A recent leak from inside the bubble inadvertently disclosed the state of scientology “expansion.” Now we have more.
These statements are from a recent “briefing” (ideal org fundraiser) where they have to walk a fine line: on one hand they need to maintain the party line that everything in the world of scientology is going gang-busters, on the other hand there’s a desperate need for money right now, right now, right now because the world is coming to a rapid end. Then again, the sheeple are so conditioned to swallowing bs they accept even the most blatantly obvious lies and contradictions without a flinch or even a second thought.
To steal from South Park- this is what Scientologists actually believe:
“Philly is so busy there’s no space at the clay demo table.” Yeah, I saw the org a couple of months ago. I doubt they even HAVE any clay for students….
Still on Philadelphia: “The ED recently returned from flag auditing on Solo NOTs” — which does not make him or her a successful executive, just a bigger dupe.
“The entire exec council re-signed on staff contracts and they are putting rest in place for their exec training team in order to send them to flag.” If the “entire” exec council re-signed then why do they need more “being put in place”? I guess the “entire” exec council isn’t really “entire”.
Their new building is “the only skyscraper in Scientology, 15 stories high at 74,000 square ft & located 2 blocks from City Hall & 6 blocks from Independence Hall.” Skyscraper? Here are some shots we took in Philly of this magnificent ‘skyscraper.”
And boy, this org is BOOMING, just wait til you hear what they have accomplished… “This year the OTC hit streets in basketball tournament to hand out OCAs which resulted in doubling booksales to new public and doubling number of first starts, they got highest ever donations for their Ideal Org program in a year EVER,” AND “Div 6 is exploding and also they’ve got a bunch of people training.” Now, that is impressive.
But there is more, this time from Puerto Rico — even all the whales at Flag have not been able to make this into an ideal org in a decade….
Check out this impressive rundown: “They have done extensive VM activities after hurricanes, working closely with the mayor and his wife – 40 volunteers distributed over 400 gallons of water and food kits.” And that is it – but “Puerto Rico island has a tremendous reach for the tech.” And of course, “the Ideal Org building is 58,000 sq ft in the heart of San Juan in one of the busiest streets in the city, now under construction (and has been for a decade.”
And finally, some hot off the presses news from Boston: “They are recruiting like mad, 2 new execs recently started. the Day Org has an exec structure in place and key personnel on establishment and staff enhancement posts filled [Foundation got a big zilch], and both orgs are racing to put exec teams together to send them to Flag for training [which will take at least a year].” A little news on their new building: “It’s 7 mins from Harvard and MIT, and is one of the largest ideal org buildings in the world at 108,000 square feet.” As if this means anything? Harvard and MIT people are so unlikely to fall for scientology they are perhaps the WORST places to try to get new people in. They actually believe a new building is going to persuade college students to come in for a free personality test??
Boston was Awarded the backhanded compliment of the year: “The team certainly deserve the longevity award for their actions to create a big and booming org.”
To quote Paul Simon “still trying after all these years.” Boston has got to be the ultimate fail. Remember, this is the org L. Ron Hubbard cited as the example for how an org can reach St Hill size in “a matter of weeks.” That was in 1982, talking about how they had expanded in 1972!! Oh, the good old days….
…or possibly the “entire exec council” that re-signed on staff contracts consisted of 2 people and a dog (poor creature)
Briget, I’d bet that the exec council consists of dead-enders for whom re-signing staff contracts is the only option.
When is $camatolgy never desperately in need of cash? Little Dinky always needs new barrels of scotch and $250.00 pairs of designer socks and ongoing hair transplant treatments (most likely the disacrded hair from the unrequited love of his life, Slightly Less Little Tommy, after his regular visits to his beautician).
I looked around a bit for the National Geographic issue you discussed in a video. The old newsstands don’t offer so many magazines these and it wasn’t at Barnes & Noble. Barnes did have 2 other NG issues. Maybe people should request it. I will try that tomorrow at B&N.
I think the Paul Simon quote is actually “Still crazy after all these years” – which is even better if you think about it.
Oh Boston my birthplace and home town!
I think the entire city would not want a thing to do with miscavige or ron anymore.
ron thought I would be good for Boston pr or some such nonsense when I joined SO.
Turns out I figured the con out pretty quickly.
And I knew money donations from me was part of the equation.
Thank you Mike.Fascinating & Sad.