apply their crank/crackpot technology and produce some “OT” superpeople, like Hubbard admonishes them to do!
Skip the PR, and do their crank technology, and let the world benefit with the outpouring of “OT” supersouled Scientologists who come save the world.
It’s just a big money three monty, or three cups over the pea, con game.
Hubbard’s Scientology scriptures just keep the members ever chasing each other and chasing critics, and never noticing no one is getting better by doing Hubbard’s snipe hunting body thetan exorcism and no one’s turning into “OT” supersouls who can fly about doing “OT” good deeds for real.
Hubbard’s whole writings keep them chasing other dragons blocking their “case progress” as a full time dodge to keep the con going.
Chuck, funny you should say “It’s just a big money three monty, or three cups over the pea, con game.”
I came up with this at least a year ago: