Well, even ignoring the typical spelling error in the headline, this is sick.
There is an “extremely bright side” to this tragedy? And that is this:
We have yet another opportunity to collect money from you for you to buy more copies of WTH. Of course, everyone knows the WTH will stop terrorism — especially when you give it to the VICTIMS of terrorism.
It says. Your own survival can be threatened by the bad actions of others. …etc
Sounds like being a Scientologist..totally
Compliments of the Master of Disaster: David Miscavige
Just look at what a great marriage he has.
I have been interested in the bad side of this cult for a little while now – I’ve read a few books and other articles and I have been a ‘lurker’ of this blog for some time (thanks Mike for your sterling efforts). As a Britain I cannot explain to you how OFFENDED I am that Scientology dares to use our recent terrorist attacks to boost their income or increase their membership. That’s all this… nothing else. I can only imagine the light bulb moment that despicable little weasel had….. why, I’m surprised he hasn’t had his tiny sidekick do a public appeal. If the miniscule con artist is so concerned then why doesn’t he donate money to those affected?
I’m very sorry for the rant, but I had to. I am so mad.
Good to meet you Lisa. Ranting as you have, sometimes it is good to let it fly. There are so many things I am angry at the Cult of Scientology for. The hurt and humuliation I got at the end of my Sea Org time was horrible & what others have suffered through disconnection and the loss of loved ones, I have been there too. For me and believe me this has taken me years to discover, the thing for me is to turn my ranting moments into positive, calm,steady and all encompassing energy to help bring down the cult of Ron/dm. I do not know when the implosion will occur but I firmly believe money will not save or protect the church and the top dm etc from going down. They will answer for the evil they now sell to the public left who still believe dm and the tech will save them. I send you much love and my heart is very sad for what you have endured in your beautiful country where my ancestors came from. I have not been back to London since 1972 but I will go back at some point. ❤️❤️
Ann B Watson– I join you in your all encompassing energy to bring down DM and the cult! … I have heard tell that at least one person says a daily “Hail Mike, Leah and Tony” and words like “may they succeed in their efforts to expose this cult”, and lights a candle. I think we could join that effort. Maybe even flesh out the wording. Enough voices raised together, might vibrate change…Are you in? I know I empowered my intentions this morning.
Good to greet you Scarlet. I am very in and thank you for the support. ?
Lisa, welcome. Your rant was spot on, and I thank you for it. The Church of Scientology’s ambulance chasing is just another way in which this criminal organization extracts money under false pretenses. In capitalizing on one tragedy after another for monetary gain in the name of help, the London fire being the latest, there are no words for how low they are.
My sentiments entirely Lisa. I’m from the south of England and was born in London. It sickens me that the church of $camology can even think about making a profit from these attacks.
What next? “Counselling” for the families of the victims of Grenfell Tower? At their expense of course………
Bugger!! It is me in the last post. Typo error on my user name……
My PC used to input my name automatically, but now it doesn’t. And it requires email identification……
WHY? WHY? WHY?………….
Thank you all for your very kind welcome. It is very much appreciated.
Some of the press have picked up on the fact that the Scientologists set up tents at the Grenfell tower block. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4617900/Scientologists-set-tent-outside-Grenfell-Tower.html
According to the vultures ‘From 99% of the responses we had, we know it was worthwhile’. Really? Being repeatedly told to eff off was worthwhile?
I’m from the North East of England and I knew there is a Scientology Centre in Edinburgh (I’ve seen it). I didn’t realise that there is also a centre about 30 miles away in Sunderland.
Crap. Did Mike post this before today’s LOSER-MOBILE-VAN-LAUNCH in London, or after?
Religion is a “wonderful” thing, isn’t it. The sooner we all ditch this scared and cold caveman mentality, the better humanity will be. There is no god, there are no gods, there is no reincarnation, there are no multiple lives.
Grow up, my fellow apes. All these magical apes, or pigs in the case of L. Ron Hubbard, know as much, and as little, as a flea you pick from your hairy regions.
At this point in time, we have only one duty, and that is to condemn and punish those deplorable humans who have tried to take advantage of us.
That means you, David Miscavige. We can’t get LRH, as his disgusting meatbag was discarded in the eighties.
Just cause the worst Evil usually disguises itself as the greatest Good, it doesn’t mean that Good doesn’t exist period. The existence of a religion that worships Evil (a cult if you will) like ISIS or, to a lesser extent, and both completely certain of the opposite, Scientology, whether it calls that Evil allah or LRH, doesn’t mean that religiosity is Evil per se. Evil wins a double victory when we subscribe to that principle. I don’t think Kierkegaard or Einstein are symptomatic of a cultural regression back to caveman times.
org-rat, I agree with your logic Religions are not inherently evil. That said, I look at it this way: spiritual philosophies exist and can be personally, applied at will, individual to individual. Religions are organizations run by humans and so the greed and power factors can and do enter in to the equation. That’s why I stay away from organized religion. Its not that I believe them to be inherently bad, no, not at all. But because they are run by flawed humans they have the vast potential to be bad. For my spiritual guidance I’d rather study the various philosophies and cherry pick for myself what works, what heals me, comforts and inspires me to be better, do better, help more, etc. But that’s just me.
Agreed. “Everything worshipped today as modern Christianity is precisely what Christ came to abolish.” – Kierkegaard.
The extremism of nihilist atheism can be as deadly as the Abrahamic religions. There have been some big time mass killers who were not religious or spiritual. Ignorant arrogance is ignorant arrogance. People claiming to know it all.
“Religion is a “wonderful” thing, isn’t it. The sooner we all ditch this scared and cold caveman mentality, the better humanity will be.” No it won’t, viz: North Korea, Stalin, Mao and the rest ot the atheist lot.
Well, looks like I’ll take a dip here, even though it seems that I will be swimming against the stream of sentiment so far.
TWTH isn’t the answer for a broken arm or terrorist trauma to the actual victims, but it’s easy to imagine some of their family members finding solace in some of what is said in the booklet.
I have not read it for years, but I read it a lot, way back then. It’s not the Tao, certainly, but there is good practical advice of the sort that can’t be heard too often, and it is said well enough.
Scientology SHOULD do a lot more than it does for the “wog world”. The Volunteer Minister’s Handbook, the New Slant on Life, Fundamentals of Thought, and many other books and lectures have plenty in them that COULD be applied to help actually better the world around them.
But the typical field Scientologist is frightened to death that someone is going to write him up and turn him in if he runs a touch assist command with the wrong words or nods off while doing Self Analysis lists on a depressed family member, or does anything other than what he is told to do. Initiative has rarely been a validated virtue within the Church.
No one’s preached to the individual field Scientologist for years that he or she should go out in the field and audit or do anything realistic to better people, other than a little bit of hip hip hoorah at Auditors’ Day, and the ASHO Regges giving it their push. The only message that’s TR3d is “Give us your money for buildings, special projects and the IAS.” Falling behind that is a push for OT levels and the Freewinds, falling behind that is a push for Lower Org services, and falling way way far behind that is there the push to get individual Scientologists to do anything sensible with this material in the field.
Most of the Freedom Award Winners, whenever there is any actual validity to what they have done, it’s generally done in remote locations that they just don’t send the “We Specialize in Stopping Things” Patrols (SO missionaires) out that far. So, they do get things done, sometimes – at least I hope so!
So, TWTH is the ONLY campaign that gives the typical onlines Scientologist even a chance to dream that they, personally, are doing anything to benefit the wider world. I am sure it DOES help, to a certain degree. The book is, as advertised, based on common sense, and that IS a commodity lacking in many places, and I am sure it does benefit many people when it is read.
I don’t think we have to worry about it being a “sneaky tool to get people into Scientology”. Very few if any people come in to the orgs due to that little book. There’s not a lot of that that ever happened, and there’s very few who ever will.
Be that as it may, why give the cult ANY sort of in? Legitimate self-help books are abundant. Pretty sure society can get along fine without opening the door even a crack to these criminals/nitwits.
Dan Locke, you’re actually spot on on this. ?
I agree. Spot on.
As part of their good will PR activities, Coca Cola spends millions to feed starving kids in very poor countries.
Now, per your logic for so long as they’re selling a shit shit drink loaded with caffeine and sugar that rots teeth and otherwise provides no nutritonial benefits, should we disallow Coca Cola from participating in much needed nutritional programs for the 3rd World?
Edit: Just 1 “shit” in “shit drink” 🙂
Aquamarine…starving kids getting food and fire victims getting a copy of WTH are completely different animals. I think you can acknowledge this. And Coca-Cola might get some kids addicted to sugar, but I doubt they’re going to pay a quarter mill or more to some kook in order to feed it. And they won’t be made to disconnect from their Pepsi-drinking family members. Cheers.
A childs instincts are already wiser than the patronising, condescending trash in TWH. Misbehaving children aren’t unconscious that they’re misbehaving. Scientologists have an MU on common: it doesn’t need to be written down in a book if it’s common sense. Of all the Hubbardisms I had rammed down my throat as a kid the WTH booklet was the most offensive and insulting. Hubbard saw the human race as a bunch of one dimensional, controllable, clowns.
Wishful thinking Dan. Even before Field auditors being “afraid” of getting KRs they never did shit for society. You REALLY think that some parent after having their child blown to bits by some muslim psycho is going to get solace reading TWTH? Man, you are out of touch with reality. Too long in the Hubbard alternate reality machine.
I agree with you Dan. WTH is a valid message that can be beneficial to the reader, and very pro-survival to society. It does NOT promote Scientology or L Ron Hubbard. In small letters on the back of the booklet he is listed as the author. The real problem here is that DM uses the booklet as a way to extort millions of dollars from well meaning Scientology public. For instance when I was in the C of S, I was sold on buying $10,000 worth of WTH . After I bought them ,no staff member gave a damn , where the booklets ended up . Some months later, I had 4, S.O. members visit me at home desperate they needed $ 5,000. for a WTH campaign. When I told them I still have thousands of them in my garage they were welcome to take. They gave me a blank stare and said . “No this is different”. I realized , at that moment ,It’s all about the money.
Dan, nobody’s complaining about the content of TWTH booklets. The complaints are about the lie (often repeated in these requests/demands ) that passing out the booklet is a major action that WILL reduce criminality in a society.
*The CoS and the IAS have hundreds of millions of banked dollars. They can easily afford passing out five million of these booklets without emotionally extorting the funds from parishioners. Capisce?
The apex of tone deaf opportunism. Oh wait, that might be premature. I forgot about the twitter war with London’s mayor. Some days you just want a radioactive detox shower.
Promoting so-called “Multi-culturalism” is not the solution to terrorism. It is exactly the WRONG thing to do. If people want to come to Great Britain, they are free to bring their culture of unique foods, styles of dress, dancing, singing and art; but DO NOT bring the POLITICAL culture and social unrest that YOU FLED FROM to England. Learn how to be a Brit and be proud of it or GET THE HELL OUT. The same goes for the US.
“they are free to bring their culture of unique foods, styles of dress, dancing, singing and art”
That is multiculturalism.
Great message! Here, here to you, our friend across the pond.
Extremely well said. So far “multiculturalism” has had a very poor history.
Faulty logic. How soon we forget that the United States of America is and has always been a multicultural society.
Nothing new is going on. America continues to grow and evolve thru immigration. We are and have always been a nation of immigrants and that won’t stop.
In the beginning each immigrant group was despised by the European immigrants already here. This is going back to Oglethorpe’s debtors who were despised by the English colonial planters. Are any of you here of Irish extraction? For most of the 19th century the Irish were feared, loathed. They were considered inferior in character, low people by the white anglo-Saxon Protestants who also feared that the Irish’ Catholicism would “pollute” their country and culture.
The Chinese in the 19th century were the butt of WASP jokes. After them the Italians came by the millions and they were despised, considered not even white people. Along with the Poles and the Jews they did all the dirty jobs including dangerous, non union factory work. After a few decades people seemed to relax about the Italians.
Today there are people grousing about the Mexicans…”we don’t want a taco truck on every corner”. Well, the Italians brought pizza with them, a hundred years ago, and now there’s a pizza parlor on every corner and it doesn’t seem to bother anyone.
As re the Mexicans, give it a few decades and I’m betting that, maybe not you, but your children and grandchildren will love a taqueria on every corner.
Culture is not politics. When multiculturalism fails, it is generally because there is a reciprocal imbalance of respect or access to opportunity. Terrorism is political, not cultural. It may use culture or religion as a cover, but it really has to do with the political impact of belonging to a culture that feels it is enjoying less equal economic or civil treatment. There are plenty of historical examples of various cultures living in peace together for centuries. But when one exploits another, or takes the upper hand, then things deteriorate. The same thing can happen within one culture between classes. Or genders. It’s political. It has to do with groups of people thinking opportunity or success is finite, or limited to one group.
I’m surprised they didn’t show up at the recent London high rise fire…offering booklets, coffee, touch assists while ppl watched babies being tossed from the building & the screams of those still trapped. But there’s a bright side –
wrong place here maybe but Happy Fathers” Day to Mike and all the other fathers and step fathers and grandfathers today. and fuck the cherch especially in England.
right sounds good to me.
First word that came to mind after reading C. Percy’s WTH screed … Demented.
Mike, first off thank you and Leah for opening the world’s eyes on this evil, greedy cult. Secondly, best guess, what percentage (range is fine) of people receiving that email/letter/flyer do you think actually buy into that bullshit and send any amount of a donation please?
Thank you. 2 1/2% ?
How out of reality can you possibly get! These scientologists, over the past two decades, have become the most degraded of degraded human beings.
For every Way to Hoppiness booklet that’s distributed there’s one less terrorist…it’s a scientologically proven fact!
Sounds reasonable to me…
“but there is an extremely bright side to this tragedy.”
Seriously, WHAT THE F##K.
How can any ‘church’ that claims to work for the salvation of mankind (which they all do) be so despicably crass and maliciously cynical?
“But there is an extremely bright side to this tragedy”
Only Scientology can find a bright side in a tragedy. They must be giddy with this one.
Happy Father’s Day Mike…..and Happy Father’s Day to all of you here. I firmly believe your families will be reunited. Together…..the house of cards is slowly coming down.
More and more stories are coming out…..it will end.
Yours…. OverTheBridgeTPA
I am Very Happy I left the Sea Org right before I had to sell that gem as well! WTH is deceptive. It is like the very long ago Dick Jane & Spot books I read in kindergarten. Nice drawings, insipid dialogue and completely devoid of reality or compassion. So here comes a poster of Big Ben & another arrogant & wildly off the mark math treatise on how many Londoners will benefit from just one glance at this booklet. It is sickly sad and it is criminal to prey on very vulnerable people during times of great tragedy. The cult of Scientology knows this very well but on it continues. I do feel that through Aftermaths and more info on the web about Scientology, more are becoming aware that there are abuses and there are lies and we are telling the truth. Mike you are a terrific Dad. The Love for your family shines in photos & the posts you eloquently write & share with us. Happy Happy Dad’s Day. ????
I’m wondering why there is a San Fernando Valley phone number on this flyer. Someone’s personal cell? Valley Org? Or one of Scientology’s lawyers who seem to like the Valley? Why not the WTH Foundation which is NOT headquartered in the Valley? Just curious.
Hi Califa007, The WTH hq is located in the (separate) city of Glendale, which is within the 818 area code that mainly consists of the san fernando valley.
Had no idea Glendale shared 818! Thanks.
If Christians handed out pamphlets of the 10 commandments, there would be a huge backlash for trying to force the religion on those already victimized. Why is there no public backlash when scientologists try to push their religion via WTH booklets containing their scripture?
Because it is a “non-religious common-sense moral code” that doesn’t even have Hibbard’s name on it.
Rockman – there’s no backlash, because this insidious leaflet possibly hasn’t been picked up by the British Press. Someone ought to publish it on someone who is influential’s twitter page …. someone like Piers Morgan or Katie Hopkins.
It has been picked up – probably in good part due to the online community calling out Scientology on their abuses:
Scientologists are branded ‘vultures’ after setting up a tent outside Grenfell Tower to give MASSAGES and hand out promotional leaflets
They were/are also present at Grenfell Tower disaster in Kensington.
Gawd, I spoke too soon in an earlier post……….
Looks like they’re not very popular on Twitter though!!
God knows how many lives have been lost, god knows how many people injured and traumatised, god knows how many family and friends have lost loved ones, and the $camologists decide it’s time for a photo shoot to “prove” that they’re doing something!!
Beggars belief…………….
Happy Father’s Day to Mike and all
? woweee. If that doesn’t scream opportunistic then what does??? On an unrelated note, Happy Fathers Day!
And don’t forget the “free” touch assists … Until they touch your wallet and assist you with removing the money …
I always keep my money sew’d into the inside of my jeans. They never look there…
Long time no post…but you are not forgotten! Happy Father’s Day Mike Rinder! <3
This is by far the saddest, most offensive, demented, self serving, slimy, (wait folks, I’m not finished yet.) narcissistic, dastardly (yes, dastardly) greedy, sneaky, ugly, corrosive thing I’ve seen cos put out. Instead of TWTH it really might be better called WTF????? (A term I never use btw.)
Truthfully, how can they be this unfeeling? They’re so conditioned to drown out any speck of actual humanity that there’s no need for in-put from david miscavige. He’s done his job well. I sincerely hope he breaks his arm while patting himself on the back.
Yep, just another money grubbing verse from the sick fucks in Scientology. The really bitter and mind numbing reality of organised Scientology is that they really don’t have anything else to do, it’s their only response. Their whole end game of their so called applied religious philosophy has been reduced down to fundraising, the more despicable or horrific the disaster the better. It is their sole and only way of remaining loyal to Miscavige while he plays out his extended and modified playbook supplied by Hubbard.
Even using Scientologese, their level of confront for the reality of life is so low they have to rely on a little booklet which has concepts/precepts plagiarized from every civilized society that ever had a couple of moral brain cells to rub together. It’s about as useful to stopping terrorism and making people feel better about being victims of disasters as a warden of maximum security jail asking his inmates to please stop being naughty.
Scientology is truly a gross embarrassment whichever way you look at how they respond to anything, good or bad!
And maybe delays their visit to the RPF.
EH-MEN, Yawnalot. You have it pegged exactly right, no sense beating around the bush.
To all those who don’t want to take the gloves off in the fight against scientology and David Miscavige, I say shame on you, and grow a pair.
Those evil inhuman assholes hit below the belt, so I say crawl into their bedsheets and FAIRGAME the hell out of them.
They show no mercy, so shouldn’t you. (…Heh!)
I guess the theory is that by giving them a moral code in a book they will never read will make them more ethical so they don’t pull in acts of terror? It would be more effective to just pass out weed and get everyone more mellow…lol
Huh? Did someone mention cannabis?
Seems like a lot of medically diagnosed social conditions are being re-diagnosed as ‘spaced out’ these days. Mellow is a good word. Cracked is a bad word!
Sure. But its ” bad ” stuff. Right
It’s Super Bad.
It’s so, so SUPER bad, we can’t mention it twice otherwise our thoughts self destruct in 15 seconds! You now… like it’s… Impossibly Bad!
Actually they destruct in 10 seconds. Remember, it’s Super Bad, but, it’ll put you in a fine state of mind.
There are apparently more political prisoners in North Korea then there are members of the Church of Scientology.
And that’s saying a lot.
The way to happiness was not how LRH lived his life. Precepts like “Don’t Do Anything Illegal,” and “Try Not To Do Things To Others That You Would Not Like Them to Do To You.” and “Preserve your teeth” and “set a good example” and “Seek to live with the truth” were not guiding posts for his life or his Sea Org followers, that’s for sure.
The way to happiness is pablum he fed to WOGs to make them believe that Scientologists themselves follow the way to happiness precepts, which they uniformly don’t. Lying to the public is standard operating procedure for Scientology, not truth. Most Christians, Jews and Muslums do follow these precepts, but not Scientologists. TWTH is like so many lies created by LRH. It was written to make him and and the Scientologists giving out these books “look” ethical when he and they were not in the least bit ethical or truthful? How could an unethical people be giving out ethical precepts? That concept boggles the mind, but not if you are a Scientologists or an X SCN. As a Scientologist, you learn to say one thing to get money, praise or approval for the Church and LRH, but then do something else entirely. Deceptions inside of deceptions go on endlessly in Scientology. Simply put, if you are NOT very cynical, then you simply can’t understand Scientology.
Rant over…
“The way to happiness is pablum he fed to WOGs to make them believe that Scientologists themselves follow the way to happiness precepts, which they uniformly don’t. Lying to the public is standard operating procedure for Scientology”
Best post in weeks!
Good on ya’ Robert.
I wonder if idiots really believe that a silly little book like this will make the slightest difference? It looks and sounds like religious clap trap so the typical reaction will be to refuse to take it and if you do get a copy to drop it in the trash as soon as possible afterward.
Even idiots know LRH and scientology is horseshit.
Others have accepted it … AS A RELIGION.
Like seriously, WTF is wrong with all of the good people who embraced LRH, what is missing in good peoples’ lives to be hoodwinked and drawn into the money grabbing cult of LRH… that is the real question.
And that question has been answered by better minds than me. Google it, Still-In-Lurkers.
Right for those of us outsiders after hearing & seeing just some of the horrible things that ppl have gone through you’d wonder how the heck would any sane person join this place a NON Church Nor a real Religion but it’s like getting into a Bad relationship & how they can suck U into it and how the person can say things about U or to you & ppl can think it’s There Fault or there Bad when there’s a chance it’s just a Lie but you can find yourself 2nd guessing so much or buying into it thinking yeah it prob is my fault & then look at all those ppl who got scammed by Bernie Sanders & he stole millions of there money good grief some ppl have scammed & lied there way into many ppl’s life’s so it can and dose happen & sure many are so embarrassed or broken by time they see it some don’t wanna say anything then are others who watch,listen close & see the poop & bail out before things get to deep,so for all the ones who got out Bravo I wish you all the best you may have lost a bit but your Free to cont your life & I feel for yah your Brave….
As usual the standard COS pap……during a tragedy send CO$ some cold hard cash to match their cold hard HEARTS……..Now THAT will bring some happiness to at least someone…funny how cold hard cash works so well for DM & CO$
Happy Father’s Day to all the men who are fortunate enough to have their children of ANY age with them…and to those who suffer disconnection….someday I hope your children come back to you.
Typical cult behavior! This reminds me of the 70s and 80s when the Hare Krishnas were distributing useless trinkets in order to solicit donations. (Speaking of useless trinkets: Ethical advice from Hubbard, REALLY?)
Just another form of panhandling, really. Except the HK’s did NOT sink this low as to routinely exploit disasters (and then brag about their first responders). Plus, they had the good sense to beg from people OUTSIDE of their cult instead of the already overfleeced cult members.
Is there really a book called What The Hell? I’m missIng something, huh? It didn’t sound right when I read it. Lol
I’ve been collecting photos of Volunteer Ministers grinning, smirking and gurning their way from one British tragedy to the next: Manchester, London Bridge – and just today a Guardian journalist reported that the VMs had set up their yellow tent at the site of the Grenfell Tower fire and were being universally told to “fuck off” by the residents. I can’t wrap my head around the inability to judge what is inappropriate in the real world.
Mike Mike help! When are you and Leah coming back! We need your voices to help get rid of crap like this! Really your show is not just important for Scientology but against all cult groups.
Nauseating, ravening greed. The cretins don’t even know the difference between “effected” and “affected”. They’d better not show their faces anywhere near Grenfell Tower.
Too late my friend 🙁
That is distigusting, but at this point i am hardly surprised. The purpose of all this niw should be what to do to open more eyes about this CULT
I want to throat punch whoever thought this was a good idea and published it. Literally want my fist to meet their trachea.
I’d pay good money to see that!
I’d even use stolen money to see that!
I’d lay down gold bars to see that!
Wana rent my armored car and a couple of gun hands to see that in safety?
You’d do that for me! Awwwww, you really do care.
Am I the only one who sees WTH and thinks “what the hell” first? Sorry – as a never in it is a challenge to remember all the terms. Good thing it was happiness and not fortune . . . .
Nope, I see that too.
WTF is honestly more apropos. Srsly a book about common sense things like brush your teeth is the last thing I would need to bring calm. For example
“Oh dear! There’s a fire raging! Where’s my son?”
“Here take this book, you’ll feel better.”
Was I supposed to brush my teeth all this time? Whoa! I better read WTH right away.
Couple of days ago it was big fire in London and 60 people lost their life’s . Will WTH find this “extremely bright” too?
They tried and got shut down.
Whoa, Valerie, just saw all comments! They certainly don’t like Scientologists! He he he he….
Wow. “Got in the way of genuine aid”. What a blight this organisation is to the world.
That’s a good word to use: Blight. Indeed, their presence in our world is a blight. But, they are shrinking….
This is absolutely sick.
Sickness is in their blood…
Anyone still in the cult of Scientology falling for this propaganda without ever seeing any change at all is so far gone – I am afraid they will never leave or wake up.
So sad they are under a spell – wasting their lives and destroying everything in their path for absolutely nothing.
Scientology – the Worlds BIGGEST SCAM EVA!
Sick bastards
On a happier note, Happy Father’s Day Mike!
Ditto. Happy Father’s Day, Mike 🙂
Happy Dad’s Day, Mike!
Wow. Only 2 million copies of WTH will make this city sing again. Horrible way to make a buck (or pound).
And happy father’s day Mike!