It is hardly a surprise that there is a lot of hype about the upcoming IAS “Big Top” circus event. There is hype for every event. And the next event is always so much better than the last one.
But a few people have reported that there is talk of a “monumental announcement” similar to the announcement of “Golden Age Of Tech” for “our 4th dynamic programs.”
Now, this could of course just be typical “call-in” patter and the “monumental announcement” will be a new DVD and booklet “exposing psych crimes” that is going to be mailed out to “every opinion leader on earth.”
And I don’t doubt there will be such a “monumental” “anti-psych” release.
But I suspect there is something else.
An eagle eyed Special Correspondent noticed a new page on entitled “Voice For Humanity”.
This appears to be a “reorganization” of the scientology “4th dynamic programs.”
Up til now there have been 4 “social betterment” programs under ABLE (Association For Better Living and Education): Applied Scholastics, Narconon, Criminon and Way to Happiness Foundation.
Then there were assorted other “4th dynamic” programs like CCHR, Youth For Human Rights, Truth About Drugs etc that were under OSA. And the Volunteer Ministers Crusade as part of the “Flag Bureau.”
Of course, some reorganization of ABLE is needed as Narconon is under siege and looks like it will go the way of EST. I predict a “new” organization will show up like Landmark did in the wake of EST, and it will attempt to distance itself from the horrendous PR and liabilities of Narconon. But more on that for an upcoming post.
In the meantime, there is a new kid on the block, promising “Real Help Real Results” — the VOICE FOR HUMANITY that promotes itself like this:
Drug abuse and criminality, intolerance and inhumanity, disasters both natural and man-made pervade and degrade every segment of society. So daunting are these issues that efforts to eliminate them are all too often overshadowed by efforts to merely contain the damage. In recognition of the vital necessity to stem the downward spiral, the Church of Scientology and its members sponsor secular education programs that effectively curb drug abuse, instill tolerance, raise awareness of human rights and uplift morality across whole populations.
The goal is at once bold and ambitious: to resolve broad planetary ills and arrest a creeping cultural decline, all while uplifting society by instilling commonly shared values. Based on decades of experience, the programs contribute to positive change for individuals, communities and indeed, whole nations. Whether through grassroots initiative or official implementation, these programs measurably improve conditions, hence demand grows exponentially.
What I find an interesting aspect is this:
The IAS event is to make this super-duper announcement of something new that shakes the world. As any event topic it is treated as “super confidential” (same level of confidentiality as the number of rolls of toilet paper used per week).
At the same time they put the link to the “Voice for more donations” right on their main website – already now!
Tells me that they are sure that Scientologist are NOT looking at their website. Nothing of interest there. All there fore show, including their Extension Courses.
I think they get their traffic from people like us – those who look into or investigate Scientology (if you check Alexa, schools are heavily represented as visitors, but I don’t think in the way the cult would like to portray it)
Mmm. Nah, don’t like it, they’ll stick to teh “new” admin tech. Maybe exponentially improvced semicolons. (OK, nothing semi- about the colons in the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology.) ((Sorry.))
Applied Scholastics was once actually quite effective at helping children and ESL people to learn to read and study when I was involved with their program as a tutor when Amanda Ambrose was ED. At one time LA Unified School district even gave teachers continuing education credit for courses done there.
Then the CO$ re-organized them under ABLE and began using them very overtly as a PR front group. Prior to that the connection with the CO$ was not supposed to be emphasized.
In my opinion the biggest reason and probably the sole reason that they are not trusted by educators these days is because of their connection with the CO$ and the fact that the CO$ has for many decades been touting their connection to Applied Scholastics as a means to improve the “church’s” well-deserved awful PR.
Well, that worked backwards, didn’t it? What a shame.
So true Espiritu. Like the other potentially beneficial parts of Scn, the actual actions, like auditing, word clearing, ethics help, have been subjugated to, a hollow pr and money grubbing activity. I had great success teaching kids how to read using simple study tech and a lot of time and patience. There is a classically criminal element to this, where the “product” is money and the doingness is zero. The real products of Scn have been abandoned for the quick buck because it’s actually hard work. Many people endured the vulture culture to continue trying for gains, but the real reason the orgs are empty is that Scn isn’t there any more.
Study Tech and word-clearing are an insult to one’s intelligence.
I have had a lot of success with both adults and children, adjusting gradients, adding mass, especially in math. People really do get stuck. Adults tend to get stuck on not advancing in their career or purpose line. Kids need to learn most of their language, so making sure they understand word meanings is of course, important. The problem is again, the ridiculous overhype of these simple procedures and making them robotic. The only point is giving the person in front of you, what they need. The rcs has been extremely negligent in ensuring that people have well trained, experienced, stable auditors, who aren’t falling asleep. Feeling insulted is not a product of study tech, it’s a product of invalidation by some idiot who didn’t know what they were doing. You probably already know this, but you deserved better.
Not too long ago, this occurred to me and I’ve been saying it to whoever will listen ever since:
How the hell is Scientology going to clear the planet if they can’t even clear the goddamned Sea Org?
And now, how the hell are they going to “put in” the following points if they can’t even grant SO members the same consideration:
Creating a Drug-Free World – OK, I suppose the SO is fairly drug-free…
So how the hell will Scientology bring all these human rights to the world, when they can’t even make it happen for their own fucking Sea Org:
Making Human Rights a Global Reality
Restoring Dignity
Creating a World of Honesty, Trust and Self-Respect
Yeah, right. What a crock of shit.
Right Gus, everything that is MISSING from the SO.
Aren’t the dove and the cross commonly known symbols of Christianity? Isn’t the cross also an implanted image -“a man on a cross”?
Why does the CoS use these as symbols of their 4th dynamic programs?
In order to make the lies more palatable to the general public, of course.
And now the….
Scientology Voice for Humanity YouTube Channel
With the recent developments favorable to Scientology and their SLAPP strategy, although not yet final or conclusive, there is always the possibility that the Dwarfenfuehrer doubles down eventually with NarCONon by moving this from a purportedly secular endeavor (although we know it has been a directly connected profit center and cult recruitment tool) and trying to fully cloak it in religiosity. After all, that is directly from Hubbard’s own playbook when the FDA and other authorities cracked down on emeters/dianetics/scientology, especially as to beneficial health claims.
Cloak in religiosity? Which religion, pray tell. Because if it’s Scientology, that’s a dead letter. Any public mention of Scientology in any sphere elicits joking and degrading. Perhaps he can cloak it in NOIism. They have a better reputation.
I posted this above, but accidentally hit enter before I could make an important observation. Notice there is NO mention of Narconon, at least on this opening slide.
Voice for Humanity is now first slide on the COS “How We Help” page:!-Already-one-Trademark-Infringement&p=971970#post971970
(Linking to screenshot on ESMB instead of COS site to avoid IP address harvest.)
What a colossal waste of time, mocking up all these pretended activities to pretend betterment in the world. Meanwhile, the actual products of Scientology, the wins of pcs and preots and well trained auditors are squirreled, neglected and micromanaged to death. The staff of the actual churches are mistreated and denied the dignity of a paycheck, yet they supposedly have a group that restores dignity?????? Disconnection is the most inhumane, vile and deeply hurtful practice, yet this is in full practice, right now, in plain sight. The radical church should clean up it’s own house.
Comparable to white gloving an outhouse.
+1. Well said Hallie Jane.
The church knows it has tons of overts on the public and doesn’t plan to let up any time soon. There’s money out there to be made while they still can.
In the meanwhile, these nice slick videos are produced to convince the sheeple that good works are being done so asking the public for more money “to help” seems plausible. Not that the IAS actually does anything of relevance in society.
What these videos really are is propitiation. An attempt to show goodness and benevolence, while the real target is YOUR MONEY. It’s IAS season, folks. Please don’t be mad.
Excellent point Pepper. So true!
+100 Hallie! Once again you have put the hammer squarely on the nail.
Yo Dave,
This is getting way too easy. Every move you make seems to involve holding up a nail near your coffin and then someone drives it in, quickly and easily.
Tell you what good buddy, I think I’ll go ahead and invest some of the spare cash I have accumulated (since I left your Cult of Greed) into a camera drone so we can spread the wins from your events to the whole world. Perhaps some shots of the 10,000 in Saint Hill and the 10 on LRH Way would be nice. I’ll be getting right on it. I’ll see if OSD can help as well……..we want to begin our party as soon as possible.
Please note the above registration may not be relevant, and even if relevant may not be controlling. It appears to be for a different entity that the one that owns the website.
Don’t get me wrong, even if the registration is not for the relevant entity (i.e., the one that owns the website), that does not dispose of the matter. The bottom line is that it appears the Church of Scientology is usurping the preexisting name of another entity in the same “social betterment” area of business / charity. Even if the above registration doesn’t cover the matter, common law trade-mark law or other IP law may. Scientology’s behavior seems destined to cause confusion.
More precisely, as stated in the comments above:
the above registration lists the owner as “American Humane Association CORPORATION D.C. ,63 Inverness Drive Englewood COLORADO”; while, in contrast,
the owner of the preexisting Voice for Humanity website is VOICE FOR HUMANITY, INC., 1819 FIELDEN DRIVE, LEXINGTON, KY 40502.
Sorry for the piecemeal comments. I just noticed the name differences in the cross-posting back and forth.
I’m thinking maybe The Co$ has not registered an umbrella entity as Voice for Humanity, it’s only a campaign slogan for the new ‘campaigns’. I haven’t seen them mentioned as ‘groups’ or anything that would confirm them being established like ABLE, Apps, etc.
So, perhaps they can defend their case on those grounds and that is why the bold move.
Perhaps a bit more research to it can reveal whether this is really a corporate restructure or another ANZAC flap, with quick and lame retract, should anyone complain.
Scn-VFH have a bunch of videos on youtube first appearing in mid August, just search on ‘voice For humanity scientology’ and click videos, you get the list in one screen with time stamp.
On a second thought – whther there is a new entity or not the VFH mark infringement will stick.
@Orc Bored — Voice for Humanity is now first slide on the COS “How We Help” page:!-Already-one-Trademark-Infringement&p=971970#post971970
(Linking to screenshot on ESMB instead of COS site to avoid IP address harvest.)
Thanks Comm I/C, I saw their page before, but I got a little confused there, about ‘entity’ as in new legal entities replacing the old structure, and the name/trading name/service mark context.
Then I realised that registering a ‘trading name’ is not a must and a corporation’s legal name has to unique on the register but can start trading under any other name(s) they like, and is not challenged by, for example a trade mark/service mark owner.
So it’s possible that the new ‘groups’ are in fact no new legal entities just a new show of the same circus.
After all, if you don’t deliver services there’s no need to keep them legally separate, liability is at the minimum anyway.
Hi Mike,
The following piece was written by someone who was there at the beginning of Narconon and who was a key player in writing the cirriculum.
It’s a bit long, but I think it speaks the truth about how good hearted people have their hopes and dreams usurped by the Co$ and destroyed by turning good intentions into money making rackets.
“I just read Mike’s and Tony’s blog and Tony made a reference to Narconon being jettisoned from the. COS. I thought I’d share some thoughts, right or wrong. If DM jettisons Narconon that will be the BEST thing that has ever happened to Narconon. Narconon has been subverted by Miscavige so that it’s results, products, goodwill, personnel and most importantly it’s money could be taken (either from its bank accounts directly in the for sales of non essential LRH books or from their wealthy staff who have received huge salaries by defrauding insurance companies). Narconon’s Achilles heal has always been the “church” of Scientology ever since they saw Narconon as a way to garner great PR for the church by Artie Maren and Henning Heldt of the GO and then the GO under Jane Kember’s rule. Today you read narconon’s website and it chronicles it’s history with early newsletters and endorsements which they have posted on their website, you can see it was an organization of volunteers and former inmates working hard to give each other a hand. Willie Benitez instilled a sense of honest and genuine sincerity in the pursuit of his mission. They celebrated donations of equipment etc so they could provide their services to the community and they worked with local officials to help their communities. They were not self serving. They were making some money but in the forefront there were many staff who worked hard motivated by a true desire to help others. But as the years progressed you see a real shift most noticeably with their Oklahoma project which was diverted from its intent to be a collaborative project to help Native Americans and non- NA at large, to a MisCavige money making machine. It appears that Narconon under the “able” guidance of ABLE, who in turn is tightly controlled by Miscavige through the Sea Org system, has become about the money, and real estate and deep pockets for the church. The C of S has a history of using Narconon to meet its own objectives; not to help and coordinate with it to fulfill what would be best for actually servicing the community, which is what a real social betterment program is about. ( for instance, The Truth About Drugs campaign was created by Narconon and used by them to reach out to hundreds of thousands of children. It was created by a Narconon grad, and staff member who became President of Narconon and eventually left because of his increasing disagreements with the way the Church was controlling Narconon. Now we see that the Truth About Drugs is a trademark or copyrighted to the Church of Scientology; which means it took it away from Narconon and it’s control and uses it chiefly as a way of diffusing its negative image.) in return Narconon has had to suffer from its affiliation with the church. It has had to put up with demands from the church to help damage control bad church PR and risk the support of their allies because of its affiliation, lost government contracts and gone nearly bankrupt and crippled because of its connection to Scn. Scn has come after Narconon’s money (would be interesting to see how many LRH libraries Narcons have stockpiled, what are the real estate holdings exactly? Rents) and RTC and ABLE have provided it with a limited rehab program (as it can only sell and deliver LRH tech and virtually no real attention is placed on providing the many support services necessary for effective rehab). ( I also doubt if in fact ABLE truly polices quality control of even the services that Narconon’s provides, by virtue of the high number of deaths in a concentrated period of time. ( at one point, a death in a Narconon was a very, very rare occurance.) i wish the church would dump Narconon. I know it’s wishful thinking; but It would give Narconon the distance it needs to fully run itself without the constant demands and noise from ABLE and that lot, in the manner that they see will best to help addicts and It would open the door for it to breathe life back into its original intent and grow in the manner it wants to and do what it has always wanted to do: to get people off drugs and help them live productive lives. But we know that won’t happen. Anyone espousing this will of course be deemed anti mgmt, anti church, anti DM and expelled or fired.”
Thanks LDW. Yes, I remember Mr. Benitez as a caring individual who was really doing something about the drug problem. The Narconon name is pretty much ruined by invidious comparison to CoS. To use it now would be the equivalent of calling oneself Hitler. Not a problem – just change it and go back to doing good works.
The so called social betterment programs are a sham. One of my daughters, at the age of 16, was the President for Youth for Human Rights. She did it because she was genuinely interested in that topic. It took only a couple of months before she came home one day and told us she had resigned. She saw this was just a PR gig for the CO$ with no real genuine interest for furthering human rights activities. While the IAS was promoting and regging heavily for Youth for Human Rights even the (Sea Org) Human Rights Director at Hollywood Blvd was visibly uneasy about the fact that the IAS regges were lying through their teeth. Almost none of the large sums of money they regged for Youth for Human Rights ever were spend for it. Actually Youth for Human Rights had to setup their own donation lines, so they could cover the expenses.
I know first Hand how Youth for Human Rights was treated by Church management just as another photo op for the Church and a tool for IAS regges to make money that was than funneled into DMs slush fund. That seems to be the successful action for DM.
Gerhard – your daughter sounds like a very bright young lady. You must be so proud of her.
Gerhard, sounds like your daughter has intelligence, backbone and integrity.
“A stunning two-thirds of the world’s governments are riddled with serious corruption.” I almost fell out of my chair laughing (where did they get this figure?) when I read that line. Cap’n Mini Malefactor’s corruption, in my view, places him in the top 5% of corrupt leaders.
From DulloldFart on ESMB:!-Already-one-Trademark-Infringement#post971866
I just asked TESS at (I can’t post a full link: do your own search for VOICE HUMANITY, all default options OK.)
Goods and Services IC 035. US 100 101 102. G & S: Promoting public awareness of the need for proper care of children, humane treatment of animals, kindness and compassion for animals and children; promoting public awareness of the need to advocate on behalf of children and animals. FIRST USE: 20080401. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20080401
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 78944723
Filing Date August 3, 2006
Current Basis 1A
Original Filing Basis 1B
Published for Opposition March 6, 2007
Registration Number 3469751
Registration Date July 15, 2008
Owner (REGISTRANT) American Humane Association CORPORATION D.C. 63 Inverness Drive Englewood COLORADO 801125117
Attorney of Record Michael D. Fishman
Live/Dead Indicator LIVE
The cult might just have a teensie-weensie problem with that one.
That is more than a tiny problem — that is a direct violation of their rights. And this is explicitly in the SAME FIELD and WILL create confusion in the mind of the public. I hope their attorney of record moves to protect their mark, as it has been infringed BIG TIME.
Could you please send the attorney of record a hint or forward it to someone who can properly do so?
It would be much appreciated.
I’m sure this is redundant, but out of an over-abundance of caution:
Contact Voice for Humanity
Voice for Humanity
2133 Ladera Lane
Lexington, Kentucky 40514 USA
Tel: 859-296-4738
Fax: 859-296-4738
E-mail us: [email protected]
Hi Mike, That’s quite a post! That’ll be at least Narconon thrown under the bus! Probably CCHR and Applied Scholastics will follow. Davie just hated these Social Coordination activities in any case. The problem for him is they won’t just vanish from the public scene – he’ll be fending off legal suits for years as he has not made peace with any of them.
And can he get the name of this new structure changed in time for the event? You can just see the conference room heaving with people trying to cover their ass and dodge the bullet on ‘who came up with that idea in the first place?’ (= instant RPF assignment!)
Kentucky Corporation Information for Voice for Humanity. Other images online at link. Internal links at site.
General Information
Organization Number 0555577
Profit or Non-Profit N – Non-profit
Company Type KCO – Kentucky Corporation
Status A – Active
Standing G – Good
State KY
File Date 3/6/2003
Organization Date 3/6/2003
Last Annual Report 6/27/2014
Principal Office 1819 FIELDEN DRIVE
Registered Agent MICHAEL J. KANE
Current Officers
President Jennifer R Kane
Secretary Ellen L Marmon
Director Michael J Kane
Director Jennifer R Kane
Director Ellen L Marmon
Individuals / Entities listed at time of formation
Incorporator JAMES E. HARGROVE
Narconon’s demise began when someone had the bright idea to make it secular. A Narconon student attempting to do a spirit-free clay demo of the 7th dynamic is pretty uncomfortable, let me tell you. Secondarily, the ex-addicts helping addicts model has become antiquated. (Synanon is long gone.) In the 60s and 70s nobody cared about alcoholics or addicts except their fellow travelers. Although this was the genesis of 12 Step programs, recovery has become a medically based activity. Hence, medical detox. The church saw the handwriting on the wall years ago when they began their “truth” about drugs campaign and unceremoniously pulled the political in-house rug out from under Narconon.
Sorry, but the genesis of the 12 step program was done back in 1935 when the beginnings of Alcoholics Anonymous first took place [] It’s been active and successful ever since, even in the 60s and 70s. It is non religious in character. The medical and psychiatric industries both recommend AA as an adjunct to any medical treatment.
If Narconon is out of the structure, does it also lose its tax exempt status? It was one of the affiliated organizations covered by the 1993 IRS Agreement, which I don’t think Davey wants opened up.
jgg2012, Narconon isn’t tax exempt because of an IRS agreement. It is so because of the type of Corp. it is under Statute and how it handles its income. Being attached to a “Church” is neither here nor there. It isn’t a secular/non-secular matter.
So, a new shell game has begun. I wish we knew who, from amongst COB-un’s current inner circle of favored persons, sat around the table while scheming up this new version of the con game (v. 1.5, 1993 IRS) and which shills were chosen to put it into play.
But hey, thanks to Mike and his special correspondents’ Monumental Announcement this morning, COB-un has probably already ordered for his lookout shills’ heads to be up on a pike. And I hope the original “Voice for Humanity’s” legal team is already being assembled to bust up the joint and round up the remaining shills who are already scattering and on the run.
Meanwhile, back to England and to the upcoming [using Ed Sullivan’s voice] really, really, r-e-a-l-l-y big event – this is quite an effective pre-emptive strike and great reveal ahead of Dear Ringleader’s top seekrit Big Top Event! I wonder if he’s caught on yet that he has been deposed and replaced by Mike as Ringmaster I/C of his six ring circus. I’m sure Saint Hill’s hills are NOT alive with the sounds of music today. Instead, I hear the agitated sounds of restless circus animals, hysterical screaming and shouting from the advance team and performers, and…
The advance billing on the fliers for this year’s event screamed “The Next Monumental Advance.” I think what we will witness instead is “The Biggest Monumental Retreat” in IAS history.
May those attending “The Biggest Event in IAS History” finally see this annual circus for what it is: a much ballyhooed, bedraggled dog and pony show led by a demented, drunken, and delusional circus barker/pitchman. But most of all, may they wake up during the return trip home; may they contact their families and friends they’ve disconnected from to ask for help and advice; and may they post soon out here on the lunatic fringes of the internet.
Thanks to everyone involved in making today’s blog post possible and thanks to Mike for this ring side seat! I’ll crank up the popcorn machines for all of us as we stay tuned…
“I’m sure Saint Hills’ hills are NOT alive with the sound of music today.”
Good one, Cars!
Surely there are those still in that know about the
Narconon lawsuits.
Aside from knowing Narconon is being sued by a bunch
of SP’s trying to stop Narconon. Aside from knowing
that the poor souls who died on Narconon’s watch did not
really die. Aside from all of the truths being revealed in the
lawsuits, they know that all these things just can’t be
Surely there will be some who will notice no mention of
Narconon and wonder why. Better yet….just maybe some
of these who notice this will think to themselves….can all
of this Narconon stuff possibly be true???
That would be a good start on their road to truth.
Potpie — I believe all of this is being done so Dear Leader DOES NOT HAVE TO MENTION NARCONON.
Traditionally this event has 4 elements: Anti-psych, ABLE, IAS Ideal Orgs and VMs.
THere is NOTHING to talk about on “ABLE” except bad news and perhaps some shots of the NOI “couples weekend” takeover of Applied Scholastics Spanish Lake.
How do you avoid NOT talking about ABLE at the IAS event? You “create” something new and talk about that and people won’t notice you didn’t mention Narconon….
I agree Mike…..Create something new to talk about so the folks won’t
notice that which he does not want noticed….done by a master of misdirection.
His shot gun method of speaking does leave one unable to
really think points through.
After several standing ovations simple thoughts and ideas just seem to melt
I guess any Anons protesting at Saint Hill should have a sign with “What happened to Narconon?” At least some of those present will remember they used to donate to that one.
Yep Mike, red herrings to switch attention over to anything except Narconon. And now the marks and trade mark debacle… I’m eating my popcorn and enjoying the show.
Hey Mike,
First off, I want to publicly thank you personally for what you are doing OUTSIDE of leading a good beautiful life. Your work brings more and more relief to our shared pain of the path we once traveled together. It really does. This is something I know we share a mutual understand in and the way in which you go about your “deeds” and deliver the message is fabulous and beyond words.
Secondly, your aim of your morning piss into Dave’s Cheerios, or his first of many for the day, two finger on the rocks Scotch is precision shooting! I think we both know the out come of this post of yours… you have successfully delayed the date of the event!
I am pretty sure now that you have exposed the organizational name conflict, CSI suits have received and sat thru yet another screaming message thru the speaker box piped from where ever Midget Manlord is hiding at while Laurisse massages his whatever to come up with another name NOW! He needs this to save grace and so he can stick to the publicized event date and just have all the promo, letter head and all that redone to the new name they come up with. The suits know it is unreal to get that all done in that time frame and are pretty much the only ones who can push back Appelbox Boy’s schedule with out threat of being assigned to the RPF. So again Dave has to wait for “Legal” to get sorted out before he can move forward with his grand plan he so cleverly realized and designed while tanning himself.
I’d bet dollars to donuts now that you and Marty have successfully shut down his covert op’s and surveillance for the time being, that CSI and IAS “WAR CHEST” funds are (for the time being) being spent on having the “Suits” readjust the backbone structure of CSI to keep the money flowing while stepping itself out of the legal spot light. The Narcanon flap is unprecedented and I see he sees no way out of that except thru time. Just like he is doing of removing true threats to him. Keeping Heber, Yeager, Leserve, Reynolds, Oaks, Starkey etc. etc. etc…. on the downlow and secure, mentally stroked and pleasured until they die is his only true way of avoiding night after night loving from Rufus in Cell Block F. No witnesses, no crime. Am I right?? Annie and Lymann come to mind as a couple of thorns outta his ass. The mountain of evidence of them witnessing his crimes to humanity is staggering, something of which you and I both know.
Anyway brother. Thanks again!
And Dave, since you are here reading….. Hello!
— Jackson
Oh ouch!!!
Post O’ the week Action Jackson…
I second that.
Mike, you are the mighty pen vanquishing the hated sword, and we are all flowing you ink. (Yes, I know that’s a really corny metaphor but its the best I can do on a Friday nite when I’m having a Kumbaya Moment.)
“Dave has to wait for “Legal” to get sorted out before he can move forward with his grand plan he so cleverly realized and designed while tanning himself.”
Nicely put Jackson. No doubt the demented one has soiled his thong over this one!
The new Social betterment group will be called, The way to Donations
Oh, shit! You made coffee come out my nose! Post of the Day!
Yes I thought it was pretty funny as well! Still laughing! Still!
I heard the “monumental announcement” will be a new, faster entheta filter for the internet!
The best announcement of all of course would that as the IAS has now achieved its purpose of emptying the bank accounts of all current and past Scientologists and also as they can now no longer afford training and auditing, that it is now being disbanded as it was off policy and as part of GAT II has been corrected and removed. Wait a minute – I have just seen a pig flying!
Voice for Humanity is a worthy and proactive organisation with many partners such as:
United Nations (various divisions)
BBC News
Ministry of Culture and Information
Ministry of Women’s Affairs
SOZO International
Afghanistan Ind. Human Rights Commission
Afghanistan Joint Election Management Board
Family Health International (FHI)
Australia Bible Society of New South Wales
Samaritan’s Purse
Friends of Novell Iraq (FNI)
Iraqi Economy Development Center
Society for Family Health (SFH)
Federation of Muslim Womens
Associations of Nigeria (FOMWAN)
Evangelical Church of West Africa (ECWA)
BBC WST Radio Magazine
African Enterprise
Don’t see the “Church” of Scientology in that list. I expect some helpful soul will alert them to a potential hijacking of their name and by extension, good reputation. 🙂
Interesting though is that I was watching “Law and Order” the other night and I had to do a double take as I am very sure that the main DA guy said (something like) “We can refer him to Narcanon or other drug abuse centers.” He definitely said that and I thought well, ok, fine, probably more effective and better than the rest (I am assuming). So either the director is member of the Church or – they do have a good enough reputation for this program to mention this. As I said a while ago I have nothing against Narconon for what they are doing.
The internal shenanigans however and Narconon’s corporate relation and money making activities with regard to the official Church I know nothing about and I can only hazard a good guess that there are maybe indeed nefarious or untoward activities on this relationship line with the Church occurring.
I’m pretty sure Law and Order was referring to Narc-Anon. It’s the support group run by AA for addicts and their families. But it’s pronounced differently, the stress is on the end of the word Narc ANON. In the vein of Alcoholics Anonymous, Al Anon (support meetings for those with addicts in the family.) Totally non-profit. Another possibility is that the writer had heard the word “Narcanon” (when referring to the scn’s program, the stress is on the first syllable NARCanon) as a rehab center and confused it with the AA backed program.
Just guessing. I bet the producers of L&O would have a fit if they thought something tied them to scn.
Typo: NARConon Gah!
There was an L&O:CI episode that had a leader of a self-help movement based roughly on est and CoS, it even had Karen Black in a small role and some interesting terminology:
Detective Robert Goren: Look, strip down all their double-talk. What is it that Randall Fuller really said to those people?
Detective Robert Goren: “Everything you’ve done is wrong.” “Everything you are is false.”
Detective Alexandra Eames: “But it wasn’t your fault; you were ‘programmed’ that way.”
Detective Robert Goren: “Leave it to Grace Note to give you back your life.” It’s *very* seductive.
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Ok Margaret, thanks.
This ‘Voice for Humanity’ name/site they hijacked is a bit like ANZAC revisited.
It’s all smoke and mirrors with that lot, they have screwed up their own image so much they’re desperately doing things without a clue and grasping at straws – what’s next, the Caltex logo? Or maybe “Life Be In It,” yeah that sounds pretty good let’s give that a try.
I’d opt for Sony’s make.believe.
“a being is only as valuable as he can serve others,” Especially if they serve the profit margins of CO$.
The separation of the delivery and non-delivery ‘charities’ of the clampire is very worthy of note. Any ‘delivery’ tied back to CO$ is a potential liability and this acknowledges that and paints the window black, so no one can see through it. This so reminiscent of the Soviet 5 year plans that never worked. Just change the names of the people involved and ‘reorganize’ and do the same thing again.
This points to huge problems with ABLE. What no dentists or chiropractors willing to spend big bucks for ‘management tech’? Applied Scholastics has horrible reputation in the tutor and charter school market, what will become of all those clay tables? Criminon was always a joke, just a correspondence school scam that didn’t get anyone early prole. No real money there and few ‘recruits’ gained from it.
A job at ABLE or Narc International used to be reward for loyal minions, are there no loyal minions left? NarCONon paid those uplines 8-10 million per year, I doubt that any other ABLE operation did so well, but the ‘hubtard school of management’ cannot make up that income. They have such a horrible reputation that fewer and fewer use their services. Not even Grant Cardone and Elena can fix that and they are next on the diminishing returns list.
I do hope the dear leaders IAS speech is leaked, putting the spin on this ‘improvement’ is going to make Sherman’s head dislocate and disappear.
A good junk of Dear Leader’s Shermanspeak will be published in the next IAS (IMPACT) magazine …
There’s a typo: In scientology, “a being is only as valuable as he can swerve others” [to pay more to IAS, Ideal status upgrades, etc.].
Why don’t they just give their Money to:
United Nations (various divisions)
BBC News
Ministry of Culture and Information
Ministry of Women’s Affairs
SOZO International
Afghanistan Ind. Human Rights Commission
Afghanistan Joint Election Management Board
Family Health International (FHI)
Australia Bible Society of New South Wales
Samaritan’s Purse
Friends of Novell Iraq (FNI)
Iraqi Economy Development Center
Society for Family Health (SFH)
Federation of Muslim Womens
Associations of Nigeria (FOMWAN)
Evangelical Church of West Africa (ECWA)
BBC WST Radio Magazine
African Enterprise
Because it entails giving money
weeee… round and round we go, weeee…
spin spin spin – weee…
just gotta love these guys, buy your IAS announcements here, Cheaper by the dozen weeee!!!
Blessings to all the correspondents! Miscavige can spin and spin but the truth always comes out.
When I read these lines: “abuse and criminality, intolerance and inhumanity”, out of their web page, my first thought was ‘Oh, they are talking about themselves and their inside activities.” Shall we add !!!!!!!!!?
I’d like to add they are also their outside activities!
Sneaky, Silvia. You took the words out of my mouth! LOL
Just love it when you make Davey’s Monumental Announcements before he can! He will be spitting blood thirsty curses when he sees this 😀
And whoever put this on their website is about to get a lot of exercise…even if he was just following orders.
I don’t need to go to the event now 🙂
Oh, crap, Martin! I was going to save you a seat too!
You can always be out in front with the protesters…
Draco, whoever put that on their website will disappear for many years. Scary…
Draco, you said it before I could! A still-in UTR friend has just been briefed as to what is likely to be David Miscavige’s next straight dono hobbyhorse.
(Now, Mr. Makemerich, aka Loyal Lurker, I know you’re upset but please don’t gnash those perfectly capped and veneered teeth because you know what the dentist told you about grinding.)
Fancy websites with hypnotic music loops in the background to help deliver questionable. messages do not a religion make. Voice For Humanity indeed. Somehow I don’t feel a part of this so called 4th dynamic quasi-salvage campaign. I remember a lecture where LRH talks about this guy going into ecstasy over mankind with no tolerance at all for his little kid. More smoke and mirrors. The only thing monumental is the mountain of cash coerced out of the manipulated minions.
Ah yes, MJ, the MINUS dynamics! Spearheaded by our wonderful leader, David Miscavage.
“Whether through grassroots initiative or official implementation,…”
Hmmm, how will they do this?
They’ll do as they always do. Create “non scio” groups in disparate areas, publicly not aligned specifically with the czerch, have them raise funds, promote their “causes”, and then, for “official implementation”, go to the pols and get them to endorse their “programs”. Publicly bleat out that they’re “winning” and then try to slip other programs into the public venues. All however, like Narconon, will be aimed at getting money into Munchkin King Miscavige’s (a tip of the hat to NolaGirl on that one!) deep pockets and continuing the scam a bit longer. However, in this instance, I predict failure since all here, in the Bunker and the many other anti czerch movements, will spot and reveal such efforts bringing instant exposure to the public(s) being potentially affected. They really no longer have any way to sneak around without being caught.
Or…maybe the incredible accomplishment will be to make these campaigns/programs more honest and forthcoming, such as the “Way to Hypocrisy”, where anyone who preaches human rights and family values, practices discrimination and hatred, and breaks up families and divests people of their life savings can find a home.
Good catch Mike – and I concur. The DSA Pretoria Org has already jumped the gun on this one. I sent you a copy of an email sent out by Pretoria org about this very subject (Voice for Humanity) as well as a pic I pulled off FB. I think you’ve hit the nail on the head!
Thanks BP. We have a lot of eagle eyed apostates, who, in spite of their lack of frocks and fringe location, seem to catch a lot of things that fall between the large cracks in the bubble…. 🙂
David ‘Macbeth’ Miscavige:
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.
It’s only a pleasure Mike. Those cracks are turning into mighty big chasms as we continue to ram the truth home 🙂
Love the Facebook catch BP. It says there at the bottom: “27 people are going”. Well, if its written it must be true! 27 people will be attending the monumental event. Woohoo.
So Narconon Int and ABLE will be dissolved. All their assets will be funneled to other Byzantine entities so as to avoide the potential of having to take responsibility for any of their fraudulent overts which they are now being sued for?
Someone should warn Ryan Hamilton.
Les — don’t know what will happen to them exactly. But Ryan Hamilton doesn’t need to worry. It’s too late for that, and his plaintiffs will likely end up bankrupting Narconons and NN Int and maybe ABLE Int. But they cannot shift assets out of there now. It appears there may not be much left of Narconon so they will need something new put in place. I do believe this is one of the steps towards accomplishing that. Keep these non-delivery “social betterment functions” in the the church fold and cut the other liability prone ones loose (though not loose enough to not be able to promote their “miraculous” results).
I agree – this very well could be the real intent behind any such move and to me is the most important part of your post.
It could be modeled after what is happening with Scientology organizations in general which is:
Donations for the IAS (so they can “advertise” or “buy buildings”) but no services delivered (other than reading books and bare-bottom-Bridge services like TRs,OpProByDup and at the high end of the Bridge, well, running around a pole). Not much damage suits should be expected from that – and if you didn’t like it or didn’t get any wins, well, you just need to do some more … and aren’t we generous: you can read books, sit on a chair, walk between walls or run around a pole as much as you like. At NO extra charge. It was never as cheap to circle the Bridge.
When I read the post it crossed my mind that they in fact do away with the delivery organizations like NN and Criminon and solely specialize in “advertising” for these programs as advocating those methods doesn’t need any expertise in actually delivering a service and has hardly any liabilities attached to it.
What if David Miscavige toutet something like this:
As our expansion (since GAG, Ideal Orgs bla bla bla) is exponentially exponential (to the 47th degree bla bla) we are way beyond the point of rehabbing criminals, druggies and illiterate students ourselves. Everything I did was successful beyond our wildest imagination which is why I hereby officially declare Scientology to be in PHASE II regarding Planet Earth. We now need to get THEM to do it. We ARE clearing the planet now. This is no small task and will require immense amounts of …. (well, you guessed it: MONEY) …
I could string this on and on, how GAT II harmonizes with Phase II and Miscavige, too 🙂 and how this fits in with the TV and Radio stations were have been buying and how Super Power “makes planetary clearing a reality” bla bla bla
And then settle all the suits, pay the bills, sell the bad-PR infested “rehab” centers (at a loss) and only deal it some (in-house and hardly-seen) glossy adverts and finally get ALL staff fully on post as fundraisers!
Interesting Mike. This may underlie DM overall strategy – minimize risk and liability. This may explain the shift in focus away from delivery and more towards donations. And the release of new courses like The Basics, where public essentially read a book and do some demos. No abilities gained = no lawsuits citing broken promises.
And the push for SRD Co-audits, can always point the finger at yer twin.
This can go as far as the shift of emphasis on 4th dynamic “social betterment” programs instead of the business of orgs.
If you don’t promise anything, and don’t deliver anything, well, gee…what can they sue ya for?
George, have you been reading David Miscavige’s BP again?
The house of cards continues to implode. JPC, have you given a heads up to your ‘Special Clients Manager’ to start making low-ball offers on Narcanon real estate. The motivated sellers are liquidating.
Many of the Narconon locations are failed resorts in remote venues that were probably picked up on the cheap and not likely to have a lot of value. I saw something posted about Arrohead being heavily mortgaged. If that is the general model the banks will be first in line for the nearly worthless real estate and the plaintiffs will have to find other assets to seize.
Science Doc, Hmm… Since it is well known that Miscavige is personally involved in overseeing Narconon, the plaintiffs ought to just reach into any of his accounts.
Yes, I’ve fired off a memo to Winthrop Cabot Astor IV and suggested he follow up with cult attorney E. Stuart Mills to see just what we can do to help Mr. Miscavige out of his cash flow difficulties. This is one repo job we’ll enjoy…
Someone should warn the IRS that the 1993 agreement might have to be revisited and revised to reflect changes in corporate structure.
That’s my dream come true, Rick. Would absolutely love to see this vicious cult lose its tax exempt status.
Wow! Musical Chairs really IS the Midget’s favourite party game!
Hey Davey! Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic again?
Protip Dear Leader: Titanic’s band kept playing while the ship went down due to a sense of loyalty. Since you rule by fear, when the scales tip against you, you’re going to get dogpiled on the way down. There’s going to be So. Much. Evidence. Against. You. And think about this: You trained them to turn against people. Over, an over, and over. They all will turn on you, just like you trained them. Get ready.
Amen to that!
We will see just how well Daves minions of arrogance and intolerance do with the task to……..
“uplift morality across whole populations.”
Good frickin grief, this Cult continues to prove that levels of cognitive dissonance can continue to escalate beyond our wildest imaginations!
Yo Dave,
Why not try a pilot program at Int Mgmt and see how you do?
If my daughter Haley can manage to have a nice word, perhaps a card or something to even let her 93 year old Grandmother know she is alive , or a friendly word to her Mother, or perhaps any of her friends that continue to ask about her…….well that could be a start. I know, that is really pushing the envelope!
You think about it as you evaluate how well you ‘uplift morality across whole populations.’ for Christs sake.
Yep…..Amen to that!
Another rave
From dear old dave
Miscavige plots
And digs his grave
That is so true Sammy.
right Sammy,
Because the ‘game’ that he’s offering is really not much of a game and the last game will
… implement the continued cognitive dissonance, that is.
I especially like the ‘instill tolerance’ aspect of their goals:
“In recognition of the vital necessity to stem the downward spiral, the Church of Scientology and its members sponsor secular education programs that effectively curb drug abuse, instill tolerance, raise awareness of human rights and uplift morality across whole populations.”
Yo Dave,
Glad to see that you continue to occupy the lead role in the “LYING SACK OF SHIT” category. Instilling tolerance, recognizing that it is needed or even having a frickin clue as to what tolerance might look like is so beyond your pay grade that you wouldn’t know it if it was sitting on your face!
Speaking of sitting on your face ……………………….yep, we’re coming for ya good buddy!
Hey Dave,
Have you gotten wind of your own stench that goes all the way out to the outer fringes of the internet?
Now that you are trying out for the big league, and although the UN is a corrupt organization, once you are charged with crimes against humanity in the International World Court, you will understand why child molestors end up dead in jail due to ‘internal arbitration and justice procedures’. You will understand what it really means to be SLAPPed around. No whining or squealing allowed.
🙂 you had me at “LYING SACK OF SHIT,” Cooper. You just have a way with words. 🙂 but how do you like David Miscavige’s claim to, “…raising awareness of human rights….”? Dave wouldn’t’t know a human right, either, if it was sitting on his face.
Coop, he’s actually “LYING SACK OF SHIT” I/C. Don’t sell him short now!
Instill tolerance…yeah, right.
Radical Scnists are THE MOST INTOLERANT bunch I know.
When I simply told them I didn’t believe the lies they were telling me, well…they just hadda find my “too gruesome.” Unbeknownst to them…I didn’t have one. 🙂
This kinda shit makes me sick. It’s the LIES. Bold, persistent, never-ending LIES.
I KNOW, Statpush! ME TOO! The bold, persistent, never-ending LIES and the arrogance in the belief that we are all too stupid to see them! And they ARE the most intolerant. I mean I got declared basically because I think David Miscavige is a sociopath. I got attacked for that from my MAA and OSA. Sheesh.
Good one Coop. Instill tolerance struck me also, how are they going to do that exactly? With the general fluffy description, it sounds like they have a syringe full of happy juice. These so called programs are just a superficial misdirection to nowhere. I like the WTH booklet but I don’t think dropping a bunch on them on Syria is going to cut it. The unreality is astounding.
Absolutely true McCarran. The ‘human rights’ issue is so far away from this cults awareness it continues to boggle the mind that they can actually try to lay claim to even the concept.
And I made a goof…… He is a LYING SACK OF DAVESHIT. I really don’t want to downgrade regular shit which is of much higher quality and integrity that His (Daves) shit. Glad we got that cleared up!
Instill tolerance means only for the RCS and David Miscavige.
No one or anything else. Well, maaaybe Tom Cruise too.
Instill tolerance? That’s what the Squirrel Busters do…
Yea. I think you got it down as to the big announcement at IAS event. I thought it was going to be about the new tech vols, green vols and/or the new BC and OEC. Those will come later.
These 4th dynamic activities are touted as the way the church is going to clear the planet anyway. That’s the only way that David Miscavige can help implement the cognitive dissonance that goes on in the minds of those still in.
A little OT, but do you know if EST/Landmark $$ went into Co$ coffers? I always thought Gerhard (or whatever his name was) broke off from Hubbard and EST was its own thing (and Landmark as well after the demise of EST).
EST/Landmark was completely separate from scientology. But it was the impetus for the “Op Z” project as Hubbard was jealous of their success and wanted a careful study done to determine what they were doing that worked and then implementing that in scientology.
Ah, ok, thank you for that clarification. I actually know people who speak highly of the Landmark classes. I was always suspicious.
Founder of est Targeted in Campaign by Scientologists December 29, 1991, Robert W. Welkos, Los Angeles Times
I know that Werner Erhard was declared by Scientology, but I don’t remember what the reasons they gave for the declare were. Being a squirrel is obviously one of them, but I’m not sure what else.
Nothing else. Being a squirrel was good enough….
Landmark is alive and well in the Bay Area. I got invited to a “coffee hour” by a lady I met via work. She thought I should bring my teenaged daughter too… and her friends. The Mama Red Flag flew on that one.
Too little, too late. Just another PR twist. Thanks, Mike.
Mike, could this be a way to bury the failures of Applied Scholastics in particular, and potentially WISE as well? Or are they in a different part of the organization? There has been very little mention of Applied Scholastics from the corporate organization lately, since they’ve gotten blown out of virtually every state they were once approved for tutoring in. And it seems that WISE is increasingly viewed as parasites by those who are otherwise still drinking the Kool-Aid, with only a few exceptions. Any thoughts?
Absolutely JPC. See answer I just wrote to Les. They will keep the “non-delivery” programs in the fold and try to limit the liability that stems from the “delivery” programs (NN, Applied Scholastics and Criminon). They will put more distance between themselves and those activities — but not enough to not be able to tout their amazing results.
“Amazing results’ or income produced?
Mike, it is fortunate you are on the East coast and post new entries at 0900ET. That way the poor stooge who gets to pry dm and lou apart in the morning can give him the latest news on what his cics underlings and pathetic public are up to. You provide him a service!
Unfortunately for Scientology, society knows too well what it IS and DOES to take seriously what it SAYS.
Great find whoever gave Mike the copyright and marks info that the church violated. Now can we get word to that company so they can sue?
ON a lighter note, this is how the church should do fundraising if they want to make money! (if you don’t like semi nudity, don’t watch it). Otherwise, click link below.
“In the good old USA, we pour ice on our heads as a fund raiser, but, in Japan they hold my kind of fund raisers.
Sure, go ahead and contact them.
Cindy, I think you’re onto some sure-fire Ideal M’Org fundraising tech for the cult that should be piloted by Flag’s OTC. Kaye, honey, time for a Closed Door Briefing on what IS going to make Planetary Clearing A Reality. Every female auditing on VII…don’t worry, gals, your husbands will understand…greatest good and all that…ah, the responsibilities of being OT…
Maybe we get a recreated SHSBC .. so all Tech Volume are now on purpose of LRH .. and all lectures are now the original tapes .. this is mindblowing .. or what ..
But is it imported to change all the semicolon and words as originally said fromLRH? I think not, because LRH spoke freely his view and meaning .. he did not ask himself with words he has used ..
A clever way to get away with not mentioning Narconon.
“Pay no attention to the pile of s**t in my right hand, focus only on this beautiful (fake) diamond in my left hand.”
The IAS circus complete with it’s tiny ringmaster the Munchkin King Miscavige.
Sharp find!
Excellent article Mike and thank you to the correspondent who spotted these things added to Scn site. What is most amazing is not what is there on the site but what is missing. Narconon and Criminon are missing. They tout the “new” stuff so that you don’t look for the old stuff that ithey’re trying to hide. None of the sheeple know Narconon is being sued into oblivion. Pity. This shell game is a sharp ploy but we saw it for what it is. DM gets rid of the groups that are delivering and thus are a potential liability if things go wrong, and tout the do nothing groups that are in name only. You called it, Mike! Keep up the great work.
Has Narconon been declared?
Spin, spin, spin! Yawn and yawn. I’m tired.
Right on Mike, as being a member of the lollypop guild Dear Leader will have to spin and spin to sell this hype all the way down the yellow brick road. Wow that would make a good
pin ball machine eh?