The email below perfectly illustrates the “party lines” that are being pushed within the corporate church to the sheeple.
All focus is on the magnificence of Dear Leader — even the “Ideal Orgs” and “GAG II” take a backseat to recounting the glories of Miscavige.
This is no accident. It is completely orchestrated.
How ironic the first email comes from Walter Kotric.
Kotric was at the Madrid Org grand opening. He was CO CLO EU then too. And he was mercilessly invalidated and screamed at by Miscavige for being a “total fuck up” for not having been involved enough in the Madrid Org renovations. It was all the usual Miscavige lines “I am working on this so it is YOUR highest priority” and “I fly halfway across the world to be here [hanging out with Tom Cruise and Penelope going to expensive restaurants and Real Madrid games] and you sit in Copenhagen.” (Of course, he had 34 OTHER orgs to take care of, but in Miscavige’s world those orgs did not exist).
Eventually, Kotric had enough and walked out. He quit. He insisted that he was destructive, that he could not do the job and he was leaving the Sea Org (he had been sleeping about 3 hours a nite for weeks). Jenny Linson and Angie Blankenship had gotten him to agree to come in to the org and talk to them. He was as pig headed as always and nothing they said to him caused him to waiver. So, they came begging me to handle Walter (I had known him a lot longer than either of the two and he agreed that he would talk to me and nobody else). So, I went and “handled” Walter to not leave the Sea Org, mostly by playing on his commitment to LRH. I sure wish now I had not. He was absolutely right. It WAS insane. And he was being driven to the point of a mental breakdown.
But once he was back in the fold, his “one-track-mind” returned to forwarding the party line with a vengeance. There are no gray areas with Walter Kotric. So, if you want to know what is being pushed in the world of Scientology, you only have to look at his utterances. So, here we go — boldfaced is mine:
Copenhagen, 27 July 2013
Dear Scientologist,
I am writing you because we need your help.
Before I continue let’s do some short history lesson about our religion.
You saw now some time ago the Portland video, and COB RTC told you
exactly what occurred behind the scene and how we won.That was a time when it was crucial to call oneself a Scientologist and act
accordingly. With a 100% KSW attitude this was decided in our favor and was
a major milestone.If this determination at that point had not been there and we had not had
COB RTC, the future of Scientology would have been a lot different than it is now.You also heard or saw “The War is Over” event that occurred in 1993. Again,
if we had not won we would not be here anymore. Again the 100% determination
and application of KSW 1 caused our victory. Again with COB RTC at the helm
during this fight and the many Scientologists who gave it all they had got made it possible that Scientology since then has flourished and prospered more than ever. This event alone has made it possible for us to be the fastest expanding religion on Earth today! And it was a matter of Keeping Scientology Working and supporting the IAS, so that we could keep going in the face of all that suppression.However, this planet is not cleared until it is cleared and for that we need
tons of translations in a lot of different languages.The challenge from the viewpoint of translations is that everyone likes to
talk in his own language and there are many of them here in Europe. You might
have read the latest INT SCIENTOLOGY NEWS. This was fully translated
in all EU languages. You should get your own copy in the org if you weren’t
sent one, and see what’s the latest in Scientology.In short: super exciting!!!!!!
As I said above, everyone likes to read and study in his own language. That’s where you come in. That’s why we need an army of qualified translators from English to any target language, proofreaders and typesetters – in addition to all those who are already working on these lines. Thus, if you are qualified in this line of activity, then yes, I am addressing you and I am really asking you to organize some time right now to come to Copenhagen, Denmark, and lend us a hand in bringing LRH’s solutions to the people of your country.
And if you know anybody else you feel could qualify to do this, please relay this message to him and let us know his name so we can also contact him.
In Scientology, times have never been more exciting and prosperous. And your help will make a difference.
“What is important is how much service you can give the world and how much you can get done and how much better you can make things. These are important things. These are all that are important.”
– LRH, Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress, 31 December 1960,
THE GENUS OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGYIf you are interested, let the Field Activation Officer know.
Her contact data is:
Klara Agardi, Field Activation Officer
Store Kongensgade 55, 1260 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Tel. +45 33737530 • E-mail: [email protected]Love,
Walter Kotrič
Commanding Officer CLO Europe
And just for confirmation, here is a gushing “success” from the Razzline (the online KoolAid fix for those who just cannot get enough directly from the RCS):
From: Lydia [mailto:
Sent: Sunday, August 04, 2013 9:32 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: My view on the 1993 IAS event “The Turning Point”
Hi Razzies,My husband and I saw the 1993 IAS event, The Turning Point, last night. OMG, we had both seen it in 1993, but seeing it again was an AMAZING reminder of how lucky we are to have COB at the helm of Scientology. If you have not seen this event, I strongly suggest that you do. What we have survived as a religion is just incredible. And we are bigger and stronger than ever before.ML, Lydia
And finally a recent email from the king and queen of brown-nosing — reporting on graduation.
It’s old news, but they too make clear what the party lines are — and again, my boldface [and my comments in square brackets and blue type — I couldnt resist a few]:
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013
From: Mike Smith <>
Subject: Flag Graduation July 26 notes with new annoucements, stats, wins, predictionsHi everyone,
Direct from another exciting Flag Graduation, with COB uptone somewhere around exuberance!! [Isnt it great when he is exuberantly screwing us over??]
We started with a video to accompany the usual Flag song, showing the huge numbers of enthusiastic GAT II trainees, some in sped up motion shots getting onto and off buses, mustering, etc., and on course. Shots inside the courserooms had all the covers of the coursepacks blurred so the writing could not be read. LOL from audience on these.
COB started by talking about getting ready for randomity, saying that no one, even himself, could have imagined just how much randomity there would be!
The TRs courseroom in 20 languages is cacophony!
The Cornerstone GAT II co-audit project in the FH Ballroom is now equivalent of a Saint Hill size Org. [Oh, come on. 150 OT VIIs and VIIIs co-auditing objectives is a St Hill Siuze org? Maybe a St Hill size org worth of certificates and statuses….]
And he said with the upcoming IAS event they are about to torque it up another notch, giving new meaning to the phrase “Hello Clearwater”. (audience ROFLOL!)
He said that when he mentioned at the previous graduation that the IAS event tent would go in the vacant lot next to the new parking structure and across from the new delivery building, he wanted to add that it will take up that entire space, street to street. The size of that famous tent can be understood better by the fact that it is being shipped in 6 – 40ft sea containers on their way to Miami across the Atlantic. And that it will take 4 weeks to assemble it using a team being sent from England. [Anyone remember the Simpsons? Blah blah blah blah blah…..]
Hotels is another aspect of preparation. Right now 70% of the Oak Cove is being used for FSO delivery, which will of course move to the new delivery building.
A retrofit of the Oak Cove is required to reconfigure the rooms back to hotel space, so a whole team is lined up ready to do that immediately after FSO delivery vacates (and in time for the IAS event). And then there is the matter of furniture, which has all been purchased and is sitting in yet another warehouse ready to be put in.
The city buildings and auto service space next to the FH parking structure have been purchased by the Church and all have been demolished to clear the land for a new park and walkway from street-to-street (Osceola to Ft Harrison) so that Oak Cove guests can simply walk straight over to the new delivery building.
Two other hotels will be readied for public again after the GAT II evolution – the Yachtsman and also the hotel in downtown Clearwater, which will be renamed the Mariner. He may have mentioned or hinted at another hotel but I sort of lost track of all he was saying here.
He noted that the number of staff at Flag has 2.5xed in 5 years.
There are 981 students in Basics courserooms plus another 2462 on extension courses.
83 on Purif with 21 completions.
The Cornerstone co-audit in the Ballroom had 2158 WD auditing hours, 159 on course last week + 37 starts = 196 total on course, with 4 completions on objectives co-audit.
Outer Org Trainees:
23 finished student hat to wrap up that phase, all done now, 1238 completions in 18 languages (wild audience applause!)
122 finished TRs for 1034 total.
135 finished Upper Indoc TRs for 1006 total.
Metering is very much faster because of new training aid…. pause… but he said he wouldn’t tell us about that but rather would give us the success of one student on Metering, something that included:
“Are you serious? This is too good to be true! Comparison of old course to new course is like comparing a race between a snail who ate too much carbs and then spent all day watching TV with a cheetah on Red bull and a double Starbucks coffee, and guess who wins.” Lots of laughs but also disappointment after being teased with the possibility of hearing more about the “new training aid”.Metering had 240 comps for 723 total.
Inquiries from across the planet have gone from disbelief and asking “how this could be done so fast?” to “when can we get it?”. [blah blah blah blah blah — “inquiries”? Seriously? What’s next “people are thinking about this in greater volume than anytime in history’?]
483 are now on their final specialist training (sup, word clearer, auditor, C/S) and COB said we are past the 1/2 way point and into the final stretch on this OOT GAT II evolution.
All this doesn’t include the training of 125 Superpower auditors and 75 Superpower specialists and 22 training on Class VII. Superpower auditors being trained to deliver in 21 languages. He said that you don’t see them anywhere around because the Coachman building is full of OOTs, but “I have secret courserooms in buildings you don’t even know about”. [This is a joke right? Everyone knows about your “secret” course room Dave]
Totals are 4101 tech course completions, 73/day or 7/hour.
And in addition to what we see at Flag, all the existing SO Orgs are also being made ideal, and he then showed a video of the Pac base SO Orgs being brought up to Ideal. Highlights of that video:
14 million/year walk by the newly renovated Life Improvement Center on Hollywood Blvd.
LA Org is already an Ideal Org and anchors the bottom of the Bridge at Pac.
At ASHO, I believe it said the 2nd floor is for the GAT II SHSBC theory and the 3rd floor for practical (248 student capacity) and co-audits.
4th floor is HGC with 37 auditing rooms.
AOLA, solo theory will be 3x as big as the existing theory, practical will hold 100s.
All spaces look great in the video.
The Fountain Building at the end of L. Ron Hubbard Way has been purchased and is being converted to housing for public coming to solo audit. The rooms look incredible.
And there is another hotel (the Golden Crest?) being renovated for public students on the SHSBC.
The restaurant is being completely renovated into a huge indoor + outdoor cafe occupying the space between the 2 big wings of the main building.Pac will become a “fail-safe, just add water and mix” Bridge services unit. [Oh, how typical. And how telling this is of the “think” of Miscavige. If you buy, construct, paint MEST it gives you “orgs” and even more than that all you need to do is just “add water” and all will magically grow like those “sea creatures” you buy in a packet as a kid, or maybe he is thinking of soup?]
And COB ended with his famous “And I’m still in town”, (I got the wording right this time), to a huge standing ovation. [It’s ALL about the COB]
Then followed Flag Graduation, with
242 Golden Age of Knowledge completions
21 purif comps
20 objectives completions in the Coachman (in addition to the Cornerstone project comps)
12 expanded grades
10 Clears
13 Ls
28 OT levels including 10 OT 7s (more than 1/day this year) and a great OT VII completion success.The finale was 3 huge waves of OOTs filling the stage 3 times.
What a night!
It was really great to see whole track history being made and experiencing all the energy and excitement of this. [This is like a statement from someone going to a movie and walking out and saying “It was really great to see the Galactic Confederation finally get destroyed by Captain Kirk and the Enterprise — I know I feel safer walking down the street now…. “Graduation” = “Whole Track History”? It is this sort of delusion — accepted at face value by the sheeple — that causes Scientologists to be correctly labeled “weirdo cultists.”]
We’ve returned home to CA from Flag so I hope you have enjoyed the last 3 weeks of “on the scene reporting”.
Mike & Val Smith, FSMs, WISE Consultants, OT Ambassadors
PO Box 24216
San Jose CA 95154-4216
408 499 1153 cell
[email protected]
“Expect Miracles”
What all this tells me is that Miscavige is feeling the heat.
He is railing at his cowed and ill associates that they are not doing anything to “protect him.” He is telling them that HIS IMAGE is MOST important. Without Him there is no Scientology (this is dead-serious) and that He is being attacked relentlessly (because people are asking “Where is Shelly” and complaining about disconnection and squirreling and physical abuse and stealing money….) without anyone “raising a finger” to come to his defense.
So, they have pulled out all stops to try to shore up his image and remind people how much they owe Him and how wonderful He is. No doubt he even has RTC shills in the front row to lead the standing ovations at Graduation — once the front row leaps to their feet everyone in the rows behind are terrified of not ALSO standing for fear it will result in yet another sec check for “disaffection.”
It sucks to have to run campaigns and issue orders to remind people how much they should love and respect you.
It sucks to be Miscavige.
Thank you Indie 8Million for the link to the old man talking about freedom. I loved it!!! So apropos to what we’re fighting and goingg through today.
De Nada, Lady Jane. My favorite too.
Everyone knows that LRH was just the piker getting things ready for the true GREAT ONE who was to follow: David “The Spiritual Master” Miscavige. It was He who recognized that no being can truly become OT and Free without a good kick to the head and constant kicks to the backside.
In essence all these stats he is bragging about mean that a bunch of people he ordered to be there are actually there and doing what he told them to do. None of these people had a choice. They were ordered to show up and pay up and do as they were told. And they are completing courses faster because he made them shorter.
Wow. What an OT.
By the way, Dave, my dictionary says that a “Golden Age” is “the most flourishing and outstanding period, especially in the history of an art or nation”. So by definition, a REAL golden age of anything wouldn’t have to be followed up with sweeping changes to make it even Goldener. Because people who think for themselves may get the idea that the original wasn’t as Golden as advertised.
Oh, and by the way, Dave, calling your changes “The Golden Age”, whether it is version 1.0 or 2.0 is basically congratulating yourself for creating “the most flourishing and outstanding period” in Scientology’s history before anyone even had the chance to see if that is actually the case. Oops, I forgot, no questioning COB. Reality is redefined as “what COB says”. OK, all staff and most public are broke, “ideal” orgs are empty, celebs and “normal” Scientologists are leaving in droves, Scientology is generally despised and more unpopular than ever in history, but hey, look at the bright side! We are living in the Golden Age!
That’s propaganda by redefinition of words. “I created the Golden Age!” It’s like me printing a million dollar bill at home and then telling people I just made a millon dollars.
In Dave’s world, a label is more real than reality, a postulated stat is “progress”, and making a statement is “results”. Isn’t that some kind of psychosis?
“That’s propaganda by redefinition of words. “I created the Golden Age!” It’s like me printing a million dollar bill at home and then telling people I just made a million dollars.
“In Dave’s world, a label is more real than reality, a postulated stat is “progress”, and making a statement is “results”. Isn’t that some kind of psychosis?”
Spot on truth, Globetrotter!
Yes, redefinitions of words, Jane – exactly.
For those of you who may not have heard it yet, here is Ron’s full lecture on, “The Deterioration of Liberty”, where he talks about that point exactly in the first few minutes. I respectfully suggest that we all know this information in our dealings with our Scientologist friends and the press.
Hey! How did that happen? It didn’t link. Here’s the link to that lecture again, Jane.
OH. I see. That link must not be allowed . Search YOUTUBE for “What Ron Really Said” and then find, “The Deterioration of Liberty”. Straight story.
Yuk, yuk, yuk it’s a doctored CoS tape. Spurious sound effects inserted at 0:50 – 0:51 and 0:59 – 1:00. Otherwise, a great lecture, thanks for posting, Indie. BTW, the first link worked fine for me.
Hey Richard! Thanks for letting me know about the link. Sorry for the duplicates then.
I’m not sure about the doctoring on this one (couldn’t say) but this is one of my favorite in the classic series or whatever they are calling them now.
Ron is SOOO right about this. I think it’s this one where he ways cops are afraid of the people. So true. So true.
Too bad that Davey boy listens to these lectures with the purpose of finding out how to mess with people better. “Hmmmm…change the meanings of the words? what a GREAT idea…” “Black Dianetics? I think I’ll keep that alll to myself, thank you.”
…and you’re welcome. 🙂
Richard Kaminski, What do you mean it’s a doctored tape? What was taken out?
I’m of two minds about Davey. If “something happened” to him tomorrow and he was no longer COB, I do admit it would be TONS of fun just to see how it wouldall be handled (though probably the ones closest to him would do everything they could to keep things the same and GET THE MONEY .. the struggle to get their hands on the money would probably resemble the movie “It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World”). Also a lot of fun if he had a bad ending and we could all speculate over and over on facebook and every other venue, why he “pulled it in.”
BUT …. usually I realize that …. y’know all those folks who keep professing their love for him and keep giving him moolah? They DESERVE him and they deserve him for a loooooooooooooong time more! I want to see how long he can keep stealing their money and breaking up their families and still get so much love … now THAT’S entertainment!!!!!
It seems the time may be drawing near where He will pull off the biggest con of His career: getting all the sheep in all parts of the world all saying “Bah bah bah” in unison, with enthusiasm, with the big tent in Clearwater packed and praising Him with an unending standing ovation that lasts all night during which He will disappear permanently, never to be seen again, with all the church money.
Dear Regular Dog – so funny. I’ve been feeling the same thing. Delays, delays, delays. It takes time to get monay out of international banks and to liquidate assets, get refinancing on buildings paid for in cash.
If you guys on the inside are reading this, make some preparations to block him from taking all the Church’s assets. Don’t sit there and wonder whether or not it’s true.
He has been ripping our organization off for 30 years. All of his family are out. The only thing that’s left for him is his friendship with TC. If that goes a little bit sour, why would he want to stay with all of us PTSs and SPs when he can load up the yacht, get in international waters and spend the rest of his life out there and in the islands, killing himself with women and scotch (or worse)?
Try to save a little so we can maybe do some actual good with it. You might be the only one who can do something about it so please, do something about it.
Suggested new Protest sign for events:
“David Miscavige. We know who you are and we know what you are doing.”
Focus on the real who, an actual target, not “Scientologists” or Scientology.
Or, another point in fact:
“COB – You are declared. Please step down.”
Good one Indie8Million. “Davie, we know who you are and we know what you did.” and “We know who you are and we know what you’re doing.” That would Miss his Withholds but good and hasten his fall from grace. And since he refuses to show up for session and especially for Sec Checking, he will stew in his own broth and boil to death.
You’re so right about boiling in his own brew.
No curses needed for this character. He has cursed himself, drawn his own water and started his own soup wherein which his own goose will be cooked.
See? He is total cause!
Robin said:
“Ergo it is no longer your own damn business whether you pay your taxes or not but now it is the Orgs as well. That is if you want to get up the Grade Chart over there.”
Who would have thought 30 years ago that we will end up reporting our tax scene in an Org routing form. Unbelievable!!!!
Fascinating background on Walter. Thanks, Mike.
I briefly met him and his wife Zara. I hope they both blow soon like that space rocket on the old Student Hat cover.
The constant reference to that asshole Miscavige as COB is just silly and stupid. “COB did this.” “COB did that.” “Thank God Almighty that COB is still in town.” Good grief.
I prefer HWMNBN. Much more appropriate.
Funnily enough, in business correspondence COB also means Close of Business.
That’s funny, Dollar.
Haha! Marta! Life under the little Big Top with all the clowns. Perfect.
LOL, Marta, you’re funny!
I keep wondering how much the new snazzy top PR Group the church hired is involved in “improving” DM’s personal image. On the Ortega site he is anticipating Shelly M will be dragged out for display at the CC INT Anniversary Event. I can see that happening. Would this also be something the PR firm would be advising? I mean where do you start as a PR firm to improve the stench of this garbage and make people think “roses” when they smell the rotting corpse of Scn?
There is no disguise for the stench. And the lies promulgated by Dave the Delusional guarantee it will continue to be a part of the future for the CO$.
Just have to move upwind and fortunately there is a fresh breeze blowing these days!
From what I remember H&K (the same PR firm who handled such accounts as the CIA’s bevy of ruthless dictators, Super Fund evading corporations, Reverend Sun Yat Moon, et al) was Miscavige’s PR firm of choice, despite the fact that the Ol’man said that all PR should be handled in house.
(I mean why did he bother to write the PR Series?)
So much for carrying out “LRH’s Intention”.
Even H&R who were capable of making a rattle snake look like a saint with their Perception Management couldn’t handle the Scientology account with dear Miscavige at the helm.
So I imagine who ever has taking over their account must be desperate and I wish ’em good luck.
Interesting Freudian slip there, Robin. H&K turned into H&R. Did you mean H, E, & R per chance? 😀
VERY interesting about their client roster. Just that alone might make the faithful sheeple take pause.
Definitely a Freudian slip there 🙂
Here’s some background of Dave’s friends over at Hill & Knowlton:
Hey Bonny – maybe He hired the same PR person who encouraged Tom Cruise to jump on Oprah’s couch and to scold Matt Lauer on his own show? That was sooooo good for Tom’s PR, wasn’t it?
Poor Walter , such a nice guy but I guess the letters he used to get from his parents celebrating Adolph Hitlers birthday finally got to him and he decided to stand behind the new Furher. Out from behind the frying pan into the fire. I think you are right Mike, setting up a large tent in the middle of hurricane season does not really seem like a good idea, just thinking of the potential of that scenario gives me goosebumps, but I guess if you are going to pull it in then hey why not pull it in really big!
I don’t remember that tone on the tone scale.
Maybe it’s on LX2.
Since the person writing this seems OOV to me.
More twisted history from the man who thinks that suicide bombers attacked Pearl Harbor.
Like it was him alone who pulled off the Portland “victory” single handedly.
Aside from the fact that if the Portland Mission had applied standard policy and given Kristofferson her money back there would have never been the need for the “Portland Crusade” is the fact that for most of it lil’ Davy was hiding out at ASI and it was actually Heber Jentzsch who was the key person behind its success.
Where is Heber these days?
Unfortunately he has become an unperson like his former wife Yvonne and Ron’s wife Mary Sue.
All who have done more for the Scientology Organization than Miscavige would is his fevered and delusional dreams.
For instance the big IRS victory was due to the IRS Whistle Blowers and CATs. If it wasn’t for them putting the pressure on the “Infernal Ravening Service” or these “Tax Cruds” as the Ol’man used to affectionately call them. There would have not been any great “victory” in my opinion.
Of course Miscavige snatching defeat from the jaws of victory accepted the odious “Secret” Closing Agreement which turned the Orgs basically into deputized Revenoo Agents.
Ergo it is no longer your own damn business whether you pay your taxes or not but now it is the Orgs as well. That is if you want to get up the Grade Chart over there.
Actually it was more of a victory for the IRS since they were able to neutralize the “Fair Tax” and the “Sales Tax” people and co-opt their biggest opponent to the current Income Tax system.
How nice.
Not only that (because you are always dealing with some insidious factor when you are dealing with a psychotic per C/S series 22 and someone who would be considered a sociopath by any psychological or psychiatric standard) but it allowed Dave to “release the Kraken” of the IAS who would in their feeding frenzy of “tax exempt” donations divert more money away from the Organizations than all the previous legal battles combined.
Billions of dollars have been funneled away from the CSI to IAS accounts partly to maintain Dave’s exuberant and exorbitant life style and possibly for other reasons that the public isn’t aware of because they no longer have to account to them any longer thanks to the so called “victory” over the IRS.
Yes history would have been different without Dave at the helm.
We may have had an organization that was accountable to its public instead of the current totalitarian fascist police micro state that exists now.
‘Nuff said.
Interesting as you say:
“Billions of dollars have been funneled away from the CSI to IAS accounts partly to maintain Dave’s exuberant and exorbitant life style and possibly for other reasons that the public isn’t aware of because they no longer have to account to them any longer thanks to the so called “victory” over the IRS.”
But also, how many dollars have been subtly funneled from each individual to fund the IAS as opposed to their own auditing/training accounts.
Just like the Debbie Cook email of Jan 1, 2012 says.
LOL, but not really.
Sing and dance all – all of this AND we are forced to bow down to the illegal IRS and pay their taxes. Forced with no way to petition the gov’t to stop its illegal activities and adopt a new tax system. Pretty clever of the IRS.
DM at the IRS negotiations: “Ok. If you give us tax exempt status, I’ll force all of those out-ethics bastards to pay their taxes to you! Look how much more money you’ll make by giving ME, I mean us, tax exempt status? It’s a no-brainer.”
Good point singanddance.
However, remember the “money” taken from individual accounts for T&P has already been spent by the Org in question.
One question I have since it is basically a paper transfer:
Is does the org now owe the IAS for the actual amount?
Making the low life reg doing it a double sleaze.
I’ll state it simply.
Somebody just asked me to borrow money so they can continue on their next step on the bridge.
But it is amazing to me, is the fact the person who asked to borrow money from me, had paid thousands of dollars prior , in the past donating money to the IAS.
And what amazes me, is the person doesn’t connect the dots,
that if they didn’t donate money to the IAS, why they could do the next level because they had it, but they donated it to the IAS prior.
You understand?
It’s like people in the church just don’t realize some things, like simply I donated money to the IAS, but now I’m fu’ked because I don’t have the money to continue up the bridge, so I must borrow, but what they realize is they had the money.
Exactly so, Sing. Countless times I saw this happen.
Does this sound familiar? “You know that if you donate to the IAS right now, no matter what you have to do, that your production will double because you’re doing the right thing.”
Anybody ever really see that happen? What I would see is the disappointed panic on the face of my friend(s) when they not only DIDN’T double their income but they would be in a horrible condition because that money should have gone into their business for promotion or on to the Bridge so that they COULD release the charge so they could expand. Torture to watch.
Good point Robin, Did you point that out to the person asking for money? It always slayed me that I’d see people up there grinning from ear to ear on how much they gave the IAS, receiving their award at the dinner, and you ask what’s his case level now? Oh, it’s still fucked up Clear with the Clear part in question. But that is how it was 8 yeas ago. Has he not moved on the Bridge in 8 years? No, but look at him up there how good he looks giving all his money to the IAS. (True story)
Sorry Sing.
My incredulity got the better of me.
I just couldn’t imagine anyone stupid enough to spend their last dime on the IAS and have to beg for money to do actual services.
But I guess as Jane says they get a lot of stroking and status for being such a moron.
The irony is that they pay big bucks to get to the level of Patronuptheiranus and have to drop an additional Benjamin to attend a special dinner to receive their coveted award.
Robin, well stated!
Iv’e said it many times, Yes “the war is over, but who won?” – wha la, No More Govt Agency Attacks – NO NEED, when Miscavige is empowered to suppress Scientology from the top of the org board – BRILLIANT!
Thanks Steve.
Yeah through out the actual IRS “victory” event I had this uneasy queazy feeling about the whole thing.
Like it wasn’t really a “victory” at all but in actual fact a subtle defeat of some kind.
After reading the “Secret” Closing Agreement years later I realized it wasn’t all that subtle.
Probably about as subtle as the “Bay of Pigs”.
That was one hell of a far-ranging post, Robin! You speak many truths.
By the way, you said: ““Exuberance”? I don’t remember that tone on the tone scale.”
I noticed that too. Unless LRH mentioned it in some obscure writing, I don’t believe he ever identified “exuberance” as a tone level.
I think that this was just an example of another untrained Scientologist expressing their own exuberance by creating another little tech additive as an offering to His Squirrelyness, self-appointed editor of LRH’s writings and Supreme Creator of GAT, a.k.a., GAS.
Very true Espiritu.
At this time most of his faithful legions are untrained morons who have done the Solo course and think that they are “Auditor Trained”.
Many years ago auditors where considered the “most valuable beings on the planet” and were looked up to and respected within the Organization.
Now they are treated like chopped liver.
Was Walter Kotric asked how many fingers there were in his Holiness hands?
Just one! The middle one.
That was funny!!
Interesting story on Walter Kotric. Knowing him from CLO EU, I don’t think his praising for Miscavige is a reflection of Walters enthusiasm for His great leadership, but rather a sign of deep propitiation (just a bit below terror on the tone scale). He is propably being made wrong daily by Miscavige for fucking up the GAT II release due to delays in translations.
Too bad that Walter never got any auditing. Then he could have erased the stuff that gets restimulated, so that when Davey pushed his buttons, he wouldn’t have anything to get keyed in, thus he would have stayed high on the tone scale (this is all explained in Science of Survival). Again, too bad he never got any auditing after he got into Scientology. Also too bad he never did the SP/PTS Course, or he would have been able to recognize suppression and then shatter it.
Thanks Mike for the story on Walter K. He was not allowed to talk to us, those who were on event crew mode from Int.
I did know him years ago when he worked as a Chef at Int. Walter told me he went to the same school as Wolfgang Puck in Austria as a teenager. He had some funny stories about working as a Chef on an Arabian Prince’s yacht for some big $$. He hated to cook, but loved to tell stories of his service in the Austrian army as a radioman. On libs, he went rock climbing. In the early 80’s he was posted as my deputy when I was R Chef, though LRH was off the lines – he never met LRH though he tells stories in the CLO about experiences with LRH. He also cooked for the Cruiser in the early 90’s. He wanted to get out of cooking so we managed to send him on a recruit tour to get a replacement. He did recruit the French guy who is cooking for DM now, though it took about 15 years to get him “Int qualified”. That was an also very humorous but long story in itself.
Walter finally got out of cooking by a direct petition to the great DM to go to Russia to open it up as a pioneer and then went on to the CLO EU after that. It is no wonder he is the #1 Sheeple to DM in EU for saving him from cooking.
Now he is back in the business again……………………cooking his own goose!
+ 1
Walter also managed to get Zara thrown into the deal.
Hi Mike
I recall studying marketing strategies, to generate interest and action in the target market by distracting attention away from the product to the peripherals. Especially useful when palming off costume jewelry as the real McCoy
“Sell the sizzle and not the steak”
I believe this is the strategy of CofS.
I absolutely love the stats for the tent .
Although I fail to follow your reasoning that DM is feeling the heat. To me, reading those emails, it appears to be “business as usual “
Johannesburg, quite right, “Sell the sizzle and not the steak” has been DM’s sole strategy. Woe betide him should decent people prosper. Deep in their hearts, church members know they are not getting what they came for.
And, as far as all the buildings, Mike, It looks like we have a new, Golden Age.
The Golden Age of MEST.
1 of 3
There was mention of “The Flag Song” being played. Just wanted to mention the irony in this. The Flag Song was sung, if not written (not sure about the writer) by none other than Joy Fairman, Michael Fairman’s ex wife.
So, when they declared her for just staying connected to Michael (the father of their daughter), did they have to get another singer for the song or are they just continuing to use the song with a declared SP singing it – without paying any royalties, etc?
Whe are The IAS, usefull information on this will be usefull
Pretty long lengths they go to to get at your wallet.
Oh that’s rich…. having the Flag Is Here song sung by Joy Fairman even now after she was declared. Does anyone have data on that? Did they get a new singer to replace Joy’s voice?
Shhhhhhhhhh! 🙂
(whissssper) “Nooooooooooooo.” 🙂
Davey we are coming for you !!!
Sounds to me like DM is trying to build up a public following just in case he gets deposed at the upcoming lawsuits.
And/or DA the debbie cook lawsuit and other videos of folks admitting he rules with a backhand or two.
“14 million/year walk by the newly renovated Life Improvement Center on Hollywood Blvd.”!!!!!! – –
“too bad none of them stop.”
Gee, I wonder how many millions of people fly over Los Angeles on commercial airlines per day, just hoping to get a glimpse of little HIM Big Head? – Wow, and what would that stat be world wide? – it just boggles the mind!
I’m soo excited, I had to type this standing up!
That is a funny comment.
LOL! I never thought of standing up. I suppose I should just turn myself in ethics. However, I already have an idea to make up the damage – hang a DMSMH poster in Hong Kong International Airport, wait a year and then claim “OVER 56 MILLION NEW PEOPLE REACHED WITH BK 1 IN ASIA!”
Howzzat sound?
Dollar Morgue, No need to wait a year! Just claim it in advance: “Over 56 Million Reached…”! – Don’t you know anything? Do I have to do everything! 🙂
I should listen to those niggling doubts about being honest… I knew the “wait a year” would get me in trouble.
The next stat will be billions of cubic feet of hot air rising above Hemet per day due to His heavy breathing and all of His hard work to save the (spelled HIS) planet. No doubt this will be a steadily increasing stat.
I will sue on grounds of climate change 😉
Sad, sad, sad. They buy the stories as usual.
I hope the cult gets the biggest blow ever from Australia soon. They hopefully take the charitable status away. The cult in the UK operates as a legal entity from Australia. So Scientology Inc. UK could become quite vulnerable without even realising it. But I also feel that it most likely will take many, many years before Miscavige is gone. BUT finally he will disappear, that is for sure.
His closest arse-lickers will continue like some Nazi groups did (I think it was mainly in Argentina). They have done too many overts to suddenly say that they were wrong. Kirstie Alley will be one of them.
BFM, I seriously doubt if miscavige would share your optimism his staying power. Instead, I believe he’s quite terrified! – which is one of Mike’s points.
Mike has always been adept at ‘going home’ when the insanity reaches a high pitched fever.
Mike Smith
Steve, I wish nothing more than you being right!
Scientology Inc. has survived even the biggest blows so far. Even Operation Snow White was no sustainable issue. They managed to celebrate Portland. And Wollersheim … forgotten.
I sit here in front of my PC, still frequently depressed having lost my wife to that cult. And it makes me cry seeing my children suffering. We were wealthy, we had a house, many flats, cars, happy children, great holidays and I could have retired at an age where people usually buy their first house. But what is left? After a legal fight … just tears … right NOW on my keyboard. There are no words that can describe the story behind these tears.
I am trying to be realistic. Nevertheless I fight till the end. I am the Golden Age of SPs II.
BFM, I am so sorry about your wife, and how your life has gone so horribly wrong due to this horrible scourge, the Co$. Looking back on the many exposures such as you mention, it is hard to imagine they have survived and not been forced to make one iota of change for the better. They just become more and more adept at their lies and dirty tricks. Yes, fight with all you can muster. And be good to yourself. Blessings to you…
I Hear You loud and clear BFM! THE ENSLAVER ALWAYS BECOMES THE ENSLAVED. – referring to Little Big Head’s plight.
BFM. I cried today too. I haven’t much because I’ve been so incredulous that all this is going on. But I watched a youtube video of that little bastard translating speeches for people who were saying how wonderful he is. It just struck a nerve with me. Nearly my whole adult life given to support what He was doing to tear down my dear friend’s hard work. LRH knows I am a friend of his and that I am doing what I can to safeguard his work.
I have, in no way, lost anywhere near what you have and I ache hearing of your loss and your grief. Tragic doesn’t even start to describe it.
But, my friend, all of that has happened UP UNTIL NOW. Hating someone and hoping it will effect the other person is like taking poison and hoping it will kill them.
Please. Now just started. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to gather up the weapons you have left and the tools to till the fields and flourish like a Rockefeller again and don’t let that little f$%@#$ win twice.
It’s not my business to say but I hope this is helpful. Turn the hurt and hatred to fuel for the machine to win again. You knew how to do it once. You still know how.
Love and respect, Indie8
I second what Indie just said. Beautiful good advice to Bare Faced Messiah. Just know that you are not alone out here BFM. We are glad you are here. Good luck to you!
BFM – I forgot to post that video:
Also, yes. Snow White, Larry W ., and Portland didn’t make a dent, but those were the 70s and the 80s.
Welcome to the new Millennia and the presence of instant global communication. There is no where for the cockroach to hide now.
If David Mayo had started his ACC now, I don’t think it would have ever shut down.
Again. Today is a new day with new tools. Round two has begun.
BFM, I hear you. I have no way of knowing exactly how you feel or the full extent of damage this destructive cult has wrought in your life. From your story, I admire you for persisting at all. Thank you for doing so. I pray every day that the Internet will be the tool that will put an end to this madness.
Ironically, perhaps LRH’s idea that “communication is the universal solvent” will resolve his creation.
Hang in there Bare Faced Messiah. I feel for you and am so sorry for your loss. What DM has done to the family unit is a heinous overt that he will never live down. I predict he will come back next LT as a cockroach from all his overts in this one. I am puzzled by one thing though, and I’m not busting your chops or making you wrong. I am simply curious and interested to know: If your wife disconnected from you over church stuff, then it would seem you have nothing left to lose, so why not come out publicly with your real name instead of the pen name? Mind you, I have no ax to grind for either the side of coming out or the side of under the radar, and whatever decision you make is fine with me and I encourage you to live your life the way you think best. I was just curious is all.
She’s flipping burgers at a hole in the wall in Des Moines (she used to be dancer in Vegas, but then she dropped to 80 lbs and had to be offloaded; also folks were getting tired of her whining “Davey, where’s my Davey, I helped him get to the top and he dropped me to run after Tom Cruise….”)
Another possibility; Shelley’s NOT missing. She’s been cleaning Tom Cruise’s houses for the past six years and nobody’s noticed her (no uniform, no clipboard, no cell phone, no cold as chrome TRs …… just some cleaning woman clothes, a rag, a mop and a sort of idiot grin that appeared the moment she was secretly offloaded and has never left her face … she also talks now in what is believed to be ancient Aramaic or some such language that only Mel Gibson can understand).
Heil, Hitler!
OOPS! I mean, Hip, hip, HOOORAY!
Poor poor Davey! Must be so rough.
I feel a lot more knowledgeable now though, after having read these emails. Gosh, now I know how many containers it takes to ship a giant tent! A truly important even on the Whole Track!
Ya know, I just had a bognition. The reason the new Tech Dictionary never came out is because they couldn’t find a high enough quality printer to reflect the true Grandeur of Himself for the Amazing Photo of DM they were going to put under the definition of “Megalomania.”
Really creepy stuff. I wonder how much it is costing to have the big tent AND the whole UK team shipped over to assemble it? Don’t they have tents in Florida? They could hire a couple from the local scout brigade – I’m sure they’d be plenty big enough.
Martin — yes it is a little odd. Sarasota, just an hour south of Clearwater is HOME of Ringling Bros, Barnum and Bailey Circus empire!
It is also interesting that the back of his “tent lot” includes a large tree. A huge deal was made about how the church preserved the tree in front of the Mecca Building (sorry Dave, I still choose to call it that in honor of your NOI partners). I presume they are simply going to chop this one up to make way for the “English Tent” (I am sure he realizes that the next 3 months is hurricane season in Florida….)
May I offer some possibilties as to why a tent is being brought from the UK to Clearwater.
The tent in question is huge, it takes about one month,using large cranes and a specialist crew, to erect it (it is steel framed).
That does not include the three or more smaller tents that accompany it. The tent is almost large enough to cover St Hill castle. The size and cost, which is a carefully guarded secret, suggests that in order to be able to afford it ‘St Hill’ had to engage in a long term contract to keep the cost as low as possible.
This does not include the fact of the field at the rear of the castle being used every year. Again to ensure that the field, which otherwise is regularly farmed, is also under a long term contract to ensure that it is harvested and empty ready for the ‘yearly engram’ each year.
Regarding the venerated American Oak tree, I remember it well and fondly, possibly the best fed Oak in the U.S.A. The tent is quite large enough to accomodate the tree inside of it.
It is possible that the toad will hold St Hill responsible for most of the payment for the tent and the field but even so the quiet feeling here is of contentment that someone else may have the pleasure of the ‘yearly engram’ this year.
Good Luck Clearwater.
Very interesting, Watcher. I wonder also if part of the strategy of the tent could be to if necessary use it as an excuse. As in, “Well the shipping company are not of course as skilled as LRH, so they hit a snag and the tent isn’t here yet.” Or “the tent-builders came down with scurvy, so it will take an extra month,” so he can put the show off until he is totally ready with the full GAG/SP scam, which seems to have a lot of moving parts.
I’m assuming it’s for internal appearances’ sake. It probably helps people to think ‘oh my gosh, they will have so many at Flag they need the tent shipped!’ along with some statements about ‘a piece of traditional England so we can all feel at home’ etc. Actually, I think the primary reason for this is to keep a lot of people on both sides of the Atlantic busy and to create a certain important franticness in the air, an impression of awesomeness and OMG! What else could warrant such an obvious extravagance?
I think DM might be losing his touch. Or else he is spinning everyone else in right on target and knows EXACTLY what he is doing.
I wonder if Saint Hill is ever going to get its tent back?
At this rate, Saint Hill is never going to go Saint Hill-sized. Oh wait, they can make it an Ideal Org–that should do the trick!
We all know what happened to the last dictator who was obsessed with tents. Muammar Qaddafi was shot by one of his own he was crawling out of a culvert where he was hiding. Maybe with money being so tight now the Dear Misleader could pick up one of MQ’s old luxury tents from the Libyan rebels who deposed him. Perhaps the one what was pitched in Donald Trump’s garden when Quaddafi was visiting NYC after the authorities refused to let him have it erected in Central Park? If he sawed a foot off the support poles that would ensure that everyone who came to greet DM would have to bow. By the way with all those thousands in the largest square footage of any canvas structure on earth won’t there be a huge line up for the outdoor loos?
Yes I owe MiscaBitch the disconection from my family, the ruin of our family business of 25 years and a lot of time and money spent on bogus “supernatural” promises and higher states of being. I am glad no longer on any Scientology lines and in spite of that they keep sending a LOT of junk mail even for my decesased relatives.
“It sucks to have to run campaigns and issue orders to remind people how much they should love and respect you.”
Well said, Mike. So pathetic.
Geez – HIS IMAGE is MOST important, and without Him there is no Scientology. Seems I remember LRH saying that orgs without LRH Image would fail and that if it was not an LRH Org, the public avoided it in droves. Seems to me that without LRH there is no Scientology. Ergo, if the David Miscavige “Himage” is what’s all important than, WITH HIM there is no Scientology.
I think Lydia is on drugs!
Lydia posts stuff like this on Razzline on a regular basis.
She may not even be a real person!
Unreal people seems to be on an uptrend for members of the CO$ these days.
Mike, unfortunately Lydia is a real person. I’ve seen her post big time Kool Aid drinking stuff on the Razz line quite frequently. But it is interesting how COB gets his sock puppets to mouth and repeat the exact party line he wants repeated. These participants are only all too willing to be used as sock puppets. Karen Pinnocchio Pouw is not the only one.
Do not invalidate. I will will explain. Do you have a reactive mind ? Lets say yes. Your reactive mind blurred that out. If you want to know how that really works contact Marty Rathbun
I always liked Walter. In 1995 we had a great conversation in the canteen of the Sandcastle. Nice guy.
One great conversation 18 years ago. And your point is ? Just reading the new bio on Joe Kennedy. In the early 40s JFK had a Danish girlfriend named Inge Arvad and she told him that she had had a couple of nice meetings with Hitler (no kidding on this). Walter is responsible as a being for everything he does. Or he has become a bunch of functioning circuits. In which case, he’s STILL responsible. Sorry, Wally (not really sorry, just being polite).