Father and daughter scientology fundraisers Meghan and Ben Fialkoff have apparently pulled off a small coup by persuading “Miss New York” to endorse them.
You can see they are promoting her in their promotion here:
And here is the video of Miss NY — you will note she doesn’t say anything about what program she is endorsing, just that she is talking to kids about drugs.
I would bet Miss NY knows nothing of the real activities of the Fialkoffs. They are full time scientology pitchers/fundraisers.
I wonder if Miss NY understands that the news of her “endorsement” is being spread through the scientology world (but nowhere else)?
I can imagine that Miss NY might not be fully aware of all that is happening, and even if she knows part of the story, she has NO IDEA she is endorsing by proxy an organization that engages in human trafficking, fraud, child abuse and much more.
Perhaps someone knows Miss NY and can help clue her in.
Interesting that they never name her. I believe that’s Rahmeka Cox. They have a history of getting Miss New Yorks to shill for them.
Category:Miss New York
It is Rahmeka Cox. The Bunker got a statement from the Miss New York organization: https://tonyortega.org/2019/03/16/miss-america-organization-says-its-looking-into-scientologys-use-of-miss-new-york/
Mr. Fialkoff and his electrified daughter look like animated plasticine robots standing there on that stage. I wonder how much of their personal fortune
has drained from their coffers to date.
David Miscavige lives a wonderfully lavish lifestyle thanks to all of you idiots getting regged to death by this Giant Con Machine.
One can hire a Miss [state name] through an agency to do a spokes gig at an event. They simply memorize a script, give it and go home. I’ve hired one for an event for a company.
They are just collecting a check.
I’d also say that in addition to collecting a cheque, it’s unlikely she’s heard anything about Scientology at all, so the anti-drug theme of the event sounds legit. And positive. Which it is, just not when Scientology is behind it since the organization makes no distinction between helpful and harmful drugs.
Also, each speaking event is an extra bit of advertising for her, making it more likely she’ll pick up future events and get more income and exposure (if she’s interested in a future political career). Which is fine, that’s how you do these things. And remember, she’s not entirely at fault for supporting Scientology’s agenda here since the organization is a past master at misrepresenting itself as something benign. You can’t really blame the victims of a con.
Everywhere I look on the internet I see YouTube videos and Website articles entitled as the “biggest” the “greatest” the “funniest” the “something-est of all time” etc.
Since everything is the MOST-est, it has basically lost all meaning and I am incredibly tired of all of the super-duper (wink) over hyping.
Question for you “was-ins”. When you were still guzzling the kool aid, did you ever get tired of all of the “going St Hill sizes” or “pivotal moments” or “urgent needs” or “IMPORTANT briefings”, etc. hyping? Did it get you pumped up for more kool aid drinking? Or did it eventually serve as a sort of turning point?
Just curious, thanks.
Incredibly tired of it, Phillip, and essentially, bored.
But we had to – perhaps I should just speak for myself – I felt that I HAD to – ACT excited about it all.
I observed that acting excited and enthusiastic about what I was being told (yet AGAIN) was expected of me.
“I SHOULD feel excited.”
But I didn’t, so I acted, that’s all.
In my heart of hearts, I was sceptical and bored after a while. “Yeah, right… ” here we go AGAIN…”
One of the YUGEST benefits to me of being out of the cult is not having to PRETEND anymore.
I don’t have to “feel” what I DON’T feel; I don’t have to NOT feel what I DO feel.
Being polite and considerate and social is one thing. Its mostly a good idea to get along with people, to be kind, charming if you will – sure. That’s one thing. Don’t go around giving people a hard time. Lift them up, make them a little happy. That’s a good thing. That’s not phony, that’s caring about people and their feelings.
But LIVING A LIE, constantly having to pretend about something, feeling force to pretend…because if you DON’T, you’re IN TROUBLE…this a VERY unhealthy way to live! This is an disfunctional, unhealthy, harmful relationship!
End of rant
Thanks, Aqua. I appreciate your heartfelt response.
We all have to put on a “make-nice public face” for various reasons from time to time, but as a never-in it’s interesting to hear that you weren’t completely unaware of what was happening.
Also, the fact that even when you were IN you could see/smell/sense that something wasn’t right gives me hope that others may share your epiphany. Thanks, again.
Their heads surely must be spinning behind their own hyperbole this time. Its hard to fathom such absolute delusional nonsense. 72% of NY’ers are “against pushing marijuana into the city”… lol. That’s truly laughable. What the hell does it even mean?
Did a little reading up on Daddy Fialkoff. He is Jewish, an American citizen, born in Cuba and raised there for a while. Speaks fluent Spanish.
I wonder what his honest take is on the NOI’s hatred and wrong targeting of Jews?
What does he REALLY think about Calypso Louie’s and Tony Mo’s Semitic rants?
If all the IAS Freedom Medal Winners had to appear on stage, how would Fialkoff feel about standing next to Tony Mo?
I wonder.
Edit: “…ANTI -Semitic rants.” Is what I meant to say.
I wondered about that as well. How do the Elfmans and other Jewish people in Scientology reconcile the NOI in their cult. I know that they are supposed to give up their relogious identity, but I seriously doubt NOI has given up the Koran or any of their over the top views. It doesn’t make sense…..if you figure it out let me know.
Kat offered:”I wondered about that as well. How do the Elfmans and other Jewish people in Scientology reconcile the NOI in their cult.”
IMO, they don’t consider the idea, don’t look beyond the “acceptable truths” (lies) put out by the scn propaganda machine which of course describing the NOI as exactly the sort of folks scientology will explosively grow with. Only those who are ‘out’ to some degree are able to pull their heads out of the sand — or out of their butts — and actually consider they might be being lied to.
How can people like the Fiaflikdoands or whatever the hell their name is be so goddamn stupid. Or anyone really. I’m growing convinced that most people in the world are just flat out fucking nuts tops among them Scientologists and that I’m one of the few truly sane people on the planet. I’m not kidding either….
Mary and Clearly not Clear
I love your posts and could not agree with you more
The similarities between the methods used to control the victims of Michael Jackson, the pedophile compared to the methods used to control the victims of Scientology
By Scientology and the founder, L Ron Hubbard’s “tech” as well as David Miscavige’s tactics to control members are creepily the same. Defending the abuser is the same
Side effects and AFTERMATH the same.
Time to shut down Scientology and hold them accountable for harming people for profit. Scientology is not a church and it is not self help – it is a destructive cult.
Grooming absolutely, in almost every aspect of life. Grooming to become part of what might be considered to be “the in crowd”….
Lonely hearts seeking love through the Internet, when someone in Nigeria is spilling his love out to you….a perfect STRANGER & all he needs, like COS is YOUR CONSTANT CASH FLOW to stay afloat.
What would happen if all of a sudden all the money dries up because those on the inside finally see the light of day & exit or those who might have consider “signing up” realize from reading blogs, the newspaper, magazines & seeing TV Show finally understand what’s REALLY going on.
Just how many over sized gigantic huge trophies does a WHALE NEED/ Just where in their home are these humongous “trophies” displayed. Made of metal, PLASTIC etc….emblazoned with the “donor’s name” on a cheap little plaque……as in LOOK WHAT I GOT FROM COS
Wow….better to donate the money to St. Jude’s Hospital, Shriner’s, SPCA. or a homeless shelter that feeds the poor or MEAL ON WHEELS>, Domestic Violence Shelter…SOMETHING LEGIT….
The following web site shows that “Miss New York 2019” is Nia Franklin.
This one shows that “Miss New York USA 2019” is Florinda Kajtazi.
I’m guessing it is important to send any email to the correct lady.
Ok- a little more info- her name is actually Rahmeka Fox- she took the title of Miss New York when Nia Franklin won the Miss USA pageant. I will attempt to find contact info and post it so that anyone who is interested can jump in as well
Sent two emails- one to the miss America pageant people, and another to her personally via her page. I just asked if they knew that her likeness and a video clip from a recent appearance were being used as a fund raising shill in Denver for COS. Hope to hear from either one.
Thank you Kat for helping
Thank you Kat. Very good of you to try. I’m sure Mike is proud of you. Just like I am.
So all 20,000 Scientologists and and their “partners” are going to be the world’s police when it comes to drugs? Got it. Can’t stop laughing.
Delusional! These people are absolutely delusional, Save Tee! And they’re never going to get better. So, yeah, let’s laugh at them!
Delusional is an understatement! Put some bait in the water yesterday, and caught one.
You’re doing better than me!
When I Google “Miss New York”, I get to the following page:
I seem to recall there are two different Miss New York pagents. One is called “Miss New York” and the other is called “Miss New York USA”.
When I click on the link to “Miss New York” I get to the following page:
There it shows the name of the current “Miss New York USA 2019” is Florinda Kajtazi.
If you look at her picture on that site, it appears to be the same lady shown in the Scientology promo above (I assume it’s correct to call it a “Scientology promo”?
Before sending any email to this lady, I think it would be wise to determine if this is the correct Miss New York and whether to also send this email to the other “Miss New York” (assuming I am correct and there are in fact two Miss New Yorks).
Unfortunately, I am entirely focused today on some problem with my Car Insurance company and I don’t think I can spend any more time on this. Would anyone else be able to check into this and maybe send her an email?
I will try to get this done- and I’ll send out an email to both of them just in case. I’m not sure if it will help, but any blocking of scientology trying to dupe others is good! BTW, I’ve been telling my son what I’m up to- I had to highjack his twitter account so I wanted to give him a heads up in case he gets any blow back. He called this morning and told me he had a dream that Scientologists had kidnapped him! I wanted to assure him that that wouldn’t happen, but I feel a little guilty that I couldn’t tell him with 100% certainty that it would never happen!!! Lol
Her name is Nia Franklin and she is Miss New York 2019- not miss New York USA- that seems to be a separate contest- not the “Miss America/Miss USA” miss New York. I will try to make contact.
The top of her sash says “Miss America 2018,” and the New York pageant affiliated with that is:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miss_New_York (not the one with USA in the name)
It looks to me like she might be Miss New York 2018 Nia Franklin, who became Miss American 2019 on September 9, 2018:
That would indicate that the video is at least 6 months old – and that Scientology’s hasn’t been able to get an updated endorsement from her since she became Miss America.
It seems to me that Scientology is really stretching, or stooping, in getting endorsements from beauty pageant winners. I suspect Hubbard would have been horrified, and considered then not really celebrities; his Project Celebrity list of 1955 actually leaned more towards “opinion leaders” like the most famous journalists of the time, and even Walt Disney. But of course Scientology can’t get real celebrity endorsements anymore, not even from their own couple of actors who might still be considered actual stars of sorts – who’ve apparently been told by their professional handlers that it would be poison to their careers, or else have themselves quietly backed away from involvement in Scientology.
The 2018 threw me too. After I dug a bit, the lady is the runner up who became miss NY when Noa Franklin won the Miss America contest. I think she is unaware of the situation- kind of like the DA of LA who just took a photo op and ended up on Taryn Teutschs page. These people have no ethics about using someone high profile. I guess they think no one will care.
Kat said:”These people have no ethics about using someone high profile.”
They have no ethics, period. What Tubby called ethics was a redefinition so complete that most in the bubble have no idea what it means in the real world. To him, getting ‘ethics’ in was nothing more than punishing all he could on the flimsiest of pretenses.
What kind of bizarro-world poll are they talking about?
“The majority of voters in New York support legalizing marijuana 57-38 percent, according to an NBC 4 New York/Marist poll released on March 6.”
They must be doing their typical cherry-picking and weasel-wording, based on some polling data about specifics such as where to allow retail marijuana operations – or maybe it was just their own “poll” of some small, select population.
Except for some obligatory tokes at parties back in the day I’ve never done marijuana, nor have I ever bought. I’ve never been into drugs and that includes alcohol as I’m only an occasional social drinker.
That said, despite my own disinclination for drugs of all kinds, legal and illegal – I am TOTALLY for the legalization and decriminalization of marijuana and ALL street drugs, as it is in the UK and I believe Holland.
Every state should have drug clinics with whatever people are addicted to and need is prescribed.
This is controversial, I know.
But I think what we need to do as a society is educate people and help them so that they don’t HAVE TO turn to drugs..
On the other hand, if the education fails, as it will with some, then the addicted ones don’t have to kill, maim, rob and steal, etc. to get what they need. Durg addiction is a medical problem and treated as such.
The rest of society is protected.
Look, I don’t know much about this and I’m just sort of thinking and talking off the top of my head, and what I’m saying may well be unrealistic and inapplicable to the real world. Those of you knowledgeable in this area are welcome to correct me or point out what I may well be missing.
My essential points are:
1) Prohibition of alcohol didn’t work, back in the day.
2) If people want or need drugs they’re going to get them. Someone will supply the market.
3) Key to the drug problem is making people NOT want them.
4) So my solution would be decriminalize and make them legal for those already addicted, with treatment programs government funded for those who want to kick the drugs, and
5) Start early educatin young children about drugs and what they do to a person’s mind, emotions, body and life.
Aside from its medicinal uses, getting stoned as a social pastime is probably less harmful than getting drunk as a social pastime, On the other hand, they don’t call it “dope” for nothing.
Aqua:”Every state should have drug clinics with whatever people are addicted to and need is prescribed.
This is controversial, I know.”
Yeah, it’s controversial — because those who are SO unshakeably convinced that “reefer madness” was a sane, staid, and measured documentary of the ACTUAL dangers of Cannabis won’t stop railing against their preconceived ideas of its dangers long enough to consider that the already-demonstrated benefits of its use amongst otherwise sober individuals should be sufficient to authorize real SCIENTIFIC studies of its plusses and cons. We’re in a situation much like the US as it started to roll back prohibition. One set of folks I’d surely want to hear weigh in on the subject are the folks of LEAP:” Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. THEY well know the truths of Weed’s use & abuse, and the negative costs of the so-called WAR against its use. IF the assigned-without-proof assignment to Schedule 1 were rolled back so real research could legally be done in the US, I’m of the opinion that sufficient medical benefits would be proven to banish it from Schedule 1 forever. There IS real research being done by folks who KNOW they’re technically considered criminals by the bigoted bureaucrats who control things in that realm.
IF cannabis were sufficiently legalized and was state-controlled and taxed, eventually, there wouldn’t be so much money in it that organized crime could profit so handsomely; If many fewer citizens were locked up and thus prevented from being productive, tax-paying citizens rather than tax-consumers rotting in jails, more money, resources, and trained individuals would be available to teach folks NOT to surrender their lives to drugs, and to help rehabilitate those who didn’t get the message. No, of COURSE life wouldn’t be that simple, but remember that colonial America required farmers to grow a certain amount of hemp because it was a vital resource for making the hemp ropes necessary for rigging the sailing ships which were vital for commerce and war. America *blossomed* in that period that cannabis was so universally accessible. Even Tubby didn’t label it as HORRIBLE, since it allowed the neurotic to function better, IIRC. Within the last decade or so scientific research has found definite benefits of Cannabis and found a complex of types of neural receptors for the natural cannabinoids that our bodies necessarily produce. It is theorized, with some clinical evidence, that cannabis re-enforces the beneficial and necessary effects of the body’s self-produced cannabinoids.
I don’t recall if there were any scientology front groups in the old days. Apparently most any kind of front group is allowed these days and they can make any kind of wild claims they want as long as they send a tithing back to the Mother Church.
Richard, front groups were a well-established invention of Hubbard.
I’d say they started in a certain way with Hubbard’s Project Celebrity in 1955, if not all the shell corporations with generic-sounding names that he started even earlier. A number of major groups like CCHR and Narconon go back to the 1960s:
I think there are actually more, earlier groups than show up on that list – the efforts to work with prisoners, for instance, go back to the early 1970s if not late 1960s, even though Criminon is shown as more recently incorporated. Also, WISE was founded at Hubbard’s direction in the late 1970s at the point that Hubbard was both paranoid that his organizations were being ripped off, and was trying to maximize his ability to extract cash from his organization and its followers.
PeaceMaker – Good reference. From the wiki entry:
[The Church of Scientology uses front groups to promote its interests in politics and to make itself appear legitimate. Many of the groups are founded on pseudoscience, named disingenuously, and underplay their links to Scientology.]
I wonder if Meghan and Ben are profiting from their endeavors or just collecting brownie points and “status” within the Scientology community. Is it possible they actually believe what they’re saying?! Yikes
Richard, now that I think about it, it rings a bell that Hubbard was using generically named “concerned citizens” style groups from the earliest days, to front for his and his organizations’ interests – I think there’s even some policy direction about it – along with corporate shells using names designed to hide their connection to him, Dianetics and Scientology. Then when he went to sea in the mid-1960s, everything was done under such corporate shells, and “shore story” pretenses such as that they were doing corporate training on board the ships. After that came the full-blown, incorporated front groups as we know them now. The man was as devious and almost incapable of being truthful when it came to his corporate affairs, as he was regarding his personal history.
Meghan was on a list of top IAS disseminators recently, so she she probably makes her living off of the commissions she receives; her father may be profiting in other ways, but I think the real question is how much of what they take in do then then kick back in “fixed donations” for services and paying for their own statuses. I had wondered why she was traveling to places like Denver all the time – it may effectively be part of her sales turf, and she’s probably cultivated some profitable relationships with “whales” there.
I’m curious where you were in the organization, that you seem to have been so relatively isolated from the directions Hubbard was taking Scientology in the 1970s and early 1980s. Was it one of the old Dianetics missions, run by someone who went back to the early days?
I started off at the Salt Lake City mission in 1976. I don’t know how long it had been established there. I eventually spent about a year working as a staff auditor there and wasn’t aware of any organizational flaps. I split in 1982 and as I understand it, it was shortly after that when Elron sent out the sea org police to strip the missions. I wouldn’t have been aware of any organization wide changes in the 1970’s. For me it was smooth sailing until I blew because of the monthly price increases.
( I still like saying “I blew Scientology”. It sounds rather dramatic – haha)
Perhaps her pageant administrators and handlers should have looked into this a bit deeper and saved themselves and her some embarrassment.
First of all to the dim bulbs that are the Flake-offs the quote is “If you can make it here you can make it ANYWHERE.” Not “everywhere.”
There needs to be a special place of torment in hell for these morons who hide the truth from themselves and allow evil to exist by their stupendous stupidity.
Nice catch Peter. Well done.
By mentioning “major TA” they are obviously addesing scientologists. Unless there is another meaning for TA they’re writing about, TA in scientology lingo stands for “Tone Arm” (action), an indication on the e-meter which supposedly indicates “mass” is blowing off.
In other circles TA stands for tits and ass., like a T&A movie. Some people might be offended – haha
Traffic Accident
Traffic Accident: Brand new grunge group.
A second band that appeared is: Run The Fuckers Over. We’ll be watching this one.
After your recent comments one wonders if you made any of that TA?
Laughter – Yes, back in the day I had plenty of T&A along with drugs and rock and roll. (drugs, sex and rock and roll)
I’m guessing I had about two hundred hours of auditing so I probably had a lot of that type of TA also.
OT, but dang do I hate the new format of Tony Ortega’s web site. I hate that it eases up the pressure on Scientology by diluting it with NEXIM and JWs. I hate that it allows DM to trumpet that Tony hates all religions (there’s plenty of room on that masthead for other churches). It enables DM to portray COS as the church on the front line of atheist targeting, when nothing could be further than the truth. I hate that Tony has made the strategic decision to increase readership and expand his brand–when all that will produce is more drive by viewers and less dedicated reader time and reader post contributions. Who really thinks that NVXIM victims will spend the next 10 years reading and contributing the way ex-Scientologist have spent the past 20 years exorcising their demons? And I hate the format, which forces me to sift through the headlines to find the COS ones that I want to read. I haven’t read any comments so I don’t know if he is keeping them separate or diluting the focus by throwing them all together.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge admirer of Tony. I just hate the blog changes, but then I’m a Luddite and resist all change.
Katy, I’m right with you. I hate Tony’s new blog format. Please change it back, Tony! And you can’t even comment on it or like a comment. That makes it less interactive. I hate having to wade through other junk to get to the Scn stuff.
Cindy & Katy, Just tap on Scientology – top story or latest news in the top menu across the top. You’ll get the same daily report as usual and can still like and comment. You may have to start with a fresh page. Don’t give up ?
Thanks, Cece.
Is that a pair of daddy-daughter shit-eating grins or what?
I think you have something there. When I look at that picture, I am filled with a sense of dreadful dread.
“an organization that engages in human trafficking, fraud, child abuse” as well as being homophobic, racist and antisemitic.
Gosh! That sounds like Scientology!
Even if I could speak I would never shill for any Church.
Ah, such soaring hubris!
“You do not want to miss this pivotal moment in The United States of America history!”
Really, Meggie? All by little old loud mouthed self, you’ve gone and created a moment for the annals of history?
“Make it bold face, spell out all of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”, this is epic here, we need all the words”
Figure you’ve come a long way from being that loud pushy bitch in the course room who kept driving away twins while whining about how you can’t find a boyfriend?
Nawwwwww. I’ve seen yer roots baby, they’re dark.
She finally found a BF and married the guy. I think this was at Flag. She spotted the guy, targeted him, walked up to him and started chatting. He is middle eastern and was shocked that a woman would be so forward. But yeah. She trained him well and they are married now. Still in the honeymoon phase, I wonder?
Obviously there are men out there who like highly aggressive women.
Someone I know- I suspect this person is UTR – told me that Flog is filled with extremely aggressive female Scientologists from all over the globe searching for a “2D”. Cougars on the prowl.
One woman I know, not a Florida resident but a Flog habituee, told me she’d been regged to go there by being told many times that THIS was the place, and THIS was the time she’d meet the man of her dreams, a desirable male Scientologist she would (or could) marry.
She always fell for it, she told me. Slim pickin’s she told me. The few single “upstat” male Scientologists were always surrounded by cult females who were on them like white on rice.
This is all second-hand as I’ve never been to Flog.
smart cookie. Flag never failed to disappoint.
It was one of my dirty little secrets I held in mental suspension..the cognitive dissonance created by the all the outpoints at Flag…
The absolute of Flag was laid in with layer after layer of Hubbard praise and hosannas of the perfection and salvation. I went there early on in my Scn career and went back a multitude of times. You come away disheveled, broke, and with the knowledge that with what you’ve survived, you can now survive anything.
I’ve heard of Flag and LA being 2D pickin grounds, but I was never in need of a pool that way, and eschewed reading any of the proffered “2D Non-E formulas”, shoved at me with strained brightness… sadly pathetic.
(and NO, I don’t want to read your admin scale)
Aquamarine, I’ve been to Flog and I can attest your story is true. The few unmarried men there were surrounded by women on the hunt for a “good Scn man high on the Bridge” to marry and have him pay for their Bridges and living expenses. But the joke is on the women because now I know that most people who reach the top of the Bridge are in debt up to their eyeballs what with the cost of Flag auditing and the cost of paying to the IAS which you are forced to do plus all the other front groups asking for donations. I believe the money issues (lack of it) are the reason so many couples in Scn get divorced.
Some might disagree but I’ve been hearing some about “grooming” these past couple of days as to relates Michael Jackson and the boys I believe he abused. Some might not think it is as horrible as what Michael Jackson did. You might have a point. Then again, maybe not. A lot of people suffer quite a bit because they were groomed by the church of scientology and taken in by the picture it tries to portray of itself – a religion that has techniques that can help better the individual and rid mankind of what ails it.
People are becoming better educated as to the church’s tactics and ploys to lure in it victims thanks to the whistleblowers but as long as this church and its leader are free to exploit, we all need to do what we can to continue to warn our friends and family of this cruel, vindictive, sick-in-the-head “religion.”
Your comments about how grooming is harmful are so true.
It made me think of the false mindset that was carefully curated so I would defend the cherch.