State Covenant of Non-Disparagement
I, _________ (print name), have been offered post in nation of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea of __________ (the “Block”). As member of Korean national community represented by Korean People’s Army (KPA), I am committed to forwarding humanitarian goals and tenets of North Korea nation and KPA itself. I made this state commitment in order to help every being I can attain full glorification of state potential, according to path laid down by revered Dear Leader Kim Jong-un as set forth in Songgun (Army First) Ideology.
1. To be staff member of proud nation of North Korea is incomparable opportunity to serve the state and carries with it most serious and sacred obligations. The National Defense Commission is the focal point of North Korea and all state activities in community and is stable emanation point for the pure mind growth for all Korean citizen.
2. I recognize that with this opportunity to serve National Defense Commission as a member of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea comes an equally important responsibility to do all I can to ensure that the state remains effective and accomplishes its humanitarian mission to conquer entire world with nuclear weapon. I understand this is most solemn of all responsibilities that I will crawl under while on staff and is one responsibility I must continue to observe even if I leave the Korea. North Korea Citizens, Government Workers, Soldiers and Prisoners in surrounding community look to Government to disseminate Glorious Songgun Ideology in the region, hold production expectation high to further their quest for state freedom. The inviolate strength and integrity of the National Defense Commission and its staff therefore are critical to the state life of Korea. If the credibility or effectiveness of the state or its senior staff, or executives of higher ecclesiastical agencies such as National Defense Commission (“NDC”) and Korean People’s Army (“KPA”) is diminished or harmed in any way, Koreans throughout the world will suffer incalculable nuclear harm because we firing all missiles.
3. I therefore agree that in exchange for the opportunity to serve on the national staff and to receive the benefits available to all staff members, including the right to receive Korean national worker training to forward my own national growth, I swear to forever use the full extent of my ability to uphold my obligations under this National Covenant of Non-Disparagement (“Non-Disparagement Covenant”). I will never do less. Accordingly, I PROMISE AND SWEAR NEVER TO SAY OR ENCOURAGE OR INDUCE OTHERS TO SAY OR WRITE ANYTHING THAT EXPOSES THE CRIMES OR HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS OR CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS OF KIM JONG-UN, KOREAN PEOPLE’S ARMY OR THE NATIONAL DEFENSE COMMISSION OR THEIR STAFF, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS OR TRUSTEES, IN WHATEVER CAPACITY, OR ABOUT THE NATIONAL PRACTICES, MATERIALS, METHODOLOGY AND TRAINING OF THE NORTH KOREAN NATION. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT THIS NON-DISPARAGEMENT COVENANT APPLIES NOT JUST WHILE I AM SERVING ON THE STATE AGRICULTURAL FARMS AND MUNITIONS FACTORIES BUT ALSO IN PERPETUITY, SHOULD I EVER LEAVE GLORIOUS NATION OF NORTH KOREA.
4. The term DISPARAGE means:
A. Comments and statements (oral or written) that could or do negatively affect or cast Kim Jong-un, his staff, officers, prison guards, slave masters, or trustees or the national practices, materials, technology and services of North Korean nation (“Staff and National Practices”) in negative light by admitting truth of crimes or war crimes.
B. Comments and statements (oral or written) that could or do harm reputation of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, North Korean People’s Army, or National Defense Commission including, but not limited to, negative or derogatory comments and statements about financial status, operations, and the character of any North Korean detention center, agricultural farm or detention center or its senior staff national leadership.
C. Comments and statements (oral or written) that could or do harm North Korea or its relationship with any USA citizen(s) including, but not limited to, comments that could or do harm any North Korean Work-Camp Volunteer’s confidence in or hinder their national growth in the Glorious Nation of North Korea or progress in Mind Reconstruction Program.
5. I understand gravity of action I am taking in signing this Non-Disparagement Covenant, I know that I am accepting responsibility for most sacred and important obligations that exist in my beloved state. I further understand that the national well-being of my fellow Korean detainees depends on my ability to keep the promises I make herein. I also know that I am giving up forever some very important personal rights under the Geneva Convention of Dogs and American Dog United States Constitution. But I also understand that I would not be permitted to serve as glorious member of national Korean government unless I agreed in advance to the terms of this Non-Disparagement Covenant. I take this action because I believe my personal national commitment to Kim Jong-un and the enrichment of North Korea government take precedence over any rights of free speech I may have as to these specific matters.
6. I understand and agree that the promises I have made in this Non-Disparagement Covenant relate to special, unique and extraordinary matters and that a violation of any of my promises will cause irreparable injury not just to North Korea but also to the Songgun Ideology as a whole and that there are no legal remedies available that could correct this injury. I further understand and agree that such harm is likely to be very substantial and that it will vary with the nature of the disparaging comment or statement, making it extremely difficult and impractical, if not impossible, to measure the full extent of the actual damages caused by a violation of this Non-Disparagement Covenant. For these reason I therefore agree that when I breach or threaten to breach any of my promises in this Non-Disparagement Covenant which I surely will do, among other things:
A. The Glorious Nation of Korea may seek a court order to stop me from breaching or threatening to breach my promises. Because a public hearing to enforce any provision of this Non-Disparagement Covenant might cause disclosure of information deemed confidential information, I agree that if there is litigation concerning this Non-Disparagement Covenant, I shall cooperate with North Korean national government to seek an appropriate order from the county court, or any other court of competent jurisdiction, to seal the file and issue a protective order prohibiting disclosure of confidential information and/or limiting the disclosure of any other information obtained through discovery, to the maximum extent allowed under law.
B. In addition to anything else a court may require me to do for violating this Non-Disparagement Covenant, that I shall pay Glorious Leader, Kim Jong-un, a small fee of $25,000 as liquidated damages (and not as a penalty) for each individual violation of this Non-Disparagement Covenant and/or for each individual instance of causing, participating in, cooperating with or encouraging the publication or broadcast of information that results in a violation of this Non-Disparagement Covenant. I understand that it is difficult to ascertain the exact extent of damage and harm a violation would cause the nation, but I acknowledge that only a low, low fee of $25,000 is fair and reasonable for each instance.
7. Notwithstanding anything to contrary set forth herein, I understand and agree that provisions of Non-Disparagement Covenant shall not apply to disclosure of information as compelled by law or pursuant to subpoena or order of any judicial, legislative, executive, regulatory or administrative body, provided such law, subpoena or order is valid and constitutional.
8. The promises and agreements I have made in this Non-Disparagement Covenant shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the state without reference to the laws of any other state or country. I agree that if legal action is necessary to enforce the promises I have made, that it may be brought in the court of the county in which the national government is located or any other court of competent jurisdiction, and I agree in advance to be subject to the personal jurisdiction of that court. This Non-Disparagement Covenant shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon the persons or organizations that received or are assigned the rights and duties of this Non-Disparagement Covenant (i.e. successors and assigns).
9. I understand that all the promises and other obligations I have made in this Non-Disparagement Covenant will be legally binding on me forever. However, if a court happens to rule that one or more of the promises I have made or obligations I have agreed to are not enforceable, then I agree that the rest of the promises and obligations I made shall remain in full force and effect and legally enforceable against me for all time.
Executed this ___ day of _______, 20__.
(Printed Full Name)
(Home Address)
By its: ______________________________
Thanks for all the many comments and glad everyone enjoyed it.
Nice job, Steve.
I wonder how the new SO contract reads. I mean they must have beefed that sucker up good.
“I swear on my immortal soul that I will never speak or think a bad thought about david miscavige for all eternity. That I will never observe what he is actually doing. That if I do accidentally observe what he is actually doing, I will immediately report to hell and stay there rotting in fire and brimstone for ever and ever.”
North Korea and the Borg are partners in crime with miscavige and his cult. No doubt about it.
The amount of Disparagement and Slander pumped out by Scientology Principles
is considerable. Almost humorous that on the other side of the coin they do not want this done to themselves which is another definition of an OVERT. That which you do not want done to yourself you do to others.
Steve – I think a judge reading the original non-disparagement agreement might dub in exactly what you have written here. Brilliant!!
Freedom in the C of S, which has been sputtering about on its last legs for some time now, is now dead.
A little inspiration -
Thing is that this $25K clause will unfortunately keep many, who in the future leave staff after being abused, quiet. Not because it may or may not be legal but because I would estimate about 70-80% of the people who sign it think it is legal and will also be enforced by a malevolent Church, or could be and thus they won’t bother reporting the abuses. The same principle applies for all “confidential” tech levels where one signs a bond and waiver – most people who sigh such have this in the back of their minds and so do not divulge the materials. As people here above have said the clauses are probably illegal but the point is that the people signing that don’t know this and/or don’t want to take the chance that the Church will attack them, via the courts if need be. So, as Mike is doing, we need to educate these (future) staff who leave, but it will not be an easy task – one will be battering at their initial reluctance caused by these fears. This has been very sneekily done by COB. Yuk! It also gives COB more or less carte blanche to carry on slapping and bullying and abusing staff and reading out their “overts” to staff meetings from here to eternity.
It also is another clever ploy to flush out those who are currently wavering. Those who don’t sign are immediately investigated and sec-checked and of course what will come out of the sec checks is that the recipient does have doubts (and rightly so of course) over COB and his gangster cohort. So he gets rid of more people that don’t support him whole hog. Similar to that telex thing I spoke about recently to find out who “wasn’t on board the gangster express”.
I find it totally repulsive that the Church stoops so low to do all of this sort of stuff. It would make me ashamed to be a Scientologist if I ever associated myself now with the low-toned RCS. It is justified to the remaining staff and public as they have been put on a “war footing” ironically and only due to the abominable out-PR and SP actions of COB and his team of supporting gangsters.
Good luck to the 2 guys or gals on staff somewhere who refused to sign it – well, at least they will be getting a session (of sorts anyway)! (One would probably find that these guys/gals are probably also the only upstats in the Org, as they can think and duplicate, again ironically enough.)
Amen! Good comment Foolproof.
In German for UNICEF, the onley reason to bow so deep: For all our children
You know, the Church of Scientology might find a kindred spirit and marketing niche and sphere of practice in North Korea.
With what I know already of North Korea, the Dear Leader would surely love to be able to pull withholds and root out evil and counter intentions.
It is an absolutely horrifying thought: cult compounding cult for maximum psychological control and exploitation.
May that _not_ be the future of humankind. But if C of S does not get its shit together, that is exactly what it may directly contribute to. Time for a major R-factor.
Anyone remember this? ‘Never disparage yourself or minimize your strength or power.’
Pure genius Steve! So funny.
I just wish you could do a live reading of this in someone’s living room with about a hundred Independents, former SO and a rag-tag bunch of ne’er-do-well, bitter, defrocked, apostates in attendance to really appreciate the fun.
I can just imagine everybody falling down laughing and begging you to stop before they pass out.
One of my favorits
What a spine shilling rendition. Thanks CD.
Superb, Steve!
Steve, this is priceless!!
The term DISPARAGE means:
“A. Comments and statements (oral or written) that could or do negatively affect or cast Kim Jong-un, his staff, officers, prison guards, slave masters, or trustees or the national practices….”
Can Scientologistsv handle conflicting feelings ?
Yes good work Steve. And true, the side of sadness is there somehow. It is beyond belief to give up your right of free speech. Now, if it is a ‘right’, why would someone has to forfeit it in a staff contract?
Yes, I know. Totalitarian management. But it is only indicative of the terror of loosing control which, in fact, Black Heart has already lost.
One of my favorite puppets from Team America, poor little guy…he’s so whonwie.
Steve, this is Brilliant!
I can’t wait for the stories to start pouring out of the “hermit cult” about 12 and 13 year old kids signing this agreement. Oh, and then I can’t wait for an $800 an hour lawyer to argue to the court that $25,000 per incident is not a penalty, it is liquidated damages that compensates the church for the damage to its reputation brought about because said 12 and 13 year olds posted on Facebook that while in the Sea Org they did not going to school, did not sleep even 4 hours a night, were fed rice and beans at every meal, and were cleaning toilets at midnight every night. Then that lawyer will produce 25 declarations from 50 and 60 year olds attesting that no one ever ate rice and beans, all children attend school eight hours a day, all have plenty of sleep and playground time and children perform only those chores the average family requires of its children.
If Miscavige produced these agreements in order to prevent further embarrassment like he suffered in the Debbie Cook case, he has greatly miscalculated. The agreement itself will cause him a great deal of embarrassment because it is so one-sided and paranoid. Well, I guess if all else fails, he will always be welcome in that other hermit cult….
(And by the way, that $25k penalty is not enforceable, and the lawyers who drafted it know it is not enforceable.)
The document is all about intimidation and fear. They put the fear of God into you on this doc so that the new recruit will be too terrified to speak out because they believe it all. They think they will have to pay that money and that it will hold water in court (which it won’t). Even the most empty threats are effective if the recipient of them believes it will happen.
It’s been 24 hours or so since I read these bullshit doc(s), finally I am getting over the shock and awe of it. While you can’t say a bad word about the pope and his friends, you EXPECTED to write reports on others that do. World history shows that this sort of tactic only goes so far, but North Korea has been pretty successful at it for what 70 years. Once again my hunch is that Scientology will continue to limp a long, but the slow decline has already been happening. I realize I can’t get get all worked up about it. If someone will ” comply with Command Intention” and sign all your rights away, then you deserve it. One other thing I have noticed is that there havent been notable defections at the Int Base for awhile now. I may be wrong.
I’m wondering if they have clamped down very hard at Int Base and made it all the more hard to defect. DM is terrified another will escape Int base and live to tell the world of his atrocities. We should do a rescue mission there, or get the FBI to raid them.
How about a S.W.A.T team?
This bodes not well for Scientology, Funny ,but a preview of things to come.
Good work Steve !
I’ve been thinking for some time that the “church” of Scientology is America’s, North Korea.
Awesome, Steve! Very, very well done!
Thoughtful Steve,
Always loved your inimitable sense of humor 🙂
John Sweeney covered both the Church and North Korea, and North Korea seemed to have given him more access and followed him around less.
This is true.
It’s also worth noting his comment in Church of Fear about how he’s had his life threatened in war zones, but the Fair Game treatment he got freaked him out even worse..
By their deeds shall ye know them (the RCS) (to be utterly in the valence of a psychotic criminal nutjob)
Kim Jong-un is not as nutso as DM.
I need conformation, does any Scientologist still want to go through OT 3 to 8 ?
Every Scientologist still in the bubble absolutely wants to do this. It is the Scientological equivalent of making it to the Pearly Gates for your interview with St Peter (that would be “Truth Revealed” OT VIII). Many who are outside the bubble also want to experience these levels, though outside the church there is no requirement that you find them awe inspiring, nor that they provide you with super-human abilities.
What’s wrong with just living life, without all the super human strives?
I find nothing objectionable about that whatsoever. 🙂
That was funny!
Brillant, Steve and funny in this context.
Last week, the UN announced that N Korea is engaged in atrocities comparable to the holocaust and provided detailed information with photos. I shudder to think what would be if Miscavige Inc. was able to rise to the heights of Kim or Hitler. It would not be good.
Okay, printed and signed…do I have to notarize it first, or can I just mail it in??? Oh boy, I can’t wait to serve! Reminds me of the old Outer Limits episode: “How To Serve Man….it’s a cook book!!!!”
Send it in by snail mail, though DO NOT send it registered or certified as that will not be accepted. Though you CAN send it UPS or FedEx receipt requested. No policy mentions not accepting those. But as you know there is a policy on accepting registered or certified mail…
Don’t forget to include a photo-copy of your IAS card and photo ID. (Same as with your Mark VIII contracts,)
Thanks, Andy
I remember that one. Always loved Outer Limits. Now we have Outside the Limits.
I keep reading my contract Glorious Leader. I cannot stop laughing…
I wonder, did Dan Sherman have a hand in this document?
One small adjustment: “To Serve Man” was Twilight Zone, not Outer Limits.
Love it Steve!
Unfortunately in humor, sad though it is, it is a case of if this were for real the UN would be ready to enact sanctions for human rights abuses. How come Co$$$ gets away with it?
What does CCHR have to say on this? If written by a psyche it would be the foulest thing ever and worthy of anhilation.
No wukkas mates, Co$$$ answers to nobody….lol
Great job Steve. Really does show just how off the rails the COS has become.
Here is a new revision of the Creed of COS: Creed II of the Church of Scientology
That all men have the right to sign away their right to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to not counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others.
Captain Davey must be proud of his new legacy.
Another great and entertaining vid!
If only more would come out of the bubble and discover how truly good it feels to laugh again.