Jeff Hawkins sent me this article.
I thought it was of interest as yet another comparison between North Korea and the bubble world of corporate scientology.
There are many parallels, from the control of information to the worship of Dear Leader and from the ridiculous event spectacles to the gulags where dissidents are reformed. But this is a slightly different angle.
“Kijong-dong may seem like a novelty, but it is part of a twentieth-century tradition of hollow architectural spectacles. Communist regimes from Moscow to Beijing often indulged in monumental and monumentally useless buildings. They were built as expressions of revolutionary zeal and the permanence of the new order.
“The official North Korean position is that Kijong-dong is a thriving community; that it contains a large collective farm (run by two hundred families) and many social services, such as schools and a hospital. Yet Kijong-dong is so close to the border that, with the aid of binoculars, people can see it is empty.”
Ideal orgs anyone? L. Ron Hubbard Hall? KCET studios?
I have reprinted the text of the article below, you can see the complete original here.
North Korea’s creepy fake civilian village fools no one
Alastair Bonnett welcomes you to a fake place. The lights go on and off, and the roads are periodically swept clean, but the windows have no glass and there are no residents behind them. Kijong-dong, also called Peace Village, was built in the 1950s to lure potential defectors to North Korea, a display of the communist state’s progress and modernity. The question is, what remorseless logic keeps it going?
Excerpt from Unruly Places: Lost Spaces, Secret Cities, and Other Inscrutable Geographies.. Copyright © 2014 by Alastair Bonnett. Used by permission of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
This is a good exhibit for my own argument that the Scientology story is not so unique in this world.
Hubbard was born a human being on this earth, like you and I… So was Miscavige.
The chaos that we all experienced, and had to come to terms with, had it’s seeds planted long before Hubbard.
Scientology, like North Korea, is an extreme chapter in the story of human evolution.
Jeff often encouraged his readers to ‘dig deeper’… And it took me little digging to find some basic history lessons that put Hubard, Miscavige, et all into a rather cathartic perspective.
Great find by Jeff… And thanks for sharing it Mike…
Are you sure that you are not jealous, Mike?
Now that you have a South Korean lifestyle, don’t you miss your old North Korean lifestyle? Aren’t you nostalgic?
Maybe you need help?
Maybe you need some Adjustment Disorder Therapy. Adjusting to a South Korean lifestyle after years of North Korean lifestyle is not easy.
For those people who didn’t read Anonymous’ comment (July 16, 2014 at 11:15 am), the above is a parody of his/her comment.
I have been to 기종동 or at least near to it on my visit to the southern side of the DMZ. North Korea and Scientology are very much alike. Both are really creepy.
Cambridge, the Idle Morgue pictured above, posted their MV event on facebook. It is quite entertaining to take a peak.
Their main facebook page also demonstrates exactly how unpopular they are:
If someone told me I had two choices, Move to north korea for the rest of my life or join the sea org, I would have to find out what part of north korea I was being sent too… lol@prison of idiots
It reminds me of the animated Christian cartoon “David and goliath” Where the dog shakes his head and says, “Oh, Davie” when David does something really silly and stupid.
Davie McScabbitch has done as much damage to Scientology as can be done, all he can do now is hide behind his Idle Morgues, and get peoples agreement to hurt themselves.
All along that has been the only thing he could do. He is truly stuck on the track.
Yes SILVIA, It really sucks to be Davie!!!
He doesn’t even like buildings, they are just something to hide behind. McScabbitch doesn’t ‘like’ ANYTHING, he’s terrified, (and from the looks of things) is starting to crack!!!
And yes, IMHO, he’s getting help, from the many vested interests that just love seeing Scientology disabled, and are willing to help wherever they can.
…for a Monumentally Useless Tyrant
What’s also interesting is that, like these communist regimes, the sea org is also a communistic society. The “government” is the sole owner of all the property right down to the emeter that can be confiscated on the whim of the fascistic leadership.
For all of Ron’s railing against communism, it’s such an irony that he created and left his legacy to such a group.
A great deal of the “admin tech” and nearly all of the Flag Orders the Sea Org operate on that LRH created are predicated in direct opposition to the “spiritual tech,” also created by him.
While the one half of his work espouses the virtues of “granting beingness” and “not being serious” and helping people to be “up-tone” the other half is unrelentingly serious, always evaluating and derogatory, and chasing the almighty buck with unholy zeal.
Frankly, the Sea Org is a nasty, viscous, and downright criminal organization. Its truly tragic that so many very good and well intentioned people get sucked into it. LRH did nobody any favors by creating it the way that he did.
The epiphany I had about the CoS was about 2 years ago after watching a 3-part series by Vice films on North Korea, the link for it is below:
This is the most bazaar film. I mean, yeah, North Korea is strange. But watching this I see so many parallels between Scientology and especially Sea Org life. I don’t even know how to talk about it. Makes me feel creepy all over again.
Wonderful! Thanks for the link – so great to hear what the old man had to say about it. He speaketh sooth. It’s truly amazing how those still in can justify these extravagant expenditures, isn’t it?
Thanks for the link, nice to hear the old man again.
Thanks for the link, Thehandling. So good to hear the old man about this.
China has entire cities with shopping malls ,all empty.
Mostly to put people to work. Keeps cement business wheels turning.
In 30 or 40 years you tear it down and start over.
I actually own a Cement Business and this is true.
David Miscavige has added to this with lavish furniture
and fancy plumbing fixtures ( more pomp ) this adds to higher scrap value
when it’s time to tear it all down for a Holiday Inn express or Water slide park.
Again, more Cement Business, He,he, he.
Excellent article Mike. I found it fascinating learning about the stuff he is doing. It is just like Miscavige.
‘It is another fake, a nostalgic ruin of the future that pretends, like Kijong-dong, to want to lure us in but actually doesn’t want anyone anywhere near.”
Building Ideal Incontinence with Davey Bong Dong! Pass the Pipe and Remember to Wipe!
Wow. The parallels are truly astounding. Gives data of comparible magnitude to my drop in visit to the Phoenix Ideal Morgue a while back.
Yes, North Korea has roads with no cars, hospitals with no patients and hotels and restaurants with no patrons. For Scientology, the empty orgs do serve a purpose, however. Scientology needs to build them to appear to the IRS that they are a tax-exempt religion, not a giant scam whose leader lives like a Saudi prince.
This is fascinating. Thank you for making the analogy. To see this empty and grandiose behavior reflected in other social orders makes the cognizant dissonance more relatable. It isn’t only in Scientology that this weird behavior is manifesting.
The weird thing about Scientology is that it is a despotic culture planted right here in the middle of freedom. It’s like a deep, seething boil on a pretty face covered with makeup.
Great article. Yep, this cult is completely stuck in the fifties, all the way down to the mind control and political warfare tactics of the cold ward era.
Come to present time!
Hey Dave, You don’t have a monopoly on depravity, and you are not a Kim Il Sung.
Great article Mike….my favorite comments….
It is a tradition that celebrates symbolism over utility, gesture over substance. It seems desperate for everyone to admire it but only at a distance — it’s a psychopolitical complex that doesn’t just spawn fakes but lovingly maintains them.
It is another fake, a nostalgic ruin of the future that pretends, like Kijong-dong, to want to lure us in but actually doesn’t want anyone anywhere near.
As I read the article I kept getting pictures of a person who kinda
looked like Miscavige but yet also looked like that Kim guy who
runs N. Korea…..very weird.
If someone needs buildings to feel he is great, then the size of his real worth is pathetically small, solid, mesty and pitiful. It means he as a person is worth nothing. Power does not depend on buildings, nor on blind robotic people following you. It really sucks, big time, to be Miscavige.
Exactly, Silvia. Well said.
“I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself king of infinite space” Shakespeare
I’m sure those completions pouring out of the SP building will simply postulate the fringe of the Internet off the face of the Earth.
We’ll see who’ll be laughing then. Hah!