Finally, some (accidental) truth in advertising.
This IS what the orgs and “Humanitarians” have been led to believe “If you build it, they will come” — so it’s interesting to see it being stated overtly.
But it is NOT the whole truth. The truer statement would be the actual Miscavige Motto — “If you build it, they will believe me.“ THAT campaign has worked with the sheeple. They DO believe that the purchase and renovation of buildings is proof of massive international expansion. It even worked with some media for a while (you never see ANY statement from the church that doesnt include how the media are missing the real story about church expansion with 37 “new churches” opened in just the last few years). They are still trying to use it though it it wearing thin.
What is really most astonishing about this sleight of hand is that Miscavige has co-opted those he has scammed into playing along with him and supporting the deception. The ones who have given the most money know that there is NOTHING that has been done by Miscavige to expand Scientology other than send out waves of vampires to take their money and buy and extravagantly renovate buildings. But, having invested themselves, they are more or less obligated to maintain the lie that they have “contributed to planetary clearing.” Imagine how stupid they would have to admit they were if that WASN’T the case…. It is something that every scam artist relies on. The people that give the money don’t WANT to believe they have been ripped off.
But, news flash, the facade cannot be maintained forever. Eventually even the most head in the sand ostriches will not be able to ignore the fact that in reality, nobody is coming to these Fields of Dreams. They are movie sets in an elaborate scheme that is reminiscent of the British constructing wooden tanks in fields by the coast to trick the Germans into overestimating their strength and thus not invading. It is a trick that buys time, but wooden tanks are only good until they are seen for what they really are. Empty building have bought Miscavige time, but the lustre of the “Ideal Orgs” is wearing thin and the begging for money is getting VERY old. And people can SEE they are empty.
Sooner or later, everyone is going to realize they have been suckered. Miscavige KNOWS this and it is WHY the upcoming GAG II release is being turned into the biggest thing in history.
New Grades, new training, new meter, dictionary, reads recorder, building, Super Power, a circus tent (!) — all designed to convince people that while He has been promising that the “Why” has been bad buildings and no Div 6 videos and lack of intro routes, now they can be given a new “hope factor.” This time they will be told that now Super Power is released, Planetary Clearing can happen for real. But of course, that’s just at the FSO, so there has to be something to try to calm the restless local org natives.
So, they will be told the reason they have been failing in spite of having new buildings and Div 6 routes and FART Div 6es is that they have not been making auditors. He will pitch them with a bunch of LRH quotes about orgs fail if they do not make auditors and get them auditing in the field (like this is a new revelation) and he will ignore the fact that 17 years ago he said the same thing with GAG 1 and that He hasn’t mentioned this now for 15 years since the “big thing” has been “Ideal Orgs.”
But all that matters is that it will give the sheeple new hope and something they can now tell everyone, “COB has given us the solutions to why we have been failing” and they will cheer him as their savior and their faith in Him will be restored. This is the Bernie Madoff-style scheme to pay out some dividends — or at least show them on paper — so the investors will think all is well.
What is most telling is the scope of the “dividend” Miscavige feels is needed to shore up His support. This is an all out throw everything including the kitchen sink extravaganza. Every org and every staff member and all public are being focused on making this event and release a big “success” to prove all is well in Miscavigedom.
BUT, when this doesn’t work, He has shot His wad. There’s nothing left. He has done His buildings. His Div 6 videos. His auditor training. Grades. GAG for OTs. GAG 1 and GAG II. All books. All lectures. New meters. New training gimmicks. Ads on the Super Bowl. What else? He doesnt have anything left to pay dividends with.
And for sure, none of these things will work because the entire structure of the church is off purpose. The churches are now merely gathering places for regges and their victims, especially the IAS. You cannot keep going to the well and bringing back the same empty bucket and convincing people that because its a newer shinier bucket each time that there IS going to be water….
Field of Dreams is a pretty good metaphor for what is happening in the church of Scientology today. The slogan is one thing, but the real point is the whole thing is a fiction with millions spent to make the intended audiences believe (at least for the duration of the movie) that it is real.
That is what the movie business is all about. And David Miscavige doesn’t just enjoy hanging with the movie stars, directors and producers, he has turned himself into the biggest star of his self-produced and directed movie and it is playing in cities across the world.
Field of Dreams, the horror movie…
The movie set analogy is quite apt.
Maybe, all this time, what Miscavige really wanted to do was direct (a movie)…
Davie wants to not only direct a movie but he wants to star in it. He fawns over Tom Cruise cuz he wants to steal some of his glory and drink the admiration meant for Tom Cruise… one of the characteristics of a SP. They can’t create, can’t complete a cycle of action, can’t get products, can’t go from A to B, and so they try to drink admiration from others who honestly earned it, thus the vampire personality. Anyone got a wooden stake?
There are some oak trees left at Flag.
Funny! good one
No, dang it, and I’m all out of silver bullets. No gun either.
We could all go get some garlic though.
Now that Leah Remini has left CO$ it would do enormous good if she were to speak out about the enormous amounts of money required to rise in the “church”. Money is close to the heart of everyone, and although she may feel foolish admitting to the sums she has paid them it would go one step further in raising awareness of the most basic tenets of Scientology. Explaining to the public at large what you get in return for your dollars surely would be the greatest eye opener.
As for the “build it etc” are those buildings on brownfield (industrial) sites or greenbelt? Every single detail of building regulations and permissions should be scrutinised, even a single overlooked detail might bring some of the walls tumbling down, or at least halt progress. Realistically one of the better ways to bring the church down is as I mentioned previously follow the money.
If my observation of the things that are coming soon is not too off the rails, then this time the super duper circus event series will have a big super surprise show for David Miscavige behind the curtain that is lifted at his first appearance on stage. (if he comes is not entirely clear. Might be that he does not show up and cancels the whole thing to avoid a disaster. Or during the hurrcane season it is not allowed to have a big circus tent in the garden. Then he can blame it on the locals the did not tell him that September is the time the hurricanes can develope in that area.)
We will see.
“If you build it, they will come“ or ” We are the only hope” or ……….1000ds of those sentences as in any other religion . The bible is full of such sentences as the koran too.
It became a normal Religion with fundamentalists as any other religion has too !
LRH was the Founder , Miscavige is a Prophet and many prophets will follow ………
All religions have the attitude of having found the “TRUTH” and want to take over the world and implement their belief in anybody and have their “Mottos”.
Our civilization tries to keep all those Religions under control, so they don’t become criminal, but on this there is still lots of work to do by society. It’s not only the Church of Scientology that is causing problems but many other religions too as for example in Egypt, india or African countries where people are killed by reason of their belief by other religious groups (again by reason of belief).
As soon as the COS stops the practice of Disconnection there will be lots of communication and the main problem will be handled, but the fundamentalists I think will not go away and they will nevertheless disconnect ! But then it’s trheir choice.
I would never have dreamed to become member of a classical Religion !
I still can’t understand why I have been such a fool and didn’t think for myself !
“build it and they will come.” There is a policy letter in which LRH says that unsurveyed (and unwanted) projects are bound to fail. Basically, say you build an stadium or theatre the public doesn’t want it will remain half finished or stay empty.
Well, a local mall nearby had a similar problem. It wasn’t really a wanted item to begin with. They put some popular stores in it so that was fine, but the upper half was always dead, no one went there because the stores there were too expensive. They finally changed all that by putting a food court in there. Now it’s popular.
What will DM put in his ideal orgs to make them popular? I could imagine brothels and casinos are needed and wanted. Certainly casinos are, the way they’ve been sprouting up.
So this is what I lost a husband of 24 years to… Sad….
Can someone explain something to me real quick… If it is called The Golden Age of Tech, how bad can it possibly be? I’ve never heard of anything that’s referred to as “Golden” being bad except, of course, the Golden Showers.
The Golden Calf?
And of course … the scientology meaning of …. Goldenrod!
I just realized. there are bno t many scientologists in my country
Hay Cat,
If you look at, there is a comment by the spokeswoman of A’dam Org on the article “Scientology is not a Church”.
The joke: In the first article the polls count 333 people (86%) agree. with that article (this article is not read by the members).
Now that this spokeswoman has to put her article “Scientology is a new religion on the rise” the polls count 118 agree with it.
That means 118 members in A’dam, because I am sure that Osa send a intern mail out to its members to vote!
Have to add ….. though I have made a number of posts about Miscavige maybe lasting as COB into his seventies, for those of you who would like to see him knocked off his perch relatively soon, I now think there is one VERY real factor that may accomplish that.
I think Miscavige has made a huge, HUGE error in judgment with his attacks on the Rathbuns (and I think he probably knows it too). There will be a SHITSTORM of trouble coming for Dave and the CoS as a result of this case. I am a keen student (I like to think so anyway) of cultural values within groups and societies. I will be very surprised if you don’t see some extremely strong language coming from a judge as soon as the hearing in a couple of weeks. What the CoS did with Marty and Mosey will provoke I think language that will include words like disgusting, unacceptable, unbecoming a church and the like. There will be some legal outrage at the violation of cultural American values by Dave and the CoS. The CoS might lose at every step of the way. It is likely Dave will have to agree to be deposed or go on the lam. Forget the money for a moment. If Mosey refuses to settle (and I most fervently hope she does not settle) and this goes to court, believe me – there will be NO First Amendment protections re: free exercise of religion, NONE of what the CoS did will be acceptable as religion. In fact, once Mosey and Marty get on the stand and John Allender and others are called as well, I would be very surprised if we don’t see other cases filed on privacy, harassment and many other issues. The CoS’s tax free status WILL be up for discussion I’m sure. A shitstorm, all because Dave could not control himself re: Marty and the usual Scientology view of how to handle “enemies.”
Could he be forced to resign as COB? You better believe it. This is a very REAL threat that could bring him down (Capone and income taxes, Nixon and a third rate burglary …….). A line was crossed with the Rathbuns that will offend many segments of American society when it comes to light. And Leah Remini is in the wings.
I agree Joe. The RCS is so out of it when it comes to acceptable norms for behavior, I don’t think they’ll prevail in this case. The harassment of the Rathbuns is so bizarre and outside of any common understanding of decency, some jury is going to eat the RCS alive. I have thought for some time that the most vulnerable area for the RCS is the abuse and neglect of children. If a case is filed that has teeth and numbers of people pile on, the RCS is toast.
Toast indeed. Forget the popcorn, break out the marshmallows. There’s gonna be a BIG Autumnal Equinox bonfire, just for DM and co. As big as that tent. Burn, baby, burn.
Interesting that Monique’s court date is on the 12th and the Autumnal Equinox is on the 22nd. This is the fall harvest Equinox and, “depending on your individual spiritual path, there are many different ways you can celebrate the Autumnal Equinox, but typically the focus is on either the second harvest aspect, or the balance between light and dark. This, after all, is the time when there is an equal amount of day and night. While we celebrate the gifts of the earth, we also accept that the soil is dying. We have food to eat, but the crops are brown and going dormant. Warmth is behind us, cold lies ahead.” (quoted from the link below)
Well, I would wager to say that the warmth is behind DM and cold lies ahead – specifically the cold of the floor of his own, solitary confinement cell for being such a megalomaniacal freak in his maximum security prison. Done for his own protection, of course. 😉
Let the light shine and void the darkness. Blessed be.
Joe, I’m not a lawyer but it seems to me that the defendant in a civil lawsuit would have the option of just paying the plaintiff what they asked for, rather than defending themselves in court. There is no negotiation but it would ‘settle’ the case all the same.
I believe Miscavige would turn the entire Sea Org reserves over to Mosey before he would allow himself to appear in court. If you want to see the little turd on the witness stand it will have to be in a criminal case rather than civil.
Aeolus -Unfortunately, I think you are probably right on that point. In fact, I was thinking Dave would happily offer 10 million just to get the Rathbuns to “go away.” And if they’re asking for less….. Of course, there is also “punitive damages” and I think a hearing might be necessitated for that. I’m not a lawyer either (joined staff at 19 so didn’t finish college) but I’ve watched a lot of Law and Order (ha ha). Of course this case does not have to be the end of cases, it could be the beginning. Once the flood gates open …. could there be a criminal case? You can check out the Jim Bakker case of 20 or more years ago. He was sent to prison for I believe a time share fraud soliciting funds for a religious retreat. Using IAS funds for private eyes and sexually harassing a citizen? At the least I bet that really opens the gates to suing for refunds of any IAS donation. And it might also lead to a very intense look at where all the money REALLY goes (I don’t believe Dave doesn’t have his bank accounts). The CoS can’t possibly win this case in court, the only question would be would Dave be able to remain COB and would the CoS be able to hold on to its tax exempt status (a church that has prices demanding a half million dollars plus to get spiritual awareness?). And yes, Mike Rinder, there will then be lawyers knocking your door down begging to work for you to sue the CoS for its harassment against your right to earn a living. It ain’t gonna be pretty. You think Dave has aged a lot in the past few years? Check out how he looks in 2016.
Joe, my favorite is NCIS so I’m more of an expert in military law, but I agree with you on one thing — it ain’t gonna be pretty! Except perhaps for Mosey and Marty. One way or another they should have a big payday coming, and they damn well deserve it.
Speaking of aging, Joe, watch His hands at every event. Notice how he always pushes them down on the podium while he’s speaking? That is not just for a dramatic stance.
It seems to abate after he’s been talking for an hour but,
check out when his hands are in the air during his talks. Look at how they shake!!!
I noticed this at one event and it was astounding.
He probably just got done yelling at someone or punching them out so the adrenaline is still pumping. Parkinson’s? MS? That would be awful.
Karma is a bitch, with her own little bag of tricks, David. Your time is coming.
I hope you are right Joe.
That would be magnificent.
In addition, Joe, if I’m not mistaken, Debbie Cook’s gag order doesn’t include being called to the witness stand. Wasn’t she privy to some of the stuff that was happening at Marty’s old place?
What an interesting witness she and her husband would be…
Watch his face as he lies. DM says in this Interview The Church of Scientology is 25 TIMES LARGER THAN IN WAS IN 1980 (Before he wiped out the mission network!) Watch him LIE. Watch him LIE on National television! Look at his face and watch him LIE on national television! 1:05 to 1:10. Pause at 1:10 and LOOK AT THAT FACE AND EYES!
Also, notice the papers on the desk in front of David Miscavige and how his eyes shift down to read from them! DM says people are not afraid to criticize the Church! What a LIE! It is written in the Ethics Codes that it is a Supressive Act to criticize the Church and results in Fair Game! Look what they have done to Mosey and she has said NOTHING about the Church! Look at the domestic terrorist crews they send out! He sits on national television and denies it! LIES! Go through these videos again and watch the LIES he spouts out on National television!
He says, “I can give you 100,000 Scientologists that have something positive to say about the Church” (Or something to that effect.) Snort! Cough! What? For REAL?
Against the backdrop of the Internet, watching this video , and the others, and knowing the truth of the matter, it is fascinating to watch this guy LIE, LIE, LIE straight faced! He is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO busted as a straight up liar! And OH Oh the celebrations around the globe about his performance! The PRIDE! The victory! As he LIED straight faced .
Then he sends his bottom bitch, the sadistic dominatrix Jenny Linson to LIE for him on television. It was so hard for her to curb her sadism for a television appearance verbally mauled Anderson Cooper in front of millions of his fans. Another smarty smarty! What did she do the entire time? Deny, Deny, Deny! LIE straight faced on National television!
The COURAGE Mike Rinder had to come forward and admit he did that was fucking HUGE! HUGE!
Where is David? Tracking his circus tent! Telling the State of Texas to Fuck Off! Mr. Smarty Smarty!
His propensity for lying with out regard can be taken right from this video and demonstrated in a court room!
I remember the dwarf saying that. Oracle, on Nightline with Ted Kopple. “I can get you 100,000 scientologists” that will say great things around the cult.
Here’s the problem. Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes was interviewing Heber, then the “President” of the cult. He was saying scientology had 8 million members at that point. Wallace said something like, really, 8 million members? And Heber responded with, “Yes, since 1952 or 53.” And Wallace retorted with something like, “Even if they just bought Dianetics and never did a course or joined the church?” And Heber replied “Yes, because it’s (Dianetics) that powerful.” So, I guess, they count everyone who’s EVER bought a book, taken a course or even just came into an org and then left without purchasing anything as a member. But, one of Hubbard’s policies was ‘always tell the press we’re growing.’ Or something to that effect. Maybe they gather the 30,000 to 40,000 members they have left for a photo shoot and photoshop it (snicker, snicker).
Oracle dahlink,
In response to your comments that DM “Lies, lies, lies,” this is the theme song for the unfortunate Kool Aid drinkers still in. Such a pity, but so true.
Somewhere in that interview David giives his own definition of power: something along the lines of: When people listen to you.
Mike, you are COMPLETELY correct here, but I will specifically point out your words “sooner or later …..” Yes ….. and it is most definitely “LATER.” You also say that eventually COB will have “shot his wad.” Again, most definitely true. I will just point out that it is now thirty years and counting for Dave. Quadaffi lasted 41 years. Scientologists have ALREADY agreed with him in practical terms on almost every point he has made (whether out of their own ignorance, his brilliance or simply their own mind controlled state of beingnesses). This reality train has left the station. It’s too late to delay it. IT’S LEFT ALREADY. Now Scientologists will have to EVENTUALLY come to grips with the end of their church as it was once conceived by Ron. How long? My guess is that Dave has bought himself 5- 10 years with the current campaigns/games. But I think he could hang on for 15 or more. Fercryinoutloud …. he will probably last until he’s freaking SEVENTY! My message to Scientologists ….. “responsibility” can be a bitch sometimes, can’t it? You MAY eventually cognite that you have made your own bed …. and I use the word “may” here, you notice.
This might seem like a naive question. If a group of 6 or more high ranking execs in SCN went to the authorities and said they all uniformly suspected Miscavige of criminal misappropriation of funds and fraud, and had evidence….(15 years, 200 million for Super Powers) would those multiple people hold more credibility than the COB? You’d think the feds would jump at that opportunity.
No. It is actually far better to let them finish themselves off. No martyrs, only blame, shame and regret.
Thank goodness LRH isn’t around to see this worship of everything MEST. My answer to anyone spouting this line is. REALLY???? I thought “If you get results, they will come!” would be more correct. But I guess that’s an “Old” idea.
A good course room fills itself up.
D is continually living in his own wet dream. So sad.
Field of broken dreams, actually. In the end, it is real people getting hurt here and/or hurting themselves, permitting themselves to be ruined.
It is sad that the only way out seems to be through pain. God knows, DM and his ghouls are doing their level best to make it hurt.
More great reporting and razor insights from Mike Rinder. It seems to me that as the scene inside David Miscagive’s Sciendollargy gets more and more kooky and outpointy a kind of “wheat and chaff” sorting is occuring. Good hearted and sensible people kind of duck their heads and slip out the side door. They become “really busy” and can’t get into the org anymore. They start “sneak-reading” Mike Rinders blog. However on the other side there always have been a number of Scientologists who are bit on the kooky side themselves. They feel VALIDATED, they feel DUPLICATED. They cheer and shout because they a little hyponotic at the best of times and if you show an implant style video they will walk away parroting the spiel they just heard. “Wow Martha, was than not awesome!” “I agree Mable, I love those straight up and vertical thingys they show on the screen”. “Ohh and that handsome guy giving his win was so adorable”. If they have any money they fork it over. Between a small number of kooks and a ton of people trying avoid disconnection DM will always be able to fill a tent. It just won’t be a very large tent. This whole “10,000” attendees for the upcoming GAG ME TOO event is a total joke. The tent only holds about three or four thousand at the very most. They will half fill that and then photoshop the rest and say “10,000 attendees” the same way they say “unprecedented expansion” and “no such thing as disconnection”: In the end David Miscavige will always have a certain following. It’s just not very large and it gets kookier as time goes by. Sleazy money manipulators like Craig Jensen and even sleazier people manipulators like Grant Cardone. Then behind them a bunch of kooky peanuts like Mike Smith, babbling joy and delusion. Indy Scientologists have been selected out as too intelligent and strong willed to eat shit and pretend it’s cake. Oh well, hoping you smarty pants are all starting a great labour day weekend!
Wonder what David has planned for Christmas for all of the staff? I just can’t get over the Chirstmas Gifts and bonus’ he doles out over the Holidays! NOT! It’s never “Christmas” for the Sea Org! Celebrations are filed under “other practices”! “Other fish to fry”! Meanwhile David is bringing a tent into Clearwater for an event to celebrate HIMSELF! Oblivious to the fact that Hurricane season has moved forward due to global warming. He is out of favor with the Gods too.
He shows up at the events he creates to promote and eulogize HIMSELF as some big Santa Clause! “I put X amount of new orgs on the planet”. The PUBLIC put those orgs on the planet and it is their money! They are forced to transfer the property into his name / control.
He does nothing but run soldiers on covert ops with one hand and begging crews with the other! Running the C.I.A. and the I.R.S. of the Church at the same time! Every event to salute him is carefully orchestrated by HIMSELF! How NEEDY can one man get?
For what he is spending for this circus event, he could have produced a documentary highlighting the benefits of Scientology. He could have picked up a homeless person and filmed his progress up the bridge! But NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The money has to be invested into HIS image! Beefing up HIS image! Delivering RPF repairs to the public for the real estate purchase / construction the PUBLIC made in Clearwater! Did you know Ray Cassano was going to buy the property the Super Power Building is now on years ago, and he was told by Flag Execs NOT to buy it because it was condemned? The land was faulty! That is why THEY hadn’t purchased it?
Did the beggars share THIS information with the public when they were begging for construction donations?
Didn’t anyone wonder WHY that land sat there for DECADES with that crumbling building on it and NOBODY touched it until David came up with the “Super Power” scheme? Notice that Super Power is NOT on the grade chart?
Yes sir! That land was not fit for construction until David pulled Super Power off the lines, with held it for decades, and then decided to give it back. ONLY if the public would buy him a new building!
THEN the land was SUDDENLY alright! Go on, dig! (pun intended).
In the fantasy world of Hollywood: A couple of theta people build a theta baseball field in the middle of nowhere. A bunch of “angel-like” ball players call it heaven. People arrive from all over the country to bask in the glory of their childhood dreams.
In the real world: A delusional dimwit builds a stupid baseball field in the middle of a healthy corn crop. He naively believes people will magically show up when the ghosts appear in the field.
No one shows up and the guy loses his land. That’s just the way it is in this here real world.
The people forking over all their hard earned cash to build this field are praying that they won’t have to take any personal responsibility for training or auditing people. They just throw cash and the dream becomes a reality.
A classic tale of “Help becomes betrayal.”
Sad in an amusing sort of way.
The circular bridge has been running for decades, and it’ll just keep going round and round forever, until one day when it’s all over.
Can you take real rightious Indignation from a Beautifull passionat Aussi girl. No bashing of Ron, just adressing the things people still in can expierience
Hey Cat Daddy,
This is a video I hadn’t seen before that was linked to the one you posted. Thought others might want to see it too.
I watched this and then went on to watch another video of hers on You Tube which I re-posted on my FB page. Wow, this gal went through hell and back. What a heart breaking story. Thank you for calling my attention to her. She is a fighter and she has my admiration.
Alsoo for Victoria, 1 of 7 videos about Sheila’s story.
I agree with the gist of the woman with the megaphone’s statements.
I strongly believe that people should be able to practice whatever religion, philosophy or self-help method they choose – as long as it does not harm others. When any group limits the information allowed to its members, though, it becomes a concern..Lots of abuses can be hidden that way. Particularly if Scientology is about “knowing how to know”, then they should be the last ones wanting to restrict information! If a group is truly helpful to its members, hearing alternative viewpoints or gathering further information can’t take that away.
If a person chooses to donate to Scientology, that’s their business, but I do think they should be able to know exactly where their money is going and what it’s being used for. They should be able to make a clear-headed judgement on whether they support the actions their donation is going toward. And I’m getting a strong impression that many members are unaware of these things due to that limited information (or have little choice over whether they should donate at all).Unfortunately, limiting information is a hallmark of a coercive group.
So, yeah, perhaps overtly focusing on the real estate aspect is a dose of honesty. That’s better, just as long as they remember that buying a building and practicing a religion are two quite different things. 🙂
Mike the above caption was supposed to appear in the same cluster as the original. Duh! please if you can fix it so for moi? –Thanks, Calvin.
Not sure what you are referring to. I see these as these come in by time, not connected to anything else. Sorry, as a rule I dont have to time to search for stuff and “correct it”….
That makes sense now, thanks.
Imagine the Bee-Hive of activity going on behind the scenes 24-7, all being micro-managed by the little high a-holiness preparing for this “Event”!
The Big Difference of course is that Real Life Bees are actually doing something productive and with an actual purpose!
This is REALLY, TRULY INSANE. Not worth any further comment. How sad that there are people who cannot see it for what it is.
10,000 filling a circus tent….really…Let’s do the math. Figure 4 people per car. Cars have to be parked….where in the hell will anyone find one of the 2,500 parking places within walking distance (rather hot in October). Next to the tent maybe 250 parking spaces. Empty city parking lots, maybe another 250 parking spaces. Folks the event is missing 2,000 parking spots. Here’s my prediction. 500 parking spots will yield 2,000 attending….Mike is right many in the media will be documenting this event. They better come early if they want a space to park their cars and TV vans.
I really hate to puncture your balloon, but the way they get so many people to the Shrine is to bus them to the Shrine from Pac Base, the HGB, the AB, the HI and other locales. People park in these disparate locations and are funneled to the Shrine via Bus. In my hometown, people park in deserted shopping mall parking lots on Saturday nights and get bused to the local University’s football games. At Pac Base, when the circus tent is occupying the LA Org Parking Lot, the church arranges for parking at the dozen-or-so medical buildings surrounding Pac Base. It can be done, it’s just not pretty.
These clear and well delineated essays are very helpful and destimulating Mike, thank you. My technical brain tends to go to technical analysis, and the subjects of false data and false data stripping have often come to mind. For me since gag began, the evidence of false data has been growing and compounding. I’ve probably asked myself 1000 times, where did this datum come from? The indicators of false data are RAMPANT in the RCS; something you couldn’t think with, something that didn’t make sense, something that didn’t add up, et al. Any sane person strives to understand, and especially, with the subject of Scn., where truth and as-isness are supposed to be important, we strive to correct and align with other known truths, (the axioms, the data series, auditing basics etc.) You can only accept the reason of someone found something in LRH’s closet so many times, then the point comes, where this excuse, is no longer acceptable. You start mind bending or your demise begins. When I disavowed in 2007, i felt the RCS was in a condition of treason, later I felt an overwhelming sense of growing confusion from that group. Now I feel it has sunk further down, lower than confusion, into a cannibalistic death spiral, where cognition/as-isness has been thoroughly replaced with sound bytes, catch phrases, punch lines, ad campaign slogans and covertly hostile hyperbole. The condition or state of “duplicity” has been achieved. We should send them a cert.
Good use of the Data Series Hallie.
Ever wonder why they don’t offer the “Data Series Evaluator Course” anymore? Too many people would figure it out.
Just like mentioned in another, earlier post comment. No wonder DM took down INCOMM. His stats (which are reverse stats) would be reported and he’d be busted.
And where is duplicity on the awareness characteristics, Hallie? Maybe “Duality”? Well lookie here. Criminality is only 4 from the bottom, which is “Unexistence”. Wow. Pret-t-t-t-t-ty darned low.
Awareness Characteristics:
Total Freedom
Power on all 8 dynamics
21 = Source
20 = Existence
19 = Conditions
18 = Realization
17 = Clearing
16 = Purposes
15 = Ability
14 = Correction
13 = Result
12 = Production
11 = Activity
10 = Prediction
9 = Body
8 = Adjustment
7 = Energy
6 = Enlightment
5 = Understandings
4 = Orientation
3 = Perception
2 = Communication
1 = Recognition
-1 = Help
-2 = Hope
-3 = Demand for improvement
-4 = Need for change
-5 = Fear for worsening
-6 = Effect
-7 = Ruin
-8 = Despair
-9 = Suffering
-10 = Numbness
-11 = Introversion
-12 = Disaster
-13 = Inactuality
-14 = Delusion
-15 = Hysteria
-16 = Shock
-17 = Catatonia
-18 = Oblivion
-19 = Detachment
-20 = Duality
-21 = Secrecy
-22 = Hallucination
-23 = Sadism
-24 = Masochism
-25 = Elation
-26 = Glee
-27 = Fixidity
-28 = Erosion
-29 = Dispersal
-30 = Disassociation
-31 = Criminality
-32 = Uncausing
-33 = Disconnection
-34 = Unexistence
Good typing Indie8! And yes!……thinking and.sanity are very, very D-A-N-G-E-R-O-U-S!! Right by duality is secrecy and sadism as well. Now that the cat is out of the bag, because of the naughty, fringey, internet rebels, :), the secrecy is a fail. Unexistence would be nice, for dm and his crowd.
Thanks, Hallie. Cut and paste is a beautiful thing. 🙂
Thinking and sanity ARE dangerous if one is a sadistic criminal who is fixedly in glee and disassociation. What other end is there for the SOB – I mean COB at the rate he’s plummeting now?
Those bad, bad, internet rebel apostates!
Hey yeah thank you for the reason! Spot on! Too many people singing “save me” against thinking , how much effort does that take for real to save yourself?
Anyone you depend upon you become the effect of. Save yourself. If you can’t do that stop throwing stones at others that could not bypass you and save you.
The whole Ideal Orgs thing is directly off-policy, including this one.
From HCO PL 27 Jan 69 Dev-T Summary List,
“30. HAVING TO HAVE BEFORE THEY CAN DO. “Projects stall because of FP” or “because it would be nice to have a ________””.
The ‘project’ being, of course, making auditors and releases.
The implanted thought is: “If we build it, they will come”
This could actually be a true statement if they made sure that they defined what “it” refers to, but of course the “Church” of Miscavology does not do that.
If they actually built ORGS rather than mere buildings it would be true, but of course the Church of Miscavology does not do that.
They want to redefine “org” in the minds of the public to mean “buildings”.
If they actually read and encouraged others to actually read LRH’s bulletin entitles “Ideal Orgs”, they might find out what an org is and learn how to build one, but of course the Church of Miscavology does not do that either.
As I remember it LRH said that the only thing that fills up course rooms long term is a standard course room and excellent course supervisors who train people who can and do actually audit.
As I remember it the only thing that brings PCs into the org long term is excellent auditors and c/ses who deliver standard auditing.
But the “Church of Miscavology doesn’t do those things either as a primary activity.
They (Miscavige and his gang of con artists) are scamming sincere Scientologists.
Whoa! You mean that an org is lines and terminals and people delivering services? I always though that in Los Angeles especially, a big earthquake could take down all the buildings and the orgs would cease to function! But then I saw a Mission had a major fire and destroyed the building and they held course in the parking lot on card tables, with donated books and dictionaries. That taught me that an org doesn’t equal building.
One of my first thoughts when hearing about the ideal org project years ago was that now we’re relying on “hope”, and the movie I thought of was Field of Dreams. Of course I didn’t have any LRH to connect with that concept so I was puzzled with what prediction there was to this occurring. Obviously none.
Back in 2008, the propaganda being spread was that the 10 or so ideal orgs at the time were out-producing the combined other world orgs. It was a good spiel and it certainly made the locals hopeful.
Lastly, I wish I could be present when some of the larger whales, and I’m particularly thinking of our local New Civilization Builder ($1million level) finally really gets how much she has been scammed! That isn’t the only one, at least another half dozen who will really be in utter disbelief. GOOD! The make wrongs we received will come back in spades then.
Good points. For real.
Is this APATHY ?
Build it and they will come.
I know the movie Field of Dreams ,but its a fantasy story.
To transpose this into a real life application leaves me concerned that its a huge set up.
D.M. making his own Scotch and guzzling it day and night comes to mind.
Mike, excellent data and analysis, thank you.
“Build it and they will come”. Let’s analyze that assertion. Is it true? The answer is: It depends.
It depends on what “they” are supposed to be coming FOR. And in this movie, “they” are coming for the purpose of watching a baseball game, and “they” are – duh- people who like to watch baseball games.
OK, so if we apply “Build it and they will come” to Scientology services, delivery of, then “they” would be people already on existing lines receiving and wanting such services AND new people who are interested in Scientology services. Let’s address this subject of new people first.
HOW will a new building with elegant renovation and furniture pull new people into Scientology? How can a BUILDING do that?
I mean, does the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris create a reach for Catholicism? Do people become Catholics after they experience the beauty of this this church?
Does Westminster Abbey draw people into the Church of England? Would visiting an amazingly beautiful Hindu Temple in India give someone a cognition about this religion? When people view the pyramids of Egypt, do they get the idea that maybe they should be worshiping Horace and Seth?
But, then, lets say, that on vacation in France, while seeing the wonders of Notre Dame, a person somehow gets into a conversation with a priest there. This priest is interested in him and he lets him talk, he listens to him as he unburdens himself, he just LISTENS and UNDERSTANDS. . Now we have Theta entering into the equation. We have Theta attracting Theta, here we have someone REACHED, who all of a sudden feels better because someone cared enough to listen and actually understood him! And this person could consider becoming a Catholic out of this single experience! And if he reaches further, I ask you, who or what DID this? Was it the Theta or the MEST? Of course, the beauty of the cathedral didn’t HURT, but isn’t it true that the MEST could only SUPPORT the theta that our tourist friend found in the cathedral? Isn’t it true that this encounter with the priest could have theoretically happened ANYWHERE and had the same positive effect?
“Build it and they will come” is so so wrong target. MEST aligns under Theta, not vice versa. MEST supports Theta, not vice versa.
If a group is in the Spiritual Enlightenment Business there has to be a LOT of Theta, a WHOLE LOT of ARC flowing out and around, and over and under and through. A LOT. It has to be really felt, really experienced by people. There really has to be an abundance of this stuff, and if there isn’t then no amount of physically beautiful architecture is going to matter.
Exactly! Great post!
Please delete I misread, and otherwise I am sorry for misreading Christian Landivar
Done — though I left this here so anyone who did see your response knows why it has been Shelly Miscavige’d.
Of course, I read it to quik and my “reactive mind”haha made me post it in an instance, I was mistaken Christian ment all Scientologist still in, he just ment the ones that made the promo/marketing efforts.
HA! Shelly Miscavige’d. Is that sort of like “Hebered”?
Hahaha yes it is but more so. 🙂
So sad but it fits, doesn’t it?
Wouldn’t it be great to have “Hebered” mean, “Trapped in the Hole for years and then rescued and sued the pants of DM?” I like that a lot better.
I think still to be presented is a massive media blitz in the way of TV commercials (the ones that he is filming now). I believe that he will try and duplicate Jefferson Hawkins success, but DM, being the asshat that he is, living in his own delusional bubble will fail spectacularly. But all will not be lost. Mike Rinder who has been blowing us all away with his comedic writing skills should be able to give us one for the ages. I, personally, am laughing already.
the stupid people not see that the only way to put the all timers back in the Org is making GAT II, that is his solution….they make huge promotion on GAT II making that like the biggest thing in Scientology more important than New OT VIII realise.
And some people will eat that crack……some other people will start open their eye.
Advertise for a field of dreams and deliver a frickin nightmare!! Miscavology in action.
Life of a cult member: Arrive for your field of dreams on Sat , 7 Sept and wake up Sunday morning to the nightmare of bankruptcy and deceit!
Enjoy the weekend and the Kool Aide folks and make sure you get your event attendance confirmed early. Dave and the staff and crew are depending on your continued support for the greatest show on earth.
I just made myself laugh picturing the kool aid man breaking through the wall, inturrupting Miscavige onstage- OH YEAH!
Well, the Kool Aid that’s being referred to is the poison laced Kool Aid that Jim Jones made his followers take for a mass suicide. They trusted him too. Here’s an artistic take on all that:
It was Power Ade, not Kool Aid that Jones’ people drank, a cheaper knock off. If I remember correctly Kraft, as the owner of the brand, had to publish a statement to that effect. Pretty sad that they didn’t even get the good stuff.
Well, that’s a new one on me, Natasha! Amazing what you learn on Mike’s blog. 😉
I’ve been gone from the COS for nearly two decades. Several years ago, an SO missionaire visited me in my home trying to get me back on lines. One of his main “reveals” was that INT management had found out that 85% of clears were not clear, including people in the pre-OT band. In his mind, he expected me to be enlightened by this fact and get the joyful indicators of a correct why being indicated. Pragmatic as I am, I was pretty dismayed. How 180 degrees different our perspectives are. Likewise, I’ve had friends returning from ethics handlings and rollbacks quoting the same numbers and expecting me to be happy about it. Are you kidding me?
I personally witnessed and felt that around 70-80% of the dianetic clears that attested around ’78-79-80 did not seem all that clear to me. Sadly, including friends and people I knew very well. Not per what’s in the books and what was originally promised. It was a chaotic attesting “free-for-all” back then. I realized this 30 years ago and quit my career as a highly acknowledge professional auditor at that moment and moved on to other professions for the rest of my life.
In reality, you can’t have a company where only 15% of the products work as promised and expect to stay in business. If Apple promoted that only 15% of their iPads work as advertised . . . well, that would be that. All the discussion about buildings and ideal this and that is fine. But at the end of the day the results coming off the delivery lines are the main issue, the main impetus of expansion or contraction. They just don’t have the numbers. Never did.
I personally thinks it’s too late to “go back to the drawing board.” Those of us who got gains over the years should be very, very grateful. Thank your lucky stars grateful. I think any efforts by the corporate church are just efforts at treading water and staying afloat a bit longer. Prolonging an inevitable apocalypse. What will happen to the tech as a whole beyond that . . . I have a severe case of myopia. I’m just very glad I got and kept all my wins and gains, which were substantial, while they were there to be had.
“Those of us who got gains over the years should be very, very grateful.”
Good gosh, how awesome you must be! I bet you’re like, totally clear! Oh c’mon, don’t be modest, you are a true clear, aren’t you? I always hoped I could meet one. It’s an honor.
Forever, I think maybe their claims would have fully indicated if they had just confessed that it has been found that NONE of the people who have ever attested to “clear” are actually CLEAR (or “OT” for that matter) per Ron’s original concepts. If ANY of these so-called spiritual states came even CLOSE to what LRH had promised, you would have rational beings with confront of life and you wouldn’t have the scene you have in the remaining CoS. This is not to invalidate any specific cogs or abilities people have gotten from auditing. I have gotten some spectacular ones myself. I will agree with Mayo here when he wrote that auditing eventually is “charge off the case” to the greatest degree you can achieve. These specific discrete “states”? Smoke and mirrors. And there’s the REAL bug for Scientologists. They LOVE the smoke and mirrors, have since DMSMH. Davey KNOWS this, so he keeps feeding the beast, and collecting the cash. It’s a great business model, no matter how few members he has left. As long as their credit cards still have balances …..
^^^^ this!
Forever, I was urged by my auditor, Dave Pettit, to attest to clear. I’m a former professional entertainer so I’m pretty outgoing, upbeat & positive. They said I was a ‘fast flow’ PC. But, the one thing I could never get around was the book 1 definition of clear: A Clear is to a normal person, what a normal person is to the institutionally insane. That’s quite the yawning gap there. So I never attested and then left.
To: Our Selectees
From: Mike and Val Smith, Flag FSMs
Details on the upcoming IAS Tent Event are, of course, ultra-confidential for obvious reasons. Val and I were recently briefed, however, on the Church’s brand new promo piece which foretells JUST A FEW of the main attractions.
Please do not share this information with anybody! It is for YOUR EYES ONLY!
The Hendersons will all be there
Late of Pablo Fanque’s Fair
What a scene!
Over men and horses hoops and garters
Lastly through a hogshead of real fire
In this way Mr. M will challenge the world!
Remember, not a word…
Not to Worry
The Color of George Washington’s White Horse will be Kept SECRET
Wow! Can’t wait.
War Horse, I think that this field of dreams WILL be built ….. with a little help from our friends of course. (forgive me, couldn’t resist – ha)
Instant Karma’s gonna get you
Gonna knock you right in the head
Miscavige’s target to get 10,000 people to the SuperPower Building grand opening is a deep line in the sand. I’m surprised he drew it. There will be a single event the entire 10,000 sheeple are expected to attend. Even with his stunted Photoshooping skills, I don’t see how he could possibly produce even tampered evidence that he met his target.
According to Wikimedia, this is what 10,000 people look like:
According to a photograph of the latest Royal Wedding, here is what 10,000 people in Trafalgar Square look like:
Just sayin’.
JM — I think there will be a lot of eyes and photographers there and they will be COUNTING the number of bodies present.
You’re right, its staking a LOT on this claim. Of course, there are more than 10,000 Scientologists in the local area if you believe Pinocchio Pouw, plus another thousand on lines at the FSO plus another thousands outer org trainees plus 500 more ED’s and Snr C/Ses so this should be EASY. It’s the culmination of 30 years work and it is after all the start of “Planetary Clearing” everyone has been waiting for.
So, what could possibly go wrong?
Mike, absolutely nothing could go wrong. I am sure of it.
I have complete confidence that He has arranged to eliminate all challenges related to weather and crowd control and bathroom facilities and security and fire prevention and crying children and claustrophobia and agoraphobia and surreptitious filming and recording of the event by hostile parties and weaponry and buffoonery and lighting and rolling thunder acoustics and any possible psychotic breaks of anyone in the audience or brought up on stage.
Likewise, there is absolutely NO CONFLICT between His desperate desire to stuff as many bodies into that tent as possible vs. what would be a picture-perfect opportunity for under-the-radar Indies and Exes to express openly to Himself and the Sheeple what they REALLY think about the vulture culture that some say the Church of Scientology has become.
Nothing whatsoever could go wrong.
Well, to borrow something coined by one of Ortega’s commenters:
Miscavige’s Law — if there’s a way of fucking things up, he will.
David Fubar Miscaviage will be His name of choice by historians.
For those who may not understand the roots of Fubar, it stands for ‘Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition’
Here are two more shots of 10,000.
The purpose of the tent is to hide the crowd from cameras. Mike posted it has capacity of 4,000. With all the hot air it could turn into a nice balloon, and float away with everyone in it.
Wow! Nice job, Carche! 10,000 people are a lot of bodies. The two links really brings it home. The tiny dwarf will have to photoshop to the nth degree to even come close to selling the event!
Ideal orgs, huh? Sounds more like Miscavige has figured out “Ideal Huckstering ,” or “Ideal Snake Oil Salesmanship,” or “Ideal Victimization.”
I agree with you Mike, it would be hard for those people who donated all that money to admit they were wrong.That is why I have so much respect for those longtime scientologists who left and who spoke up. Admitting you are wrong is a very hard thing to do.I was not in that long,although I donated enough money to feel quite foolish. But some of you with 20 to30 years letting go of all that wow! My hat is off to you guys big time.
Yes. They donated their life.
I think he should start hiring young attractive actors to fill the orgs. They dont just have to be for films and promo. If you have the money they can be staff and public. They can give wins and success stories and have a big smile at exam. They can eve have GI’s while studying GATII. So that would then make two groups- the rich people who come to events and get suckered into believing they are saving the universe, and the paid actors.
Instant boom. Golden Age of Ideal Orgs.
Chris — Karen J posted a casting call notice recently that asked for actors to record “success stories” so you are right on the money….
Have you seen the pretty girl yet in the vid promo on the Scientology page ?
Which one?
I wouldn’t put it past McSavage to do just as you describe and it would work until the last of the wealthy suckers disconnect from his farce.
It is sad that the only path to the end of this farce is COLLAPSE. This is the most painful way to learn the truth, yet is the ONLY way if one will not LOOK. Even then, some will not learn.
Yes, the current Church, as lead by the Devil Moron, is off purpose as far as the original one envisioned by many. Its purpose is MEST – and MEST perishes, has to be moved and activated, it is not at all a purpose in itself, it wont last; thus, your predictions are correct; soon, very soon, the whole shared is going to collapse and the duped ones will regret not having spoken, nor having done anything about it as this will confirm they choose to believe in lies, in MEST and in something that has nor truth, nor purpose in it.
David believes in movies
Filed of Dreams? Nightmare on Elm Street more like!
Again: doesn’t sound like a healthy supply and demand issue.
I’d say: if you build it, they will leave.
I remember the Monkey Man spiel that OT IX & X would be released when all Orgs were the size of Old Saint Hill. Raison d’être being that amount of theta would flood public into the Orgs and we would not be able to handle the flow… If you were around then, circa 1990, you saw the fallout on the faces and utterances of OT VIII’s at that time.
As nutty as that was, I don’t get how the LRH game of booming Orgs to the size of Old Saint Hill became this fantasy land iDeal Orgs Mega Monstrosities violating every principle of Condition Formulas as laid out by LRH and how THEY ALL JUST BOUGHT IT AND CONTINUE TO BUY IT at the cost of personal fortunes, stress beyond any justification, bankruptcy and suicide.
Sorry, but its disappointing at best to watch my old once very able friends at MTV play this fucked up game.
Do any staff even query what happened to the Universe Corp?
Ronn, back when the Universe Corp was disnitegrating, you could see what was going on and it all “seemed” to make sense. Some teams went out to orgs, but they weren’t exempt from doing missions as SO members for example, so some went on missions and never came back to their UC teams. I heard once that one org’s staff were nowhere near being able to go onto Solo Courses so instead of having the UC staff audit them up the Bridge so they could get onto Solo they’d think the org’s nonexistent staff HGC would do that, then they’d come back (or something) and get them up OT levels. These all seem like “legal” reasons for the UC not succeeding, if you buy into the idiot thinking that any promise was going to be kept to put it back together once it started falling apart. Oh–I think also one org was a false report on its expansion so the UC didn’t have much to do and got absorbed into the staff of that org. Don’t know if that’s true or not, but it’s pretty logical…!
While I was in the SO at the base at the time I figured it was another dramatization of not caring enough about staff anywhere, no matter what org. I worked at the base for over 20 years and made zero Bridge progress that whole time. This was pretty typical for the staff there. Out of 700 staff some got FPRD, a very few did make Bridge progress, but most got sec checks or a big fat nothing. If it’s out at the top, it’s out all the way down the line. So the Universe Corp was doomed to failure because the powers that be just don’t give a shit about the sfaff.
David is small and bankrupt in every way. He has ‘amassed’ a mere 2 billion max MILKING the momentum of a an appreciated philosophy that took LRH decades to build. Bernie Madoff ‘amassed’ about 65 billion on his OWN efforts.
“Think for yourself.”
“Find out for yourself.”
“But don’t read the internet.”
Perfectly said!
The Internet is false data.
False data screws up your calculations.
Everyone knows that!
Perhaps this is a nice new slogan for its members: “Don’t think, just look!”
M’thinks it might be more like, “Don’t look. We’ll tell you how to thimk.” (Misspelling intentional)
“If you build it …” so this is why they’re getting a huge tent to Clearwater. What a joke this is.
Just in time for hurricane season…..
Ahhh, the most magnificent tent of BS ever erected! This won’t even fit in an off-earth calculator!! What a spectacular, star-spangled, sequined and bedazzled bunch of hype is about to wow the vict… (er) faithful, who will see salvation itself reign upon them from his highest holiness himself!
This just takes my breath away. (Hard to breath with your head in the toilet)
Yes, truth, finally (although actually, I find they have been really quite frank about it lately, if you knew how to read the stuff). So is he slipping, losing touch, or can he now truly walk naked and people will admire his new clothes? Can he say the world is flat, and his fans will henceforth stopy flying, because god knows, one might shoot right off the edge?
Two points:
1) Abusive relationships (they keep going back for more), see also pyschological manipulation:
And abuse in its many forms:
(jeez, no wonder psychs are so unpopular – they have the entire thing all mapped out and explained)
2) It’s time to grow up. It’s time to stop running to daddy to find out what to do next. It’s time to stop looking to Ron for solutions and start thinking of some yourself. It’s time to start finding why’s yourself instead of waiting for DM to produce some. This, obviously, is meant for any still in. And I mean this lovingly, grow up. Quit lying to yourself. Start finding your own answers. It’s fine to ask for advice, but whenever you depend on someone’s leadership, it makes you their toy.
Thanks for those links. DollarMoruge. Here’s the real reason we’re supposed to avoid the evil psychs! We might notice we’re being abused and manipulated.
The title of the ad speaks for itself – Hollyweird Fantasy – which hopefully will awaken those in it and realize this is nightmare of diminishing personal assets in playing this no-win David Miscavige game to please his BFF Tom Cruise.
Yes Mike, and his movie has a worn out and expiring plot! The lights are on and the butter is melting.
I have to say, I honestly thought that was a photoshopped joke!
I guess it’s accurate in that both are pure fiction.
Nope — Mountain View has now taken the lead from the Valley Vultures in the Ideal Idiots Sweepstakes…
I also thought it was photoshoped because some time ago someone used exactly the same line on your blog…
Hoo ha!
BTW. do they use the quotation marks in order to indicate (mislead) that this is a on-source quote?
They sold one field of dreams this week in Boston. Off loaded the 25,000 square foot mansion at 448 Beacon St in Boston for $10.5 million this week according to the Boston Business Journal. Building is going to be turned in to condos by the buyer. RCS was seeking $12M for the property a couple of years ago (2010) purportedly. Perhaps a sign the reggng isn’t going so well and they need the cash!