Here is why David Miscavige is so terrified of his “International Events” being seen by anyone outside the bubble. (You would think He would want all that good news disseminated far and wide?)
But the problem is that when what he says gets out into the real world, there are people who actually check the Shermanspeak(r) bs he spouts against FACTS. Pesky things them facts….
The New Years video went onto the internet yesterday and already it has hit the media in Ireland, because one of the “featured” videos concerned the Dublin Mission (which was a very sad little place when I went to visit it 2 years ago).
It’s funny, as I was watching the first part of the event it struck me how condescending He is towards the people and places He is “salvaging.” Sherman tries to be “clever” in his descriptions to make nothingness into somethingness, but what is said is often highly offensive to those being talked about. The Irish media noted this in his description of their country — a country and city neither Sherman nor Miscavige have ever even visited.
It struck me hardest in another section I watched about a guy who is getting study tech implemented in Malaysia. The speech makes it seem like Malaysia is some sort of third-world jungle backwater and the video pontificates that by getting study tech into 104 companies (probably not even true) that “the entire heart and soul of Malaysia’s industrial work force suddenly comes to know the power of clearing MU’s” — how conceited is this? Only to be outdone by the climax of this self-gratification-fest “…thereby ushering Malaysia into the 21st century.” I bet they really get a kick out of that in Malayasia… If either of these two clowns had ever been to Kuala Lumpur I don’t think they would be talking about this country as though they were dragging it kicking and screaming into the modern world.
But back to Ireland. An article in today’s Irish Mirror comments on the over-the-top claims made by Dear Leader in his New Year’s address.
Controversial Scientology leader hails Irish branch in New Year’s message to followers
David Miscavige, in an address to the faithful, praised the work carried out in the cult’s Irish mission.
The leader of the controversial cult of Scientology has praised its Irish mission in a New Year’s address to the faithful.
In a presentation that highlighted the best of 2013 in the church of Scientology at a complex in Clearwater, Florida on New Year’s Eve, David Miscavige pointed to Ireland as an example of the excellent work that the organisation was carrying out.
Seven minutes into the video above, he describes Ireland as a home “to one of the finest literary traditions of the western world” and a “land of both enduring beauty and beautiful sadness”.
In an address that lasted a total of over two hours, he says that the people here would tell you that “Ireland is not immune to the decaying values of this 21st century”.
After running through the services provided by Scientology’s Dublin home on Abbey St, including ‘Personal Efficiency’ and ‘Life Improvement’, Miscavige goes on to describe the work being done by the following in Ireland.
He says: “Where this mission of Dublin begins to assume a distinctly Irish profile is with a grassroots campaign to meet the LRH (L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology founder) target by capturing one percent of the reading public with LRH based books.”
We are shown shots of Dublin Scientology’s ‘book van’ rolling out onto Talbot St, Moore St and more, while leaflets and pamphlets are shown being handed out at numerous landmark shops and streets throughout the capital.
The organisation claims that over 110,000 leaflets have been distributed so far, with 270,000 people reached through radio and other media.
It then claims that the mission of Dublin “accomplished an 85% drop in drug-related crime” and cites an unnamed county councillor who states: “You set a shining example. You have effective solutions and are dedicated to improve the lives of others.”
See the video above, about seven minutes in.
Internet activist group Anonymous Ireland has planned a protest outside the office of the Irish mission of Scientology on Abbey St in Dublin this month.
It will take place from 11am to 5pm on January 25.
The tongue in check nature of this article speaks volumes as to how the ridiculous claims (reducing drug related crime by 85%?) are treated. They don’t even have to express outrage. They simply quote the statements and let the readers draw their own conclusions. What a bunch of fools.
One of the activists mentioned at the end of the article, Pete Griffiths, contacted the radio station (Ocean FM) shown in the video. Here is how they responded to him:
Just checked that video, Pete, and it’s hilarious…that is not the Ocean FM studio, nor does the ‘presenter’ work here !! Totally made up, it’s a good yarn, and we’d love to cover it tomorrow.
Now Ocean FM have put story this up on their website:
Added: 14-01-2014
Management of Ocean FM Ireland have reacted with amazement after a bogus video purporting to show a Scientology broadcast from its studios was shown to a major Scientology Conference in Florida.
The video, played live to a huge audience at the New Year’s Eve Scientology event in Clearwater, Florida, includes a clip of an ‘interview’ being conducted with a Scientologist in the Ocean FM studios.
However, the studio is NOT that of Ocean FM, and the ‘presenter’ conducting the interview is not known to anyone at Ocean.
Ocean FM was alerted to the matter by a listener, who suggested that it was unfortunate that Ocean would be involved in such a video.
Management at the radio station is now investigating the matter.
And other media are now picking up on this as a new story.
It sucks to be Miscavige. Really. He can’t say anything any more without people making fun of him.
Some of those hard working Irishmen took the time to transcribe what was said about their city in the video. This is a perfect example of Shermanspeak bs. It’s all made to sound “grand” and “poetic” and its got nothing to do with reality. Sherman probably took these places from a map and a tourist guide for Dublin and figured they sounded good. But the ultimate proof of how much bs this all is — SMI planting their flag and all — is below the transcript.
An exemplary emphasis of how missions take root in cultural soil. Let us open with a tale from a land where the soil is exceedingly rich. In point of fact it is home to one of the finest literary traditions of the Western world, and a body of poetry extending back ten centuries. Well, if only for that extra touch of enchantment, let us call it a land of both enduring beauty and beautiful sadness. For this is the emerald Island and the Irish capital at Dublin. Notwithstanding a renown of gregarious wit and pride of identity, they will tell you that Ireland is not immune to decaying values of the 21st century. But that is precisely where enters Ger Collins and his Mission of Dublin. It’s stands just off O’Connell street in a primary thoroughfare drenched in Irish history, and hence it’s at the crossroads of working class Irish. As such it provides testing services for the mainstay of Dublin society, including housewives, shopkeepers, entrepreneurs, and professionals of every description. It also provides personal efficiency, originally piloted by LRH in Dublin through the mid-1950′s, and now assuming a second life among Ireland’s new salt of the earth. There’s still more with life improvement courses for everyone else across Dublin’s demographic pie-chart. But where this Mission of Dublin begins to assume a distinctly Irish profile is with a grassroots campaign to meet the LRH target by capturing 1% of the reading public with LRH basic books. Hence on any given weekend across any high-traffic zone out rolls the mission’s ‘Basics Books’ van. Onto Talbot street, once submerged in Irish nationalism and now a North-end shopping district. Onto Moore street, likewise at the North and filled with fresh produce market stalls. And at the Epicurean Hall filled with food courts and thus another kind of Dublin crossroads. Then back at O’Connell street rolls out a full-blown bookathon, a place where once a rose, a terrible beauty of Irish independence, and where now a new generation finds its feet. There is still more again on Henry street, off the main thoroughfare where Irish history likewise lives on. At which point all loops back to the General Post Office, where Irish political freedom was born and no emerges a new Ireland. And that, in a nutshell, is how this Mission of Dublin placed LRH books into the hands of not one, not two, but a full 3% of the Dublin reading public.
But there is another vector entirely along which Dublin advances in the name of clearing their zone, and it includes every one of our forth-dynamic salvage campaigns across an Ireland unravelling in this 21st century. It begins with The Way To Happiness along Parnell street comprising Dublin’s melting pot. It continues with the 21 precepts, yet again, at Grafton street amidst perennial leprechauns, and then over the Ha’penny bridge where flows so much Dublin tradition, and out along Gardiner street where booklets parallel the river Liffey. There’s another vein entirely along which flows human rights. This one follows an artistic trail across Dublin’s new cultural quarter, at which point again it winds back to the O’Connell bridge where young people affix signatures to human rights’ petitions. And finally, comes Truth About Drugs applied to new generation usage. It infuses Dublin from the Donegal Farmers’ market where booklets sprout from produce stands and so establishing a delivery pattern that replicates all over Ireland’s social arteries. At the health shop, the tea shop, the internet cafe, and local pubs. There’s still more again at the barbers’ shops, the butchers’, and wherever else streams Dublin’s lifeblood there advances truth about drugs even into Donegal’s county police stations until the Mission of Dublin placed no less than 110,000 booklets into Irish hands. But still that’s not the end of it because with Truth About Drugs’ spokesmen hitting national airwaves from Ocean FM to BBC Radio and thereby impacting no less than 270,000 listeners all while newspaper headlines reinforce the message. Well, that’s how this Mission of Dublin accomplished an 85% drop in drug related crime, while through it all they have now introduced more than 42,000 people to Dianetics and Scientology. And, yes, that’s Scientology Missions International planting their flag into the bedrock of a nation.
They photoshopped the Mission in the video. They gave it a sign that doesnt exist and removed the shop that is the storefront as this sad little mission, hanging on by its fingernails, is a couple of rooms on the second floor in a backstyreet of Dublin (see how Sherman describes it above):
And here is how it really looks:
Thanks to the hard work and full story you can find on Dialogue Ireland.
Likening Malaysia to a backwoods jungle is the same as taking the Florida Everglades or the swamp lands of Louisana and saying it’s America.
Promoting Ireland as a drug infested country with decaying values is another pisser. Maybe I’m thick here but what is meant by capturing 1% of the reading public in Ireland? So Irish people are poor, salt of the earth people who don’t read either? Too busy toiling in the potato fields and getting drunk?
It is embarrassing the way other countries and cultures are looked down upon by Miscavige and Company. They truly think they know best and are better than everyone else. Arrogant and ignorant at the same time.
I can only imagine what would be said about a country and people like Iran. They would probably elude to people living in caves and speaking Arabic. That would piss off the Persian scientologists real well. Ever been to Tehran Dave? Didn’t think so.
I thought of my Irish Da today who passed away before his time. He would have a few choice words to say about this (F%@k ’em) and we would end it with a good laugh.
Interesting that Malaysia and Ireland are Muslim and Catholic countries respectively, and would never have anything to do with Scientology on any grand scale.
Yeah Pepper. These are just two of numerous examples of the arrogant ignorance of these fools trying to make something sound important. Because it always has to be “the biggest” and “the best” and “history making” and “highest ever” they have to turn EVERYTHING into stupid hype and melodrama.
With all the legal troubles in the US and abroad, they are **dumb enough to make this mistake; lie on purpose. How stupid and devoid of morals and integrity do you have to be to make this kind of “mistakes?” They must live in a Huge Bubble.
Speaking on Ocean FM this morning, a representative of Scientology Ireland said the footage – first highlighted in Ireland on – had been a “re-enactment” of an interview on the station.
Even putting little things like accuracy and megalomania aside, this is the worst prose style I’ve read in years — meaningless, overblown, full of allusions that lead to nothing, pretentious, gaseous, poisonously vapid. I make my living writing books and have for 20 years, and I couldn’t even IMITATE this, It’s just uniquely awful, and what it says about the person for whom it was written is that he’s a delusional megalomaniac who actually believes he can make this pap true simply by speaking it into a microphone.
Hey friendly neighborhood “SPs”. I wanted to share this little loophole with you. I was just checking in with the “Cultbusters” page on Facebook and someone posted this reference. There is a teeny tiny little loophole in this section:
“It is a SUPPRESSIVE ACT to deal with a Declared SUPPRESSIVE PERSON unless you are the named terminal to deal with the SP (i.e. Sea Org MAA). Per the above referenced PL, “continued adherence to a person or group accurately pronounced a Suppressive Person or Group by HCO” is a Suppressive Act.”
Did you happen to notice the word, “ACCURATELY” in this paragraph?
What I was thinking is that people who have been disconnected from their family could possibly use this loophole to be able to reconnect with their family. My thought – just a thought – is that if you are petitioning to have your declare lifted as “inaccurate,” then you have made the statement that the declare is, in fact, inaccurate per the 12 suppressive characteristics.
It may not be much of a loophole but, at the very least, this is the key outpoint in all this. They are declaring people suppressive for just disagreeing, not because they are actually suppressive.
Thought I’d put this out there for those who might find this useful.
Here is the whole reference by Michael Hobson:
SCN POLICY DIRECTIVE 28 13 August 1982
“A SUPPRESSIVE PERSON or GROUP is one that actively seeks, by action or statement, to suppress or damage Scientology or a Scientologist by Suppressive Acts.
“SUPPRESSIVE ACTS are acts calculated to impede or destroy Scientology or a Scientologist in his studies or counselling, or to affect adversely his well-being.” (HCO PL 16 May 80 II)
It is a SUPPRESSIVE ACT to deal with a Declared SUPPRESSIVE PERSON unless you are the named terminal to deal with the SP (i.e. Sea Org MAA). Per the above referenced PL, “continued adherence to a person or group accurately pronounced a Suppressive Person or Group by HCO” is a Suppressive Act.
To maintain a line with, offer support to, or in any way grant credence to such a person indicates nothing more than agreement with that person’s destructive intentions and acts. Such dealings in fact act as a covert or overt attempt to undermine and negate the ethics and justice strengths of our ecclesiastical structure.
Standard on-policy lines exist should a Declared SP seek to set things right and make up for damage caused.
So labeled and declared, a person claiming injustice has the right to request a Committee of Evidence via their nearest HCO.
However, unless you are the named authorized terminal to deal with the Suppressive Person, to deal with one constitutes no less than a Suppressive Act. Such an act is cause to have levied against you the same per policy Church justice procedures afforded any Suppressive Person. Full ethics penalties will be applied.
Where the matter concerns family relations or where a Scientologist is in the position of being closely associated to a person found to be Suppressive the materials covering Potential Trouble Sources apply. There is no practice of “disconnection” allowed in the Church of Scientology and these materials cover completely how one may use proper lines and procedures to handle a PTS condition.
One does not however use a false excuse of “handling my PTS condition” to covertly maintain a line of supportful dealings and agreements with an SP. If you wish to maintain such a line, do so outside of current and future membership in the Church.
To deal with a Suppressive is a Suppressive Act.
The above is unequivocal Church Policy.
for the
[Dede Reisdorf, formerly CO CMO INT 1971-1979]
I am afraid you are horribly unreal about this. If you think any MAA or the IJC is going to agree with a “loophole” that someone they illegally and improperly declared SP (as most declares are, according not to loopholes in policy, but clearly stated policy) because their determination was “inaccurate” then I have some really fine building sites in the Everglades that are available today only for only the most discriminating buyers 🙂
Just dont want anyone getting the wrong impressionl.
I appreciate your intention. But believe me, your good intentions are not matched on the other side of the MAA’s desk.
Of course, the MAA’s wouldn’t buy it. Just making a point, really.
99% of those being declared are inaccurately declared. It used to be VERY difficult to be declared. Sec checks, com evs, double checking, conditions then, if no change, declared.
Now, if you blow your nose in the direction of The Pope, be prepared for some goldenrod.
And, no, I’m not suggesting that anyone wants to go back in, only saying that for families that have been disconnected, that it does say, “accurately.”
And thanks for the offer on the buildings, but no thanks. I’m allergic to alligators. 😉
Good report Mike on this monument to arrogance. I can tell you that in addition to Danny Sherman, Diana Hubbard’s hoof prints are all over this piece of crap. She LOVED to do the (excruciatingly hackneyed and trite) list of streets; in fact, she came up with the device which was originally used to salt in some color, but now it is the entire content of the video which goes on and on. This writing is so bad it makes me shudder. She, Danny and Miscavige were always insensitive to the point of being incoherent as regards invalidating whatever haphazard country was unlucky enough to have DM’s fleas scratching on its skin for some blood. They have done it time after time, it’s all designed to set up the CoS entrance, as Diana explained (numerous times) “We have to walk in like King Kong.” I agree they are walking in like King Kong… and laying down a King-Kong-sized turd right in the middle of the Ha’penny bridge while the “salt of the earth” (read poverty stricken) leprechauns scatter like flies due to the rotten stench coming out the giant CoS pucker.
This unique brand of pretended familiarity is intended to make it seem like something is happening, whereas in truth they were cursing their aged researches like Olga Ihnen because she produced no evidence of anything happening in Dublin at all. So to make up for that — I’ve seen them do it — they pull out tourist books and brochures mentioning Talbot Street, Moore Street, the market stalls and Epicurean Hall (no relation to me) (joke). The year I finally quit, this was being done more and more. Let me explain exactly how this recipe is put together.
We start with a list of whatever a mission can deliver: OCA tests, personal efficiency and life improvement courses. Ignore the fact that the mission probably hasn’t delivered anything to anyone in years.
Okay, now we make a list of people: “housewives, shopkeepers, entrepreneurs, and professionals.” Assign those to testing services.
Whatever Diana wrote for PE and Life Improvement courses bombed because here Danny took over and (from out of his ass) gave PE to “Ireland’s new salt of the earth” while life improvement courses received “Dublin’s demographic pie-chart.” Oh, brother. Maybe there are some people who need ECT after all.
Mix in a few token Irish-sounding words like “gregarious” and “mainstay” and put it out in the sun so the flies can add a nice brown crust to the outside.
Meanwhile Diana finds some streets from “Visit Dublin” websites and marks them on a map with a highlighter. Then strings the locations together in a sequence that makes “sense” (to her and to DM only). Then she makes a separate list of whatever the mission can conceivably do: sell books, park a book van, hold a “bookathon” — but might I point out there’s no such thing? A bookathon? And thereby creates a sort of CoS circle jerk where “all loops back to the General Post Office.” “All”? “All” in this case means “nothing.”
Now in every one of these stories, it has to continue to ramp up. So she’s got to have the radio getting out some “airwaves.” She figures (from their website) out how many people in their listening area and assumes every person in the city was listening to the same radio station and we have “no less than 270,000 listeners.” There surely were no newspaper articles, so she says newspaper “headlines” reinforced the message which means absolutely nothing.
Now of course “all” this nothing has to result in a stat. So Diana will generally comb through the media about Dublin to find an improved statistic reported in the media, like an article where someone reports an “85% reduction in drug-related crime” relating to some portion of Dubin. Who cares about the reason. So she asserts the Mission caused the drop in crime. TA-DA! End.
And now you know why Dubin is drenched in beautiful sadness — they just can’t believe anyone could be so condescending.
Thoughtful – Thank you for putting the process described in your post in perfect order. I can clearly see how the bs rolls on out. Diana and Danny must be very proud of themselves and their work.
Re Dublin, they are not in the grubby sh1t hole above the travel agents anymore. The took over the top 3 floors of the neighbouring building – above the hairdressers. It was fully renovated prior to moving, new furniture etc so it’s far better albeit starting to get “unmocked”.
I would say that the radio interview with Oceanfm DID happen (the station didn’t categorically deny it) but it wasn’t filmed at the time, that was most likely staged during a visit from a Gold team.
Very badly handled in that the footage of the staged event was filmed and broadcast without informing the station, using their name etc – hence the bad reaction.
Same with the footage of the leaflet distribution, there would have been spurts of it being done over the months and years but then fully staged for Gold to film. The areas such as Talbot St, Moore St, O’Connell st are absolutely awful places, I’ve no idea why they were chosen for the distribution of leaflets.
Reaching the 3% of the population – the Names & Addresses list has in the region of 25,000 names – these are people that would have bought a book (a few would have bought a course). But this is over the course 28 years – the mission opened in 1986 and most of the books were sold in the 80’s and 90’s.
The population of Dublin is over 500,000.
So in essence, there are small morsels of truth that get altered in an “acceptable” way, taken out of context to make them sound better, overly emphasised and so on. It’s infuriating, and because it’s been done for so long in these events, there’s just no way of back peddling and just reporting real facts and statistics without seriously losing face. Much like the number of worldwide Scnists “mysteriously” increasing by 2 million at appropriate intervals.
I saw over on another blog that the “radio interview” was from a program that Ocean FM did on drug rehab. They had a series for people talking about their drug rehab experience and one of the people interviewed had done the NN program – but there was no mention of Scientology in the interview. This is the “interview” that they “recreated” for the New Years event.
As Karen and others point out Miscavige is a pathological liar. This is so true.
The weird thing is that he probably can’t help himself. Twisting the truth is one of the 12 or so characteristics of a truly suppressive person.
Possibly he is not even be particularly aware that he is lying. He strikes me as the kind of person who can lie to himself so thoroughly that he actually believes his own bullshit and won’t see evidence to the contrary.
He also seems to have no prediction of or responsibility for consequences. He is probably not stupid in the IQ sense and has the resources to hire lots of smart people, yet it doesn’t seem to register on him that this is the information age. Most people in the public eye know that it is almost impossible to hide a lie for long in this age and when one inevitably gets caught lying, the reputation of being a liar follows one like flies find rotting flesh.
I have asked myself how he can keep doing this over and over and have come to the conclusion that the answer is actually simple: He can’t see it. He is coo-coo. Nuttier than a fruitcake. An actual psychotic. You can go half nuts yourself trying to make sense out his continual contra-survival overt acts and justifications because they make no sense.
Actually Mike I am not sure that all this is such a big deal. If I was still in the Church ranks I would not be that bothered about a few “little white lies” – IF and only IF the Church was delivering Standard Tech in volume to a large and ever growing public. If such was the case I would simply shrug my shoulders and put it down to “corporate PR over-enthusiasm” as I observed the thousands of PC and auditors on lines getting great gains. But as that is not the case with empty Idle Orgs, Academies and HGCs for decades now then the Church’s PR standing would not be in the parlous state it is in now. But I don’t think we should make too much of a song and dance about all this – it’s the delivery of good tech that is and always will remain the main charge to be levied at the Church under Miscavige. I think people outside of the Church now, can start going over the top on this issue but to which people in the Church will just shrug off. I (vaguely I must admit) remember in my times in the Orgs spotting a few little white lies or “over-enthusiastic phrasing” but at that time there were loads of PCs and students so I didn’t care one hoot. Now if people in the Church now start to see that their Academies, Orgs and HGC s are empty then THAT, coupled with the little white lies, might make them see the wood from the trees. But the little white lies as such are just that and not that important in the overall scheme of things.
Yea, neither are the beatings, the disconnections or the fleecings. They are all kind of OK given the broader picture of all that the cult does for humanity!
Actually the white lies are incredibly important to detect and expose. The church can hide all the evidence of it’s out tech and it can hide the collapsing state of it’s organizations all over the world. Everything inside that is rotten or bad is fiercely controlled and hidden. Have you EVER seen the clears made stat of ANY Church of Scientology in the world? Of course not, they would never release anything that would expose their constant lying about “straight up and vertical”. However we CAN show the lies they tell about their interaction with the outside world. By doing this we have the hope of penetrating the bubble for some. People inside the bubble are SUFFERING. They are having a bad time. The very rich and famous celebrities all get special treatment and they love their Scientology experience. They write glowing success stories. But the Scientologist in the street is being HURT, he or she is being forced to disconnect from family, bankrupt himself, have his case and gains invalidated over and over. Having his life taken over. Staff are vicously abused. They have billions to defend themselves against lawsuits, they have American religious freedom to hide their human rights abuses behind. There is ONLY ONE WAY they will be taken down- and that is by finding and exposing EVERY LIE they tell. If that gets done, eventually, the facade will crumble. Otherwise you are going to see Captain Miscavige run his riegn of terror for the next 30 years, just the same as the last 30. Come on Foolproof- it DOES matter.It’s really important- it’s truth blowing away lies. And if you prove conclusively that DM lied, no matter about what, you help people accept that other things may be lies too. Help them look for themselves at the stuff we can’t expose.
I (vaguely I must admit) remember in my times in the Orgs spotting a few little white lies or “over-enthusiastic phrasing” but at that time there were loads of PCs and students so I didn’t care one hoot.
I agree, PR & Event BS was a non-issue when I was still there in the early 90’s. Not too many people on course or being audited also not all that important, as “Dry Runs” for a few months here and there also wasn’t all that uncommon either . But what really ended my CO$ era was the incessant reging, every other call (sometimes 2 or 3 a day) to come in and see …, etc. They had been getting approx. $ 20,000 a year from me for services, but that just wasn’t good enough. I also pulled out at least 5 others I know of, and in the end they lost at least $ 100,000 a year. That’s the real stat of over-the-top off-policy fundraising.
Oh, and there is another EPIC example of History Rewritten by Miscavige (™) in the event:
He goes on and on with the story of what “we” (the Church) did, and what we did next, and then we did that, with the London Ideal org weaved into the story (nothing to do with it), and on and on, positioned with the IRS victory, etc. with a lengthy UK history lesson added, etc. leading up to the climax: that the UK now “officially recognized Scientology as a religion”. That’s what the crowd went crazy about.
What REALLY happened (as those of you who read the real news know) was that a couple appealed to the UK court system to be able to married in the Scientology Chapel, because the UK’s religious laws were dated from centuries ago, and still required the worshipping of a God or a Supreme being for a religion to be able to be called a religion. The couple (nothing to do with the church) appealed that law saying that the definition was outdated, and a religion doesn’t necessarily have to worship a god or gods to qualify as a religion, because see, Buddhist don’t have a God either… and the court agreed, and as a result, they can now get married in the Scientology Chapel. That’s it. That’s the real story. Plus, the articles in the UK (in the real world) also quoted VERY concerned lawmakers who got worried that this may eventually open the door to Scientology trying to get tax reductions for its buildings – benefits reserved for “places of worship” per UK law, and immediately started meetings and talks about their options to prevent that somehow.
The last part was missing from Miscavige’s verison, as was the couple (who did actual the work Miscavige claimed full credit for) – not a word about the people who actually did the job, only “us” and Miscavige bathing in the applause for “yet another monumental victory that happened under his leadership”.
Is DM aware that in the UK every charity with income of more than £10,000 is required to file annual accounts, which anyone can download for free from the Charity Commission website? Over here being a recognised religion is not a licence to do whatever you like with no accountability to anyone, as it appears to be in the United States.
What REALLY happened (as those of you who read the real news know) was that a couple appealed to the UK court system to be able to married in the Scientology Chapel, because the UK’s religious laws were dated from centuries ago, and still required the worshipping of a God or a Supreme being for a religion to be able to be called a religion.
Omitted from this post is that the IAS, CO$ or whatever arm of the church entirely financed their legal case per their own admission to reporters. It was the legal avenue CO$ used to get religious recognition. They just didn’t give any details at the New Years event.
I found some more interesting tidbits of nonsense in the WISE section:
1. Braxton Construction (a WISE member company) is touted as an example with one of the highlights being that by using LRH’s admin tech, they stand out in their industry by completing 100% of their projects on time and in budget.
Which is something NONE of the Miscavige (mis)managed Ideal Org projects, manned by (supposedly) the most devoted followers of LRH’s tech can claim, never mind the “historical” Super Power building… It is ironic that it didn’t occur to Miscavige that he is basically saying that Braxton Construction is a hell of a lot better example of using the admin tech than any organization (mis)managed by Leader Miscavige himself.
2. One of the WISE member companies (in Taiwan, if my memory is right) is shown as having received an “International Certification of Excellence”, at least that’s what the caption on the screen says under the animated display of the precious “award”… which is clearly readable as an ISO 9001 certificate. Miscavige, living in a bubble, probably doesn’t have a clue what ISO 9001 is – it is a run of the mill quality assurance certificate… the only requirement to receive it is to document the company’s internal procedures and follow them as written. This is a certificate earned by more than 1.1 million companies worldwide (as of December 2011), including 297.000 companies in China alone (pretty much every single manufacturing company in a country with NO Scientology) – hardly a rare feat.
3. He claims that over 2 million professionals use the admin tech. LOL. Does he REALLY believe this?
Well, it doesn’t matter I guess. The crowd is ecstatic and the rolling thunder follows just as choreographed.
Wow! This made me laugh out loud. Caught in such a bold lie; I hope US media gets a hold of it. Of course, DM will claim he had nothing to do with it, and throw some Gold staff member in the RPF.
I’m Irish, I promise you that scientology is seen as a weird and stupid religion where people believe in aliens. If they really did hand out flyers on Grafton ST, I GUARANTEE 99% of people laughed/went “WTF?”/told them to f*ck off or maybe took the flyer out of politeness and shoved it in the nearest bin. I had no idea there even was an Irish org until a few months ago when I started reading about scientology. It’s a joke.
lolz abound everytime the midget opens his trap and tries to make the terms….” its a fact, a matter of fact or factually speaking” sound like anything other than horseshit…lol
He has great tells kindly included in his speeches to alert anyone to when the crap is about to flow.
What is really scary is that the mantra at the Int base is “IF COB SAYS IT, IT MUST BE TRUE!!”. They really believe this and anyone up there who doubts it for a second or says anything that might imply anything different is likely to get phyiscally abused. This is pounded into the staff up there, Captain COB is perfect, therefore everything he says is true, therefore you are wrong , therefore Scientology really is expanding, therefore over and over, round and round. A psychologist could write a book on the bizarre aberation that goes on at the Int Base. It is something to behold. Captain COB says that the crime rate in Dublin would have dropped by 85% with all those books being distributed, THEN IT MUST BE TRUE!! Sadly everything that comes out of Captain COBs mouth is a smelly lie, and most of them are easily disproved.
Like any pathological liar, Miscavige will accuse the world of conspiring to make him look like a liar. Anon will be accused of moving the Dublin office when the staff went home for the night, Ocean FM will be accused of being bribed to deny the interview took place, Malaysian Anons will be accused of importing paper mâché machines and fake skylines to make it look modern, and Mike Rinder and every single commenter will be accused, again, of being paid the big bucks by Big Pharma to make Miscavige look bad, even to the point of making him look older and smaller. Even though I am clearly being facetious, the sad part about this is Miscavige does say similar things and that is how the big lies are sold to an increasingly deluded membership.
Perfect. Or else they will say that these events were all done by enemies to the church who were PRETENDING to be Scientologists just to make the church look bad. (I literally got that reasoning from an older auditor when I told her about the SquirrelBusters and how I hated to be involved in a group that would send out goons like that. She replied, “That CAN’T be true! A Scientologist would NEVER do THAT! Those are just people PRETENDING to be Scientologists to make Scientologists LOOK bad.
With that, I just shut my mouth because I truly wanted to get my re-payment back from Flag. “There are none so blind as those who will not see.”
To the dear OSAbot working this blog, do you see anything wrong this? Do you think it is okay for the leader of the CoS to lie so brazenly? What kind of image does this give out to the world – the same world you work so hard to clear? Is the church really so desperate for “good news” it has to invent it? You’re okay with this? Really? Is this what you joined the Sea Org for? Scientology? What the hell would LRH have to say?
“False data can cause one to make stupid mistakes. It can even block one from absorbing true data.
One can solve the problems of existence only when he has true data.
If those around one lie to him or her, one is led into making errors and his survival potential is reduced.
False data can come from many sources: academic, social, professional.
Many want you to believe things just to suit their own ends.
What is true is what is true for you.
No one has any right to force data off on you and command you to believe it or else. If it is not true for you, it isn’t true.
Think your own way through things, accept what is true for you, discard the rest. There is nothing unhappier than one who tries to live in a chaos of lies”
One last comment (for now) on the event video. After listening to Jeff Pomeranz’s booming infomercial voice intoning the bloated Sherman hype against the absolute GARISH stage and screen graphics and then watching Miscavige with his increasingly sing songy bizarre run-on style of public speaking and his new dyed sort of male bouffant hair style … I couldn’t help but wonder …… when did Scientology turn the corner and start to resemble a Saturday Night Live sketch?
A spin-off from “The Californians” — “The Scientologists.” Everyone could talk in strange Shermanspeak sentences, it would be better than the original (which is funny for anyone who has ever lived in LA but I often wonder what the rest of the country thinks)
So funny Mike!
I am so curious about this Dan Sherman character. Seriously. His prose is so convoluted it’s hard to believe every speech out of DM’s mouth is not a parody. As a writer, I wonder what will happen to Sir Shermanspeak when the cult finally closes its doors. He’s going to get a shock if he tries to get work out there on the open market. You’re a writer – can you imagine opening a writing sample and reading the verbal vomit transcribed above? NOBODY talks like that, Danny Boy. Nobody. Not even the cheesiest, sleaziest, low-rent politician would hire you to write a speech for him. And you’re not succinct enough to write copy for local car sales ads, either.
I hope he’s saved enough for his retirement.
“In point of fact,” I feel the sorriest for the poor sod who had to transcribe the thing. He or she will be having nightmares and PTSD for weeks. In fact, I think I’m starting to have it…
If my ancestral homeland of Ireland is, as Davey so condescendingly puts it, “… home to one of the finest literary traditions of the western world”…it’s a shame that neither COB nor Dan Sherman chose to study that tradition.
Joe, I am from France and for me Scn events started “to resemble a Saturday Night Live sketch” (lol) in 1992.
It was so “american” like “too much to be true”, so “superficial” !! compared to the home-made events in Paris, where CC staffs were playing performances between the announcements, in a real funny & joyful ambiance.
From my viewpoint since 1992 are just missing the “pompom girls” (I don’t know how you name them in US: the girls who dance and shout at every baseball match). Although refusing to attend any event (for me it was “engrammic”: too much enforced noise and lights…), I had never imagined lies could be spread out.
“Merci !!” for the proof being made via such blogs.
Wow. Aren’t DM and Sherman concerned that someone from Dublin may be in the audience?
That is a real possibility. No? How do they address that situation?
Similarly, don’t the London participants in the New Year event notice that their Org looked more crowded in the video than it would ordinarily be? I mean even the London SO members… What could they be thinking about this clearly observable discrepancy?
When I was still in and doing a doubt formula in my head it was this stuff that really confirmed to me that something was wrong. I used to do the AV for all the events at my org so I had to sit through every one for years and I did notice obvious lies in the events. They clearly fabricate things. Not just little photoshop fixes and edits. I’m talking big lies.
I live close by Malaysia, which is a beautiful, friendly and modern nation. I have been there many times in different parts of the country. I know Krishnan too and he is a very nice guy, haven’t seen him though in many years so don’t know how truthful the report is. I should mention that as a majority Muslim country, Malaysia will certainly have nothing to do with Scientology as it is a religion. Not sure if the connection is known, but Malaysia entered the 21st century quite well without help from Scientology. I also used to work in Ireland a lot.. “Beautiful sadness”? Geez! Talk about tired stereotypes. Another country which will never embrace the ethic of Scientology organizations, I can tell you that.
The FBI are a lost cause here. The big US institutions have no desire to do anything about CoS. Whether due to bribery, influence peddling, apathy, or whatever, the fact is that no amount of REAL TRUTH is going to get the Feds to do anything of use.
It is highly ironic that a religion/philosophy which prizes truth as one of its highest virtues – the axioms about time, form, place and event – as-isness, alter-isness, lies, etc – (to say nothing about false data and how to analyze data to get to the truth) – has in effect become a DELUSIONARY GROUP of beings. It is at the same time sad, funny and I might say also, cringe worthy and embarrassing to see what has become of this group which has become an international joke.
Wow, I would hate to be one of the researchers in the speechwriting unit who is going to bite the big one after this gets back to Him. Let’s see, Karen Hollander, Donatella Hodkin, Diana Hubbard were there last time I was there but 10 years is the equivalent of 10 lifetimes so it could be Guillaume and Yager for all I know. Either way, sheesh!
What is so funny is that EVERY person involved in these events knows this happens EVERY event. In fact, Yager managed to get himself temporarily reprieved from the Hole many times because he could “creatively” interpret stats and facts to make them into something good when they were not.
Why does Yager stay? Is it Stockholm Syndrome? Is he merely a prisoner in the Hole and can’t get out? Why is it that some (like you) can get out… and others just go along with it as it gets more and more outrageous? Do they not want to confront the fact that their lives have been wasted on a lie?
Maybe it’s all of these things and more… ?? It is mind-boggling.
Thank you again for your amazing reporting, Mike. I’m on your blog 2 times a day.
“Donatella Hodkin”… Any relation to Peter D Hodkin, the cult’s UK law-scumbag? The one who let the cult use his daughter as a pawn in the Marriage case?
Great essay Mike.
I have called out the “Church” to be a pathological liar. Pathological liars lie to benefit from something, for themselves. It is always all about them (in this case huffing and puffing for Good PR)
The “Never lie in PR” has back flipped to “Always LIE in PR”
In addition to stating they dropped the crime rate of Dublin by 85% ….they have been claiming the dropped the Crime Rate of Columbia by 50 % (IAS magazine) by distributing Way to Happiness booklets ! And there’s a picture of Miscavige with a Columbian police officer with lots of medallions to prove it !
Karen, you reminded me of the last time I had anything to do with the CO$ about 2 years ago. That’s when I was asked to donate money (which I did) to the Colombian Way to Happiness campaign. Right after that, Debbie Cook appeared with her exposures and I took a powder (disconnected) tout de suite.
The resemblance to Goebbels is frightening. Miscavige is a cynical S.O.B. who believes he is smarter than everyone. If he is modeling himself after Goebbels, and his Big Lies, then he thinks no one will catch on. Yeah, that will happen….
” … His sharp tongue made him enemies within the Nazi Party where some called him the “Poison Dwarf”. …
Goebbels knew the power of controlling what people thought. Those that did not had to face the secret police. Those who were taken in by Goebbels were enthralled by colour film …”
“If you tell a lie, tell a big one.” – Goebbels
“The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never again escape from it.“ – Goebbels
Someone in Ireland did. The interview, wherever it was done, had nothing to do with the BBC. BBC confirmed that. (This is all in the Ireland piece Mike linked to.)
“Cult?? What cult?! Scientology? Never heard of it!!”
He is ruining the PR for the remaining 15,000 members so fast they haven’t yet grasped the loss. Scientology is going to be the butt of a lot of jokes this year, and Scientologists by association. Run for your lives, lurkers, because David Miscavige is just going to keep on lobbing those grenades.
And to whoever managed to get those event videos out and uploaded: thank you so much! Transparency wins.
Want to be sure to credit Disqus user and Bunker poster, InterestedinCrazy, who got the whole ball rolling whilst caring for a houseful of sick children!
They guys on this blog also caught that for the event they PHOTOSHOPPED the appearance of the dublin mission. The place is above some other store which got shopped OUT and a big scientology sign got photoshopped in. I have read many times about the bs that gets served in these events but this dublin fiasco is raw proof- the mission that is not the mission giving the radio interview that never was. The side by side photos of the actual mission and the photoshopped version of the mission are on this blog –
I have seen a discussion of the poor, run-down Dublin mission in the past few days; just can’t remember where. I google-searched for an image and this is one of the pics I remember seeing.
The actual mission is in the crummy office above the travel agency…and you can see how the building is in awful condition:
No, it’s even worse now. This is an older pic. They moved into the building to the left in the photo, where the space was smaller and the rent even cheaper. And this was after raising money (not much, but some) for new org headquarters.
Mike – How you do this is beyond me but you are managing to keep the NEWS HOT off the press about the criminal Cult called Scientology and the psychopathic dictator – Captain David Miscavige!
THANK YOU – this is another blow to the cult and it is wonderful because we are only in to the New Year – 14 days!! Wow – what blows this Cult has endured so far!!
Passangers are bailing off the Titanic, grabbing what is left of their life preserver’s and swimming to safety – out to the Independants and the wonderful and glorious WOG WORLD!!
I am hearing that more Scientologist’s are quietly going away and leaving, FOR GOOD – the Cult of Scientology.
My inside sources tell me that people are not answering the “enforced” phone calls from the poor staff slaves – not answering e-mails….not responding anymore. NO one is interested in GAT II and staff are having a tough time selling the materials and convincing the members to “re-do” (AGAIN) their Bridge, Training, Purif etc!
The staff are blown away – they don’t know what to do!
I also got a call from a member about the FBI Investigation regarding the Church of Scientology that has been ongoing!
How many SEA ORG SLAVES that leave and tell the World they were held against their will but had to sign documents they agreed to be held in the Gulag system of the ‘cherch’….how many of these people is it going to take for the FBI to shut this cult down immediately.
The FBI needs to refresh their memory of Jim Jones in Guyana!! Cults kill!!
Awesome work Mike Rinder~!
Stockholm Sydrome, Mind Control, POW phenomena – come on FBI – what are you waiting for?
Speaking of the FBI investigation do you know who to contact about that. I would really like to give them the data about my experience on the RPF and the physical and mental torture that I went through. I have the broken bones to prove it.
Ex-RPFer, you can write a report (time, place, form and event) and mail it to your local FBI office.
It will be added to the Scientology file and you will be contacted if they have further questions. Many others, including myself, have done just that and been contacted in person.
Approved and delivered by Himself. This may be outside of current court arguments (dates), but I’m sure it will serve well later. Lying to your own {parishioners} in person and on video? Not a good idea.
This was a really brilliant piece of fact checking and thanks to Pete Griffiths for his good work.
Anyone who has ever watched any Scientology event ever (yes, that includes you lurkers here) should seriously be questioning every “fact” and “win” and even all the fancy video footage that they have ever seen in any event. Because it ain’t what it seems! You already knew the stats were bogus PR. Now you know that everything else you saw was bogus too.
I love it! Actually this is sad. What a condescending asshole! Absolute proof of straight up and vertical. It’s one thing to totally make up numbers where there is at least a real number to be found however tiny and uncomfortable it is ( like the quadtrillions of scientologists across 754 continents ) but it is another matter entirely to lie about things that have absolutely zero base in fact. He might be able to control people in the bubble to the extent that no one will even think twice about this ( overt against him of course ) but he doesn’t realize that there is a tiny fraction of earth’s population who is not blinded to everything he says, who must believe him or else and who cannot be dragged into a tiny, depressing office and grilled with a meter for days on end to see their evil ways and so he fires another footnuke as he soaks up the adoration of the elite of this and any other Universe. Cheers mate!
His lies are catching up with him and, the more he keeps lying the worst it will get.
More than making fun of him I believe he is being ridiculed by his arrogance and falsehoods.
You are right Mike, it really sucks to be Miscavige.
Someone made an interesting statement to me today. They were recently declared and said “I worked hard for that declare, now I want to enjoy the freedom I earned.”
It is certainly liberating not to have to toe the party line and to be able to challenge the sacred cows, knowing with certainty that the result will be absolutely nothing except the bs hitting the fan that is blowing straight at those sacred cows.
Well people would make less fun of Miscavige if he didn’t approve scripts and parrot stupidities from Dan Sherman such as bringing Malaysia into the 21st Century (Malaysia is one of the economic powerhouses of Asia and quite modern) or calling Ireland sad, or claiming to have been on radio shows they were not on. It is quite true that Miscavige is disgustly condescending to people he is talking about, as if they are a bunch of unenlightened primitives. He and Sherman probably don’t even know how condescending and arrogant they are, because they probably don’t know things like the current state of Malaysia. Miscavige and reality seem to be on two increasingly divergent pathways.
Every time I read or hear one of these speeches Miscavige gives, I’m always reminded of the following:
It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing.
— Macbeth (Act 5, Scene 5, lines 17-28)
Mike – This post has rattled my cage a bit.
Likening Malaysia to a backwoods jungle is the same as taking the Florida Everglades or the swamp lands of Louisana and saying it’s America.
Promoting Ireland as a drug infested country with decaying values is another pisser. Maybe I’m thick here but what is meant by capturing 1% of the reading public in Ireland? So Irish people are poor, salt of the earth people who don’t read either? Too busy toiling in the potato fields and getting drunk?
It is embarrassing the way other countries and cultures are looked down upon by Miscavige and Company. They truly think they know best and are better than everyone else. Arrogant and ignorant at the same time.
I can only imagine what would be said about a country and people like Iran. They would probably elude to people living in caves and speaking Arabic. That would piss off the Persian scientologists real well. Ever been to Tehran Dave? Didn’t think so.
I thought of my Irish Da today who passed away before his time. He would have a few choice words to say about this (F%@k ’em) and we would end it with a good laugh.
Interesting that Malaysia and Ireland are Muslim and Catholic countries respectively, and would never have anything to do with Scientology on any grand scale.
Yeah Pepper. These are just two of numerous examples of the arrogant ignorance of these fools trying to make something sound important. Because it always has to be “the biggest” and “the best” and “history making” and “highest ever” they have to turn EVERYTHING into stupid hype and melodrama.
With all the legal troubles in the US and abroad, they are **dumb enough to make this mistake; lie on purpose. How stupid and devoid of morals and integrity do you have to be to make this kind of “mistakes?” They must live in a Huge Bubble.
Ocean FM should go after Duh Midget for illegal use of logos and trademark.
Would be entertaining as hell.
My God.
Diana used to boast she was British royalty in her last life.
Leni Riefenstahl is more likely.
Somebody needs to send Sherman a copy of “Finnegan’s Wake”
Speaking on Ocean FM this morning, a representative of Scientology Ireland said the footage – first highlighted in Ireland on – had been a “re-enactment” of an interview on the station.
A re-enactment of an event that never happened…….so a lie or fiction…lol
Even putting little things like accuracy and megalomania aside, this is the worst prose style I’ve read in years — meaningless, overblown, full of allusions that lead to nothing, pretentious, gaseous, poisonously vapid. I make my living writing books and have for 20 years, and I couldn’t even IMITATE this, It’s just uniquely awful, and what it says about the person for whom it was written is that he’s a delusional megalomaniac who actually believes he can make this pap true simply by speaking it into a microphone.
Hey friendly neighborhood “SPs”. I wanted to share this little loophole with you. I was just checking in with the “Cultbusters” page on Facebook and someone posted this reference. There is a teeny tiny little loophole in this section:
“It is a SUPPRESSIVE ACT to deal with a Declared SUPPRESSIVE PERSON unless you are the named terminal to deal with the SP (i.e. Sea Org MAA). Per the above referenced PL, “continued adherence to a person or group accurately pronounced a Suppressive Person or Group by HCO” is a Suppressive Act.”
Did you happen to notice the word, “ACCURATELY” in this paragraph?
What I was thinking is that people who have been disconnected from their family could possibly use this loophole to be able to reconnect with their family. My thought – just a thought – is that if you are petitioning to have your declare lifted as “inaccurate,” then you have made the statement that the declare is, in fact, inaccurate per the 12 suppressive characteristics.
It may not be much of a loophole but, at the very least, this is the key outpoint in all this. They are declaring people suppressive for just disagreeing, not because they are actually suppressive.
Thought I’d put this out there for those who might find this useful.
Here is the whole reference by Michael Hobson:
SCN POLICY DIRECTIVE 28 13 August 1982
“A SUPPRESSIVE PERSON or GROUP is one that actively seeks, by action or statement, to suppress or damage Scientology or a Scientologist by Suppressive Acts.
“SUPPRESSIVE ACTS are acts calculated to impede or destroy Scientology or a Scientologist in his studies or counselling, or to affect adversely his well-being.” (HCO PL 16 May 80 II)
It is a SUPPRESSIVE ACT to deal with a Declared SUPPRESSIVE PERSON unless you are the named terminal to deal with the SP (i.e. Sea Org MAA). Per the above referenced PL, “continued adherence to a person or group accurately pronounced a Suppressive Person or Group by HCO” is a Suppressive Act.
To maintain a line with, offer support to, or in any way grant credence to such a person indicates nothing more than agreement with that person’s destructive intentions and acts. Such dealings in fact act as a covert or overt attempt to undermine and negate the ethics and justice strengths of our ecclesiastical structure.
Standard on-policy lines exist should a Declared SP seek to set things right and make up for damage caused.
So labeled and declared, a person claiming injustice has the right to request a Committee of Evidence via their nearest HCO.
However, unless you are the named authorized terminal to deal with the Suppressive Person, to deal with one constitutes no less than a Suppressive Act. Such an act is cause to have levied against you the same per policy Church justice procedures afforded any Suppressive Person. Full ethics penalties will be applied.
Where the matter concerns family relations or where a Scientologist is in the position of being closely associated to a person found to be Suppressive the materials covering Potential Trouble Sources apply. There is no practice of “disconnection” allowed in the Church of Scientology and these materials cover completely how one may use proper lines and procedures to handle a PTS condition.
One does not however use a false excuse of “handling my PTS condition” to covertly maintain a line of supportful dealings and agreements with an SP. If you wish to maintain such a line, do so outside of current and future membership in the Church.
To deal with a Suppressive is a Suppressive Act.
The above is unequivocal Church Policy.
for the
[Dede Reisdorf, formerly CO CMO INT 1971-1979]
I am afraid you are horribly unreal about this. If you think any MAA or the IJC is going to agree with a “loophole” that someone they illegally and improperly declared SP (as most declares are, according not to loopholes in policy, but clearly stated policy) because their determination was “inaccurate” then I have some really fine building sites in the Everglades that are available today only for only the most discriminating buyers 🙂
Just dont want anyone getting the wrong impressionl.
I appreciate your intention. But believe me, your good intentions are not matched on the other side of the MAA’s desk.
Hi Mike,
Of course, the MAA’s wouldn’t buy it. Just making a point, really.
99% of those being declared are inaccurately declared. It used to be VERY difficult to be declared. Sec checks, com evs, double checking, conditions then, if no change, declared.
Now, if you blow your nose in the direction of The Pope, be prepared for some goldenrod.
And, no, I’m not suggesting that anyone wants to go back in, only saying that for families that have been disconnected, that it does say, “accurately.”
And thanks for the offer on the buildings, but no thanks. I’m allergic to alligators. 😉
No offense taken.
It’s all ridiculous, I’d say.
Are you suggesting this group is trustworthy and that it would be healthy to rejoin?
Hahahahahaha! About as healthy as drinking arsenic laced Kool Aid. 😉
“Ireland’s new salt of the earth”
Does this translate to Ireland’s Middle Class PTS?
Good report Mike on this monument to arrogance. I can tell you that in addition to Danny Sherman, Diana Hubbard’s hoof prints are all over this piece of crap. She LOVED to do the (excruciatingly hackneyed and trite) list of streets; in fact, she came up with the device which was originally used to salt in some color, but now it is the entire content of the video which goes on and on. This writing is so bad it makes me shudder. She, Danny and Miscavige were always insensitive to the point of being incoherent as regards invalidating whatever haphazard country was unlucky enough to have DM’s fleas scratching on its skin for some blood. They have done it time after time, it’s all designed to set up the CoS entrance, as Diana explained (numerous times) “We have to walk in like King Kong.” I agree they are walking in like King Kong… and laying down a King-Kong-sized turd right in the middle of the Ha’penny bridge while the “salt of the earth” (read poverty stricken) leprechauns scatter like flies due to the rotten stench coming out the giant CoS pucker.
This unique brand of pretended familiarity is intended to make it seem like something is happening, whereas in truth they were cursing their aged researches like Olga Ihnen because she produced no evidence of anything happening in Dublin at all. So to make up for that — I’ve seen them do it — they pull out tourist books and brochures mentioning Talbot Street, Moore Street, the market stalls and Epicurean Hall (no relation to me) (joke). The year I finally quit, this was being done more and more. Let me explain exactly how this recipe is put together.
We start with a list of whatever a mission can deliver: OCA tests, personal efficiency and life improvement courses. Ignore the fact that the mission probably hasn’t delivered anything to anyone in years.
Okay, now we make a list of people: “housewives, shopkeepers, entrepreneurs, and professionals.” Assign those to testing services.
Whatever Diana wrote for PE and Life Improvement courses bombed because here Danny took over and (from out of his ass) gave PE to “Ireland’s new salt of the earth” while life improvement courses received “Dublin’s demographic pie-chart.” Oh, brother. Maybe there are some people who need ECT after all.
Mix in a few token Irish-sounding words like “gregarious” and “mainstay” and put it out in the sun so the flies can add a nice brown crust to the outside.
Meanwhile Diana finds some streets from “Visit Dublin” websites and marks them on a map with a highlighter. Then strings the locations together in a sequence that makes “sense” (to her and to DM only). Then she makes a separate list of whatever the mission can conceivably do: sell books, park a book van, hold a “bookathon” — but might I point out there’s no such thing? A bookathon? And thereby creates a sort of CoS circle jerk where “all loops back to the General Post Office.” “All”? “All” in this case means “nothing.”
Now in every one of these stories, it has to continue to ramp up. So she’s got to have the radio getting out some “airwaves.” She figures (from their website) out how many people in their listening area and assumes every person in the city was listening to the same radio station and we have “no less than 270,000 listeners.” There surely were no newspaper articles, so she says newspaper “headlines” reinforced the message which means absolutely nothing.
Now of course “all” this nothing has to result in a stat. So Diana will generally comb through the media about Dublin to find an improved statistic reported in the media, like an article where someone reports an “85% reduction in drug-related crime” relating to some portion of Dubin. Who cares about the reason. So she asserts the Mission caused the drop in crime. TA-DA! End.
And now you know why Dubin is drenched in beautiful sadness — they just can’t believe anyone could be so condescending.
Perfect description Steve. Seen it a hundred times.
Oh, that the institution engendered by the first man to take DPH’s should sink so low! It’s enough to make you plotz
Thoughtful – Thank you for putting the process described in your post in perfect order. I can clearly see how the bs rolls on out. Diana and Danny must be very proud of themselves and their work.
Very conceited.
Oh my God! It’s worse than I thought!
I guess “Never Use Lies in PR” gets a whole new meaning in 2014.
Re Dublin, they are not in the grubby sh1t hole above the travel agents anymore. The took over the top 3 floors of the neighbouring building – above the hairdressers. It was fully renovated prior to moving, new furniture etc so it’s far better albeit starting to get “unmocked”.
I would say that the radio interview with Oceanfm DID happen (the station didn’t categorically deny it) but it wasn’t filmed at the time, that was most likely staged during a visit from a Gold team.
Very badly handled in that the footage of the staged event was filmed and broadcast without informing the station, using their name etc – hence the bad reaction.
Same with the footage of the leaflet distribution, there would have been spurts of it being done over the months and years but then fully staged for Gold to film. The areas such as Talbot St, Moore St, O’Connell st are absolutely awful places, I’ve no idea why they were chosen for the distribution of leaflets.
Reaching the 3% of the population – the Names & Addresses list has in the region of 25,000 names – these are people that would have bought a book (a few would have bought a course). But this is over the course 28 years – the mission opened in 1986 and most of the books were sold in the 80’s and 90’s.
The population of Dublin is over 500,000.
So in essence, there are small morsels of truth that get altered in an “acceptable” way, taken out of context to make them sound better, overly emphasised and so on. It’s infuriating, and because it’s been done for so long in these events, there’s just no way of back peddling and just reporting real facts and statistics without seriously losing face. Much like the number of worldwide Scnists “mysteriously” increasing by 2 million at appropriate intervals.
I saw over on another blog that the “radio interview” was from a program that Ocean FM did on drug rehab. They had a series for people talking about their drug rehab experience and one of the people interviewed had done the NN program – but there was no mention of Scientology in the interview. This is the “interview” that they “recreated” for the New Years event.
That’s stretching “acceptable truth” to the point of snapping.
Creative accounting, creative reporting?
As Karen and others point out Miscavige is a pathological liar. This is so true.
The weird thing is that he probably can’t help himself. Twisting the truth is one of the 12 or so characteristics of a truly suppressive person.
Possibly he is not even be particularly aware that he is lying. He strikes me as the kind of person who can lie to himself so thoroughly that he actually believes his own bullshit and won’t see evidence to the contrary.
He also seems to have no prediction of or responsibility for consequences. He is probably not stupid in the IQ sense and has the resources to hire lots of smart people, yet it doesn’t seem to register on him that this is the information age. Most people in the public eye know that it is almost impossible to hide a lie for long in this age and when one inevitably gets caught lying, the reputation of being a liar follows one like flies find rotting flesh.
I have asked myself how he can keep doing this over and over and have come to the conclusion that the answer is actually simple: He can’t see it. He is coo-coo. Nuttier than a fruitcake. An actual psychotic. You can go half nuts yourself trying to make sense out his continual contra-survival overt acts and justifications because they make no sense.
Actually Mike I am not sure that all this is such a big deal. If I was still in the Church ranks I would not be that bothered about a few “little white lies” – IF and only IF the Church was delivering Standard Tech in volume to a large and ever growing public. If such was the case I would simply shrug my shoulders and put it down to “corporate PR over-enthusiasm” as I observed the thousands of PC and auditors on lines getting great gains. But as that is not the case with empty Idle Orgs, Academies and HGCs for decades now then the Church’s PR standing would not be in the parlous state it is in now. But I don’t think we should make too much of a song and dance about all this – it’s the delivery of good tech that is and always will remain the main charge to be levied at the Church under Miscavige. I think people outside of the Church now, can start going over the top on this issue but to which people in the Church will just shrug off. I (vaguely I must admit) remember in my times in the Orgs spotting a few little white lies or “over-enthusiastic phrasing” but at that time there were loads of PCs and students so I didn’t care one hoot. Now if people in the Church now start to see that their Academies, Orgs and HGC s are empty then THAT, coupled with the little white lies, might make them see the wood from the trees. But the little white lies as such are just that and not that important in the overall scheme of things.
Yea, neither are the beatings, the disconnections or the fleecings. They are all kind of OK given the broader picture of all that the cult does for humanity!
Actually the white lies are incredibly important to detect and expose. The church can hide all the evidence of it’s out tech and it can hide the collapsing state of it’s organizations all over the world. Everything inside that is rotten or bad is fiercely controlled and hidden. Have you EVER seen the clears made stat of ANY Church of Scientology in the world? Of course not, they would never release anything that would expose their constant lying about “straight up and vertical”. However we CAN show the lies they tell about their interaction with the outside world. By doing this we have the hope of penetrating the bubble for some. People inside the bubble are SUFFERING. They are having a bad time. The very rich and famous celebrities all get special treatment and they love their Scientology experience. They write glowing success stories. But the Scientologist in the street is being HURT, he or she is being forced to disconnect from family, bankrupt himself, have his case and gains invalidated over and over. Having his life taken over. Staff are vicously abused. They have billions to defend themselves against lawsuits, they have American religious freedom to hide their human rights abuses behind. There is ONLY ONE WAY they will be taken down- and that is by finding and exposing EVERY LIE they tell. If that gets done, eventually, the facade will crumble. Otherwise you are going to see Captain Miscavige run his riegn of terror for the next 30 years, just the same as the last 30. Come on Foolproof- it DOES matter.It’s really important- it’s truth blowing away lies. And if you prove conclusively that DM lied, no matter about what, you help people accept that other things may be lies too. Help them look for themselves at the stuff we can’t expose.
I agree, PR & Event BS was a non-issue when I was still there in the early 90’s. Not too many people on course or being audited also not all that important, as “Dry Runs” for a few months here and there also wasn’t all that uncommon either . But what really ended my CO$ era was the incessant reging, every other call (sometimes 2 or 3 a day) to come in and see …, etc. They had been getting approx. $ 20,000 a year from me for services, but that just wasn’t good enough. I also pulled out at least 5 others I know of, and in the end they lost at least $ 100,000 a year. That’s the real stat of over-the-top off-policy fundraising.
Oh, and there is another EPIC example of History Rewritten by Miscavige (™) in the event:
He goes on and on with the story of what “we” (the Church) did, and what we did next, and then we did that, with the London Ideal org weaved into the story (nothing to do with it), and on and on, positioned with the IRS victory, etc. with a lengthy UK history lesson added, etc. leading up to the climax: that the UK now “officially recognized Scientology as a religion”. That’s what the crowd went crazy about.
What REALLY happened (as those of you who read the real news know) was that a couple appealed to the UK court system to be able to married in the Scientology Chapel, because the UK’s religious laws were dated from centuries ago, and still required the worshipping of a God or a Supreme being for a religion to be able to be called a religion. The couple (nothing to do with the church) appealed that law saying that the definition was outdated, and a religion doesn’t necessarily have to worship a god or gods to qualify as a religion, because see, Buddhist don’t have a God either… and the court agreed, and as a result, they can now get married in the Scientology Chapel. That’s it. That’s the real story. Plus, the articles in the UK (in the real world) also quoted VERY concerned lawmakers who got worried that this may eventually open the door to Scientology trying to get tax reductions for its buildings – benefits reserved for “places of worship” per UK law, and immediately started meetings and talks about their options to prevent that somehow.
The last part was missing from Miscavige’s verison, as was the couple (who did actual the work Miscavige claimed full credit for) – not a word about the people who actually did the job, only “us” and Miscavige bathing in the applause for “yet another monumental victory that happened under his leadership”.
Is DM aware that in the UK every charity with income of more than £10,000 is required to file annual accounts, which anyone can download for free from the Charity Commission website? Over here being a recognised religion is not a licence to do whatever you like with no accountability to anyone, as it appears to be in the United States.
Omitted from this post is that the IAS, CO$ or whatever arm of the church entirely financed their legal case per their own admission to reporters. It was the legal avenue CO$ used to get religious recognition. They just didn’t give any details at the New Years event.
Hey Mike,
I found some more interesting tidbits of nonsense in the WISE section:
1. Braxton Construction (a WISE member company) is touted as an example with one of the highlights being that by using LRH’s admin tech, they stand out in their industry by completing 100% of their projects on time and in budget.
Which is something NONE of the Miscavige (mis)managed Ideal Org projects, manned by (supposedly) the most devoted followers of LRH’s tech can claim, never mind the “historical” Super Power building… It is ironic that it didn’t occur to Miscavige that he is basically saying that Braxton Construction is a hell of a lot better example of using the admin tech than any organization (mis)managed by Leader Miscavige himself.
2. One of the WISE member companies (in Taiwan, if my memory is right) is shown as having received an “International Certification of Excellence”, at least that’s what the caption on the screen says under the animated display of the precious “award”… which is clearly readable as an ISO 9001 certificate. Miscavige, living in a bubble, probably doesn’t have a clue what ISO 9001 is – it is a run of the mill quality assurance certificate… the only requirement to receive it is to document the company’s internal procedures and follow them as written. This is a certificate earned by more than 1.1 million companies worldwide (as of December 2011), including 297.000 companies in China alone (pretty much every single manufacturing company in a country with NO Scientology) – hardly a rare feat.
3. He claims that over 2 million professionals use the admin tech. LOL. Does he REALLY believe this?
Well, it doesn’t matter I guess. The crowd is ecstatic and the rolling thunder follows just as choreographed.
Wow! This made me laugh out loud. Caught in such a bold lie; I hope US media gets a hold of it. Of course, DM will claim he had nothing to do with it, and throw some Gold staff member in the RPF.
His actions are quite predictable, actually.
I’m Irish, I promise you that scientology is seen as a weird and stupid religion where people believe in aliens. If they really did hand out flyers on Grafton ST, I GUARANTEE 99% of people laughed/went “WTF?”/told them to f*ck off or maybe took the flyer out of politeness and shoved it in the nearest bin. I had no idea there even was an Irish org until a few months ago when I started reading about scientology. It’s a joke.
condescension is what always made me cringe at these events.Obnoxious , even more than the lies . What a little , little man .
The most beautiful soul on the planet
If only he had a1/10 th of the integrity of this young woman…
Major Kudos to Pete for his work today! and as always to you Mike!
The stuff about Malaysia, wow, I needed a laugh this evening!! And the whole Irish fiasco.
Straight up and vertical in the falsehood department!
lolz abound everytime the midget opens his trap and tries to make the terms….” its a fact, a matter of fact or factually speaking” sound like anything other than horseshit…lol
He has great tells kindly included in his speeches to alert anyone to when the crap is about to flow.
He is a messed up little bugger.
OMG — the incredible dishonesty of it.
Short people got no reason
To live
They got little hands
Little eyes
They walk around
Tellin’ great big lies
Don’t want no short people
‘Round here
“Short People” by Randy Newman
I know GREAT “short“ people.
Being “short” is NOT a factor; having a complex because of one’s height and thus dramatizing and wanting to get even because of it is a factor.
What is really scary is that the mantra at the Int base is “IF COB SAYS IT, IT MUST BE TRUE!!”. They really believe this and anyone up there who doubts it for a second or says anything that might imply anything different is likely to get phyiscally abused. This is pounded into the staff up there, Captain COB is perfect, therefore everything he says is true, therefore you are wrong , therefore Scientology really is expanding, therefore over and over, round and round. A psychologist could write a book on the bizarre aberation that goes on at the Int Base. It is something to behold. Captain COB says that the crime rate in Dublin would have dropped by 85% with all those books being distributed, THEN IT MUST BE TRUE!! Sadly everything that comes out of Captain COBs mouth is a smelly lie, and most of them are easily disproved.
That book was written in 1948.
Scientology is IngSoc.
The base is the Ministry of Truth
And dave is Big Brother replete with his driving ideology;
Mike I may not have perfect memory but hey:
Like any pathological liar, Miscavige will accuse the world of conspiring to make him look like a liar. Anon will be accused of moving the Dublin office when the staff went home for the night, Ocean FM will be accused of being bribed to deny the interview took place, Malaysian Anons will be accused of importing paper mâché machines and fake skylines to make it look modern, and Mike Rinder and every single commenter will be accused, again, of being paid the big bucks by Big Pharma to make Miscavige look bad, even to the point of making him look older and smaller. Even though I am clearly being facetious, the sad part about this is Miscavige does say similar things and that is how the big lies are sold to an increasingly deluded membership.
And what does that tell you about the membership?
Perfect. Or else they will say that these events were all done by enemies to the church who were PRETENDING to be Scientologists just to make the church look bad. (I literally got that reasoning from an older auditor when I told her about the SquirrelBusters and how I hated to be involved in a group that would send out goons like that. She replied, “That CAN’T be true! A Scientologist would NEVER do THAT! Those are just people PRETENDING to be Scientologists to make Scientologists LOOK bad.
With that, I just shut my mouth because I truly wanted to get my re-payment back from Flag. “There are none so blind as those who will not see.”
To the dear OSAbot working this blog, do you see anything wrong this? Do you think it is okay for the leader of the CoS to lie so brazenly? What kind of image does this give out to the world – the same world you work so hard to clear? Is the church really so desperate for “good news” it has to invent it? You’re okay with this? Really? Is this what you joined the Sea Org for? Scientology? What the hell would LRH have to say?
This is not okay and you know it.
“False data can cause one to make stupid mistakes. It can even block one from absorbing true data.
One can solve the problems of existence only when he has true data.
If those around one lie to him or her, one is led into making errors and his survival potential is reduced.
False data can come from many sources: academic, social, professional.
Many want you to believe things just to suit their own ends.
What is true is what is true for you.
No one has any right to force data off on you and command you to believe it or else. If it is not true for you, it isn’t true.
Think your own way through things, accept what is true for you, discard the rest. There is nothing unhappier than one who tries to live in a chaos of lies”
One last comment (for now) on the event video. After listening to Jeff Pomeranz’s booming infomercial voice intoning the bloated Sherman hype against the absolute GARISH stage and screen graphics and then watching Miscavige with his increasingly sing songy bizarre run-on style of public speaking and his new dyed sort of male bouffant hair style … I couldn’t help but wonder …… when did Scientology turn the corner and start to resemble a Saturday Night Live sketch?
A spin-off from “The Californians” — “The Scientologists.” Everyone could talk in strange Shermanspeak sentences, it would be better than the original (which is funny for anyone who has ever lived in LA but I often wonder what the rest of the country thinks)
So funny Mike!
I am so curious about this Dan Sherman character. Seriously. His prose is so convoluted it’s hard to believe every speech out of DM’s mouth is not a parody. As a writer, I wonder what will happen to Sir Shermanspeak when the cult finally closes its doors. He’s going to get a shock if he tries to get work out there on the open market. You’re a writer – can you imagine opening a writing sample and reading the verbal vomit transcribed above? NOBODY talks like that, Danny Boy. Nobody. Not even the cheesiest, sleaziest, low-rent politician would hire you to write a speech for him. And you’re not succinct enough to write copy for local car sales ads, either.
I hope he’s saved enough for his retirement.
“In point of fact,” I feel the sorriest for the poor sod who had to transcribe the thing. He or she will be having nightmares and PTSD for weeks. In fact, I think I’m starting to have it…
If my ancestral homeland of Ireland is, as Davey so condescendingly puts it, “… home to one of the finest literary traditions of the western world”…it’s a shame that neither COB nor Dan Sherman chose to study that tradition.
Joe, I am from France and for me Scn events started “to resemble a Saturday Night Live sketch” (lol) in 1992.
It was so “american” like “too much to be true”, so “superficial” !! compared to the home-made events in Paris, where CC staffs were playing performances between the announcements, in a real funny & joyful ambiance.
From my viewpoint since 1992 are just missing the “pompom girls” (I don’t know how you name them in US: the girls who dance and shout at every baseball match). Although refusing to attend any event (for me it was “engrammic”: too much enforced noise and lights…), I had never imagined lies could be spread out.
“Merci !!” for the proof being made via such blogs.
International Scn Event = Space Opera Carnival
After a minute or so of Shermanspeak there is not a thought left standing anywhere on the landscape. And no word is spared execution.
Wow. Aren’t DM and Sherman concerned that someone from Dublin may be in the audience?
That is a real possibility. No? How do they address that situation?
Similarly, don’t the London participants in the New Year event notice that their Org looked more crowded in the video than it would ordinarily be? I mean even the London SO members… What could they be thinking about this clearly observable discrepancy?
If, indeed, they are thinking at all.
When I was still in and doing a doubt formula in my head it was this stuff that really confirmed to me that something was wrong. I used to do the AV for all the events at my org so I had to sit through every one for years and I did notice obvious lies in the events. They clearly fabricate things. Not just little photoshop fixes and edits. I’m talking big lies.
I live close by Malaysia, which is a beautiful, friendly and modern nation. I have been there many times in different parts of the country. I know Krishnan too and he is a very nice guy, haven’t seen him though in many years so don’t know how truthful the report is. I should mention that as a majority Muslim country, Malaysia will certainly have nothing to do with Scientology as it is a religion. Not sure if the connection is known, but Malaysia entered the 21st century quite well without help from Scientology. I also used to work in Ireland a lot.. “Beautiful sadness”? Geez! Talk about tired stereotypes. Another country which will never embrace the ethic of Scientology organizations, I can tell you that.
The FBI are a lost cause here. The big US institutions have no desire to do anything about CoS. Whether due to bribery, influence peddling, apathy, or whatever, the fact is that no amount of REAL TRUTH is going to get the Feds to do anything of use.
Your best bet is probably the national media.
The *World Wide* Web; where David Miscavige’s lies go to die a Horrific Death!
It is highly ironic that a religion/philosophy which prizes truth as one of its highest virtues – the axioms about time, form, place and event – as-isness, alter-isness, lies, etc – (to say nothing about false data and how to analyze data to get to the truth) – has in effect become a DELUSIONARY GROUP of beings. It is at the same time sad, funny and I might say also, cringe worthy and embarrassing to see what has become of this group which has become an international joke.
Yes, totally ironic, and excellent comment, Joe P. They sure swapped terminals with somebody.
We have a saying in German ” Lies have short legs.”
Maybe that’s why he is so tiny?
Blast from the not so far past
Wow, I would hate to be one of the researchers in the speechwriting unit who is going to bite the big one after this gets back to Him. Let’s see, Karen Hollander, Donatella Hodkin, Diana Hubbard were there last time I was there but 10 years is the equivalent of 10 lifetimes so it could be Guillaume and Yager for all I know. Either way, sheesh!
What is so funny is that EVERY person involved in these events knows this happens EVERY event. In fact, Yager managed to get himself temporarily reprieved from the Hole many times because he could “creatively” interpret stats and facts to make them into something good when they were not.
Why does Yager stay? Is it Stockholm Syndrome? Is he merely a prisoner in the Hole and can’t get out? Why is it that some (like you) can get out… and others just go along with it as it gets more and more outrageous? Do they not want to confront the fact that their lives have been wasted on a lie?
Maybe it’s all of these things and more… ?? It is mind-boggling.
Thank you again for your amazing reporting, Mike. I’m on your blog 2 times a day.
“Donatella Hodkin”… Any relation to Peter D Hodkin, the cult’s UK law-scumbag? The one who let the cult use his daughter as a pawn in the Marriage case?
Like it hasn’t been happening for years?
As you well know GTBO. It’s been going on for decades….
Everything about these events is a sham.
Watch the lips in “videos” can we say word replacement? Everything is a sham in the events.
Great essay Mike.
I have called out the “Church” to be a pathological liar. Pathological liars lie to benefit from something, for themselves. It is always all about them (in this case huffing and puffing for Good PR)
The “Never lie in PR” has back flipped to “Always LIE in PR”
In addition to stating they dropped the crime rate of Dublin by 85% ….they have been claiming the dropped the Crime Rate of Columbia by 50 % (IAS magazine) by distributing Way to Happiness booklets ! And there’s a picture of Miscavige with a Columbian police officer with lots of medallions to prove it !
Karen, you reminded me of the last time I had anything to do with the CO$ about 2 years ago. That’s when I was asked to donate money (which I did) to the Colombian Way to Happiness campaign. Right after that, Debbie Cook appeared with her exposures and I took a powder (disconnected) tout de suite.
Miscavige is going more skinny. New hair cut. He is looking more and more like Goebbels.
The resemblance to Goebbels is frightening. Miscavige is a cynical S.O.B. who believes he is smarter than everyone. If he is modeling himself after Goebbels, and his Big Lies, then he thinks no one will catch on. Yeah, that will happen….
” … His sharp tongue made him enemies within the Nazi Party where some called him the “Poison Dwarf”. …
Goebbels knew the power of controlling what people thought. Those that did not had to face the secret police. Those who were taken in by Goebbels were enthralled by colour film …”
“If you tell a lie, tell a big one.” – Goebbels
“The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never again escape from it.“ – Goebbels
Well…. That’s quite something… isn’t it?
Mike, Did anyone contact the BBC Radio to see if that was a real interview as well?
Someone in Ireland did. The interview, wherever it was done, had nothing to do with the BBC. BBC confirmed that. (This is all in the Ireland piece Mike linked to.)
Good point… know how much the wee man loves the BBC!
Davey certainly is off to a great start for 2014 – firing footbullets with both barrels!
“Cult?? What cult?! Scientology? Never heard of it!!”
He is ruining the PR for the remaining 15,000 members so fast they haven’t yet grasped the loss. Scientology is going to be the butt of a lot of jokes this year, and Scientologists by association. Run for your lives, lurkers, because David Miscavige is just going to keep on lobbing those grenades.
And to whoever managed to get those event videos out and uploaded: thank you so much! Transparency wins.
Thorough rundown of story, by Irish blogger. He took the time to cut out the Irish part and transcribe it.
Want to be sure to credit Disqus user and Bunker poster, InterestedinCrazy, who got the whole ball rolling whilst caring for a houseful of sick children!
The transcription is incredible work, but god, I cringed all the way through it. Big thanks to InterestedinCrazy!
They guys on this blog also caught that for the event they PHOTOSHOPPED the appearance of the dublin mission. The place is above some other store which got shopped OUT and a big scientology sign got photoshopped in. I have read many times about the bs that gets served in these events but this dublin fiasco is raw proof- the mission that is not the mission giving the radio interview that never was. The side by side photos of the actual mission and the photoshopped version of the mission are on this blog –
Thanks Roy. Excellent data. I added it to the post. 🙂
I have seen a discussion of the poor, run-down Dublin mission in the past few days; just can’t remember where. I google-searched for an image and this is one of the pics I remember seeing.
The actual mission is in the crummy office above the travel agency…and you can see how the building is in awful condition:
Proof that they even shooped the wrong building.
No, it’s even worse now. This is an older pic. They moved into the building to the left in the photo, where the space was smaller and the rent even cheaper. And this was after raising money (not much, but some) for new org headquarters.
Hilarious! 🙂
Mike – How you do this is beyond me but you are managing to keep the NEWS HOT off the press about the criminal Cult called Scientology and the psychopathic dictator – Captain David Miscavige!
THANK YOU – this is another blow to the cult and it is wonderful because we are only in to the New Year – 14 days!! Wow – what blows this Cult has endured so far!!
Passangers are bailing off the Titanic, grabbing what is left of their life preserver’s and swimming to safety – out to the Independants and the wonderful and glorious WOG WORLD!!
I am hearing that more Scientologist’s are quietly going away and leaving, FOR GOOD – the Cult of Scientology.
My inside sources tell me that people are not answering the “enforced” phone calls from the poor staff slaves – not answering e-mails….not responding anymore. NO one is interested in GAT II and staff are having a tough time selling the materials and convincing the members to “re-do” (AGAIN) their Bridge, Training, Purif etc!
The staff are blown away – they don’t know what to do!
I also got a call from a member about the FBI Investigation regarding the Church of Scientology that has been ongoing!
How many SEA ORG SLAVES that leave and tell the World they were held against their will but had to sign documents they agreed to be held in the Gulag system of the ‘cherch’….how many of these people is it going to take for the FBI to shut this cult down immediately.
The FBI needs to refresh their memory of Jim Jones in Guyana!! Cults kill!!
Awesome work Mike Rinder~!
Stockholm Sydrome, Mind Control, POW phenomena – come on FBI – what are you waiting for?
Speaking of the FBI investigation do you know who to contact about that. I would really like to give them the data about my experience on the RPF and the physical and mental torture that I went through. I have the broken bones to prove it.
What state are you in?
Ex-RPFer, you can write a report (time, place, form and event) and mail it to your local FBI office.
It will be added to the Scientology file and you will be contacted if they have further questions. Many others, including myself, have done just that and been contacted in person.
More evidence of blatant fraud, against the backdrop of a law suit in Florida for fraud!
Approved and delivered by Himself. This may be outside of current court arguments (dates), but I’m sure it will serve well later. Lying to your own {parishioners} in person and on video? Not a good idea.
OOPs does not begin to come close Davey
Im soooooooooooo surprised that the “church” would lie. Its really unlike them.
So he ruins the credibility of the Church of Scientology in Ireland by issuing (yet more) false reports.
What else is new, he sure knows how to set people up for a loss!
And, after Mike Rinder went through the trouble to go there and make the greatest public relations effort EVER.
This was a really brilliant piece of fact checking and thanks to Pete Griffiths for his good work.
Anyone who has ever watched any Scientology event ever (yes, that includes you lurkers here) should seriously be questioning every “fact” and “win” and even all the fancy video footage that they have ever seen in any event. Because it ain’t what it seems! You already knew the stats were bogus PR. Now you know that everything else you saw was bogus too.
Wake up people! It’s time to get out!
My rule of themb when it comes to Scientology claims is to simply reverse them to get to the truth. It’s worked out for me more often than not.
Is Dan Sherman an inmate of The Hole? Was he ever?
Dave, How do you like eating your own crap sandwiches?
I love it! Actually this is sad. What a condescending asshole! Absolute proof of straight up and vertical. It’s one thing to totally make up numbers where there is at least a real number to be found however tiny and uncomfortable it is ( like the quadtrillions of scientologists across 754 continents ) but it is another matter entirely to lie about things that have absolutely zero base in fact. He might be able to control people in the bubble to the extent that no one will even think twice about this ( overt against him of course ) but he doesn’t realize that there is a tiny fraction of earth’s population who is not blinded to everything he says, who must believe him or else and who cannot be dragged into a tiny, depressing office and grilled with a meter for days on end to see their evil ways and so he fires another footnuke as he soaks up the adoration of the elite of this and any other Universe. Cheers mate!
His lies are catching up with him and, the more he keeps lying the worst it will get.
More than making fun of him I believe he is being ridiculed by his arrogance and falsehoods.
You are right Mike, it really sucks to be Miscavige.
Heads will roll over this, and it won’t be mine!
No Pete, you are safe… Thanks for your good work.
Someone made an interesting statement to me today. They were recently declared and said “I worked hard for that declare, now I want to enjoy the freedom I earned.”
It is certainly liberating not to have to toe the party line and to be able to challenge the sacred cows, knowing with certainty that the result will be absolutely nothing except the bs hitting the fan that is blowing straight at those sacred cows.
Side issue here, Mike. Is there any Indie field active in the San Diego area? Would like to refer someone there.
Get Ethics in on the Universe? Hell, he can’t even get his own ethics in.
Very highly commended to whoever is RuTubing these ridiculous, self-congratulatory briefings about fake events.
Holy Crap Sandwich Batman!
To Miss Cabbage the world is rubber. Every lie he now spews comes right back in his face.
Well people would make less fun of Miscavige if he didn’t approve scripts and parrot stupidities from Dan Sherman such as bringing Malaysia into the 21st Century (Malaysia is one of the economic powerhouses of Asia and quite modern) or calling Ireland sad, or claiming to have been on radio shows they were not on. It is quite true that Miscavige is disgustly condescending to people he is talking about, as if they are a bunch of unenlightened primitives. He and Sherman probably don’t even know how condescending and arrogant they are, because they probably don’t know things like the current state of Malaysia. Miscavige and reality seem to be on two increasingly divergent pathways.
Of course other peoples’ heads will roll as he shifts the blame away from his own arrogance and stupidity.
Yes, exactly.
I would probably have put it that Miscavige and reality are in two different universes.
I thought we all made our own reality? He certainly gets credit for trying.