It seems Penny Atwell Jones was hankering for a birthday party to show her support for a man she follows with all her heart. Denied the opportunity to do so for Ron, she took a shot now for Don.
For anyone who does not know, Penny is a loud and proud fixture of the Clearwater scientology community. She is a well-known Flag FSM. Her daughter, Brooke Daniells, has been in a relationship with Catherine Bell for many years (not exactly appropriate for either a devoted scientologist or MAGA-lady) and she was the love interest of Ted Banas, Miscavige’s full-time Clearwater bodyguard before he passed away.
Penny’s Facebook friends list is a veritable Who’s Who of the scientology world. A number of the commenters/supporters of this post are those same people.
As I have said many times, scientologists are taught Hubbard’s worldview: Government is bad. Welfare is bad. “Experts” are bad. Science is bad. Debt is bad (unless it is for the benefit of scientology, then it’s OK). Homosexuality is bad. Abortion is bad (unless for Sea Org members). These naturally align with Republican values. Though I find it hard to understand how Donald Trump meets the criteria of a conservative hero. He’s no Ronald Reagan or even George Bush…
I hope she had a good time honking her horn and idolizing a stand-in for sociopath Ron.
Doesn’t it seem slightly ironic that these MAGA people are having an after-party get-together at a Mexican restaurant?
I’ve recently found I should rethink my criticism of decisions, be it just in my own thoughts and unfortunately in writing here. People have the right to make whatever choice they choose be it what organization or religion or affiliation, or what they choose to believe. That doesn’t mean they walk in lockstep if some of their beliefs happen to coincide with those of others.
Maybe I feel this more passionately since my own recent life-changing experience. I realize just because I didn’t believe something doesn’t mean it might be true. It’s more of a play the hand I’ve been dealt and try to adjust to what has changed, what’s beyond my control and make my mind up to accept the changes, make the best of it, and realize I’m only in control of the decisions I make. My father used to say maybe something isn’t right but that’s just the way it is.
Some of my best friends and I are diametrically different in some of our beliefs, but what we have in common are basic values, so we just avoid and respect those things we would not agree with. You can’t make people think the way you do, believe what you believe. If conversation makes you uncomfortable you have the choice to remove yourself from that situation.
As for the cult and the horrible little man (not speaking physically but his actions are that of someone absent of morality) what to me there’s no way to ever justify the treatment of children under the cult’s control. The adults, I feel for them. As for the ones that feed the money, well, if they end up broke that’s on them. They made their choices.
She’s still a true believer. She’s still living in that “other” mindset, the one that believes, no, is convinced, that Hubbard was/is right, that Miscavige is right, and the rest of the world is lost. I guess because I understand how people can fall in love with a sociopath or narcissist and remain loyal for years by continually rationalizing the abuse they experience, and I am aware of the psychological mechanism that enables this kind of relationship to occur, I understand Penny’s outpouring. Do I value it? Heck, no! Am I willing to tolerate it? A double heck no. But I understand it. And I continue to try to do something about the abuse that Miscavige is continuing even in a small way.
I have both lost sight in a movement of false religion and a political party of false promises. Yes, I am both an ex-Scientologist and ex-Democrat. I don’t see the point in mixing religion and politics, but I do recognize this as an attack at the sanity of some in-person by equating fanatical Trump support with fanatical Scientology support. Point taken.
Rational people will realize that Trump has created more jobs than the previous two presidents, potentially combined. I vote based on whether or not I will have a well-paying and prosperous job in 5 years. I am buying a house this month. My second house in 3 years. I am neither out fanatically protesting or out fanatically supporting a MAGA birthday however.
You know, I’ve never ascribed to or gotten “sucked into” Scientology, but I really don’t understand how any of the Scientology survivors can see their way to align themselves with the current administration’s political positions. Do you think that some of you might be blind to narcissists and therefore more gullible? I mean, gosh, wasn’t falling for that line of crap from a narcissist ONCE enough for you?
I am just curious as to the attraction, I guess. Peace.
I’ve knowN Penny Atwell since 1971. She has not changed a bit. She is a crass,” look at me” gossip. Into everyone’s business and as useful as a two wheeled tricycle. She is a perfect scientologist. And awesome example of an OT.
Thank you Mike, I agree, both Trump and LRH are and were sadistic sociopaths. Many Scientologists and ex- Scientologist’s attraction to such people is a pertinent but difficult topic. It was my thought before Trump was elected that ex-Scientologists would be repulsed by Trump due to their experience of being conned by LRH. It’s been surprising to me that the opposite seems to be the case. I believe your current reaction to LRH and Trump is much wiser.
We seriously need to get some weekly stat graphs up here, such as:
1. The number of Elderly bankrupted by the IAS.
2. The Number of Clapping Seals salvaged by Shermanspeak.
3. The number of routine overts not committed by the CO$ this week, etc.
I think some people support the president not for what he stands for, but for what he appears to be against. This is more an attitude than a fully defined political program, like DC Comic’s Joker. Scientologists support any figure who goes against the Wog consensus, provided he doesn’t mention the cult.
I guess we down here in the Philippines who are American don’t have time for politics. We are starting to have a second wave of the Covid virus and are going back to stronger quarentine measures. We had started to relax the restrictions but now are back under the hard quarentine again. Please people, stop the political bickering and remember that there is still a deadly virus just waiting for people to relax their guard!!!
Sound advice, David Bates. Unfortunately the Covid virus has become politicized in the US. Its a shame. Science is science, politics are politics, and a highly contagious virus is no respecter of political views and doesn’t care about anyone’s constitutional rights. We in my area are and have been taking Covid quite seriously from the beginning – probably because we have no other choice but to do so. We are packed in. Very easy for the virus to spread. Masks and social distancing, handwashing, etc., are strictly being adhered to. Almost everyone out and about, walking, shopping, commuting, etc., is masked. Now, it well may be that its much easier and faster for Covid to spread in a crowded city, but nevertheless, it WILL travel, it will spread, because this is what virus’s do. It may take longer but it will spread and eventually infect the isolated rural areas too if the people in these areas refuse to wear masks, refuse to social distance. I feel sorry for the people in states not taking the possibility of the spread of this thing very seriously and possibly spreading it themselves asymptomatically while there’s still no vaccine.
Is there a noise ordinance in CW ? Seems they would be disturbing the peace with constant horn blowing to get attention.
I vote, in case it matters, to try and keep political discussion/disputes off this blog as much as possible. Politics are so incredibly polarizing currently, I believe it detracts from the purpose of the blog to veer off into that morass. There is so much Trump-bashing in the media, I don’t see how it enhances the experience of this blog to read more Trump-bashing (and reactions to same) here. I would really like it if this blog could stick to airing issues and information concerning Scientology, not toxic US politics.
Agree absolutely!
Light political discussions, if they involve Scientologists, should in my opinion, be allowed on this blog. The stimulus seemed to be the Trump “Car Rally”. I was not surprised to see Scientologists supporting Trump so there no polarization. Where do you now see unjustified Trump bashing in the media? It has all but disappeared.
Harry Truman: “The Buck stops here.”
Donald Trump: “I take no responsibility.”
All but disappeared?
It’s 24/7 on some networks and has been for 4 years.
Though now it’s slightly better disguised.
Example: The president is trying to quash “peaceful protests.”
I could attach hundreds of videos of the damage to Chicago (where I live), but it’s too depressing.
It would be a smart tactic for OSA to turn this blog and all the other Scientology critic blogs into hotbeds of political debate, simply because it will turn a lot of people off and they’ll begin to avoid them. People like me who are tired of seeing the same old insults, many of which are misinformed or straight up false (example: 3 years of “Russia this, Russia that” and now its “never mind ….. look! COVID! peaceful protests!”).
The world is full of problems and Scientology, in the big picture, is one of the smaller ones.
IMO, better to stay focused on the abuses and the abusers in the Co$ instead of taking cheap shots at people taking part in a car parade.
I think dragging politics into this arena runs the risk of alienating much of the audience.
Over at the Bunker, the comments would light up any time Tony would mention that Bill Clinton was the best friend Scientology ever had in the White House. Clinton did more for them than any president before or since.
IMO many people I know don’t want to engage in political debate on blogs, Twitter, FB, etc and simply tune out.
So, what remains is the giant echo chamber and it’s why the last US election was so surprising for many folks.
Twitter is the world’s largest high school. And in high school, the last thing anyone wants to do is to go against what appears to be the prevailing thought.
It’s why many political analysts believed there was no way Trump would win – as I recall one of them saying “no one in polite society would admit to voting for Trump” because they were bullied and mocked if they did.
The best thing about the critic community is its participants:
1) ex-Scientologists;
2) people who were never in themselves, but have been directly impacted by it – lost family or lost employment because of Scientology; and finally –
3) people who have never had any involvement at all.
If the critic blogs devolve into political debates, it will turn into a nasty mess and many people will tune out, particularly in the 3rd category.
Comments favorable to Bad Orange Man get censored. pfft
Sing with the choir.
50/50. It depend whether the comments were strictly partisan political or had something relevant, both pro and con Trump. There were plenty of comments I trashed on this particular post, you are the only one who complained.
There are countless political websites – I work as a moderator at one of them. There are only a handful of SCN-critic sites. I can’t really have an informed conversation on Ricochet on Scientology, since I would be explaining basic things over and over. Let’s keep this site focused on SCN and similar groups.
I mentioned to Tony Ortega at the Chicago meetup that I appreciated how he avoided political commentary unrelated to the Co$, because you can critique SCN from perspectives ranging from actual communism to anarchocapitalism, and pretty much everything in between. If we don’t focus on Scientology, they could potentially use political divisions to break us apart. When I watched the Aftermath, I was not thinking about Mike and Leah’s take on gun control. I’d like to keep it that way.
Sad State of Affairs, well said! I agree with you 100 percent. Take the political talk off this blog and keep it to the Church and the idiot things they are doing, and how disconnection harms families, and how we can hasten its demise.
The refusal to question ones own beliefs has led many people to become monsters.
I don’t think she would have been a love interest of Ted’s after he had passed away
Funny. Here in EU many ex SO and public still on lines have Facebook and push these crap. Trump is great, homosex is dirty, vaccines are not OK. Then if you have a different idea and you said it you are banned. Actually you get even others things sent to you. Hate is the common “tone level” coming up.
Great “evolution” of the new generations indeed.
Brook and Ken had two children before they split. I think Sage would be approaching 20 yrs old about now.
He would be a prime candidate for a third generation staff member. Any idea on where he is now?
I know that Brook and Ken were adamant about not joining the SO so I assume they would block attempts for their kids to be regged. But a 2-1/2 yr Idle Morgue contract might be a way to placate Dave and his ‘on bored’ approach to life.
If someone stands for something now there’s sure to be a barrage of criticism. That’s Because we now know we live in a fake world of disingenuous politicians who have divided our country using the media to reinforce false demons. Political correctness has become as sadistic as in the novel 1984. Thus is all a catalyst for change. I wonder what that will be? Sigh
Agreed, and I believe social media has played a major role in the divisiveness we are now seeing played out every day. It’s become a toxic world. And I agree that political correctness is off-the-charts, but it’s hardly 1984. Were that the case, there would be NO criticism, let alone a barrage. Criticism is antidote to the authoritarianism of 1984.
Criticism is the antidote as long as it is based in honesty and facts.
What we see today goes way beyond criticism. Like Scientology’s “acceptable truth” we now have “acceptable violence.”
Today “criticism” consists of bullying, public shaming, getting people fired or canceled (cancel culture) and now, finally, “acceptable” violence.
I challenge anyone who believes all of the recent protests have been peaceful to come with me on a tour of Chicago to view the property damage.
And Chicago wasn’t even hit that bad compared to other cities.
Every day, I see more Scientology tactics used by the media and it blows my mind more of the critic community hasn’t caught on.
There’s no longer room for polite debate. It’s scream and shout and if that fails – violence.
O/T. Tracing a Scientology Volunteer Ministers connection.
Los Angeles Sentinel: Church of Scientology Volunteer Ministers Share Prevention Resources with L.A. Communities
According to Wikipedia, the Los Angeles Sentinel is “one of the oldest, largest and most influential African-American newspapers in the Western United States”:
Nation of Islam Sister Charlene Muhammad is a reporter for the Los Angeles Sentinel:
Tony Ortega reported that Sister Charlene Muhammad was the 2018 Scientology Dianetics Auditor of the Year in Los Angeles:
In addition, I am reliably informed that Sister Charlene Muhammad is continuing to train in tbe Academy (Div. 4) as a Scientology Auditor using the E-Meter.
Trump is a joke on liberals. He is a NY Dem who was BELOVED by the likes of Al Sharpton, Cuomo, et al. UNTIL he ran on the Repub ticket. He is NOT political. He more liberal than conservative, BY FAR.
What he was elected for and DID ACCOMPLISH was to raise lower and middle class wages, make the US a net EXPORTER of oil so we would not be REQUIRED to cares about other areas. LOWER taxes while RAISING tax revenue into the the Fed gov’t. If someone is crazy enough to oppose those goals, put yourself in a rubber room.
Don’t get how his Presidency is a joke? I don’t think he is liberal or conservative. He is a narcissist. It’s why I don’t understand Republicans being so blindly supportive. He fakes being a Christian and Evangelicals love him. He disses military Leaders and takes money from Defense budget. He increases debt more than any President in history. He kowtows to Putin. It’s strange the Svengali spell he has cast. If he is truly a liberal why do alt-right hate groups love him so?
It is a joke on liberals who have been lead by idiots in the news to attack him as a conservative racist when he is a liberal. VERY amusing to watch all the libs attack Trump as a “racist” when he was lauded for the exact opposite by black leaders up until he ran for PotUS. VERY much a joke.
As for the 2nd question, I explained in my post. They didn’t vote for him because he was or wasn’t a “christian”. They voted FOR THE ECONOMIC policies. BTW, CONGRESS increases or decreases spending. See Constitution for more info. You don’t remember when the media attacked him for refusing to sign into law the Dems HUGE budget increases? And thus “shutting down the gov’t”? Come on Mike. What policy do he make that “kowtowed” to Putin? IT IS ALL ABOUT ECONOMICS
I understand people who turn a blind eye to his narcissism and un-Christian ways and many other things because of economics. Personal wealth is a strong motivation (though I think it arguable that his policies have benefited anybody other than those who didn’t really need help with their personal financial condition), what I don’t understand is those who claim to vote based on their Christian beliefs. Do they continue to support him in the face of his infidelities and cruelness simply because he now (hypocritically) opposes abortion? And panders to the NRA? Is that what matters to them?
As for your assertion that Trump is a liberal, I am not sure what standards you apply to qualify him as a “liberal” today (that he has flip-flopped is undeniable). What policies does he espouse that are liberal? Higher taxes? Bigger Government? Pro-choice? Anti-gun lobby? Pro-affordable care act? You seem to be arguing that he is really a “fake” Republican when he is really a liberal? In which case, the joke is on the Republicans?
I’m sorry. What are Trump’s polices on kowtowing to Putin?
Here was SOME of Obama’s. 1) Cancelled planned missile defense system for Eastern EU (defense against Russian missiles.) at request of Putin. 2) Removed US objection to selling Iran advanced anti air missiles defense system aimed at US air force. At request of Putin. 3) Ignored Putin’s violation of the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. Obama finally admitted that in 2008 he had failed to report this to congress as required by law. At the request of Putin. 4) Failed to report to congress about KNOWN Russian hacking during the 9 months leading up to the election until the last minute. and it was too late to do anything about it. (Adam Schiff roasted him as you should recall).
Didn’t want to get ahead of ourselves.
Not going to turn this into a partisan debate of Trump v. Obama. You seem to want to defend what you said about Trump by raising issues about Obama? I was responding to your original assertion that Trump is a “joke” on the Democrats which I still don’t understand.
As for Russia, his infamous quote about “Putin told me he didn’t do it” when US Intelligence agencies had confirmed Russian interference in the election and propaganda campaigns on social media, and his defense of Putin attacking (killing) opponents “I havent seen any evidence that he killed anyone,” and then when confronted with more evidence, “Do you think our country is so innocent?” That’s just a small sample of his own words, not disputable reports about meetings at Trump Tower, with the Russian Ambassador, the attempts to get a Trump Tower in Moscow etc.
“What policy do he make that “kowtowed” to Putin?”
Perhaps not “policy” but in a word, Helsinki***. And I agree, it’s all about economics with the Orange One. Anything that benefits his personal economic situation.
***In my opinion his performance there bordered on treason. Nothing to do with liberal or conservative.
Personally, I think Hillary Clinton would have made a far better president. It seems to me that the country is now split more than ever. I subscribe to Wall Street Research and I have never seen such bold greed in my seventy four year life. Trump did lower taxes and help in a few ways. As a veteran, I fully support Colin Powell and the other four stars. Trump has rattled the military. As a draft dodger himself, he is not a good moral example. This fuels the greed that we see. I cannot forgive him for his mockery of military leaders and Medal of Honor winners. He has no idea what makes a country and is probably responsible for the bad Karma that we experience today.
As a veteran myself, I agree with you all the way!
I have a question for anyone here who objects to articles or comments LINKING Scientology or Scientologist with Donald Trump and/or the Republican Party:
Let’s say Scientology as an organization was pro-Democrat…its not, but lets SUPPOSE for a minute that instead of leaning Right, Scientology – and many Scientologists – leaned, for the most part, politically LEFT.
To further illustrate, suppose that, instead of an article being based on a Scientologist’s social media invitation to “Trump’s Birthday Car Caravan Rally”, it was based on the same koolaid drinker’s media invitation to “Hillary Clinton’s Birthday Car Caravan Rally”
Now, Hillary Clinton is not the President.
But let’s suppose she was.
So let’s suppose this, and Mike posted an article linking a prominent, long term Scientologist to Hillary Clinton.
And as well, made caustic comments that were unflattering to her.
Would it bother you?
Would you be objecting that NO mention of politics should EVER be breathed on this blog IF the President was a liberal Democrat?
Be honest now!
If the cult leaned decidedly DEMOCRAT, would it really bother you if Mike pointed out instances of linkage between Our Favorite Cult and some prominent Democrat?
Politics is part of LIFE and such linkage COULD and possibly MAY in the future work the OPPOSITE way.
Via John Travolta, Scientology was all over Bill Clinton back in the day.
Scientologists are sometimes LINKED to political figures.
IF it were reported that Miscavige had been invited to Capitol Hill to meet with Nancy Pelosi, and Mike did an article on it, would you be complaining because its “political”?
Of course, this is improbable but its not impossible.
Let’s say that Grant Cardone continually tweeted favorably about Barack Obama! Or Hillary!
Let’s say Ron DeSantis, the Republican Governor of Florida visited Flag and met with David Miscavige?
Should Mike ignore these happenings, these LINKages?
I trust I make my point!
Trump is definitely not a liberal. i like to look at choosing candidates by where they stand on the issues to take emotions out of the choice. I do this by taking the quiz at
Based on my positions on the issues, Joe Biden agreed with me at 85%.
Donald Trump agreed with me at 21%.
Between these two were third-party candidates.
In addition, there is a 2-axis graph showing where the candidates’ positions place them. Trump is on the far right side with legislated morality and economic freedom.
Zonker – I looked at the quiz but it was lengthy and I didn’t bother taking it. I would probably be about 80-20 in favor of Trump/administration policies.
Trump came to prominence as a leader of the “Birther” movement, promoting the false view that Obama was born outside of the USA. So just for starters he is a racist.
I personally despise the man and would have done so even when I was in. He lies more than any other President in history. He is divisive at a time when, more than ever before, we need the politicians to bring us together. He refuses to condemn White Supremacists, KKK etc.
Hubbard was an Alt-Righter before in spirit. He refused to condemn Senator Joe McCarthy (the guy that the Era is named after) and absolutely hated FDR (the President who saw the country through the Depression and World War II.)
I have long thought that Hubbard and Trump have quite a lot in common.
Hate to mention this so late, missy, but in most cities honking your horn is only to announce some danger or other immediate need. Honking just to be honking, especially in a line of 92 cars, could get all you guys an expensive fine. But not to worry, Donnie expects to be the king of Presidential Pardons in a few months.
Yes, it’s true, all his cronies who are facing or serving jail time or fines need not do anything but wait until The Don of Pardons gets his own personal walking papers. We hope it won’t be anytime soon (think Emperor Don the first) but just in case that pesky constitutional or whatever it’s called keeps him from his rightful place at the head of our godly Republican continent, we can all at least know we have a Get Out of Jail Free Card. And what a card he is, our Don, who Trumps all!
p.s. a word of warning, don’t let all those librul media fake newsers start some ruckus about voter suppression or presidential incompetence or some such, because that sort of stuff gets Donnie all crazy mad. If he’s upset he might say screw all youse guys and leave all his cronies in the lurch come pardon time. Just saying, be sure to make sure his bread is buttered just right when pardon time rolls around, you don’t want him saying YOU’RE FIRED.
Ammo, you “forgot” about all the MORE criminals pardoned by Obama.
KI agree Trump may be a fake Christian, but so was Obama and no one seemed to have a problem with that.
Wait! Cannot mention Obama or any other past issues/crimes/hypocrisy!
Holding others accountable or calling out hypocrisy is now called “WhatAboutism.”
Meaning, what no one cared about 3 years ago is today a major crime that must be discussed non-stop.
I don’t care if someone votes Dem or Repub. My preference would be to not know how anyone votes because that is private information. If someone chooses to share that information, that’s fine. It doesn’t affect me one way or another. But I refuse to listen to the lectures from the media about the intent behind someone’s vote (i.e. if you voted for Trump you are racist and hate all gay people – and, God forbid – if you vote for Trump as a gay or black person, you must be “self hating”)
What really concerns me is the same thing that bothers me about Scientology. It’s the unequal application of the law.
For example – in politics – why hasn’t anyone been held accountable for unlawful spying which led the entire country down a 3 year path of wasted time and money?
In Scientology – why hasn’t anyone been held accountable for the slavery labor and sexual abuse of children?
There are so many parallels between today’s media and Scientology “‘management.”
1. The silencing of free speech either through bullying or condoning outright violence
2. The “you’re either with us or against us” attitude when the media should be neutral and just present facts
3. The pushing of a false narrative (example in media: Russiagate; example in Scientology: too many to choose from)
We are very much living in 1984:
Acceptable truths
Redefining words
Always attack, never defend
Destroy those who disagree with the narrative
It’s as if the media took a page from the LRH handbook.
People accept it because “it’s just Trump ….. he’s the cause of the partisanship ……”
No – it’s just the beginning. Who prevails during times like this? The wealthy. Wealth buys power. David Miscavige and many people like him have a lot of money.
Those who celebrate today when certain “right wing Nazis” (like Orthodox Jew Ben Shapiro or flaming homosexual (his words) Milo Yiannopoulous) are not allowed to speak on college campuses. But what will happen tomorrow, when Scientology critics are also banned from speaking because they promote “hate speech” ….. and because Scientology gives a $1MM bribe, er, donation
By the by, the last actual conservative president the USA had was probably Calvin Coolidge, about a hundred years ago.
Yes, no President in the last 30 some years has cared about people being homosexual. And, as many libs are against homosexuality as conservatives. Poll ANY black community in the USA to find out that.
MAGA people eat whatever they want.
Including fecal matter from any source!
Have YOU considered the possibility that YOU are the bad guy.
This isn’t an original thought.
Melania did call me this year with an invite to Mar-a-Lago, but I told her if Air Force One was not in SE Asia now, then fugget it, cause I’m not flying commercial with all the covid hassle. She understood, she’s a decent chick and she said Donnie appreciated my card and the Minnesota Twins cap I sent him.
Even more amazing, in this time where “social distancing” is so important in reducing the spread of COVID-19, the occupants of the 92 cars will cram themselves into a restaurant afterwards.
Oh, I forgot. They must not be the effect of “planetary bull baiting”. Wonder how long it is going to take to flatten the COVID-19 button.
Send off a prayer? Who would they send it to?
Darn! I’m feeling pretty dumb. I read the initial blog entry and thought people were talking about celebrating the birthday of the con man. But now I realize it’s Trump’s birthday.
I had always thought that any discussion of politics was something that Mike did not want to see on this blog. So I have never previously said anything about Trump.
I am not a US citizen and so I’m pretty sure that I do not know as much about what is going on as the rest of you. But I have always just kind of scratched my head about Trump. I have never been able to understand how someone who behaves the way he does … the rest of this rant intentionally omitted for fear of offending everyone here. I am just astonished by what is going on in America these days. I had now better just stop writing. I wish you all the best of luck but I must just say that I am really worried about everyone’s future.
How anyone, Scientologist or otherwise, can make claims to common decency and family values and support this man is beyond my comprehension.
Especially Scientologists who make such a big deal about honesty and integrity and values, etc. Ditto the Evangelicals. I don’t get it.
I come from a long line of Republicans on my father’s side. My father was a Goldwater Republican. My grandfather loathed Roosevelt and believed that the New Deal would be the ruination of the country. Before him the men in my family on my father’s side (whatever the women thought was moot because they couldn’t vote back then) were Republicans back to the Whigs. Conservative, white, Anglo-Saxon protestants. Get the picture?
I’m a Democrat now btw. I’m just giving you facts about my father’s side of the family. Just sharing with you that I grew up surrounded by Republicans, steeped in what were once “Republican” values. Bootstrapping, take nothing from the government, etc., etc.
“Conservative” meant something VERY different back then from what it means today.
Since the Tea Party I’ve become Democrat who pretty much lives what were once Republican values. I vote Democrat but mostly I live Republican – or what used to be considered Republican.
Given what the Republican Party has become, I think they’re doomed.
I don’t understand them, the Republicans of today.
They said they wanted the US run like a business, so they voted for a guy that declared bankruptcy 6 times. In fact, he’s such a notorious, irresponsible stiff that since the 90s no North American bank will lend him money.
They said they wanted a strong military run by a competent commander in chief so they voted for a five time draft dodger who publicly insults American war heroes and brags that his “personal Vietnam” was avoiding venereal disease as the soldiers in Viet Nam would try to avoid land mines.
They said they wanted good balance of trade so they voted for someone that is destroying red state farmers with reciprocal tariffs and bailing them out with billions of government dollars.
They said they wanted a moral president so they voted for a self admitted thrice married serial adulterer who wants to have sex with his daughter.
They said they wanted someone who would stand strong for the American Way and they voted for someone who publicly sides with Russian intelligence over US intelligence
No, I don’t get it.
And I’ve tried. I really have. Unsuccessfully.
Its 3 1/2 years now and each time I read the news I’m amazed, kind of.
This? THIS is the PRESIDENT?
At this point I lump Still In Scientologists and their passionate support of Trump together with all the others who for whatever their reasons defend and support this person.
I don’t get it and I possibly never will and I’ve stopped trying to. It doesn’t matter. I don’t have to understand it. Its fine if I don’t.
All I’m asking is, “Please, make it stop.”
I surely do wish we could use spoiler boxes on this blog so I could post stuff like the following that would only be seen after I warned people as to its contents. This wish is out of respect for Mike who I know has said he would prefer people not to discuss politics.
But I must share this with Aquamarine. Her post above provides strong evidence why she has always been my favorite poster here. No offense to anyone else. I really love many of the other folks who post here – including Wynski and George and others – if you can believe that.
But I just feel a tremendous need to tell Aqua that on the night Trump was elected, I stayed up late thinking of words that rhymed with Trump and Chump and Dump – as in Please? Please? Please? Please Dump this Chump?
Many people knew all we needed to know about him to know about his many bankruptcies and idiotic …. post self-terminated before I say stuff that could land me in prison.
But I just want to say there is a great PBS Frontline documentary that shows Trump and Obama in the same room at some dinner when Obama was still president and Obama was ridiculing all of Trump’s many failures and idotic …. etc. Trump looked like he was going to burst out in tears and I was praying he would burst out in tears. If Aqua has not seen that documentary, I would love for her to see it. I’m sure she will enjoy it.
Thank you, Skyler. I have a soft spot for you too.
Trump never forgave Obama for ribbing him that night, and that people laughed. This is not a person who can take what he himself dishes out.
He’ll tell you in his books; he never forgets a perceived slight; never lets anything go – ever.
And there we are 🙂
Believe it or not, the U.S. is still a Constitutional Republic with checks and balances. Total stupidity like the Green New Deal on one side and defunding Planned Parenthood on the other doesn’t get very far.