Now that Leah Remini is officially a Special Person (see Tony Ortega’s blog this morning), the big question becomes whether Miscavige is going to attempt to enforce the oft-employed disconnection card with Jennifer Lopez.
Everyone knows JLo and Leah are BFFs. They were hanging at JLo’s party last nite and featured on the People Mag site (and everywhere else).
It is also common knowledge that JLo’s father is a Scientologist.
So, what is the guy who proclaims to be the enforcer of “standard tech” to do? Would eh dare risk trying to force J Lo to choose between her dad and Leah? She IS after all, connected to an officially declared Special Person and publicly supporting her. That makes her guilty of a “Suppressive Act”. And thus her father should be getting the same treatment as the peons are subjected to: “Get your daughter to disconnect from the SP or you will be declared guilty of a Suppressive Act and be declared too.”
This EXACT scenario has happened with HUNDREDS of people in just the last year.
But I would guess the “Tom Cruise Syndrome” is going to come into play. No action will be taken. It will be treated as a “special circumstance” because it would create a media frenzy and “black PR.” It’s why no disconnection is enforced for Tom from Kate or Nicole…
Amazing how the “deeply held religious beliefs” and “upholding of standard tech” melts in the face of media scrutiny. Those lives and families of the “nobodies” that are destroyed mean nothing because they don’t get media attention.
It’s a sickening double standard.
PS: Welcome Leah to the ranks of Special Persons — goldenrod is the new black. 🙂
Over the years I’ve had some OSA bots (ex “friends” and coworkers) try to connect with me on facebook and LinkedIn. So I just employed the reverse, simply not friending or linking or communicating. If they want to spy on me they will have to work a little harder. At this point we have absolutely nothing in common and they choose to remain either blind or manipulated, so…into the kitty box they go. Purrrrr…….
It seems to be unequal with no rhyme or reason. My son (in S.O.) is still allowed to contact me and even invite me to in org functions (HCO sanctioned) even though I had 3 S.O. members arrested for annoying me a few years ago AND having informed LC WUS & LCI that I have left the Church.
J Lo is not a Scientologist, so does not “have to” disconnect from anyone who has been declared. Nicole and Katie weren’t declared because they made no public statements against Scientology (no doubt part of their agreements with Cruise, to keep the peace with the children, etc). Of course, Nicole and Katie weren’t REALLY Scientologists either. We know why they had the absolute minimal involvement in the CoS that they had. In any case, Miscavige just declared Remini because she dissed him publicly and so he had to. And I will always add that it was LRH in one of his last policies who said a Scientologist who doesn’t disconnect from an SP is an guilty of suppressive acts themselves. Ron had truly reached his apex of controlling viciousness and insanity not long before he kicked it.
Not quite the full story Joe.
J Lo’s dad IS a Scientologist. So he should be ordered to disconnect from JLo who is clearly associating with an SP. Thus JLo would be in the position of reminaing connected to her father or to Leah even though she is NOT a Scientologist. This happens all the time.
As for Nicole and Katie. Nicole did up to OT III. And training. That is a pretty good “Scientologist”… Katie has badly dissed Miscavige, Cruise and the church by her silence. I wrote about this before. Believe me, the fact that she did NOT “correct” the media about the reasons for divorcing and taking Suri is a real problem. Her father is definitely an SP. So too Nicole’s father.
Joe, when a person leaves the “church” and drags a member into court (Katie) they have committed numerous suppressive acts and have to be declared. So, your analysis is incorrect there. Mike would have more data on Nic and what went down. I don’t know.
Just a guess: miscavige has 4,000 to 5,000 sycophants remaining. Perhaps 15 or 20 thousand total still in, or sort of in, or out but ain’t talking (yet).
If he doesn’t do anything to prevent people like Leah from talking to the sycophants, the fence sitters, then the ones closer to cogniting on the real WHO will tip over the edge and begin to confront. I think their strategy will be to try and corral the one’s closest to Leah and privately indoctrinate them with whatever bullshit lies they think will convince them to continue their obedient blindness.
The real kicker will be within a year or two, when there is little if any marked improvement in org production and newly recruited staff start to fade away. The currently electrified public who think these glorious edifices are going to clear people will lose their spark.
The consensus among most of the independents I know is that they won’t “rejoin” no matter what. The monoply is truly evil. It has been recognized for exactly what it is. Once you’ve really seen it, you won’t be fooled again.
Oh, and this is a public announcement. DAVE you know that amnesty I offered you a couple of years ago if you resigned, wrote up ALL your Overts and returned the 100K you ripped us off for? Your time is up. You’re on your own.
It is almost funny how Co$ contradicts itself these days.
It will be even funnier when the courts start hammering them even harder in coming months.
The tragedy though is that the Dim Midget will never serve time behind bars.
He will flee to the Freewinds and duck out in the Caribbean.
A real shame nothing could be done for his wife.
“The tragedy though is that the Dim Midget will never serve time behind bars.
He will flee to the Freewinds and duck out in the Caribbean.”
Ah, yes – smoking filterless Camels and breathing “blue” asbestos. With asthma.
I wouldn’t wish metastasized lung cancer on anyone, ever, but if he takes to seclusion on the FW, maybe that will limit the number of others exposed to that toxic environment. Still, a sad ending for a sad little man.
The anonymous
“Ethics Officer ” say’s Leah is severely PTS? Wait if you are declared SP, you cannot be PTS. Impossible.
Re: Cat Daddy Nov 25, 2013 at 6:06 pm
It looks like Cat is pursuing blonds …
Cat 2.25
Cat 2.37
Why hel.o there Marcotai. How have yopu been?
I’d almost expect Miscavige to put the screws to J Lo’s dad for no other reason than the fact that it would be incredibly stupid from a PR perspective. Usually, if this guy has two choices and one of them is an incredibly dumb PR move, he’s gonna go full bore with the one that makes him look further like a jackass.
The dude has created an existence in which every single person he ever comes into contact with either fears him or is employed by him. Consequently, he’s got no feel for how the real world thinks and it shows in his idiotic decision-making.
I think the right thing for DM to do is to man up, grab hold of his copper grounding wires, and declare that when with Leah, JLo will be considered an SP. But when JLo is not with Leah, she will be considered in good standing. In other words, on Sunday (yesterday) JLo would have been considered an SP. But today, Monday, she would be back in good standing. Then, tomorrow JLo will be an SP again. Then, the day after — back to SP! In other words, it will be exactly the same as it is for Sea Org Members at the Int base.
LOL, in volume!
Mr. Rinder, do we in RTC actually need to tell you that COB RTC DAVID MISCAVIGE APPLIES POLICY SELECTIVELY???
Example: Scientologist Louis Farrakhan was connected to Moammar Qaddafi, a violent and murderous dictator and definite SP. Yet, COB never ordered Mr. Farrakhan to disconnect from Dictator Qaddafi.
Because it would have been like slapping Mr. Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam in the face and we in the Church of Scientology want and need their money and labor.
So yes, a Scientologist can be a BFF with a murderous dictator who is slaughtering his own people and still be a Scientologist in good standing.
As for declaring J. Lo, COB is in a purple rage these days and is not to be crossed. The “party picture” was sent to COB by OSA and he was furious to say the least. He grabbed the copper rods in the new Flag Building and discharged so much enturbulated theta that the rods melted and now need to be replaced.
What will likely happen is that COB will re-institute the famous “FINGER DECLARE” of 1982 wherein the Finance Police declared people SP’s by simply pointing at them and saying the words, “You’re declared an SP.”
COB is preparing his right index finger as we speak.
There will be a Reign of Terror far worse than 1982 in the coming days and weeks!!!!!
Oh no. Not THE finger.
Oh yes, the finger!
And when COB points at you and says those words “you’re declared” it all goes suddenly black for the Scientologist and they curl up and die alone and in the dark.
It is all very dire.
To end on more cheerful news, however, we in RTC are pleased to report that Flag Land Base is now 50,000x happier since the release of GAT II and Super Power!
Since everything about cob is so small, he should get that big huge foam finger that they use at baseball and football games and point that big huge finger at the erring person and shout with the megaphone, “You’re declared!”
This is what I call Double Standard Tech.
A new Tech developed by the coup who overtook Scientology. Ya know like the Golden Age of Tech or its sequel which is mainly applied to the Daddy Warbucks and the Dolly Dollar “Scientologists” who are currently the main source of their income stats WW.
Frankly I found out from personal experience mainly with the assistance of the TRD 😉
They don’t give a flying fuck what the general laity thinks about all this.
Yeah sure they leaned on poor Issac Hayes but he was more the exception than the rule and probably because he needed the work meaning like the little vampiric parasites they are sucked out his life blood and left him for dead.
My think is Dave or whoever is really running the show over there ain’t gonna a damn thing about it.
I mean if Tom Cruise up and married Paulette Cooper, David Miscavige would probably be Best Man at their wedding.
Nuff said.
Same with Lisa Marie Presley, she still has kids, father of kids and Mother etc. in Scientology, plus her massive money and tremendous media coverage. Huge double standard with her also.
Was just thinking about her…come on Davey, I dare you…declare Elvis’ daughter!
Davey, Davey, Davey – what’s a sociopath to do? It must be so difficult being a cult dictator, balancing the demands of high-ranking celebs versus disconnection doctrine versus media perception versus diminishing numbers versus escalating legal bills versus trying to prise more money from empty bank accounts, all the while hoping nobody notices that your wife and other senior church leaders have disappeared from the face of the Earth.
And to make it even harder, everyone around you is either in the hole, or has blown, or is sneaking photos out to the fringes of the Internet.
That’s right Davey, you’re a lot of things, but you’re not paranoid – everyone truly is out to get you. And if you think those sycophantic celebs will be around to bail you out when the Feds come knocking, you’re as delusional as they are.
Sorry to be off topic, but I wonder what your reaction to this article is?
It’s off topic. It sounds realistic and accurate to me.
In a perverse sense it is on topic. The article details enforced connection, the opposite of enforced disconnection. Church of Extremes.
This is what I think a SP declare looks like.
Miscavige wet dream….
No fair !
Auditing is the thing I will defend. Auditing is the onley thing I will defend. Hubbard deserves a place from Freud to Meta-Psychology.
I will always defend that
Hi Cat,
I’m curious if what you said here is actually a sincere comment?
Sincere, It is the onley thing that isc worth anything
And now after work a longer reply. Yes when people keep telling you it helps them. And when declared people even defend it why heckle them for it.
But mainley I am convinced by Hubbard in a lecture october 1954 where he talks about hypnotism and auditing.
It has to do with making your unconscious mind worf for you instead of against you. But that’s my opinion.
Mike, how many auditors are now SP? Is it greater than the number still in the Church? Maybe these people should start their OWN religion. You and Marty can be the #2 and #3 men, Leah (along with Lisa Marie, Beghe, Paul Haggis, Placido Domingo, etc.) can be its Celebrity Center, and the auditors can use any variation of the texts (with or without semi-colon changes from Davey) they see fit.
I bet the COS tried every trick in the book to get Jennifer into Scientology. She appears to be a supportive friend to Leah, and trying to get her to disconnect wont go anywhere. If he is smart DM will “overlook” the SP connection as it would cause more problems for him. But then again…..DM is not really known as a rational thinker!
They’ve been trying to officially get Jennifer Lopez for decades now! I’m actually quite impressed she’s kept out of it.
I dream of being in the pay grade of SPECIAL PERSON
with all the perks,I think the cert is purple with gold letters.
Yo playing with fire D.M. ( snicker)
Leah has had a bumpy time leaving Scientology. There’s simply no graceful way of doing it. This isn’t allowed. Jenna Miscavage is mid a world tour promoting her book ‘Beyond Belief’ and isn’t declared, nor will she ever be. But David Miscavage is PTS C whether he acknowledges it or not. In the mid 70s I held the post of Internal Security at San Francisco Org. One day I commented to someone that LRH was “type C” and that person went into choking spasms while demanding I “take it back.” There’s no taking it back when something simply is. (Although not all Scientologists knew LRH Jr was “attacking” LRH and the church.) Leah left the Church in a huff. J Lo is openly her friend. It is what it is. Type C says what it says. Just threatening to sue, attack or embarrass the church falls into this category whether anyone is declared or not.
These ladies are good examples of what it means to be someone’s friend. You’re there for that person come hell or high water. No questions asked. I’m lucky enough to have friends like that and I’m glad Leah is, too.
I say Miscavige is going to go for it. I’ve seen him do far stupider things and I’m just sensing his legendary temper is going to take him over the edge this time. And I also think Leah and
J Lo are ready for it.
Also as far as I know Katie never got the ‘official’ (verbal) declare. Could be that wonder brain has decided in his eminent arrogance that Leah not being married to his BFF Tom isn’t going to be afforded the same ‘privileges’ and ‘protections’. Ouch! Gotta stop trying to think like a psycho! It’s making my brain hurt! 😀 I’m watching this play with a morbid sense of curiosity……either way I think it’s going to be bloody and messy.
L Ron Hubbard had the sense to keep the charade up, Davey isn’t that smart but still following Hubbards words to the letter
Just having Bolivar as his fav essay says it all.
Davy’s thoughts: Yeeaay!!!! I get to harm people!! Ron told me so. Mamby Pamby conscience out of my way!!! I am a big powerful monstrous being in a tinnie body that can hit and cause pain. I’m so glad I am ecclesiastical. Ecclesiastical is fun fun fun. Especially the punching part. I love punching my way to eternity.
Someone should write a song called, “Punching My Way To Eternity.” mmmmmm
mmmmm, maybe I’ll write it.
Sam, your response was on target, let Miscavige do what he will. Leah and J Lo are indeed ready for what ever he throws at them. Leah, after all, is the lady who planed her leaving down to the minute, and made sure her family safely left with her. I am anxiously (in a good sense) anticipating Miscavige’s next move.
Rather than “anxiously”, how about “eagerly”?
Hi Sam, missed you! Your ballsy presence, definitely assist the more timid to take a peek from under the blankets. 🙂 Yes, Leah is one bright lady, no doubt, but she’ll still need time to fully decompress from a virtual lifetime of CO$ influence. Just like any other going through the process, having some “independent” help along the way, can speed the healing up, quite considerably, don’t you agree?
Still luv ya, Calvin. xxx.
It’s a Scientology crime to mishandle a celebrity, isn’t it?
Anyone Upstat you report, you the reporter get a sec check for it. Even children reporting rape.
Thank you Mike for letting me post, if you have complaint with me I hope to hear it
Niels — as I have told you before, I generally enjoy your views as they bring a different perspective. Sometimes you stray far afield and I send you to the trash bin, but that is few and far between. Not because you are impolite or abusive to anyone, simply because its off topic.
Mike you are pretty smart, Your intelligence is better used outside Scientology than within, Oh I geuss you are the God father 😉
Your are right-she is indeed a VERY SPECIAL PERSON loved and supported by many; she has our definite welcome.
The Devil Moron lost control of it all: the media, his ‘best pal’ TC with bad press all over and now showing his true face of double standards. The icebergs hitting his vessel are so, so many that the sinking is about to happen.
He, of course, will let ‘passengers’ drown and die while he attempts to grab the last raft…tick-tock
No matter how DM plays his cards, he is a looser.
I don’t think the cult is enforcing disconnection really to many people…I see SP’s connected to active Scientologist’s and Independant’s on it is probably too overwhelming for them to keep track….it is all meant to upset Leah – that is what the Cult of Scientology does best….upset, invalidate, nullify everyone including their own.
Uh…no. The cult is VERY MUCH enforcing disconnection. See how much traction you get trying to talk to Scientologists who have been informed you are no longer okay to talk to. You’re going to find out very quickly that it is definitely still enforced quite heavily by Scilons themselves. OSA just needs to put it out there (all verbally, of course) that you may be persona non grata and that is it. Your comm lines are gone.
Perhaps PTSness and Disconnection at one time had some use or benefit on technical grounds but it sure appears it’s doing more damage than good. Hubbard warned about “cutting theta lines” and having it blow back in your face. But to CONTINUALLY reach for and use that most severe weapon against your imagined enemies who have also been some of your closest supporters is sheer madness lunacy and insanity. Especially when your enemies are all former church members with friends and families. That saw cuts both ways and Miscavige is sawing his boat in half.
Just to confirm, they are enforcing disconnection in a big way!
I have recently received my badge of honour and I have had more than twenty unfriendings on FB from sheeple (some I have known for 40 years) and one terrified lamb scream at me that I was a Declared SP and I was not to talk to him! They are also into businesses calling Scientologists one at a time and telling them “you have to make a choice”. They don’t mention that there are seventeen other declared in South Africa, they just concentrate on the connections for the one person they have summoned.
I can see why the 18 and others had to be declared, The nonsense He has presented AS gat 2 has been received with incredulity and He didn’t want our observations damaging His cash flow from the new CIRCULAR BRIDGE, Why didn’t LRH think of that?
“… and one terrified lamb scream at me that I was a Declared SP and I was not to talk to him!”
As if you could infect him with a deadly epidemic disease – the “disease” of following his own doubts, looking and confronting, drawing the consequences and getting his integrity back.
I just ask everybody to put their disconnection stories on:
(“The purpose of this site is to document Scientology’s practice of disconnection – destroying families in order to keep its members subdued, controlled and leveraged.”)
” OSA just needs to put it out there (all verbally, of course) that you may be persona non grata and that is it. Your comm lines are gone.” YEs, JOe, that is exactly how it’s done. It happened to me and to a friend of mine. There was no SP Declare, not even a KR shown to my family and friends and Viola! They disconnected just on the rumor line from the MAA. Whatever happened to, “if it isn’t written it isn’t true”? And what happened to Comm Ev’s with actual crimes to accuse the person of? Since when is reading on the internet a crime, especially when LRH wrote in the Creed of a Scientologist that we have the right to read and comment upon the works of others.
Idle Morgue,
You are out of your gourd if you think disconnection is loosely enforced. Try telling that to people who haven’t been able to see their children in years, haven’t seen their mother or father in decades. If you attempt to run “your reality” past them, you better hold onto your hat. You will lose it — and more — in the reaction you get.
Disconnection is brutally enforced, and its effects are horrific. Admittedly, it’s not consistently enforced if the people still “in” are not big K-A drinkers. But if those still in are K-A addicts, your relationship with them will be OVER when you publicly walk away from the cult.
Oh, wait a tic. Isn’t that the only power an SP (like Miscavige) has is to enturbulate?
And, if Indies are associated with declared SPs (or people who are ‘about to be declared’ as one OSAbot says) believe me, it’s purely an oversight. They have their little mini-me spybots all over Facebook.
Um… Yes they are… I left the cult “on their terms” (sec check, signed my life away, etc) so that I wouldn’t lose contact with my son’s grandparents.
But then I spoke to a special person and by doing so jeopardized all of eternity for everyone… or something… and poof… My son’s grandparents literally disappeared.
I get what you’re saying. There definitely are a lot of people quietly out of the church, and friends with SPs on FB, and haven’t received a phone call. And this most likely because there are a lot more people out of the church, than in.
But people are being declared for being connected to SPs, even if they don’t leave the church. A friend of mine was declared recently for helping her son when he blew the SO and had nowhere to go. And if you really are a coolaid drinker, the pressure is really hard to disconnect, even if the person isn’t declared.
Some church.
Let them eat cake!
There always have been different standards for the commoners. It would be wonderful if DM lost sight of that and became the great equaliser.