A Special Correspondent alerted me to this, and I happened to have additional information that made it even more interesting.
He originally set forth the proposition: Wanting to stay connected to one’s own parent, spouse or child can earn you an SP declare and expulsion from Scientology, but soliciting sex from a minor and going to prison will not, even if you’re a former Sea Org Member.
Great premise, based on the facts our Special Correspondent had. But there is more to this story that makes it even more noteworthy.
Everyone knows there is a double standard for disconnection in scientology. It is enforced unless there is something that might affect Dear Leader. Then the “firmly held religious belief” is ignored in favor of the well known scripture “anything that might cause upset for COB is verboten.”
Thus, we see Tom Cruise not being required to disconnect from HIS ex-wives or children, even though both Nicole and Katie bolted and dissed the second most important person in Scientology in the courts and in the media. But it would upset COB’s BFF too much, and big beings deserve special treatment…
So too with his family — no public SP declares on his brother or father or sister-in-law when they blew the Sea Org. No “disconnection” enforced.
No problem when his twin sister gets involved in a massive scam (Digital Lightwave) or taking drugs and generating massive negative publicity in the local community.
So, what does all this have to do with a convicted child predator?
Well, before we get to that, let me lay out the dramatis personae.
First, the central player: On October 11th, 2010 Jasja Barendsen was caught in a Sheriff Department child predator sting called “Operation Grim Reaper”.
Here is a video of the action. Jasja was the first person taken down in the 7-day operation.
Jasja Barendsen is a former Sea Org Member (the elite of the most ethical group on the planet, responsible for getting ethics in on this sector of the universe”). He left the SO around 2008 with his pregnant wife, Val, and first lived in California. They moved to Florida in 2010.
Here is the mug shot of Jasja when he was arrested:
And a recent shot taken in prison on 6 June 2014 (he is scheduled to be released on 27 July 2014):
At the time of the arrests, the Sheriff stated: “We have a volunteer minister up there, we have a substitute teacher. We have a firefighter up there.”
The term “Volunteer Minister” is very familiar to anyone in Scientology. In fact I don’t know of any organization other than Scientology that uses the term in that way. It was pretty clear this was a reference to Jasja.
But despite the crime and his subsequent conviction and imprisonment, the matter was covered up. This is typical procedure in the church, especially where sex crimes are involved — Amanda Ambrose’s son, Tony Strawn (also ex-SO) was convicted of child sex abuse in Florida and it too was hushed up. So, covering up this sort of thing is par for the course.
But the Church did not declare Jasja or require that his wife, or anyone else, disconnect or even distance themselves from him. Oh, the irony — this is one instance where it might actually make sense. The Facebook police weren’t rolled out of their KoolAid slumbers to alert the sheeple. No whispering campaign went out on the scientology grapevine to steer clear of the child predator. Those actions are apparently reserved only for “internet offenders” — those who look t unsanctioned information about scientology on the internet, not “sex offenders” who solicit sex with minors.
How do we know? For starters…
Here’s Jasja’s CURRENT FB Home Page. He has 558 friends almost ALL of whom are Scientologists. His profile indicates he’s still married to Valerie.
Here is Valerie’s FB Home page. Her posts indicate that she is still lives in Clearwater and is involved with the Church, her son goes to a local Scientology-run charter school, she works at a local Scientology-run company and she is still married to Jasja. So Valerie is certainly still in good-standing with the Church.
Valerie would be unlikely to promote that she was still married to Jasja unless they really are still married.
If your husband had gone to prison for almost 4 years for soliciting sex from a minor when your child was only a toddler, would you be more likely to want people to believe that you’d divorced him and moved on, or would you want to create the impression that you were still married to this person?
I think we can conclude that if Valerie’s profile says she’s married to Jasja, then she is. She could only still be married to him if he was NOT declared.
How else do we know?
Well, the fact is that most Scientologists have no idea that Jasja has been in prison for almost 4 years. Even amongst the Scientology crowd where rumors spread like wildfire, Jasja’s crime and incarceration has been kept a well-guarded secret. Some evidence of this is the number of friends wishing him a Happy Birthday this past March with statements like “Have a great weekend!” I doubt a guy who’s been in prison as a sex offender for over 3 years is going to have a great weekend.
So, now we come to the obvious question. Why?
This is a photo of Jasja & Valerie Barendsen in Sea Org uniforms in LA circa 2007 eating at House of Pies on Los Feliz.
With them is Jasja’s mother (in the white shirt), Jacqueline Kevenaar (I think the woman in red is Jacqueline’s sister).
Valerie Barendsen was the Gold Rep PAC at the time and Jasja Barendsen (pronounced “Ya-sha”) was in the WUS Landlord Office.
Now, why the cover up and why no declare and why no disconnection?
Jacqueline Kevenaar: Jacqueline is also a former Sea Org Member. She used to be WDC OSA and OSA Pgms Ops CMO Int among various other posts in OSA (and was married to infamous, and now deceased, OSA Int Intel guy Frits Kevenaar). Prior to this she was in RTC as one of the original “squirrel busters.” She went on a series of “squirrel busting” missions to get “squirrels” prosecuted, mostly in Europe. John Caban in Spain. Robin Scott in UK. John Atack in UK. Some others in Europe. It was her claim to fame. For a while she was a “DM pet.” Today, she lives in Clearwater and goes by her maiden name, Jacqueline Verweij. She, like Angie Blankenship, Bob Wright, Janet McLaughlin and too many others who know about the real activities of Dear Leader has quietly disappeared into the woodwork. She is one reason why there’s no disconnection happening. Would not want her going off the reservation….
But there is another reason:
Valerie Barendsen: Formerly Valerie Hopwood and Valerie Wagoner, she is the second reason this whole affair is being treated as “no big deal” to cover up the big deal it really is, in spite of the “firmly held religious beliefs”. Valerie was at one time in RTC. In fact, she was one of COB’s “personal staff” – one of his stewards (servants). Until it all got too much for her and she attempted suicide. That was a flap of huge proportions. She was kept under guard for a LOOOONG time at the Int Base (there are others who have done the same things to attempt to put an end to the miserable existence there — Darius Wilhere and Megan Oldfield spring to mind, both also out of the SO once they were deemed stable enough to be offloaded as far away from DM as possible). Eventually she was eventually shipped down to PAC where she became a “Gold Rep” in PAC, until she got pregnant and left the SO with Jasja. Val’s mother was at the Int Base, taking care of the “Star of California” — she was married to Andrew Stevens who was sent to the RPF on the Freewinds and twinned with Don Jason. When Don Jason blew, Andrew was “beached” by order of Dear Leader — literally put ashore in tears on an island in the Caribbean with $100 and a small bag of possessions. Surprisingly, he is still a KoolAid drinker, though no longer in the SO.
But the real concern is Val’s history working directly for “COB.”
This is the backstory that explains why a convicted sex offender remains in good standing with the church and connected to his family and hundreds of other scientologists. It has nothing to do with principles or religious belief. They run around enforcing families to disconnect because a parent will not disconnect from one of their children who reads the internet or a husband will not disconnect from his mother who remains friends with an “SP”, initiate vicious rumor-mongering campaigns and unleash the FB police at the drop of a hat. But here, where there is a possible downside to Dear Leader, the silence is deafening.
Hypocrisy truly knows no bounds when it comes to the fundamentalist church of scientology.
Re-read today. We need a tab for sexual abuse coverups. Excellent post Mike.
Re-read today. We need a tab for sexual abuse coverups. Excellent post Mike. So many names I remember now including
Jasja who looked about the same as the 2007 picture.
Great entry Mike. It got me thinking if Scientology would have kept a member “in” if they had been busted by Perverted-Justice/ Dateline’s To Catch a Predator with Chris Hansen. My money is on yes. Interesting all the same
Yes. Google Dan Kelly
I am sooooo not surprised by this. It’s all in who you know…
I will say that “kids” who disconnect from their parents are confused and misguided. Adults who disconnect from their kids….well that’s just outright evil. A parent choosing this group of criminals over their children? Evil in the extreme.
Hi Espiritu,
I agree with you on the fact that everyone has evil intentions and that the FPRD was developed to handle this. I have done it myself and made gains on it and think that anyone could providing they were willing to avail themselves of the process and approached it honestly. Even someone who has a bent for children might be helped if they were truly looking for it and wanted to make a change. They might still think about it but wouldn’t act on it. I have heard child predators who went through certain treatments talk about this, that they realize the harm they do and with hold themselves from carrying it out. That is a good thing.
The justice system in the US is not the greatest in protecting children from abusers and in particular, abusive biological parents. Four years might be considered a lot of time to serve for trolling the internet and not actually completing the act in this case. I get what you are saying about “how knows” what might have happened. On top of that, people who do this have to register as sex offenders, which is not an easy life to live after being in prison.
I never accused Jajsha himself of having sex with anyone and commented on the action of using the internet to solicit sex from a minor and then showing up at the meeting place. I side with the laws of the land here in that I think he demonstrated intention and thus committed a sex crime. Because of this, I don’t think there is any difference between “intending to do something and actually doing it”, when it comes to protecting kids from child predators.
You may think I’m harsh and judgmental for thinking the way I do, or that I cannot differentiate between the of intention and completion of an act. I have pretty strict boundaries on this issue, true. We might have to agree to disagree on this point.
“Just because he was stopped before he could do it doesn’t lessen it in any way. Legally and morally, the “act” still occurred which is why he’s serving time.”
Pepper, he was definitely in a very dark place and treading on extremely thin ice. But there is actually a big difference both legally and morally between intending to do something and actually doing it.
This was a sting meant to prevent such crimes and was very effective. But I would hope that if his intentions had been discovered as a result of him actually carrying out such and act that he would be spending a lot more than 4 years in the slammer.
There is a difference.
Everyone has had some evil intentions otherwise Ron would never have developed the False Purpose Rundown and Expanded Diantetics. If you know anyone who has never had an evil intention please introduce me to them. Obviously, Jasja has them. How much he is at cause over his nasty impulses we do not know and thankfully did not have to find out. Maybe he will find out some day. We just don’t have data on this or his past. Meanwhile, I don’t know exactly what the sentencing guidelines are, but my guess and hope is that he would be spending decades, not years, behind bars if he had actually molested a child.
Wow, the subject of child abuse and predation has really generated a lot of emotion here. And for good reason. It is a despicable act. To actually do something like this requires a state of mind that is really “out the bottom”. Whether people who do something like this can be completely rehabilitated is up for debate. What kind of amends it would to make up for such a damaging act is unfathomable. The first impulse is to just slit his throat or send him to spend quality time with “Bubba” in jail.
The real issue is the hypocrisy of the Church of Scientology in not declaring him a suppressive person while declaring others for merely saying things that the COS disagrees with.
So, we who value justice so highly, must not slit Jasja’s throat just yet or deny him actual justice even thought we suspect that he may be a dangerous, disgusting sleazebag. I, personally do not know him and have no idea if he has a history of such behavior. In these reports I do not see any assertion that he actually met up with or molested any little girls. What would he have done if he had actually found himself in the presence of a child? Would he have “gone for it”? Or would he have said, “What the fuck am I doing here? I must be crazy “, and bailed. We’ll never know. Fortunately, law enforcement intervened before we could find out. But, as far as we know, he did not actually touch any child. There is a big difference between thinking about doing something, or planning to do something bad and actually doing it. Is there any person reading this who has NEVER looked at porn on the internet, however briefly, observed the degraded actors, said to themselves “What the fuck am I doing here?”, and bailed? I am not defending this guy. He dramatized his aberrations a lot farther than just taking a look. All I am saying is that if we really believe in justice, we’ve got to be better than the COS and not be hypocritical ourselves. The truth needs to come out. Did he ever molest a child? If he is a monster, then off with his head and good riddance. Otherwise, he is who he is.
Meanwhile, Jasja is the poster boy for the hypocrisy of David Miscavige and the Church of Scientology and their suppressive use of enforced disconnection, wanton disregard for families and friendships, etc. Those with sociopath tendencies do tend to make nothing of each others’ crimes.
Espirtu – I see a big difference between watching porn on the Internet – and I gather that you are referring to ADULT porn versus child porn ie: rape and abuse. This was not some “hey, lets meet and hook up” between adults.
Adults consent to sex. Children do not.
Furthermore, soliciting sex from a minor on the Internet and then showing up at the house prepared to have sex demonstrates the intent to carry it out. Just because he was stopped before he could do it doesn’t lessen it in any way. Legally and morally, the “act” still occurred which is why he’s serving time.
As far as Mr Jajsha never previously touching a child sexually before, we don’t actually know that. Hopefully not but child molesters don’t exactly have the best records in that sense and usually start pretty young because that is what they are sexually attracted to in the first place.
I realize that we all have different viewpoints here in regards to this issue and yes, the point that there’s no SP declare and forced disconnection is a big fail on the church’s part and shows how Miscavige plays favorites.
This sickens me and I am so ashamed I was ever a part of this rubbish. Thanks for sharing.
And you dare call yourselves scientologists !!!
Doing the same thing to others , as It was done by the corrupt Church to you. This is the same fucking thing as publicly divulging PC’s confessional folder data. So Jasja or whoever else committed a crime , are not entitled to rehabilitation and are to be publicly exposed from this blog and forever condemned to eternal fire and to public scorn ?
I admit to always reading this blog even if I do not comment on it. I had my issues and differences with Mr. Rinder but I always respected him. Now , I am not so sure. And don’t post this I you don’t want it for all I care. I am not reading this blog anymore anyway. You have my e-mail address, write back to me anytime you want.
What’s so wrong with letting people know a child predator is in their midst? This isn’t something he thought about doing and confessed to a priest that is now being published. He was arrested by the police, which is public record anyway. This has nothing to do with what the church does with people’s secrets. They want your secret thoughts so they can control you with them and hurt you with them later. Because they don’t report people to the proper authorities when they should, like these perverts, they use that later and endanger more people. A double whammy of injustice. But NOT telling people what a disgusting pervert Jajsa and others are is injustice. Injustice for all future victims that would of course be covered up by the church. This way everyone knows upfront who they are dealing with and they can decided if hey want to help and support a pervert or not.
The Phoenix,
You missed the point of the article in the first place. It wasn’t about Jajsa’s “crime”, it was about the fact that his wife is connected to him and remains in good standing with the CoS. Also, both Jajsa and his wife have active FB pages, showing they are well connected to the church and other Scientologists when the truth is, the guy’s in jail for being a child predator. And who knows if that was his first and only offence? I doubt it, knowing how child molesters operate but am only speculating here. While they are entitled to their privacy, criminal offenses remain public issue. Couldn’t you agree that a convicted child molester is better off out of the church and shouldn’t be associated with Scientology at least until he serves his time and even then, under close scrutiny?
Mike Rinder was only pointing out the hypocrisy of the easy going SP declares left and right of people who question the church or research it on the internet, yet keep a convicted child molester under their protection with no SP declare (they possibly have) yet they don’t force his wife and family to disconnect from him because they once closely worked with David Miscavige.
You may not like the message but don’t shoot the messenger.
And Phoenix – I wrote this to you because I believe you will still read this blog and that you do care on some level, even though you expressed disappointed right now. Obviously you are open to communication because you said to write you back anytime. I just don’t have your email address.
Argh – Pepper, don’t even try explaining, Phoenix is an idiot and hopefully won’t be reading this blog again – many just don’t get the point that Mike is making.
Pepper, I believe that all beings have a right at redemption. That all beings have the potential to change for the better and should be permitted to do so and given a hand in accomplishing it. I do not believe in jail as a rehabilitation activity , neither did LRH. There are ways to keep an eye in a Sex offender to monitor how he/she is keeping ethics in w/out having to have him/her publicly exposed all the time and being constantly scorned. Who would rehabilitate that way ?
You will only have constant introversion. There are Tech handlings that can be applied to such persons to straighten them up and have a sane productive being back at society instead of an introverted degraded being. Who would punish that can rehabilitate ? Why keep them for life labeled ?
There are ways to protect others while at the same time rehabilitating the individual and give them a chance to come back at society w/out having their past constantly haunting them. That’s not proper justice.
Why expossing them like that in this post article w/out even finding out first If they had even rehabilitated themselves ?
Aren’t other ways to put a point across , w/out resorting to this ?
What’s next , “special correspondent auditors” getting out data from PC folders for Mr. Rinder to prove a point ?
I think, this time Mr. Rinder crossed a like he should’t have crossed. I certainly, expect more from a man like him. It was, in my opinion, a very bad choice of strategy and this could backfire at him.
To The Phoenix,
You still don’t get the point and that’s sad.
Please get off your High Horse with explanations of redemption and rehab. Go tend to children who have been injured by rape and other methods so some sicko can get his/her kicks. Take a good look at their bodies and feel their pain, if you can stomach it. I have dealt with these kids and it sickens and grieves me and has kept me awake at night sometimes.
Sexual predators can not be rehabbed – and I especially mean those sexually attracted to children. They need to be put on a far-off island somewhere where they can rot as far as I’m concerned.
You have a problem with a Child molester being labeled yet you don’t have a problem with labeling someone an SP and the way the church meddles with friends and family to disconnect from that labeled person. Well I think just the opposite. You apparently don’t understand the legal system either. None of the data concerning the man in discussion came from a PC FOLDER. You are spinning the argument.
And BTW, I am not a fan of the prison system, nor do I support the Death Penalty either.
The subject of child sexual abuse has different standards being applied depending on where it happens.
The Law seems to be applied to the common people only.
Take the Catholic Church where priests can’t have a normal sex life and where up to now only the tip of the iceberg is known as far as child molestation goes. The Catholic church works hard to sweep such instances under the rug as far as PR is concerned. Internally it seems to be looked at as almost ‘normal’, i.e. no steps get taken to protect the altar boys under attack until the scene blows up into public view.
Related to this one, if someone wants to know, (s)he might also want to look into the RITUAL CHILD SACRIFICES of that same church, especially the Jesuits who are soooo good when it comes to education.
Oh, before I forget, the current pope is a Jesuit with -so far- immaculate PR. One does not get to the top of the heap without ‘being put through the mill’! Tip: members of Luciferian cults.
Another way is using child molestation as black mail on politicians. See the ‘Franklin Scandal’ involving Boys
Town http://franklinscandal.com/franklinscandal_boystown.html. Things got covered up when the facts started to lead towards the White House.
On the other hand someone might invent say a device that can detect earthquakes in advance. Great for most people but going against the grain of a certain elite in power, who has other intentions in mind for people. This person might get a visit from ‘men in black’ and get threatened to desist from disseminating that device or else. The inventor did not head the advice and went to prison on cocked up allegations of sexual child abuse. Almost as bad as inventing a car running on water…
True story, using people’s understandable misemotions on that subject.
Once someone is in prison for such a crime he is not safe at all. If it gets known what he did he might get killed by another prisoner who thinks that is the ONE thing one may not do.
The prison system in most cases does not work and is as much a system of ‘revolving door’ as is psychiatry.
In the earlier times when there was much more auditing for staff and SO a person had a chance to get these aberrations addressed and handled. Unfortunately these times are now over in the Co$.
Over the years, I’ve worked with children who were victims of sex abuse. Most of the children I met were trafficked into the US from Central America. All of these children had numerous physical aliments stemming from such abuse, some which will continue throughout their lifetime. It’s one of the saddest, most heart-wrenching things I’ve ever come across and I have no sympathy at all for these abusers.
The idea that the Church of Scientology hides these crimes and in essence protects the abuser is disgusting to me. The CoS does this because they don’t want any “entheta” to spread about an ex SO member and his wife in good standing. How reprehensible.
Remember when Karin Pouw took a shot at Leah Remini’s nine year old daughter in a public release? This shows you exactly what the “ethical” Church of Scientology really thinks about children/minors; they are nobodies to them.
Mike, your bottom line about Val having been intimate with the details of Miscavige’s life, knowing what he did daily, for years, during the time she was his personal maid, is the bottom line.
COB Maid immunity, permanent lifetime immunity that extends to the family of the COB Maid.
Dave’s dirty laundry might cause a flap, eh Chuck?
Fricking amazing. So sorry for all this bad news!
When someone you kind of liked and respected, Jasja (the one jailed for felony soliciting the underage sex) when I was on the PAC RPF, Jasja did right by us RPFers, he was easy to work with, he being in PAC Estates, he got materials and oversaw some of our projects. Bad for his felonies, but he overall was good working under him. He seemed burdened, there is nothing normal or easy about Sea Org life, of a Sea Org mother like Jacqueline who has even a more extensive, like all Sea Org long term people, career.
Jacqueline Kevanar and Trish Allen were the compilers for the OSA Network Orders, Jacqueline (before she became WDC OSA and so forth) was on the compilations project to turn all the old “timeless tech” Guardian’s Office era Hubbard writings and she was the one doing the most secretive of Hubbard’s private OSA “timeless tech” issues, I know, I saw in the cubby space she vacated when I came on to start the OEC Checksheet, I moved into Jacqueline’s old desk, as she and Trish moved out.
I saw a few of the then less sensitive (now thankfully all leaked, and most on the internet, thanks to Frank Oliver, the ex DSA/OSA trainee who studied the very issues that Jacqueline and Trish compiled from the scraps and advices from Hubbard’s Guardian’s Office era “tech” for OSA today).
What a small sad world.
Further, in the OSA project to secure all the “treatises” for the religiosity of Scientology, Jacqueline told me, when she later was on the Int RPF in the late 1990s, she was twinned with Bruce Hines, I asked her, knowing some of her accomplishments in her rise in the OSA and then WDC OSA ranks, that she had participated on the mission to get the famous pat on the back treatise from the deceased by still eminent Bryan Wilson Oxford all time big opinion leader scholar who gave the glowing pass that Scientology is a religion.
Mike, you have just never been plumbed for all the ba-zillions of insider info that is in your brain!
Thanks, shout out to Bruce Plotz, who I am so glad Bruce is telling longer ago but so important details of Int Base history!
Someday Bruce has to tell the electronics insider history of Int Base!
So sad about this post, but thank you so much Mike!
This is way deeper and more detailed than Tony Ortega was able to mention, when he covered the top layers of this story of this family tragedy felony child solicitation around Sasja, and really, I didn’t ever suspect this of him, there is a lot more tragedy in life than gets let out.
This thread is a shocker.
Thanks Mike, really sad but great thread of history!
In my opinion, there is no excuse for and no punishment strong enough for child molestation/child porn. It is the one single thing that pretty much the entire planet would consider absolutely intolerable, children are to be protected. Let the perpetrators rot in jail.
I do think religion in general attracts the type of person that is so inclined. Case in point; Catholic priests. There may be an extra draw to Scientology because maybe they feel they can redeem themselves, get auditing and stop their urges.
Or else, in the back of their mind they know they’ll be trusted within the group and will therefore have access to minors. This stands for the SO but also in the case of caring for other Scnists kids.
When I was in the SO at UK when I was a young teenager, there was an SO member (Base Crew guy in his 40’s/50’s) who crept into the cadets dorm at night and molested two girls (no older than 10). One of the girls told her mother about it the next day. I clearly remember the scene when it came to light, the girls and their mothers were so upset.
The handling? Send the guy to the RPF. He was sent to the EU so the girls wouldn’t have to see him around. But he was now able to access minors at the EU base.
Around 1999 onwards I noticed there was a crackdown on anyone who had confessed to any child perversions/molestation in auditing to be taken off service & staff and they were ordered to go to the police and confess the crime. This was even if it was 10 or 20 years ago. I wonder if anyone else remembers this evolution and what instigated it. It appeared to be reversed a few years later as “off-policy” and those people were allowed back on staff.
I am sure that the crackdown was the result of a PR or legal flap and not actual genuine concern for any potential victims.
If the guy didn’t get declared SP for committing sex offenses, he just might get declared now due to…
MAJOR PR FLAP!!! Making Scientology look bad is definitely something that will get you declared.
Thomas, well if that’s true, then let’s all re-post the article about him on all our FB and other places and web sites for the world to see and for the world to draw conclusions about Scientology. And then they will declare him for causing a bad PR flap. That would protect a lot of under age kids!
According to the news story, the “girl” (undercover officer) to whose house he went for sex took on various fictitious identities ranging in age from 12 to 14. He’s apparently in his 40s, and he freakin’ drove to her house thinking he was going to get it on with a 6th-8th grader. He’s bad news, and it’s a pretty egregious thing for a “church” to cover up. All because their stupid PR is so bloody precious.
What’s crazy tho’ is that their PR is already shot to hell! Scientology must rank in the bottom 10 in public perception, and by trying to “keep their PR in” they actually made it worse! Classic footbullet.
The real point of all this is the hypocrisy of the Church.
Mike, I really appreciate the stories behind the stories behind the stories which you have exposed this hypocrisy to the light of day. We don’t know all of the details of this sordid affair. Maybe he was soliciting for a 5 year old. Or maybe he was soliciting a 17 1/2 year old who looked and claimed to be much older. We don’t have all the details so we don’t know. At very least he was planning to cheat on his wife and got caught. Probably much worse. He certainly was not setting a good example with his behavior to say the least. Most people have not done anything this despicable, but most people have foolishly done things that they regret. Most people also can reform their bad behavior and come out better people as a result.
But that is not the point here. The point is the one that Mike is making.
…..that something like this can be swept under the rug, while someone like Cindy is branded with the “squirrel” label and shunned by all so-called Scientologists for looking on the internet and coming to a conclusion regarding behavior by the Church of Scientology which is in disagrees with their PR. No disagreement with the Tech. Just using her observation and logic and pointing out behavior which contradicts the actions or tenets of the “Church”.
Yes, the COS’s behavior is a perfect demonstration of HYPOCRISY.
It is based on POLITICS, not principle.
“Hypocrisy – The practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform; pretense.”
(from the Oxford English Dictionary)
This is about exposing the fact that the Church of Scientology uses their “PR driven” double standards. They actually are in a state where the do the exact opposite of what would be humane, moral, decent and kind. They call someone a Crim if they speak up against David Miscavige and shun them – breaking up families and destroying lives. Then when a real Crim is in the cult, they allow them to stay as long as they toe the line and bow down to DM. I guess LRH was right – criminals like to be around other criminals and pretty soon all that will be left in Scientology are criminals.
I think they have attained that target. Now on to target two ………….. extract the last bits of cash from the herd before you head South.
So well said, Espiritu.
Great article, Mike!
This ought to open some eyes.
I guess this Jasja guy is in a lower condition on one or more of the dynamics ….. no problem ….. we have “ethics and justice tech” …… so wadday’all think his next post will be in the SO? …… Just kidding …. we all KNOW what it will be …. Chief MAA FSO of course …. this piece of shit is a natural ….. unless Julian Swartz beats him to it
What would PAC do without lurch. I mean the largest concentration of pussywhipped cult people would be left without direction.
Holy crap. It looks like his wife is dutifully maintaining his Facebook page for him, and that few if any people know he’s in the slammer for trying to f**k a 12-year-old.
His conviction and status as a sex offender needs to be MADE KNOWN. Not just to be vindictive, but because this guy has a freakin’ kid – and what do kids do? They have their friends over to play. No parent would want their kids going over there with a friggin’ convicted kiddie-diddler around.
In addition to making it known in general, someone should write on his FB wall something along the lines of “how’s prison going?” or better “Will you have to register as a sex offender when you get out of prison?” His wife sure isn’t telling anyone.
And what about his wife? What the hell does a woman say to her husband when he gets arrested going to a house to f##k a 12-year-old? I think the ONLY reason she hasn’t divorced him and is maintaining his FB page and the illusion for him, is that she has been convinced to “protect the church.” And she’s doing it. UGH. BARF.
Sure, she’s protecting the Church – and herself, her reputation, her marital status, her routine, her comfort, and her comfortable existance cushioned or made possible with OSA’s hush money. From what I’ve seen, women who stand by men like this do it not for their men, but for themselves,whilst at the same time getting credit for their loyalty, understanding and devotion. Forget the Facebook PR, I would bet she actually hates his guts and resents the hell out of him, and he’ll spend the rest of his life under her thumb due the “leverage” she’s got on him now.
Aren’t people with criminal histories at least declared PTS Type B? I would be very curious to see if he were allowed back onto service when he gets out of prison.
Mike, speaking of hypocrisy and double standard and criminality of the church, whatever happened to that LV staff member who went to jail for conspiring to murder a policeman with her accomplice? Did the church kick her out and declare her an SP? She is a felon now after all.
This isn’t a shock to me at all. I worked with Jasja while I was on the RPF. the Sea Org breeds this mentality. It encourages men to lust after young, more often than not, under age girls. They have less overts and are “clean” as beings because of that. And most are virgins, another super plus. I can’t count the number of old men I saw wedding young girls. Too many. One that sticks in my mind was when the Security Chief, James Richardson, the man in charge of EVERYONE’S morals, decided he wanted to marry a 15 year old girl. He was 27 at the time. Now for those of you out there who have never been in the Sea Org you can’t do ANYTHING with your significant other until you get married. So essentially he wanted to have sex with a minor. Instead of him being tossed out on his ass for what he is, a pedophile, he was allowed to harass and intimidate, in Scientology they call that “handling someone”, for 3 months until she gave her written consent for her underage daughter to marry someone almost twice her age. I am sure her eternity was threatened more than once because she was stopping a pro survival action and all that bullshit. Scientology is a cess pool of perverts. There were plenty of people with all kinds of sick shit in their past just freely roaming about. The only perversion they ever choose to see and punish is being Gay.
I knew of two old men, Doug Fiandica and Angelo Scozzi, they were in their 50’s and 60’s both of whom had raped minor girls. You know what happened to them? They were on the RPF. Surrounded by other young women for them to “accidentally” bump into and touch. You know what happened to the girls? They were offloaded because they were sluts who had seduced these men into these salacious acts and they couldn’t control themselves.
Scientology is the single most dangerous Cult on the planet.
I know a very rich scientology guy who was watching a lot of child porn. While he did an ethics handling this subject came up for discussion. To handle his condition of “liability” the effective blow to the enemies was a donation of a few grand to Youth of Human Rights. Well, this is not “to make up the damage one has done by personal contribution far beyond the ordinary demands of a group member” since he has a lot of money.
Beside the “ethics” handling, I hope he really realize/ is aware that watching child porn isn’t a good thing.
@ basketballjane
Like you I observed all this when I was in. I saw old men hunting young girls far more than in the wog world. This is one of the reasons that made me distance myself from the bubble. It seemed to me that these guys were very much confusing themselves with their GE. All OTs btw. So I started to realise that not everything was right with OT auditing….I was so right!
Hallie Jane and Laurie, you know what I find amusing with regard to these old men lusting for “pure” and virginal young girls? How about taking into consideration the trillions of lifetimes factor? Which means that this lifetime’s promiscuous putana could well have been previous lifetime’s nun, and vice versa. When you take a long view, its much less serious. If you believe that we come back, and live lifetime after lifetime, isn’t it very likely that each of us has lived lives worthy of absolute sainthood and absolute sinnerhood, and everything in between?
Basketballjane – thank you for speaking out. I have reported so many instances of underage girls with guys in their 30’s and 40’s to Child Protective Services more times than I really want to remember. It is a legal responsibility in my profession. All of these girls were pregnant and under the age of 16. Whenever I questioned them it was always the same story – they were picked up from the schoolyard and taken to motels. Pretty gross.
I believe what you’re saying about young girls recruited into the SO being targeted for sex by certain creeps. It kills me every time I hear parents say that their kid is “in the safest place, being in the Sea Org”. The Sea Org is not a safe place for minors to live without parents to look out for them. Girls AND Boys. No way.
Corrections: My comment was to Basketball Jane, not Hallie Jane. And, may I say that I have no “button” on older men liking younger women. This is something I understand. Its a GE thing, which is fine. But from the Scientology perspective, the thetan perspective, we are all “old souls” who have seen all, done all, had it all, and been all. That’s what I find amusing – the long view.
Very astute Aquamarine. The L’s actually address charge on these dichotomies. Btw…. your opinion is always valuable. 🙂
Aquamarine are you serious??? You are OK with adult men looking at a child and thinking sexual thoughts about them and acting on those impulses because we are all thetans?
We are not talking about older men liking younger women. That isn’t the same thing. My stepfather is 22 1/2 years older than my mother. She was 38 and he was 60 when they got married. 28 years later they are still together. He didn’t go to the nursery in 1948 and look at my mom in a baby bassinet and think “Ohhhh yeah. That is one sexy little girl!” Because he isn’t a pervert. A grown man who looks at a child with lust and and sex on his mind is a sick bastard. You aren’t fucking someone’s thetan. You are fucking their body. And if their body is prepubescent or still a child’s because they aren’t an adult and that is what you desire you are a fucking pervert.
OT, but wasn’t Jacqueline Kevenaar the one that fell off the roof of the LRH Music Studio at Gold and almost died of her injuries? Why on earth would she still be in? Doesn’t one experience of being sent to do roofing work with no proper safety equipment in the middle of the night when it is freezing cold, and falling some 30 feet to your near death, just to please the whim of a petty dictator, make you doubt your commitment even a tiny bit? Well I guess she got out of the SO, but still. I think this was in ’83 or ’84, I remember she came around to thank the electricians after she got out of the hospital because we built the work light that broke her fall. All I can do is shake my head in wonder.
Davey boy’s been really racking up them overts. Payback is near.
I am so sorry for all the children that were born to scions and never had a chance. I am a never-in with a family member 40+ years in. I saw how she neglected her child, etc. to all of you out there whose children were born in and their lives were HELL: left to scion caregivers, this ranch, sea-orgs, or just left to their own devices as “mini Thetans” YOU SHOULD ALL BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES, SOME OF YOU SHOULD BE PUT AWAY FOR LIFE, AND I WOULD PERSONALLY THROW THE SWITCH ON YOUR ELECTRIC CHAIR IF YOU PHYSICALLY, SEXUALLY HARMED A CHILD!! You NEVER GET OVER SEXUAL, PHYSICAL ABUSE. FORGIVENESS FOR THESE MONSTERS- NEVER!
Hey, waitaminute,
There were Squirrel Busters before the Rathbun thing a couple years ago? Really? I thought that was something they concocted specifically for Marty and Monique. Damn, gotta research that one….
I love Mike Rinder
I am an Ex Anon
My name is kown
If you want to know ask Terril Park
Cornelius Anthonius Martens
That is me
Callingname: Niels or:
My son Alexander Jentzsch was working for 2 years at the Flag Land Base, 12 years old, no schooling, used as a child slave for cleaning toilets and vacuuming floors. During this time he was having sexual intercourse with a 40 year old called Marie Warren. never reported to Clearwater PD. Marie was gotten out of state and became an OSA volunteer in Los Angeles. Child molester and OSA operative ! I hear she moved back to Clearwater more recently.
It was far more important to keep Alexander Jentzsch disconnected from me til he died than to discipline Marie Warren and turn her in to authorities.
It looks like Marie Warren is living in Clearwater again. You can find her on Facebook. Same name. And check out her photos…isn’t that cute…there’s one of her wearing a yellow volunteer minister T-shirt. What is it with Volunteer Ministers and raping children?
Wow Karen – that is just horrible. My heart goes out to you for what that cult did to your son. It is cruel, inhumane and criminal. This cult has blood on its hands and I will be so grateful when the whole thing gets shut down.
There are more and more ugly secrets this cult has hidden getting exposed every day. Keep shining that light on that festering cesspool called Scientology – it is such a disgusting, despicable organization.
Just when you think the REAL Scientology Church can’t get any worse – it does and it is not over….more will get revealed. Thanks all of you who expose the truth. It definetly is impinging on the World and no one is going into those empty Morgues.
Karen – my condolences to you on the loss of your son. Losing your child is a horrible thing and to be kept away from him even in death is unbelievably cruel. It’s so disgusting how that woman, Marie Warren got away with the sex abuse of your son as a minor. What a sicko. Sick even more is how the Church of Scientology keeps her around in good standing. It makes you wonder who else is in the fold, while being currently involved in sex crimes.
Watch for Jasja to be a recipient of a Freedum Medal at the next International Association of Shitheads Event. I’m sure DM will want to present it to him personally.
I am not certain, but I THINK that most of the commenters here got involved in Scientology at a time when it seemed that the dream of a world without war, criminality or insanity could be brought about with the tech. That’s when I got in, in the late 60’s.
I got my auditing at a time when I was having a lot of difficulties with a LOT of things, and Dianetics and Scientology processing got me through it. Amongst the sort of difficulties I was having were things that would cause me shame if they were to be known. Simple rudiments and some very basic grades processes took me out of some very dark places and helped me see the light again. I was so impressed, that I decided to devote my life to it. And, I did! I was dedicated to the cause for 36 years, and a SO member for 32 years of that.
I want some of you here who have gotten into a hateful mood over this to look for a more soothing viewpoint in all this. Neither Jasja or you will benefit from your hatred. Helping people does not include hating them. Anyone who seems to have gotten better from time in the pen got better from their own decisions and “internal work” than they did from any process in the penal system.
I have known enough criminals to be pretty certain that they are suffering a LOT. I don’t believe it’s “in the DNA” of most criminals to “be” a criminal or a pervert – the conduct is a solution to problems, the problems generating from very low self respect.
Scientology organizations COULD HAVE BEEN “a model of the better world they are bringing about” (“An Essay on Management”) but they were very rarely so and, when they were, very briefly. We can blame DM or Ron or anyone of dozens and dozens of short tempered execs for this, but (I think) all of us who were involved saw too many things happening in orgs that just weren’t “real” (Auditors Code in Life) Scientology and just rationalized it away.
I know well the world that Jasja was brought up in and I know a LOT of very dysfunctional human beings who have come out of that world, and they are having a very tough time in the world now and I don’t want to blame them or punish them for a single thing. I don’t want that as I know it won’t do them any good at all to hate them or punish them.
I KNOW first hand how children and people were treated in PAC in the SO during Jasja’s time. And that way of being and treating people is not written up anywhere in any book as a good way to influence people.
You don’t hear about it so often, but people in the PAC SO and kids in the PAC SO were typically treated like shit, very much like what you hear about from the Int guys. The same deplorable situations were there for kids, too. Split up from their parents and all that. Really dumb shit.
When I left the SO, for about 4 years, I took care of teens that had been routed out of the ranch and their parents stayed in. Really an interesting group of people. Lots of beauty in them, but a lot of stuff I could have written about that would have made a good Lord of the Flies sequel. Garbage goes in, garbage comes out. These guys and girls were really having a tough time! Most of them had never had a parent to talk with or confide in; with all of them, they knew very, very little of Scientology, maybe the ARC triangle and TRs. And, what they knew, they did not understand.
But I wanted to bring up that, in the Scientology of the 60’s and 70’s (methinks of the 50’s too, but I was not there), the viewpoint was that crime would not be a problem in Scientology; that the processes of Scientology and the environment of Scientology would de-abberate people. We wanted to resolve things “in house” as we thought we could resolve these sort of things, rather than turn them over to the judiciary system that punishes people in an attempt to bring them into conformity.
You might say I am crazy (but I’m not the only one – and perhaps someday you’ll join us!) but I think that CORE scientology – grades, ruds – and an Auditors Code Management (as postulated in the early 50’s admin writings) could still bring that about – sanity and respect and no criminality.
I believe that punitive world that Scientology orgs have become is Black Scientology and that it creates people who hate themselves and who feel inadequate – as they have had that yelled in their faces by bait and badgering execs wanting you to spit out outpoints for sometimes decades of years. Very few people survive that without some sort of personal trouble going on.
Most “Corporate Scientologists” rarely have been in session. They are “no-auditing” people, in the most part. Could be wrong about Jasja in particular, but most people from PAC never got ANY auditing, other than a little something from a student once or twice or some ridiculous attempt at thought reform through sec checking. They have rarely if ever experienced what auditing was intended for – to raise the tone level of the individual and make him more capable of playing a better game.
Hold no hatred for Jasja – it will only sicken you as well and won’t better him a bit. Instead hope that he finds again some self respect. Perhaps there is an Indie auditor that will reach out to him. That’s what I hope for.
‘Helping people does not include hating them’.
Dan, thank you for your help to the teens who left the SO. Such a needed thing! And I think the hatred is not necessarily for Jasja, but for the double standard that DM set up to let convicted sex offenders go free amongst all church members as a member in good standing, and cover it all up, and yet he draws and quarters and smears and fair games anyone who dares to read the internet blogs or worse yet, dares to post on the blogs. That is the double standard that is sickening.
That white man, he speak with forked tongue.
Cindy, you posted exactly what I was going to post. What Mike has gleaned from his SCs and shared with us in this thread was not intended as a referendum on the correct attitude towards and/or the workability of the various legal punishments or rehabilitations of convicted pedophiles, but rather to show how once again, in yet another area, the Church of Scientology cherry picks who precisely will be subject to its severe Disconnection, Fair Game and other Ethics policies by excluding from these anyone who has knowledge that might be damaging to Pope On A Box or whose financial contributions cancel out any wrong doing, legal or otherwise. Its like that old saying, paraphrased: “We are all equal under (Scientology) law, but some of us are just a little more equal than others”.
This is a very compassionate viewpoint Dan and follows the path that LRH invites us to take in his article “ What is Greatness”.
“The hardest task one can have is to continue to love his fellows despite all reasons he
should not.” LRH
I concur with you Dan. The hope of a better life. Working hard on that dream became such a betrayal. we who started in the 60′ and 70’s saw this dream as long as the philosophy was allied through good caring auditors and good basic training was the priority.
I got lots of auditing and training until bout 84 when more and more changes happened down in PAC.
the Int ethics mission from Cheryl Sutter and that real hard ass missionaire Jennie Devocht Linson became infamous from the Anderson Cooper “wives” show was known turning which threw out the tech and replaced it with punishments and heavy ethics. up to that point I had gotten up through class 4 and ot 4 but in the next 20 years before I routed out I did absolutely nothing on bridge and just got more and more messed up from the misapplied tech.
jasha was a badly educated failure from the life he lived in PAC. Caught in lots of unethical stuff earlier but just posted in PBC estates where he could escape scrutiny and still keep up his appearances as a productive petty officer and then officer in la area.
He had no good role models as a young man. No parents present to help teach him right from wrong. They turned his life over to the cult to raise him.
No one to help him through tough teenage times. He learned how to lie and cheat the system. It didn’t serve him well when he got out of the tight control in that he had in LA.
You can liken his sexual abuse which he got caught while attempting as a gradual strengthening of his acting out. There were numerous times when he was caught in misconduct in la but he never did he get the real help he needed. Just more ineffective ethics handlings.
Too bad he didn’t find an AA program or SAA (sex addicts anonymous) to help him get god in his life and overcome his addictions before he got incarcerated.
scientology the great modern religion is actually a godless cult which tricks and manipulates people in myriads of ways to turn them into religious cultist zealots.
May he find god now!
I agree with you all here about Jasha regarding his childhood and I understand where you are coming from and appreciate your compassion for him. It seems that Jasha grew up disadvantaged, uneducated and probably experienced neglect as well.
However, I would like to say that I have met many people who grew up disadvantaged or who were physically or sexually abused (or both) as kids and they grew up to be good, decent people who do not inflict abuse on others. As sentient beings, we inherently know the difference between right and wrong. Jasha knows it’s not okay to solicit sex from a 12 year old, when he has a wife and child at home.
The Church of Scientology knows this too.
I meant to say that Jasha knows it’s not okay to solicit sex from a 12 year old period. Ever. On top of that, he already as a wife and child at home. Two big outpoints.
You would think the CoS would care a little bit more…
Excellent, compassionate post Dan Locke. I get the impression that Jasja was raised in the SO and we know that is a very mitigating circumstance. I worked in education for several years in LA and found the SO kids to be in very bad shape, almost feral. They were rudderless and starved for communication and guidance. They were taught that education, in anything other than Scn was a waste of time, so teaching them algebra, history or social studies was difficult. This is such an evil thing to do to kids, because it makes them feel, that whatever they are interested in is worthless. This is an aspect of the hypocrisy that has become SOP in the rcs, the abuse and neglect of children, under the guise of something else.
In that we are all weighing in with our opinions n the correct attitude and rehabiltion of convicted pedophiles, I would like to add mine. I don’t have children yet if I did I believe that my attitude would not change. I am, however, a pet lover, especially dogs. I love dogs and have taken in strays as pets who had been roughed up in their puppy years and had serious issues. I have had very good all over experience with taking in and rehabilitating abused dogs and cats. They responded, eventually, to patience and affinity.
That said, I had one dog who had been abused by children. He LOVED mature adults and senior citizens, but kids? This little dog stayed psychotic about them. Particularly if the kids were on bicycles! Didn’t like them, didn’t trust them, didn’t want them around, and would actively GO for them, and let me tell you, as cute and fluffy and adorable as he looked (and mostly became, because of our love and attention) he could do serious damage with those little, white, sharp teeth, so when he was walked we had to keep him leashed always, because where we lived was an area full of children, with many of them on bicycles, which just made him go into attack mode. It didn’t look serious because he was so little, but I knew this dog and what would cause him to go out of PT.
Now, people are NOT dogs, but psychosis IS being out of PT, psychoses IS not seeing what’s actually in front of you NOW, and so I think, yes, love, patience and understanding DO work with people who are convicted pedophiles, so don’t hate them, villify them, but STILL, I would ENSURE that any convicted pedophile of whom I was aware would NEVER have access to a child of mine, because a trusting small child can be a RESTIMULATOR to a pedophile, and you don’t know WHICH child could be the one.
So help them, understand them, don’t hate them, love them for the good beings they potentially are,but err on the side of caution and keep them PERMANENTLY AWAY from children, especially those who are the same age and sex as the one(s) they abused.
My 2 cents, which you can feel free to dismiss because I don’t myself have children and I’m not auditor-trained.
Excellent post Dan Locke. Right on the button.
I am sorry to rain on the Dan Locke parade of kumbaya for the sanity of Jasja and the other “victims” of bad practices. Fuck that shit. Jasja is a pervert plain and simple. He is a danger to children and I sincerely hope he is never allowed around any children ever agin including his own. As someone who was abused at a young at by old perverted men I can tell you they are sick. And probably nothing is going to change that. I don’t have hatred for Jasja. He is to far gone for hate from me. He threw his life away. He deserves whatever he got in jail for being a kiddie diddler and he will get more. As to this crazy notion being forwarded about old souls and past lives and all that other shit, who cares??? If someone was a king, or a prostiute in a former life they deserve to be abused now? They are sexy on the whole track? It’s just a body? That is a truckload of horse shit. Children are children. Period. The only time that exists is right now. The past is over and it will never happen again and is therefore irrelevant. The future hasn’t happened yet and can’t be fully known. Right now is truth. He has shown what he wants right now. Children that have been abused know and will forever know what that feels like and what that does to you. So when you ask for compassion and help for disgusting scum like Jasja you are making light of his crimes and slapping victims like myself in the face with your ignorance.
Spot on BasketballJane – and I want to add to Mr. Dan Locke why don’t you go and explain your ‘understanding’ and ‘liberal’ point of view to all the children Jasja sexually violated. Explain how they should forgive in their heart how he now has ruined them emotionally and sexually for the rest of their lives.
Yes, it will take a lot of auditing hours.
You are exactly right basketballjane. Jasja is a predator and this was the crime he was caught committing, who knows what he was NOT caught doing. Child predators never strike once and he will be on Sex Offender lists for the rest of his life so others can be protected. His Facebook page will have to be deleted or he will most likely violate his impending parole. Mike is doing society a service by reporting on this.
Well Mike, this sex offender may have broken the law, but not Scientology law and only that is actionable. He has not criticized Scientology. So he’s cool. At least that’s how I see it.
Just curious, do you know if other notorious Scientologists have been Declared such our lovable Ponzi Scheme guy or how about our favorite OT 7 murderer. Prison, yes; but Declared—I don’t know.
Also, I didn’t know that Katie Holmes had spoken out against DM. Can you tell me where I can read about that.
To think that I was a member of such a criminal enterprise for 16 years! And I didn´t know anything about it. I thought everything was good and we were busy saving the planet. I thought Hubbard was omniscient and spotless and next to The Almighty. People just hadn´t found out about it yet. What a joke!!! I find it hard to forgive myself for being so gullible and stupid and easy to deceive.
This is beyond DISGUSTING!!!
Scientology´s ethical standards and methods resemble the Mafia´s. They are both governed by an insatiable lust for power and money. I´m sure Scientology is hiding a lot more than what has been revealed so far and we can´t wait to read it all, because our desire for KNOWLEDGE and TRUTH is insatiable!
Brigit – “To think that I was a member of such a criminal enterprise for 16 years! And I didn´t know anything about it. I thought everything was good and we were busy saving the planet. I thought Hubbard was omniscient and spotless and next to The Almighty. People just hadn´t found out about it yet. What a joke!!! I find it hard to forgive myself for being so gullible and stupid and easy to deceive.” Tell me about it, been in since ’74. All I can say is, we’ve seen the light and we are CONFRONTING evil and what is really going on in this church right now. At least we are no longer drinking that KA.
When you read this story today, and the story in the Tampa Bay Times in March, “Scientology Clergy Force a Mother to Choose: Son or Daughter” (mother Sara Goldberg and son Nick Lister) you KNOW the priorities of the Co$ are all about the money, all about control, all about hiding the skeletons in the closet.
BUT …. now to IMPORTANT matters ….. what are all the people mentioned here doing to move up to their next status?
scusa Mike, non è che DM ha qualcosa da nascondere con il sesso?
Note: Google translator tells me this says: Sorry Mike, is not that DM has something to hide with sex?
Whoa! This is truly shocking and disgusting and absolutely not what I signed up for. This double standard has killed any ethics presence that Scn hoped to have in the world. Don’t forget a big money connection is also a free ticket to special treatment, as well as inside info. Both are truly deceitful reasons and both violate Scn’s basic tenets, to seek to live with the truth. Well done Mike.
For the uninitiated, the REAL objective of Scn Ethics and Justice, having recently experienced this myself, is:
1) Preserve the reputation of the organization and/or its agents, regardless of facts or evidence.
2) If the subject of the justice action is a measurable threat to reputation or public image of the organization or its agents, the subject must be neutralized.
3) Truth or fairness must never take priority at the expense of #1 and #2
4) If the subject of the justice action is NOT an enemy of the church, they must be made into an enemy. This is best accomplished by ruthlessly executing an injustice.
5) Be willing to sacrifice the subject of the justice action and their immediate relations in an effort to accomplish #1 and #2.
In the case of Jasja and Val Barendsen, they possess one thing your ordinary public Scnist does not have – ammunition. They pose a threat the church cannot effectively control. In such a case, the church is forced to negotiate, to manage the potential threat of the subject.
I know, first hand, of a criminal operation that swept through my local field. The Ethics Section and OSA, as well as WISE, were fully briefed on the criminal nature of the activity, yet permitted it to continue. The org and the IAS were making too much money off of it. No one involved in this activity has ever faced ANY ethics or justice from the church.
This report is getting me closer to shock proof,I don’t know what to say.
D.M.s personal servant attempting suicide, Hitler had the same Flap with a cousin.
Otherwise seems like Charles Manson does have a chance to be COB someday.
Jose – “Charles Manson does have a chance to be COB someday.” – BRILLIANT!!
“… now deceased, OSA Int Intel guy Frits Kevenaar.”
Say what? When did he die and, more importantly, what of?
According to Karen de la Carriere’s husband, Jeff, a different Frits Kevenaar of the Netherlands, age 89, died, not the one now married to Donatella. I saw the same obit on Frits G. Kevenaar. Jeff, who speaks Dutch, did some further investigation & advised me it was a different Frits that had passed away.
Thanks for the clarification.
Well this shows another way people can stay in the C of S with no fear of SP Declare or Disconnection: Do something the Church considers so out-PR that they fear Declaring or Disconnecting from the perp because he might then go public and say “Scientology made me into a pedophile…”.
This also predicts the continuing trend in “demographics” for Church members. The membership will be composed of larger and larger percentages of people who:
a) Have inside knowledge of Miscavige and all the evil and criminal things he says or does.
b) Are themselves whales or VIPs or closely connected to a whale or VIP, thus subject to special privilege.
c) Criminals who have done something that Miscavige/church do not want publicly connected to Scientology, i.e. horrible and despicable crimes like child molestation, etc.
d) any combination of a-c above.
This trend in the membership of the Church does raise the point that those the Church has enforced disconnection on at least are disconnected from a pack of increasingly criminal persons.
Would be very appropriate for Tobin and Childs to do an expose on this. Always a good idea that local citizens are warned when a sex offender is let loose in the neighborhood; especially when his local church and family are in a state of denial and enabling his misdeeds.
Incredible story and matching up of people and facts. Thanks, Mike.
But the thing that really got me was the one sentence about Anderw Stevens being beached. That was heart-wrenching. That’s an incredible story in itself should he ever stop not-issing how truly frikkin’ idiotic that whole scene is, and how he’s just someone to be munched up and stomped on. I hope he lets loose on that some day all over the media.
Yes Gato, I wasnt aware of that until I was gathering some verifying information for this piece. There is more to this, but it was not directly relevant so I didnt include it.
I have known Andrew since the 70’s and know his sons and former wife. The whole story would make you sick to your stomach. ANd there are details I will not include out of respect for the fact that he has never done anything bad towards me.
But as you commented on it, here is a brief version.
Andrew was selected to be the twin for Don Jason who was to sent to the Freewinds to do the “RPF” because he was considered a good ‘security threat” (ie many years of loyal service, his wife was at Gold and two sons in the SO). Dear Leader considered the Freewinds the height of security, it very out of the way and a super controlled environment where the ship has your passport and if not at sea you are in a foreign nation. Remember, Don Jason was one of the few people who had direct knowledge of what DM did with Lisa McPherson as Don was Chf Off FSO at the time, so he was a big threat. It took real heroics and ingenuity for Don to make an escape down the mooring lines. Andrew was his twin and Don gave him an excuse that he had to go outside for something and Andrew didn’t accompany him. When Miscavige heard about this he ordered him “beached at whatever port they are in and give him $100.” Miscavige had done the same thing to other people, handing them $100 and telling them “you’re on your own”, literally putting them on the sidewalk. This completely devastated Andrew, who begged and pleaded not to be offloaded. When Miscavige read the “compliance report” sent to him after his order was carried out, he laughed at the fact that it reported Andrew was crying, adding a few cruel remarks about Andrew.
Now, that’s the eccesiastical leader of the fastest imploding cult on earth.
I wonder if he’s going to go back to being a fake Scientology “Volunteer Minister” after he’s released. Would not surprise me, touching children and claiming it’s a “touch assist” would be something David endorses provided it keeps the money coming, perhaps.
Well he’s paid his debt to society and he did not actually get the opportunity to touch any kids, so my Christian charity would suggest forgiveness. (Drunk drivers, on the other hand, I would gladly see executed on their first conviction. I hate drunk drivers with every fiber of my being.)
Pope of scientology indeed..
What? Why would he not be able to eat and then go commit murder?
If you’re comfortable with a child predator that’s up to you, but I wouldn’t knowingly let one around my children or the children in our community, school, etc. I would make sure people knew, so they could protect their children.
Damn straight, TooDangerous. As Mom-O-3 girls, I have every right to know about creeps like this.
That’s all rather filthy yet not uncommon among followers of actual religions.
Still, I have to ask: How much money do these allegedly-convicted-pedo supporters have among them?
There is the public relations impact of exposure, and there is the desire to not motivate any of the involved running to Federal prosecutors to talk about what they know in retribution and retaliation for David-ordered “disconnection,” yet David strikes me as someone who probably evaluated the money they continue to send to him as a priority and ignored all other possible concerns.
If these people were penniless, wouldn’t David ignore the possibility of the brainwashed, dimwitted, not-allowed-to-think-for-themselves sheep to continue to keep their yippers shut and not go running to the FBI?
Badda boom, Mike! That’s ripping the scab right off a gangrenous, inconvenient truth.
This will have repercussions. Big ones. Thank you.
Wozey dozey, it doesn’t get much dirtier than this. I predict the Barendsen family will be relocating shortly. Does Angie Blankenship’s apartment complex have any vacancies?
And I think it’s significant that OSA can’t hide Jasja – as a registered sex offender his address will be available to anyone that wants it. In fact, I’ve signed up to track his movements 🙂
How many “children” “teens” did he have access to in the SO? Did anyone go looking & checking to see if they had been victims? Most guys of this sort “do”100+ children before caught, saw that in a study someplace. Did he get “help” in prison? Will he be allowed on any sciobot property? As a registered sex offender he can not go where “children” gather, playgrounds, schools, CHURCHES, etc.
I do not believe in hanging someone once there sentence is served BUT sex offenders are a different “animal” and have to be watched till the end of their time.
The sex offender list is probably not where most sciobots hang out – especially since they are to guard against end-theta on-line.
I think a nice follow up article with a quote from a church spokesperson would be interesting… any reporters for the Tampa Bay paper hanging out here??
Yes, disgusting. No, not unusual in the history of Scientology, as the roots of this shit are in the ¨philosophy¨ and its ¨founder¨…Check this out: http://mikemcclaughry.wordpress.com/2012/11/29/scientology-roots-chapter-thirty-suspicious-deaths-in-scientology/
“House of Pies”, Miss that place.
she’s out ethics, why would she be worried about gluten when it’s the space cooties doing all the damage? she ought be handling the issue with auditing.
children are devalued in scientology. they are just thetans in a little “meat body”.
he wasn’t soliciting a minor, he was soliciting a thetan not long arrived from the between lives area.
by scientology’s own views, there is no such thing as “child abuse”.
how they think of and treat children is well documented.
when your view is that reality is just a mock up, that what we take as reality is actually an illusion, you are free to not care about anything.
if i was a megalomaniacal sociopath, the tech would suit my needs precisely.
the old style pre squirreled version.
my sociopathic tendencies could make good use of it.
like the group always comes first, hence as the leader of the group i always come first, which means everyone else comes second which further means i answer to no one which means i have absolute power over everyone.
it’s soooo good it ALWAYS WORKS ALL THE TIME 100% OF INFINITY!
isn’t that amazing? it sure is, you can’t beat something that always works! naturally that also means that if it’s not working for you, it MUST be your fault.
as a megalomaniacal sociopath leader i like this tech. it fits my needs and personality to a tee.
Excellent info, Mike! Yes, the woman in red in the photo is Jacqueline’s sister, Grace. I was Jacqueline’s RPF twin for three years. She does know a lot of information that dm might be concerned about.
Future book title: David Miscavige: Tale of a Tyrant.
Thank you for such a revelation Mike. Yes hypocrisy is part of this all, but you also have the criminal aspect of the story. Dear Leader embodies those traits – criminal and coward thus hypocrisy,covert actions all with the intent to cover up his *** while continuing to criminally squash whatever may affect him adversely.
And those he had bought to be silent such as Tomy Davis, Angie B and many others are still under his ‘control’ and he feels there is nothing to fear from them. On the other hand, these poor souls have their hearts bursting with the amount of lies and crimes they themselves did and hid. Will they veer burst? They may or may not and it does not matter as fortunately there are many, many courageous others like you that will keep exposing the facts of this draconian world He has so far managed to maintain.
But criminals eventually end rotting and their souls burning for eternity. Up to them really.
Cult: “Psychiatry? Not a single cure!”
“We’re lucky to have you.” TC to DM
My gosh. So disgusting.
Speak out about how Scientology forces their staff to get abortions and you are instantly the target of disconnection. Solicit sex from a minor and you have the back up of the “higher ups” to hide it from all of your friends. What kind of “religion” is this again? It makes me sick.
My org allowed a known child molester continue to work with kids. OTOH, they had me hit the road in 2000 and made me persona non grata because I pointed out specific instances of abuse, including forcing SO women to have abortions, and voiced distrust in management in a rollback session. That’s how the CofS works…
Thank you Mike. I knew Amanda Ambrose, her daughter Stephanie as well as her son Tony. I knew Tony because he backed into my truck/van that my ex and I had in Clearwater and never did ONE thing to take responsibility.
He too is getting out soon, if not out already.
As for the rest of these folks — after my time. I don’t know them but your facts appear impeccable.
The sad truth is that Pope Francis – who inherited a much bigger can of worms than DM and didn’t inherit a technology with *some* workable parts (not a perfect technology) – has decried the priest predators of the Catholic Church and is doing something about them. He has publicly recently excommunicated the Mafia on their home turf in a small village in southern Italy. He has taken a stand against legalized marijuana and drugs. He has taken FROM “the bishop of bling” his palatial “home” in German and forced another one in Atlanta to move and give the “home” to the parishioners. The youth are flocking in to the Catholic Church … he has growing numbers – not declining like DM.
He has the ear of 1.2 billion Catholics — whether they are active or not. As well as those who are marveling at what a really tough yet enlightened guy he is. Like me. I’m not a Catholic but it sure is fascinating to watch.
The world IS changing and I honestly believe that the work that you, Karen, Marty and others do is helping to shine the light on this type of “business as usual” in the world.
It’s going to be much much less easy to hide. There is still TONS to be done before we have a world without “war, criminals and insanity” — but it’s starting to feel as if it just might happen during my lifetime.
If we hurry.
Thanks again,
Tony Strawn, son of singer Amanda Ambrose, a sex offender?
I’m shocked.
Years ago, I lived in a Scientology rooming house in LA. Tony lived there when he got out of the Sea Org. He told me he had a $40,000 Sea Org debt….but he was smart, handsome, and he seemed quite sure of himself. And he had female admirers…..
Sex offender? Why? How? Because sex is just about ‘bodies’, not the ‘being’?
The path he took in life led him to prison, and I am inclined to blame Scientology for that…
Nice post Windhorse. I love this pope, he is so relevant and true to his faith. I admire him and I believe he’s having an extremely positive impact. SUCH a contrast to Mike’s post.
“He too is getting out soon, if not out already.”
I checked MJ’s link –
His status is listed as Deceased.
House of Pies! How I miss that place (I guess it really is just up the street from the Celeb Centre, innit?
I don’t suppose they hosed down the place after that animal was in there?
it really makes you stop and wander….how many suicide attempts, sex crimes, blackmails, etc., have really happened over the years. It’s mind boggling to me that in an intelligent world in which we live in, this idiocracy has been allowed to flourish.
But this false “religion”, which will soon see it’s demise, ruins people thoroughly on the inside and out. Unbridled, unchecked, decadence by it’s deranged leader, trickles all the way down through the organization.
Debauchery, revenge, Scientology Idiocracy, have no limits.
Excellent reporting. This is what is needed, an insider’s detailed knowledge of Miscavige repulsive cult
The clampire has a long history of keeping crimes and especially sex crimes under the radar. Australia went after Jan Eastgate (head of cchr) for her part in covering up sex abuse.
Astra Woodcraft had similar experiences.Who knows how long the list is? The ‘church’ covers up all bad news as well as it can. Disconnection has always be a tool to control the masses, Dave Miscavage has just raised that tool to keep himself looking good and in power.
Gawd, this is disgusting. I knew Jacqueline and always thought well of her. She was a hard worker (despite falling some 30 feet from a scaffolding while on the Gold Construction Team during construction of the music studio and shattering her pelvis–stuff like that can happen when you stay up for days on end to meet a TM) and always had interesting stories to tell about goings on in OSA. I worked for years with Val’s mother in RTRC who was part of the administrative staff. Truly an incredible post, Mike. Hard to top. But I am sure something will and probably sooner than later.
I was on that RPF (GCT as it was called, as the “Gold Construction Team) around the time she fell off the scaffolding – it was common knowledge. As another guy sawed a finger off, and other pretty grim injuries amongst the sleep-deprived salves. Myself I still have scar to this day from a gashed leg caused directly from fatigue while working with sharp roofing knives. The bizarre inversion of importances was never better illustrated when, towards the end of the project we had to work in the interior where aromas – any smells – were forbidden. That meant in part that there was a full-time “sniffer” outside checking our body odour as we entered the studio. That we weren’t sweating (in the desert heat, and while running everywhere) was more important than whether people fell asleep in perilous surroundings from working round the clock.
At the end of the project, we were all asked to write up our “hats”. Instead of writing up some blah-blah about carpentry I wrote up a detailed safety report on how safety measures should be implemented to avoid more serious injuries in the future. Suspect it swiftly ended up in the circular filing basket.
But what I wanted to say is that I personally know of TWO cover-ups of infractions with minors from Scientologists in the East Grinstead field – one I believe is still on the “OT Committee”. I’m sure there are plenty others I don’t know about. The hypocrisy truly knows no bounds.
I don’t think she was on the GCT when she fell off the roof. What I remember was just about securing time a whole batch of office-worker types showed up to “help” Steve Willet with the roofing. This was before all the roof sheathing was on and it was open rafters with a long fall to the hard concrete floor below. There were no ceilings installed either, the fall was roof to the floor. No safety ropes or railings. We were all supposed to go out on the roof but when I saw that it was slick and freezing cold I found an excuse to be elsewhere. Heights are not my strong point. The miracle is that there were not more falls and that she survived.
It WAS on the GCT when she fell.
I actually had not connected the dots with HER name until Dan Koon brought it up.
Yes, she was very lucky!
These asseveration, pregnant with tendentiousness, must not stand. I am willing to stake my dinner on the fact that Scientology disconnection policies are just as consistent as Scientology theology and ‘tech’!
Yes, to prove that I would give up a steak dinner.
And these are the people who you should trust to ensure your “infinity of future.”
They are, after all, the most ethical group on the planet.
They have all the secrets of the universe carefully safeguarded and ready to be given to YOU when they deem you worthy of their blessed approval.
These are the OTs, the new breed of spiritual being who will take over the earth in a final shoulder to shoulder push of awesome ideal orgness.
These are your real friends. The guys who are really getting the job done.
Who wouldn’t want to be part of this amazing group for the next billion years?
I have so much respect for Nancy Cartwright now, knowing what a wonderful group she just donated a half a million dollars to. Maybe if I call myself the Intergalactic Landlord and start a universal child porn website, she’ll fork over a million to me?
Yet, somewhere in the back of my mind I get the feeling something is not quite right with this picture.
Mind boggling Mike.
I am almost speechless.
AWESOME post Mike! Thanks for enlightening us!
I hope Jasja has gotten help, learned from this and has the conviction to declare himself from the cult that has harmed so many others. The sad part is, when someone gets out of prison and especially with this type of charge, one needs the support of family and community and this means the cult most likely owns him at this point. He has paid a price for his crimes, which DM has not for his. It is like: there is no crime that is not a crime against Scientology! I guess that is what makes it a cult. All the same, if we are all against the destruction of families, I think it is important for us not to go on a witch hunt against him and his family. Pointing out the hypocrisy is one thing, respecting the privacy of their family is another.
Sex abuse against a child is unforgivable regardless of time spent in jail. In a normal community, outside of the CoS, a child sex offender would be shunned by everyone who knew him. He would not be protected by his ‘church’ for the sake of keeping their PR in.
Unforgivable by you, not by everyone. The facts is you make people more dangerous by acting like this. People have to live with him and you are 100% wrong. Most civilized nations have a much more constructive approach. Many churches do help people like this, that is the whole point of most churches, redeeming yourself, making yourself a better person Etc. I for one don’t want the guy loosing it and killing someone because he cannot eat.
Apologies to Frankie Valli.
Oh, what a guy
The biggest being of hypocrisy
All the slaves worship COB
What a leader, what a guy
Thank you, Too Dangerous. 4 years in jail does not pay for his crime. Ask any child who was molested by one of these monsters. That child never “gets over” it. It scars for life. Sex offenders should be named, shamed and locked up for life with others of their ilk.
DM Sucks,
How would you feel about handling the situation more along the lines of some Eastern philosophies? You know, a guy steals and you cut off a finger, he steals a lot and you cut off a hand, he molests children……………..cut it/them off. Then he can still eat at your table and socialize.
Accidentally mis-posted this reply to DM Sucks below…
What? Why would he not be able to eat and then go commit murder?
If you’re comfortable with a child predator that’s up to you, but I wouldn’t knowingly let one around my children or the children in our community, school, etc. I would make sure people knew, so they could protect their children.
@ TooDangerous
I came across programs made by pedo hunters 2 years ago. To that day I haven’t recovered from what I saw and heard from little kids sobbing recounting their stories, most of the time involving their own father. The psychos caught in these rings are going there to watch rapes, torture and death inflicted to babies, toddlers and pre teen in snuff movies.
To say that someone like this has paid his offence by spending 4 years in jail comes from a very naive (stupid) person or a Jasja alike…yep don’t deny it..
So TooDangerous thank you for your post you are completely right.
As for Scientology this would have been the only way, though from my observation this insanity is so engrained in the Being that I am not too sure that one lifetime of auditing would have been enough, but DM made sure that it will never happen. This planet is doomed, just now I hate DM and all pedos in the world….shame because hatred is not good for my rhumatism… :o|
It’s very difficult to effectively treat a sexual predator in the real world. It is especially difficult to treat a sexual predator in a prison system which focuses less on rehabilitation than just doing the time. It’s even more of a challenge to treat him effectively if he is predisposed to fear and loathe psychiatric treatment.
Everyone reading this blog should understand that many people are likely to come into contact with him completely unaware that they need to keep their kids away from him.
When you become a registered sex offender, you give up most of your rights to privacy; so do the family members who allow the offender to live with them… with good reason. The recidivism rate for sex offenders against minors is between 30 and 40 percent…and those are the reported offenses; the actual rate likely is much, much higher. I’m assuming he’s allowed contact with his minor child. I’m more concerned about his contact with his child’s friends and schoolmates. This entire situation is absolutely disgusting.
The ignorance here is astonishing, first off recidivism is the lowest off all crimes, look it up on the FBI’s own site. With treatment it is in the single numbers. Part of the treatment is a support network. Sadly Scientology would be opposed to treatment. Also, I might ad that everyone on the list has a different charge. You can get put on the registry for peeing in public, Romeo and Juliet laws where there is a two year age difference Etc. That is clearly not the cases here but it is a stereotype anytime we label someone, you know, like SP? As to how I would feel? Well, I was not involved but I can empathize. Wanting justice is one thing but wanting a burning hatred in my heart is something I will to the vindictive. I might ad that I was molested as a child and the thing I want more than anything is for that person to A not do it again and B to move on with my life, so yeah I do know how it feels. Lastly, like it or not Jasja is back in the community. You can stew in the juices of your own hatred all you want but he does have rights and he is here. I would recommend anyone who knows him, encourage him to get real help.
To reply to DM (below): The stats I used were from the DOJ… Yes, the recidivism rate is in the single digits for all sex offenders as a group in the first 5 years after their release. Instead, looked at sex offenders who are convicted of raping/molesting minors specifically, and take the long view which is the rate after 20 years. Personally, I dont care how this rate stacks up against other crimes…Child rape/molestation does a unique kind of damage that is far worse then other types of victimization. I am so sorry tohear you were a child victim yourself, but don’t assume your particular experience is similar to others’ experiences. I am the stepparent of a victim of child rape…in fact we got custody of him when he was 7 years old because his mother remarried into a family where two people,one male & one female, raped and molested him over several months. Then she allowed access to the rapists during visitation when she had him for years until we were able to gain full custody and supervised visitation. I am proud to say he is now a wonderful man, husband and father. But our family experienced his pain and his struggle with self-esteem and PTSD and many other issues, through years of individual and family counseling. I harbour no hatred toward my son’s abusers, but you can be damned sure I support whatever it takes to prevent it from happening to someone else’s child. Labeling convicted sex offenders and public registries are a good start.
Wow- ‘Buttercup’ your name says it all – theetie weetie!!
Excellent reporting Mike and a special thank you to the corespondent who brought this shocking news to our attention. Everyone here should go viral with this report. I’ll be tweeting this on Twitter to all my followers. The word must be spread that Scientology’s leader David Miscavige allowed a convicted pedophile to remain a member of the ‘church’, while ordering disconnections for far less infractions and forcing sea org women to abort their unborn children. How many hundreds or perhaps thousands of babies were murdered at Miscavige’s order? How many thousands of families have been ripped apart by this little monster, Miscavige?
Holy crap, Mike! You and your special correspondent have really shone the light of truth on a huge story here. I knew Jasja and Val both, worked with them for years, and saw them leave when she got pregnant. Shocking he would get involved in something like that and a real shame – what an idiot. But I had no idea, ever, of all this backstory. The hypocrisy is enough to make my blood boil. I am actually livid about this. You people in the Church who know about this crap – your day of reckoning is coming. Do you really believe that you can just keep doing this forever and no one is ever going to find out? Think again.
Well said Chris. My comment yesterday about ‘the folks still in’ representing a threat to all of humanity stands as stated. It is not necessarily a direct threat but anyone who would count on such a person as a friend has a high likelihood of disappointment.
These days we all can count on a very very high level of hypocrisy, outright lying and general bad behavior from someone who calls themselves a $cientologist. It is a mindset that seems to emanate from religious fundamentalism. $cientology has it in spades!
(Sorry in advance to anyone offended by the generality)
Sometimes general statements are just true.
Thanks Chris, you vented for me.
It will also shock some scientologists if they look
up sex offenders in their neighbourhood if Jasja is
living nearby.
Wow, Mike, this is a huge story! Thank you for the back story and shining the light on it. I hope Tony O picks it up, it is that big a deal.
One of my former KA friends has an ex husband who while they were married, was arrested in a sex offender sting that went after men soliciting under age kids. He was OT at the time. He was trying to get sex from a minor and used the internet and set up a meeting. Was he ever surprised when a policeman showed up instead of the kiddie. But somehow he got off on a plea bargain and didn’t have to register as a sex offender. She didn’t even have to disconnect from him. He had two kids in the SO at that time and I think they were made to disconnect, but not sure. So why was he not excommunicated and declared? Why no big FB whispering campaign on him? Why did the MAA’s not call everyone of his contacts to tell them he was a big bad sex offender SP? They certainly called all my contacts to tell them I was a big bad SP just because I read the blogs. It is hypocrisy to the Nth degree.
And one more ps. He called his ex wife, who he’d cheated on and been a non-producing bum living off her while cheating on her, and asked her to pay bail for him so that he wouldn’t have to call his parents and tell them why he was in jail. And she, the KA drinking, can’t-confront-evil-theetie-wheetie that she is, paid his bail.
Hmmm, in that event, it would spread like wildfire, wouldn’t it? That’s a nice thought.
That guy looks really familiar. Was he Quinn Taufler’s senior?
There are other people “delcared SP’s” but for those Scientologist’s who worked for Tom Cruise on a secret mission – they don’t have to disconnect from the SP’s either…..the Church does not want those “secrets” disclosed. Funny, self-imposed Bribery and Extortion by the Science of PR – Scientology. Thanks to the internet – all of their dirty, dark secrets are getting exposed.
Good post Mike.
Before Quinn was a reg, he was the PAC Base MLO in the PAC Base Crew org. Before Jasja was in the landlord office he was in the Mill. He might have been an electrician as well. So both Quinn and Jasja were CLO staff, I don’t think Jasja was ever Quinn’s senior.
I don’t remember if he was Quinn’s boss, but they were both in the renovations org in LA for many years. Jasja was the head electrician. One interesting point is that he had been assigned to the RPF back in the 80s for, wait for it….., having sex with a minor. To be “fair” he was a minor back then as well. I thought the RPF was supposed to fix people.