I have a bit of a backlog of material that has been sent in by our Special Correspondents. Thanks to everyone who sends in reports and information, if I don’t always get to it, please don’t stop sending it. I believe it is valuable for the internal activities of the RCS to be made public, and to some extent their fear of people knowing what they are doing is causing them to withdraw even further. ID cards for events. Clampdowns on emails. Worry about who sees what on Facebook. Hardly the program that is going to get new people interested. So, some are being saved from the bankruptcy and abuse by reason of the RCS cutting its own reach out of fear of exposure. It’s a losing game.
This email is most interesting because of the first line. It asserts both that building “an auditorium” in PAC is “as LRH intended” (a completely made up concept) and that this is “a super-high-priority project which is being monitored by the top of the org board.” Top of the org board of course is He Who Cannot Be Named. It is increasingly the mantra of the sheeple to do/give/think because its “what COB wants.” David Wilson made it clear. Now Andrea Kluge is doing the same thing.
And it is very interesting that this auditorium for the largest Sea Org Base on earth is in the hands of the “OT Committee” which is further evidence that Voldemort’s hand selected troops these days are composed of PUBLIC Scientologists like David Wilson, Andrea Kluge, John Allender, Ed Bryan etc etc. He gives them their marching orders and like wind-up dolls, away they go.
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2013
From: PAC OTC <[email protected]>
Subject: Please Read and Reply – Fundraising ProjectDear PAC OTC,
As you know, we are fundraising for a new Pac Base Auditorium, the next step in making an Ideal Pac Base as LRH intended! This is a super-high-priority project which is being monitored by the top of the org board.
We have many hats to be worn on this project that do not involve fundraising. We are asking all OT Committee Members to contribute to the motion. Here are some of the functions that need to be covered:
. Data Entry (maintain donor list, maintain list of statuses, etc.)
. Call-In and/or “Text In” to OT Committee Members to attend meetings and work on the project
. Call-In and/or “Text In” to Scientologists for events
. Bulk mailings (addressing, stuffing, stamping)
. Events (purchasing event items, room set up, help during event, clean up, etc.)
. Commends (writing, printing, mailing)We do also need fundraisers so if you want to help on that line, you are welcome to.
Let me hear from you; let me know how want to help.
Andrea Kluge
OTC Pac Auditorium Project I/C
PAC OT Committee
Possible explanation for her antagonistic rudeness:
She may have been mimicking example she has observed as set by S.O. higher-ups in dealing with their “juniors”.
very likely
Who know’s? I thought it was wierd too. Maybe because I had never gone to help before and the project was near the end, so she just thought that I helped out of impulse that day or something. Maybe she was just tired, discouraged and robbed of her joy and energy.
I really only went in because my husband on OTVII asked me to go with him. She was nice to him, not so much to me. I’m one of those OT’s who became inactive (for reasons we all share) and she probably looks at me as some out-ethics bum. Anyway, I would have gone back to help but when I got hit with the old snooty attitude that abounds in the CoS, I just got turned off in a whole new unit of time.
You would think though, being in charge of a project that depends on the help of others, you would be gracious at least.
Yes Pepper, I would think so too. You don’t bite the hand that feeds you. But this is so much the op basis of the church’s Kool Aid members… they let you know in so many subtle and not so subtle ways that you are looked down upon because you don’t lift your arm quite high enough in salute, or don’t lock-step quite in precise time as the others, and you are wrong for it.
I really gotta get something off my chest here and I figure this is a good a place as any.
(BTW I’m not pissed off at anyone on this blog. In fact the discussion here has been mostly civilized, so read on this is not an attack directed toward anyone here.)
The way I see these blogs and discussion boards is a way of running the 3rd Dynamic engram.
Others might see it another way and this is fine.
However we can all agree this blog has given us an opportunity to “vent”.
So right here I am …you could say “venting”.
One of my pet peeves has always been historical inaccuracies. Some people unfortunately including myself commit this error by incomplete research in an effort to fill in blanks.
We have a word for this in Scientology.
It’s called “dub in” 😉
Anyway filling in these blanks is what historians call historical revisionism.
Covert agencies like the CIA give historians golden opportunities to revise history since much of what they do is secret and it only comes out years later what they’ve been doing to “protect America” like handing out acid as if it were candy and doing Nazi like experiments, etc.
Revisionism is a double edged sword. On one edge it can be used to expose the truth while the other edge can obscure it completely much like the character Winston Smith did as an employee at the “Ministry of Truth” in “Nineteen Eighty Four”.
Unfortunately the Church of Scientology has created its own “Ministry of Truth” and his busy little Winston Smiths rewriting history and creating a false reality.
What follows is an egregious example of this that many have probably read on their website for their answer to “Big Brother”.
(Now that I review what I’ve written here and the the title of Mike’s post “Monitored by Miscavige” could be said another way like say “Big Brother is watching”)
Anyway here is what they say about Miscavige which is based in nothing but lies and innuendo. I will include my own comments based on my own research and experience to dispel this hagiography of Miscavige’s relationship to Ron because I feel it should be dispelled:
Born in 1960, David Miscavige has been a Scientologist for most of his life and is still remembered as the 12-year-old prodigy who served as the youngest professional auditor at Saint Hill’s famed Hubbard Guidance Center in England.
(Yes they probably got the date of his birth right and maybe he is remembered but not as a “prodigy” but as someone who was thrown off the internship for striking a PC which is a gross violation of the Auditors Code.
Thus as far as my research indicates he never became a “professional auditor”.
Interesting that they don’t say what level of auditor he attained.)
He is further remembered for the fact that barely a year after entering the Scientology religious order, the Sea Organization, at the age of 16, he was among a handful of people selected to work directly with L. Ron Hubbard. After personal instruction from Mr. Hubbard, the 17-year-old David Miscavige served as his Director of Photography for the first Scientology training films.
(My understanding was the Ol’man wasn’t particularly fussy about who worked with him in the photo shoot org which later became Gold or Golden Era Productions. Many of them from what I understand were the dregs of the SO who couldn’t hold a post in the Organization but could hold a clap board…moving on)
Later, at Mr. Hubbard’s request, Mr. Miscavige served as the senior executive supervising ecclesiastical missions to Scientology Churches around the world. By the age of 18, David Miscavige had become the individual L. Ron Hubbard called upon to carry out the most important assignments. No Church executive in history ever received more direct communication from L. Ron Hubbard than Mr. Miscavige.
(A total lie!
Miscavige never received a direct order from the Ol’man that wasn’t filtered through Pat Broeker first.
Also as far as I understand he was placed on a special project known as MAC (Mission All Clear) a mission that was supposed to handle Ron’s personal legal matters.
The “All Clear” meant that he could come out of seclusion which as we know never happened and thus the mission was a dismal failure.
The task of sorting out the Church of Scientology’s Corporate structure was actually given to the GO’s Legal Bureau.)
In 1983, L. Ron Hubbard described a heroic Church executive who cleaned the ranks of rogue staff attempting to seize control of Scientology while Mr. Hubbard was engaged in intensive research and absent from the Church. As Mr. Hubbard himself phrased it:
“So forgive me for not managing the Church when it almost fell into hostile hands. It all came out all right. Why? Because real Scientologists made sure it did. My faith was justified.”
That real Scientologist L. Ron Hubbard spoke of was David Miscavige.
(Such an obvious lie, since we can see from the quote taken from RJ 38 that Ron is referring to “Scientologists” plural not one single individual.
Of course the”hostile hands” is alluded to be the GO but the fact is that after the raids the GO had been pretty much decimated by the indictment of its key execs and CMOI missions looking for “plants” ironically originally led by a man who years later admitted he was FBI informant at the time.
Probably the”hostile” takeover Ron is referring to that was in play at the time was by Ronald DeWolf FKA L Ron Hubbard Jr. AKA NIBs who was attempting through Flynn and Assoc to get the Ol’man declared incompetent so they could assume control of his estate.)
In light of what had nearly transpired, L. Ron Hubbard requested a corporate reorganization of the Church designed to ensure the Church would not fall into hostile hands and the religion could move on into perpetuity—always remaining true to its Source teachings. To that end, L. Ron Hubbard saw to the formation of Religious Technology Center to hold the Scientology and Dianetics trademarks and to preserve, maintain and protect the Scientology religion. He appointed Mr. Miscavige a Trustee of that Church organization.
(Another lie.
Corporate restructuring was already in progress with the GO placed under the WDC and CMOI which began in ’78 after the raids. There are various REDs on this new structure.
True RTC was established at Ron’s suggestion but since he no longer trusted one organization like the Controllers Office having complete control over Trademarks and Copyrights (BTW Ron had already assigned HCO Ltd all copyrights and trade marks according the HCOPL HCO Its Substance and Duties but had become pretty much absorbed by the organization pretty much turning its legal hat over to the GO that it wasn’t a viable alternative) so along with RTC he personally founded CST.
One to control the Trade Marks the other who controlled the Copyrights with the option to take over both if at the discretion of its Trustees the Church of Scientology and the Religion of Scientology were no longer “coterminal”. )
To oversee his personal affairs for the remainder of his life, L. Ron Hubbard also appointed David Miscavige as chairman of the organization charged with handling those matters.
(Another big fat lie.
From what I understand and what my own personal research indicates is that Ron was incommunicado at the time while researching OT VIII.
So how could he personally appoint anyone to ASI?
Aside from that is the contrary fact that Miscavige says in the article “The Man Behind Scientology” that he assumed control.
Following L. Ron Hubbard’s passing in 1986, it was Mr. Miscavige who steered Scientology through those difficult days; for as history demonstrates, the true test of any religion is to survive the passing of its Founder. Indeed, it was Mr. Miscavige who secured that survival by obtaining full religious recognition in the United States and ushering Scientology onto the global stage.
(The fact is that the Church of Scientology already had full religious recognition in the US. The main dispute with IRS aside from inurement was whether fixed fees for service that offered a tangible benefit of some kind could be considered Tax Deductible.
As an aside Miscavige may have “solved” this sticky point by telling the IRS that Scientology doesn’t give anyone a tangible benefit, since he never got any gains from it himself probably due to the fact that he is what we call an “NCG” and the way it is currently being practiced in the Organization for once he may be telling the truth.)
Since then, Mr. Miscavige has steadfastly carried forth L. Ron Hubbard’s legacy, until Scientology now stands as the only major religion to emerge in this modern age. To be sure, what Mr. Miscavige has done is no more or less than the fulfillment of L. Ron Hubbard’s vision—a vision he knew would be faithfully carried out with Mr. Miscavige at the helm.
(The lies in this final paragraph are just tooooo obvious to comment on.)
“Trust and friendship are things forged in fire and pounded out on the anvil of life. We have been through a lot together. I trust you as you trust me.”
—L. Ron Hubbard to David Miscavige
(Yeah I have a very similar personal letter of my own from the Ol’man I hope you don’t mind if I don’t share because I still consider it personal and there are limits to my exhibitionism.
Unlike some people 😉 )
Also in the interests of historical accuracy, I will provide some additional information here:
(My understanding was the Ol’man wasn’t particularly fussy about who worked with him in the photo shoot org
Not sure where you get that idea from. The people who originally went “over the rainbow” were only those who were extremely qualified. The requirements were VERY strict.
No Church executive in history ever received more direct communication from L. Ron Hubbard than Mr. Miscavige.
(A total lie!
Not sure why you think this is a lie? Annie got more direct communication, and so did Mary Sue, but I doubt there is anyone else that exceeds Miscavige.
Miscavige never received a direct order from the Ol’man that wasn’t filtered through Pat Broeker first.
Huh? Where do you get this idea? He worked for many years in Cine and Action long before Pat Broeker was anything…. And frankly, for a large part of the time, Broeker was off with his horses doing who knows what.
Also as far as I understand he was placed on a special project known as MAC (Mission All Clear) a mission that was supposed to handle Ron’s personal legal matters.
He RAN MAC as Special Project Ops.
The task of sorting out the Church of Scientology’s Corporate structure was actually given to the GO’s Legal Bureau.)
Sort of. It was Laurel Sullivan and Mission Corporate Category Sort Out. Larry/Denise Brennan has written a lot about this and so has Marty.
Of course the”hostile hands” is alluded to be the GO but the fact is that after the raids the GO had been pretty much decimated by the indictment of its key execs and CMOI missions looking for “plants” ironically originally led by a man who years later admitted he was FBI informant at the time. Probably the”hostile” takeover Ron is referring to that was in play at the time was by Ronald DeWolf FKA L Ron Hubbard Jr. AKA NIBs who was attempting through Flynn and Assoc to get the Ol’man declared incompetent so they could assume control of his estate.)
No, the “takeover” he is referring to is Bill Franks and the Mission Holders and the people who were the subject of RTC Conditions Order 1.
From what I understand and what my own personal research indicates is that Ron was incommunicado at the time while researching OT VIII. So how could he personally appoint anyone to ASI?
No, he was VERY much in communication about ASI and then after its formation. Chuck Beatty has talked about this a lot. The staff meetings at ASI every week were recorded and sent to LRH and he re viewed them and sent back orders. The same thing was done at RTC and CMOI for a long time.
“Trust and friendship are things forged in fire and pounded out on the anvil of life. We have been through a lot together. I trust you as you trust me.” —L. Ron Hubbard to David Miscavige (Yeah I have a very similar personal letter of my own from the Ol’man I hope you don’t mind if I don’t share because I still consider it personal and there are limits to my exhibitionism.
This is taken from a declaration signed and filed by LRH in the Riverside Probate Case. Read Marty’s latest book and it explains how this came about. It was actually formulated by attorneys at Miscavige’s direction and sent to LRH in order to handle the claim made by Flynn/Nibs that he was dead or incompetent and being held against his will. This is not an SO #1 letter written by Alethiea Taylor or Rae Chase. But is DEFINITELY not what is made out to be by the Miscavige hagiographer.
Thanks Mike,
As I wrote “it was my understanding” from my own personal research.
Regarding OTR this was given to me by a former SO who was part of the original Photo Shoot.
I’m not saying it is the Gospel truth. Like I said “it was understanding”.
Regarding Broeker again it was “my understanding” that he was the Ron’s personal “aide de camp” at the time. He is certainly presented as such at Ron’s Requiem with no objections by the terminals involved.
Personally I can think of two people I know who received more direct communication by Ron:
1) Ken Urquhart
2) Don Breeding
and let’s not forget Reg Sharpe.
“No, he was VERY much in communication about ASI and then after its formation. Chuck Beatty has talked about this a lot. The staff meetings at ASI every week were recorded and sent to LRH and he re viewed them and sent back orders. The same thing was done at RTC and CMOI for a long time.”
Are you sure it was the Ol’man himself who reviewed them or someone else?
Mike, Ron or whoever wrote it, doesn’t exactly say:
“Trust and friendship are things forged in fire and pounded out on the anvil of life. We have been through a lot together. I trust you as you trust me.”
In the above declaration. It says:
10. Since there apparently have been specific allegations of wrongdoing by David Miscavige, I wish to take this opportunity to communicate my unequivocal confidence in David Miscavige, who is a long time devoted Scientologist, a trusted associate, and a good friend to me. Any activities which he may have engaged in at any time concerning my personal or business affairs have been done with my knowledge and authorization and for my benefit. The charge that he is organizing the theft of my assets are completely false and not worthy of further comment than that.
So what is the exact source of the penultimate statement?
“No, the “takeover” he is referring to is Bill Franks and the Mission Holders and the people who were the subject of RTC Conditions Order 1”
I’m not disputing this and seems more likely as later in the same RJ he talks about throwing the rascals out or something to that effect which could mean either an internal power push or collusion from within with the DeWolfe’s civil case.
I personally concluded it was the former as it was the only “hostile” take over I was directly familiar with and the one mostly in the Press which Ron mentions as being accurate.
That’s all.
I look forward to what you have to say regarding all this.
I meant to write I concluded the “latter” instead of the “former”. Probably a Freudian slip 😉
>>But is DEFINITELY not what is made out to be by the Miscavige hagiographer.
Aside from that he also have Diamond Star award that imply that he talk on behalf of LRH.
Do you know background how he got it and if it was legitimate?
To those whom may be looking in here, can you recall on any occasion or during any event David Miscavige recounting a win or personal gain he had in auditing or training? I can’t and I don’t believe he ever did.
Long, long ago, on the Ted Copple interview didn’t he say something about getting asthma handled? (Did he ever even have it?) But other than that, for me it’s a definite NO.
Spot the lies
Not so many months back John Brousseau recounted a story of taking David Miscavage and some others out to fish near Hemit. John recalled that when DM found out that you had to bait the hook, get the line in the water and wait to get lucky he became incensed at the idea. It was said that DM wanted to jump in the water and simply strangle the fish and bypass the whole “fishing” experience.
My point is that DM is like this with all of Scientology. He can’t conceive of enjoying the experience of a bustling Org. with PC’s winning and students happily attending courses and self-determinedly donating for their next course.
Money needs to be gotten of course to keep Orgs viable and open but DM not being able to experience the gains available in auditing must imagine others can’t either so he bypasses delivery and all the actions that go with that. DM simply goes straight for the money. Forget the rest of the process and get the money. So the IAS is created to strangle dollars from the parishioners. DM’s valuable final product is the number of dollar bills he has in a vault. PCs and students are both simply a bother to him and “wins” are the imagination of foolish people.
About six years ago, I had an OTVIII friend ‘explain’ to me that I just “didn’t understand”, that we are in the “Fundraising Era” of the church.
That’s how these corporate OT’s see it. The Fundraising Era.
As for Andra Kluge, I met her once and she was a real joy. I went to help in the CF for LA org before they opened as “Ideal” and when I left I mentioned that I could come back next week and help for a few hours again. She turned to me and said “You’ll probably never come back.”
I never did.
Pepper, that’s bizarre. Why did Andrea say you’ll never come back after you just said that you would??? I don’t get it.
DM has NO REMORSE he is a model SP!!! A SP in plain sight for all to see yet the sheep are deaf dumb and blind or better put by DM STUPID!
You mentioned just how much Scientology is using some of Christianity’s age-old motivational techniques, such as “have faith in heaven/pie in the sky/the second coming of Jesus, if you don’t do everything we say then you won’t be rewarded in heaven/when we clear the planet.”
Well, add another technique to the list… now they are using “you’d better be good and do X, because God is watching and he will strike you down if you don’t do as he says.” Dave being God, of course, naturally.
I foresee Dave using himself as some sort of bogeyman more as things keep deteriorating. “You know, COB personally reviewed your IAS case and accessed your bank accounts, and he is very unhappy and may cancel all your certs if you don’t go up on status…”
D A V I D !
D A V I D !
D A V I D !
WE HEAR! Thou wanteth that there be cathedrals constructed so that thou mighteth speaketh to uth and giveth uth great ENLIGHTENMENTHS!
WE HEAR! We heareth thy intentions and shall OBEY! Indeed, we shall build a great temple for thee, that thou mighteth haveth a HOLY platform from which to sendeth out thy commands for MORE money for MORE temples. For what is MONEY, but a poor man’s substitute for TEMPLES OF MISCAVIGOLOGY ENLIGHTENMENT?………….
……on second thought, that idea is disgusting.
I’ll just do a round of TRs. (pure, original LRH style)
“Putting Hubbard in to museum status was very fucking 1.1.”
I hadn’t noticed that, Oracle.
Bulls eye!
Folks gotta get off this pot that money CO$ Corps. are requesting “is for something”. The building is just a story, you’ll never see the books where your money goes, and whatever tale gets some dough in, they’ll keep running with that. If clipping Bugs Bunny’s ears will get you to anti up, that’s the next ‘Target” that needs to be met. It’s not about “money for something”, it’s about getting your money any which way they can, and where it goes, you’ll never know. Even when they do buy buildings, it’s merely a real estate instead of a bank account, whether they need the building or not. All just shows & facades to get your money.
Eh! Call-In / *Text-In* !
The creation of a new post → Text-In Executive International ( TIEI )
► WDC *CC* now stands for WDC Credit Cards,
with Credit Cards Programs Operator, CMO INT forcing the implementation of those programs around the world.
Good info. Thank you.
I am surprised RCS hasn’t purchased the Shrine Auditorium by now, and turned it into *The Ideal Super-Auditorium*.
I wonder how much money has been given away to rent that venue 4-5 times / year for ± 25 years.
Yet another fundraiser…
It’s interesting how far off the rails everything went when they switched the focus to fundraising instead of delivering training and auditing. It’s like the church lost it’s identity and purpose. When you see emails like this, you really get that the position of Fundraiser is now part of the culture, like that’s just the it’s always been. Really alternate universe shit.
There doesn’t seem to be any delivery. Just fundraising. EVERYthing is about fundraising now. The church is totally off the rails. I can’t help wonder when DM is going to blow himself… just get out of town and out of the country with absconded millions. Or billions. This whole insanity seems to be unraveling pretty quickly. And we have a front row seat to it.
Thank you Mike Rinder and Tony Ortega…. and the courageous members of their communities.
Hear yea! Hear yea!
Didn’t Andrea Kluge read the memo? No status bumps?
“Naïvete in grownups is often charming; but when coupled with vanity it is indistinguishable from stupidity.” Eric Hoffer
Seems Miscavige is simply dreaming up new, unneeded building projects simply as an excuse to keep sucking money out of the public. He seems to be addicted to impoverishing all Scientologists, He has pretty much achieved Target One (destroy the SO and the orgs) and has moved on to Target Two – destroying the remaining public, especially the OTs, hence forcing OT Committees into doing this. I am sure that there will be new building projects coming. How about new auditoriums at all the other SO bases.
Certainly looks that way, there’s nothing to suggest the contrary: sod all else going on, except IAS-funded projects which vanish the moment the payments cease.
I think that the first thing he destroyed was the missions, if I’m not mistaken.
That’s what I see. Add to it, destroying the Bridge. There are probably a lot of other things destroyed, too. Interesting counter-point for those who think all of Scn is a crock: if that’s so, why would anyone known to destroy good things (such as people) go to so much trouble to completely wipe out Scn? Just a thought.
One has to wonder just how strong LRHs’ intentions were. The last time he was able to make an intention was 27 years ago.
Getting worse indeed…now is a ‘super’ high priority. The next level of project may become
the super, super high priority and so on. Either they find a new adjective or use another one; however, all amount to the same sheep-loyal-blind compliance.
Yes, there are many hats but ALL of them are geared towards ‘fundraising’ and nothing else.
Valuable Final Product – collected (stolen) money. OTC definitely OFF Hat and OFF purpose.
I thought that Int was the largest Sea Org base? Also, why is it that Miscavige has the Itty Bitty OT Committee doing all of his “important” bidding? Aren’t (some of) the Sea Ogres more easily controlled and manipulated? This has been confusing me a bit lately.
I think we’re running out of Sea Org Members these days. There just aren’t enough of them to go around anymore that is why the public is being pressed into “service”.
The burden of delivery has been shifted to the public for a long time now. The enemy line going around the base is that the planet isn’t being cleared because all of the public OT’s are out ethics. Super Power is supposed to handle the out ethics public who are the REAL WHY on Scientology expansion being in decline. I kid you not.
Roger that Oracle.
First it was all the public out ethics scum bags so they all gotta do the Ethics and Integrity Course then they are all PTS so they all gotta do the PTS/SP course.
Now I guess they’re back to all the public out ethics scum again but instead of the Ethics and Integrity Course it’ll be SuperPower that’ll fix ’em.
Man these dudes have more plans for socially engineering society than the WFMH.
From the day the Sea Org landed in Clearwater it has been r**ing Scientology old school like it knows no tomorow.
You got that right, Oracle. Just ask any of the ones on OT VII and they’ll tell you they are being pressed into service as SO even though they are non SO. They have to reg money from people, get others on and themselves on OTC and do what they’re told there, and they have to get two or more people onto OT VII and they have to be such and so status on IAS, all these are new “requirements” for “eligibility.” So many OT VII’s took themselves off the level cuz they didn’t have the time or money to do what was asked of them. And they were given the black pr that they are out ethics for not clearing the planet and doing what they were told to do and thereby carry out “command intention.” I saw an old friend who had been auditing on VII for years, and she confided in me that it was “such a relief not to be auditing on OT VII now.” She said it was “a relief and a release.” Sadly, she isn’t the only one I’ve heard say words to that effect.
Or to “fork over the kids”
Int and Pac are two different bases.
International Base ( as opposed to International Liaison Office or ILO better known to most Scientologists in the area as the HGB (Hollywood Guaranty Building) which is on Ivar and Hollywood ) is out near Hemet and looks like a Max Security Prison while Pac the Pacifica Base on Sunset and Catalina next door to the SRF going east on Sunset is the Cedars Complex and looks like a hospital which it was at one time.
(It’ll probably go back to being a hospital if things keep going the way they are)
Building this auditorium ain’t ever going to happen at Fantasy Island (of (in)sanity) West.
Years ago I remember the DCO bloviating on about glassing in the Quad which I thought was the stupidest idea I’d ever heard of.
Now they want to build an auditorium.
The parking lot?
(which they’re are already calling “Pacifica Amphitheater” BTW)
I remember the days when the parking lot around the Complex was so full that many students and PCs had to park on the surrounding streets.
In fact I remember auditing many a session where the out rud was that the PC or Pre OT got a parking ticket because they parked in a permit zone.
Fast forward…
Now they’re talking about likely putting an auditorium there.
Well I guess they gotta fill up all that empty space somehow.
However the reality (a concept that anyone left at the Complex may not be familiar with) as I wrote it ain’tagonnahappen like glassing in the Quad or if it does it’ll take years literally decades to complete while all the public that are left is forced to park on the street or end up paying 20 bucks a month to park in the Fountain street parking structure
The Testing Center is a perfect example.
They turned a building that was functional and the source of most LA Org public into an endless “renovation” project.
(at least the HI was a recognizable landmark. Now they’ve moved the bookstore section down the Blvd to a place nobody can find without GPS)
Maybe Dave’s behind this project or it’s possibly PAC estates which probably has more staff than all other posts combined and who are always hatching hair brained schemes like glassing in the Quad.
Last time I was there Estates personnel actually posted to Estates (not the poor slobs on the EPF doing Product 0 or the RPF) were almost considered gods, definitely considered more valuable then mere auditors such as myself and they were led by a guy who was a total criminal and had institutionalized his daughter because she was getting in the way of him and his wife becoming “productive SO members”.
To sum it up.
Estates has pretty much Mafia like control over what goes on at the Complex and I ‘d be surprised if they don’t get kick backs on any project they do since in many cases they hire outside contractors to do it.
You watch, the next project will be renovating the Hubbard Museum. Putting Hubbard in to museum status was very fucking 1.1.
Is possible Oracle.
I mean anything’s possible when you’re dealing with the wrecking crew over at Pac.
Back in the early ’90’s they “renovated” “Big Blue” and slapped some cheap bargain basement paint over the paint that the Ol’man formulated himself and as expected the paints now faded and now it’s more like Big Dingy Gray instead of Big Blue.
Along with other “improvements” :you know like lowering the overhanging lights in the course room so that every student on course has smacked their head on ’em at least once; making auditing rooms so small you feel like you’re in a fricken broom closet and cramming so much A/V into the reception area that there is no place to sit down.
At least that’s the way it was when I was last there ’05.
I’m sure they’ve done more damage since.
As far the museum aka LRH Life Exhibition. Gone past it a few times and there ain’t much going on.
The HGB looks pretty forlorn, like its going into a cycle of decay.
Several letters have fallen off the sign on top of the building and nobody’s bothered replace ’em yet.
Ya know real good PR for an International Org.
Like you say they’ll probably “renovate” the Ol’man’s museum first even though it’s the only place other than the Estates org that’s in semi decent shape.
Back in the early ’90′s they “renovated” “Big Blue” and slapped some cheap bargain basement paint over the paint that the Ol’man formulated himself…
LRH didn’t formulate the original baby blue color for the old Cedars complex. That was a complete fluke.
When the place was bought by the church in the mid-seventies, it was painted a drab tan/grey color. Some poor Sea Org schlub was given the task of purchasing new paint for the buildings, and as the story goes, he had to find some bargain basement paint on the cheap, because the renos budget was spread so thin.
Anyway, the guy winds up finding a huge batch of paint that was rejected by the company who ordered it. He got it for next to nothing, and that’s why the place wound up that color.
Many years later, when the full renovations of the Pac Base were in progress, the church design unit was tasked with choosing the color for the re-paint. They chose a sort of rich denim color that harkened back to the old baby blue because by that time, the color had become part of the identity of the place.
I know all this because I was part of the renos org for a decade.
Ronnie — that may be true about the purchasing of the paint, but the color was selected LRH using a color depth chart. He wanted something that would stand out against the generally hazy colored background of LA and said that the building should be painted light blue. He was all over the lines on the purchase and renovation of that complex — Mark Ingber sent him reports daily.
Actually, it was pretty good at bringing in new people. I know of a couple. Problem, of course, was once they saw what the CoS REALLY was all about (money, elitism, etc.), they went running. One even joined the SO within weeks … blew a year later, and is now on ESMB, pissed off as hell. He was totally lied to and manipulated to join the SO. But that’s been SOP for several decades now.
Every time I drive by the testing center, it is GATED and CLOSED.
There will be no building in the parking lot. You must have parking for your building to get a permit.
Maybe dm is trying not to use his name so it can’t be proven that it is He who runs the cult’s day to day operations.
This thing about the cult going the effect of not wanting others to obtain their communications reminds me of how a person goes PTS in the first place. The cult has committed overts and now has to withhold the overts and then becomes the effect of the “suppressives”. They really are just going the effect of their own overts and are wrong targeting the good guys that they now like to call “SP’s”.
I am so irritated by all the OT Committee incompetents who don’t understand COB’s strategy and operating basis and are working at cross-purposes with HIM.
When public Scientologists describe a project that is “a super-high-priority project which is being monitored by the top of the org board” they make it seem like (1) there is a SINGLE CoS org board and that (2) someONE is at the top of that org board. Even though they don’t name HIM, it is clear (from their adoration) that COB is that SOMEONE at the top of THE org board.
But as COB’s lawyers have explained to Judge Waldrip and other judges in other courts many times, COB is merely the COB of RTC. HE is an “ecclesiastical leader” who has no responsibilities other than making public appearances to adoring Scientologists, cutting ribbons for new Scientology buildings, and hugging Tom Cruise.
All other Scientology activities are overseen, managed, planned, and executed by OTHER org boards across the breadth of corporations and organizations. These public OT Committee members are confusing the issue. They are idiots. In fact, COB is the only Scientologist who is not a cocksucking, fucking idiot!
“…and hugging Tom Cruise.”
Brilliant! 😀
I want to give him a hug he will never forget
Yeah, sure – and they also told Judge Waldrip that Miscavige “DOES NOT KNOW MARK RATHBUN.”
You’ve got to be kidding! The attorenys told Judge Waldrip that DM doesn’t know Mark Rathbun, when you can go on Youtube or anywhere and see pictures taken of Marty and Davie in full SO uniform standing side by side. And if you get an unedited version of “The War Is Over” event at the Shrine, you can see and hear him give an ack and thanks to Marty for his help in making that happen. But I’ve heard that DM has had those things edited out and erased as he erases history all the time, just as he erased out a picture of one of LRH’s sons in the background of a film because the son “was an SP.”
FIFY. The opening statement by Mr. Jefferson would be video Mosey Rathbun Vs. David Miscavige in Tx court 04. The relevant portion 3:30 minutes – start at 3:00 just to make sure you don’t miss it. “He [Mr. Miscavige] doesn’t know Marty Rathbun. He doesn’t care about Marty Rathbun.”
Mr. Jefferson goes on to say “supposed surveillance.” I mean, this is really rich.
If you want to see all the vids, just grab your popcorn, or your upgrade to pistachios, and start and play in sequence from:
(Hope I didn’t mess up the blog by posting two links.)
“As you know, we are fundraising……”
Well this is a fact that I have been highly aware of for some time now. Maybe the closest the church gets to truth these days.
Even though I was never in this does not ring true I do not believe that LRH was for building just for the sake of doing it. Then the email immediately jumps to Statuses, Events and Fundraisers. People can disagree all they like however I do believe that LRH believed in exchange.
Yes that did make money all churches need funds. However this email along with others just shows that Corporate Scientology is driven by money. As I have said before if Scientology helps some people and they want to follow the church so be it that’s fine. However it needs to be delivered for one thing and then exchange needs to be in that equation as well.
How right you are.
LRH said emphatically that donations in exchange for nothing was criminal. That’s why there was a strict refund policy that was adhered to until Miscavige took over the Church in the early 80’s… after that, forget about getting your money back.
Poor Andrea Kluge! She has had her chained pulled by the Church for so many years to get onto OT VI. Many, many, many hours of volunteer work just to appease whomever for an Invitation.
When I was a Fundraiser for Superpower, part of the training was to read WOG books on fundraising as well as “hatting” from Lauri Webster and Charmaine Rogers. According to Lauri, it was completely different to Fundraise for a donation than services or accomos.
Lauri told us that the way the Red Cross got so many millions of dollars in each year was by recruiting volunteers. Over the years, the volunteers would start with not only giving their time but a small donation. The longer amount of time that the volunteers helped the larger the donations got. This was very successful for the Red Cross. So one of our stats at Superpower was to get people to give a small dono and ask them for their help. Basically, get them involved so it became their project.
This is most likely why the help with Fundraising was minimized in this email.
Cindy Plahuta
Great work, Mike and everyone who is contributing!
If the Cof$ could reform, it wouldn’t be cult. They don’t need to “protect” the OT data anymore, it’s all a few key strokes away via Google. $cientology has such a horrendous reputation, no one will join. There is no expansion. The best tech people have all been kicked out. SHUT IT DOWN.
Tom Cruise and Kirstie Alley will be the last two Still-Ins on the planet.
This is the PAC auditorium that will eat the parking lot I presume?.
Oh this is going to be sweet. Am I missing something but is this
D.M.s game to spend a billion dollars,then when it all lands in Bankruptcy court
blame the evil OT ‘s who bankrolled it all.
“…D.M.s game to spend a billion dollars…”
Spend? Never. He’ll continue to bleed the public dry with crush regging. I see more bankruptcies and foreclosures in LA Scientologists’ future …
Unfortunately you are right. D.M. is a real piece of work.
This auditorium to me smacks of another Super Power Building.
Hey! What a great idea! Then shooper power can be delivered on the east and west coasts! And then on all 13 continents! WOW!!
The patheticness continues, but as you say, Mike, fewer and fewer are on board. Just today I came up with another example of how fucked up David Miscavige is. This has to do with the LOC. LRH’s goal for this course was to help people discover their true purpose in life as phrased “your hat in life.” Like Buddha who said that “your purpose is to find your purpose,” LRH knew that a person truly on purpose would be unstoppable in life and happy as a clam. DM bastardized this purpose and squashed it down by insisting that a person’s hat in life HAD to be his current post in the Sea Org at Gold/Int. Some years later he was the “Source” of the as yet incomplete org board evolution where people were shifted around almost daily which completely unstabilized the entire base. The David Wilsons and Andrea Kluges of what is left of the Scientology world have zero idea of how messed up this guy is when the spotlights are not on him.
I remember when LRH’s goal for the LOC was reworded – thought it was pretty F’ed up at that time and that it was an attempt to keep SO members from routing out of the SO. Too many were having fun and rehabbing their creative purposes on the course.
Sounds like DM can’t complete a cycle of action …
You’re absolutley right, Dan.
Good info Dan. Thanks.
I think the best part of this is the list of tasks for OT Committee members who don’t want to be pressed into service for heavy regging. It’s interesting that this implicitly acknowledges that everyone is tired of being pressed into service to raise money and then even more money. In other words, they know that people are burned out as well as being tapped out financially. Not a good sign.
After uncounted hundreds of thousands of dollars of investment and giving up years of your life, reaching the highest levels of power over MEST that Scientology can confer, you are basically Scientology “royalty.” And that qualifies you to help realize this latest COB fever dream by coming in and stuffing envelopes and putting stamps on them. Never mind that nobody actually reads junk mail any more, not even the most loyal RCS trained seal in the world. Because Hubbard said 60 years that sending out lots of mail would inevitably “boom the orgs,” that’s what you get to do.
Oh, and if you really think you won’t be regging people within an inch of their lives for this latest scam if you volunteer for a job that they promise will not involve fundraising, you obviously have not been paying attention between solo auditing sessions.
I am sure that after the straight up and vertical donations for the last 12 years to “get the Valley Idle Morgue done,” people in LA will be rushing to open their wallets for this one.
I think it’s hilarious that they’re regging to build a new auditorium for LA when they can’t even fill the Shrine Auditorium anymore. That’s why events have been cancelled…. it’s too embarrassing to see empty seats, in spite of DM paying extras to come warm the seats. And to solve the problem of showing very little people at the events (in spite of all the outer org trainees being ordered to attend to make it look even fuller with people at Flag), DM has erected a big circus tent. Why not skip the fundraising in LA and just get a tent? We don’t have hurricanes here, so it is a better bet than a tent in Clearwater in hurricane season. But then again, doing something practical and sane is not what Voldemort is about.
JPC: in your opinion, how many ‘Wolves of Wall Street’ have scn training of any type?
Spot on John P. The ‘Whales’ will soon be quietly slipping away which will lead to inevitable cash starvation for the cult. everyone else will be tapped out if not already. When they realize that their ‘OT’ powers means nothing if you don’t make your next mortgage payment.
Interesting that Andrea Kluge has been at the forefront of Dekludging the Church of Scientologies’ MEST for quite a while now…
Meanwhile, the church just keeps getting MESTy’er and MESTy’er!
Stuffing? There are machines to do that for you.
They threw a party. Too bad nobody came. Everyone was too busy rooting for Laura.
Ten years ago, Andrea Kluge was one of the sycophants of Craig Jensen. Makes me wonder if this e-mail indicates she’s still doing that? Or has she switched her sycophantism to Lord Voldemort?
She and her husband both are no longer with Diskkeeper (Executive Software). When the Basics came out, Dave’s job as SSO was to keep a list of which employees had purchased the Basics and were actively on course “doing the basics.” If you weren’t on either, you got visited and hounded by both the SSO at Diskkeeper and by the orgs. Where is the separation of Church and State here? To let the SO come in and reg their employees on work time, which he did regulary, is so NOT OK and maybe even illegal. Also Craig Jensen would bring in D of P’s with meters to do metered D of P Interviews and Reg cycles to get people on the Bridge, right there at the work place and taking people off post to do it. Again, where is the separation of Church and State? And if you showed any reluctance to hound people to get on the basics, then you were targeted and dealt with as “CI.”
where is the separation of Church and State?
Jane, the word ‘state’ refers to the government, not private enterprise.
I do agree with your overall point, though. It was highly improper of Diskeeper to harangue their staff about their personal religious practices. A doctor in Florida was hit with a massive fine by the courts for doing just that.
Ronnie – You’re right, but I think “State” refers to the laws of the land, binding church, civilian, military, including Congress and the Presidency and courts. The First Amendment cuts both ways, protecting the right to believe and protecting the right to NOT believe, equally. No religious belief may be enforced (AFAIK). – Carcha
Ronnie, a P.S. – You must be strong on private enterprise, because you’d make each one a law unto itself AND a religion! LOL. .
The First Amendment cuts both ways, protecting the right to believe and protecting the right to NOT believe, equally. No religious belief may be enforced
That’s right, Carcha, but the 1st Amendment constrains the government, not the people. It states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”
What this means is that the state (the government) is prohibited from establishing a state religion, or preventing any person from freely engaging in the religion of their choice. If a person chooses not to practice any religion, they’re protected by the first part of that clause.
I don’t quite understand your second comment about making private enterprise a law unto itself, but yes, I’m a firm believer in every person’s right to engage in free enterprise.
I agree that the crossing of a private business and SO regging is nuts, but I’m not sure what “church and state” has to do with it.
Jane Doe – A number of people have sued for this. Tony Ortega’s blog has picked up some news on these. A former employee of a Scn dentist won some $380,000 dollars in her suit. One BIG reason to keep Scientology a religion is that if it is NOT a religion, then people can be required to study it as condition of employment, as it would be “secular” and worse, people could be court-ordered to receive auditing, just as they may be ordered to take psychology tests, or be confined in mental institutions, ordered to drug rehab, and so on. Scientology is voluntary, not enforced. As it is, no one may order anyone to partake of ANY Scientology, as it is a religion, and freedom of religion is an INDIVIDUAL matter ONLY. It cuts both ways. And it’s one of the conditions of auditing “Are you here of your own free will? Is anyone making you be here? Are you here on anyone else’s determinism?” = Carcha
I never got the memo that Diskkeeper / Executive Software was sued by former employes for this very thing. How much did they get? And Craig Jensen stepped down? Probably to protect himself personally from lawsuits. I”m glad to hear that some sued and wonder how much money they got?
Court won’t halt Bend dentist’s $348,000 penalty for mandatory Scientology-based training.
Diskeeper (formerly Executive Software) got sued by employees in 2009 for abuse of required SCN courses like WISE, etc… The suit was eventually discontinued in 2009, but the result was Craig Jensen stepped down as CEO in 2009… see Wiki
This is another story of RCS contraction. Their PR and legal are in the toilet and normal businesses cannot afford to associate with RCS or any RCS front group.
While I know little of Craig & Sally Jensen, other than their affiliation with Executive Software with their successful Diskkeeper product, I want to throw out this observation. I was a FSO staff member when I was exposed to this giant woman who was a FLAG RTC Rep who I was told was one of Jensen’s daughters. That is one of the traps — people with kids in the S.O. who are terrified of losing contact with their own kids due to the policies of the insane psychopath David Miscavige. While it is a sad dilemma, but it is a losing dilemma. I find it odd that it is taking so long for DM to crash — but crash he will.
They could start building it tomorrow if they dug into their own money pack-ratted away. Supposedly over a billion dollars? Insanity. Those contributing blindly are equally nuts. They’ll just keep ruining their lives and finances and futures for pieces of paper and plaques that say they are at some sort of status. Now that’s exTREMEly valuable. Come on you guys….get on with YOUR lives! Oh yeah—I forgot to tell you —you DO have your own life. Keep what’s left of your money and use it for yourself, your family…your pets…anything except thesed insane ripoff “donations.”
Judging by the increased desperation of DM’s money begging programs, I would actually bet that the infamous “billion in IAS reserves” may be decreasing these days. The church admits that it has had to chip in to finish a bunch of these stalled idle org projects lately… DM has no choice but to pony up, because if these hyped projects fail and as fundraising dries up, it will look bad if idle orgs don’t keep opening. Then, fundraising would crash even further…
Stay tuned. There’s a long downhill slope ahead of them, and they’re picking up speed, despite DM’s hilarious and desperate effort to put on the brakes…
Well said Dirk Niblick! With Superpower opening, the cash cow has been killed for the meat. So now the new “project” will be the Auditorium in LA, the next cash cow. But as someone said, they can’t get city approval unless they have parking for it, which they won’t. And if they can’t get Valley Ideal Org paid for, how will they get the auditorium paid for? Why not just the tent to save money? Maybe a few clowns and trapeze artists would liven things up too.