Here are some new “stats” from Flag proving once again, the great boom is a big bust. Flag, like the rest of the scientology orgs, is on a kamikaze death dive.
The big push at Flag is now on Purif and “Survival Rundown” completions. 4 times as many of them as Clears. Double the number of Super Power completions. The volume is pitiful for a $150 million dollar building and 1500 claimed SO staff…
They claimed to have 200 Super Power Auditors. If they are completing 20 per week, this means the vast majority of these auditors are sitting idle — which is confirmed by the latest Flag OTC Minutes where an announcement was made that Super Power auditors are available in the FSM area to help with call-in and recoveries in the big push to get people onto Purif and SRD!
The Super Power “boom” has come and gone. They got the 700 or so biggest KoolAid drinkers and donators to the SP building through and now they struggle to get anyone else to show up (this tells you how many serious KA drinkers there are in the world — everyone who is anyone in the world of scientology is now DONE with SP Rundown).
Meanwhile, there are allegedly 225 “public” on auditor training. That they can just assert this and people believe it is amazing. If you recall, EVERY SINGLE PERSON is completing EVERY course in checksheet time. So why if there are more than 200 people training don’t they have more than 5 completions on auditor training levels, or even the prerequisites? Remember the pages of completions from the latest Source mag?
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2014
From: “Flag WUS – Team 10,000” <[email protected]>
Subject: Good News!
W/E 5 June 14
– 21 Purif Completions!!
– 18 Survival Rundown Completions
– 21 Full Super Power Completions!!
– 16 Cause Resurgence Completions!!
– 22 Ls Completions!
– 9 Clears!!
– 11 OT VII Completions!!
(From the WUS: Robbie Robinson, Katia Nelson, Kendrick Moxon, and Hansa Johnson!!)
With the 11 Solo NOTs Completions this week, the total OT VII Completions since last Maiden Voyage hit 380, already 22 over last year’s highest ever with still one week to go!
There are now a total of 700 Super Power Completions and 535 Cause Resurgence Completions!!!!
There are 225 public training through Class IV and 286 moving on their Golden Age of Tech II training!
Bring your friends, selectees or contacts into the Flag Office and we will help you get them to Flag!
Call: Jeff Mintz (323) 953-3230!
And then we have a special bonus.
One of the 11 OT VII completions (exclam, exclam) is none other than Rick Moxon. He FINALLY completed. Must have been on it for 15 years at least. (BTW at 11 per week, they’ve got about 1000 weeks to make their first target of 10,000 or 50 years — and they are RIGHT ON TARGET).
Also in the photo is Sarah Heller, OSA Flag Legal Beagle.
Photo courtesy Kathy True — who is now going to go completely insane trying to figure out how HER photo was leaked.
Maybe she can start by interrogating herself on the meter.
Yes that crashing Zero pretty describes the state of the Church of Scientology these days.
I mean a picture….well you all the rest.
Wait till ol’ Rick finds out that he has to go back and re do objectives.
Oh maybe he’ll just “man up” and get with the program like most of these Ex GO seem to do.
Probably cause if they left what is in their “Priest, Penitent, Privileged File” will become public knowledge.
The summer months are the best for Flag as that is when many people have their vacations/time off from work. In the Fall the already empty HGCs and courserooms become ghost towns. September will be a busy time for Ethics with plenty of witch hunts and “heads on a pike”. Its not that anyone expects that to improve the statistics. Its just a big show to please the gods. Hopefully Kathy True will continue to be our photographer on the ground. Unfortunately, I don’t think she will ever pick up a camera again after she finishes sec checking herself while staring into a bright light.
Excellent points, Joe. It’s quite maddening to see how the environment within the Church has changed over the decades. In 1972, when I got in, everyone was caught up in the joy of creating. Every TR session, comm cycle, or hour on course, was purposed with having wins and realizing the potential for change – spiritual change. It was fun. By the early 1980s this had all changed. SCN was becoming more hard-edged, more militant and driven by stats and ‘results’. The spiritual nature of our Spiritual Journey was pushed aside in favor of more practical goals. Our leaders were in prison, LRH went into hiding and Scientology’s DNA began to change. It’s hard to articulate — a little like Mother Teresa transitioning from a sweet compassionate and loving Sister, into a short-haired, tattooed and belligerent biker chick whose sole mission was to convert everyone – no matter what.
The urge to be close to another Scientologist, to talk and learn became to fade in earnest. There was no time for talking anymore, for taking a moment and reflecting of what was possible in SCN. You were working for Bridge, on course, on staff or in the shitter. Enjoying oneself was no longer an option.
Then GAG I hit the SCN landscape like an old piece of space junk. All those with connections and loyalties to LRH that allowed them to remember what it used to be like were banished. Their memories became dangerous as we embarked on our current and perhaps last phase. Our very own Age of Darkness.
The best thing for the RCS is for all of us to keep shining the light of truth and embarrass them into submission. Expose their foolish lies, their silly childish tricks until they realize that they ceased being Scientology, the moment they gave up their right to think and handed it over to DM for ‘safe keeping.’
Europe and by extension the Catholic Church, went through their own Dark Ages and came out of it through the Renaissance. An Age of Enlightenment. Shoot, it worked for them, it can work for us as well.
Well said.
Mike, your story about the OSA reps getting on a plane with you and then missing their connecting flight so as not to become “contaminated” further by your “SP-ness” is both funny and pathetic.
That they chose to flee the Mike Rinder Terror reminds me of a bunch of school kids running from a school mate so as not to get “cooties”.
It is also obviously a comment from them that they recognize that they are weaker than you are.
I’m on record many times here with my viewpoint that there is great gain and wins to be had with Scientology training and processing. And I think much of it can be latent – that is to say, when a person leaves the CoS, he/she can recognize/recover many of their wins/cogs/gains/abilities. But I do not think you can keep or use your wins in such an intensively PTS environment as the CoS for two main reasons. 1) Because the PTSness is in the VERY ACTIVITY itself that you are supposed to be getting these gains from, so essentially the PTSness is not only constant, present at all times, but unhandleable, as by BEING there under the conditions that exist with no recourse, one has already agreed not to disconnect or handle and so one is really creating one’s own suppression – DEADLY, but also and probably more importantly 2) when a person continues on in the CoS for a long time, and agrees to its policies on disconnection and what one can read or communicate, one HAS AGREED TO CEDE CAUSE OVER ARC TO ANOTHER ENTITY. That is to say, you have agreed to let others command you on whom you can feel affinity or affection for, whom you can communicate to and from what sources you can receive communication, and on what things you are allowed to agree with. When you have agreed to give yourself up as source OF YOUR OWN DECISIONS REGARDING ARC, you are fairly lost as a being. And so you have today’s “in church” OTs – a bunch of beings with no backbone, no courage or confront and very VERY little amount of actual perception of the world around them.
Joe Pendleton, I agree completely, A Win is a Win, and PTSness can be handled, per the References on PTSness. Nicely articulated.
BTW Mike, I loved the story about the airplane and Kathy.
I guess she has a yet to be released GAT III Solution for PTSness – “Get the Hell out of there!”
Sheeple take Kathys example and get the Hell out of there !
In Saint Hill UK, also East Grinstead, it is sometimes necessary to share a Taxi .. so I was asked if I would share my Taxi with two Saint Hill Excecs .. I did, but this guys were not happy with me as a passenger .. no thanks for helping them to have a taxi now, and not two hours later .. but got bad flows against me .. the flow was 1.0 (fear) .. not understandable really ..
I have never understood why this guys have so much fear about suppressors .. they themselves have created enemies which are not really there .. when you are told as a suppressor, they are immediately PTS in your environment .. fantastic game condition ..
You nailed it, Joe!
Hey “Joe” – Very good points! Most people in the world have some kind of solutions to their difficulties in life, whether it be Jesus, drugs, meditation, SCN, etc. My most MAJOR disagreement with the CofS, is their telling you who you can communicate with. That is an UTTERLY insane policy that defeats the entire concept of self-determinism and ARC. They even get the sheeple to agree that they wouldn’t want to communicate with their now declared friends. They now believe they are not communicating with “SPs” on their own determinism. My step-daughter and son-in-law probably “no longer want” to communicate with me. It was only a week before my declare when they stated how much they love me. Where I REALLY take exception is to their disconnecting their autistic daughter from me.Gaby and I were really buddies and she had no say in the matter. VERY EVIL PRACTICE!! Should definitely be illegal.
but isn’t the tech suppose to make one more able to deal with adverse situations?
if the wins and gains only apply when times are good then what are the wins and gains worth.
it’s when times are rough that you need them most, not when life is easy to handle.
that’s like saying the medicine only works when you’re not sick.
also joe, your comment says that something else is in fact more powerful then the tech.
if i have a weapon that can change the planet but you can thwart me from using it, then in practicality i DON’T have a weapon i can use. i must first find a way to stop you from thwarting me. shouldn’t i be using the tech to do that? if i don’t, if i use some other means to stop you from stopping me, then that says the tech can’t stop the suppression, again something else is more powerful than the tech.
those people ARE scientologists(lets us not evaluate or invalidate), they should be using the tech to WIN in the face of ANY adversity.
if what you said is true joe, then you just told the world that we have power of you. all we have to do is keep oppressing you and your wins and gains will be useless to you, that your knowledge of the tech is useless in the face of that.
You said “But I do not think you can keep or use your wins in such an intensively PTS environment as the CoS for two main reasons. 1) Because the PTSness is in the VERY ACTIVITY itself that you are supposed to be getting these gains from, so essentially the PTSness is not only constant, present at all times, but unhandleable”
if that is true, you just outlined how the wog world can keep the tech suppressed forever.
you used the word “unhandleable”. so then there are circumstances that the tech cannot handle.
if the tech can’t handle miscavige, how can it handle the whole planet, full of mad men that make miscavige look like a boy scout?
“Photo courtesy Kathy True — who is now going to go completely insane trying to figure out how HER photo was leaked.”
i don’t see what the big deal is, she just has to postulate it gone.
even if she can’t do it herself surely there is one OT that can make a postulate stick.
as a dilettante, it’s always heartening to hear they are getting closer to their goal of 10,000.
looking forward to the day i get swept clear…….for free and with no effort.
who says being a slacker doesn’t pay.
The completion list sucks. No other OTs, no auditors made. This would be non-e for AOLA back in the 80s. I wounder what the staff do? Maybe reg for IAS?
Moxon… now OT7 …… but still dyeing the hair …. Rick … you’re supposed to know you’re a THETAN by now buddy … it’s OK to let “the body” look a little older (I comment not to make fun of him physically, hey I’m no movie star myself – but to point out the total disconnect these folks have in almost every area of life from their alleged “homo novo-ness” … they ARE NOT people in good shape on ANY level) ……
If that is homo novus, I’ll stick with being homo oldus.
I’ve had a few comm cycles with Moxon over the years, just social ones. And he is not looking good nowadays. I kinda think with all the stress of the TX court case and his involvement in it and his close working relationship with DM, that he is under a LOT of stress. That coupled with his age and not so good shape body, and I think it is a recipe for a health disaster.
Wow! The have one week left to go, are 22 OT 7 comps over last year, and got 12 OT 7 comps last week. Let’s say they get 20 OT 7comps in the final week.
And this is a stat they can TOTALLY control. There are hundreds of people auditing on OT 7 who don’t understand why they are not done and would love to be allowed to attest.
And this is the best they can do!!??
This is straight up and vertical?
I consider this proof that they want to keep people on OT 7 as long as possible.
They can AFFORD to actually have straight up and vertical OT 7 comps.
Does anyone have a picture of Kathy True? For all that I have heard about her over the years I bave never seen a picture of her. She must be camera shy even though her footprint at FLB is a big one. She makes Ben Shaw and the rest of CW OSA look like a bunch of pussy cats, so they say anyway. .
Last time I saw her, she looked terrible. Badly overweight. Frumpy. Sallow skin. She, along with two other OSA Flag staff got on the last flight out of San Antonio back to Tampa with me. They were totally freaked out when I showed up at the gate and they had to get on the same plane. We changed planes in Houston and though it was the last flight, they did not get on the connecting flight to Tampa. They paged them twice. I guess they were worried that a) I might corner them somehow and shatter their ability to shatter suppression, or b) they didnt want to be on the same plane that would clearly all go PTS to a monster SP and probably crash into the ocean.
Hope they enjoy sleeping on the chairs in Houston airport overnight…
That’s frickin hilarious! I’m having a hard time typing, what confront! Damn I wish I was there to see that. I’m having a coughing fit from laughing! I can hear the page now: “Kathy True, your flight is leaving. I wonder what happened to them?”
Thanks for sharing that little jewel Mike. Still laughing
Sounds like she will need to do the PTS-SP Course again to help her confront AND handle suppression.
Then she will sent the folks booking her flights to the RPF for not checking to see what bitter defrocked apostates might also be on HER flight.
Yo Kathy, I think you had better recall Rod and Lori Daniells back to Flag for a little tune up. They are still connected to Lori’s sister whom I see all the time. Yes it is the same sister that you recalled Lori and my then wife Sheri back to Flag for in 2006 and told them to disconnect from.
Eight years later and still no disconnection plus now you have an additional defrocked apostate (that would be me) and I live right across the street from Rod and Lori. What is up with that? You had better get them to sell their house and move ………………………otherwise………………..well you know……..another one bites the dust!
Trust me, I am relentless, definately defrocked but not so much bitter these days as having some fun communicating whit your sheeple. Have a great day. And by the way, can you clamp down a tad more on your security issues…….sheesh, photos of Kendrick and all. You know HE is going to be pissed, pissed, pissed over this.
Mike, it’s hard to accept that there are some who still can’t understand simple logic. That if you remove the ‘rotten tomato’ from the remaining tomatoes, and do it quickly enough, you have a good chance of saving the remainder. The ‘rot’ seems to have permeated pretty thoroughly in this case, judging by the stench!
Another way of looking at it, I suppose, is if if you operate down at the level of ‘death’ (0.0) (idle morgues’), then after a while, the smell doesn’t bother you any more! Apathy (0.05), is close enough, not to make any real difference, hey? 🙂
How well I remember your comment, on the day I made my announcement on Marty’s blog: 12/05/2012
“Welcome to the sunshine Calvin!”
Such an empty waisted stupid life Kendrick lives
Hey Dave, Are you and Tom still using SO Life History data for screenwriting material?
Rick Moxon attesting to “UN-INDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR.”
Moxon looks utterly confused.
Wow, Moxon does look bad – fat, old and not happy. Looks like I started to look in my last few years in the SO, when I was getting sick regularly and developing weird unexplained body problems. Now having been out a while: I lost 45 pounds without any sort of “diet” or tricks, a slow, steady loss as a result of proper nutrition, exercise and sleep, and no longer constantly submitted to SO-style stress, invalidation and intimidation. I look and feel 10 years younger. Oh, and my eyesight has improved significantly. I had to get glasses to pass the vision test done as part of getting a license about 10 years ago, when I was in the SO. Now I actually see much better driving without the glasses. I’ll take all of that over Moxon’s OT VIII completion any day.
You can see better because you are now willing to look. I know an old FSM who has been in for over 40 years and been up the bridge 2 or 3 times. He is literally blind. I have a feeling that’s because he is refusing to see what is going on.
Zana I’m pretty sure I know who you are talking about and you are quite right about that. He is literally blind because he refuses to see the truth. “There are non so blind as those who will not see.” What I don’t understand is why did he and his wife divorce after 60 or 70 years or marriage?
oh I would just love to hear what this “OAT-eee” has got to say………. He really looks like he “cause” over matter, energy, space and time….. does this mean he gets to hang out with Tom…..LIke really, totally… for sure! 😉
“Photo courtesy Kathy True — who is now going to go completely insane trying to figure out how HER photo was leaked.”
You learned well. You are a master at PYSOPs.
Mike, I agree, my last entry was more about my thoughts than the subject. Thanks 😉
>proving once again, the great boom is a big bust. Flag, like the rest of the scientology orgs, is on a kamikaze death dive.
With empty Ideal” orgs and members leaving in droves or staying away, how long can the Demented Monster (DM) continue to sell the lies about “straight up and vertical” expansion?
Is it true that the EP of OT VII is changed last year?
Yes. It now is: “Ready for OT VIII Eligibility”
Good one!
But seriously, have they changed it? I am not sure I have read it on this blog.
You also have to prove you can chug a gallon of Kool Aide no blink and no stop without soiling your shorts……..I mean shirt.
With this level of leakage there must be a ludicrous level of paranoia inside the bubble. So glad I got my wake up call years ago.
And Rick is escorted off to the MAA within minutes of his attest to OT VII for mixing practices. No one could have missed that he’s praying.
Praying that his trip to the shit (I mean ship) will not be overly painful. A few more intensives of sec checking as set ups for OT VIII, then a private meeting with the Furher so he can personally guarantee a win for the cult in Texas (or else his ass is mothballs ), then a couple rounds with Teddy is the International Association of Suppressive assholes briefing room cooker to relieve him of all the cash he is earning from the cult in the courtroom in Texas and other than that …………..should be a nice trip to the Caribbean to celebrate his win.
Well except he will need too purchase his OT VIII .0000000024 karat OT VIII bracelet and a couple hundred thousand TWTH booklets for the folks in Cartegena. Then he will be good. Always a pleasure to spend a few weeks in the most OT environment on the planet,
IMO this guy looks introverted and nervous. I’m sure he’s thinking “just smile and act keyed out just in case they put me on the cans again….you can do this…you can do this…think happy thoughts…think happy thoughts….omg….omg…omg…I’m almost out of here!”
Yeah–it’s pretty bad isn’t it! He does NOT look bright and shiny. He’s not grounded (no copper rod jokes please) and certain and ready to take on anything. I dunno—I don’t even think I care whether he made it out OK or not!
It’s been soooooo long that anyone really LOOKED like a product or a course or level. I think it’s because the faults in the admin “tech” and the squirrel application by many finally made it impossible to get anything proper done technically. Sucks.
Sorry—I meant product OF a course or level……
I hope your phrase “more bust exposed” isn’t er, misinterpreted by any old-fashioned or prudish search-engines, Mike. Makes it sound like you’ve started posting what used to be called “spicy pix” instead of a photo of Moxon looking sanctimonious. Or maybe he did a striptease later on to celebrate completing OT VII after so long? (No, let us eschew such horrid thoughts).
Having busted the Corporate Scientology business model, Dave’s statistic is # of public and staff’s balls busted, Lou’s statistic is busting His nut.
Radio Paul says: Did Moxon get his eye glasses when he went Clear or did he have to wait till he reached OT VII?
Now, THAT is brutally funny… indeed!
When I was on staff, in more recent years, Superpower was supposed to be delivered to staff and SO members for free. This was actually promoted to me by the Ideal Org SO recruiters when I signed the contract.
Order of delivery was Cornerstone members – SO members – staff – then public. Why on earth are tons of S.P. auditors just sitting around? Any of you on the fence should ask that question.
BEST POST EVER! No completions, no stopped leaks make Kathy…something,something –
So who’s there for Toxin as he fulfills the dream of this lifetime and attests to OTVII? OSA. OSA behind him, OSA taking the picture. That says everything, really.
There are lines I’d do at Ortega’s regarding porcine species and out-2D activities, but I will spare the genteel crowd here from them.
It used to be that Flag drained the orgs dry of pcs and students so Flag could have that income. But now there’s nothing left to be drained. And so Flag is drying up.
How long before the lights go off? Literally, I mean. How long before the poor staff living inside those walls are stumbling around in the dark? How long before only public are allowed to have electricity? How long before … Scientology soylent?
gary shandling, didn’t know he was a scientologist! did you use OT powers to twist those up fingers like that?
These completions are from the bottom of the public sump tank.
Next week is lots of sucking noises as the Flag income pump starts grinding away.
( D.M.will think of something,something horrible or Lost tech discovered .Kool aid
drinkers get your credit cards ready)
“Maybe she can start by interrogating herself on the meter.”
Well, everybody says the e-meter is a “kind of primitive lie detector”. Well, that English news doc. says so, and in the plummiest tones, too! Sweaty palms, don’t you know, they conduct electricity.
Anyway, I’m outta here. When I saw “more bust exposed” I was hoping for cheesecake, but all I got was beans and rice.
You would think that after all that work in self improvement, a process he spent 15 years on, that he would look more relaxed. The tight shoulders, clenched hands, He looks like he is waiting for the other shoe to drop. Bunched up and nervous. Like he has realized that it may not be all he was told it is. It may not be worth all of the sacrifices, the things he has done (or not done).
Or maybe that’s tone 40 for Moxon.
He IS waiting for the other shoe to drop….in a Texas courtroom.
It won’t be a shoe, it will be the whole frickin store.
Anyone else notice that Moxon looks like a fast-forwarded-to-the-future version of Napoleon Dynamite? (Gosh!)
Well now I do!
Good to know my ex-husband (Robbie) has finally completed OT7. If I remember right, he’s another one who was on it for a long time — although he had to take a break from it for a second (or third?) cancer treatment. It was Robbie who told me I’d been declared, and then he disconnected before I could thank him for sharing the news. Great point about the staging of this photo. Do you suppose anyone who’s still involved will even notice?
Sung to the tune of Swanee
Sheeple, how I love you, how I love you
My dear old Sheeple
I’d give the world to see
You with the folks in I-N-D-I-
Even now your teammates
Waiting for you,
Praying for you
Far from The Bubble
The folks out here will greet you again
When you meet your long lost friends
Love your lyrics and your rhyming on “I-N-D-I-even know”. MUCH better than the stupid song that someone was singing from an LRH album out on Tony’s blog today. ! Much MUCH better. 🙂
Thank you very much Zana.
Did Moxon get his eye glasses when he went Clear or did he have to wait till he reached OT VII?
I can’t believe how bad Moxon is looking these days. That 1970’s mens perm is not helping either. I guess Scientology really does mess you up.×1024.jpg
“Hansa Johnson.” I’m wondering if that is Hansa Bliffert’s married name or would that be mom?
Yep. That is Hansa Johnson, that is Hansa Bliffert’s married name (previously aka Hansa Chapman). Her mom is Karin Chapman, or Karin Mesa for the past 20 years, or so.
Oh, oh! Poorly stage shot. They are supposed to gather everyone up from all floors to stand in the background. Instead we get a peak at what’s really going on: a pretty empty place.
Moronic. I love it!
Moxon is standing in vast, empty corridors…
And notice the lounge area, empty.
The total of students is 511. I do remember the Academy – early 90s – having more than 700 students, you could hardly find a place to sit. Now, with this unnecessarily humongous building the courses look and are in fact empty.
The push for OT VII Completions before MV was always stressful at FSO. People that had been wanting to attest for years suddenly could easily do so before MV as, otherwise, what the leader would announce?
Silvia and others: That is NOT the lounge area. What you see beyond Moxon is an open area in Qual to do drills, read, etc. but there are closed areas beyond and beside this area. This area is usually pretty empty looking. One’s final step of OT VII is his attestation in Qual, behind doors where Moxon just came out. This is one’s first appearance as a NEW OT VII completion and only those privy to that completion will or may show up. It can be a quiet affair with only a few people there; sometimes only a few staff. The BIG announcement of this completion comes later where as many students, public, friends are gathered into the reception area.
Also, I always found that “interesting,” too, how so many MORE OT VII completions were rustled up before Maiden Voyage. It was yet another outpoint.
Also, that window behind Moxon is an indication that Qual was closed at the time (either early morning, late evening).
You can see from the windows in the far end that it looks like daylight. The rolled down shut window is where they sell the kool ade. Moxon bought it all so they shut down to mix a new batch.
Good point McCarran. It could also be lunch or dinner time. The outpoint also is that this ‘shared win’ was kept tight close; not the usual presentation in front of all AO public, but just a few staff including OSA which never ever attend this win presentation.
Is like keeping it ‘amongst family” this one being the family of espionage, fair game, and so on. Very secretive you know.
Unless you take precautions, a lot of photos have the date and time included in the file info, or the EXIF info.
Silvia, yes I so much agree… and, you have another Ideal post… about 5 minutes before me.. damn