THIS is what scientology is all about. Getting your money.
And the photo above shows just how brazen they are. They don’t even pretend these days to be about “helping you” or “moving you up the Bridge”. It is ALL about getting your money.
And then to try to attract new people, they offer courses on “how to make money.” These are available for scientologists too. If anyone does learn anything from these courses and does make more money, scientology figures it’s a win, win, as they can then get that money.
Scientology has proclaimed to the Supreme Court of the US and the IRS that they are bound by the “Doctrine of Exchange”… That is a joke. The only “exchange” scientology believes in is this: give us your money and we will keep it. You’re not getting it back. And we will make promises to you — the more money the bigger the promises.
LOL jere Lull! The important thing is you had a good time and a great story.
Is this creature an actual Scientologist?
She just completed her OT VIII. ?
She completed OT $$$
Obviously I have no clue, but creature seems a very appropriate title. A creature that’s throwing up? Gagging? Has a hair stuck on her tongue? No clue.
If for no other reason – and there are several other important ones – but if for NO other reason than not having to endure the personal embarrassment of being linked, identified with, associated with a “religion” that promotes itself in this way – just the fact that I no longer need have anything more to do with an organization like this, with – people, for lack of a better term, like this creature on the Brisbane promo – this reason alone would be more than sufficient to fuel forever my gratitude at being out of the Church of Scientology..
Aquamarine, I’m pretty sure this person is part of the Walking Dead.
They can’t teach you how to make money, only how to TAKE money.
No OT 8s can soul-fly at will. Past-lives proof lacking (no LRH come back, and no dead Scientologists have “come back” with convincing proof). (The new L. Ron Hubbard has gaping holes in his memory, he ought to read Janis Grady’s books to catch up on himself.)
Scientology, the name of Scientology just smacks of fraudulent association of science and knowledge.
What did we even expect of this con charade “religion” that promised OT soul-flying (exterior with full perception, and OT existence without need of a body)?
Too good to be true, this con charade fraud Scientology.
Blue Sky, as Jon Atack’s book title succinctly summarizes.
“Let’s Sell These People A Piece of Blue Sky”
I concur Chuck. The one constant appreciation that grows in clarity somewhat slowly (sometimes explosively for some) but surely is the scam of Scientology. I’ve seen the lot, especially 2 oat tea 8s strut their stuff from all the way from gung ho Scios to dementia. It’s sad to see the ‘delusion’ take over a person’s life and drain all the vitality from them.
Just soooo Classy, classy! Krudsty Catty and Elizabeth Mess must be her OL’s.
Representative of “The ONLY hope for mankind.”. Barf.
Nothing MEST worshippy bout that image at all.
And while your “donating” for all these hot air services, be sure to increase your scientology insanity status with the Insidious Architects of Scam, better known to one and all as the IAS.
“Insidious Architects of Scam”. That is REALLY good, MJ 🙂
Now, I’d like to add – and this is not original, btw; someone on this blog made this up a while back, and I’m not certain who, in any event its not my creation, but it IS my ALL TIME FAVORITE IAS award which never fails to crack me up:
“Patron Fucked To The Maximus”.
Perfect, eh?
We don’t even have to add “Platinum” to it. The pinnacle of IAS awards. The very tippy top of the cult pyramid!!!!!!!
“Sadly I have seen many folks lose their homes and file bankruptcy; one actually had to live in the only thing left in their life; their car.”
This is especially true for staff members, even back in the pre-Miscavige days. I remember being on staff at a mid-sized mission and visiting my grandparents who were poor retired farm people who had very little in the way of material items. They were commenting on the sorry condition one of my cousins was in. They said that she didn’t even have a TV. That caught my attention big time. I was on staff at a scientology mission busy saving the planet and offering the most valuable services in the universe and I couldn’t afford a TV either. Not that I even wanted to own a TV, but the fact was I couldn’t afford even a simple appliance like that because I was literally making NO money. How was I getting by? I chose to forgo my staff salary (always less than $30/week) so that other staff would have more in the pool to increase the size of their meager pay packets. How altruistic of me! I was actually doing better than them because I was living off unemployment compensation (about $400/week). When that ran out, I blew. Not fully awakened at that point, I came back for more punishment as a public scientologist hemorrhaging money all the way. Despite these financial losses over the course of many years, when I finally woke up and saw the scam for what it was, my finances quickly recovered. No ‘OT Prosperity’ seminars for me. Clear awareness of the fact that your are being fucked out of your money, time, intelligence and integrity is what brings about awakening and freedom from scientology or any other cult.
Whew! What a story, Ms B! But, you did use your Super Powers by standing up and walking out. And all of us here are better for it.
Thanks OSD. I remember clearly when I FINALLY woke up and walked out of your old stomping grounds in OC. I had just finished the academy levels and was going to start the NED course. I told the course sup that I was going to take a little break before starting. Just a couple of weeks. Amazingly there was no push back. I spent as much time as I could outdoors (tough to do in that neck-o-the-woods) but surfing (in a kayak) the beaches around San Onofre (Old Man’s in particular) was just enough for me to get some space and see that the scientology path was not only a dead end but if I kept at it I was going to be dead with nothing to show for it. When I made the decision to blow that pop stand I can’t express in words how nice that felt, but GODDAMN IT FELT GOOD. Zero regrets and I got my life back. There was a big world out there to explore and enjoy and a life to live with all of its ups and downs, good times and bad times. It was a scary thing to do at the time, but in hindsight – not really. And now I can say in all honesty – GODDAMN, IT STILL FEELS GOOD. Now that’s what I call a major stable win.
***I screwed up and the original post here was supposed to be in reply to Glenn Horner towards the bottom of the page. The part in quotes were his.
Miss B Haven, thanks for sharing your story. And Congrats on being Cause over your own life and finding out that the way out is the way through…through the door to freedom.
Wow, well there you go… that pretty much condensers the grass roots culture Scientology’s brainwashing/hypnotism or whatever you want to call it, instill in their staff – thanks Ms B, glad you are free of them, all the best to you & yours.
“Our promise: give us all your money and we will keep it.” Love it!
The MIssion of the Foothills in CA has hung in there for many years. It has had a very high turnover of Mission Holders. The early or first one was a woman from SLC, UT, whose name escapes me at the moment. Then at some point it was Sarrah Jonnic, and then two more after her. Who is the current Mission Holder of the Foothills Msn? And does anyone know if they have Scns donating to help pay light bill or rent? I’m curious because the Sunland Mission, not that far from the Foothils Mission, always had to have OT’s helping pay the light bill and rent. It finally had to shut its doors when the private funding stopped, and it is now rolled into one with the Foothills Msn.
I believe the foothills mission is soon to be, if not already, a footnote.
You mean to tell they haven’t given up yet? A bunch of tough cookies, eh?
Let’s make sure we bury them deep.
Yes, we wouldn’t want them getting a foothold.
“Cause no one’s footing the bill, natch.
Can’t stay on its feet with all them foot bullets.
Now I see why they always call it salt lake CITY. For a second I thought you were commenting on her morals. SL,UT would be a terrible address.
Current info filed July 2018 with the SOS of California for Foothills Mission:
COO: Stacy Kitchens
SECTY: Candace Boysen
CFO: Laura Malmo
Entity Address: 2254 Honolulu Ave., Montrose, CA 91020
Additional details available on the California Secretary of State website.
The SOS websites of every state can be a wealth of information and is accessible to the public.
Edits: CEO -Ms. Kitchens
Laura MALM
All to enrich one asshole at the top. Yes, scientologists, you are in a cult.
To paraphrase Elron, as it seems more fitting: “Your money is acceptable to us. Our regging is yours.”
How do their members continue to fall for this? Don’t they realize the whole operation is bilking them and that nothing ever comes from all this money they give to $cientology? Why run yourselves broke when you never see anything that matches the promises? Hard to understand.
And for so many years now. Recently watched a video on Gothenburg, Sweden go ideal FB.
Some 10-15 enthusiastic and “happy” members in a cult party.. Just hilarious and at the same time sad…
MarcAnon, hope springs eternal with these people. It’s all they got.
I’m starting to understand the many layers they use to manipulate. They still want to believe. Can’t accept that’s it’s truly a scam. And as some have said the mystery surrounding it. All the great things you will achieve if you hang in there. We here know that’s all an intentional scam and it’s not gonna happen. I’m sorry but it’s not! So get out and join the true path to freedom. Just simply leaving..
Nice post, Ann. If they only knew it’s all make believe.
But one thing I wonder about: When the ribbon gets yanked, and the brand new, never-seen-before totally awsome ideal org opens, and next to nobody comes, what do the clams working there think? If I saw the empty parking lots, the reduced hours, almost no body-routing, and a handful of suckers tricking into a monstrous building designed to hold hundreds, I’d start to think I was on a sinking ship. I mean really, the visual evidence is right in front of them that the cult is withering, and still they prattle on about “unprecidented growth,” planetary expansion, blah, blah, blah. it must take an extraordinary degree of self-delusion to still believe something when your eyes and ears are telling you something else.
Yes, delusion is their default state, as thinking is an overt in Scientology. However, you can’t totally stop the cognitive process, so eventually they either wake up and blow or die off drowning in kool-aid.
Bixntram I have wondered about that as well! Hopefully it is starting to sink in.
Scientology truly is a science of how to manipulate and deceive people out of their hard earned money.
Based on 60 + years of results – Scientology is nothing but a horrible SCAM.
Scientology implants the “MUST HAVE / CAN’T HAVE” ideas on innocent and trusting members.
L Ron Hubbard’s “tech” is sneaky and covert.
Scientology actually drives people insane and criminal.
Even L Ron Hubbard says the definition of insanity is “MUST HAVE/ CAN’T HAVE”
You CAN’T HAVE the Bridge because the costs are out of reach of most people….
You MUST HAVE the Bridge in order to be spiritually free.
So people join staff because they are promised “THE BRIDGE”
But staff “CAN’T HAVE” the bridge until their stats are UP.
The staff “CAN’T HAVE” good stats because behind the curtain – Scientology KILLS, bankrupts, shatters families, causes early death and cancer and ruins people utterly and people are not coming in.
Is it really that difficult for the US Government to shut this cult down?
The blood is all over the place…so much evidence it is sickening that the United States Government has done NOTHING ABOUT IT!
Excellent point Illegal PC-
The Perfect example of your comment can be found in the small print of the flyer.
“Please note that the course ‘Formulas for Living’ is a prerequisite to the above mentioned courses.”
And please remember, a growing appetite for bullshit is a prerequisite for reaching the top of the bridge and tolerating the brain dead state you’ll finally attain.
That’s now 68 years of no-results unless you count the destruction and deaths the organization has left and still leaves in its wake. At best those would be counted as negative results, if not criminality. Then the founder succumbed to his own scam, succumbing to a stroke from his refusal to use science & fact-based medical treatment with PROPER medical attention, it IS possible to survive a stroke. I know, as I had one 10 years ago — the result of too much smoking for too many years; I suppose I still was buying into his delusion that smoking didn’t cause the diseases doctors ascribe to it, smoking too LITTLE causes them. Utter BALDERDASH!
So they say: “The fundamental truths…can result in continued prosperity”
If this is the case, why then the Ideal Morgues, Flag, the Freewinds are struggling and shrinking?
Maybe Miscavage hasn’t done yet the New Student Hat and has a HUGE misunderstood on how finances are honestly improved. Maybe he just studied Al Capones’ Manual!
My dyslexia strikes: I read it as “The more money, BUGGER the promises. THAT might be the most truthful statement of their motivation.
Prosperity gospel
Now that’s an oxymoron.
moooo too
I have long ago given up on my $6,000 they are holding and refuse to refund since 1990. These people refuse to even talk about it. How can they get an IRS exemption when they will not even refund money they do not own?
I agree that the proper title for David Miscavige is COB. However the meaning is lost on all Scientologists, since they’re not aware that he is in fact, the Chief of Bullshit.
Yep, achieved it! I got out of scientology.
Yep, did it! I got out of scientology.
Yep, on my way! I got out of scientology.
Yes Bognition! Way to go!
Wonderful Bognition!
“Your happiness is probably your most valuable possession”
‘Scientology life improvement Courses ™ provide the tools to achieve the happiness you want’
YUP, one look at the insanity and hypnosis, and it’s OUTta there, to where real happiness lies.
What is a DOOE, Bog?
This scam needs to be shut down.
And buried for good.
Amen brother.
Stick ’em in formaldehyde, it smells so bad!
Hubbard: Let’s try the religion angle.
Miscavige: Let’s try the extortion racket.
They offer money courses, talk about abundance but they are closed all day Friday, and don’t open M-Thursday until 3:30? I think this person has an outside job. Wait. doesn’t he make enough money on staff to stay open like they used to? The irony.
“the more money the bigger the promises.” Says it all.
The only word that fits that photo …obviously taken inside an Org belonging to a self proclaimed ‘religion’ …is ‘vulgar’. It illustrates the absolute truth of what the ‘Church’ of Scientology is really about, ~money & greed. They don’t care about ‘helping’, what matters is ‘stats’. This photo would make the Ideal poster representing Scientology if ever there was one. ~Should be on billboards warning people away. Sad so many have spent entire lifetimes wasted by serving this entity, so many families torn apart, and people’s lives damaged or ruined by this organization. Evil dressed up as doing good…in bedazzling bling set to loud thundering background music…as they eventually scorch everything they touch.
Great post FredEX2!
This is an excellent idea. I saved a copy of the photo – I would like to put it on blast – Have Tony Ortega pick it up and use it, put it on the newswires to pick up so that it can be incorporated into one of the news articles.
Particularly useful in news articles detailing the attempts to get refunds or repayments.
Hey MIKE!! Can you put this boldly on your TWITTER? Hope for a viral tweet?
That’s a fantastic idea!
Diafleecics: Modern Science of Monetary Hardship
Spot on Mike!
The promo claims “”These financial Life Improvement courses can give you the tools you need in order to handle financial crisis, show you how solvency is accomplished, gain full control over your future & how to achieve abundance”. I didn’t have to take any of these courses; I achieved the exact same result by simply waking up and walking out. Sadly I have seen many folks lose their homes and file bankruptcy; one actually had to live in the only thing left in their life; their car.
Yep, achieved it! I got out of scientology.
Yep, did it! I got out of scientology.
Yep, on my way! I got out of scientology.
When Miscavige changed from pre-1980 selling services in exchange for money to selling “status” (i.e. nothing) in exchange for money, he created a criminal organization that could have been prosecuted under the RICO act had the IRS not caved and given Scientology 501.c charitable organization status in 1993. They are not a charitable organization, and never have been, as every Scientologist and X Scientologist knows. Giving a psychopath like Miscavige unlimited money and power is the fault of the IRS.
The mindset at Flag transformed more and more from “respect and providing a service to the public” to “because we work so much harder than the public, they are below us, out ethics to that degree and we are ENTITLED to their money, period”. How dare anyone ask how the money is spent. How dare anyone ask for their money back. How dare anyone ask ANYTHING. Everyone just shut up, do what you are told, pass your money forward and you’ll all get safely home to see your families again.
Mat, what you say is so true! I had a taste of “because we work so much harder than the public, they are below us, out ethics to that degree and we are ENTITLED to their money, period.” I was at Flag for a 6 month check and the Recruiter came to ask me for a donation for something and I didn’t cave and she yelled at me that she works 7 days a week, hardly never gets a day off, works 13 to 16 hour days and she sacrifices for the church, for the planet, and since I”m not willing to put my blood, sweat, and tears on the line and join her on staff, I had better give some money. I’m not kidding, it was extortion at its best. Or worst.
The appropriate response to that is “go fuck yourself” as you walk out the door for good.
Or another appropriate response might be “it sucks to be you”.
If I ad a dime for saying, “go fuck your self”, I’d be worth millions.
Gee, I thought most lap dancers got singles, not fake $100s! They would bitch slap the dog who tried to get away with that! She doesn’t even have a post pierced on her tongue. (not to imply that I know anything about that, I just heard about it.)
At my bachelor party, ONE enterprising dancer got a few 5s (until my supply ran out, Not much meat on her bones, but she used them effectively. [I’ve never been so many “sheets to the wind” any time in my life.]