Here is the “Interrogatory” that preceded the “HCO Summons”…
This is pretty revealing.
Not attending events “expected of Scientologists.”
Appearing to drink excessively?
Failing in some area of life, “yet do not seek Ethics help”?
“Scientologists who are not participating” or “helping OTC”?
Can you imagine the state of this “org” that this is what they are devoting their time to? The moral police. Not resembling much the oft-proclaimed “what is true for you is true” and “you don’t have to believe anything in scientology” and “think for yourself”…
They clearly have no new public to pay attention to and instead are desperate to hang onto the few remaining people they might have thought they could continue to get money out of.
And yet, scientology is trying to tell the world they are expanding like never before and the CSN is flooding their orgs with people demanding dianetics and scientology. Hahaha…
The end of the charade draws near.
Holy, I would love to know what prompted this interrog.
There must be allll kinds of stuff happening.
So exciting!
When an org takes this step, it gives the Ethics Officer and all of HCO a feeling of being able to “do something about it”, it’s a big heavy stick that makes the staff feel more in control. Everyone who is staff and feels thwarted feels a sense of relief and anticipation, probably some grim satisfaction too.
There were a few times over the years that my org put out something like this. It’s not done lightly.
So this means that the Denver field must be a frothing mess!
hmmmmm… could all the regging and pressure and lies about expansion have anything to do with this? Having to re-do all the courses again, shelling out 5 grand for new meters (again)? Have these tactics driven people to being open to looking at Leah’s show and reading the internet?
Oh my…..
Somehow I don’t see this interrog leading to a couple handy ‘whos’ to slaughter with more goldenrod, leading to expansion and rosy times ahead.
Time for more popcorn!
(thanks for getting these things, Mike. They are so uplifting)
After reading this very scary piece of….stuff, two names came to mind:
Jim Jones
David Koresh
Very likely each m’org is sending this out, not only Denver.
M’org…… love it!
What if each of us here printed on of these out,, answered each question and sent it to Denver? Gosh that would be funny!
[Verse 1]
How many streets must a man walk down
Passing out free personality tests?
How many seas must a sea orger sail
Before they let the poor lady rest?
Yes, and how many times must the regges insist
That you don’t really need all that mest?
The answer, my friend, is blowing from the org.
The answer is blowing from the org
[Verse 2]
Yes, and how many years can a conman exist
Before he is shown truthfully?
Yes, and how many years can some public exist
Before they’re given real help for free?
Yes, and how many times can the FBI turn its head
And say, “It’s a church, don’t you see?”
The answer, my friend, is blowing from the org
The answer is blowing from the org
[Verse 3]
Yes, and how many times must a man open up
A booklet of obvious lies?
Yes, and how many execs must be beaten upon
Before they admit they are spies?
Yes, and how many disconnects will it take
To bring about their families demise?
The answer, my friend, is blowing from the org
The answer is blowing from the org
With apologies to Bob Dylan
“Do you know of scientologists who are not participating like absent from course, not actively helping OTC or Div6, or refuse to come to local events or international events expected of scientologists?”
Yes, SIR! I would like to report Rex Fowler, OT VII. He is a Denver public and has been offlines since December 30, 2009, and hasn’t attended ANY events or OT Committee meetings since! Plus, I think he’s PTS. Ethics should pull him in for an interview and pull the string to find what’s going on with him!!!!
I learned a long time ago that any ‘church’ that was not open to question or critical thinking, that suppressed these, that insisted that everyone must toe the party line was doomed to die of its inability to accommodate and adjust and evolve. The more that Scientology works to police its members and focuses its energies on that, the more it will be trapped in its own mire.
And Scamology’s pathetic attempts at running a Counterintelligence op fail miserably, but they’ve got their heads too far up their asses to realize they’re burned.
If one of the supposedly most dangerous enemies of the Shrimp is posting your solicitations to narc on people (hell, literally even considering they’re mentioning weed), with very little effort, you have a problem. It’s deliciously awful from an operations security standpoint, but hell, I doubt Miss Cabbage even realizes it through the Whisky haze and Tequila trance.
I love it.
and the “LRH COMMUNICATOR DENVER FOUNDATION” for their suppressive act of implying that anyone could ever have a disagreement with the Chairman of the Board.
And they say they want reports to reach “the HCO COPE OFFICER no later than 10 May 2018”
Yet “Failure to turn it in by the 10 June 2018 will be considered a no-report”. What bozos.
I was in the Sea Org for 25 years and I did a few Sea Org zmissions to Denver, one of my favorite cities. This Interrog and Mike Rinder I know would agree with me is a complete piece of shit. Pretty weak actually. As most of DVR “field “ ( Another BS Scientology terminology),is sondisaffected and off the rails are probably laughing their asses off in regards to this Ethics Order.
To: Witch Hunt Committee I/C
From: SP HFA
It’s probably all Mark Headley’s fault. Why don’t you go with that. The results will be the same no matter what answers you receive, i.e. none. Another choice example of Keeping Scientology Wanking.
Years ago I was on staff in an org. I tried one of the MLM things that was going on at the time and making somewhere around $0 for my trouble. One of my “friends” in the org answered one of these interrogatories that I was making money outside the org.
I found this out when someone from WISE called and asked if that was true. Actually it was more like an accusation. After totally angering me, this person then expected me to fork over a couple of hundred dollars to join WISE. Like that was going to happen.
Those who received this will follow the path of least resistance (pain). For their first time, the path of least resistance is now to blow rather than to remain.
Eat Marijuana?…who brought the Suppressive Brownies to the Potluck Ideal Org shindig!
This form is broad enough that it doesn’t look like it was crafted for whatever specific issue is occurring in Denver. That is the sad part – that this is a form letter that has been used in multiple territories, on multiple occasions. Can anyone imagine the catholic church sending out such a communication to all of the parishioners in a particular city?
O.M.G! Where do I start? Let’s see:
1) Scientology insisting I am “P.T.S.”…I had to get off my medication for Epilepsy…in the 70’s. 10 years later…Ken Hoden (Pres.then)…his wife took me in session to tell me they throwing me out of the Sea Org, and insistimg I get off my meds that controlled it, was “Totally out tech”.
Did that stop them? Hell no. (My Mom saved my life, insisting “these people are going to kill you….& either you are back on your medine today and your Dr calls to say you are…..or trust me, Tory….I will fly out there and L Ron Hubbard and scientology will *never* forget your Mom”)
This went on for 20 years, until in 1989, I got the Entire Flag Land Base (tech team) crammed.
There’about 1,000 other out tech actions…but that’s a start.
Tory Christman
X-sea org (briefly)
X- 30 year member
X-OSA volunteer
X- Grad 5, O.T. 7
So glad you got your life back. Wow….that’s some heavy stuff. Good for your mom!!!! And good for you for having the courage to get out. It ain’t easy.
Tory, was it Lisa Hoden? The gal with the short dark hair who later appeared in SO recruitment promo?
To: Dir I&R HFA (Hubbard Fool’s Accomplice)
From: ME
Re: Your Interrogatory aka witch hunt
What is this, an attempt to bring back the good old days of Torquemada? Let me give you my simple answer:
None of your goddamn business and furthermore, go fuck yourself.
A free thinker
Dear Denver Dir I&R: your org’s problem is selling false promises as the most important product in all history and beyond. As has been said, you can’t polish a turd. All you accomplish is an awful mess and a disgusting smell objectionable to all around you. IF you DELIVERED what you promise, there’d be no disaffection. Meanwhile, spinning all your failures as amazing successes, alå 1984’s good is bad and slavery is freedom, just doesn’t work in THIS new world the REAL world. Wake up and run NOW, while you can. If you leave, there’s no one there to chase you down.
Wow, is there some sort of bounty? If someone brings it in person will there be snacks, or a happy face sticker? Is there going to be a prize for whoever stabs the most people in the back? Is the grand prize a Way to Happiness Book? There are no details there. Very sloppy 🙁
The tone deafness of this missive is amazing to the point of comedy. (Or tragedy?) Surely, it is not unusual for a church, or any kind of organization, to rally the troops for a specific cause. However, being ordered around like this, with threats for non-compliance thrown in for good measure, does nothing but rub it in for folks that they have indeed landed in a cult!
Those who joined up hoping to go exterior may find themselves, yet again, with the distinct impression of being in the Twilight Zone instead.
1) have you heard any Scientologist is good standing thinking original thoughts?
If so who? When? Where?
2) have you experienced someone apply their Integrity by criticizing the tech?
Who? When and to whom?
3) have you heard any Scientologist declare they can think for themselves?
Who? Who are their family members? Where do they live?
Any Scientologist who has seen these things and has not reported them will be sent to Carasel for final extermination. Hip hip! What a fun religion!
STASI=Scientologists Together Attacking Subversive Individuals (and their friends and families). Jeez!
Ha, ha, David Miscavige is data gathering for his new evaluation to find out WHY the money in and people in have crashed and are now in non-existence! He suspects the Morgues fields have been infiltrated by SPs and boy is he right! When he’s done he will have to declare the entire fields of all his Morgues arround the world. Not a pretty picture, or perhaps the real salvation of the Human Race:)))
Just another “policy aligned” excuse going up lines in an effort to justify failure.
Seems to me the scam “standardised” with KSW, then showed it’s true colors with the changing of the guard and the mission and financial police running amok. The Miscavige era has blossomed into into a form of cannibalism at best. This will do more internal damage than the management can comprehend. It’s one of the most unpleasant experiences you can ever try to come to terms with, “being made wrong and accused of being a criminal from doing what’s expected of you.”
I use to feel for the humble staff member but I’ve become neutral in my view of them and now give them little compassion. For in honesty, it is far better for them in the long run to be harassed and mistreated from within as it may hasten their departure. There is NO SUCCOR available or intended in Scientology, chrome hard, criminally minded assholes run that ship. The staff that are left have to learn the hard way apparently, and this sort of questioning/treatment exposes more of the internal insanity from above to staff members than a thousand feet of negative news print.
The more of this sort of stuff the better, it exposes the phenomena of the criminal orthodoxy instilled in Scientology at a grass roots level.
That children’s song, ‘Three Blind Mice,’ comes to mind.
Hi, first time here as myself. This is amazing. In LA they are not sending out letters. They are making phone calls to make sure people know to disconnect from SPs like me.
Mike has been an inspiration for me. And when he teamed up with Leah that was a kick in the ass. This gestapo activity is going to bury this cult in its own excrement.
And I want to be there to help.
Welcome Geoff…..I’m a never in-er, but I have become involved as much as I can in spreading the word, writing to the IRS, the FBI (none have replied)….. good for you for gettin’ out.
Thank you.
Well, it’s a bit late, but my suggestion is that any UTRs take it seriously and select all the most self-righteous die-hard scientologists they know, and fill them in as the answers, creating plausible scenarios where the “very best scientologists” were snorting coke, bad mouthing COB, telling dirty jokes about Ron, having affairs with staff members and secretly attending Howdycon. Should tie HCO up in knots for months.
OMG, that’s a great idea….pretty effing funny michael! : )
That would be mean.
Another thing to not do would be to make hosts with funny non-latin alphabets which display as known hosts (e.g. those of the Damnation Navy) and start sending out bad orders.
Really, don’t do that!
This appears geared towards putting a head or two on a pike and to shut everyone up and toe the line.
In the past, an SO Ethics Mission would fire into the org, create an air of terror and fear, look in staff ethics files, then into the public’s. They’d also look in pc folders and write down low tone arm session action of both staff and public and make a list. Meter checks were done on all staff. Those that didn’t pass got further ethics lists done in session. Some got C/S’d for sec checks. There was a special staff interogatory that asked about the public in addition to the usual staff question.
The above questionaire used to be standard for the public.
The Mission will count up each “Who” in the offenses and keep a tally. The person who got the most he/she said got declared SP. The second person got a Non-Enturb and depending on circumstances, others found could get publicly posted PTS declares telling them they are no longer eligible for service until this condition is handled. OTs got reported and investigated further at their advanced org, usually quietly.
As time went by, the questionnaire was meter checked and you’d be asked “have you told all, have you lied, did you leave anything out, etc.” You had to FN before you were let out.
The terror and fear nowadays must be unbelievable.
Is Scientology’s so delicate, that if someone says something “bad” or disagrees with some aspect of it, that it will cause one to go PTS? That if some disparaging word will make loyal parishioners go into doubt? If that’s so, then how valid is this philosophy that does all these amazing things? If something did deliver such incredible, stable gains, as Scientology says it does, then what do they have to worry about. If I have a product that I really love, that works well and has proven it’s value, I really could care less what anybody else says about it. So all I got to say is that for all of those non, panty waste dilettantes that make up all of those Scientologists; they sure are delicate folks.
?????? baaaawaaawaaahhhhaaaaa????????????????? what a bunch of MORONIC WHACK JOBS. “Has anyone said degrading things about going “up the bridge”. Yeah, how about this: FUCK THE ?BRIDGE?. ????
Dear I&R Denver,
I believe all you have to do to find out who in your field is complaining, is perhaps accussing RTC COB and/or management, is to look in your own files.
Look at the stacks of reports many many of us wrote to your office and management to do our best to correct things that were done off-policy for years.
Things were not corrected.
We got attacked for trying.
Then we figured out that no one was listening.
Management became a black hole.
And things keep getting more off-policy.
So we finally figured out something must be wrong with the policy because we were doing the ‘exact science’ procedure.
Doesn’t take long to take a good hard look into the true background of it’s creator to understand why it doesn’t work the way the instructions read.
You have been conned.
As a never in, I get the sense COS is imploding. The next year or two will certainly be interesting.
I was thinking of TC’s post yesterday. It seems to me, if I had the greatest tech in the world, and it worked, I’d be shouting it from the mountain tops. Miscavige is the opposite. Purposely so of course.
He’s no dummy. And he must realize he’s the most hated man in America. What an evil SOB, and it’ll leave a sweet taste for millions to see this f***** realize true deserving justice.
As a never in…Michael, I wish I could have said that, but, I was still drinking the Kool-Ade. Congrats on never being in.
“Do you know scientologists who exhibit obvious signs of PTSness such as failing in some area of heir life, are ill or having accidents yet do not seek Ethics help to handle the suppression?”
Wow. The brain-bending mindfuck of such a question is hard to exaggerate. Essentially, the recipient of this questionnaire is being asked to rat out ALL of their family, friends and acquaintances in Scientology. I mean, who doesn’t have failures, illness or accidents going on in their life? Only someone who spends all their time sheltered and hiding away from the world. Even then, accidents can happen anywhere, and things like allergies, headaches and so forth can happen no matter how cloistered you are. So, obviously you would know someone, probably someone you live with, who is going to show these “obvious signs of PTSness”, and how many of them can afford to go running in to the org to pay for ethics bullshit every time they get a sniffle or a scratch?
Then they ask about anyone you may know who refuses to go to events or give the cult free labor by volunteering for “activities”. So, basically anyone with a life and a lick of sense. Every scientology event is a fundraiser in disguise, and once you are there they make it very difficult and uncomfortable to refuse to hand over more money — this creates a situation where even those who do believe in the “tech” and feel good about their experiences on the “bridge” will be driven away. Why would you willingly put yourself in a position to be relentlessly dunned to spend all your money, go into debt, even hand over your children?
Overall, this creates the impression that they are not looking to root out the “disaffected”, they are trying to identify who are the true believers, the ones who buy in so completely they are willing to override their own common sense and dignity in order to do the bidding of their local org. This questionnaire is simply a trap, no matter how you respond. If you don’t respond, they label that a “no report”, if you reply to every question with “no” they won’t believe it and will continue to pester you about it. If you capitulate to their insane demands, then you will know you have ratted out your family and friends, and on top of that the cult will undoubtedly find some way to turn your answers into more money from you for “ethics correction”.
I suspect this mailing will be the last straw for many people who receive it. The tone is demanding and accusatory, the intentions are obviously predatory, and they don’t give the recipient any graceful way to evade this. It will drive away more people than it will bring back into the fold, that’s my prediction. Footbullets are what scientology does best, after all.
That’s exactly what I was thinking. How horrible to be sick or ill with some disease and then have somebody come knocking on your door demanding money and for you to come to the Org to do some stupid thing that is supposed to handle it. How absolutely devastating for people who are struggling already to be stuck in this avalanche of stupidity. I feel sorry for them and I dearly hope that they wake up and start leaving in droves. I think it would be bad enough to wake up on the eve of your life in your senior years and realize that all the money and time you could’ve had to spend with your children and Grandchildren and the love you could’ve experienced was in fact flushed down the toilet and given to someone only concerned with how much money they can extort out of you and who won’t care if you’re dead anyway. That all those years are gone and unfortunately there is no million other lives to come where you can get that time back with those loved ones. How truly sad that moment will be. This is like a grown-up twisted sick version of tattletale.
Wouldn’t it be interesting if a question was asked on the lines of… are you associated with anyone who is winning in life more than you?
I tried to see if i could answer “David Miscavage” for all the questions, but interestingly they’re worded in such a way that you can’t. Except for number 7:
“Do you know scientologists who exhibit obvious signs of PTSness such as failing in some area of heir life, are ill or having accidents yet do not seek Ethics help to handle the suppression?”
…which is an open ended fishing type question. DM fits here perfectly of course because – as the leader – the ultimate responsibility for the success of Scientology rests on his shoulders. Since it’s declining so catastrophically, he must have crimes he hasn’t confessed to and/or is working against the church and is therefore a suppressive type of person according to Scientology tech. Q.E.D.
It’s a shame that Scientology doesn’t work. I’d love to see what a sec-check session run on DM would reveal.
Dear HCO Cope Officer:
In response to your recently received letter regarding Questions 1 through 10. I have begun a thorough investigation, but as you know these things take time.
I have gassed up my old car, packed some clothes & necessary sundries so that I can make visits to those I deem untrustworthy.
If you don’t hear from me for quite a while….please know it’s because I am working diligently to get to the bottom of this horrific issue. You will be totally unable to contact me because my Cell phone # is being disconnected since it won’t work in some of the locations I will be at….and that my mail may pile up as I will be traveling with no forwarding address.
Wow! This is epic. I am quite sure this is going on any many areas, if not worldwide. This happened in South Africa in 2013 and caused an unprecedented amount of SP Declares of very longtime scientologists & major donors. The end is near…..
Isn’t it amazing that the church keeps doing the same shit that blows people off! Who wants to claim this is their religion after reading this? It was this same crap that blew me off personally and then finding out about the abuses up at int polished me off for good. Nobody should support this church.
About 60 Lois.
How could LRH get away with registering it’s cult as a church????
He did it by choosing the cross as one of his symbols which has NO COPY RIGHT nor PATENTED registry anywhere!!!
The son of a bitch used his own interpretation of the word “Church ” and his own interpretation of the cross and branded his CULT of Business as a Church,
Although it can be called a re legion due to its guiding programs, but ” IT SHOULD BE CHALLENGED in the COURT of LAW for calling their gathering place a CHURCH!!! “.
I am an ARMENIAN Christian who was Borne in the Islamic Country of IRAN and have graduated from a JEWISH high school in IRAN.I have a very clear and concrete understanding of the words SYNAGOGUE, CHURCH and MOSQUE…EACH ONE OF THESE GATHERING PLACES REPRESENT THE PLACE WHERE THE FOLLOWERS OF
Farther more; I have seen and had friends who were of the faith Baha’i and where the Baha’i’s gather is NOT called a Synagogue, Church nor a Mosque. And to be properly different, Their gathering place is a TEMPLE.
I have not heard of anyone going to a Church to hear the teachings of BUDDHA, MOSES, MOHAMED or BAHA’I. NOR LRH….
GET THE BASTERED’S OFF OF CHURCH STATUS….( When I questioned a Scientology Staff about the word Church and challenged them on it, I was tolled to call the place ORG. and when I questioned about the CROSS I was tolled that the cross has been used before the time of Jesus Christ and there is no Patent on using it and it has it’s own meaning in LRH’s World.
Fµ©£ LRH.
You guys are fighting your battle in the front-line yet! Not attaching the CORE PROBLEM!
The corporate in all of this is the USA PATENT and TRADEMARK Laws which allowed this CULT be registered as a Church 1952 for the followers of LRH and its Dianetics believers.
Get some legal team together and attach the Core of the problem.
USA should be ashamed of letting this slide under the carpet
Razmik, you need to understand that, in America, a man is allowed to worship as he chooses. Which means that if I want to create my own personal religion of praying to an oak tree in my backyard, I am allowed to do so. The issue here is organized religions receiving tax exemptions from the American government so thst they can, presumably, carry out charitable activities. If Scientologists want to consider their belief system a religion, that’s their business. The only issue here is that they can’t raise money for, allegedly, helping the poor, then spend the money on a luxurious palace for the church’s leader. That is the real issue here. Reading your comment, I’m curious as to how the Iranian government defines religion for tax purposes. Not to attack the Islamic Republic but just posting the question out of curiosity.
You got the point I wanted to reach and it is to have them Publicly admit that they are Not A Church and then if they choose keep The Org or any new name, Their practices globally will be effected with it too.
you may start your tree religion and I respect you for your honesty for calling it a tree religion but not using a cross and saying it is made of tree wood nor should you call your congregation place a church..
In Iran all of the recognized religions are tax exempt, just like in USA however the Religion of Baha’i is banned and anyone found as one will be killed as their faith over rides the Islamic teachings.
Razmik, in America, there are groups of organizations thst call themselves churches yet have nothing to do with Christianity. You might find groups such as the ‘Church of the New Dawn ‘
(example only)that advocate, for example, transcendence by way of meditation. And Americans generally have no problem with this as long as this group is open and honest about their beliefs.
As for my ‘tree religion’, that was just an example to illustrate a point. I am a devout Mormon and do not believe that God can be or should be worshipped through an oak tree.
Razmik you are having difficulty as you are not fluent in English. Church in English doesn’t mean Christianity. It could be the Church of Frog worship. Also, the cross was NOT originally a CHRISTIAN symbol. It was borrowed by Early Christians. So, your arguments have no validity in the USA. You would have to have grown up free or, have studied human freedom to really understand why that is.
Hello, someone replied to your comment:
Razmik, you need to understand that, in America, a man is allowed to worship as he chooses. Which means that if I want to create my own personal religion of praying to an oak tree in my backyard, I am allowed to do so. The issue here is organized religions receiving tax exemptions from the American government so thst they can, presumably, carry out charitable activities. If Scientologists want to consider their belief system a religion, that’s their business. The only issue here is that they can’t raise money for, allegedly, helping the poor, then spend the money on a luxurious palace for the church’s leader. That is the real issue here. Reading your comment, I’m curious as to how the Iranian government defines religion for tax purposes. Not to attack the Islamic Republic but just posting the question out of curiosity.
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Mike Rinder’s Blog
You got the point I wanted to reach and it is have them Publicly admit that they are Not A Church and then if they choose keep The Org or any new name, Their practices globally will be effected with it too.
you may start your tree religion and I respect you for your honesty for calling it a tree religion but not using a cross and saying it is made of tree wood!
In Iran all the recognized religions are Tax Exempt, just like USA.
Is it just me, or does there some to be a feeling of a surge in desperation emanating from scientology.
This post today is delicious on every level.
Oh, and if anyone thought the tactics of the East German statsi police state were history, nope. Here they are, in black and yellow, being employed by a gong show cult.
P.S. appropriate color, Davey, yellow suits you.
I am stunned actually! With the whistleblowers toning things down in the church (dave’s not beating people, no forced abortions, no RPF) I thought this shit was over. This was what it was like my final years in. Want to get rid of your parishioners? Promulgate this kind of crap. Yeah keep the stuff up, I love it.
Mike, this is an amazing document. David Miscavige basically tells us about his fears in this document. The incredible shrinking world of David Miscavige Scientology where it’s all circling down the drain.
What a joke.
Another foot bullet by the world expert on foot shooting, David Miscavige.
Thanks, Dave. You are the gift that keeps on giving for all who are opposed to the criminal organization you lead, scientology.
All of us looking for signs of this criminal organization’s demise can take heart that the rate of decline is accellerating; the *splat* as it hits the unyielding earth is nigh. If you’re into real estate, there will soon be a large number of empty warehouses with ludicriously ornate furnishings on the market. Those who deal with recycling old buildings’ interiors will see a suddenly expanded suppy of the most garish stuff ever manufactured. Whorehouses around the world will finally have an inexpensive source of furnishings, flooring, and wall treatments. Peep shows can greatly upgrade their equipment; a boon for the seedier enterprises of the world, Scientology being the seediest of the lot.
He’s used all his toes and both feet and is now up shooting himself in the knees.
I am asking this for the last time: Is anyone watching TC’s and JT’s airplane hangars?
I’m assuming you mean for dm’s getaway to Myanmar or some other out of the way place on the planet to live out his end days so he can evade arrest 😉
Absolutely! That is, providing it is a Non Extradition location!
Marne, here is a list of places that don’t have an extradition treaty with the USA:
Afghanistan, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burma, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, the Central African Republic, Chad, Mainland China, Comoros, Congo (Kinshasa), Congo (Brazzaville), Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia, Madagascar, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Rwanda, Samoa, São Tomé & Príncipe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican, Vietnam and Yemen.
If one is under a death penalty conviction you can add some other countries like France.
Who here would know that?
The end of the charade draws near.”
Exactly Mike. That is exactly what this proves. This will go like the SA declares fall of 2013:
DM has gone Looney. I’m quite sure this kinda stuff is pretty much all that’s going on now. My last visit to the CLOWUS ~ as I was leaving it felt like leaving a pack of hungry wolves that were after each other. That was Feb 2007.
One of two things will happen here. Either this letter will be ignored, and the church will do nothing, in which case it will show that ethics is a paper tiger without any real enforcement power.
Or, perhaps more likely, the “under the radar” people will ignore it, and then will be declared. Tragically, that will result in some number of families suffering from disconnection , but it will also devastate a huge chunk of membership, and will also eliminate the flow of donations from people who were giving money while they were “under the radar” just to keep up appearances. Already dismal revenue statistics from the Denver public will plummet further, and stats will crash in a big way, never to recover again. And of course, some percentage of the under the radar crowd who lose their kids will turn into prominent enemies, pouring even more gasoline on the fire.
Either way, this is shaping up to be a foot bullet. If they are doing this on a national scale, this could be an epic disaster. One of the things about Scientology at this point in its evolution is that there are precious few things that they can do to cause wholesale defection of members at this point, because only the hardest-core members are left. There are no future “Debbie Cook memos” to send regular people fleeing for the fire exits. The only population that they can hope to kill off at this point is the under the radar crowd. And it looks like they have found a way to do just that.
Paranoia the destroyer…
Great name for a world championship wrestler.
Or a song…
Dora the Explorer when she grows up and realises that she was being used?
From the smash Scientology musical My Fair Davy
I’ve grown accustomed to his shit
He almost makes the day begin
I’ve grown accustomed to the tune
He belts out night and noon
The screams, the rounds
The stats all down
Are second nature to me now
Like breathing out and breathing in
I was serenely independent and content before we met
Surely I could always be that way again-
And yet
I’ve grown accustomed to his look
Accustomed to his voice
Accustomed to his shit
Excellent, MJM! What we need now is a splendid aria of “I Can Do – without You!!!”
Wouldn’t that be loverly!
“All I want is to go somewhere, far away from the Scientology air…
Oh, wouldn’t that be loverly, loverly, loverly.
….theme song for those in the know…………..
In between the lines, there’s a lot of obscurity.
I’m not inclined to resign to maturity.
If it’s alright, then you’re all wrong.
But why bounce around the same damn song?
You’d rather run when you can’t crawl…
I know, you know, that I’m not telling the truth.
I know, you know, they just don’t have any proof.
Embrace the deception, learn how to bend.
Your worst inhibitions tend to psyche you out in the end.
In the realm of compliments, there isn’t any higher
Than a fabricated misdirection fashioned by a liar.
You think you hate, all that you love
Acting so surprised when it fits you like a glove.
You want to find the answers and offer a solution
Happy ones have got a healthy dose of dissolution.
If it’s a game they wanna play,
You’d better load the dice cause they’ll do it anyway.
You’d rather run when you can’t crawl….
I know, you know, that I’m not telling the truth.
I know, you know, they just don’t have any proof.
Embrace the deception, learn how to bend.
Your worst inhibitions tend to psyche you out in the end.
(Friendly Indians: Best Man Lies)
Very good, cheers…
Enforcing ‘Heavy Ethics’ on the public – that is desperate Witch Hunt mentality. Talk about PARANOID!! Let’s see, where does Paranoid fall on the Tone Scale… must be lower than Fear and that’s pretty low according to hubbard.
As Chuck Beatty says, this is fantastic paper trail evidence of the Thought Police mentality that is the scientology organization/corporation/cult’s standard operating procedure for controlling their ‘field’ as they call it. The reality is, if you are connected with scientology, in any way, you are not ‘allowed’ to have any thoughts that do not blindfully, gleefully support or agree with what scientology (david miscavige) tells you to think. This is enslaving of the mind, eradicating an individual’s inalienable human rights to think and make decisions for themselves.
The good thing about this is it the tremendous positive effect programs like Leah’s and Mike’s Aftermath are having to educate people on what the cult of scientology is REALLY doing. People ‘in the field’ are starting to wake up! Hooray for more ‘disaffected’ people!!
The list reveals quite a bit about what is not tolerated. Disagreement or questioning of leadership or practices being the most outstanding. No critical thinking allowed. Blind obedience or else! Yikes. No freedom in that. The practice of disconnection is obviously being enforced….any connection to an Sp? I hope the recipients realize they are valuable individuals and should not be treated in such a degrading way. They don’t have to particpate in this bullying. How is this a church?
cos… clinging to the edge of the precipice.
cob… time to let go!
ps cling-ons put me back onto flag’s mailing list under a name I first used in scn 35 years go. Desperation much? Time to mail in my return mail brick. ha ha
wow – one of my favorite books is ‘Lord of the Flies”
This is sickening
They are doing the same thing in our tiny Org – goldenrods sent out to those they suspect are “disaffected” and and nattering –
I don’t think it is working…
A bunch of people are leaving the area
I’m glad you are still able to see things on the inside. I hope you go undetected for a long time. It is heartening to hear people that are still “in” (but not), talking about the decline from the inside. It gives hope to all of us outside of it. Thank you.
Please don’t shout. And what new unit of time has $cientology invented?
The basic unit used by the world is the second, defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Internation System of Units as: The duration of 9192631770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom.
I’m sure the world is waiting with bated breath to find out what $cientology has discovered. Not really.
Just toss that piece of shit in the garbage along with all the rest of the junk the cult mails you. Or, if you’re too worried “no report” will bring them down on you, then answer “no” to each question and send the piece of shit back. Or maybe have an attorney reply and ask what legal basis they have for it. 🙂
Answers to #’s 1 – 10: No/No/No/No/No/No/No/No/No/No. How else may I be of help?
I think I’m good, Belynda. But I wouldn’t mind getting one of those cool ‘NOs.’
The answer to most of these questions is ‘David Miscavige’.
We should all fill out this form with that answer and mail it back! LOL
Yes….we could make thousands of copies on golden rod and send them in with all kinds of crazy answers….just to waste all their time. If we all did 25 that would be a lot. I’d do it!
Whoa! Paranoia anyone? You can get some at your local Idle Morgue.
The rats are starting to eat each other.
I always enjoyed watching that.
Especially hearing those crunchy sucking sounds.
When they can’t win and have failed at fighting the outside enemy, they then turn on themselves and tear apart and fight their own kind within the ranks, cannibalize the group.
Thankyou, for providing this Interrogatory, it is an historical papertrail, important to show any outsiders/academics who study the ongoing continuing behavior of Scientology facilities and the staff of Scientology organizations who do the “standard” paperwork enforcement on the members.
Is this type of “norm” (behavior) what society wishes of a “new religion?”
I wish some of the brighter apologist academics who see great religious tradition in the Scientology “new religion” are watching this blog, and are from time to time coming to this blog, and in the future years, come to this blog, for as long as the Scientology movement continues.
This type of evidence is important.
It’s kind of alarming and threatening.
Thankyou to the people who sent this Interrogatory along to this blog, and for printing it for all to see and contemplate the ongoing implications of this.
Chuck Beatty
ex OEC/FEBC Course Sup who took it all very seriously in my years (my “best”) when I enjoyed training young new staff for the Scientology “outer orgs” (1977-1983)—sad to see that today’s piece of evidence paperwork is an example of what the ramifications of a fully trained staffer who themselves take the Hubbard rules for administering “ethics” on a particular flock or congregation zone of a Scientology facility. It is obviously NOT what society wishes of a “new religion” in their backyard, to be so enforcing of their rules on their followers.
“… a disagreement with International Management or Chairman of the Bored.”
Yo Dave,
First of all, is there a difference between the too? ( No, not Thursday at too Dave although those Denver stats must look horrific)
Second, if You call what You are doing ‘management’ then it’s time to get out the meter and clear up some major Em-U’s Dave. All You are doing is sawing on the branch You are standing on. Now follow the branch back away from You Dave. See the big thingy that the branch is connected to? That’s called the ‘Big Kahuna’ from which all life flows outward Dave. You need to be on that side of the frickin sawcut Dave, which is not where You are now standing.
Third, Denver is cracking and it will go down. Whattaya Gonna Do Mr. International Management? Yep, You will do what would Ron would do ………… keep on sawin good buddy! You are doin such a magnificent job of trashing yer little cult I just don’t know what else I can do to help.
Fourth, the only upstat of the week will be new declares ……. well I suppose there will be those sheeple who ethics determine need a sec check which they will have to pay for so perhaps a slight tick up in rape receipts for the week.
Last, which clowns do you have pressing the flesh in Denver Dave? Mike Sutter? Marion Pouw along with Bill Batchelor and Sandy Dodwell? How about the warm and fuzzy Samantha from the freakwinds? What a crew! You rock Dave and yer so smart! No wonder all the sheeple adore You.
Scientology is very, VERY bad for your bank account.
It’s been decades since I was involved with the Denver org. My staff contract ended in the late 70s and I think I was only in there once after that and was more or less “kidnapped” to get me to come in to speak with ethics officer. I had been out of town and flown back in and was greeted at the airport by a staff member who I considered a friend. He said my husband wasn’t able to come so he volunteered. I thought he was so nice to do that and kept telling him so. Then, I discovered he wasn’t taking me home, but to the org. I was so pissed! I was tired and felt dirty after the flight and just wanted to go home and shower and take a nap. Nope. He had been ordered to deliver me to the org and that was it. The summons and this questionnaire have the same tone as the ethics officer at the org back then. I think they were trying to make sure I remained a good and loyal scientologist, but it backfired instead. It still took me a few years to completely free myself of my prison of belief, but that was definitely one of the chips in wall and the absolute last time I ever set foot into the org. I notice this one isn’t signed either. It sounds very threatening. I wonder if there is a sea org mission there behind all this. I hope this is what causes more people to say “Enough. I’m done.”
How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?“
Winston thought. “By making him suffer”, he said.
“Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing. Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery is torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but MORE merciless as it refines itself. Progress in our world will be progress towards more pain. The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love or justice. Ours is founded upon hatred. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy – everything. Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution. We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future there will be no wives and no friends. Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen. The sex instinct will be eradicated. Procreation will be an annual formality like the renewal of a ration card. We shall abolish the orgasm. Our neurologists are at work upon it now. There will be no loyalty, except loyalty towards the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy. There will be no art, no literature, no science. When we are omnipotent we shall have no more need of science. There will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness. There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed.”
― George Orwell, 1984
Mary, thank you for the quote from “1984”; as I mentioned in my original comment, “Orwellian” was but the first of many pejorative terms I thought of when reading this truly scary missive. Nothing says CONTROL like being forced to rat-out your fellow “parishioners.” It really reflects everything that was wrong with Hubbard, as well as the state of insanity that underlies Scn.
Gee, that sounds like Scientology.
This could have been called the “Sunday Funnies” … thanks for the laughs!
How can anyone in their heart of hearts think it’s ok to “tattle” on their friends and relatives or anyone else? Gossip is one thing; deliberate reporting under threat is nazism. Are scientologists not aware that America is a free country or has their freedom of expression been so ‘supressed’ that could be from a different planet?….
Don’t answer that. It was a rhetorical question. Surely there are grounds here for violations of the constitution?
I thought the same. I looked up Gestapo and it is frightening how the definition fits. These are not the actions of a church, they are the actions of a police state.
Frightening your customers to come do your services or else face the penalties for no report!
Might as well just start assigning conditions for no report and start declaring your customers SPs first off.
Well if the Denver public are concerned with being in doubt then they are in good company.
LRH was in doubt himself when he died and LRH ought to have had the Creston Ranch Ethic Officer penalize LRH for being in Doubt condition.
But the Denver Scientologists would have to read Lawrence Wright’s “Going Clear” book final pages to learn of LRH’s doubt.
Dread anyone gives a No Report.
WOW! This interrogatory feels gestapo like! Not only do you have to tell on yourself but you also have to report on others. What an unsafe field now because you have to wonder who is going to turn you in and write you up for what you do in your private life and in your private conversations about your personal likes and dislikes. There is no freedom in that! And if you do answer their interrogatory you will pay the heavy price of hours and hours of waiting for interviews, hours and hours of sec checks that you will need to pay for and then you will do lower conditions cleaning their yard or toilets to make up the damage??!! Ugh. How I do remember. This is a free country but not for them.
Mike: I sure hope u are correct and the “ Charade” is drawing to a close….
Ingredible that “ they” really believe their own BS! J
This made my heart skip a few beats..I can only imagine what it is like for all the UTR’s receiving this or even the ones that will just be reading it here…sigh…
Well said Gflded. An interesting added effect of this being sent out, is that those who are real UTRs, are sent into a kind of mental spin.
They all remember saying something to someone. ‘I hate those events, they are all fundraisers’ or something similar. Many will be wondering, did I say that to Jezabel? She may put my name down, I wonder. And so on.
Even if the UTR decides to say ‘no’ or lowball their response, if at all, they can end up having a fear of ‘getting a call’ saying so and so said you said…….
It sucks.
Ctempster commented that the next step is putting you on the cans, on the e-meter. This is definitely going to happen if you answered positively to any question , or, if someone else mentioned you name.
These interogs will only, only have a negative ‘damaging’ effect on members. Many years back, it might have survived this, but not now.
It’s all so horrifying..I do hope some will say enough is enough and leave. I know this will result in more families having to deal with disconnection. Damn cult. FU Davey..
And as usual the fault is someone or something else. Typical of Miscabage “has nothing to do with me”.
If something is not going quite well or Orgs are not expanding is because…,and then name several outside sources as the why $cn is failing.
Yet, the rotten source of all this disaster is their so called ‘leader’, which thanks God is not mine, nor the leader of the many that have finally realized what is really going on and have left this criminal organization.
Lol yeah, ten nasty little ‘trap questions’, on an ‘interrogatory’ which is itself, an Ethics trap, is really going to bring them in, winning and going uplines. Great Job, Denver! VWD!
Good for you, Escaped! You used your Super Powers to walk away! And I think that’s pretty darn great! You’re free! Completely free! Congrats!
And you know that if you answer affirmative to ANY question on the interrogatory, they will call you in and put you on the cans. It is an excuse to get people on the cans so they can pull strings to find out who is nattering and who is connected to it and to root out and destroy all tentacles of the weed. Best is to just say no to each question. but even then they will try to call you in to do End Ruds on the Interrogatory which again is an excuse to get you on the cans.
Curious that the names of the Cope officer and the Dir I&R aren’t mentioned. Are they hiding?
If everyone in the Denver area filled this out thoroughly and honestly, they would have to declare so many people SP that there would probably only be six or seven “scientologists in good standing” left in the entire state.
And those six or seven would be the utterly sociopathic, stasi-like tyrants who relish controlling and manipulating people into subservience.
I’ll bet they had similar interrogatories during the Spanish Inquisition too.
Denver HCO needs to word clear, “maintain friendly relations with the environment and the public.”
What a bunch of deluded idiots.
This escalation of paranoia is taking on the flavor of the Salem Witch Hunt. Whoever wrote that Interrogatory has a psychosis that needs immediate attention. Antipsychotic medications and talk therapy might work, but methinks they need institutionalization to keep them from further harming them selves or others.
KR: Davy, some of your followers have gone bat-s**t crazy!
I like the part about disclosing the names of people who showed disaffection with the IAS.
Revealing, revealing.
If it were me, I’d package the whole thing up and send it bsck to them with a demand to see the relevant HCOPLs.
Mile, I don’t know if you pkan on doing this but this is something that needs to be aired on Leah’s show if it hasn’t already.
I still imagine this great David MisManage fateful end scenario ala Twilight Zone where one day he wakes up and no one is around. A dusty Gold Base ghost town with howling winds and tumbleweeds passing by with not a single living soul around save a desperate and isolated Der DwarfenFührer.
As he struggles to find any other $cientologist in the abandoned vicinity he cries “Where is everybody??!!” Just as he is about to lose his mind wife Shelly suddenly rounds the lonely corner with law enforcement and he is put in handcuffs and carted away to face justice. Behind bars at last. Boy I’d pay good money to see this TZ episode.
Real truth, not the self-serving COS variety, is killing the cult. RIP hopefully sooner than later.
Or, if Shelley doesn’t show up (why should she get within shouting distance of the bastard) how about he discovers all the gates are locked, the electric fences fully charged (with no way to shut down) no food left in the kitchens and then – he drops and breaks his last bottle of Special Blend. (Why yes, yes – I do hate the little rat.)
Dear Denver in Distress,
Dave makes you PTS. Disconnect!
End of Interrogatory.
After anyone has disconnected, do they get to bitch slap people at random?
Only Dave.
What a horrific, blood curdling questionaire!
I agree. I was never a Scientologist. First ran across them in the 70’s and they turned me off even way back then. But when I read this questionnaire today I like you, was appalled to say the least. Sounded like the freaking Gestapo!
I love it, Mike, but it must drive $ci absolutely crazy how often their correspondence ends up in your hands.
Beatings will continue until morale improves it would seem; that, or daily circular firing squads – pick your poison!
This is one of the more Orwellian leaks I’ve seen in quite sometime Mike, and indeed reflects Denver’s and Scn’s dire straits in general. When in doubt, turn on each other with Lord of the FliesTECH(TM) and see where that takes you. Sad. (Not really…)
As threatening as this letter sounds, it is quite lovely. Desperation.
I can only imagine the recipients are throwing this missive away en masse and going on about their lives. Good for them.
Who told you? What did they say? Holy crap, this is scary, Handmaid’s Tale stuff. I wonder if Elizabeth Moss has seen this?
Who told you? What did they say? Do they have any Jewish ancestors in their families? If so, can you please specify their adress and phone number please?
I think that’s why Elisabeth Moss is so good in that role. Probably feels totally normal to her.
Haha – Mike you can send it to all your commenters – they’ll be writing for weeks! Actually this is pretty usual fare – I remember my HCO doing the same thing to find out the natterers and n’er do wells, way back in the late 70s and early 80s – works a treat! In fact I recommend Wynski starts on his straight away and he might finish before Christmas!
You just blew my mind. Your claims to being an independent thinking scientologist who decried the abuses of the organization but lives Hubbard and his tech just went out the window.
Apparently there is literally nothing that you find wrong in scientology insanity. So I guess you are happily in the church living the dream..
Hello Mike,
My name is Razmik
The proper pronunciation of my name is “Rosmic”.
I would like us to have a short discussion about the Church of Scientology. I may have a strong case in exposing them as imposters for having branded themselves as a Church.
Would you be kind enough to give me a call at your convenience?
I will introduce myself fully to you when you call, and I promise not to take too much of your time.
I hope to hear from you.
You may email me the time of your call if you’d like.
Razmik Bazikian
(240) 479-5092
Razmic, you cannot make a “case” regarding being “impostors” in the USA because they call themselves a church.
If it looks like a Duck, walks like a Duck and quacks like a Duck…. It is a Duck!
How could LRH get away with registering it’s cult as a church????
He did it by choosing the cross as one of his symbols which has NO COPY RIGHT nor PATENTED registry anywhere!!!
The son of a bitch used his own interpretation of the word “Church ” and his own interpretation of the cross and branded his CULT of Business as a Church,
Although it can be called a re legion due to its guiding programs, but ” IT SHOULD BE CHALLENGED in the COURT of LAW for calling their gathering place a CHURCH!!! “.
I am an ARMENIAN Christian who was Borne in the Islamic Country of IRAN and have graduated from a JEWISH high school in IRAN.I have a very clear and concrete understanding of the words SYNAGOGUE, CHURCH and MOSQUE…EACH ONE OF THESE GATHERING PLACES REPRESENT THE PLACE WHERE THE FOLLOWERS OF
Farther more; I have seen and had friends who were of the faith Baha’i and where the Baha’i’s gather is NOT called a Synagogue, Church nor a Mosque. And to be properly different, Their gathering place is a TEMPLE.
I have not heard of anyone going to a Church to hear the teachings of BUDDHA, MOSES, MOHAMED or BAHA’I. NOR LRH….
GET THE BASTERED’S OFF OF CHURCH STATUS….( When I questioned a Scientology Staff about the word Church and challenged them on it, I was tolled to call the place ORG. and when I questioned about the CROSS I was tolled that the cross has been used before the time of Jesus Christ and there is no Patent on using it and it has it’s own meaning in LRH’s World.
Fµ©£ LRH.
You guys are fighting your battle in the front-line yet! Not attaching the CORE PROBLEM!
The corporate in all of this is the USA PATENT and TRADEMARK Laws which allowed this CULT be registered as a Church 1952 for the followers of LRH and its Dianetics believers.
Get some legal team together and attach the Core of the problem.
USA should be ashamed of letting this slide under the carpet
Thanks for the advice but you have some fundamental misunderstandings about how things work in the US.
You guys in USA have allowed a Monster Cult to be registered as a Church….
Correct the books!
Get Tromp to do it!
Set things right!
I am truly offended as a Christian to see the existence of an entity that has the subliminal messages of being one thing and deliverance of something else…
LRH’s discoveries were all based on observation and he had seen the growth and creations of the new branches of Christianity in USA Such as …Zillions that exist but they all interpret the Bible the way they want and live according to the Bible not any other holly book.
LRH’s bossiness observations MARKETING was very extensive and he knew what he was sliding under the carpet that is why he sellected
1. Being a Church
2. Having a Cross
The naked eye bereaves in what it see’s.
It was all in the branding!!!
Yes and look how far their branding has got them. I really wouldn’t worry. No one believes it’s a “church”. Not even scientologists. A religion? Debatable. Worthy of tax exemption? Absolutely not. You have to pick your battles. In the US, scientology’s tax exemption gives it a huge amount of freedom to abuse people without any legal repercussion. If its tax exemption was revoked, scientology would a) have to shape up or b) risk being sued into oblivion. Either outcome would be an improvement compared with what we have now.
A couple of things you can (and should) do today:
Contact your elected representatives:
Request a review of the 1993 IRS tax exemption decision
Sign Jeffrey Augustine’s petition
Of course it’s a crazy document but it’s also true that interrogatories like this one have been around for decades.
There were bunches of these after the Mission Holders’ fiasco in the early 80’s and the mass exodus that followed.
It was not unusual for a Sea Org mission to an outer org to order an interrog ‘to get ethics in’ and scare the staff.
Usually the EO would get a bunch of useless goldenrod to sort through and not much ever came from them.
I never said this was something new. Just insane.
There’s nothing new in the cult! Absolutely nothing! All it is now, is Student Hat, SRD & the purif….over and over and over…
One key difference between then and now is the exponential exposure with the internet and social media. In the old days scientology would perform its mischief under a rock. Not anymore. The useless tech and iron clad procedures of scientology, incapable of adapting, assures its demise. Survival of the fittest requires adaptation. Not possible with these nitwits.
I think you have been spoofed by someone not Foolproof. The patter is not the same and FP waits for articles about the tech to pounce. Besides, FP would never invite world-wide reams of response (all true) to that small and weak Denver Hole-in-the-wall.* FP sticks with Pro Scientology stuff you know. Plus, this fake FP fails the snark test.
IMO A goodly number of the commenters to your blog DID write KRs on the outnesses they saw in their orgs back in the day. Their KRs went the same way Debbie Cook’s KR went. We all failed to make a dent in the cult’s rush to insanity and oblivion. The fact that we all have bailed out probably distresses this fake FP to no end. Probably the real FP too.
* I shudder to picture thousands of thick envelopes containing all of that entheta overwhelming the Denverites.
You really shouldn’t take things so literally and also lighten up a bit! Back in my days before your mate took over there weren’t many reasons for complaint so my remark for that period was indeed quite apt. And probably many of the questions apply to me now as well so your assumption is not quite right here.
But then look at the hornet’s nest this simple little interrogatory has stirred up! Makes you wonder eh?
Makes you wonder eh?
No, not really.
Well, apparently it worked on you. Howz that working out for ya? Oh, never mind.
Oh my – you must be one of David’s ?? creepy moles??? Tell you what – send me one of those ‘questionnaires’ and then drop on by to pick it up 🙂
FP, Brilliant response! You outed yourself by calling scitols from your past “natterers” if they had suspicions about the “tek.” People who saw flaws and had their issues with the cherch were just “n’er do wells.” You don’t drink the kool-aide anymore because it’s made from sour grapes, after you were declared, of course. That’s really your problem, FP, a bad case of sour grapes. Try it as vinegar for cooking!
Foolgoofed where have you been? Glad to see you back with your usual fare. Keep up the good work and give my regards to OSA.
C’mon no disrespect. Welcome Foolproof! I LOVE that you share. No bullshit, I mean it from deep within my heart. (Please disregard my harsh moniker)
As a commenter I have a confusion with that. Why? What possible EP can come from it? This, write/speak it up, be honest and all will be better is the basis upon which the deceit of Scientology perfected their scam (evidenced by the ongoing sec check mania rampart in that organization). Scientology policy and the mindset it creates filters down to the lowest of minor executive levels as an “inhouse” originated action for the greatest good in their minds. Scientology is a destructive and defective machine running on auto. If Scientology worked, even slightly, I’d be playing golf right now rather than writing this.
If one was a victim of the KKK, does being honest with them make them throw away their white sheets and coils of rope? Think not, but the deluded are swept up in their own blind desires, and an, at all costs wish to be led & told what to do, don’t even see the lies they are being spoon fed. Fighting back against injustice is one tech that eventually works, tough as it might be.
I thinks the EP (end phenomenon) they are going to get with mailing this overt letter is: Full exteriorization with perceptics.
Full exteriorization out of scientology and that universe;
and full perceptics of just what a hell it is.
Geeze Eff Pee,
Ya almost got us thinkin that Dave let you out to play! So what is the deal with you OSA bots anyway. Do you each get a turn to respond on the blog while Dave sits back and evaluates how ya did on yer response? Send the ole Eff Pee back out to the sand box please.
And BTW, since the RRRR EFF PEE has been disbanded, where do you send the ‘out of favor with Dave’ these days? Or do you just route yerself to ethics and then give yerself the 20 lashings?
Ya know, for all you ‘still-innies’ and ‘still-on-staffers’, the is approaching where you will have to make a self determined decision. Yep, one you have not had to make for years if not decades. Think about it folks. When did you last have to decide where you lived, what you ate, when to buy more toilet paper, what job to have, when to awake, when to sleep (sorry, I forgot that sleeping is not allowed). For you bots I think the only self determined decision you still make might be when to take a dump ………. and that might require permission.
“Takin a dump boss, takin a dump”
As heard from Dave’s office …….. “Get yer ass back in this room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’ll take a dump when I say you can take a dump and not one second before !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now clean up yer mess!!!!!!”
“YESSSSSSSS SIRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seems I brushed my mouse pad with my wrist so my last comment wasn’t finished but I had said more or less what I had wanted to say here anyway.
LMBO! For #7 I’d say that applies to Hubtard, DM & ALL staff in ALL orgs & missions as they have utterly FAILED to keep Scamology going.