Ideal Orgs is COB’s strategy. It’s an incredible strategy and one that is going to work.
When is the working part going to start. There has been 11 years of “get-ready” — by now you would think the first Ideal Orgs (Buffalo, Joburg, NY, Tampa, SFO) would have something to show as a result of this brilliant strategy being implemented.
I mean even if this was a 100 year strategy, by now 10% of those cities should be clear.
That would be conservatively 3.2 MILLION Clears if they had just cleared 10% of their population in the first 11 years of the 100 YEAR PLAN.
They have not cleared 1% or even o.1% or even 0.01%. This makes the “Ideal Org Strategy” at least 100,000 YEAR PLAN — but that is sort of a problem because in reality it is going backward. The number of people being cleared is less than the increase in the population EVEN IN THESE CITIES (except Buffalo which is decreasing….) let alone all the cities that don’t even have ORGS, let alone “Ideal Orgs.”
This “incredible strategy” is in fact incredibly incompetent.
Earth to Diane. Reality check.
From: Diane Temps <[email protected]>
Subject: Hi from Diane Temps
Hi, my friends. I am writing this comm to my friends who I have an email address for – I am bcc’ing each of you. Please read my comm and take a moment to decide on what or what not to do.
I want to personally invite you to join the Valley OT Committee and be an effective force in the making of the Ideal Org in the Valley. This project is COB’s strategy to bring Scientology to all the people – to clear this planet. It’s an incredible strategy and one that is going to work. The Valley needs more people behind it, though, moving this project forward. That’s why I’m sending this invitation to you. There are approximately 40 of us working consistently to bring this to fruition.
There are a lot of church members who attend and donate at the Ideal Org events, however, as you can see, we need more people to come on board on a regular, consistent basis to keep this continually moving forward to a Done.
The Valley OTC meets every Tuesday night at 7:30pm at the Valley Org on Hayvenhurst Ave. in Van Nuys just off the 405 freeway. It is very easy driving: You take the Sherman Way West exit, go up to Sherman Way and turn right and go for about 2 miles and then turn left on Hayvenhurst and the org is just down the street on the right.
I hope you’ll see this for what it is – a plea for more help – help from you – to bring our Church to the forefront on this planet.
I love you guys!
Pepper says
Thanks, Mike. You’ve made mine many times over!
Pepper says
+1. LRH specifically writes about Abortion in Dianetics. He’s all over it. I find it so ironic how things turned out in his organization after he passed. I seriously doubt that the 2D rules that came out after his death would have happened while he was alive. Kind of hard to believe.
It’s fact that the shift in the 2D rules came out under David Miscavige’s rule. He is the Captain of the SO and runs it with an iron fist. These are his products: Abuse of Women, Abortion, Child Abuse and close attention, with “must know” on the sex lives of others.
Wacko cult leader fare. He’s up there with the Ayatollah’s.
Ronnie Bell says
LRH specifically writes about Abortion in Dianetics. He’s all over it. I find it so ironic how things turned out in his organization after he passed. I seriously doubt that the 2D rules that came out after his death would have happened while he was alive.
You’re right, Pepper. The 2-D rules in the Sea Org were different when LRH was still alive. My sister-in-law became pregnant in the S.O. in 1982. She and my brother were routed out with few stops or trouble of any kind.
Jane Doe says
Pepper, yes those are his sorry products. Maybe he’ll suffer the same fate as the Ayatollah.
Pepper says
Bravo. You said it. SO many people are lurking on sites just like this. I did it for years too, wore the plastic smile and appeared to agree, while clutching my wallet closed.
Thank God for these sites. They help people get their minds and emotions straight. Straight out of the Cult!
Mike Rinder says
VERY happy to hear that Pepper! You made my day.
Aquamarine says
I believe that for the great majority of public, leaving the CO$ is a gradient, quiet, covert activity. Once someone who has been blindly trusting the church for many years gets a whiff of the enormity of the betrayal, he or she knows that this is the work of a huge SP and becomes rather shocked and uncertain. This is not a cognition to inspire bravery and forthrightness in most people. Even after the personal tipping point one is still in a “maybe” about various stuff. It can take time. It took me 3 years of analyzing the data to decide that the RCS is actually a greedy,conscienceless cult which no longer itself practices Scientology.
Ronnie Bell says
Your analysis of the current mindset of the still-in Scn public is spot on, Aqua. Nearly everyone I knew when I was still in was somewhere on that scale, with the exception of a small minority of bug-eyed corporate drones.
Like many of my friends, I was essentially in a state of quiet disillusionment. Through a long series of hard knocks in the church, I’d learned that there wasn’t a terminal for me there. I couldn’t say what was really on my mind, and even if I did, it would come to naught because no one was going to address and rectify the real problem, which was the church itself.
I distinctly remember thinking (many times) that it was tough to impossible to get up the Bridge because the staff were actively barring the way. For the longest time, I had a sort of apocalyptic warrior attitude that it was necessary to craftily do battle with the diabolical org droids to advance step by bloody step, up the Bridge. In my mind’s eye, the Way Out looked something like a shoot-’em-up video game. No kidding. That’s exactly how it appeared to me.
Since at least the late 80s, I also began to pile up a ton of observations of out-points in the orgs, and with church management in general. Things like, the ever increasing prices for services, OTs who seemed to be disabled or stumbling in life, the decreasing ARC in the orgs, the empty HGCs and course rooms, the incessant over-reach of call-in units leading up to major events, the aggressive regging techniques, the inactivity of highly trained public in the field, the growth of the RPF, the increasing police-like security forces and surveillance around the orgs, the ongoing disappearance of well known church figures and other long time staff and public, not to mention the many disappointments with actual delivery.
I think the only thing that kept me from walking away back then, was the lack of data on the complete picture. I only discovered those missing puzzle pieces after Debbie Cook’s email caused me to rip the blinders off. Once that happened, I was gone in 48 hours.
Aquamarine says
Thanks for another incisive uncovering of the actual Ideal Morgue scene.
I’d like to think that there is a “Silent Majority” of still-in K/A drinkers who are receiving bits of truth, waking up, beginning to look and question, and in varying degree, albeit quietly, without fanfare, withdrawing their support.
I’ll bet there is a sizable faction still in who are outwardly seeming to agree but really in WTF mode, waiting for some answers and beginning to wake up from the dream.
That’s how it was for me when I began to stop believing everything I was told. For me it was a process, and not a noisy process. I was pretty quiet for a few years, but boy was I paying attention AND I was lurking on Marty’s blog every day.
My instinct tells me that I am far from atypical there are now plenty of others out there in various stages of this process, lurking on this site and others, doing net searches, and saying nothing, biding their time, keeping their money in their wallets, and not saying a hell of a lot about it to anyone.
That’s what I think. .
Markthehungarian says
How can still-in Scientologists put up with the fact that EVERY bloody flyer or email or communication from the local Org/Mission/OT-committee has ONLY one aim, to ask for money?
Does the Church of Scientology actually do anything other than fundraise? Because it sure doesn’t look like it does to me.
Espiritu says
I agree, Sylvia.
Sooner or later the contrast between Mi$cavige’s PR of “straight up and vertical”, and the reality of that the COS is in a DEATH SPIRAL will become obvious to everyone.
As you say, he is appealing to the willingness of good people to “help” in a good cause and using it a push-button to get their money for no exchange.
I too have hope and postulate that even those drunk on the “Kool-Aid” who take a while to see it will feel no less betrayed and the upset by the magnitude of the damage that has been done by this lying, stealing 1.1 .
minorron says
“Is anyone factoring in the small but vital fact that the vast majority of the planet doesn’t actually want to be ‘cleared’?”
Those would be the SP’s. (suppressive persons)
Once the planet is cleared the SP’s would be rounded up and taken to some isolated area off planet, maybe the moon or mars or better yet the sun. That’s what Davey told me with his mental communication during an event.
Mike Rinder says
Pepper says
Taylor and Jose,
Yes, I agree that David Miscavige appears imbalanced on the Nightline interview. I am not a psychiatrist but I am a medical practioner for quite some years now and have handled many people in the ER, ICU, etc.
I believe he has a narcissistic personality and other major personality/mood disorders. Coupled with alcohol abuse, you’ve got a ticking time bomb.
But what I would most like to say here is that he demonstrates the weird 2D aberrations that most cult leaders seem to have.
He seems to have a lot of attention on sex and procreation. Witness the fact that SO members are not allowed to date or have any type of physical contact outside of marriage. There are severe penalites for them if they have unmarried sex. They could and have been sent to the RPF for this. I can understand that one would not want to have an environment of promiscuity and it would not be appropriate in the SO. However, consenting adults who behave with decorum should be entitled to their privacy as a basic human right. Also, the desire to have sex is a normal and natural state, not an “out-ethics aberration.”
SO members are not allowed to have children. If a woman gets pregnant, she is pressured, actually bullied, into having an abortion. She will even be told she is a “degraded being” if she wants to have the child and thus leave the SO. This is abuse on Women, mentally, emotionally and physically. After all, an abortion is an invasive surgical procedure that has risks and complications and has psychological factors associated with it as well.
Children are recruited into the SO, oftentimes as minors. Here they are not provided with a proper education (outside Scientology of course), or proper medical or dental care (unless their parents intervene). I have a friend who has a 14 year old daughter in the SO and she had braces on her teeth. She also had a jaw condition that needed treatments and this took extra time. My friend would have to hassle to get her daughter off post for dental visits. She told me that it has completely “out reality” for her seniors to let her off a day because the dentist was far from the PAC base and she would need a whole day off at various times to handle her dental work. My friend had to be very pushy and bypass her daughter who couldn’t stand up to the pressure at 14, to get the work completed properly. This is just one simple example.
Also, the kids are forced to work long hours; 12-16 hour days. My same friend said her daughter was working from 8:30 to midnight. At fourteen. She never finished high school, even though this was “promised”.
So, here we have a culture of Child Abuse. Brainwash kids, make them work all the time, feed them a crappy diet, keep them tired, keep them from their families and friends, keep them uneducated, uninformed and no nothing of the outside world.
David Miscavige has sent his wife away and I doubt he sees her anymore. When Leah Remini brought up the question “Where’s Shelly?” just look at the reaction she got. Punishment.
So,something is up there with 2D relations. What, I don’t know but obviously he’s hiding something.
Cult leaders always seem to be freaky in the Second Dynamic area to me.
Cat Daddy says
mwesten says
Didn’t Hubbard write that sex made people less productive? (ref HCOB 26 Aug 1982 Pain and Sex) That it is a perversion invented by ancient SPs? Is it any wonder they’re all fucked up?
Jane Doe says
Pepper, I think you are on to something here about DM, the cult leader, being funky on the 2D. Just look at how he has people hounded and sec checked intensive after intensive regarding masturbation or watching internet porn. LRH says that the SP will accuse people of the very things he/she is doing. And to abort children? LRH says in SOS that the society that suppresses the 2D and children and has abortions is a society on the way out. Amazing that DM has swung all LRH references totally in the other direction, to Black Dianetics and Black Scientology…. and no one seems to notice this. Wow. How can they not notice it? The only way the Sheeple can continue in there is to act like a little child and plug their ears and close their eyes and say to you, “lalalalalala, I can’t HEAR you!” And this is what the Sheeple do in order to stay in and believing in spite of a mountain of evidence of criminal activity of DM and RTC and the other minions.
Jane Doe says
Very insightful comment Pepper. Yes, it seems it is done on a gradient over time. Even the ones at Int or Gold who were subject to the worst suppression and saw it perpetrated on their colleagues, even those people took a while to get out and then even after that, a while to speak out. Everyone needs their own time frame to speaking out, if ever, and that doesn’t make them wrong for not speaking out. Some are protecting loved ones who are still in whom they’ll lose if they do speak out. An unreal and untenable position that the church under DM’s leadership has put us in.
Cat Daddy says
Cat Daddy says
Ed Kette says
It is in the words:
Me-scavenge = david miscavige
Why expect any other things from a scavenger?
Jose Chung says
Pretty sure David Miscavige abuses steroids.
Mostly explains ultra violent moods and abuses to women.
Seems to go up and down on that.
The scotch does not help when taken ( medicates) at the same time,
( make him crazy)
Jane Doe says
Jose, I vote for steroids too. Weight lifters and athletes use them to gain muscle and power and overall performance. Some of the side effects of steroid use are: infertility, impotence, mood swings, fly into rages, delusions. Sound like anyone you know?
As a teen if you use steroids, side effects are short height due to arrested bone growth. Again, sound like anyone you know?
There are other bad side effects such as death and heart damage. Go to WebMD site for more information.
Mike Rinder says
This sort of speculation doesnt advance the ball. David Miscavige isnt a steroid user.
KFrancis says
I am going to start and end with severe mental imbalance. Even if I am wrong he sucks either way.
deElizabethan says
A desperate plea that has to accompany explicit directions to those apparently not in the know of where the org is located. My, my.
krcjenny says
great catch. right there in the open….so obvious but I missed it. they don’t even know where it is or at the very least haven’t had enough interest to go check it out. no wonder they need constant help….the place is in non-e.
DollarMorgue says
Help us. We’re lost!
Taylor says
On David Miscavige I just watched his interview on Nightline with Ted Koppel. I have known a lot of people in my life and he was High on something. It seems like Cocaine however it could have been another drug. His eyes, hands, closed chest along with overall body posture just screams out that he is High.
Either that or he was an individual with Extreme mental health issues. The impression is he just wanted to jump out of that chair and attack someone. From the people that were around him did anyone notice he was mentally imbalanced and or abusing drugs?
I did not get any impression of David Miscavige abusing alchohol. It was either drugs or a severe mental imbalance. Discuss?
Where'sShelly says
That’s easy: he’s a psychopath.
Ronnie Bell says
he’s a psychopath.
I never had the sort of daily contact with DM that folks like Mike, Marty, and Steve did, but I worked in close proximity to him for a long time, and had many chances to take the measure of the man in person.
I’ll tell you something. I’ve spoken to him eyeball to eyeball, and know that there’s an uncommon level of spiritual turmoil inside the guy. I’m talking possessed demon sort of stuff.
Paul J says
There was a point up to at least the late 80’s where Scientology was consistently expanding worldwide. I’d be interested to know Where things would be today if that trend had continued. There’s no question that DM is a complete failure.
Ronnie Bell says
There was a point up to at least the late 80′s where Scientology was consistently expanding worldwide.
The only reason church expansion continued to the late 80s is because it was still rolling on the inertia and momentum built up during the 60s and 70s. I’ve often thought that if nothing had come along to suppress that growth, that Scientology would now be at least ten times bigger than it was at its apex.
The first nail in the coffin (as far as the general public were concerned) was the beginning of the monthly price increases sometime in the early 80s. That began a whole series of weird and destructive changes that culminated with a grinding halt in Scientology’s growth, then a long swan dive into mass shrinkage and oblivion.
There’s an old phrase that was once commonly used by course supervisors and ethics officers when they were trying to help a person sort out the source of a stop in life or troubles in study, which was, “When were you last doing well?”
If this were done well, the person would usually spot that moment in time. The person helping them would then ask, “What changed?”
Pondering that question would usually lead to a realization on the part of the person being helped, where they’d see what they (or others) had done to alter a successful operating basis, etc.
What’s mind blowing to look at from my current vantage point, is that the organization is unwilling to confront the simple fact that they were once doing much, much better as a group, and that it might be a good idea to stop and apply that simple process to the whole enterprise.
remoteviewed says
That’s because they think that they’ve “expanded me in the last 5 years than in all previous decades before.”
In my opinion they are suffering from severe ergot poisoning from all the LSD laced Koolaid they’ve been drinking.
remoteviewed says
We’d probably have an Org or at least a Mission in every major city in the US.
Lot’s of field auditors auditing and more auditors being made.
People coauditing all the way up to clear.
Actual OT’s being made.
Actually probably not much different than the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s just more of it going on.
Flexible Flyer says
I think the current situation was intended. To make Scientology an exclusive club of celebrities and wealthy patrons. To convert the renovated orgs into high-end office space/condos. Auditors travel to you or you can stay at our resort or love boat. Put in high-end security and get rid of the bike kids. Offload the staff and hire immigrant labor. Create financial services and off-shore tax havens. As the US kills its middle class, wealth will seek such amenities. All done very slowly.
1subgenius says
“I hope you’ll see this for what it is – …….”
Did she really say that?
Watch what you wish for you might get it.
Yes, I think everyone here see’s it for what it is.
Carcha says
Just out of curiosity, does anyone have an average time to completion of an Idol Ogre?
Might be interesting to compare to things like asbestos removal, building a CD factory, redoing ecclesiastical living quarters, importing tents, designing custom motorcycles, airplane hangars, setting up surveillance cameras, safe-houses, chopping down trees, and other such ecclesiastical activities1?
Interesting, she gives them the choice on what to do or what not to do. The goes on begging for help, which is a button.
I doubt they can keep this going for long…it is a repeat of a repeat and, after 10 years of the ‘straight up and vertical repeat’ I hope some will catch the lie of “this will salvage Scientology” or whatever heavenly phrase they choose.
The Oracle says
She is only forwarding what she has been told. I can assure you none of these staff have been properly informed , in fact, they are kept uniformed. Look at what happened to Leah for noticing an outpoint and mentioning it. Tortured. For months. The only inconvenient truths laid on the staff are about how ethics the customers are. Never put a customer on wait, anyone who put a a customer on wait is an enemy of the business. That is what Hubbard said. People are put on wait now days just to get a date for an event in a tent.
The staff really, are traumatized far worse than anyone else, with false data, wrong indications and wrong whys and wrong whos. His abuse is spread across the globe daily as those who fall under his command have no clue that their biggest enemy and liability is the one demanding total compliance. The enemy, is within. He is the psycho in Hitchcock’s “An unlocked window” .
The Oracle says
44:05 – 46.55.
Chris Mann says
Do they want to get you trained as an auditor? No. Are they able to get you trained as an auditor? No, because of stops put there by Miscavige.
Do they want you to come in a get up the Bridge? No, not really. Can they get you up the Bridge? No, because of the stops put there by Miscavige.
So, the most important thing you can do is present yourself to be bled dry and assist in finding other victims. Is that how you are going to “clear the planet”? You are going to bleed everybody dry until they are clear?
Noni Mause says
Is anyone factoring in the small but vital fact that the vast majority of the planet doesn’t actually want to be ‘cleared’?
Cat Daddy says
spot on, I like my country the way it is thank you very much
DollarMorgue says
Well no, of course not. They’ll “see the light” eventually. We clear the planet one by one and it’ll catch on like an infectious disease… uh, about the comparison.
All joking aside, I doubt very much they could care less (in the literal sense). I do think some people would be happy to have solutions to certain problems in their lives, but that market is already crammed (psychologists, teachers, self-help books a ton a penny, faiths) and Scientology would actually have to prove it can at least do that.
I have to prove myself in my work every single day. I can’t look back and gloat at my track record, nobody cares. What I do today is what matters and is what I’ll be measured by.
They should ditch the goal of saving the world. It doesn’t want or need to be saved. They should reinstate the goal of helping people one by one, in areas of their life they want help in, and then see if they actually can, with demonstrable results. You can only sell claims to a group that’s sold on it already, and even that’s hard.
Aquamarine says
“They should reinstate the goal of helping people one by one, in areas of their life they want help in, and then see if they actually can, with demonstrable results.”
I read something of LRH’s which said that this is really the only way to clear the planet.
Peter says
One of my most fun cogs re “clearing the planet” had to do with the question which popped into my addled head, “Who the hell asked us to?” LOL
remoteviewed says
So that’s where the Valley Org is now.
2 miles from the 405 past an endless series of strip malls in the middle of nowhere.
The directions she gave remind me of that old Cheech & Chong Tasty Freeze Commercial skit.
Just turn left on Hayvenhurst and say “where the Hell am I?”
Anyone promoting this “Ideal Org” strategy has never read the actual reference.
Also they have an obvious crashing Mis U on the word “org” which is short for organization defined in the American Oxford as follows:
1 an organized body of people with a particular purpose, esp. a business, society, association, etc.: a research organization.
2 the action of organizing something: the organization of conferences and seminars.
• the structure or arrangement of related or connected items: the spatial organization of the cells.
• an efficient and orderly approach to tasks: apparent disorder and lack of organization.
Because they all think its a building of some kind.
It seems along with standard tech, word clearing has been thrown out with the baby and the bath water.
No surprise.
I always wondered when the exalted one started promoting this whole “Ideal Org” strategy why they didn’t issue reference packs like they did in the old days (I mean they even issued a pack for GAT1 omitting the reference “Drills Allowed” of course) and stopped wondering when I collected and read the references myself. Starting with the reference “Ideal Orgs” which had been flashed for millisecond on the screen while Miscavige was bloviating on “that gradients didn’t apply” which is contrary to what the actual policy says.
(The following I’m writing for all the “good Scientologists” out there who are possibly lurking.)
Fact is that they don’t want you to understand what’s really going on and I don’t just mean some dark government conspiracy ( though all these “Ideal Orgs” would be wonderful source for black budget funding for “off the books” projects ) but others like members of the “OTC” (the reason for quotes is that if you read the actual policies regarding OTCs you’ll find them different from what they are currently calling “OTC”) because they are making money from your ignorance of the actual policies.
Nice people like Dianne Temps for example who invite you over for milk and cookies while emptying your wallet and maxing out your credit card are probably making a 10-20% commish on your destitution and your ignorance.
Think about it.
Here’s another shocker which is pretty much common knowledge out here in the “ARCx Field” and that is that once you slap down your life savings or the money you could have used for your next level that the this “Ideal Org” no longer belongs to the people who paid for it but is transferred to an International Trust where they can do with it what they wilt.
Aside from the fact that actually charge the staff there rent for using the building you paid for is the fact they can sell it out from under you.
You say that’ll never happen. You can trust international management to do the right thing.
Well here’s a link for you:
Aside from the fact that many of us have learned by personal experience ( not by reading the internet or what’s in the media.) but from personal experience that management is nothing but a swirling cesspool of corruption and criminality.
You want to find out for yourself?
Don’t bother reading the internet or the press.
Just send a report to RTC on their reports line like I did suggesting that this whole “Ideal Org” thing is off policy and within a week you’ll have hell knocking on your door and you’ll be on the “Truth” Rundown faster than a New York minute.
Here’s the link for your convenience:
Have fun 🙂
Ronnie Bell says
Just send a report to RTC on their reports line like I did suggesting that this whole “Ideal Org” thing is off policy and within a week you’ll have hell knocking on your door
Indeed, RV. When I had my Declaration of Independence posted on Marty’s blog and Steve Hall’s website, 95% of my Scientologist Facebook friends vanished within 24 hours. Thankfully, I was able to go through the initial process of discovery and enlightenment in privacy, so I didn’t have to endure the predictable ton-of-bricks handling in an org. Thank God for that!
remoteviewed says
I’m glad you were spared the the agony and the ….agony of being “handled” by the Org Gestapo.
Sometime I’ll tell ya ’bout my Truth Rundown Experience if yer interested.
Jane Doe says
remove viewed, yes we’re interested to hear you tell about your Truth Rundown experience. Spill!
Ronnie Bell says
I’m glad you were spared the the agony and the ….agony of being “handled” by the Org Gestapo.
I feel for anyone who had to endure that. Must have been worse than a gang reg cycle.
remoteviewed says
OK Jane.
Like the old line from Art Barker’s show:
“You Asked For It.”
Like what I thought was being a “good Scientologist” as opposed to what a “good Scientologist” has become which is very similar to a “good German” under the Third Reich these days.
I wrote this lengthy report on how this whole “Ideal Org” was off policy and listing the policies it violated.
(Back in the bad ol’days when I wrote a report on what I thought was wrong something changed usually for the better.
I’m not saying that I’m directly responsible for the posting of the International Ethics Officer NKA International Justice Chief and an International Amnesty because there were a few others who were in my situation where Ethics and Justice policies were being misapplied so I wrote a Petition to the Ol’man telling him how I’d been screwed over by ethics there and within a month Ron issued a RED calling for International Amnesty and posting the International Ethics Officer to oversee and review ethics and justice actions in lower orgs)
That was then and this was…er…..closer to PT.
So there I am in Course Admin getting a reference of some kind or other minding my own business when two missionares wearing silver lanyards came and whisked me off course.
(As if there was no such policy as “Courses Their Ideal Scene” and other PLs relating to students on course not being disturbed unless it was an extreme emergency according to what I studied on the MCSC…..oh well little did I know I was entering the Twilight Zone. I mean that eerie music in my head and Rod Serling holding the door open for us should have been the first clue…Anyhoo.)
They were friendly and business like, yet they still reminded me of my concept Gestapo Agents.
You know:
“Ve vould like to talk to you mein herr.
“Pleeze come vith us.”
You know since ASHO’s course room was on the second floor which was still quite a leap.
I decided:
“Why not.”
(I had worked for years beside SO when I worked at AO before they handed our pink slips and told us to get lost and for the most part like the GO I worked for as a Technical Consultant they were nice people with the occasional wacko but for some reason I felt I was witnessing the banality of evil. You know nice people just doing their job like lighting the pilot light on the crematorium that sorta thing. Anyhoo..)
I’m marched down the ASHO hallway with a missionare on either side of me which for some reason now seems endless even though it’s just a few feet to the door and for some reason I feel that a bullet is going to come out of nowhere and smack me between the eyes like Winston Smith in the novel Nighteen Eighty Four.
(As an aside the American release of the book omits the final chapter where Smith is converted to loving Big Brother, thanks to the CIA and their front the Congress for Cultural “Freedom”. In Orwell’s original version Smith ends up back at the Chestnut Tree Cafe drinking himself to oblivion and thinking of nothing but love for Big Brother which is sorta what they tried to do to me.
Only thing was…
I didn’t happen to know who “Big Brother” was.
You know as an auditor, a “techie” as they call us we’re usually pretty ignorant of Org politics because we spend most of our time you know doing minor stuff like auditing people most of the time and don’t spend too much time worrying about who’s the boss.
Thus I spent years in blissful ignorance thinking that the Orgs were being run by an management team but not just a team “a clean team” well maybe not exactly clean “as driven snow” but a team at least. Just like Ron said RJ 38. So the immortal words of Alfred E Neuman “what me worry?”.
Yet at that point I was worried….
Call it psychic intuition or as the inspector in “V for Vendetta” says a “feeling”.)
Jane I hope you’ve hung in so far. I’ve got to do some minor stuff like audit a PC so you’ll just have to hang in for Part II of my Truth Rundown Experience.
I’ll entitle “The Special Project Room where there is No Darkness”
Stay tuned for part II…
Jane Doe says
Remoteviewed, I’m rivited, hanging on every word. Hurry up.
remoteviewed says
Seems Part II of my Truth Rundown opus got lost in cyberspace.
No matter.
Well here it is:
Special Project Room 101
In the main building past the canteen was the entrance to what was once Cont Mimeo
(This was where all the original mimeo files with their revisions were kept. Usually it was raided by auditors like myself back in the day when the HGC Admin went on a twinkie binge, fell asleep and thus never bothered to order enough C/S 53s though it had another useful purpose and that was allowing anyone public or staff to verify the current revision of any HCOB, PL, RED, etc, against the original.
This section of PAC came in handy if you didn’t trust the current “revised” version of an issue.)
that now had a solid metal door with key pad entry which was probably under 24/7 surveillance and likely had a biometric scanner like any highly Secure Compartmented Information Facility or SCIF you’d expect at Langley or the Pentagon.
One of my handlers punched in the code while the other stood behind me insuring that I didn’t go anywhere.
The door swung open and there was a hiss similar to outside air entering a sealed vault or crypt.
One of my handlers then directed me to the first door on the left which ironically would have been room 101 if the doors had been numbered but instead there was a sign under the transom which read “Special Project”.
“Special Project” like as in “special” tasks or operations usually covert I thought the only other agency other than Scotland Yard’s “Special Branch” which carried out similar functions and coordinated with MI5 that used the word “special” was the Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti better known by the initials KGB.
The other one was the Office of Special Affairs.
The door opened as if the person knew I was there.
Maybe one was supposed to get that impression or the idea that this person was somehow omnipotent and probably most people who were taken to the this “special” place were too intimidated and therefore introverted to look and see the row of CCTV monitors sitting in another room and thought they were dealing with someone who was very “OT”.
I realized I was back in the same smoke and mirrors and things are not what they seem to be of the GO.
(As I’ve mentioned before since I was a trained auditor I was tapped by the AG who was a personal friend of mine to audit GO Staff of the Org I was working at and GAS (Guardian Assisting Scientologists) members.
True much of what I learned about the GO was second hand but also by observation. So you could say I was somewhat familiar with the tricks of the “trade” which hadn’t changed at all when OSA took over.
Actually the only thing that changed was the target.
Back then the GO was mainly interested in Government targets and reporters who they suspected worked for some Government or Quasi Government agencies like the AMA or APA and suspected them rightly in many cases according to actual verified documents obtained through FOIA of covert ops against Scientology.
When they became OSA they broadened their target to include anyone they suspected was a threat to the current regime. In particular and especially the “COB”.
This I didn’t know but was soon to find out.)
To me.
The woman who greeted me for some reason reminded me of a prison warden or concentration camp commandant.
Maybe it was whole track restim or maybe she was one at one time.
She instructed me to take a seat while she got me a pack of references to read.
So my voyage of discovery started with a “hatting” action probably intended to get a preordained “cognition” of some kind much like what poorly trained or dishonest auditors and C/Ses do in trying to force a “cognition” on a PC who hadn’t obtained the EP of a Grade or Action.
Something I’d seen dozens of times when I worked in the West US Flub Catch section.
C/S has auditor “hat” PC on various bulletins related to say Grade 0 and maybe “word clearing” (usually by asking what is called “leading questions”) them.
In this case I was instructed to read various PR Series issues (which I’d read already anyway) relating to “Black PR” and do various Clay Demos on concepts relating to the concepts in those references.
Supposedly so I’d come to the “cognition” that I’d been spreading “Black PR” about management.
A “cognition” I never had in the subsequent “2 way com” that followed:
“Do you know why you’re here?”
I was going to say “probably ’cause I pissed some people off with my last report”, but I restrained myself and said “I have no idea.”
So death camp cutie went ahead and fed me the “cognition”.
“It is because you have been “black PRing” management.”
I was going to say “not according to the policies I read and clay demoed” but I thought it would be inconsequential since I’d already been found guilty probably by some secret star chamber of some kind.
So I did what any good auditor does and simply “appropriately acknowledged” her communication.
You know like when the PC says something like:
“Oh my god!
“There’s a three headed spotted monster in the room!”
Whatyagonna say?
Probably if you live and die by the Code and don’t want to invalidate or evaluate for the PC by telling them they’re a delusional whack job even though they are.
You say something like.
“Thank you for telling me that” or any of its variations, which I did. Hoping that the three headed spotted monster would go away at some point in the session.
However in this case it didn’t.
Stay tuned for part III Jane.
deElizabethan says
“True much of what I learned about the GO was second hand but also by observation. So you could say I was somewhat familiar with the tricks of the “trade” which hadn’t changed at all when OSA took over.
Actually the only thing that changed was the target.”
I just have to comment that the targets didn’t change in reality, only what you saw maybe. All SP or enemies were targeted and dirty tricks were used. My experience in ’79 to ’84.
Mike Rinder says
Agree with you Dee
Jane Doe says
I just read Part II Remote Viewed. Wow is all I can say. It’s like from a movie, almost too fantastic to be believed. But I”ve learned in the C of $, nothing is too strange to be believed. Is Part III out yet? Hint Hint
remoteviewed says
How come they were busted spying on the Coast Guard, DEA, CIA, NSA etc, etc?
From what I remember during the ’70’s the GO was getting direct intel from CIA’s OTS from Pat Price.
However don’t take my word for it read Kress’ Postscript added to the following article:
True there was a RED by Ron entitled Squirrels but the GO staffers I knew liked playing Spy Vs Spy against big dogs.
Unlike OSA who spent most of their time going after geeks like Arnie Lerma and playing footsie with IntelPol to get at DM1.
remoteviewed says
Hey Jane if you thought Part II of my story was “unreal” Part III will be moving into the surreal.
Roll Back
I got into Scientology as a teenage burn out who was pretty flat on the whole “Sex & Drugs & Rock&Roll” thang by the time I reached my 18th b’day.
Back then if you were a stoner they handed you a little book about how Scientology could get you higher than drugs.
Actually a pretty cool piece of promo because it hit the reality of almost any druggie or exdruggie who had sought to open the Doors to Perception with drugs.
This was back in the days when their reality of who their potential public was extended beyond the typical buttoned down yuppie suits they go after today.
(Reminds me of a tune by George Thorogood and the Destroyers called “Get A Hair Cut and get a Real Job” about how long haired George ended up making more money than his well healed lawyer brother who recommended to George that he…title of song.. but I digress.)
As you can see the Church’s current shift to gated community, private club member,upwardly mobile, golf club swinging, gold card carrying, disaster capitalist or limousine liberal both politically connected “upstat” has gotten them nothing but stats that have “gone straight up and vertical” and it’s so obvious that by this strategy “they have expanded more in the last 5 years than all previous decades”.
So maybe I was wrong.
Of course there were other naysayers, nattering nabobs of negativity (as a former VP once said prior to being indicted for Tax Evasion) such as myself who didn’t approve of all this bling and glitz in short all this extravagance and thought it was a symptom of out ethics or corruption that the Church pandered to such people like the Van Susterens, the Coales, the Jensens, the Koshoggis, the Cruises, etc. In other words fixating on the 1% while totally ignoring 99% of the population.
Who were being ….reeducated…in Special Project Room 101.
Many of them were like me trained auditors who hadn’t gotten with the program. Who also were reading PR references and doing clay demos so as they say the “scales would fall from our eyes” and we would see what a block we were by being critical of management to world domination by Scientology by auditing the elite few.
Since I hadn’t cognited yet that I was an eminent threat or clear and present danger to Management I was sent to receive Roll Back.
For those who don’t know what “Roll Back” is. It was a Tech developed by the Ol’man to locate “plants” who were people that were sent into the Organization to disrupt it.
If you read the books The Hidden Story of Scientology and Playing Dirty which I’ve linked to here:
You will find that the Organization has in the past been subjected to infiltration from time to time with such programs as COINTELPRO and MHCHAOS in operation to name a couple back then which you can read about here:
As practically everyone knows the GO’s Snow White Program or “Operation” was a dismal Intelligence failure that caused an enormous amount of what could be called “Blow Back” for the Church.
Ron suspecting that the trouble was caused by Agent Provocateurs and/or informants within the ranks of the GO ordered CMOI lead by a man who has since admitted to being an FBI Informant to Roll Back the GO staff.
Kinda like asking the Fox to sort out the Chicken Coup.
Doesn’t matter.
Because Roll Back like “Deoppression Tech” which was developed for the Staff in general around the same time to handle as the name suggests oppression due to constant emergencies created by the GO Flap was never fully applied either.
Instead the new management in charge decided to apply “not-is” and eventually decided to “abolish” the GO. You know outa sight outa mind though it’s funny how the whole Org in general operates much like the GO did just before its fall.
In other words to a greater or lesser degree has gone in the GO’s more suppressive valence.
Just an observation of mine you can take to the bank if you wish.
Maybe there is something to those Scientology Axioms.
Back to my Roll Back encounter.
The way Roll Back is designed to find plants is by locating people who are spreading false rumors like say Scientologist are baby killers…er…wait that’s pretty much been proven to be true….bad example….
OK…here’s one ….Scientologists are all involved in wild Orgies (I wish!) ….something like that.
In my case it wasn’t anything like that.
No what the person doing the “Roll Back” who looked a little like Heinrich Himmler BTW did was take one of my ethics reports and ask me something like:
“What low life sleaze ball told you that when buildings become important that some revolutionist should blow up central headquarters?”
Me: “Urm….ah….some guy named L Ron Hubbard”.
Then he’d go on to the next one.
“What putrid piece of garbage had the gall to say that viability was more important than image?”
“Hmmm…the founder of the subject.”
So on and so forth we went over all my reports on all the out points I’d written on management with the exact references.
By then even though I had a complete DRD I was beginning to feel I was on some kinda bad acid trip.
Yet the worst was yet to come.
Well that’s it for now Jane.
Part IV will be about the actual Truth RD.
Stay tuned 😉
Mike Rinder says
Robin — you should either get your own blog or converse with Jane Doe by email. I sent u her email address. I don’t really want to sidetrack the comments with long stories with your views of history that you are perfectly entitled to, but I don’t want to be seen to be somehow endorsing by approving them. And I dont want to have to go through and note things I don’t agree with or know to be untrue. You and Jane Doe seem to have a good thing going, just carry it on in private.
remoteviewed says
A thousand pardons Mike.
I had no intention of high jacking your blog and promise in the future to stick the subject at hand and not get involved in some long history lesson.
Again I apologize for being such a pain in the ass,
Sorry 🙁
Mike Rinder says
Thanks for understanding. No apology needed.
remoteviewed says
My Truth RD experience
Part II
“The Special Project Room 101″
The area behind the Canteen in the Main Building used to allow access to public and staff at one time so they could have access to Cont Mimeo.
Then as likely now the place has a solid steel door, is under 24 hr surveillance ,has key pad entry and probably uses biometric scanning.
In other words it is probably more secure than any SCIF at Langley or the Pentagon.
I waited while one of my handlers punched in the key code and the other eyed me suspiciously.
The door opened and you could hear the hiss of fresh air as if coming into a sealed vault or crypt.
One stepped aside while the other stood behind me leaving me only one option.
The first door on the left had a sign just below the transom which read “Special Project”. So figured this must be the place.
“What makes me so special?” I asked as one of the Missionares opened the door trying to add a little galley humor to the situation.
That’s when I noticed a tall woman with aryan features standing before me. Who never bothered to introduce herself but I figured she was OSA. Due to the fact that it was a “Special” project. Who told me to take a seat.
I went over to one of the chairs looking for traces of blood, errant finger nails, ankle braces and wrist clamps. Didn’t see any, so I figured it was somewhat safe so I sat down then she went away.
After waiting a few minutes she came back with a pack of confidential references and told me to read them in this “Special” room.
In the “Special” room I read the “Special” pack that contained references on Roll Back and the Truth Rundown trying to figure out what all this had to do with me?
Next I was told to read references on Black PR and the Ethics Officers Hat and clay demo certain concepts. By then I was more perplexed then ever, but I did it anyway because the whole thing was like a big mystery sandwich with a pickle on the side.
After doing all this I was sent to another “special” room where a guy who looked somewhat like Heinrich Himmler started rolling me back on various reports I had written to RTC.
The Roll Back session sorta went like this.
“Where you get the idea that one should place high explosives should be placed under the central org if buildings became so important?”
“From Ron.”
“Who told you viability was more important than image?”
“What low life scum told you it was ok to question orders issued by management?”
“Just a minute…. ah…er …L Ron Hubbard”
And so on and so forth for several hours.
After this I was sent back to the death camp fräulein who told me I had been “specially’ selected to receive the Truth Rundown.
Like as if I’d been awarded a “special” prize.
Next installment the Truth Rundown and how I unexpectedly came upon the truth and how that truth set me free.
Mike Rinder says
Just to clarify, whatever this project was, it was not OSA.
scarletfire09 says
I’d like to know how the church defines “clearing the planet”. Is it some percentage of the world reaching the state of Clear? OT 7? OT 8? Is there a reference? This definition determines the order of magnitude (in its scientific definition: powers of 10 – word clear it, please.) Ten million people? A hundred million people? A billion people?
Formost says
sets guy says
Who the hell is this LRH guy you guys keep bringing up? 🙂
DollarMorgue says
Some historical figure. I heard a museum was going to be built. You might find out more when it opens.
Taylor says
To me as a never in it is boggling, these people are not stupid. You have whales along with publics who have to be quite smart individuals. Let’s face facts Scientology is not inexpensive so the Parishioners have to have done well in life.
How can smart, intelligent. productive and well educated people fall for this stuff.
You could start out with a house then rent office space a few nights a week. As demand increased you might get a larger space to meet the demand, that makes sense.
How they can be so isolated from reality that is truly unbelievable.
mwesten says
How can smart, intelligent. productive and well educated people fall for this stuff.
It’s one giant Milgram experiment, with an extra portion of Stanford Prison and some Asch Conformity to start.
Mooser42001 says
“It’s one giant Milgram experiment….”
Sir, or Madam, my hat, shirt, socks and shoes off to you! That is succinctness like Mother used to make. The best one-sentence description of COS ever!
And who wouldn’t want to be involved with all that science?
DollarMorgue says
“You could start out with a house then rent office space a few nights a week. As demand increased you might get a larger space to meet the demand, that makes sense.”
That is actually LRH finance policy, either in OEC Vol 0 or 3. Start small, buy used and second-hand and work your way up as demand grows while maintaining financial stability. But that kind of thinking doesn’t help people to bankrupt themselves, so – ditch it.
Jane Doe says
And try quoting LRH to the reges / vultures to justify your ‘NO” to them. Things like, “Spend less than you make” and “make more than you spend” is in the Finance Series in the Green Vols. They hate it when you quote LRH against them. And then they trump up some justification that is “command intention” but yet has no LRH policy to uphold it. The tech went out the window decades ago and now it’s just Dev T to quote tech and try to follow it. Get with the program! We have all we need to know: command intention. Our leader, DM, will lead us to the promised land.
Wendy M says
The email came from a gmail address. It can be ignored by folks still in (?)
Jane Doe says
What do you mean Wendy? Spell it out for those of us who are intellectually challenged (me).
Bela says
Not intellectually challenged, Jane! This is reference to an earlier article where they were “advising” about emails from “authorized” email addresses only and gmail is NOT one of them!
Jane Doe says
Thank you Bela! I get it. Well the email from Diane Temps was from her own personal email address to her own personal friends. Hence the gmail address.
Wendy M says
Jane – Have a look at Mike’s post on 25 September “What do they fear?” An email from the church saying they NEVER send out emails from and etc etc blah blah. Rubbish of course, but those still in should really ignore anything from a gmail address as not being an official church email (I am being sarcastic of course – they should ignore ALL emails really!)
DollarMorgue says
“(I am being sarcastic of course – they should ignore ALL emails really!)”
They probably do. I know I’ve never read as many church e-mails as since I’ve been coming to Mike’s blog 😉
Ronnie Bell says
I am being sarcastic of course – they should ignore ALL emails really!
I’ve been a Scientologist for forty years. After the first few years, I got accustomed to chucking nearly every piece of mail from the church in the trash. About the only things I really paid attention to, were Advance mags and the occasional letter from LRH.
After the church jumped on the email bandwagon, I relegated pretty much everything from them to my spam folder, only answering direct comms from staff members.
Starman8 says
I know what Wendy is saying. Recently (1-2 weeks) Mike posted an email that asserted that those “in” should only believe emails sent from “official” scientology domains, and that gmail and the like were not to be trusted.
Schmubbard says
Pretty sure there was a directive, perhaps even mentioned here on this blog, that any “comm” from a non Scientology official domain was to be ignored as entheta.
Bob Dobbs says
Jane, because a post a week or so ago published a church email telling recipients to only consider emails from official addresses, which a Gmail addy is not.
Jane Doe says
Thanks Bob.
Madora Pennington says
I’d heard there was no one left in Scientology. Nice of Diane to confirm it.
Old Surfer Dude says
From what I’ve gathered, Madora, they’re down to 30,000 worldwide and, that’s being generous! I’ll let Mike chime in on this one, but, Flag was sending out emails to clients to confirm that they would be attending ______________ event. I’ll be they had less than 10 respond. So, Madora, you would be correct in your statement. And, it’s just going to get tougher for them. I’ll bet that every SO member at Flag secretly wants out now.
Mike, I really liked your appearence on “The Shrinking Cult of $cientology.” ( I especially like your poke to Tom Cruise re driving by an accident. I couldn’t stop laughing!
John P. Capitalist says
Let me see if I have this right: you have 40 people working full time to raise a couple million bucks to renovate a building to become the newest Idle Morgue. They are working tirelessly to raise money from the biggest concentration of Scientologists on the planet, many who live within 15 miles (25km) of the new location. And they have apparently been doing this for over a decade, with the help on occasion of celebrities like Cartwright, etc, and on the turf of some of the most loyal IAS whales like the Jensens, etc. With all those unique positives, one would think they could have gotten it done in a few days, a month tops. But after they are fresh out of ideas for events that people would actually have some fun attending and are instead reduced to this sort of low-grade bland groveling.
Is this an epic disaster or am I missing something?
Mike Rinder says
As usual JPC, you aren’t missing anything.
Martin Padfield says
Mike and John – you’re just not seeing the whole picture. Look, let’s say there are 1000 Clears being made a year worldwide. Earth’s population can’t go on rising exponentially indefinitely. It will probably plateau at around 10 billion, and then likely decline slightly. And let’s not forget, the Clears made will come back and won’t need clearing a second time – unless of course He discovers some hitherto undiscovered Clear tech. So, in fact it won’t even take a million years to Clear the planet! That’s just one thousandth of a Sea Org contract! Those SO members that take a rain check on Target 2 can take 900 million years off!
THAT’s the genius of Miscavige – he takes the long view. He is building for the future. He see the FULL picture.
Jose Chung says
Martin Padfield,
Please stop eating the Green Crackers.
cre8tivewmn says
But the math is much more complicared than that! How many living clears have been invalidated? Does that also apply to clears between lives at the moment? Considering how much back and forth and restarting at basics has happened in the last 30 years, how much could happen over 1,000,000?
sets guy says
Yes the picture is full (of something) alright. 🙂
Martin Padfield says
I hope you’re not suggesting that COB hasn’t thought this through. David Wilson has confirmed it telepathically with me: COB, whose mind is immeasurably superior to ours, has got it all under control. You may be in need of a session on the oiliness table.
Jane Doe says
YOu aren’t missing anything JPC; in fact, you are pointing out the outpoints quite well and with efficiency. Think about it…. the Valley has been trying to go Ideal Org for 10 years now. And yet we have several Big Whales in the Valley and surrounding areas: Kirsty Alley, John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Jenna Elfman, Nancy Cartwright, Vonnie Ribisi, another young actress whose name I can’t remember, Craig Jensen, business owner, David Wilson, business owner, and these are just to name a few. So how come we can’t raise the money over 10 years and with all those Whales? Maybe it is because so many have seen the stats on Ideal Orgs and are cogniting that the Emperor Has No Clothes and are leaving or are under the radar in droves.
Ronnie Bell says
JP, one of the chief reasons that the Valley Org has never gotten off the ground is its close proximity to the Pac Base orgs. Frankly, the idea of putting a whole org just over the hill from the major L.A. orgs has always been ridiculous. There’s just never been a real need for it, and the public knows it.
Jane Doe says
I think that’s probably the major underlying reason for the Valley Org not making it. People would rather go to PAC area if they go at all.
Ronnie Bell says
Another Class V org in SoCal would make a lot more sense (and be much better supported by the public) if it were situated where the public really needs and wants it. Antelope Valley, Inland Empire, and the South Bay come to mind as possible locations.
Of course, it’s all a moot point at this juncture. There aren’t enough active public to keep the course rooms and the HGCs of the Pac Base filled, let alone a new satellite org.
Jane Doe says
And in the Antelope Valley it is laughable what the Msn has been reduced to: First it was a Msn in Santa Clarita / Saugus area. That failed, so then the Msn holder left to go join staff at LA Org, and then she left there too. But another Scn took over her failing Msn and it failed even more with the new Msn holder. So finally when they didn’t have enough public coming in, they moved it to the new Msn Holder’s house and had it in their living room on “some days.” Not even open all the time. Nothing but contraction. If it can’t even work in a living room, no way it will work if you buy a new building for it there.
Starman8 says
JPC – it’s an epic failure, simple. I’ve lived through the crap, at least from 2005 to 2011. It was “painful” to say the least. Valley has 40 people, that’s more than I saw. Actually I’ll bet that number is a LIE. Typical of OT Committees is to stretch the truth regarding any stat.
What I saw of fundraising is that it just languishes for years and years unless Int management sends in an SO team of absolute vultures! At least that is what happened at my org. From 2005 until 2008 the fundraising languished. Then in mid 2008 an SO team extorted great sums from the field, including me. Then as soon as the team left the fundraising languished again until mid 2011. When that ended that year the fundraising died again. The SO team are absolute con artists. They will say and do anything. It is quite unethical as they extort money, especially from people who can ill afford it.
I unfortunately donated way too much…until I absolutely put my foot down. Then my wife and I were treated almost like lepers, we were tolerated only because I had donated so much. Frankly I wouldn’t lasted that long except that I held my breath while my wife was getting up the bridge to the end, and I didn’t want to jeopardized that for her.
I can only speak for what I experienced, but I was not surprised how few participated and donated. So while one can rattle off all those “whale” names, they are only a handful at any one place. Personally, as I said, I put my foot down. I could have donated/been conned into more but I just said no. Perhaps they are too. At least I kept my personal integrity in on going into either debt or decimating my personal finances. I refused to do either.
Not to ramble on, and again from what I’ve seen – there is usually only a core group of 5-10 OT Committee members. Yep, I was one too. And for ALL the prodding and pleading and emailing etc etc it just never got bigger than that. Sure there were fringe people, so perhaps one could claim 40 (or 20) of ‘us’ are doing all the work. But no way were these 20 or 40 or whatever working full time. All of this was done part-time. At my org there were 2 doing fundraising – they perhaps were doing 20, 30 even 40 or more hours a week, and producing not much. So that was 2 at a decent size org. 40 full time? hah! Not happening.
As I saw, as the years went by the numbers dwindled amongst those showing up. Who can blame them. Constant regging, begging for money. The best answer was to stay away.
Johannesburg ideal prospect says
Starman8. you kept quiet so your wife could go up the bridge? Was it worth it?
Starman8 says
good question! she’d give the better answer, but knowing her I’d say yes and no.
Yes for that part of getting Clear and past, but no after OT V. Such as the state of affairs at Flag the last several years, it was quite invalidate with the regging etc. That and her bad experience on the Freewinds for OT VIII killed it all. Many times she’s said she could have ended with OT V and be satisfied.
I’m sure she and I are curious by your “name” as she’s from that area.
Jane Doe says
What was your wife’s experiences on the Ship on OT VIII, Starman8? Can you or she fill us in?
John P. Capitalist says
Starman8, you’re exactly right about the supposed 40 people working to raise money for the Valley Idle Morgue. It sure shows the insanity of this group in action — they are so used to lying to pump up the stats in every single dimension that they lie about this. The only problem, as you point out, is that having 40 people working full-time to sell this deal is way more embarrassing than if they had only 4 people slaving away. Ten times the incompetence!
I also think your comments about your own experience at a different org are quite the norm these days. A lot of the big donors and longtime members that I talk to are “under the radar” or “on the sidelines,” giving just enough money to avoid trouble, and giving lip service to the organization. But they’re not really using the “tech” any more and they’re only pretending to be involved to stave off disconnection, probably because most of their customers or employees are Scientologists. I think that is particularly true of the LA area.
If that’s true, then Miscavige’s strategy of moving the tent from the UK to Florida and holding all the events there makes perfect sense: he’s retreating from all corners of the world to Flag, where he will make his final stand. I think Mike R. called this “the monastery strategy.” It’s bad enough that he’s essentially abandoning Europe by no longer holding the annual IAS event at Saint Hill. But if he’s essentially abandoning California and letting the “under the radar” crowd continue to exist without fleecing them for every penny, then things are really reaching another level of decline.
Starman8 says
John, thanks for that info.
I had first hand knowledge of stats, as I kept them for years. I constantly battled over the illogic and downright falsity of some of it. You’ve no doubt read about the chiro lawsuit and the Dianetics book selling. Well, that was being reported as being done by him for the OT Committee.
In my case (and my wife) we didn’t have to stay – fortunately I never acquired many Scientologist connections, employees, customers or friends (family). Our only real obstacle was handling my wife’s sister (she posts here). That wasn’t difficult as she had gone through the same obstacles we had. When I say obstacles, I mean bad experiences in a way. Either regging, invalidation etc.
For me, above I stated I kept quiet, the beginning of the end was when I was threatened with probably what was the precursor to the Truth rundown. My wife and I went to DMs Flag event in Jul 2007. We were only there for the first day out of a 4 day event. When certain individuals found that out I was threatened with the proverbial sec checks on the Freewinds if I didn’t stay. My wife, a new immigrant to the US, was devasted when they suggested we cancel our planned honeymoon that coincided with the event days. She almost was in agreement when she heard their threats to me. However, for me, I did get some good results from Scientology in my earlier days, and I have the wherewithal to tell them NO. We went on our honeymoon and eventually got apologies (believe it or not) after reporting them. Unfortunately I would doubt anyone would get apologies these days with the climate that now exists.
Gerhard Waterkamp says
I guess it depends on the viewpoint, but the church really gets plenty of help to be brought to the forefront on this planet. Rightfully so. 🙂
Just Me says
I keep asking myself these questions and will again ask them out loud: Given how much the environment and information available outside the bubble has changed, what is keeping those relatively few people still drinking the Kool-Aide inside the bubble? Do you think they are fundamentally different from those of us who’ve left?
Ronnie Bell says
Given how much the environment and information available outside the bubble has changed, what is keeping those relatively few people still drinking the Kool-Aide inside the bubble?
That’s easy, JM. The sheeples inside the razor wire just tune out or block any incoming messages about the church or Miscavige that don’t originate from official church channels. That allows them to continue to munch happily in the field while DM shears their hides and sends their friends to the slaughter house.
Valerie says
That email didn’t appear to be from “an official church channel”. Isn’t it now improper to send this kind of stuff from gmail? It must be oh so confusing for those few left to keep,up,with the rules.
Aquamarine says
Lethal metaphors, Ronnie. Also true and very funny.
Jane Doe says
The exact truth Ronnie. Well said.
Gatchild says
I think you need to understand something.
Scientology is niche.
No, not quite.
It’s not even “niche”.
I consider certain video game interests “niche”. I consider people who LARP “niche”.
Scn isn’t even “liked” as much as LARPing.
Half of the interest in Scientology is most likely Anonymous’ activities.
So, to answer your question, aside from some major media coverage (like the Debbie Cook and Rinder/Rathbun interviews and debacle), it simply isn’t on the net.
The Leah Remini thing certainly was all over, as well.
But generally, you won’t encounter it just browsing your normal sites.
You’d have to look for it. Just like OT materials or anything else obscure or known to less than 30,000 people.
More people attend a single concert in one night than are ultimately wanting to find out about or read up on Scn.
So, yes, it’s easy not to read “bad stuff”. Just don’t look for it.
And, until I saw a dear friend was declared, and another person I knew was a tech terminal I had worked with and respected, and ultimately, DC’s email… I would never have looked.
It’s actually interesting being on the inside and not really “with the program”. Seems like people on the outside have a warped view of those on the inside.
I hate to generalize, but there are four types involved in Scn currently:
1. Fringers. They’re offline, they sort of show up at events when they want to, but mostly stay clear of the org. They’ll mouth the praises just to escape the reges/declares. LOADS of these. I’d guess a good 75% of my rather large friends list fall into this category.
2. Sycophants. Actively involved, drink the kool-aid, and will report you in a heartbeat if you say anything off-color. Either they have the money to be “glam” or they want to be “rockers”. Very small number of these.
3. Practical types who are onlines or offlines, and just sort of chew their cud and think “this too shall pass”. Can’t tell these people from #2, really.
4. Staff members, who put some of the people in the BDSM scene to shame, for how much they’ll take before they change things. Heck, Rinder or Rathbun can tell you that. Most fade quietly and are never heard from again. Ever. At best, they might become #1’s. Most are just fucking done with it all.
The reason “everyone” doesn’t rise up and charge with the standard is, most of the time on the track, you end up racing to the top of the hill, the enemies crest the other hill, and you say “let’s go!” and lo and behold, everyone cheering you on has vanished.
That, and people are basically sedentary. They have families, work, and have to make money, and then want to go out and have a BBQ, but they really don’t want to be too bothered. Getting declared is a bother, and causes problems. You speak out, you get declared. Pretty simple.
There isn’t going to be an “uprising” for those reasons. People won’t “wake up and smell the out-tech”.
That’s my experience with fellow Scientologists in the church.
Mike Rinder says
I think this is a pretty accurate and unvarnished view.
But forgive my ignorance, I dont know what LARPing is?
Pretty Little Robot says
Hi Mike. I’m sure you really do know what LARPing is, you’ve probably just never heard the term. LARPing is Live Action Role Playing.
El Cel says
Live action role-playing – moving on from rolling dice to determine whether you get the maiden or the dragon to putting on armor (real or otherwise) to figure it out in the local woods. My luck was to always meet the dragon not the maiden…
Gatchild says
In a nutshell, it’s people who beat on each other with nerf swords and wear plastic armor. It’s pretty much a subject that, if brought up in mainstream conversations, ensure you will not get a date.
We could take any other “niche” subject and plug it in, too. How about people who dress up as Japanese cartoon characters? There was a convention of 120,000 of these last September. That’s 12 times the number that attended the largest Scn event. And it costs about as much as buying the Basics to attend that event – just attend (room, board, tickets, travel).
Just to put things into perspective.
DollarMorgue says
Thanks for that very balanced view. It helps me to refrain from re-enacting the “us vs. them” mentality from the other side of the fence.
Absolutely correct about the niche. Probably there’s a more accurate term, as it really is a highly specialized tiny subset in the market for the very curious. Without the bad news, there would be no news at all.
Gatchild says
I just see a lot of vitrol for the “stupid sheeple” on this blog.
I see a lot of “us vs them”.
I thought I’d represent the “them” of the silent majority for a moment.
“Why don’t they wake up?”
“Can’t they SEE what’s happening?”
“Where is the revolution?”
It’s not about believing the C of S.
It’s about not giving a shit enough to get involved with something that, ultimately, doesn’t fucking matter.
Less than 1%.
And being all “activist” or “Rambo” just ends up causing problems in your life.
Honestly, it’s not worth it to lose family, friends, kids. Possibly a job, especially with the coming crash in the economy.
I’m more concerned about being disbarred from the local Starbucks. That’s rather inconvenient.
Sad, I know. My need for a coffee at work overshadows the destruction of the Tech and bastardization of all that Scn stands for.
Any Scientologist who has heard Church statements about disconnection, any ex-SO who hears “abortions aren’t forced in the SO”, knows the Church is lying its ass off.
Most aren’t happy with having to re-do basic actions for thousands just to get one process.
Or re-study materials they’ve read twelve times to see “that comma missing totally change their perception of the materials”.
The general mentality of those who don’t fall into number 2 is “I paid for you to get me a product, if I don’t have it, I’m not paying thousands more to possibly not get the product again”.
You don’t know how many close friends have said this to me in hushed, nervous tones. Wondering if i’ll KR their ass and “wreck their lives”.
Spoiler: It’s more than twenty. These are online, good standing people you refer to as “sheep”.
C’mon, folks, we’ve been through this rodeo before. “Evolutions” happen. Management goes crazy. Policy goes out the window, and courses get done, re-done, and done again.
This is “same old, same old” to anyone who has been in for longer than ten years.
Mike Rinder says
And with all that said, the question is: If its all less important than being banned from Starbucks, why are you posting here? And why under a pseudonym?
Gatchild says
Because, ultimately, I agree with your sentiments about what is going on.
I began posting just because there was some misconceptions from commenters on your blog.
I wish I could help, I’d like a Scn that wasn’t fucked up, don’t get me wrong. I think it’ll take Heber or another two or three very respected Scnists to accomplish it going “rogue”, but I’m not that.
As far as the pseudonym, I gots to haves my coffees. 😉
DollarMorgue says
Gatchild, a thing about all these blogs, whether they are “ideal” for Scientologists in good standing or not, is that they are a first step into a world where everyone can speak their mind. It’s a cacophany at times, and may be a rough ride compared with the “don’t think just do” in the cos, but people read and evaluate anyway, and I doubt many decide to continue to prop up the church after that.
In defence of OTViiiisgrrr8, I actually understood his satire and love it and laughed about it. Until Mike started his blog, there weren’t so many places you could go for a good chuckle. So to each his own. Nowadays there are lots of places to get information prepared just the way you like it.
Peter says
One of the most intellectual and thoughtful explanations of the current situation I’ve yet seen. Kudos! The best we can do is keep on plugging, awaiting the next very serious publc blunder of the MiniMonster’s regime. In the long run, the odds are with us.
Gatchild says
I hope my comments don’t come off as “don’t even bother”. That’s not my message at all.
I had a lot of reading to do once I started examining the situation. There are many in a number of categories that do the same. Like me, likely they talk to one or two people about their thoughts on the matter.
But, the thoughts are thunk.
And the information on blogs like this is read and evaluated.
Honestly, many of the blogs are weird and seem psycho. OTVIIisG8 is one. Consistently talking like “COB” or “RTC”, saying over-exaggerated stuff that, to someone who is on the fence, isn’t going to bring them to seeing an outpoint.
Parody is great. But it requires some latitude and understanding of the “average dude” to pull off properly, and he doesn’t have it.
Marty is far too “out there” with all sorts of “other practices” and “I’m exploring new (squirrel, to people freshly investigating) ways of looking at Scn”. I almost expect a post about how LSD helps auditing. That’s Marty, I personally have no issue with his spiritual exploration. It just won’t enlighten people freshly questioning things. They’ll read and go “this guy is gone”.
Mike’s blog is at least in the general direction of someone spotting outpoints, has general “scn think” mentality. It’s a good bridge from Scnthink to whatever they end up thinking.
So, if it wasn’t out there, the “underground” or fringers wouldn’t have anything to put things into perspective.
I take a lot of what Mike says with a grain of salt. I generally skip over the bombast used to describe DM or current involved scnists, personally. It’s just filler.
I get the same emails, I think the same things (Jesus, has that FSM ever read policy?), but in the end, while I rarely read comments, sometimes it’s interesting to see the very radical view of “those still involved”, when that applies to maybe 1,000 people, total, within the Church.
Not counting staff. Been there. There is no external view.
John P. Capitalist says
Thanks for your comments, particularly the categorization of active members into different categories. I’m intrigued that you suggest that 75% of the people you know are flying “under the radar,” only involved when they want to do something, and hoping mainly to avoid being declared and disconnected.
To try to estimate how common a phenomenon this is, if you feel comfortable, would you be willing to say whether you are located a) in the West Side LA or the Valley, where there are lots of longtime members (still interesting if you’re OC or Inland Empire), b) in the greater Clearwater area, or c) another city in the US.
I’d argue that if your friends list is representative of a significant percentage of the Clearwater public, then corporate Scientology is in far more serious trouble than if your experience is centered in, say, Chicago or Denver.
Gatchild says
While I’m not 100% comfortable mentioning locations, I can say that of the (over 800) friends I have, they are pretty evenly split between east and west coasts.
If I was to do a breakdown, I’d guess the UTR percentage is higher in Cali, lower from the CW mob. Again, because of the #3 category, it’s really hard to say. I’ve seen the “this too shall pass” crowd say things that would place them with the “gung-hos”.
The main difference that I see is a very simple test. Ultimately, whenever you meet a Scientologist and they talk to you, the question is almost immediately asked “What service are you on?” or “Where are you on service?”
Answer “not on service right now”, and the gung-ho will immediately stop talking to you, make rushed excuses while averting their eyes as if you were a leper, and walk off. They don’t even try to recover you, ask you “what’s the problem, can I help” or anything else. It’s just “this person is unsafe”.
The “this too shall pass” crowd will just keep talking to you, about whatever subject. If they are a “fringer”, they will start making allusions to the DC email, to test the waters (no direct mention).
It’s actually a pretty simple conversation, but it has to be had, and usually face to face.
Jane Doe says
Gatchild you are rich! Rich in friends, that is, and I’m jealous of the number that you have. I like your way of testing the water to see if they’re gung ho Kool Aid drinkers, or middle of the road “this too shall pass” crowd, or under the radars. I have experienced exactly what you’re talking about where they see you, and instead of, “wow, it’s been a long time, how are you?” It is where are you on services now? And if you say “not on at the moment,” they do exactly as you say, cant’ look at you and rush off on some excuse. Talk about low confront of evil! And I”m not even evil and they couldn’t confront me. Imagine how much they can’t confront David Miscavage! It’s a sad state of affairs for them to be so much in fear all the time.
Jose Chung says
Oh for Christ sake’s Diane , you cant be that stupid.
GAT makes Silk purses into Sows ears.
No Auditor’s means no Clears no matter how much fundraising you do.
No Clears means no OT’s
Lets see the financial records of the C of $
krcjenny says
jose, i’ll second that ’emotion’, more specifically; open those books, all 5 sets of them or how many ever they are ‘ponzi’ scheming with these days. grab those offshore accounts before shorty tries some tom cruise movie stunt to mission impossible them to Switzerland or Barbados. I would love to see david get some new jewelry… electronic ankle bracelet until all his lawsuits are completed (never) and he is remanded to a rock (Alcatraz) somewhere. so sorry ya’ll,
I’m still feeling a little angry!
Jose Chung says
Understood. The stories I could tell. Mest does not resolve Mest.
No matter how much fundraising D.M. does it will not work,all of this Ideal Org
building and renovation on other peoples money is a bust. I been there done that when Billion dollar multi Nationals went under big time.I almost became an owner of a well known potato chip company,but because of creative bookkeeping it went ka flooie.
Unfortunately the guy who juggled the books committed suicide, this is rare for bean counters.But it makes everyone look bad.
Make auditors that make Clears who go OT, not to hard of a Mantra.
Johannesburg ideal prospect says
Diane, I love you too, honey, but you need to catch a wake-up!
COBs ‘ strategy ain’t working.
” when I click my fingers you will come up to present time !”
Tony DePhillips says
Jo Cabbage says
Could this be the same Diane that is spamming Craigslist? It’s a small world Davey and getting smaller.