More OTC Minutes because they contain some unvarnished information about the state of affairs in the church.
We will soon hear the hype from Maiden Voyage with the usual magnificent “straight up and vertical” expansion lies news. The clubbed seals will applaud enthusiastically and offer standing ovations prompted by the shills in the front row that would shame a jack-in-the-box on steroids. They will talk about how “incredible” things are and how “this was the greatest event ever” and “we are so fortunate to have COB leading us to a cleared planet” blah blah blah. It’s what they WANT to hear. Do you think David and Bonita Wilson, sitting there in the front, want to hear anything other than the “comfortable lies” that the half a million dollars they forked over to the Valley Org is going “make clearing a reality” just like it has now done in Portland and Sydney and Taiwan….
But here is the REALITY. And Sue and Nick are so KoolAid drunk they think this is GOOD news. Proof if ever they needed it that they “are clearing the planet for real.”
All you need to know are these facts:
In all the Orgs and Missions in PAC (that is 3 SO Orgs, CC Int, 5 “ideal orgs”, another org, about 5 missions including the two missions that have won the international birthday game for 5 years in a row) they managed:
13 books sold
5 Div 6 Services taken by a New Person on the New Introductory Routes (note, this is NOT 5 new people, it could be one person doing 5 services)
34 starts on a GAG II service
This is the result of 239 “Active OT Committee Members” doing nearly 500 hours of work.
If this is a “boom” and “unprecedented expansion” then David Miscavige is Mother Theresa disguised in a wig and spray tan.
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014
From: PAC OTC <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected], [email protected]
Subject: Chairman’s Update: New Game to Play
Chairman’s Weekly Update
Hi Team,
Thanks to all that were on PAC Base this Monday to participate in the video for International Management. As you know, Maiden Voyage XXV is happening! On Monday June 23rd we will have a HUGE meeting/celebration to welcome back Claire and Nick from MV and get the inside story. You will not want to miss this! This is the official kick-off of our new year!
We have a new game to play with all of the PAC OTC groups – we are shooting to get 100 starts each and every week in the coming year. The starts can be at any org and for any service or training. We want brand new people starting and veteran Scientologists taking their next steps. Our VFP is Volumes of Public moved up The Bridge to full OT.
Have a very productive week and thanks for all you do.
Sue Frey & Nick Lekas
PAC OTC Co-Chairs
Next OTC Meeting: Monday June 16
LA Org Field Activities Area 6 – 7 pm
Stat #1
Number of Div 6 Services taken by a New Person on the New Introductory Routes
Stat #2
Number of Clears or NED Case Completions onto their next OT auditing step.
Stat #3
Number of Pre-OTs onto their next step to OT.
Stat #4
Number of public started on their Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing steps at a Mission, Org or SO Org this week.
Stat #5
Number of Public Started on a Route to Knowledge Course or Extension Course this week.
Stat #6
Amount of funds raised for Org Buildings or Renovations in US $
Stat #7
Number of Org Staff Assisted by OT Committee to arrive on Staff or the SO.
Stat #8
Number of OT Committee Volunteer Hours
Stat #9
Number of IAS Statuses Completed
Stat #10
Funds Raised for the IAS in US$
Stat #11
Number of targets completed on the OT Ambassador Program or projects this week.
Stat #12
Number of Active OT Committee Members this week
Stat #13
Number of Books Sold to Raw Public
Stat #14
Number of Events, Seminars and Briefings Held
Are you an active OTC member? If you’re not sure or need help to get going, contact Catherine Lepone, Deputy Participation Officer PAC OTC, [email protected]. To find activities to participate in, see the contacts list at the bottom of this email. And remember to report your stats!
Saturday 14 June
Super Power: Discover the Astonishing Gains – 6 pm LA Org Chapel. With Fran Andrews, ED CCHR, 3 Ls and Super Power Completion, and Marty Sherman, Super Power, Cause Resurgence and L11 Completion.
Sunday 15 June
Postulates, Prosperity and Action – 6 pm AOLA Atrium, dinner served. With top consultant Kevin Bernes and Lead NOTS C/S AOLA Vicki Markin
“The way an individual ages, the way he dies, is to give up his power of observation and his power of decision, and acts on the basis that he cannot do as much as he used to be able to do, he can’t stand as much as he used to be able to stand. And he attributes this to advancing age. He never attributes it to being able to stand less.
The source of advancing age is being able to stand less. Advancing age is not the cause of being able to stand less.
In other words, aging is caused by a lessening ability to confront action. That is all. It’s not because the person can’t, but he merely ages because he believes he can’t.”
– L. Ron Hubbard
Excerpted from the lecture “The Overt Motivator Sequence” delivered on 3 April 1962. This can be found in the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course lectures.
Saturday 21 June
Flag World Tour – Doors open 6 pm, event begins 7 pm, Hollywood & Highland Center, Ray Dolby Ballroom, 6801 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90028.
Sunday 22 June
FSM Awards Dinner – 6 pm AOLA Atrium. Acknowledge the most upstat FSMs, Field Groups, OT Committees and Field Auditors, and hear plans for the year ahead.
Maiden Voyage 26th Anniversary: Summer of Events
All on L. Ron Hubbard Way
Saturday 28 June
Maiden Voyage Anniversary Opening Night
Saturday 5 July
Maiden Voyage Anniversary Expansion Briefing
Saturday 12 July
L. Ron Hubbard Source Night
Saturday 19 July
IAS Night
Meanwhile, Jeff Mintz provides us with more stats from Flag — things at the “top of the Bridge” (if you can still call an org that delivers more Purif and Objectives than Clear and OT levels the top of anything) look just as dismal.
721 Super Power completions since release — and a spectacular 20 per week!!! 20 per week? They have 200 auditors and $150 million dollar building… This really is pathetic. And 7 OT VIIs?
At this rate, if they were to actually have 12,000 Scientologists in the Tampa Bay area and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM WAS ON SERVICE, it would take them 600 weeks to just get the LOCAL scientologists through Super Power. That is 12 YEARS. They cannot have it both ways — 10 million plus scientologists and 20 completions are CONTRARY FACTS.
The massive international boom that has been going on now for the entire reign of Dear Leader (30 years now…) just doesn’t seem to be showing up ANYWHERE.
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2014
From: Jeff Mintz <[email protected]>
Subject: Good News from Flag!
W/E 12 June 14
* 15 Purif Completions!!
* 20 Survival Rundown Completions!!
* 20 Full Super Power Completions!!
* 18 Cause Resurgence Completions!!
* 21 Ls Completions!!
* 11 Clears!!
* 7 OT VII Completions!!
(From the WUS: Rosser Cole, Mary-Jane Jewell and Don Davis!!)
With 20 Full Super Power Completions just in this past week, brings the total to 721 since Grand Opening!!
There are 225 public training through Class IV and 255 moving on their Golden Age of Tech II training!
Bring your friends, selectees or contacts into the Flag Office and we will help you get them to Flag!
Call: Jeff Mintz (323) 953-3230!
A Special Correspondent just sent me this, which confirms the “top of the Bridge” is in fact empty. They don’t send the “Lead Solo NOTs D of P” off post to LA if they are flooded with public. Nor do they promise that a “Class IX” is sitting around ready to take you in session to “get you onto your OT levels” (that is the job of a Class V auditor).
Clears and Power completions are flooding into the Flag AO in never before seen numbers as the word gets out that they can have a Class IX Auditor and that we WILL get them onto their OT levels in a very short time.
And of course with the Golden Age of Tech Phase II its high speed but with 100% CERTAINTY and KNOWINGNESS! |
Right now the TM for New OT V is 2-3 weeks, OT VIA 3-4 weeks, OT VIB 5 days, OT VIC 3 weeks and then onto Solo NOTs!! |
Come in, get an interview, find out what you need and allow us to assist you!
• Stephen Blake, Class IX Auditor from Flag, is in Los Angeles to interview the Clears and OTs to assist each of them to get onto their next step on their Bridge. • Nancy Lowe, Lead Solo NOTs D of P, is here in L.A. on a special project and she too is available for consultations to answer any questions you may have. Contact us at (323) 953-3230 now to set up an appointment with one or both of these wonderful terminals. Love, |
“jack-in-the-box on steroids”
Very amusing Mike!
I have some difficulty understanding the “stats” they are reporting. I did the OEC course and cannot recall most of these stats?
Do I need to redo the course under GAT II, oh then I could become a new stat as well as gain understanding.
Pip, Pip
I’m in a state of hyperbolic numbness. This action of overblown hype of EP’s and stats, that has gone on for years, makes one feel like nothing is ever good enough. Scn should be the game where everyone wins, now it’s the game of who can tolerate the most stress and trudge on. Yuck. It’s a fake, unreal and dishonest game.
Am I reading this right? Almost 22K raised for the IAS and only $125 raised for the ideal org funding. Definitely shows you where the priorities are.
Great LRH quote!
GAG II blanket C/S put Scientology in the dark ages….
Great image -truly a picture is better than a 1000 words!
Not quite Dave’s idea of power – The Liberator
All I can see is that we used to beat that NBSRAW figure, in the nineties when I was the ED of ACT org. And that was a small struggling org. Keep beating the life out of it Dave, you have nearly killed it.
Mike, I like reading the leaked OTC minutes because one finds valuable glimpses of uncooked data. Reading this whole thing make me think: if I were a whale sitting in the front row of an event, a whale who had, simply on good faith and with social personality good intentions, and no objective fact-checking, stat-checking or other due diligence, just sunk half a million of my dough into my local org, wow, you’d better believe I would want reassurance that I had done the right thing and that what I had given was creating a big effect. Looking from this viewpoint it is easy to see how lies MUST be told – big lies.
The only real news here is that you are still getting leaked OTC minutes. There is so little going on in the kingdom that there really isn’t anything to report. I guess all that are left are going to hang on for dear life and we will no longer have “big” news of OT members leaving in disgust. No celebs are turning and running. All the smart ones are gone. No news of Ex SO members leaving and spilling the beans. No major Int Execs coming out. Its all rather dull and boring these days isnt it.
The fact that OTC minutes are being leaked is a huge deal. Whatever their content, the fact that they ARE being leaked in my opinion takes precedence over whatever uncooked data they contain, as revealing as that can be. I just LOVE that these things get leaked! I wish there were an OTMole in my ole org that could leak minutes to Mike What a gas!
Pathetic absolutely pathetic. So happy NOT to be in anymore. No longer having to go to these awful events, I can just imagine the reaction of a staff if I said to them today, “NO I’m not coming, I am smack in the middle of my World Cup fever and can’t peel myself away from the TV”. That would go over real well.
Never mind everything else, if 5, count ’em, 5 Ideal Orgs can’t sell 13 books to new people, why were those millions spent and raised? One hot Mission could have done that back in the day. This is truly the end of it. If the poor pilgrims inside cannot apply Scientology tech to their own belief system, and handle the crashing stats and conditions, then it NEVER worked.
Being OK with these numbers puts them in tacit TREASON. Miscavige has destroyed or hounded away anyone that was still worth a damn enough to question. Sec-checks to protect the SP.
I cannot imagine the relief of those who walk out of the BS fountain WITH their loved ones. Plan well pilgrim, we are rooting for you.
thank you, well said
I think we have a meme in the works here — To escape Scientology with your family intact is known as “pulling a Remini.” Spread it around.
More lies and PR and chopping their hands off as they speak. Only $21,871 in USD for the IAS – sounds like PAC Base isn’t making their quotas, since the heyday of fundraising. Not very good numbers being so close to Maiden Voyage.
Maiden Voyage is by invitation only and parishioners who are on OTVIII aren’t even allowed to be on the Ship during MV week. The people invited are only those who have consistently shown that they are “active and contributing”. It’s a very select list and shows that there is paranoia about who’s around DM. Any leak of MV will drive him nuts, but wouldn’t a peek be fun?
Only $125 ‘raised’ for buying/redecorating Ideal Orgs while $21,871 was ‘donated’ to the IAS. Those two numbers show where the real staff work is going.
Eventually, even the most cognitively impaired clam is going to notice that ‘services’ are not the main product of CO$, it is donations to IAS.
Yes, desperate. They assumedly have now 50 Class XIIs. They claimed 21 Ls Completions, so we can conclude that at least 29 Class XIIs are idle not to mention the past existent 50 Class IXs which are definitely lacking pcs.
This was predictable, finish with the current sheeple and there won’t be new public coming in to Flag.
“You will not want to miss this! This is the official kick-off of our new year!”
Since when did MV become “our new year”? getting confused here – they have a big New Year’s party, usually a week before the rest of the world’s New year. Then there’s LRH’s Birthday Game which starts a new year around 13th March. And of course – lest we forget – there was Hubbard’s attempt to replace the Christian calender with the Dianetics version which started on the 9th May 1950.
No wonder scilons can’t tell their arses from their elbows!!
Wow just received a call from local ED asking me to attend the MV events and promised
me a free lecture on postulates. Her tone was apathy and sounded like she
hasn’t slept in 3 days. Man I really feel sorry for the beaten down staff. I foresee these
events to be a total bust.
Kinda looks like the odds are about 50% / 50% that the big ruse will end in a catastrophic event(s) vs. a slow death. Mike’s blog is one of the efforts that is increasing the odds of a catastrophic event(s) for the cult.
Jezuz – With stats like that I think they will stop reporting them soon. OTC members will just be told “we’re doing better than last week” or “we’re down from last week.”
Even after all the OTs are gone, and there’s no one left in CoS but Davey, Lou, John Allender and that guy in Scotland, circling each other with knives drawn, they’ll still be reporting statistics.
OMG – what an image! Of course you know Davey will won’t actually be holding a knife. He’ll be the guy ordering them to circle each other from a safe vantage point surrounded by Non-Scientologist armed body guards.
The end was near when I began complaining that I’m Dave Fosters Personal piggy Bank. That and fending off the IAS leaches who roam the halls of Flag in droves.
The first thing you do at Flag is sign away all your legal rights on a 8 page iron clad legal document. I attest to the Flag Hype run down.From now on If I want enlightenment I’ll take up Rodeo Bull Riding.
The IAS statuses completed is a stat that
is workable for me. Keep that one going
You are so right Mike, the solo D of P off
post at flag to do a project in LA? What
a giant outpoint. Is there just one public person
to have the balls to ask why?
All this fast flow crap….what a bunch of BS
PR. The ones that know better should be flogged
and for the ones that have no idea….God help ’em.
I just can’t think with any of this. I mean even if
people do do the basics, do they not listen?
What does LRH talk about on 90% of the tapes
he did?….how the tech works… to audit….
making auditors….on and on….there has to be
at least one or two tapes on the basics that talks
about Bypassed Charge.
A sign should be put on the door leading into any
HGC these days……
Warning…..There is a possibility that fast flow auditing can
Bypass Charge and give you a headache….proceed
at your own risk because we don’t give refunds.
Have A Nice Session!
You don’t need a solo D of P at Flag when there is no one there who needs your services.
Unfortunately Potpie,
Anyone who studies the “basics” exclusively would not be aware of established lines and policies since that point.
You know such things as KSW and what Tech Degrades are like for instance what they are currently doing by bragging about the speed of auditing or that the basic tech of the Grade Chart has existed since 1965 and that total Standardization of it occurred in ’68.
And …. they never EVER mention – EVER – how many auditors were made that week. The MOST important Stat in Scientology – cause how you gonna “clear the planet” without auditors – ain’t even a stat anymore. “The practice of not-isness reduces understanding.” These people HAVE to reduce their understanding and hide in their bubble of myths …. because if they ever faced the truth and their own participation in it ….they would cave in so fast and so deeply …. stars might start exploding (ok, that last part was a little joke but y’all dig my drift, right?)
Joe, creating auditors is completely OUT ETHICS! That’s OLD scientology. New scientology is whatever Davy Boy comes up with next. Auditors are a thing of the past. Running around in a circle is the new OT IX.
Right Joe,
I noted that glaring out point too.
I remember at one time Flag was the place you used to go to for special Flag Only Rundowns, like Ls, New Vitality, Dynamic Sort out etc. and the Flag Internships.
When I was there in ’89 there were about 175 Interns and about 200 or more on Acad, SHSBC and Class VIII.
Looking at these stats I betcha D of T and Qual is a virtual ghost town.
Then they allegedly have 200 Super Power Auditors turning out 20 comps a week.
When I was at AOLA there was about 20 – 25 SO and Non SO Auditors total in the HGC and we used to churn out close to that many comps.
Added to IV A and Solo we’d get over 30 comps a week. So many that I got sick of hearing the William Tell Overture.
Not only that but we’d have several VIIIs and Silver Cert grads as well and we weren’t even considered a Training Org.
Since I mentioned “Training Org” ASHO Day was consistently graduating about 12 BC Grads per month. ASHO Fdn less maybe about 6 because the BC course was a long haul on a Fdn schedule that is until Chris Montgomery took over as DoT and some how managed to get 28 comps in one week.
Did she get a commendation? NO. She was declared SP. Because she was accused of “quickying”.
Never could figure that out.
I mean auditor training is supposed to be *fast*. Ron pretty much lays out the time expected on each level in the HCOB *Fast* (emphasis added) Courses.
Now with the added “Basics” the “Hubbard” Pro Metering Course and other arbitraries added to training one wonders if it will take several life times for some poor student to get down that runway.
Not to worry though. Forget about spending all that time in training because they got a dwindling supply of auditors who are probably eligible for Social Security to take you to the highest levels of OT *Fast* then you can join the OTC and feed the self perpetuating corrupt beast known as the “Church of Scientology”.
Totally dig, Joe P. I’m still trying to get my mental mitts around the stubborn blindness of these Still-Ins. Emotion-wise I alternate between compassion and exasperation. Today its exasperation. “The practice of Not Isness reduces understanding”. LRH. Thanks, this helps.
I heard that Montreal (which has over 2 million people) hasn’t had a new auditor since 1996.
That’s not surprising. Probably the same in the vast majority of cities all over the world.
Funny 1996 was the year the Golden Age of Tech was released.
Is there a connection…..
Gilded Age of Trash
“Clears and Power completions are flooding into the Flag AO in never before seen numbers as the word gets out that they can have a Class IX Auditor and that we WILL get them onto their OT levels in a very short time.”
Sure makes a kool aide consumer relax knowing that the reason that these NEVER BEFORE SEEN NUMBERS is due to “word getting out” about the CLASS IX auditors available.
Really Edy, NEVER BEFORE SEEN NUMBERS? Never before seen because there is no one home as in the frickin place is god damned empty which is as it should be. At least the lies and bullshit peddled to the public have at last produced a service to the community and world at large. THEY STAY AWAY IN DROVES AND HAVE A LIFE WORTH LIVING.
As long as you combine PR and LIES you can count on empty space. And the lies and empty space like you are demonstrating has truly redefined “in never before seen numbers”. Not to worry, tomorrow will see new lows.
Never before seen numbers. They forgot to mention that those numbers are so small they are embarrassing.
“In all the Orgs and Missions in PAC (that is 3 SO Orgs, CC Int, 5 “ideal orgs”, another org, about 5 missions including the two missions that have won the international birthday game for 5 years in a row) they managed:
13 books sold
5 Div 6 Services taken by a New Person on the New Introductory Routes (note, this is NOT 5 new people, it could be one person doing 5 services)
34 starts on a GAG II service
This is the result of 239 “Active OT Committee Members” doing nearly 500 hours of work.”
In my first few years in Scn I worked for around 3 months in a Butlins holiday Camp,
in around 1968. Admittedly to quote Tom Cruise in Top Gun ” a target rich environment.”
I sold 60 books in that time. On my lonesome.
How ironic…it is our own original decision from “know” to “not know” that starts to create our journey into MEST (or maya.) It is OK to do both as we live our lives…that is a yin/yang after all. I just find it so fascinating that so many in the Church these days are so heavily on the “not know” side of things as they refuse to open their eyes and look. A very dangerous pattern to follow if your goal is enlightenment.
I think there is no goal of “enlightenment” in the COS. Just a goal of Lightening the contents of the pockets of the robots who follow the rules.
As to them refusing to open their eyes” They are FORBIDDEN TO SEARCH ANY ” 1.1, SP,” sources, EVER!!!
I love your comment. Love your perspective. You say it so clearly and with such eloquence. You didn’t need to use a lot of gobbley-gook language filled with big letter acronyms and numbers. Just your simple truth created a far more beautiful and friendly insight – something I can actually contemplate that feeds my Being. Thank you. You don’t need all the gobbley-gook. Keep doing what you’re doing and sharing your insights.
Thank you for your kind thoughts!
Jonsty, I get your concept loud and clear, and I 100% agree, so, believe me, not to niggle about words, but these still ins are actually WAY below “Knot Know” which is actually a very good, causitive place to be, because its a high awareness level. People who are in Knot-Know, KNOW that they do not know and are ready, willing and able to LOOK. Living in Knot Know is a great way to operate in life. Now, these still ins BELIEVE that they ALREADY know and for various reasons are NOT ready, willing nor able to look, which is another way of saying “delusionary”. What this equates to on the Know To Mystery Scale I can’t say exactly, but it is going to be VERY low. Can someone input on what “delusion” equates to on the KTM?
Not sure, but on the tone scale, right below being objects would be being Dave.
Edit: Can’t believe how I spelled “Not” as in “Not Know” – “KNOT?” Embarrassed, much? Where did that come from?