I truly admire Mosey for her act of bravery. I’m sure she knows how dirty the Cof$ will fight in court. I’m also pretty sure that she and Marty have documentation on the harassment. The obvious point is proving that slimy little rat of actually getting his hands dirty. I hope they burn him to the stake like the evil witch he is. I live in Clearwater and the paper stated that Cof$ has 34 new churches. Really?? What constitutes a “church” of Scientology these days? And I loved Paow’s statement , “.. The complaint is nothing more than a pathetic get rich scheme cooked by an unemployed blogger Marty Rathbun, a self-admitted suborner of perjury who is now resorting to using his wife in an attempt to extort money from the church.” First of all look at the pot calling the kettle black! Paow is the biggest suborner of the truth if ever I saw one. She wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped her upside the head (I’d be willing to do that!). Second, aren’t they getting snippy, defensive and seriously critical? Natter much, Karen?
Good morning, I am a student doing research on an introductory essay for a course on American Civil Liberties. Specifically dealing with the Civil Rights Movement of the mid to late 1960s. So I may be out of place here, but I figured this forum to be the largest, openly accessible collection of people who study and practice the works of L. Ron Hubbard. What I am inquiring about is this quote, attributable to L. Ron Hubbard:
“In the US currently only 4% recognized the First Amendment to the Constitution which guarantees freedom of speech, the press and religion. Ignorance of the law, compounded by a wilful neglect of the Constitution by government officials is the basic reason for the riot, civil commotion and disintegration of the US.”
The quote seems to be from 1969, in a document with this heading:
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Could anyone shed some light on the research that found an estimation of only 4% recognition of the First Amendment in 1969? Was there survey data to support this? The entire thesis of my paper is really weak and I need conclusive data here.
Wow. I was shocked to hear this, as I live in the same county where the lawsuit was filed. No idea the Rathbuns lived here! Well, this is an old-fashioned, conservative sort of place, and things like pointing surveillance cameras at your neighbors just doesn’t go over well at all. People value their privacy, which I’m assuming is the reason the Rathbuns would have moved out here in the first place. I think the church might have really screwed up on this one!
Mosey has a calm credibility that is going to serve her very well in front of a jury. Someone help me out, though… to sink DM dont they first have to PROVE a link b/w the harassers and Co$ in general, and then further, PROVE he was both aware of and /or orchestrating the harassment?
Well done Mosey, on filing this rightful lawsuit, for all the despicable bullshit you and Marty have had to endure. To perpetrate this evil in the name of religion just shows how insane and degraded they are. My very best wishes.
Here is hoping that the press will have a field day with this long drawn out battle.
There are double damages to be had here;
1) Public exposure of how the church acts as the suit continues through the court system
2) Mosey wins and the Rathbuns get their life back, plus a huge damage payment
I am sure that she knows what she is in for and would not have started something she could not finish.
Mosey, thanks for your show of courage. You inspire us all.
I think Monique is about to teach David Miscavige a painful and long overdue lesson – don’t piss off a strong woman unless you want your ass handed to you. I wish her the best with this lawsuit, the church’s behavior toward her goes way below the bottom of the barrel deep into the sewers. Simply disgusting.
So Mosey , as I understand, is going for not less than 1) a permanent restraining order-type thing against the church PLUS 2) the millions in damages AND 3) will never accept a gag order or any restrictions on her communications…words fail me, I’m so happy.
“A Texas judge has issued a temporary restraining order against Church of Scientology leader David Miscavige, two church entities and two alleged church operatives — part of a lawsuit that contends they have waged a three-year campaign of surveillance, dirty tricks, intimidation and other harassment against the wife of a church critic.”
People need to know that the Church of Scientology basically his fucking president mr…fucking MINI….use the money of the church for this things.. Good on Monique actions
“Court affirms the legality of a notice of infractions issued to the Church of Scientology of Moscow
Moscow, August 20. (ITAR-TASS) The Moscow City Court today affirmed the legality of a notice issued by the Justice Ministry’s Chief Directorate in Moscow to the Church of Scientology of Moscow concerning infractions related to its operation.”
“During the audit, it was found that the word “Scientology” was registered as a trademark whose rightsholder is the Religious Technology Center in the USA. The concurrent use of this word as the name of a religious denomination restricts the rights of third parties, an arrangement prohibited by the Russian Constitution, which guarantees everyone freedom of conscience and religion.”
Dear sweet Mosey. You have been an inspiration in the way you have handled the disgusting, disturbing unfair and unwarranted situations inflicted cruelly on yourself and Marty. You have been an example of what a wonderfully humane spiritual being. Well done on taking this very difficult and brave step. I am sure it will bring you and Marty the peace you both deserve. You are a legend.
Go Mosey! Go Ray!!!!! My, my how predictable that little pc slapper is. The only power an SP has is to restimulate – that’s all I could think of when I got to the part of the land being cleared and the cameras going up…You guys are ALWAYS welcome to come to our place – ALWAYS. I want you to know that. cob, you’re not, EVER.
Thanks for the update, Mike. At last, some actual and much deserved relief at hand for Mosey! Thank God
she is an inherently tough, bold and resolute individual. All attempts to break her spirit, through the most vile, sordid, torturous depravity imaginable, will probably become become the inevitable Waterloo for the
totally un-salvageable Miscavige. We wish “Sugar” Ray Jeffery a swift TKO of his opponent/s. May they be
carried away on stretchers, under the the most humiliating public “surveillance” possible.
This is the best goddamn news I’ve heard all day. When is this church going to start acting like a humane real church?!?!? Not going to happen as long as little Hitler is running it.
This latest foot bullet is looking more like a nuclear warhead. I’m wincing already. He’s obviously completely under-estimated what kind of woman he’s riled this time. I’m guessing his misogynistic mindset does not include the possibility that a woman would have the audacity to bite back..What a complete idiot. But then the criminal is unable to predict the consequences of their actions, so this would be true to form.
If the tipping point hasn’t been reached yet, I suspect this action will surely edge it significantly closer.
Way to go Mosey (and I’m guessing she has pretty good counsel in the background somewhere…..!).
Go kick some bottom!
Dave will never appear in court nor does he have the balls to face a jury. I wonder who will testify for the church? Maybe it will be Marion Pouw if she does not exit the stage with him.
He will blow the country before he will take the stand and claim that he is going into hiding to protect the church. With Him gone, those remaining will begin infighting and laying the blame the likes of which has never been seen in this sector. (shermanspeak for the remaing poop will meet the blades)
Years later it may be said that the most evil son of a bitch ever to stalk the earth along with his cadre of storm trooper henchmen was taken down by a lone beautiful woman without even striking a blow.
Fantastic! It is clear that DM will not stop until he is stopped. I am thinking that DM and the church lose, DM then violates the agreement, and DM goes to jail for contempt. As far as I know, the church has never been subject to the kind of legal restraint that Mosey is going for. The only thing I can think of is the restriction against Gerry Armstrong, which the church violated but was never punished for.
But regardless of what DM and the ‘droids do after they lose, I am thinking they will in fact lose – and there will be no gag order settlement here, baby!
COB RTC David Miscavige just got the news on the lawsuit. Let’s just say the lobby of the Fort Harrison will need to be remodeled and all the window glass replaced. Oh no! There goes the crystal chandelier! We didn’t know COB could hurl a chair that high.
Thank you, thank you, Mosey!
And thank you, Ray Jeffrey.
And thank you, Marty, Mike, Luis G and Tony O
And thank you, anonymous.
And thank you all who are helping to bring about an end to the insanity of the “Church of Scientology” under the reign of his LOURDSHIP David Miscavige.
**** Intention is Cause ****
Yep, the correct target, Davie was always you! But as a true Suppressive and Sociopath, they wrong-target all the time and cannot name the correct target.
Mosey will be a formidable opponent. I have had the pleasure of meeting her more than once and there is a will of steel under that amicable front. If I were His Holiness I would be afraid, very afraid right now. His recent record against women is piss poor. Debbie cook whipped his bottom (we don’t do “ass” here). I can only imagine His defence will be a bunch of lies that are so transparently and patently false that there will only be loser and it won’t be Mosey.
Yes Martin, true. And since it seems the women are the ones kicking DM’s butt right now (Debbie Cook and now Mosey), all his misogynistic overts on women are now making him one big huge motivator on the women flow. So this could be what brings him down.
Oops, and I forgot to mention Leah Remini, so there are three strong women who are bringing him down right now: Debbie Cook, Leah Remini and Mosey. What he resists he pulls in and they do him in!
Yeah, would have been much better to leave sleeping dogs lie once they moved to a more private location and also since Marty’s blog transformed into one much more philosophical and more aimed at people already out of the Church or never in, rather than one exposing current Church/Miscavige crimes and activities with one of the target public being people currently in the Church. But, Miscavige simply couldn’t resist keeping things going, and look where they are going now.
Yeah, he CANNOT let sleeping dogs lie. He invariably has to keep pushing and pushing to prove that nothing can control him (even total withdrawal from the game). It is a measure of his utter insanity. Believe me, NOTHING is done against Marty Rathbun or his wife without it being ordered or blessed by Him. And he CANNOT let go. Ultimately, he will be forced to by exterior restraint as he is incapable of self-restraint. A true sociopath.
SSOA and Mike, So True!
Sleeping dog has fleas and she’s not happy about it. Sleeping dog has big dog friends in neighborhood. Oh what’s a little dog with big bark do?
Well said Mike! And as a true sociopath, he is in a constant dramatization. If you break that dramatization, he will get very sick. So once the courts force him to break the dramatization of harrassing Mosey and Marty, I predict DM will get sick. Maybe even die? One can only hope can’t one? lol References on breaking dramatizations is in the PTS SP Course and the FPRD Course.
I think he’ll drop dead before he actually stops.
But I do think Mosey is taking the only recourse possible now…Sometimes turning the other cheek means letting your enemy see your other side. 🙂
Yes, I was just thinking that: Miscavige has elected his own executioner (and that’s metaphorically speaking, OSA. OK? We know how literal you people are).
Mike, wouldn’t Miscavige settle to avoid having to testify (as he apparently did with Debbie Cook)? Or are you saying that Mosey’s side would refuse to settle?
I am saying it takes two side to settle. Mosey is the PLAINTIFF here. She is going into this with eyes open and well aware of what litigation with the RCS is like. She has a formidable team of lawfirms with experienced and knowledgeable lawyers. Debbie Cook’s position was very different. She was ambushed and she was a defendant with a lot to potentially lose. This is a carefully considered and planned legal action. None of this takes away from her bravery in stepping up to the plate. I dont care who you are, going into litigation with a wealthy and ruthless opponent is no walk in the park.
But if I had to guess, I would say she will have a much better night’s sleep tonight that He Who Shall Not Be Named.
Believe me, there are a LOT more withholds to be discovered — but plenty of them have been touched on simply with the filing of the complaint.
Lurker, my opinion is that she did not file this suit for the purpose of getting fast money. Church only pays out when they can sew people up with confidential settlements. Again, my opinion, but Mosey is filing this suit firstly to bring Miscavige and Co. to Justice for their outrageous crap and get them ordered to cease and desist it permanently.
I think its quite clear from the complaint that this lawsuit was filed as a last resort. The only hope for getting some peace and privacy is to have a court enforce it. Miscavige has proven he cannot restrain himself. They MOVED. Marty basically stopped blogging to anyone who is still in the church. And still the harassment continued. That is how I read this suit. It’s not about the money AT ALL — though I hope a jury awards her significant damages as the actions of the so-called church towards her have been unconscionable. And I also believe Mosey is doing this to take a stand for others who have also been on the receiving end of the bs.
To the best of my understanding CO$ operates through legal firms which in turn hire surveillance PIs. I’m not quite so sold on the one-sidedness of this case. But I hope you are right.
That is a charade. Go back and read the stories about Paul Marick and Greg. You can find them on Marty’s blog. Same thing with Bert Leahy’s testimony about the Squirrelbusters operations. Don’t be too concerned. They will throw a lot of money and confusion and irrelevancies at this to try to make it go away. What they won’t do is counter with any “facts” — just denials that anything ever happened or had anything to do with them. There’s not much shelter behind attorney engaged in illegal/unethical actions carried out by PI’s in any event. It’s a shield made out of wet papier-mache….
This is the best news ever. Mike, everyone, I think – I think THIS IS IT, if you catch my drift. I will be closely following and I want to help and support Mosey and Marty in every way I can, and that includes flowing whatever I can to their defense fund, if there will be one.
Yes very interesting, there will be no confidentiality statement possible like with Debbie Cook and so many others as Mosey was never a member and certainly she has nothing to fear disconnection-wise, and is not interested in money, can’t be bought….so they are screwed….
This looks like a real mess for the Church. Disputes and conflicts arise all the time, and there are certain types of information gathering and investigation, within civilized limits, that may be legitimate for parties to such to employ. But this endless garbage inflicted on Marty and Mosey, especially Mosey the flowers, the sexual rumors, the sex toys – is truly disgusting and shows exactly misogynist, perverted mindset of David Miscavige. He loves to label other people as perverts, but only a true, died-in-the woo, deep-seated pervert would either instigate or allow his OSA micromanaged servants to instigate such twisted acts. Probably this will follow the predictable course up to a point – Church scorched ground litigation tactics. Usually that is followed at some point with the Church shelling out big bucks to make it go away. But it looks to me this time, the Church is not going to be able to buy its way out. This one could be the iceberg to Miscavige’s Titantic.
this all depends on what may be proven in court. given that the standard in a civil case is relatively low at beyond a preponderance of the evidence, or, more simply stated, more likely than not, being able to put this activity affirmatively on the co$ will be very tough to do. i am aware of a legal maxim called “res ipsa loquitor” in which negligence in a civil case is assumed when it cannot be proven otherwise so long as the type of injury that occurred would not have occurred absent some form of negligence on the part of the defendant. a good example of this would be if a big bag of dog food fell on you from the third shelf in a walmart store. while you did not observe a walmart worker being negligent in the stacking of the dog food, “res ipsa” allows negligence to be inferred as the type of injury (say head injury from falling bag of dog food) does not usually happen absent some form of negligence on the part of the defendant or one of its employees (see further “doctrine of respondeat superior”). i am not sure if this could be tweaked to become applicable in mosey’s case should she not be able to affirmative trace everything back to the co$ but i would most certainly make the argument before the judge should the co$ make their (expected) motions to dismiss. btw mike, hope the new marriage is going ducky! congrats!
You are simply wrong. They have ample evidence of the church’s activities in this regard and will have no trouble tying the church to them. These wrongs have been committed, and by insitisting of on a jury trial the atttorny gaurantee’s horrible PR for the church, and a great deal of sympathy for the victum. Juries have awarded alot more, for alot less evidence.
In the end, because Mosey was never connected to the church herself, and because she never publicly attacked the church, the RCS is in a very bad position with regard to this action. They will throw alot of money at it, but unlike so many other cases where they have counter sued and broken former church members, they have no such avenue against Mosey.
At this point, knowledgeable attorneys know all of the RCS’s legal trickery. In the end, the RCS cannot win this one, and they will have to pay ALOT of money and for terms in no way advantageious to them.
He Who Must Not Be Named, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige makes me think of one of those high-powered corporate executives who hire Dominatrixes on the side.
I think Little Davey is just the type who would get off on being strapped up in leather and a ball gag, and whipped until he cries “I’ve been a bad bad boy.” There’s just something about the guy and he projects it onto everyone around him.
I truly admire Mosey for her act of bravery. I’m sure she knows how dirty the Cof$ will fight in court. I’m also pretty sure that she and Marty have documentation on the harassment. The obvious point is proving that slimy little rat of actually getting his hands dirty. I hope they burn him to the stake like the evil witch he is. I live in Clearwater and the paper stated that Cof$ has 34 new churches. Really?? What constitutes a “church” of Scientology these days? And I loved Paow’s statement , “.. The complaint is nothing more than a pathetic get rich scheme cooked by an unemployed blogger Marty Rathbun, a self-admitted suborner of perjury who is now resorting to using his wife in an attempt to extort money from the church.” First of all look at the pot calling the kettle black! Paow is the biggest suborner of the truth if ever I saw one. She wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped her upside the head (I’d be willing to do that!). Second, aren’t they getting snippy, defensive and seriously critical? Natter much, Karen?
Regarding this law suit, and all the shit storms the co$ has been facing, interesting the payback one gets from perverting Ron’s tech. Just saying.
Good morning, I am a student doing research on an introductory essay for a course on American Civil Liberties. Specifically dealing with the Civil Rights Movement of the mid to late 1960s. So I may be out of place here, but I figured this forum to be the largest, openly accessible collection of people who study and practice the works of L. Ron Hubbard. What I am inquiring about is this quote, attributable to L. Ron Hubbard:
“In the US currently only 4% recognized the First Amendment to the Constitution which guarantees freedom of speech, the press and religion. Ignorance of the law, compounded by a wilful neglect of the Constitution by government officials is the basic reason for the riot, civil commotion and disintegration of the US.”
The quote seems to be from 1969, in a document with this heading:
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Could anyone shed some light on the research that found an estimation of only 4% recognition of the First Amendment in 1969? Was there survey data to support this? The entire thesis of my paper is really weak and I need conclusive data here.
What is your thesis?
Wow. I was shocked to hear this, as I live in the same county where the lawsuit was filed. No idea the Rathbuns lived here! Well, this is an old-fashioned, conservative sort of place, and things like pointing surveillance cameras at your neighbors just doesn’t go over well at all. People value their privacy, which I’m assuming is the reason the Rathbuns would have moved out here in the first place. I think the church might have really screwed up on this one!
Mosey has a calm credibility that is going to serve her very well in front of a jury. Someone help me out, though… to sink DM dont they first have to PROVE a link b/w the harassers and Co$ in general, and then further, PROVE he was both aware of and /or orchestrating the harassment?
Well done Mosey, on filing this rightful lawsuit, for all the despicable bullshit you and Marty have had to endure. To perpetrate this evil in the name of religion just shows how insane and degraded they are. My very best wishes.
Here is hoping that the press will have a field day with this long drawn out battle.
There are double damages to be had here;
1) Public exposure of how the church acts as the suit continues through the court system
2) Mosey wins and the Rathbuns get their life back, plus a huge damage payment
I am sure that she knows what she is in for and would not have started something she could not finish.
Mosey, thanks for your show of courage. You inspire us all.
I think Monique is about to teach David Miscavige a painful and long overdue lesson – don’t piss off a strong woman unless you want your ass handed to you. I wish her the best with this lawsuit, the church’s behavior toward her goes way below the bottom of the barrel deep into the sewers. Simply disgusting.
So Mosey , as I understand, is going for not less than 1) a permanent restraining order-type thing against the church PLUS 2) the millions in damages AND 3) will never accept a gag order or any restrictions on her communications…words fail me, I’m so happy.
Tampa Bay Times: In Texas lawsuit, judge orders Scientology and its leader to stop harassment
“A Texas judge has issued a temporary restraining order against Church of Scientology leader David Miscavige, two church entities and two alleged church operatives — part of a lawsuit that contends they have waged a three-year campaign of surveillance, dirty tricks, intimidation and other harassment against the wife of a church critic.”
Hey Scientologists – here’s a look at what the “Church” of Scientology does with your donations. Real theta, right??
People need to know that the Church of Scientology basically his fucking president mr…fucking MINI….use the money of the church for this things.. Good on Monique actions
Off topic, but I believe of interest to this community. It appears the Moscow City Court has defended the rights of Independent Scentologists.
Translation of a Russian article posted on August 20, 2013 on the website of the ITAR-TASS news agency:
Excerpt of headline and lead paragraph:
“Court affirms the legality of a notice of infractions issued to the Church of Scientology of Moscow
Moscow, August 20. (ITAR-TASS) The Moscow City Court today affirmed the legality of a notice issued by the Justice Ministry’s Chief Directorate in Moscow to the Church of Scientology of Moscow concerning infractions related to its operation.”
“During the audit, it was found that the word “Scientology” was registered as a trademark whose rightsholder is the Religious Technology Center in the USA. The concurrent use of this word as the name of a religious denomination restricts the rights of third parties, an arrangement prohibited by the Russian Constitution, which guarantees everyone freedom of conscience and religion.”
HT — WWP: https://whyweprotest.net/community/threads/court-upholds-russian-justice-ministry-notices-to-moscow-church-of-scientology.113138/#post-2347316
Radar Online: Wife Of Tom Cruise’s Former Scientology Auditor Sues The Church And Its Leader For Harassment
San Antonio Express News: Claiming dirty tricks, resident takes church to state court
Dear sweet Mosey. You have been an inspiration in the way you have handled the disgusting, disturbing unfair and unwarranted situations inflicted cruelly on yourself and Marty. You have been an example of what a wonderfully humane spiritual being. Well done on taking this very difficult and brave step. I am sure it will bring you and Marty the peace you both deserve. You are a legend.
Go Mosey! Go Ray!!!!! My, my how predictable that little pc slapper is. The only power an SP has is to restimulate – that’s all I could think of when I got to the part of the land being cleared and the cameras going up…You guys are ALWAYS welcome to come to our place – ALWAYS. I want you to know that. cob, you’re not, EVER.
On part of the Co$, Way To Happiness FAIL.
Thanks for the update, Mike. At last, some actual and much deserved relief at hand for Mosey! Thank God
she is an inherently tough, bold and resolute individual. All attempts to break her spirit, through the most vile, sordid, torturous depravity imaginable, will probably become become the inevitable Waterloo for the
totally un-salvageable Miscavige. We wish “Sugar” Ray Jeffery a swift TKO of his opponent/s. May they be
carried away on stretchers, under the the most humiliating public “surveillance” possible.
This is the best goddamn news I’ve heard all day. When is this church going to start acting like a humane real church?!?!? Not going to happen as long as little Hitler is running it.
This makes me very happy. Religious persecution hasn’t been seen since the Middle Ages, and is now universally reviled.
This latest foot bullet is looking more like a nuclear warhead. I’m wincing already. He’s obviously completely under-estimated what kind of woman he’s riled this time. I’m guessing his misogynistic mindset does not include the possibility that a woman would have the audacity to bite back..What a complete idiot. But then the criminal is unable to predict the consequences of their actions, so this would be true to form.
If the tipping point hasn’t been reached yet, I suspect this action will surely edge it significantly closer.
Way to go Mosey (and I’m guessing she has pretty good counsel in the background somewhere…..!).
Go kick some bottom!
This will go to a Jury
I keep saying, Davey keep your wristwatch collection packed
and that brief case of Gold Bars ready to grab !
Beware: non-humble opinion following:
Dave will never appear in court nor does he have the balls to face a jury. I wonder who will testify for the church? Maybe it will be Marion Pouw if she does not exit the stage with him.
He will blow the country before he will take the stand and claim that he is going into hiding to protect the church. With Him gone, those remaining will begin infighting and laying the blame the likes of which has never been seen in this sector. (shermanspeak for the remaing poop will meet the blades)
Years later it may be said that the most evil son of a bitch ever to stalk the earth along with his cadre of storm trooper henchmen was taken down by a lone beautiful woman without even striking a blow.
Go Mosey!!!!!!
A jury full of TEXANS! The RCS is toast!
Fantastic! It is clear that DM will not stop until he is stopped. I am thinking that DM and the church lose, DM then violates the agreement, and DM goes to jail for contempt. As far as I know, the church has never been subject to the kind of legal restraint that Mosey is going for. The only thing I can think of is the restriction against Gerry Armstrong, which the church violated but was never punished for.
But regardless of what DM and the ‘droids do after they lose, I am thinking they will in fact lose – and there will be no gag order settlement here, baby!
The nerve of Mosey!
COB RTC David Miscavige just got the news on the lawsuit. Let’s just say the lobby of the Fort Harrison will need to be remodeled and all the window glass replaced. Oh no! There goes the crystal chandelier! We didn’t know COB could hurl a chair that high.
This lawsuit certainly definitely makes Mosey a “Flag Reject.” Are you a Flag Reject as well? http://otviiiisgrrr8.com/2013/08/21/cob-rtc-david-miscavige-policy-on-flag-rejects/
“This lawsuit certainly definitely makes Mosey a “Flag Reject.””
STOP! STOP! My ribs hurt! Too funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, thank you, Mosey!
And thank you, Ray Jeffrey.
And thank you, Marty, Mike, Luis G and Tony O
And thank you, anonymous.
And thank you all who are helping to bring about an end to the insanity of the “Church of Scientology” under the reign of his LOURDSHIP David Miscavige.
**** Intention is Cause ****
Amen and hear hear!!
It is about time. David Miscavige you are being served!
I know that Mosey Rathbun and her lawyer, Ray Jeffrey, will do what needs to be done.
And it really needs to be done.
The obsession with Marty and Mosey is going to backfire. DM has been wrongly assuming that they are his biggest enemy.
Now, he’s crumbling from all sides and the target that he thought was correct can take him down with a death blow.
The correct target, David, was always you!
Yep, the correct target, Davie was always you! But as a true Suppressive and Sociopath, they wrong-target all the time and cannot name the correct target.
Fucking A!!!
Mosey will be a formidable opponent. I have had the pleasure of meeting her more than once and there is a will of steel under that amicable front. If I were His Holiness I would be afraid, very afraid right now. His recent record against women is piss poor. Debbie cook whipped his bottom (we don’t do “ass” here). I can only imagine His defence will be a bunch of lies that are so transparently and patently false that there will only be loser and it won’t be Mosey.
Yes Martin, true. And since it seems the women are the ones kicking DM’s butt right now (Debbie Cook and now Mosey), all his misogynistic overts on women are now making him one big huge motivator on the women flow. So this could be what brings him down.
Oops, and I forgot to mention Leah Remini, so there are three strong women who are bringing him down right now: Debbie Cook, Leah Remini and Mosey. What he resists he pulls in and they do him in!
You go Mosey. I could not believe that the church was stupid enough to follow them there.
Yeah, would have been much better to leave sleeping dogs lie once they moved to a more private location and also since Marty’s blog transformed into one much more philosophical and more aimed at people already out of the Church or never in, rather than one exposing current Church/Miscavige crimes and activities with one of the target public being people currently in the Church. But, Miscavige simply couldn’t resist keeping things going, and look where they are going now.
Yeah, he CANNOT let sleeping dogs lie. He invariably has to keep pushing and pushing to prove that nothing can control him (even total withdrawal from the game). It is a measure of his utter insanity. Believe me, NOTHING is done against Marty Rathbun or his wife without it being ordered or blessed by Him. And he CANNOT let go. Ultimately, he will be forced to by exterior restraint as he is incapable of self-restraint. A true sociopath.
SSOA and Mike, So True!
Sleeping dog has fleas and she’s not happy about it. Sleeping dog has big dog friends in neighborhood. Oh what’s a little dog with big bark do?
Well said Mike! And as a true sociopath, he is in a constant dramatization. If you break that dramatization, he will get very sick. So once the courts force him to break the dramatization of harrassing Mosey and Marty, I predict DM will get sick. Maybe even die? One can only hope can’t one? lol References on breaking dramatizations is in the PTS SP Course and the FPRD Course.
I think he’ll drop dead before he actually stops.
But I do think Mosey is taking the only recourse possible now…Sometimes turning the other cheek means letting your enemy see your other side. 🙂
The SP is busy doing himself in. – miscavige style!
Yes, I was just thinking that: Miscavige has elected his own executioner (and that’s metaphorically speaking, OSA. OK? We know how literal you people are).
This could get ugly and long drawn out.
There is no question it will be ugly. But that part is going to be very one sided.
It will be a long fight as you know there is not going to be any confidential settlement….
Just scanning my memory it seems there is quite a bit of well documented evidence. The Church (MIscavige) has pretty well done itself in here.
Mike, wouldn’t Miscavige settle to avoid having to testify (as he apparently did with Debbie Cook)? Or are you saying that Mosey’s side would refuse to settle?
I am saying it takes two side to settle. Mosey is the PLAINTIFF here. She is going into this with eyes open and well aware of what litigation with the RCS is like. She has a formidable team of lawfirms with experienced and knowledgeable lawyers. Debbie Cook’s position was very different. She was ambushed and she was a defendant with a lot to potentially lose. This is a carefully considered and planned legal action. None of this takes away from her bravery in stepping up to the plate. I dont care who you are, going into litigation with a wealthy and ruthless opponent is no walk in the park.
But if I had to guess, I would say she will have a much better night’s sleep tonight that He Who Shall Not Be Named.
Believe me, there are a LOT more withholds to be discovered — but plenty of them have been touched on simply with the filing of the complaint.
Lurker, my opinion is that she did not file this suit for the purpose of getting fast money. Church only pays out when they can sew people up with confidential settlements. Again, my opinion, but Mosey is filing this suit firstly to bring Miscavige and Co. to Justice for their outrageous crap and get them ordered to cease and desist it permanently.
I think its quite clear from the complaint that this lawsuit was filed as a last resort. The only hope for getting some peace and privacy is to have a court enforce it. Miscavige has proven he cannot restrain himself. They MOVED. Marty basically stopped blogging to anyone who is still in the church. And still the harassment continued. That is how I read this suit. It’s not about the money AT ALL — though I hope a jury awards her significant damages as the actions of the so-called church towards her have been unconscionable. And I also believe Mosey is doing this to take a stand for others who have also been on the receiving end of the bs.
Thanks for that reply.
To the best of my understanding CO$ operates through legal firms which in turn hire surveillance PIs. I’m not quite so sold on the one-sidedness of this case. But I hope you are right.
That is a charade. Go back and read the stories about Paul Marick and Greg. You can find them on Marty’s blog. Same thing with Bert Leahy’s testimony about the Squirrelbusters operations. Don’t be too concerned. They will throw a lot of money and confusion and irrelevancies at this to try to make it go away. What they won’t do is counter with any “facts” — just denials that anything ever happened or had anything to do with them. There’s not much shelter behind attorney engaged in illegal/unethical actions carried out by PI’s in any event. It’s a shield made out of wet papier-mache….
This is the best news ever. Mike, everyone, I think – I think THIS IS IT, if you catch my drift. I will be closely following and I want to help and support Mosey and Marty in every way I can, and that includes flowing whatever I can to their defense fund, if there will be one.
Yes very interesting, there will be no confidentiality statement possible like with Debbie Cook and so many others as Mosey was never a member and certainly she has nothing to fear disconnection-wise, and is not interested in money, can’t be bought….so they are screwed….
This looks like a real mess for the Church. Disputes and conflicts arise all the time, and there are certain types of information gathering and investigation, within civilized limits, that may be legitimate for parties to such to employ. But this endless garbage inflicted on Marty and Mosey, especially Mosey the flowers, the sexual rumors, the sex toys – is truly disgusting and shows exactly misogynist, perverted mindset of David Miscavige. He loves to label other people as perverts, but only a true, died-in-the woo, deep-seated pervert would either instigate or allow his OSA micromanaged servants to instigate such twisted acts. Probably this will follow the predictable course up to a point – Church scorched ground litigation tactics. Usually that is followed at some point with the Church shelling out big bucks to make it go away. But it looks to me this time, the Church is not going to be able to buy its way out. This one could be the iceberg to Miscavige’s Titantic.
SadStateOfAffairs, as we say in Greece: from your mouth to God’s ear!
Really insightful! No operative would deliver a sex toy without DM permission or instigation. This is a clue here!
this all depends on what may be proven in court. given that the standard in a civil case is relatively low at beyond a preponderance of the evidence, or, more simply stated, more likely than not, being able to put this activity affirmatively on the co$ will be very tough to do. i am aware of a legal maxim called “res ipsa loquitor” in which negligence in a civil case is assumed when it cannot be proven otherwise so long as the type of injury that occurred would not have occurred absent some form of negligence on the part of the defendant. a good example of this would be if a big bag of dog food fell on you from the third shelf in a walmart store. while you did not observe a walmart worker being negligent in the stacking of the dog food, “res ipsa” allows negligence to be inferred as the type of injury (say head injury from falling bag of dog food) does not usually happen absent some form of negligence on the part of the defendant or one of its employees (see further “doctrine of respondeat superior”). i am not sure if this could be tweaked to become applicable in mosey’s case should she not be able to affirmative trace everything back to the co$ but i would most certainly make the argument before the judge should the co$ make their (expected) motions to dismiss. btw mike, hope the new marriage is going ducky! congrats!
You are simply wrong. They have ample evidence of the church’s activities in this regard and will have no trouble tying the church to them. These wrongs have been committed, and by insitisting of on a jury trial the atttorny gaurantee’s horrible PR for the church, and a great deal of sympathy for the victum. Juries have awarded alot more, for alot less evidence.
In the end, because Mosey was never connected to the church herself, and because she never publicly attacked the church, the RCS is in a very bad position with regard to this action. They will throw alot of money at it, but unlike so many other cases where they have counter sued and broken former church members, they have no such avenue against Mosey.
At this point, knowledgeable attorneys know all of the RCS’s legal trickery. In the end, the RCS cannot win this one, and they will have to pay ALOT of money and for terms in no way advantageious to them.
He Who Must Not Be Named, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige makes me think of one of those high-powered corporate executives who hire Dominatrixes on the side.
I think Little Davey is just the type who would get off on being strapped up in leather and a ball gag, and whipped until he cries “I’ve been a bad bad boy.” There’s just something about the guy and he projects it onto everyone around him.
David Miscavige you are a dirty perverted peeping Tom.
Go Mosey!
Gooooo Monique!!!!