An appropriate follow-up to yesterday’s amazing good news from AOLA.
I haven’t had the time or space to include this for a while, so it’s a bit out of date, but it’s always nice to keep the good news flowing.
It also sets the stage for an important post coming tomorrow — a definitive analysis of scientology expansions since the 1950’s.
Compared to the earlier posts, this is how the stats look (these figures are earliest weeks first, these latest reports added to the end).
Super Power: 21 24 23 21 20 10 15 23 25 31 11 12 16 19
Cause Resurgence: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 22 24 20 17 21 15 19
L’s: 27 29 NR 22 21 17 7 18 23 26 30 22 63 25
Clears: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 11 NR 19 8 8 NR 16 (you note after a week of “No Report” the following week is double the usual range)
OT VIIs: 9 7 6 11 7 6 10 7 11 NR 8 8 8 16
Objectives: NR 28 22 18 20 21 NR NR NR 26 20 NR 19 19
Purif: NR 18 11 21 15 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR (Given up on reporting this)
A dispassionate analysis of these stats would lead any sane person to the conclusion that there is no expansion happening at Flag. That entire monster building and a decade of hype has resulted in 20 people completing Super Power a week — “over 1100” in just about a year. Word of mouth isn’t increasing the numbers on Super Power. The massive flows up the bridge and 47X expansion isnt increasing the numbers on Super Power. 20 people a week in a building with a capacity to produce 200 a week (at least) is what anyone would call a failure. Open a restaurant that seats 200 and only serve 20 and everyone can observe it is a failure. It’s the reason the doors are locked, the windows are frosted and it requires “OSA clearance” to even enter the building. They don’t want anyone seeing there are only 20 diners in the cavernous cafeteria.
It is becoming harder and harder to keep up the pretense.
The so called math is not only confusing, but unbelievable as well. The Death Knoll, loud and clear. No, this is not “The Shining”, this is “THE STAND”. This book and or TV movie could be used to explain the downfall of DM, (He could be FLAGG, the devil in this case.)
I hope the rest wake up soon before they go broke.
The NRs (No Reports) followed by a boosted number reminds me of a child trying to hold in a wet fart.
Last year I gave Super Power a lifespan of four years before it would go the way of KTL and LOC. Me thinks I was a wee bit generous. Geez, at this rate we’re liable to see Super Power fade away by this time next year.
What I find shocking is them actually publishing the numbers. How can anyone still believe they have 10s of millions of members with paltry stats like that? Yeah, they MAY (big maybe) have had millions over the past 50 years, but 99.99% of them told them to fuck off.
The old adage – “The Chickens have come home to roost,” seems to apply mightily for Flag and the RCS these days. In the Land of Hyperbole, where DM is king, they have raised the expectations so bloody high that anything short of the Starship Enterprise landing in front of the Sand Castle would be considered a great failure. And it’s there own damn fault.
In truth these stats are meaningless. They are far too low against the backdrop of “unprecedented expansion” and they are without value to all those who know the Tech has become so altered as to render these results irrelevant.
There are no wins circling this mess. There is no good news waiting in the wings, anything beneficial has been exorcised from the RCS long ago. What remains is an inexorable future bearing down on them like a runaway train.
Despite the protestations from the still-ins, I can hear the furtive steps of the disillusioned heading for the backdoor.
I thought that the Flag Stupor Powerz experience was going to be like a visit to a Louie Vuitton hand bag store. Just over priced crap with a lot of snob appeal thrown in. The ‘wins’ testimony from the Cardones and others does seem to bear that out.
Loyal minions have to have a sec check, to prove their loyalty to the COB before they are allowed to sign up for the SP experience. By now, all clams know that the real SP experience is getting incessantly reged and running around a pole for hours at a time. {my apologies to anyone named Reginald}
This experience has proven so profitable, that 250 Sea Orgres {Clearwater overhead} went to what is supposed to be the next highest profit center in Los Angles to make its numbers better. I wonder how that is going?
The Clearwater operation is now just a remedial reading course for those too stupid to get around misplaced semi-colons and poor transcription from the mouth of Lroon. With the number of active ‘clients’ for this ‘service’ falling sharply ever month, how long can it continue? It will run as long as money keeps coming in for the next building scam, the Lroon Hubbtard Auditorium and Lamprey Aquarium.
I am wondering if these Sea Org staff have been sent into LA to screw some serious money out of the Scn publics there – money that wasn’t coming into Flag as expected. If true then there should be a showdown before the end of 2014.
I was looking for that quote: “In all the broad Universe there is no other hope for Man than ourselves.”
In light of the not-so-awesome and definitely NOT 47X stats at Flag, I guess that means there is pretty much no hope for Man.
Funny that I’m not feeling that sense of impending doom that I should be feeling in view of all that the above quote portends. In fact, in light of the following quotes which I lifted off a wikiquote page, I’m not feeling anything but hopeful about the future in which really and truly no man holds any monopoly on any wisdom which might help people advance spiritually.
Here’s a few gems to illustrate my point:
“Show me any person who is critical of us and I’ll show you crimes and intended crimes that would stand a magistrate’s hair on end.”
– L. Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin, 4 April 1965
“If attacked on some vulnerable point by anyone or anything or any organization, always find or manufacture enough threat against them to cause them to sue for peace.”
– L. Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter, 15 August 1960, Dept. of Govt. Affairs
“The purpose of the suit is to harass and discourage rather than to win. The law can be used very easily to harass, and enough harassment on somebody who is simply on the thin edge anyway, well knowing that he is not authorized, will generally be sufficient to cause his professional decease. If possible, of course, ruin him utterly.”
“People attack Scientology, I never forget it, always even the score. People attack auditors, or staff, or organisations, or me. I never forget until the slate is clear.”
– L. Ron Hubbard, MANUAL OF JUSTICE, 1959
– L. Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter, 9 March 1972, MS OEC 384
“Our organizations are friendly. They are only here to help you.”
– L. Ron Hubbard, “Dianetic Contract” 23 May 1969
The cognitive dissonence is shattering my mental eardrums.
🙂 🙂 🙂
“crimes and intended crimes…”
What the hell is an “intended crime?” Someone who meant to commit a crime, but failed? Doesn’t that make it NO CRIME? Geez Ron, really didn’t think that one through.
I view all of these proclamations of LRH’s as talking about himself, i.e. LRH confessing too what he did against his victims. I think he intended to commit a great deal of crimes. All makes sense to me.
If expansion is “the action of becoming larger or more extensive” then I don’t think recycling current, long-term Scientologists through levels they have previously attained should count towards the expansion stats. Superpower, maybe, assuming they are not back for second helpings. But as for Clears, then the stats that would count are new, fresh, recent-raw-meat-wog, first-time-only-attempted and attested Clears where both parents are not long-term Scientologists. The number of fresh, raw-meat Clears would be a better indication of “expansion”. So I wonder how many of these the “Church” is producing per year to achieve that expansion and so push back the darkness that smothers society and to bring about the salvation that is World Clearing?
One per year…?
Hi Roland, I was going to make a comment that you predicted a long time ago that the actual rate at which the SP process could be run on scam victims was much less than the ostensible capacity because there was only one of some of the machines (the vomit thingie). Today, do you reckon that 20 a week is the right kind of number?
Re: It is becoming harder and harder to keep up the pretense.
“We will accomplish moving more people up the levels of Scientology. We will accomplish a more flourishing and prospering Church.”
LOVE your avatar.
Re: LOVE your avatar.
I asked my FSM, (David Howson), years ago why he kept going back and re-doing the L’s – getting repairs or expanded, etc. Can’t remember his lame answer now. David would brag how he had done the Bridge 3x. Yeah, and the end product was he became blind. A very nice man. So sad.
Yes so sad about David Howsen. He did the Bridge 3 times and went blind. He tries to hide it by having Barb, his partner, hold his arm and steer him everywhere and tell him who he is talking to. He tries to act like he isn’t blind b not using a cane or a dog and using Barb as though in conversational ways. So sad. And he and his long time 50 + year marriage are gone. He and Lila Howsen, his wife, divorced. Does anyone know why after that long of a marriage, he would divorce?
Cindy, I was told that Lila was only interested in the family and they no longer shared the same goals. David wanted to focus on getting people up the bridge. Who knows if this was true or just some stupid PR. I agree, very sad to dissolve a marriage after 50 years. Yes, because of the ruse of using Barb, not many people are aware of the depth of his vision impairment.
To improve statistics D.M.will have to close the Super Power Building for remodeling
and then fund raise like an all out call to arms for Planetary Clearing and 47 X Earth shaking expansion.
Yea, Amy. I think the L’s are a lot of redo or “Expanded” versions – whatever they want to call it these days. Just more money for doing it again.
Gosh, I feel like all we gotta do at this point is stand on the sidelines and watch it burn and be there to pick up the
…”broken pieces.”
I’m really looking forward to that definitive history of scn expansion tomorrow! I bet it will be similarly enlightening, shocking and disillusioning as the recent article on org expansion.
Incidentally, global population has grown by about 4.6 billion since 1950, or nearly tripled. In case one still feels like believing the “clear the planet” meme was anything but a fata morgana and a smoke and mirrors sham, how does one factor that in as a success?
Fascinating to watch. With about 2,700 Cornerstone members, I’d have predicted that they would reach at least 50 SP completions a week at some point, and hold that number for a while, but we seemed to have peaked . These are stats for Flag to be proud of, since they are about 10-20% higher than last year, but this was supposed to be a rocket ride.
Bringing flag SO to LA was probably thought up as a solution to flag’s poor enrollment.
CL V’s aren’t sending people to Flag (because fewer and fewer are on the bridge, duh) so some mission decided it was the fault of he CL V Orgs for Flag’s poor stats.
And of course any executive from LA sent to Flag must be punished, it’s all their fault.
I would love to see how empty Flag is.
There seems to be a bit out tech ongoing at Flag. I thought that the Cause Resurgence Rundown is a prerequisite of Super Power? So, the CRR comps have to be higher than the SP completions.
And 66,371 / 1100 is > 60 perceptions. Maybe they added some perceptions. Like perception of nothingness, emptiness and intention of command.
They have nothing to do with each other, except for the fact that Miscavige arbitrarily decreed a building had to be constructed before they could be released.
Thus they were released together when the building was opened.
It’s unusual they’ve been reporting so many L’s comps recently. Shows there is some unique push on L’s comps, kind of like KTL back in the day. Most likely anyone who has done L’s before and then redoes Purif / Objectives is being patched up on the L’s quickly and re-attested to them. Obviously, how could anyone ever have attested to any L without being fully in PT and having drugs handled, I mean, OBVIOUSLY!!
I think its more of a reflection on what they are NOT spending their money on, namely Super Power and Cause Resurgence, you know, the shit that is supposed to clear the planet.
I find it hard t believe that anyone would buy the Ls these days. Even when I was slurping KoolAid it was fairly well established in the UK field that these rundowns fell far short of what was promised – and it was noticeable that people who did them routinely didn’t do that well afterwards. Some just keeled over and died (Piers Springthorpe barely into his 40s, among others). Others were just a waste of space (Neil Fraser and his freeloading wife). David Gaiman died during a Reg cycle at Flag (not sure if this was after Ls though). I read somewhere that Miscavige knew the Ls were a faulty product and possibly harmful, but were such a cash cow for Flag, both in the initial sale and all the “repairs” needed afterwards, that he just kept had the regges selling them.
In the Independent/FZ L’s are being delivered with good success. I did L-11 with Trey Lotz. Loved it.
For many years I’ve heard that L’s delivered at Flag
were not so successful, but I personally have no direct evidence. However there is volumes of posts about how unfriendly Flag is. Mary Louise Echart’s story is the latest.
A friend of mine has a similar story. Sorry can only find
part 3:-
Seems to boil down to the public are expected to service DM but are not themselves required to be serviced.
Bingo. …unless is serves DM to serve the client.
In fairness, I did have awesome wins on the L rundowns, all three, in 1985. Full exteriorization, with greatly increased perceptions, and a feeling I could do anything, on L-10. It lasted awhile. Worth the money I paid; no regrets.
One would think that with over 66,000 perception drills completed that at least one of those graduates could perceive that the Cult of Lies is not in an expansion mode much less one that has Der Leaders mark of the beast of 47X on it.
Auditor: “Perceive an illusion that gives you comfort.”
Whale: “Running around in circles has really made me see how life totally reflects all the dynamics. Scientology tech is the solution to 4th dynamic problems!!! I’m so proud to be part of the IAS!!!!”
Auditor: “Good. Now perceive another illusion that gives you comfort.”
That paying $850,000 to get to OTVIII wasn’t a complete waste of time and money.
Scientology works!
It will evolve into “The Shining”. Starring DM as Jack Nicholson.
“It will evolve into “The Shining”. Starring DM as Jack Nicholson.” Now THAT is an image that requires absolutely zero imagination to conjure up. Good one.
All work and no play makes Davey a dull boy.
Hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee’s Davy!