The red flag is flying on Miscavige’s eroding sandcastle.
This email is a sure “tell” that he is concerned. Concerned about his own PR and concerned about how he has not had a June 6th event and doesn’t have a date for the “GAT II” big top extravaganza which is obviously going beyond his announced target of “late July.”
The natives are getting restless so he figures a good dose of Dear Leader in all his glory will help placate the rumblings of discontent.
Miscavige considers this 1993 “War Is Over” event his greatest performance and most significant accomplishment. He has directed it be shown many times to reaffirm his position as the guy who gets things done. I have probably seen it 25 times. The event is not cluttered up with anything that distracts from Our Leader — it’s just HIM for an hour and half…. Young, assertive, dismissive of the almighty IRS and a WINNER!
Why re-show this? It’s not like anyone has forgotten the church has tax exempt status. It’s not news. It’s to remind everyone what an incredible leader Miscavige is.
Vain much?
What is sort of interesting though is how this “one-time-only international showing” (yeah, right, its been playing in the lobby of orgs repeatedly for years — go to the IAS space in the Sandcastle and it is playing continuously now for 20 YEARS) is now being repositioned. Ignore the fact that this announcement about an org event is coming from WISE….
…the biggest breakthrough on the fourth dynamic ever. Seriously? The 4th dynamic? Bigger than the end of World War II? The invention of fire? Whatever — they got a bit mixed up on the dynamics, so how about the biggest breakthrough on the Third Dynamic? Fascinating how Miscavige is slowly usurping the positioning of Hubbard. It used to be that the discovery of Dianetics was the biggest thing ever. Then it was the discovery of theta. Grades. OT levels. Data Series…. Whatever. Now it is tax exempt status = Miscavige (you can bet Marty Rathbun is no longer going to be mentioned as being integral to accomplishing this).
WHY the IAS was formed… Hmm, not really. Because if this WAS covered then everyone would realize the IAS is NO LONGER NEEDED. It is true, the IAS WAS formed to be a repository of church money outside the US that was not under the purview of the IRS. It was created SOLELY to be a reserve of safe funds against IRS seizure. But that doesnt get mentioned in this event. It is repositioned as the “war chest.” Ha. Not a penny of IAS money was spent on anything until AFTER exemption was granted and they HAD to start spending money to justify their exempt status.
This was the turning point of our religion… This is probably true, but for the wrong reasons. It signaled the end of any potential oversight of the activities of the church. It guaranteed that the IRS could never again reach into the financial activities of the church. It guaranteed protection under the First Amendment for virtually anything done in the “name of religion.” It WAS the moment in time when there was no longer any threat to Miscavige becoming the undisputed dictator of Scientology.
… with all that is happening now, you will want to see it again! I doubt it.
From: WISE International <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 6:20 PM
Subject: Message From The CEO WISE Int On: The 1993 Turning Point Event!
Dear John,
I am writing to you as a Scientologist to ensure you know about a very special upcoming event.
On Saturday July 13th, there will be a one-time-only international showing of the legendary IAS 1993 event. This was the largest event ever in Scientology’s history, where Chairman of the Board RTC announced the biggest breakthrough on the fourth dynamic ever.
This event truly tells the story of WHY the IAS was formed, where the epic story of how, against all odds, we ended a 40-year war and achieved full religious recognition in the USA, our founding country.
This was the turning point of our religion—the story all need to know.
Even if you were there 20 years ago or saw this event before, with all that is happening now, you will want to see it again!
Please contact your local organization or mission for exact details on event times and locations.
Let me know you where you will see these spectacular events and who you can bring along!
Very Sincerely,
Scott Waldroff
WISE International
WISE needs to be R-factored that anyone, anytime can watch the unedited original of this video on the Internet. Hey, OSA, can you let WISE know that the original is the one where the Dwarf publicly acknowledges former 2nd in command RTC Marc Rathbun and Top Exec Holees Norman Starkey and Heber Jentsch for their roles in this triumph for the RCS. Just the thought of the Dwarf preening himself after editing this out…OSA, your boss is a real lump of crud.
Compare LRH quotes v DM statements at the retread of the “big IRS spectacular” here:
I’ve come to view the 1993 IRS “Win” as the beginning of the end for Scn. It marks the cringe-inducing “religious” valance adopted by COS. Scn was going mainstream! So, COS had to start acting like the other big religions. Image and public perception were paramount; style over substance. Scn was now all about “social reform”, orgs became “information centres” for our “social betterment” programs. And of course, LRH had to become larger than life, a true messiah. And because they were pandering to the largest bulk of the population, the middle-class, COS began adopting a picture-perfect middle-class persona. Yuck.
I didn’t join Scn because it was a regular mom ‘n pop religion. I joined because these guys disagreed with all the milquetoast religions of the past and were pursuing real spiritual results. They were rebels and determined to free as many as they could. In 1993 all that ended. Scn began seeking approval and desired to be liked and accepted. The small print on that contract is “You can have religious recognition, as long as you are terribly ineffective and no one truly goes free.”
They bought religious recognition with their soul.
You’ve nailed it all around, Statpush.
Am I missing something here?
A documentary airs showing a clip of David Miscavige acknowledging Marty Rathbun for helping end the “IRS war” and now everyone has to watch the whole event again with Marty edited out?
Does he know that 1984 was a fictional work and not a “how to” manual?
Nice one Mike and always great comments. I received one of these this week as well.
[Am at airport twixt towns, again, so brevity is the order of the day]
I was wondering about WHY this is being done now, per your comments Mike.
I tried to walk through the mind of a dimwit to see why.
He may in fact be trying to “apply” some tech. If you rekindle a failed purpose the stops blow off and you get a resurgence of that original purpose. He looks back to see when HE thinks folks were motivated with a strong purpose. 1993 IRS. From his viewpoint, the only viewpoint, the current scene shows slows and stops and a lack of purpose. So, of course, the clear handling any idiot can see is to rekindle failed purposes and get the scene handled. Everyone revitalized. Binga-bonga.
So an order is given to ALL networks to get all their field in to see the video. After that, we will have a field working like mad to get the show on the road. Dear Leader finds THE why, once again.
In a universe in which there is no space for any other ego other than his, this will make perfect sense. And of course, if YOU cant see this, well you are an asshole. It is always up to DM to find these insightful ‘whys’ and get the show on the road. Without this, nothing would ever get done!!
He can run but DM cannot hide from the internet text from the 1993 IAS event the video is on the web too;
” But I would like to thank 3 individuals who were there on the front lines helping to fight this battle.
They are Marty Rathbun, Norman Starkey and Heber Jentzsch. But it is appropriate this evening to present some awards. This is a huge victory.”
Jonathatn, can you give us the link for the internet text fromt he 1993 IAS event where he thanks Marty, Norman and Heber?
Transcript of the whole event here:
Wouldn’t it be a hoot to attend this event and then afterwards when filling out the inevitable survey about it to originate, “Hey, how come COB didn’t thank Marty, Norman and Heber like he did back in ’93?” That would be soooo funny
OMG, YES!!!!! Aquamarine, I would pay to have someone do that!
DO it! Do it! Just take a whole stack of surveys into a corner and write like someone else.
Heber, Shelly, what COB spends his money on, web addresses for people to look stuff up etc. etc.!!
Makes me want to go to an event again. Ahhh, the pandemonium. Just like the Baby Ruth bar in the pool in Caddyshack. Everybody will be screaming and running out of the event like the rats off the Titanic.
“There are squirrels at the event!!! Eeeeeek!” hahahahahha!!!
DM acknowledging Marty’s role is at 11:45 mark of the UK Channel 4 documentary below. Would be nice to juxtapose this with DM’s new “edited reality” version. His lies should then become readily apparent to even those still in and drinking his poison.
Ooooh. Good one.
I wonder if Scott Waldroff is the same Scott Waldroff who was the OSA rep in the 3-man Calgary Mission in the early ’90s, who then showed up as an OSA WUS toady in the mid ’90s. Hmmmm.
“The natives are getting restless so he figures a good dose of Dear Leader in all his glory will help placate the rumblings of discontent.”
Hmmm. From my perspective this is sure to backfire in a PR sense.
No matter what he thinks, people can sense the falseness emanating from DM. And he can’t do anything about that (short of getting real auditing), because there IS falseness emanating from his space and he is the source of it. This makes people feel uncomfortable. To illustrate this point, show any Scientologist any video of Miscavige and then, after watching it, ask them how they would feel if they found themselves sitting in a room with that person and he said, “Pick up the cans please”. Would they expect to have an FN ? I think that people will tend to abandon anything associated with him “in droves”. Statistically, it seems to be working that way so far. While I am sure that when he looks in the mirror he feels that he is very charming, I don’t think that’s what most others feel that, deep down. The more he exposes himself, the more people will sense and notice what they are dealing with, see the contrast between his words and his actions, and quietly stop supporting him.
So, I would like to see him do several world tours to all orgs in the world.
Hopefully he will soon be waving the white flag.
I was there, watched the original in Alaska, huge news then because I couldn’t claim donations prior. Is there a video link to either clips I may have missed?
Selling more history lessons? Really? How long will people come for these history lessons, to see videos of past events? Biggest breakthrough on the 4th dynamic was penicillin. Don’t these people read? I can’t believe they are selling history lessons now as a reason to come in. That is telling. They have to get people into “the past” to keep them in the present. “The past” is something that gets cleaned up on the Clearing Course platens. Here is Dave! “The Past” “The Past” “The Past” etc……………
This reminds me of a girlfriend I had once who stated, “I’m the best girlfriend ever. Any guy is lucky to have me and should treat me like a princess.” She was a stripper with an IQ in the double digits – high double digits, but still. Not my proudest moment. Though I loathe to quote LRH, he does state that the least important people with low self confidence will assert their importance the loudest. I met DM once. I think he was offended I gave him the “while you’re down there, you might as well….” look.
Another sickening point about this particular event and what is celebrated is that Miscavige used it entirely for self-aggrandizement. There was a large team of people that worked for years on all the actions that ultimately added up to the tax exemption. There was some minor lip service paid to these people at the event by Miscavige, but it was clear that he was making the event all about HIM getting the tax exemption, which, like just about everything out of his mouth in some way, is not true.
I wonder if the line ‘Marty Rathbun & I…’ will still be in this or will there have been a ‘directors (or should the be chairman’s) cut’ rendering that line a deleted scene?
Watching this event and looking at the audience you see the start point where DM really started to throw his weight around. The event thus gives an excellent marker point. The attendance was close to ten thousand people. Now compare that with the most recent event as Just Me suggests- 600. This gives a very sharp, clear and irrefutable picture of what David Miscavige’s leadership has done to the Church of Scientology. He started with a group that could pull a 10,000 person audience in LA for in important event. Now they cannot fill the Shrine. They are getting LA events with numbers between 3000 and 4000 no matter what the event, no matter what they do This is clear, visible and irrefutable proof that David Miscavige is flushing the Scientology religion down the toilet and that his leadershit has reduced the numbers of Scientologists by more than HALF during his tenure. And I would be willing to bet good money that people really in the know are seeing numbers closer to 3000 for major and important LA events these days. So David Miscagive has at least slashed Scientology numbers by half, likely by two thirds. Anyone that can take a large active group and wipe out half or two thirds of the membership is a SUPPRESSIVE PERSON, known in the business world by the technical term “loser”, also called “ex-employee”. If anyone did this in any other religion or activity they would be long gone. It is a commentary on Scientologists and their state of mind and state of case that they can be so easily deceived. Literally hundreds of people will go watch that video and not one will wonder “wow, why are the events so much smaller now than in 1993?” That would be too great a leap of logic. I really pity these people and their tiny minds. I think LRH described the new Scientology Middle Class when he said “The middle class wants the world of a job and order and even hypocrisy and cops because they are AFRAID. They hold their narrow views because any other views may disturb their twenty-year house mortgage, the store, the job. So when someone decides to make a better world, they look on him as a direct menace even though the dull middle-class world is a sort of slavery and suicide. It is the middle class that tries the hardest to keep the down-and-outer out and down, who go along with a cop America and hate support of anything not their class.”- from HCOB More on PTSness.
Roy, Excellent post! And YES anywhere else if you cut membership by 2/3 as FM has done in short order, you would be labelled a Sociopath, or as we call it, a Suppressive. Psychopath comes to mind too. I just wish those still in could see the numbers on the 1993 video and compare it to the events now and cognite. And that is probably why no Maiden Voyage this year to mark the 25th anniversary…. Davie threw a party and no one came. or at least not nearly enough were willing to come.
The recent shooped Portland event (with 600 attendees max) was proof positive that The Dwarf can’t draw a serious crowd anymore. That must be one reason he’s retreated to Flag and is now speaking to students on graduation night. At least there he can captivate his audience … er, I mean, hold them captive.
And 3/4 or 7/8 of that audience at the Flag graduation are OOT that were ordered there for training. It isn’t like much public is there.
Haha. This is particularly telling too: “with all that is happening now, you will want to see it again!”
I wonder what the “All that is happening now” is about, hmmmmm? “With all of the third party and suppression, um and, er, exposes of what we’re really doing with the money – I mean – you know, all the noise those suppressives are making (that never really got declared and, um) – Oh! Never mind!
Just come in, watch the event and give us all your money so I can get the hell out of here! And THAT’S an order!”
Sitting through the actual event itself was enough for me.
The pomp, the circumstance, the ostentatious audaciousness ….reminded me of Leni Riefenstahl’s Triumph of the Will.
I remember feeling somewhat nauseous through out the whole event and then feeling particularly ill when Miscavige said organizations like InterPol (that den of Nazis) and the IRS (whom the Ol’man referred to as “Tax cruds”) were now our “friends”.
To be honest I had a different view on 501Ciii status than you Mike.
I knew the IAS would see it as a way of beating the the faithful with a stick for every last dime while holding out the carrot of tax exemption.
At that point I felt betrayed, that the Church of Scientology sold out somehow which was confirmed by the fact that afterward CATS was basically dismantled and any talk about a fair or alternative tax system pretty much ended because now with the IRS as our new BFF any talk about curbing their abuses was now considered “enemy line”.
Then years later when I read the “Secret Closing Agreement” I knew we’d been betrayed.
Let’s look at the lies in the above email to the faithful:
“This event truly tells the story of WHY the IAS was formed”:
Actually even though it was an IAS event Miscavige doesn’t go into much detail of why the IAS was formed or how it was part of a corporate shell game to evade paying a huge settlement to Wollershiem which the Church ended up paying anyway when you look at all the billable hours spent and the years of legal wrangling involved.
“where the epic story of how, against all odds, we ended a 40-year war and achieved full religious recognition in the USA”
Like Winston Smith, Miscavige pretty much rewrote history.
The fact is that the IRS got involved with the Church late in the game that is in the late ’60’s when they revoked the Church of Scientology of California or CSC and the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International or HASI’s tax exempt status.
They were the new kids on the block compared the the AMA, FBI, CIA, FDA, DOS, DOD and a variety of other alphabet soup like NSA, USPS, BNDD FKA FBN NKA DEA, BATF, INS,NIMH and even US Customs.
Then there were international organizations like WFMH, InterPol, MI5, MI6, DGSE,the British Home Office,
In other words the IRS were pretty much on the bottom of the list or you could say late on the chain.
Of course it’s what you’d expect from someone like Miscavige who as an auditor probably would run things late on the chain building up mass and never get to basic to erase it.
Not only that but you’d expect him to lie to the faithful in order to control them.
Also to secure his position of undisputed “leader” of the Church as COB RTC by failing to mention CST while crowing about all the other Scientology organizations that had been granted tax exempt status or the fact that one of the key reasons for regaining (let’s not perpetuate this lie any further) 501Ciii status was so that all copyrights would be transferred from Trust B to the Church of Spiritual Technology which Miscavige planned to strangle at birth by first managing to with the help of the mysteriously absent Broeker to place a totally incompetent moron and yes man by the name Norman Starky as executor of the estate, then by not allowing it to be established according to its charter and then by seizing control through RTC its ability to choose trustees.
Not to mention the fact that under the secret closing agreement the Church not only gained or more accurately regained “Religious Recognition” as if that’s such a big deal but also became an enforcement arm of the IRS through CTCC and the establishment of a “Tax Compliance Office” in OSA making “Thou shall pay your taxes” a new Scientology commandment.
Me I prefer the days back in the distant past when the fees were reasonable enough that you did not have to worry about getting a tax deduction from them or being hunted by the vultures of the IAS to pay for an overpriced yearly membership in order to do overpriced courses again that I gained no value from since I’d done them earlier, back when the tech was much more standard and you didn’t have to do a bunch of useless drills.
Oh by the way….
Happy July 4th!!!!
*Independence* Day!!!!
Just a couple of points here that shouldnt be let slide:
1. IAS had absolutely nothing to do with the Wollersheim case. It was exclusively an IRS solution.
2. The IRS is hardly the “bottom of the pile” — none of the other agencies can grant what amounts to religious recognition. By recognizing Scientology as a 501(c)3, it effectively meant there would be no question of the church being entitled to First Amendment protection. And that pretty much trumped anything and everything.
3. The CTCC was really only Miscavige. The IRS insisted he be the Chairman. They wanted his personal guarantee that what had been represented to the IRS would remain in place and they would not be made to look like idiots having granted tax exempt status. It last 5 years, long enough for all the key players in the IRS that were involved in the settlement to either retire or find employment elsewhere.
Okay Mike,
But I was told by a reliable source that one was the reasons for the transfer of CSC and HASI to CSI and IAS respectively was because of Wollershiem case.
“Not one thin dime for Wollershiem.”
Doesn’t surprise me that Miscavige was the only member CTCC which is pretty much how he runs RTC.
True IRS was the main factor in the whole Religious Recognition thang which is why the USGO made it a primary target per GO 1361 but as I wrote earlier they came late to the fray even though they had primary importance.
No CSC money went to IAS. CSC was badly tainted. It wouldnt have helped in any Wollersheim judgment had it been transferred to IAS. It would have been able to be pulled back. Only NEW, untainted money went to the IAS.
Roger that Mike,
So you’re saying this chick was blowing smoke?
Hey I can live with that.
My reason for getting the above answer was because I was asking her why the name change from HASI to IAS as I didn’t trust anything associated with the Church that didn’t have Hubbard’s name connected to it.
On the lighter side of all this.
Check out the following link 🙂
It’s odd that it’s being marketed by WISE. Are the WISE members pretty much the last public that Scientology has? Maybe they are the last ones with any money left.
Granted, IAS Administrations sent a postcard in the mail, too – it has the usual breathless fawning description of how “Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center” saved the world, but it’s not as over-the-top as that WISE email.
The postcard shows a picture of the stage – oh, COB’s fabulous stages – the set appears to be the size of a football field, with a tiny little figure in the center, HWMNBN HimSelf. I do notice that it’s pretty gaudy, but it’s interesting to see that since 20 years ago, Little Dave’s stages have actually become significantly more extreme. More gold, more phallic columns, more golden horses rearing up.
When I saw the postcard (same day as the email) my thought was, Dave is listening! Yes, he’s quite aware of the fear and loathing the public has for the IAS regges! But instead of doing anything about it, he’s putting this stupid event out in order to justify the IAS’s existence.
The date of the re-run is given, but not the location or time (“contact your local Church of Scientology”). I can’t wait for the day after, when we get some attendance reports, ha ha.
Someday I hope Marc Headley or Stefan Lewis tells the real story of that 1993 event. You know, COB almost being skewered by someone throwing one of the flag poles off stage just as he was walking on. The teleprompter fiascos. The missing and mistimed visuals because stuff was not ready in time and rehearsals were not done. It may have been the biggest event in Scn history but it was also the biggest screw up in Scn history until, of course, the New Years 2000 event which was the screw up of the millennium. Oh, gawd, there could be a blog devoted just to Int Events that would set peoples’ hair on fire and keep it in flames for years. (Just a suggestion, Mike, if you ever run out of ideas.)
Dan, what you describe happened at the New Years 2000 event – the event that made Gold/Int be in perpetual Treason until at least 2007, and probably still is. The main screw-ups of the 1993 event were sound (from Miscavige’s perspective) and the main camera having a recording flaw. Miscavige was convinced the recorders had been recording too fast producing in effect a cartoonish Mickey Mouse sound. This was a technical impossibility as the sound was recorded on video tapes and the video pictures played back at normal speed. Rick Cruzen was made the SP of the century for this. In 2005 I had to pitch change DM’s voice down to “handle” this “screw-up”. I guess he imagined himself sounding like Vincent Price. The biggest f_ck-up was that Camera 2 didn’t record properly so there was no coverage of DM right when he said “The war is over!” Hundreds of hours were spent in the computer FX department trying to restore the damaged footage. Mike Eves never recovered from that one. But the stories of the 2000 Millenium event and the millions of dollars spent on the post production video and 6 months of sleepless work could fill a book…
Thanks for debunking the notion that IAS funds were used to win the “war” against the IAS. I wish I had a nickel for every time an IAS registrar (that means you Howard Becker, Jeff Pomerantz, Michael Roberts, etc.) lied to my face and told me that my donations made a difference in that so-called victory. Actually, I just wish I had my money back that was extorted out of me. Needless to say, I think I’ll pass on re-watching this “one time only international showing” of DM telling me how great he is. I’ve got some fireworks to watch tonight to celebrate a real third and fourth dynamic victory. Besides, if the church were really expanding as fast as they claim, they wouldn’t be showing twenty year old re-runs.
Mike, Duh! I think I can answer my own question. He has GAT II and the OOTs are doing it now, but he can’t release it at an MV Event, or at any event, until GAT II can be released to all the rest of the orgs, and this can’t happen unti enough of the OOTs have comjp’ed. Is this it?
“Everyone get in here and watch something great I did 20 years ago.” It reeks of desperation.
My question is this. How long until he finally starts writing and releasing OT IX and X? I feel it’s only a matter of time. Majorly hyped events are being postponed. From what I know, as disorganized and delayed as things got in the past, this seems pretty unprecedented. The Ideal Org program still isn’t finished after over 10 years of crush fundraising. It may take him years longer to finally finish making every org “ideal,” by which point the goal posts will move again and orgs will have to be come “ideal again” just like a few have already. Super Power and the new building still aren’t done after 15 years and I would be shocked if they actually open any time soon, no matter what rumors are being spread.
No doubt Dave will eventually start writing IX and X as his numbers continue to dwindle. He will have to… OT VIII is now 25 years old. The real question is how long it will take him to do this, given his love of micromanaging and meddling. And, the other real question is how many whales will be left to buy it.
The problem is that he’s always struck me as a manager, not a philosopher.
Is there anybody there that he could micromanage into writing upper levels anymore? It has also become a lot more difficult to synthesize ideas and repackage them as your own with the way media is these days.
For that matter has he written any new material in all this time?
Mike, I’m confused! I understand that the Dwarf is throwing out this video to the sheeple because he has nothing else right now. The question is: why doesn’t he have GAT II to present? If he doesn’t have it yet, what are all the purporteldly 1000 Outer Org Trainees studying at Flag? Forgive me if this is a dumb question. Perhaps I missed something in your former articles on this topic.
DM is the KING of re-hashing and manipulating old news to make new news. He is DESPERATE!!!
DM is a master at the SMOKE & MIRRORS game. The flock he speaks to are like bobble heads they just keep nodding yes and cheering for DM’s same old tricks. Wonder how much longer this will work?
All the toothpaste has been squeezed out of the Scientology Tube
and there’s no getting it back in.
Agreed, this WISE guy (though not intelligent) is in complete confusion – pretending the biggest thing of this religion occurred at that event when in fact was LRH’s findings about theta and its handling s what revolutionized the times.
No, the Devil Making (DM) is indeed worried, and with good reason he should be, and wants his image to be seen for hours on end, his voice be heard also on hours on end and all in an attempt to save what he already lost. It reminds me of Hitler talking, hearing his voice with no more reality about his sourrindings and keeping he image as his only saving grace which, by the way, it did not work. DM is the same, has lost control over the field, the webs, has his hands full of lawsuits, family flaps, events delayed and he thinks that people seeing him for hours on his video will recognize his “magnificent presence”…but yes, he is small and is getting smaller as time goes on. He lost and he should face it…no way around…
I remember seeing this event and feeling nauseated by it and not knowing why. I am learning more and more to trust my instincts. Tax exemption is a nice to have – not the holy grail. I don’t carry the standard for the tax collection agencies, but we are all here on this earth and some things have to be collectively developed – at collective cost. “Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.” (Jesus). I appreciate the church was in financial trouble then, and the tax exemption pulled it back from the brink of extinction. I also think that religious and other charitable organisations should be tax exempt. But I also agree with Mark Fisher’s sentiments above. Its not the purpose of the church – when are they going to celebrate the accomplishment of a real goal? The gaudy celebration event was inappropriate. And now the RCS behaves worse than any tax collection agency in its demands from the public for donations. Puke! “The overt doth speak loudly in accusation!” (LRH)
I agree: Churches should now be subjected to extortion (taxation). Neither should anyone else be subjected to such extortion. I
If people really want to pay for the things that government provides, they’ll pay for them voluntarily. How do you know that governments are generally not doing what people want? People are generally not willing to pay without threat or duress. When does stealing become moral and making a deal with the thief become a sign that one is acting for “the greater good”?
Whether the CofS was a corrupt activity before tax exemption or not, it has had a vested interest in becoming more and more so after. And we’ve seen that that corruption manifest in spades.
“Alright Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up.”
IT SUCKS TO BE Miscavige! If he gets any smaller, he’ll disappear!
DM Is tone death and has been for years.
He doesn’t realize that some of these announcements he makes actually make him look completely out of touch with the people even in his own group.
When he announced Tom Cruise as “the most dedicated Scientologist I know”, I and many many others were actually offended because we all know that Sea Org members that DM works with and keeps prisoner are far more dedicated that an overhyped celebrity multi millionaire. Ever hear of the billion year contract Dave?
Same thing with the announcement “The War is Over!” Wow! Hip Hip Hooray. You got tax exempt status. Whoop de do !!
I thought the goal was Clearing the planet?
DM has and always will think that the most important thing in Scientology is to make money. Make more and more and more of it. It is more important that training auditors and getting people into session.
+1 on the resentment towards Miscavige when he told us all at the base how Cruise was a better SO member than all of us.
+1 on the resentment when we were told we couldn’t call him Tom, we had to call him Mr. Cruise.
To be crystal clear, (lol….) this was one of the points where I started realizing things were kinda nuts around there. Things Miscavige himself did and said were the first things that got me wondering WTF.
same here lol. I was walking around and saying to my closest confidence friends wtf with TC being more dedicated than us 20 years in the SO never sleep, no money terrible conditions and no complaints, and i saw the same glitter in all their eyes. we knew it is bs but I guess the rest of them didn’t have quite a strong enough survival instinct to actually get the hell out. some people had been there for so long that it’s too late for them to get out into this world they know almost nothing about so they put up with whatever just so they have a job, food and a room. maybe not but I would bet on it in a lot of cases. sad. 🙁
Excellent points.
Dear mike,David miscavige is waving the red flag becourse the walls are starting to crumbling down,what condition is he in?is in power or power change.his not applying the tech,i realy hope he is happy now the staff dont see him as Jesus Christ any more. Here in Australia ,all the people I know do not want to talk about the church any more,some are still in fear ov the church,thank you
Eric Alexandrou
Brisbane ,Australia
Todays blog and your last pleas and warning to Tommy Davis reminds me of the Titanic. It was invincible or so its creators thought (JP MORGAN and his White Star Lines).
From the time it struck the iceberg (11:40PM,14 April 2012) until it disappeared from the surface (2:20AM 15 April 2012) only 2 hours and 40 minutes elapsed. People on bored (pun intended) believed it was invincible too. Over an hour elapsed before even the first life boat was launched. (Truth Rundown) The last lifeboat known as ‘Collapsible D’ lowered away at 2:05AM leaving 1500 people on board as the Titanic sat idle. (Mike Rinder notice to Tommy Davis et al)
Davey, you are down hard at Starboard, the sea is coming in over the gunwales and your ship will sink. You have irreparable damage to your hull (incessant lying, bullying and cheating in the name of help), you are taking on water (your crimes are exposed for all to see and you cannot stop the flow) and time is short ………very, very short. Open the doors to your Idle Morgues and let your people go. You are free to go down with the ship or you can stand trial for your crimes against humanity. You pick!
Meanwhile, aboard the Titanic for these last 15 agonizing minutes let us pray for them that remain in the cult known as Scientology they will see the error of their ways and somehow help to avoid further tragedy for themselves and others. Very cold water and an icy grave awaits all who fail to act.
For all of you reading this and still ON BOARD, WAKE THE FUCK UP! Find a life raft or a life jacket. There are people willing to help if you can still reach!!!!!!!!
Nice Coop. You are more than just an architectural genius!
Wow, Coop, powerful. “For all of you reading this and still ON BOARD, WAKE THE FUCK UP! Find a life raft or a life jacket. There are people willing to help if you can still reach !!!!!!!!!”: Your analogy makes it crystal clear and gut wrenching.
Yes, but as you know … “the captain goes down with his ship”.
Sink well, Davey Boy.
To all others, get off quickly.
Davey is too cowardly to go down with the ship. He will be the rat leaving the sinking ship, running off to his off shore islands where he has stashed the money and paid off the officials there. He will live there and have women fawning all over him because of his money. So when does his Karma kick in? I think we should give it a push and try to get him arrested for his criminal acts.
Sad and pathetic — this is someone who is a has-been and deep down knows it, but sits in denial and is trying to live on past “glories” that he has mythologized mostly for his own power and edification. It is tough to be a has-been and a hanger-on.
DM says, ‘I’m not small! It’s the pictures that got small!” (a la Norma Desmond in “Sunset Boulevard”) I have news for you Davie, you ARE small! Small minded, small bodied, small brain, small other things too I would imagine.
It’s like Shrek about Lord Farquwad: Do you think he is compensating for something? 🙂
But insanely big in EGO and chutzpah! Big in ERRORS and OVERTS, as well. The whole megillah is crumbling!
In this “End of War” event, 1993, Miscavige does say, ‘Marty and I went to see the IRS Commissioner in Washington, D.C.” (quoted from memory). He for sure said “Marty and I”. Wonder if they kept that on or that too was erased because history is being re-written and there’s only Miscavige, no one else.
Guarantee that is gone Dani. I would bet my life on it…. History is routinely rewritten in the world of the RCS.
In the world of double speak.
I bet that they also have edited out the still shot of the guys outside the building in DC–looking like the Blues Brothers, all with sunglasses. It was a really cool photo actually—one of the highlights of the whole story. DM did know how to position and PR back in the day. Any cleverness that remains though is not gonna ovecome all the horrible PR troubles he’s got now though! If that photo stayed in it would show that it was more than da chairman who pulled it all off. (And it truly was!)
And another thing–I can’t believe there was no MV this year. Wow. This is definitely the beginning of admission of failure by the big little guy. I can imagine that it would’ve been too tough to stand at the lectern, in that little room, 4-5 feet away from the front row of all those people who have given sooooo much money and yet ask for more and tell them AGAIN that there is more that they need to be doing. I think Miscavige actually BLEW from doing another MV, justified by all manner of reasons why it was best not to do one. Whoo-hoo!!!!!!!!!
it might be true. ha. there is nothing to talk about. promises, promises
Dani, you are right. I was there and I also remember him saying, “Marty and I went and talked to the IRS.”
Can anyone who has the strong stomach to see the event on video again please report to us as to whether they edited out that line about “Marty and I”? I’m sure he will edit that out as he does on all things when he re-writes history.
They did edit that out. I saw the more recent version and he is not mentioned.
I remember that, as well.
Dani, The IRS secret closing agreement, which is not secret now, is online and states in it’s introduction: “….Whereas, in October of 1991, the key officials of the Church, David Miscavige and Mark Rathbun, approached the Service seeking to negotiate the resolution of the above-described matters, and met with the then Commissioner;……”
So I guess Miscavige will have to get the IRS to rewrite history as well and delete Marty’s name.
It’s not actually in the “Introduction” in the closing agreement, but on the 1st page where they have all the “whereas” statements..
We should make our own DA pack of the Mark Ratubun DA pack and include the actual closing agreements between the IRS and the church and highlight the line “…David Miscavage and Mark Ratubun…” So that we can prove that Marty was there and played a key roll in obtaining the IRS tax exemption and religious status.
I personally edited out any mention of anyone’s name outside of Miscavige in late 2005. The video as of then, which was intended to be played on loops in IAS displays was a result of about 10 back and forth submissions by Gary Wiese and I had to edit the audio to make the content make sense. “we” became “I” and Marty and the lawyers and others were nowhere to be seen or heard in the final version.
Thanks Ulf. Big Brother Miscavige is still alive and kicking, reinventing history….
He said: “Mr. Rathbun and I went to the IRS…..” and that will be deleted for sure …. or is already deleted ..
The transcriptionist who put that in COB’s teleprompter for the 1993 event was an SP.
Sorry Mike, I really enjoy your articles but these emails make me gag. I cannot read them past the first few lines. I take your word for it though. Red flag indeed. WTF? Thank god I only saw this about 3 times. I guess he really thinks there are no oldtimers that remember anything. Good luck with that. Funny I don’t think anyone even gives a damn about this anymore.
It is very telling that this year was the 25th Anniversary of the Maiden Voyage for the Freewinds. But NO event. The reason for not having an event is very simple. There is nothing to have an event about. Standing on the tiny stage at the Freewinds and boasting to the 200 assembled OT Ambassadors about the Portland Photoshop Triumph is not an event. He has already given event after event promising stuff that never happens.
Right David Miscavige is incredibly vulnerable. If there was ever a moment to give a good strong push from Indy’s , Exes and Antis, this would be it.
1. The local churches in cities all around the world are completely drained after 15 years of iron fisted fundraising. Worse still for almost 10 years the main services they deliver (grades) has been given to Flag. They have been high and dry living on donos all this time and their parishioners and drained and exhausted. Now there is yet another training evolution and few remaining technical staff from every church in the world are right now at Flag, further weakening the local churches. The Scientology structure of churches in various major cities around the world is at it’s LOWEST point ever.
2. David Miscavige is doing his last big push. After the release of Superpower there is nothing left to release unless he wants to write OT IX and X himself. He sees that his support base is crumbling and he is playing his last ace to try and shore it up. Release Super power and at the same time try to fix the huge clusterf*ck that he made of the Scientology training line up. Unfortunately early reports indicate that he has massively squirrelled Super power and as soon as he releases it he is going to have a huge problem as people realize it’s just not some “be all and end all”. There is no miracle cure for what ails Scientology. After that he is going to be in deep trouble especially if there is any kind of strong push against him.
3. Morale in the general Scientology field is incredibly low. It’s actually better in areas where they have NOT competed and opened their “Ideal” orgs. In areas where the Ideal org programs have been successfully completed morale is at horrible lows. Dedicated Scientologists who spent as much as 10 years of hard driving fundraising for the “one shot miracle solution” now walk down the empty hallways of their “Ideal” orgs and hear nothing but the echo of their own footsteps. When there were just 4 or 5 orgs that had completed the new building purchases this was not such a big problem. But now there are 30 or 40 orgs that are completed and are absolutely just shrivelling up and dying for lack of new public and an exhausted and drained existing public. Even some of the most hard drinking kool aide addicts are starting to realize that something is terribly wrong. Very low morale in many key Scientology areas makes David Miscavige extremely vulnerable.
If you are out there and planning to do something, do it now.
Roy, I love reading all your posts and today’s was especially good. “If you are out there and planning to do something, do it now.” Well, why don’t we just cook something up to do? Join factions with the Indies, the Freezoners, the anti Scn places, all of us and do a big something? Maybe we could get a mailing list and mail donated copies of Marty’s latest book to the Kook Aid drinker’s anonymously. Or send emails massively like Debbie Cook did or somehthing. Or a protest march. Or ? Any ideas?
David Morsi continues to lose his grip.
Huh? Who is this some attempt to “out” a poster? Or is there some significance to David Morsi I am missing?
This is a reference to Mohamed Morsi, the now deposed egyptian dictator.
Mike, David Miscavige following in the footsteps of Mohammed Morsi (ousted as Egyptian President).
Ohh, sorry for being a bit slow….
We in RTC greet you in the name of David Miscavige the Beneficent and Merciful.
First we need to say this: Roy, you are forwarding enemy lines.
Second, and more to the point for all of Mankind, the real news here is that COB RTC David Miscavige is the leading international figure of our age who is regularly called upon for his superior understanding and sage counsel by troubled heads of states and vastly confused leaders of lesser and inferior religions.
Were it not for Mr. Miscavige’s daily personal intervention into Planetary affairs, this world would have fallen apart long ago.
Therefore, and more to the point of noting that COB’s triumphal past presaged his phenomenal future wherein he made all Orgs Ideal and reinvented the world as we know it with GAT II, this one time international showing of COB’s 1993 defeat of the IRS conclusively proves that Mr. Miscavige singlehandedly triumphed over the forces of Planetary Suppression and saved the Tech, and by extension Mankind itself, from utter ruin at the hands of the Psychs who were out to destroy everything.
And of course, there is the fact that COB consistently surveys as being the “who” who is allegedly ruining the Church. While this is most certainly not true and is in fact a lie coming from the chaos merchants online, our Wog marketing experts have nevertheless advised COB to “sell his brand” and reaffirm his central salvationary value to all Church parishioners. Hence, everyone is ordered to watch the video at least ten times this weekend or else.
It is quite true that if COB did not save us all, we would all have an inky black Eternity forever.
“…This was the largest event ever in Scientology’s history…” because it was all downhill ever after.
I was going to point out the same outpoint. They just admitted that 1993 was the largest event they ever had.
Hmmm, well, you weren’t supposed to notice that.
Don’t worry though, the NEXT event WILL be the largest/biggest/grandest/most spectacular/over the top/off the charts/amazing event in the history of the universe.
Truth be told they couldnt get 10,000 people gathered in one place if they announced they were unveiling the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard. Oh wait, that’s what they are already promoting — the “Finder of Lost Tech/Anointed One/He Who Shall Not Be Named” offers himself up at every event with his newest “breakthroughs in Planetary CLearing.” No difference….
It was the “largest event ever in Scientology’s history” because it meant Der Midgetleader could take over and milk money out of the flock and take tons of it for his personal use, and no one could ever see the paper trail and no one would ever make him account for it now that we had the IRS religious tax status. But what about the real “large events” in Scn such as the release of Dianetics, the release of the OT Levels, the release of OT VII and VIII, and other big deals? they are nothing to DM and he works to have the public ignore them and instead, put all attention on him. No wonder encouraging us to re-watch thevideo of the event that we attended in person…. we have to re-watch him strut and preen and gloat that HE alone was the David who won against Goliath.