Some more stats from our good friend Jeff Mintz. And as always he announces these as “Good News” but frankly, they tell a sad tale.
2700 Cornerstone members (see Bruce Roger email at end of post) and after nearly a year, only a third of those that ante’d up tens or hundreds of thousands for the privilege of being “first in line” have actually showed up to take the service…
If you break down these Super Power stats, it is clear this is a financial disaster.
If 75% of the Super Power delivery is to previously paid Cornerstone members (which is probably a conservative estimate), at $400/ hour Super Power is bringing in less than $300,000 per week in income to the FSO. While this is a huge amount of money, it is miniscule compared the the average GI of the FSO that used to sit around $2 million per week. Another big problem of Super Power is that there is nothing to resign completions onto. It is not a “step on the Bridge”, so there is nowhere that is a natural “next step”. Thus, it is not a good generator of more income. Especially as most of the people who are doing it have already done virtually everything possible. Probably the only other service they can hit these people up for is L Rundowns (the ones that Miscavige has been nattering about for at least 15 years as being “squirrel” but only HE can fix them and he has “not had the time.”) Probably why there is an increase is L Rundown comps. But no matter how you slice it, $300Gs a week for the “big news” service, eagerly awaited for decades and delivered in $150+ million building is very poor return.
55 Clears in a month is also big news. “Highest Ever.” When the vast majority of orgs on earth cannot take anyone to Clear, and thus most public are scooped up by Flag for their “clear cycle,” in fact this is a tiny speck of nothing in the sea of humanity on planet earth. When the bleats go out about how “GAG II is making planetary clearing a reality” it is a total joke. At this rate, they will clear HALF of Clearwater in 100 YEARS. And HALF of Tampa Bay in 4000 YEARS. And half of the world in NEVER.
And funny, I guess the big push on OT VII Completions dried up — they get no mention this week. No surprise — this IS “good news” after all. No need to clutter it up with downstats.
Here is another one from a couple of weeks ago.
You will notice the figures for Super Power hours completed last week and total since release are identical to the figures he sends out two weeks later. Tells you how accurate this stuff is. Numbers plucked out of the sky and sent out “with authority”.
Compared to the earlier posts, this is how the stats look (these figures are earliest weeks first, these latest reports added to the end, see earlier posting on Flag Stats here). It is strange to watch the selection of stats. One can assume the stats that are NR (No Report) are not good, otherwise they would be included:
Super Power: 21 24 23 21 20 10 15 23 25 31
Cause Resurgence: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 22 24 20
L’s: 27 29 NR 22 21 17 7 18 23 26
Clears: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 11 NR 19
OT VIIs: 9 7 6 11 7 6 10 7 11 NR
Objectives: NR 28 22 18 20 21 NR NR NR 26
Purif: NR 18 11 21 15 NR NR NR NR NR (Apparently given up on reporting this — must have been a problem getting uniforms from China so nobody could start)
I will sooner or later get to the long promised posting about the L. Ron Hubbard Hall boondoggle. But I must comment on two sentences of Bruce Rogers’ email that are absolute classics:
In attendance were some of Scientology’s very own most notable and famous personalities. Beings that became famous for foraging a path to the release of LRH’s miraculous technology of Super Power by making possible the construction of our new Cathedral in downtown Clearwater.
“Most notable and famous personalities”? Duggan, Bayback and Pollack. And what are they “famous” for? Foraging [sic] a path to the release of LRH’s miraculous technology of Super Power. Foraging? Not butt-kissing? But one thing IS true — what makes you a notable and famous personality in Scientology is ONLY dependant on how much money you fork over. Also note, L. Ron Hubbard didn’t think anyone needed to help him forage around to build a path for the release of Super Power — he said it would be delivered at the St Hills in 6 weeks.
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 18:25:21
From: Bruce Roger <[email protected]>
Subject: Explorers Club Awards Dinner!
Dear Xxxxx,
Today I just returned back to Flag after a fantastic weekend in New York City where we just held our 1st L. Ron Hubbard Hall Awards Dinner & Event at the world renown Explorer’s Club.
In attendance were some of Scientology’s very own most notable and famous personalities. Beings that became famous for foraging a path to the release of LRH’s miraculous technology of Super Power by making possible the construction of our new Cathedral in downtown Clearwater.
Such famous names in attendance were Duggan, Baybak and Pollack just to name a few.
See my attached photos!
The evening began with a tour of the Explorer’s Club conducted by none other than the Executive Director of the Explorer’s Club himself, Mr. Will Roseman and while he stated “Ladies and gentleman though you have had the privilege and honor of studying Dianetics and Scientology, I would like to point out to you that it is right here where Scientology all began!! Right here at the Explorer’s Club!”
Mr. Will Roseman then proceeded to show us the EXACT table where LRH sat and wrote the words of an article entitled “Terra Incognita”
In this article LRH takes you on the most daring adventure into the mystery of the Mind.
Mr. Will Roseman then explained that It was the Explorer’s Club that first published Terra Incognita to the public and thus paved the way for LRH’s next publication – Dianetics!
The evening was studded with personal LRH stories of his miraculous accomplishments and culminated with an awards presentation from the In-Charge of the Church Of Scientology Religious Trust, Mr Lauri Webster, whereby she described the role and importance of the L. Ron Hubbard Hall and the need to bring it into rapid existence so that we can use the L Ron Hubbard Hall to create the next leap forward in Scientology’s next phase of monumental expansion!!
All in attendance dedicated themselves to the purpose of bringing the L Ron Hubbard Hall into existence.
And now in a new unit of time I ask you as a highly dedicated supporter of the past Super Power Project to re-dedicate your commitment and efforts to making this a better World and become a L Ron Hubbard Hall contributor.
Our new game is for each of our 2,700 Cornerstone Members to become L. Ron Hubbard Hall Members with a gift of 25,000, so as to accomplish the full funding for the L. Ron Hubbard Hall. As COB stated when he saluted the Cornerstone Members at their Gala Ball, during the week of the opening; “Thank you for galvanizing a movement and so bringing the power of thousands to bear for the benefit of eternity itself.”
So as you can see it is this galvanized team that we are counting on to get the job done, I am therefore asking you to rapidly complete y our L. Ron Hubbard Hall status and join the ranks of all those who have already lead the way in the creation of the L. Ron Hubbard Hall.
I await your reply.
Much love,
Don’t squirrels forage?
I find Bruce Rogers’ report about the events at the Explorer’s Club pretty interesting. He obviously makes his money from ‘regging donos’ for the building of the week. He talks about having all 2,700 cornerstone members donate $25,000 each to the LRH hall. He KNOWS most of them are gone. He couldn’t be at that level of involvement without being aware of how many people have left. So he’s lying through his teeth.
It’s a pretty bold statement to say that the executive director of the Explorer’s Club, Mr. Will Roseman spoke so highly of LRH (notwithstanding…sorry, couldn’t resist…Ron’s accomplishments and association with the EC in the ’40s, but just given the toxic pr around his name nowadays.) I’m reminded of the recent ‘radio interview’ in Ireland. Complete, utter fabrication (I wonder what the BBC is up to about that right now, they seemed pretty pissed at the time.)
Whether Mr. Roseman said those things or not, the cof$ obviously threw a HELL OF A LOT of money at the EC for the dinner to even be held in the first place.
What about all the staff that are supposed to get super power? Aren’t they wondering why they are being used and ignored yet again? Really, the staff are the ones that it was supposed to mainly be delivered to.
I would love to see the “attached pictures”. Lol.
Nobody’s asking, so I’m taking a deep breath and admitting that I don’t have a clue as to who or what that grimacing character in red plaid is – shooped or something? Not an actual person dressed like that, surely?
That grimacing character in red plaid just turned CLEAR! And he wants EVERYONE to know about. So, like a town crier, he’s out there beating the drums about how great it is to be Clear. Seems as obvious as the nose on your face.
The gentleman in the picture was an elderly Brit who dressed up as ‘The Royal Town Crier’ and got himself photographed during all the hoopla at the birth of little Prince George. The pic went viral. Though he had no official standing, the Royal Couple graciously sent him a thank-you note.
(It is disturbing to know that my mind stores this kind of pop-culture trivia…probably because I scan the Daily Mail web-site…which this morning was featuring a very large spread on Karen de la Carriere.)
I don’t make donations on the basis of illiterate begging letters. Sheesh, have these people ever heard of proofreading?
“…but only HE can fix them and he has “not had the time.”
Ah, yes. The little boy who got kicked of His Cl. IV Internship because He slapped His PC is going to fix the Ls. He’s not even a friggin’ Cl. IV auditor but he’s going to fix LRH’s fuckups, eh? Miscavige is such a little twat.
Someone has to do it.
“The largest group of people into the cult were born between ’46-’56” Uh, did Vietnam / 60s liberalism have a wee bit to do with it?
LRH hall supposed to hold 7000 people. That means Miscavaige has to hire 7000 extras per event!
From a casting agency at $300. per day each ?
There will be a call to arms to upgrade all statuses.
“Super Power is bringing in less than $300,000 per week” Wasn’t in 10 million a week in the early 90s?
No, not a chance that it was every in the $10M range, weekly. The high point was ~2M/week (over time). That was probably late 80’s early 90’s. That was the culmination of the largest group of people joining Scn by the mid 70’s. By the late 70’s there was a drop off of new people in (that stayed for major services). The largest group of people into the cult were born between ’46-’56. (you can guess as to why that was and, why it isn’t likely to EVER be duplicated 😉 )
For some reason, the point you are making here has always been important to me for people to understand. The price increases beginning in 76 or 77 quickly starved 90% of the central orgs out of business very very quickly. I believe that a huge portion of Flag and AO income has been from people who got in before these price increases hit the Class V orgs and they were then AO and Flag public. Flag and AO GI was high enough for many years to bring the Int GI up and disguise the low income of Class IV orgs. Now some of these people have their kids consuming Scn, but I think new pubic has been in a death spiral since the mid 70’s. At least in the US of A.
But most people miss this fact if they were not in the Class IV orgs since the late 70’s. 90% of the orgs have been 90% empty for years and years and years… and… getting emptier! The SO management people seemed to always be oblivious about it as there was still plenty of money coming from the AOs and the FSO, and then all these whacky IAS and fundraising things that also cannibalize the same CF. All that top top management seems to have really wanted for a very long time is money. Money this week. And truly having booming Class V orgs with NEW people coming has not been a part of the money-making rationale for a very long time.
I can see this working pretty well until all of us “old timers” keel over and croak. Then the management people (mainly our children) are going to start blowing the dust off their comm course packs and HQS course packs as they wonder how to adjust the TV sets in the Div 6es so that they actually bring a brand new person into the subject! I don’t think it will be till then. These stories you hear about people wandering into an Ideal Org and saying “hello” to the receptionist and startle the poor thing out of her wits! Makes me want to cry when I remember how wonderful the subject is at Scientology Zero and how much potential benefit there still is in the subject…
Dan Locke, Spot on! Back in the day if you were to query the AOLA/ASHO computerized Addo & Accounts, (before INCOMM) you’d see that a couple thousand people bought Ad course packages during that time (before the prices where climbing.) Those people then had to climb the bridge up to that point and purchase Preps & Elig in Pac at the higher rates. They then went to AO for 1-3 and spent a lot of $ at AO or FSO for IV-VII with a portion training at AOSH. That was the LARGEST group of people to go up the bridge. That is where the VAST majority of Whales we see today came from. I mapped this whole thing out for Guillaume at one point in time later but he couldn’t do anything about the insane pricing.
1: food for animals especially when taken by browsing or grazing
The sheeple do need their sustenance.
2,931 Well Done Auditing Hours for Super Power isn’t too shabby. If there are 100 Super Power Auditors, which is what I remember as what was needed before Super Power could be released, that’s about 30 hours per week in the chair for each, and over 100 pc’s.
Not bad. But if the running is counted as WDAH’s, that’s a whole new view.
So what are we actually looking at here?
The Running Program is not Super Power.
And there were 200 auditors supposedly.
But I guarantee they are counting “hours” on the “perceptic drills” as WDAH.
If as they say you complete SP in 75 hours (6 intensives) then 2900 hours is more like 40 comps per week. So, the hours are padded. 25 comps per week at 75 hours is 1875 hours divided by 200 auditors is 9.4 hours per week per auditor. Divided by 100 is only 18.75 — not enough to qualify them to get paid. It’s why they are sending them out on tour to try and drum up some business.
Mike wrote:
If as they say you complete SP in 75 hours (6 intensives) then 2900 hours is more like 40 comps per week. So, the hours are padded. 25 comps per week at 75 hours is 1875 hours divided by 200 auditors is 9.4 hours per week per auditor. Divided by 100 is only 18.75 — not enough to qualify them to get paid. It’s why they are sending them out on tour to try and drum up some business.
Soon, owning a calculator will be a Suppressive Act in Scientology.
As long as you hold down the 7, calculators are okay. 😉
The L. Ron Hubbard Commode! Become a Corner Tile Member by donating $10,000.
Make planetary clearing a REALITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (with every flush)
Do they get gold toilet paper?
Oh, so you’re saying they get the cheap toilet paper? What scumbags!
There really is novelty toilet paper that hundred dollar bills printed on it.
The Sea Org workers would be forced to steal it since there is a shortage.
Foraging? Galvinized? Next Leap Forward? Can’t tell if this crew is composed of hunter/gatherers, metal workers or Maoists. What I can tell is that they are not getting $25,000 each from all 2700 Cornerstone members. Taking bets on whether the L. Ron Hubbard Hall ever gets erected or not, if it is depending on whales and fundraising to get done. Maybe in a last gasp to continue to promote the endless and unfathomable expansion of Scientology, Miscavige will pay from reserves to be able to build it, but otherwise I don’t see it.
My thoughts exactly SadState.
“Ladies and gentleman though you have had the privilege and honor of studying Dianetics and Scientology,” I am having serious trouble believing he actually said this. Surely if he felt it was such a privilege and honor he would have done some studying himself?
These begging letters are just pathetic.
Maybe he was high at the time, Draco. I’m just sayin’…
What is the difference between an “L completion” and a “Full L completion”? Are they counting separate steps in L’s procedure as a “completion”? If so, then it seems DM has had time to at least game that stat….
Every time an auditor can get a needle to fleet is cause for a completion of something! They will be counting ‘ticks’ for something next week.
I tried counting tics, Coop. But I gave up. Those little insects are hard for me to see.
OSD, Try again, you can do it. Just insert ‘Tock’ in between each ‘Tick’.
Take a cruise out by int base …………. they grow a lot bigger out there but beware, they try to suck a lot more too, especially that one twerpy guy who rides the shiny motorcycle. It really sucks to be Him.
I thought to myself ” what a crock ” , then I saw the post by Potpie and got a good laugh…
That’s my Good News.
I wonder if the low Suoer duper Power starts amongst Tombstone members is due to subsequent SP declares of said contributors and/or resignations from da church?
Wasn’t it possible to buy a seat in an auditorium in the SP building? I vaguely remember something like that, because it was all I could afford to even think about giving…
DM, you’re out ethics if you can’t fork over enough cash to purchase the entire row! The RPF knows where you live…
I wonder if, like the Garcias buying one of at least 35 steeples, you bought a non-existent seat, one of thousands that were bought for the building? Maybe you can join in the fraud lawsuit?
I am sure the whole superpower fundraiser put the funds to the same use the library book campaign does theirs, and the same way the LRH Hall will do theirs – none or little of the money goes to where you are told it is to go, but somehow David Miscavige’s pockets get just a little heavier with each penny donated.
Oh, I never bought a seat. I only ever thought about doing so.
What puzzles me is, why do they want to build an LRH Hall when there was clearly supposed to be an auditorium in the SP building? Their stated reason, not the obvious, which is “to grab more money”. What happened to the auditorium? Was it never built?
And now, how about this example of (not) superb proof reading and/or editing: “…the In-Charge of the Church Of Scientology Religious Trust, Mr Lauri Webster, whereby she described the role and importance of the L. Ron Hubbard Hall,,,: MR Lauri Weber? I think they have definitely set up templates for writing this kind of drivel since so many of them sound so much alike, no matter the “author”.
“Mr.” in reference to a female is correct in the Sea Org. Lauri is SO.
55 clears per month, and as Mike notes, due to cannibalization, that’s the number of clears made in all of Scientology. I wonder how many of those were people who made clear previously but then Miscavige’s minions discovered some problem so they have to redo it. I’m betting that the number of net-new clears who joined Scientology in the last, say, three years is approximately zero.
As far as progress clearing the planet, the 1.8 clears per day pales next to the 4.2 babies born EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY (365,000 births per day divided by 86,400 seconds per day, the WHO figures for 1997).
There is cause for optimism: according to the Wikipedia article on global population, the global birth rate is actually slowing and within the next century, we could see global population of substantially less than the current figure. Thus, as time goes on, they’ll only be failing to clear the planet by half the margin that they’re currently failing to clear the planet by in the present day. That’s progress!
LOL! Love your optimism John P.
I wonder if the Garcias have jumped on the bandwagon and donated to the LRH hall. Oh, wait . . .
It’s hard to have all the original contributors contribute to the LRH hall when more and more of them keep sneaking out the back door or get declared outright.
Yep, puts a lot more pressure on those three remaining whales …… and of course Tom and John. I don’t think Krusty has a lot left but I think she still owns a vacation cabin in New England she could liquidate.
She has plenty left. Residuals from those popular TV shows like Cheers are a tidy sum that just keeps on rolling. It’s why Her Royal GoverprincessOTrockglamstarhighness has so much to give. Not only is she paid obscene amounts for current episodes of the Simpsons, she collects every time there is an airing of any of the 13 seasons worth. That is a crazy amount of money.
It doesn’t matter how ‘exclusive’ the dress or handbag is, if no one visits the Boutique, it’s going to close. We’ll see how long DM subsidizes the Stupor Powerz, I expect him to do that for a long time. Admitting it doesn’t work is not in his nature. The Lron Hall is just another way to get donations are actually going to keep SP and all the staff ‘working’.
I call them “Sewer Powers.” Those powers actually might come in handy sometime. But I do like “Stupor Powerz!” After all, aren’t they all in some kind of stupor? Now that’s powerful…
Doesn’t the admission of 2700 Cornerstone members constitute fraud? That’s a shade under $100,000,000 JUST in Cornerstone membership donations. Add in the Heavy Hitters donating much more, and all those who shelled out less than $35,000 and you are conservatively up to over $200,000,000 in collected donations for a building that cost how much was it?
As an aside, I recently received an IAS newsletter, and in it was contained this gem: a fundraiser drill!
How about a COB drill where you learn to appropriately grovel and look up to him as the second coming of Christ, whenever you’re within 50 feet.
I didn’t receive the newsletter but I did get a postcard inviting me to TWTH Earthday celebration coming up on the 21st. Something about a dono to help save the planet by purchasing some booklets with a new special cover or something.
Man, you are one lucky motor scooter, Coop! I don’t get shit from the cult. What am I, chopped liver?
I just reread the postcard and it is not about Earthday, it is for the International Day of Peace and it says:
On Sunday 21 September 2014, The Way too Happiness groups and volunteers around the world will participate in a distribution of a specialized ‘The Way To Happiness’ custom cover to celebrate the Internationa lDay ofPeace. Join us! Go to:
Email: [email protected]
or to order CALL
(800) 255-7906
(800) 254-0600
I call bullshit on this. I would like to see one sad son of a cultmember who passes out one of these. Just one more attempt to piggyback onto the good works of others to fleece the sheeple.
MJ, I might be wrong, but, isn’t a fundraiser drill actually a drill that breaks apart fundraisers?
Yes, but only after they reach their target of $1,000,000,000.
2700… That’s a lot of potential plaintiffs.
Cornerstone 2700 Class Action Club
I’m in.
Me too!
And in who’s mind a Hall is going to save the planet? The level of delusion has no proper adjectives (nor amount of exclamation marks) to describe it.
Great presentation Mike and observing the ‘unbelievable, incredible, magnificent’ production of 26 SRD Completions you can predict that the SP Power stars will start drying up very, very soon. Dire scene to say the least.
I know, huh! Isn’t it fun to watch?
Only one “whereas” in the entire Bruce Rogers email! And, although it made little sense, it could at least be understood. So, where is the Issue Authority line??? Only one “whereas” and it makes sense? Somebody royally messed up here. There has to be at least a dozen whereases per every 500 words in all current Scientology writing and they must not ever be understandable, so someone failed to get this through I/A, obviously.
Don’t forget the ‘notwithstanding’s. Should be one of those for every two whereas’s.
And two “Given that”‘s
Plus 3 make no mistake and 2 lest there be.
Moreover, you’re both right.
How many “Moreovers” should there be?
Notwithstanding the oversight, I’d say three moreovers per event followed by one big movement of the lower bowel variety.
We call it Daveshit out here in the hinterland!
OSD, I’d say a minimum of 5 “Moreovers” to a typed page would be correct, and while we’re on the subject, let us not ignore how the use of “and, yes” + “and, no” contributes vitally to the effectiveness of End of Endless Sentence Tech.
How much did someone have to fork over to be a cornerstone member? Wasn’t there to be a plaque or something like that?
Free COB t-shirts.
No way!!! Are you freakin’ kidding me??? Seriously??? Free COB t-shirts??? I am so there!
Hey, I’m Scottish! “Free” is just something I can’t resist.
I don’t think COB’s used t-shirts will fit me.
1 plaque, sold 2,700 times over.
About 35K as I recall…….. but I’m working hard to forget! Yes, they did guaranteed a plaque with your name on it, just like the Sac Ideal Morgue did but alas, it went the same way as ones eternity in the RCS …… disappears into thin air!
I think there was also supposed to be a room dedicated to RCS Cornerstone members where you could hang out and rub body parts with other members of the worlds elite class. Does anyone know if there is such a room in Dave’s Cathedral?
Coop, why don’t you “drop in” and see? If you aren’t allowed in, sue.
I don’t know if there is a “rub elbows with the elite room” in Super Power, but I do remember the $35,000 figure as being what you had to donate or more to get a cornerstone.
There are two “rub elbows” rooms (“Contributor Lounges”) on the “top floor of the SW turret” (the NW turret is reserved for Dear Leader). There is one for the regular “Cornerstoners” and then there is one for the “Elites”…
Status, status and more status. Based not on what you may have done to help anyone, but based purely on how much cash you turned over.
From The Dark Knight:
THE JOKER: “This town deserves a better class of criminal.”
Hey Coop! If you go, I’ll go with you! We can wear fancy suits and speak the King’s English. We’ll be shoe in! And…more importantly, it’ll be fun!
There is such a room, I have seen photos depicting part of the Cornerstone list. And it was indeed 35K.
“Our new game is for each of our 2,700 Cornerstone Members to become L. Ron Hubbard Hall Members with a gift of 25,000, so as to accomplish the full funding for the L. Ron Hubbard Hall.” This equates to $67,500,000.00..riiiiiight. Don’t see that happening anytime soon. The cupboard is bare with most of these people. Good luck with that!
Thats only 23 million for each of the three remaining whales. If Nancy joins in they could do it for about 18 mil apiece. I say go for it ……Bruce!
“As COB stated…”
Who cares what he states.
“…for the benefit of eternity itself.”
How can eternity be benefitted?
“I await your reply.”
You’ll be waiting an eternity.
Mike, I just saw that Jim Jackson wrote to Tony Ortega and he printed a remembrance for Lymon Spurlock that Jim Jackson wrote as a tribute to recently deceased Lymon. This is BIG that Jim Jackson is out and is speaking out. Jim was one huge OL in the LA area and was a big whale for the church. If we could have Jim’s nice write up about Lymon Spurlock mailed to as many KA drinkers as possible, it would shake their world to think that Jim Jackson is out and what he says about the church etc. It could have an effect almost as big as or as big as Debbie Cook’s letter had. Does anyone know what Jim Jackson was declared for? Not that DM needs a reason these days to declare someone.
He was declared for asking unacceptable questions about the church and Miscavige’s control of the organization and for refusing to disconnect from certain “SP’s” and for “thinking for himself.”
Great idea on the mailing.
You sure it wasn’t for not sending puppy chow for Dave’s pooch on his birthday?
Well Brucy Woocy,
Once upon a time I was a full blown Kool – Aide drinking patsy that became a Cornerstone Member. Not so much anymore.
Better go recheck your whale list …….
“Such famous names in attendance were Duggan, Baybak and Pollack just to name a few.”
and ………..those few are getting fewer because your Fuhrer (no, I’m not talking about Charmagne) is such a loser these days. Tell Davey I won’t be contributing so whatever amount of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ you assigned to this apostate needs to be spread out over the remaining whales ……and minnows.
Have an absolute Daveshitty week good buddy.
“Daveshitty week”
This is a great way to describe any week spent as a staff member anywhere in the Church of Scientology!
Gosh, Coop, I have to hand it to you! You’re just so polite when discussing COB! That’s really big of you! Being po’ white trailer trash wit page numbers on my toilet paper, my response to him is: GO F#@K YOURSELF! I know, I know, but I just can’t help myself.
What about their “future eternity?” I thought they were supposed to stay in present time??? Man, I just don’t understand anything anymore.
Like the attempt to get 10,000 on or through OT VII, those Cornerstones that have dropped off, dropped out, dropped dead or are declared are still counted. I call Bullshit – again.
And the number of Clears, yea, probably all redo-do’s.
I may be wrong but I actually hold Mimi Pollack responsible for the introduction of the era of crush regging. At a Super Power event many many years ago, she got together with the Duggans (I believe), the Feshbachs, the Zwans, and themselves to each pledge 5 millions dollars. Super Power raised over 25 million that one event. After that it seems the crush, extortionistic-style regging began, but I could be wrong. What I found interesting, is that Mimi would not go in for any services. None. The advent of Super Power may have changed that. I would be curious to know of the “famous names” in attendance, how many of them are doing services. How many of them have trained to Class 6, or 4 for that matter; completed their Basics; done the SRD – just curious. Do these “famous names” actually walk the walk or do they just throw money at it? Just curious.
And how many of those Clears are ones that have been made, unmade, remade, etc in the endless cycle of the Circular Grade Chart?
Errrmm, virtually all of them?
Hey, that’s what I was going to say, Mike! Damn, I’ve got to get to your blog a lot quicker! I’m slowing down in my old age.
MiscavigeO Ridiculoso!!
Every cornerstone member should get a tailored suit like the Chap in the picture above.
At least they would have something to show for the money spent and something to wear to be the life of the party. Big plumage feathered hat, nice touch.
I just stuck my finger down my throat
to make myself puke…..what a crock of shit!
What a coincidence! I did too! Twice! Yet I still couldn’t get the bad taste out of my mouth. Maybe I should sell our home and donate money to Hubbard Hall?
Why didn’t I think of that? I’m calling my realtor!
You better hurry, Coop! You don’t want to keep the psychotic dwarf waiting!
I didn’t need to…….
I don’t need a finger either, my gag reflex starts automatically after the first “Highest Ever”.
And the writer needs to clear the words “forage” and “forge”. He meant to say “forge.”
And the Return on Investment (ROI) on Super Power is very low. If someone can do the math, let us know the numbers based on cost of the building and then the $300K that Mike says is being generated. Very low ROI on it.
LOL ……
Watch for the Highest Ever “Pile of Daveshit” coming to an Idle Morgue near you.
HIGHEST EVER! Sorry, Sabine, I couldn’t help myself.
I understand Sabine. For me it’s “up your status”. Gets me ill every time.