It seems the flap is spreading. Time for some fast “damage control” to try to shore up eroding sandcastle of Ideal Orgs.
He has to do SOMETHING urgent to “prove” the Idle Orgs are not a massive waste of time and other people’s money.
So, send out some film crews to take contrived videos of “flourishing” idle orgs by calling in the old standby “OT Committee”. These people are going to stand in as “winning public” to show how their Ideal Org is kicking ass – “giving the message that everyone is in the org getting through.”
How strange they have to do a SPECIAL CALL IN to shoot the video….
Of course, if the shoot crew just showed up unannounced they wouldn’t be able to find anyone to be in the shot except a few staff…
And this is being done in “selected” Idle Orgs (there are some that they couldn’t even get enough people together if they did call in for a month). And this will be presented by Dear Leader hisself to the adoring crowds at graduation and everyone will “know” that “planetary clearing is becoming a reality.”
How pathetic. Might as well just use cardboard cutouts in future. Or stick CGI people in to the CGI footage of the “Ideal Orgs.” Cardboard people are cheaper though.
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013
From: James D’Arezzo <[email protected]>
To: OTC Mail <[email protected]>
Subject: [OTC-Mail] Breaking News — Filming tomorrow night for Flag at the OTC meeting!Dear OTC,
Breaking News!
Mad Hatter Studios will be filming during our OTC meeting tomorrow night in order for COB to show what Pasadena is doing at an upcoming Flag Graduation!
You’ve probably heard about the spectacular Flag Graduations hosted by COB. Well, Mad Hatter contacted us and said that they are filming segments on various Ideal Orgs to show the Flag public what we’re doing to prepare for GAT 2.
Make sure you come to tomorrow night’s OTC meeting in the Chapel at 7:00 so we can show Flag and COB how active Pasadena is!
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013
From: Joel Morris <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: [OTC-Mail] Gold Shoot TonightFrom Rich Wolski, D/FBO MORE Pasadena, regarding the Gold shoot at tonight’s OTC meeting:
You are a fountain of information, nice blog.
Have you ever noticed that part of the Reverse Scientology package is to have untrained OT’s?
I am trained to the same level of OT and Auditor. I had to constantly defend my right to keep training and not just go on to OTVII because that was the next step on the processing side of the Bridge. The policy “Training and OT” comes to mind.
OT’s in the CoS are discouraged from doing training to equal their processing level. They are given “Command Intention” to get keep moving up to get onto OTVII, no matter what. Thus you have untrained OT’s.
I consider this intentional, to keep people at effect and an example of Reverse Scientology.
Perfectly stated in points one to five. The life of a lowly, corporate, OT, staff member or Joe Blow public scientologist.
They should hire extras, like movie studios do.
They do…
There have been many reported instances of advertisements in Hollywood acting newspapers like Backstage of their auditions.
Have they tried inflatable crowds yet?
Rewind to 1978. Walk into a local org/course room with a camera and you’d be tripping over people. People were doing co-audits in the bathrooms, under staircases, etc. Anywhere there was room for bodies. The church is dead.
You’re just awesome, Rinderpest! And all of you commentators!
Mad Hatter Studios might as well be called “False Report Studio Production” or something along this line.
Great strategy, Boss!
The only problem is that you are now showing these event videos of “successful ideal orgs around the world” to people you also asked to pose for similar videos for their own org, pretending there is “expansion” and “success” while they know there isn’t.
Dave, did it occur to you that what you are running now is an awareness campaign exposing the fact that your “successes” are all fake? The people you are bragging to about the success of your strategy today are the same people you asked yesterday to pretend that your strategy is working. If you have a minute in your busy schedule to connect the dots, you will see what a sorry fake you are and EVERYBODY KNOWS IT now, thanks to your great PR skills! Congrats!
Typical crap. For years I was the OTC Stats I/C and I was always butting heads over what got reported. You see, I was trying to be truthful whereas the OTC I/C was just trying to get stats! I’ll bet it was a “relief” when I left so that everything could get reported without any logic and sense being applied.
Another note, a few years ago I kept getting hounded by The Way to Happiness to do a video shoot in my office. It was known, by Able rep, that we had them to hand out. After many comms I finally wrote back to someone and said I’m not doing a video as the booklets are only in a book dump and no one actively hands them out. I refused to mock up something false!
To sell a FAKE Gold mine you SALT the mine
with some gold nuggets and gold dust taken elsewhere.
Along with forged assay reports and wild claims.
Now D.M. SALTS an IDEAL ORG with people (Video)
forged reports of straight up stats, he already makes the wild claims.
So what is the difference from an Ideal Org and fake Gold mine ?
These OT COmmittee members, staff, former staff and hangers on who even do show up for these shoots hope to achieve:
1. recognition in their ethics files that they’re DOING something
2. NOT get any KRs that they didn’t show up from the duty-bound local OT Ambassador/OTC chairman (cob’s personal slave army he created to blackmail in to submission and have someone on the ground to attempt the continued mind-f***)
3. Hope that it will inflow donations from others because they can’t keep hemorrhaging their own money
4. It’s the only contribution that many can afford to make is donating their time
5. They believe it’s “creating a reality” and therefore it will be
Philly’s OT Ambassador looked good in photos, talked a good threat when OT Ambassador Int empowered her to “get tough” on the OTs not participating and had a husband who supplied all the money till he didn’t anymore…She used to have to go to D.C. as well to muster up enough OT contribution because they weren’t able to get the field activated from within so she’d go down there too to apply the pressure Margarite needed the OT Ambassador troops to apply. Sue knew things were f’ed up, she said she’d known it for years but she didn’t know what to do about it…??? She couldn’t recover her own brother who had been S.O. to return to the church. WHEN will she gain the courage to act on what she’s observed??? maybe she thinks SP or OT IX and X will give her the courage? Many of us think of you gaining that courage Sue, we’re here when you need us.
On an unrelated note…I wanted to give everyone a heads-up on the latest flavor of Reverse Scn being using by the church. Recently a friend of mine when to an upper org where they received an extensive handling on their disaffection with church management.
The “handling” goes something like this:
The individual is gotten to “see” how ANY opposition to the church’s plans, strategies or actions is simply counter-intention. And that counter-intention is EVIL. And because they have been exposed to or were in the company of EVIL, they are now PTS to that EVIL. And because they are unknowingly PTS they rollercoaster and lose their gains. That any time in the past when they did not get the expected results or wavered in belief and support of Scn, it was because of this long unhandled PTS situation.
In the course of this “handling” the individual is placed under duress with threats of Sec Checks, etc. I do not think any actual SP terminal is found or located, aside from this nebulous “evil”. But the individual is somehow given this as their PTS item. I don’t believe a standard 10 Aug or C/S 79 was done (it wasn’t mentioned to me). An O/W Write-up was included.
This friend of mine went to the org for a standard service and ended up not doing the service they paid for, and spent their entire time doing this “handling”. The individual did not complain of or exhibit PTS symptoms prior to arriving. This action was initiated based on a number of reports written on the individual.
Unfortunately, my friend is an untrained OT, who is now horribly confused, trying desperately to “explain it all” and came down with an illness immediately after the “handling”.
Previously this person was fairly levelheaded and stable and never got ill. Now, when discussing this, their comm just doesn’t make sense and borders on non-sequitur.
So there you go folks. We’re all PTS to Eeeeevil (said with scary voice). Silly me, I had that confused with waking up and becoming more aware and maintaining personal integrity. I’m so glad we have well-intended, trained MAAs to sort that out; I mean, TRUTH is soooo overrated compared to EVIL.
Question – wont the people at graduation recognize the people in the video as fake? Wont they recognize them as their longer-term people they know in Scientology? They will know its fake when they see it.
Totally pathetic ruse. The co$ is now nothing more than a complete sham. When will the people wake up? I think the kool aid is so strong it’s spell cannot be broken. Poor fools
I think about this often for those who are still in.
I think they should just build a set at Golden Error Studios and hire some extras.
Mad Hatter… apt.
Ha ha ha ha! Sigh
I hope more than anything that those videos get leaked to YouTube, well almost anything.
Doesn’t this seem like a slapstick attempt to paper over the cracks? It’s pathetic, yes, but scary that the CoS in general, and now David Miscavige in particular, not only LIES to the wog world (because, you know, that’s allowed by “source”), but is now using it’s very own volunteers to LIE to all the others “in” the Church.
When will someone dare heckle David Miscavige during one of his drone-on-for-hours speeches? When will someone shout out “you are LYING to us.” “We are NOT the fastest growing religion, in fact, under you, we are SHRINKING!”
Or, “is ANYTHING you have just said TRUE?”
This seems a desperate measure matching the desperate times. 3 events cancelled. In a row. Parishioners visiting from abroad must be super-pissed off. The internal pressure at FLAG must be damn high. Perhaps high enough to peel some of the blinders off?
Desperation is going straight through the roof! Straight up and vertical stats for Gold Base card board cut-outs. “There, see…. I have to fix everything myself you useless c–k s—ing morons! “
My daughter, Hayley is part of a Gold film crew and has been for many years, at least 10. She told me of the practice of putting staff, errant public and even members of the film crew into shots and video to fill up areas and course rooms. This has been going on for years. Her response when I queried this practice was that you couldn’t film the area empty of people because it would look bad.. She blanched when I suggested that this was a fraudulent use of PR. She is still in and still produces video clips for events.
Sad to say she didn’t make the connection then and still doesn’t. I’m sure this is the case with many others thinking they are saving the planet, when in fact they bring ridicule to Scientology with their continued support of a madman bent on destroying the subject.
Out of the bubble we see the farce, inside they see only enemies. Sigh.
It is true that the practice of “staging” the “public” in org videos has gone on since they started.
What is new is the level of effort it is apparently taking to get “bodies” into the org so they can film it.
The big question for me is whether or not all these ED’s gathering at His feet will be smart enough to compare notes, do some math and come to the logical conclusion that it is not just their org. It is rather brave of Him in that respect, the last thing he needs is everyone talking to each other and yet he has them all in one place.
I wouldn’t be surprised if an ED or two shows up here soon enough.
It is true that the practice of “staging” the “public” in org videos has gone on since they started.
What is new is the level of effort it is apparently taking to get “bodies” into the org so they can film it.
All true, Chris. I can remember a time when the supes would announce at the end of course, that Gold wanted to take photos of students engaged in study. No extra effort to fill the course rooms was required in those days, because…..they were full!
Heck, half the students would always take off and leave anyway, but there were always enough left behind to get excellent shots. Now they have to mobilize the OT Committees to get enough warm bodies in the place to produce a believable video.
I’m sure this disturbs most old timers who are still around to see it.
One wonders how the Gold Shoot Team members can live with themselves. They know the score better than anyone: their videos aren’t worth the pixels they’re printed on.
light shines onto Evil and it goers poof
Looks really interesting, but do you like, have, like, a translation out of Dutch into English? (Actu’lly it’s got quite some insightful droll commentatories, aptly pertinent currently.)
This is so important to COB that we in RTC don’t trust OT Committee members to make it happen. However we can’t hire actors as the internet will be watching.
Here is the R Factor: We in RTC expect OT Committee members to smile and look happy when they are on camera! There had better be plenty of happiness seen when Golden Era cameras arrive or else! POW! A knuckle sandwich!
The other problem is that COB’s ship is heading into rough sailing ahead:
What a freakin charade! And the curious part is that I don’t even think Der Leader is going to be showing himself anywhere soon…
I could be wrong. But, I think he is moving further and further into fear and looking for places to hide. Just my opinion…..
Won’t the majority of people at graduation know the “public” in the video are long term members like themselves?
Gag. Actually, make that Gag 4.
What’s sad is the reason it’s only happening in “select” idle orgs is how hard it is in some orgs to come up with FOUR winning public on the exalted Basics.
It’s easy to have loads of actors putting on a show. Folks really winning with gen-u-wine COB Brand $cientology? Not so much
Dave Bubblehead
The cardboard cutouts are ok I guess but Hollywood is so close, why not get a hold of Spielberg and De Laurentiis and have them whip up a room full of inspired, smiling 3D holograms? There will be an initial high end cost of course but humanoid holograms don’t think for themselves, talk back or have doubts and they make for really great photo shoots.
but it is difficult to actually hit a hologram with your hand….
It is also impossible to get them to crack open their wallets and make them fork over cash for your latest and greatest “scheme”.
This time for sure! Tennessee Tuxedo can not fail!
Mike, you’re amazing. You really deliver, indefatiguably!
Well, this strategem might work – for a while. But it has a huge downside to it, which is that these OTC members will now themselves know that their beloved COB is using them to deceive the public regarding the actual stats of their org, and at a Flag Graduation conducted by Himself, no less. This might not sit well with some of them. One can hope.
That’s what I thought. They’re effectively being asked to create some smoke and mirrors to deceive themselves. Hands up for volunteers!
Aquamarine, it’s true one can hope that the OTC members might find this strategy deceitful, given that they’re all painfully aware that the org is empty. After all, it was THEIR donations and hard work that financed the Idle Morgue. But this deceit has been going on for years. Calling on the OTC to fill up course rooms for photo opportunities is nothing new at all. It’s just one more of the duties of the Kool Aide Brigade. I know, I was there……
“This deceit has been going on for years”.
Thanks, Emilie. Just learned another reason why they always looked so stressed to me underneath the forced enthusiasm and fist pumping, etc. So glad you’re out of that scene, kiddo.
Oh My GOD! Recruiting public now for fraud and misrepresentation. Could it get any worse? The Sea Organization has become an ACTUAL TROUBLE SOURCE! Requesting the public engage in fraud and misrepresentaion and BE PTS criminal! Anyone who shows up for the staged event so further fraud can be committed is contributing to the crime! The OTs are being ordered and encouraged to be criminals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Church of Scientology “stages” everything.
Every single photo taken in the Orgs while I was in – was all staff and OT Comm. members sitting in.
It was announced “Gold” is coming – everyone pile in the course room and “pretend” to be studying.
Scientology is really the most dynamic show on the road – talk about smoke and mirrors~! Magic ~ look at all the people here.
Then the person seeing the promo goes in and it is the ole standard scene…people in: nada, zero, zilch.
It certainly has not changed over the years.
Scientology – the science of staging activity, growth and people winning~!
…but we have to walk in lock-step!
Mindless, fearful, spineless and abandoning the most basic concepts
of Scientology. You follow a leader with no conscience and you have
to adopt the same characteristics. It gets very rough as the push-pull
mechanism gets into full play.
I really do feel for them.
“You follow a leader with no conscience and you have to adopt the same characteristics. It gets very rough as the push-pull mechanism gets into full play.”
That’s what I was observing in these OTC members while wondering why they never seemed to look happy despite their mocked up “enthusiasm”. I got a weird kind of vibe from all these guys – a kind of suppressed hostility, masked with cheerfulness and enthusiasm about how wonderful their lives were, how great everything was, etc. etc. Which mystified me because not one of them gave off a happy vibe. So I decided, or dubbed in, that they just didn’t like me and felt they had to hide it for some reason. Maybe they, with their OT powers, knew how much I inwardly loathed and dreaded and resented all the events and phone calls and crush regging. Maybe they could read my pictures and hated me for this! I avoided them whenever possible because I had missed withold phenomena around them. Funny. Live and learn, and I do, every day, on this blog. Thank you, Mike, and all of you who post here on the Fringe of the Internet 🙂
This has been going on for donkey’s years, nothing new.
Yes, this staging of pictures for events and magazines has been going on for years. When my local org went Ideal, they called all public, all staff, all OTC to come in wearing their Sunday best clothing for a Gold Shoot to show how full the courserooms are in the new Ideal Org. Nothing but smoke and mirrors for years. Shell game.
Two words: Craig’s List. Off we go.
Anonymous is on it thanks to Tony Ortega.
Musical, sorry to be dumb, but I don’t know what you mean, and I’m interested. Can you elaborate?
I was referring to the comment, “Two words: Craig’s List. Off we go”.
If Mike wouldn’t mind me posting the link to The Underground Bunker blog, the first section of this posting will explain everything. Then make your way down to some of the 1500 comments. Over there I am SopranoAscends.
Thanks and got it, Musical. Good work there!
Only in Scientology…
A casting call would work better than cardboard cut outs.
For $30 bucks an extra to stand around and look interested, sacrifice a whale
and D.M. has his video, D.M. style imagine that !!!!!
But just in case the cardboard cutout guy works the Santa Monica Pier.
You can include John Wayne in cowboy garb, Obe One Kenobi with Light sabre
as, Pasadena Org Public.
It is a sad situation
We have arrived at new levels of pathetic.
Truly pathetic.
The level of hype for the cult is amazing.
What a farce!