Shake and Bake Flash is at it again. I wonder if he knows the information he is circulating is bs, or if he thinks it is the “greatest good” to keep getting money out of people to “save the planet” even though there is not a shred of evidence any such thing is happening.
Check out his pitch and then a few comments afterwards to put things into perspective.
Here are the ACTUAL statistics for from Alexa.
Global Rank
155,518 64,668
Rank in United States
For anyone not familiar with Alexa, this means that for all internet sites, there are 155,518 in the world that are MORE popular and get more traffic than And 66,492 more popular in the US.
So, for Alexa, a lower number is better.
Here is the Alexa ranking for
Global Rank
81,645 20,627
Rank in United States
As you can see, his site is WAY more heavily trafficked than In the US there are over 40,000 sites between him and
And just for shits and giggles, here is
Global Rank
85,505 6,811
Rank in United States
A little less popular than the Underground Bunker, but WAY more popular than
And we don’t advertise our sites or collect money for “dissemination campaigns” for our sites. Frankly, with the amount of money they are spending with TV ads and click farms in India it is absolutely pathetic how few people visit their site.
Now, as a comparison, I do know how many visitors come to my blog each day (and Tony would know his too). For my blog it averages between 8,000 and 10,000 a day. On average, they view about 2.5 pages. If we do the math of 365 days x 9,000 visitors/day x 2.5 pages per visitor we come up with less than 10 million page views in a year. Shake and Bake says they got 27 million. It is a number plucked out of the sky like the 11 miilion Scientologists or 12,000 “orgs, missions and groups.”
And then what passes for “successes” as a result of this activity is positively laughable. TWO of them are from Las Vegas and you have seen the state of the Las Vegas “ideal org” reported on here and at the Underground Bunker when Marc Headley paid them a visit recently.
Inside the bubble you can tell the sheeple ANYTHING and it will be accepted as long as it comes from someone who is supposedly in a position of authority. “They would not lie to us, we are the most ethical people on earth.”
“58,000 people clicked on it and were directed to take an OCA” – and how many people took that OCA? Three?
5 1/2. One is on a provisional declare.
Shaked Flash, it sounds like a porn name or something. His whole email is a grotesque self-parody. “The IAS Enlightenment Hat”.
It is absurd, grotesque and a vulgar self-serving twist.
International Association of Suckers.
if there are 8000-10000 visits per day on your blog .. it doesn’t say how many people this are .. I look per day several times ..
Once again, Les, great ideas, great analysis, and great postulates. I second and contribute to that motion.
Apologies to Oscar Hammerstein:
There is nothing like a dave
Nothing in the world
There is nothing you can name
That is anything like a dave
There are no jinks like a dave
And nothing thinks like a dave
There are no books like a dave
And nothing looks like a dave
And nothing acts like a dave
Or detracts like a dave
There ain’t a thing that’s wrong with anyone here
That can’t be cured by kicking cob’s rear
And watching a pissed off
Penniless on his ass dave!
Wait a minute, WAIT a minute WAIT A MINUTE! The “IAS enlightenment Hat” is a real thing?! I thought it was a JOKE! Or satire ornot really that far gone, but…
Please, I cannot tell if the rah-rah crap is for real, or not.
It’s real
What to tell the nagging IAS reg when they call you to come to the org for a “special briefing.” We love Road Trips Quincy:
Just for grins I checked out the fledgling Joburg Back in Comm website and they, after being around since October 2013, they already rank 331,301 worldwide and 197,797 in the US, and they are not a US website, nor do they cater to a US audience.
you know they don’t have any new members worth mentioning other wise they would have mentioned it.
i mean if they brag about 23,000 inquiring about info, they certainly would be bragging if 23,000 started a service.
as mike has often done the math concerning planetary clearing and population growth.
the math concerning how many new scientologists are needed to just maintain their percentage of the population is just about the same.
clearly the expansion is happening on the exterior side of the bubble’s walls.
If IAS were really serious about dissemination, you, Marty, Tony and any other defectors/attackers that have sites/blogs that rank higher than COS site, should have been awarded Field Dissemination pins. Because you guys are bringing more attentions and interests than the church itself.
Lets see. You go across a bridge that results in straight up and vertical?
I don’t get that concept, beam me up Scotty?
Aye, there’s the rub.
My comment belongs with Alex de Valera’s:
“That he’s mad, ’tis true,
’tis true ’tis pity,
And pity ’tis, ’tis true
—a foolish figure,”
To die, to sleep
to sleep, perchance to dream
CS has raked in countless amounts of money and can IMO survive for a long time to come. The question becomes one of stamina. Will they crash and burn first or us SP’s? Anonymous movement really kicked CoS in the teeth, but has it been a fatal wound? I hope so, but we cannot give an inch. We cannot stop spreading the truth. If we don’t stop them, who will? And btw all you former Scions-Nothing in CoS works. Not narconon, not study tech, and certainly not auditing. I’m so tired of Scions saying “oh it’s the management that’s bad, but Scientology is great”. No it isn’t you brainwashed fools. Nothing in Scientology works. Not one damn part.
Thank you sharing your viewpoint.
You are definitely right with your opinion, that CS can survive for a long time because it has raked in countless amounts of money. It’s about 1-2 billion dollars. That is absolutely right – and perhaps that’s the real agenda of DM and a solution to the problem he is facing/dealing with, since he took over.
Don’t forget – he helped setting up those various entities that comprise “The Church of Scientology” and he holds direct/indirect control over all those various entities. Guess why?!?
So, what would YOU do, when you come to realize for yourself, that something works – but it doesn’t work 100% as stated – AND YOU KNOW YOU ARE NOT allowed to change anything very obviously?
Would you throw everything away or would you at least try to get it partially saved?
But when I got you right, NOTHING in Scientology works. NOTHING – NOT ONE DAMN PART.
But nevertheless – what would YOU do?
OK Susie – I can respect your point of view but there is no need to invalidate anyone’s training and auditing wins. For many of us here, the technology works when applied CORRECTLY. And this is the reason why so many of us are outraged over the perversion of the tech and current state of affairs led by Davey.
You are not the only one stating this here at this blog and I must say, as an auditor and pc it upsets me that some have not gotten the wins from this technology. Nevertheless, no need to invalidate others.
Sue, your comment is nonsense. If it didn’t work there would not be all of this kerfuffle over the subject. That’s exactly why these people are there because Scientology does work and that is the great hope that one day they might experience real and true Scientology. They are “hanging on in there” because of this – it is just that they don’t realize that there is perhaps an alternative in the field, although some of them (in the field) are a bit flakey as well, but one can find real Scientology outside the Church. Nothing else compares to it – but what people here on this board are objecting to is the dilution and destruction of the subject. It is just that the people still “in” have not yet seen this. So if you think “it doesn’t work” what are you worried about? You don’t need to pass such comments, do you?
Right on Foolproof!
I wouldn’t care if the IAS has this big status puffery game and donate, donate, donate if they also had some transparency and honesty. That was my biggest issue with the way the Church behaves is the lying and manipulation for the purpose of money acquisition by the IAS. They need ad campaigns? Tell us what is budgeted for that year for a good campaign on TV, internet, magazine and billboard. How much exactly has been donated already and how much did you arm twist from the orgs and missions for this? If we knew the facts and had trust the lies have stopped if they are a few million short I would donate if the church was actually doing what they are supposed to be doing instead of the Ideal Org debacle. Same thing with their claims to be funding CCHR and other activities. Author Services is also involved in the same lack of transparency charade. Any lack of transparency in a donation scheme is a huge red flag the money is going into a blackhole which means someones pocket or other irregularities. If they were behaving honestly and transparent they would be boasting constantly how they are the most ethical, effective fundraisers on Earth! Part of the problem is the church has it all backwards. They act like the parishioners are there to service the church not the other way around.
You should meet and talk to an ex-IAS-Sea-Org-member one day…
It’s unbelievable what they have experienced and were involved in.
Hopefully they will out themselves one day – than you will know how much money was ACTUALLY spent and what it took to get it approved. Just one word: UNBELIEVABLE!
Great comment Had Enough and nice handle. Most people assume something criminal is going on in charities with no transparency because it probably is.
Even the optimistic new people who give the church a shot will not last more than a couple of weeks. As soon as they see prices for services and start getting hounded for donos, they’ll be gone. Sure they may take a short course or get some intro auditing, but that’ll be it. Scientology’s just too toxic. Like Jim Jones. Its reputation precedes it with a stench.
I think “Shaked Flash” desperately needs to word clear “facts”. When I was in, I saw the real beginning of faked stats and it obviously has gone viral since then. Any numbers will do, no one will contradict them inside the bubble. I know some truly intelligent and caring people still in. And it amazes me that they simply cannot see what is so obvious around them.
I think it’s hard to comprehend the depth of the betrayal.
I agree. Especially for some nice folks who have been in all their lives and have no reality on anything else. It is going to be a very big, catastrophic shock for a few people I know. Some may go off the deep end, crash. And I can think of one or two who will be broken hearted. Literally.
Yes Zana, the price you pay for non observation is indeed steep.
It is going to be interesting to have to rise above the betrayal , to various degrees , of friends and family who disconnected ,and help them through the discovery and recovery process.
Interesting and agonizing I’m sure for some Marie. It’s amazing the amount of perversion that’s been perpetrated in the name of Scientology. Sometimes I think LRH is watching it all somewhere from an exterior view and seeing who takes responsibility for the travesty the subject has become under the little one.
Hmmm. . . Shaked Flash=Faked Stats it just sort of popped out on the screen like that to me. Too close to reality.
Those who are still “in” were and are the HGC PC-only type fringe borderline cases that essentially never said boo to a goose and bent like reeds in the slightest wind (of mis-management). I see the lists of “whos” who are donating etc.and forwarding this drivel from COB-CON and IAS etc.and I can only shake my head that these dupes are now “stellar personalities” or whatever term they use these days. Harsh but unfortunately true. What is even worse is that with the state of auditing and training now not even their cases have been handled in 30 years.They are simply a bunch of robots with still undisclosed withholds, either whole track and/or this lifetime – and in treason to the subject and LRH. So there! HA! I remember hearing of a Success Story wherein the person stated “I feel better today!” and it being counted on the Qual stat. Probably because the IAS regges had not cornered her on that day.
C of S members certainly are trained to believe anything they hear that sounds “great!”
I see so many apparently bright Church members forward the fake spoof news-stories on FB saying “Wow, look at this!!”. I’m talking totally fake tongue-in-cheek stories.
I’m talking about the fake video clips that are really staged ads. Like Evan Longoria catching a baseball barehanded without looking before it hits a reporter in the face, or the fake ad of a young ball-girl scaling the wall of a big-league park to snatch a foul ball from above the wall, or the fake ad showing David Beckham kicking three soccer balls in a row into trash cans about 150 yard away…or the fake video showing someone going off a water slide, launching 300 feet and landing safely in a kiddie-pool…
These sound like stupid examples, but normal people who are not trained to believe BS can easily spot that such things are un-real. They are clever and funny…but totally unreal.
I see SOOOOOOO many C of S members re-posting this stuff with comments like “So OT!!” or “This guy is really in control of the MEST universe!!”
No dear. It’s fake. Just like the C of S. No wonder you couldn’t tell. .
You do have to appreciate the excellent pruning of critical thinking skills.
makes sense that doesn’t have many viewers – the content is bland and boring. i used to visit, just to see what was going on on the other side of the barbed wire, but it’s all just puff and stories about how scientology is growing faster than a cold virus at a preschool. Volunteer ministers and touch assist – yawn.
I agree TW.
Their website is such an anachronism despite the fact that they have Sky (who is currently working on making a BCCI on the internet with his buddies in the Carlyle Group) consulting for them.
Snoresville fer sure.
The most despicable Org is San Francisco
I was called once after years of no communication.
The staff member demanded from me $13,000. because they adopted the Congo in Africa. This was a lie of course but the point is nothing is too low for Scientology staff
in San Francisco. Stay away from that place !!!!!!!!!
They “adopted the Congo”??? Holy Mackerel! I would ask them to put that in writing. Then send it to the Attorney General’s office. The Co$ of SF “adopted the Congo.” Bizarre.
Yes it was too bizarre. Hopefully they will adopt Iraq.
I was set up by Fred Swartz and Gretchen Swartz at SFO
to be smashed and I just moved on. Gretchen setup a third party conference call with “L’s” Unit at Flag and Gretchen later dropped dead on Post. Fred was sent Int base “Hole” None of this works out well, all for money !
Mike it must drive Miscavige seriously bonkers to know your blog is some 40,000 rankings above his flagship website in the U.S., and 70,000 above it in the world – and you didn’t even have ad air during the Super Bowl.
could it be, you are still looking from the perspective of a social personality? Grab your PTS/SP pack!!
Though it may be hard to confront for you, but most probably it doesn’t even drive DM bonkers anymore.
It’s more likely he’ll take this facts now and use it as an excuse to go down hard on the guys left around at INT. The go-to guy for the Internet (Ingo Lehmann) might be the next wrong target for him.
Though considering his OSA background and involvement in the a.r.s forums he might as well even be the correct target – at least it would be a perfect motivator for him…
Now WHO is it that is on the “fringe of the internet”? Hmmmm….
You’re doing great, Mike!
Something smells rotten in River City!
Did you mean to say “trouble in River City” or “rotten in the state of Denmark”, Pericles or were you just funning us by combining the two 😉
Remote, please…
I must give kudos to Shaked Flash for blatantly using two words previously forbidden by LRH not once by 3 times in 12 short paragraphs.
Status status status
Fundraising fundraising fundraising
“To date, people around the world have watched our Scientology Technology advertisement almost half a billion times.” So let’s assume that the ads get the same response rate of your typical infomercial, which according to The is about 1% ( That means we ought to be seeing 5 million new Scientologists in the wake of this campaign. At least, we ought to be seeing 5 million people signing up for the OCA, buying a book, or otherwise expressing tangible interest.
And if we assume the response rate from someone taking that initial action of buying a book or doing the OCA is perhaps 5% actually going on course, we ought to be at 250,000 people actually coming in the door of a Scientology facility. If that is true, where are they? The Ideal Orgs are just as idle as ever based on everything any of us has seen.
The lack of actual “bodies in shop” means one of two things is happening: either the numbers are all made up out of whole cloth, or the Scientology brand is so toxic that 500 million people really did see the ad and instead of the expected 5 million respondents, they only got 23,000 people requesting information — only about 1/200 of a normal response rate. That is, of course, assuming that they didn’t completely make up the number of people who wrote in to (which I strongly suspect that they did).
They constantly give their diminishing laity such “stats” because they know with their restricted access to the internet that they can’t be verified and that they feel those few who do due diligence can be cajoled or persuaded that there is currently some vast external conspiracy against the Church being perpetrated by the evil pharmaceutical industry in league with psychiatry which plays the same role as say Al-Qaeda on a larger scale outside the Church of Scientology microcosm.
Ohhh…. those stats… there used to be a saying:
“Never trust a stat – except the one you have falsified yourself.”
It says the ad directs people to go to It says 500 million people have seen the ad. It says that 23,000 people have asked for more info via
Even if the 23,000 number is true, which we assume it’s inflated, that’s only a response rate of 0.000046%.
That is truly awful. PR is supposed to be what makes marketing work. Proof, as if any were needed, that SCN’s PR is as bad as it gets.
14 years ago that cos false pr would have excited me. 13 years ago it would have angered me as I was putting 2 and 2 together as the lie it was. Today it just makes me sick to reflect back on the days I believed management was run by the best of the best. cob is a disgusting, blackhearted “soul”.
Thank you for sharing your cognition! Take a walk and enjoy your win. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
PS: I fully understand you – may I join you for the walk? 😉
I always inherently distrusted management whereas I’d give the Ol’man a pass unless he said something like trust management particularly RTC because they were a “clean team” like he did on RJ 38.
Maybe he felt compelled to give them his endorsement because they were now obviously running the show. Who knows?
But anyway despite what Ron said. They managed to f-k it up which was sorta par for the course if you are naturally cynical about management and government of any kind.
If you believe that RJ38 was LRH speaking (?) which to me it never sounded like. Maybe it was but if so I don’t think LRH was that well informed as to the true state of affairs. He should have been – true – but in the last few years of his life in hiding and ill (?) etc. I think we can sort of forgive him (because of everything else he did for us) for not seeing the wolf in sheep’s clothing that was SO “Management” that epitomized itself in the end in the rise of COB in 1982 or so. Since 82 the rot has been there. “Management” wasn’t that good before then but after then in 82 it just became a wave of evil that has spread like a 30 year slow tsunami over the Orgs and field. The Mission Holder’s Conference was my first (big) signal that something awful had happened “in the state of Dave’s Marks” to use MJ’s very clever adaptation of Hamlet (or whatever it is).
I’m in Foolproof’s camp, and more. Some guy in Switzerland did a study of HCOB’s and HCOPL’s (Scn texts) and arrived at the conclusion he would trust everything up about 1976.
Oh yeah the Mission Conference was a real WTF moment for me FP when I read about it in the RTC rag ironically called “KSW News”.
Another one was seeing all those “SP” Declares on long time dedicated Scientologists and Mary Sue being dethroned as Controller and the GO “abolished” and turned into OSA.
So many outpoints and so little time to post them.
Yet I had friends who went to Mayo’s group and thus I had a chance to look at the “alternative” back then and well I guess you could say it was a definite case of the Devil you know was better than the one you don’t.
At least back then the tech was still somewhat standard and unaltered and there was my good friend Jeff making Dianetics a household word and I was making good money as an auditor. So I counted my blessing and continued until RTC and RTRC in their infinite wisdom decided to royally fuck up the tech with GAT.
At which point after various efforts to inform management of the error in their ways and failing I decided to form an exit strategy.
“To date, people around the world have watched our Scientology Technology advertisement almost half a billion times.”
Great. So, after viewing that ad, what did any of those half a billion people do, if they were at all curious or reaching in any way for Scientology? Did they by any chance do any further internet research, Shaked?
So, after viewing that ad, what did any of those half a billion people do, if they were at all curious or reaching in any way for Scientology?
Great question.
Any Scientologist in-good-standing who reads that claim, has got to wonder why their org is so empty, when (supposedly) hundreds of millions of people have seen the ad. Such a person must be thrown into a state of cognitive dissonance over being lied to so blatantly. They’ve been hearing the “straight up and vertical” nonsense for years – and now this whopper.
I can guarantee you that somewhere, there’s someone who’s just been pushed past the breaking point by this Big Lie.
Freddie Mercury was right – Another one bites the dust.
This is actually very sickening, you get a pin for “assisting” someone to his next status? Assisting or stealing?
FSMs have ceased to exist, now the new post is “Field Disseminator” and it has nothing to do with dissemination because, as we all know, only deals with collecting money.
The usual lies, all this 1,000s seeing internet, blah, blah, when in fact their numbers are very, very low.
A few remaining robots is what continues this scam but I believe this is going to recoil big time on those who are abusing others. Even evil has its limits.
Assisting, stealing, “acceptable truth” – when you’re still in the lines are so blurred, they are the same thing when you’re working “towards the greatest good”.
It sorta proves a point that I made earlier and that is it is all about *status*. You know diamond encrusted pins and fancy certificates plus restricted access to and photo ops with “COB” suitable for framing.
The biggest “contributors” (monetarily) being constantly feted.
More like a PAC than an actual Church.
Looks like they have substituted pins for FSM commissions. So they screw the FSM’s at the same time (pins are a lot cheaper).
Perfect for pinheads too.
And now I need to clear my mind of a triviality: This guy’s NAME: his given name sounds like some corruption of Arabic name, but “Flash?” Never in my life have I encountered this actual surname. I would say it has to be some corruption of “Fleish”, which, I believe, means “flesh” in German. Ok, now I have that out of my system.
The word in question is fleisch. My real surname is derived from Kaufman, or “seller” in German. I’m sure there are cognates of this word in other Germanic languages as well.
60 secs x 60 mins x 24 hrs = 86,400 secs per day.
58,000 clicks in a 24 hr period = 1 click/1.49 secs
Lying liars who lie even on the little things…ugh.
It’s Scientology math. You’re trying to use wog math. Sheesh.
Oh so that is why I was getting called a millions time a day for donos for the Ideal Org and in the back ground – I would hear bells getting dinged…while they were shouting “Donate, Donate, Donate”.
Look up hypnotism. You don’t have to be in pain or unconscious for hypnotism to work. In fact, LRH did a tape on hypnotism and admits you hypnotize someone by getting their agreement on a gradient – and that is scientology.
So – how does Scientology work? You just have to agree on a gradient Remember your goals when you joined? To help and get help. But after you are invested – your goals are pushed aside and you are convinced to help Scientology.
Another clever trick – repeat these commands: “Get up the Bridge” “Donate to the Ideal Org and IAS” “Go Clear, Go OT” and these phrases are repeated over and over and over.
Also, the videos of the gloom and doom produced by the cult are used to get people upset and then they get fleeced out of tons of money. This is a clever mechanism mind controlling tactic. Statistics prove that if you show someone a video of doom and gloom – their instinct is to do something to help. That is where the Regges come in and they are trained to not accept a no – but to continue asking until the goal is met.
Billions of dollars this cult has obtained by using these mind control techniques.
“Billions of dollars this cult has obtained by using these mind control techniques.”
As opposed to the trillions ours and other governments have extorted using similar techniques.
I disagree with your assessment that Scientology uses hypnotism.
Even our friends on the dark side found that it was unworkable by itself:
People get into Scientology for their own personal reasons and leave in the same manner.
Some stay because they *believe* which is a more powerful force than hypnotism.
In my opinion the Church of Scientology has moved from being a heuristic philosophy to a belief system of some kind.
For instance they *believe* despite evidence to the contrary that if they build something called an “Ideal Org” they will come.
Or in this case if they continue to promote without handling the antagonism or addressing the muddy field that they themselves have created it will come out alright somehow.
What about those who grew up in it? I can take or leave it, but a child, teen or even a young adult at a mere 60 years old?
There are all kinds of people who grew up in various religious sects or cults who eventually left of their own accord.
Myself I got involved with the Church of Scientology as a teenager and one day just decided to leave when I’d had enough off-policy and out-tech shoved down my throat.
Before ANYTHING – 8000-10,000 visitors to your blog per day? This is exclamatorily wonderful news! Warm congrats on these these well-deserved, stellar stats, Mike!
The fact that the “quotes” are “success stories” written by “Las Vegas” is laughable. It’s not a person’s quote. It’s just some staff member hoping to get a statistic by writing anything. They all sound like they were written by the same person. Just making it up on the fly so they don’t get clobbered by their superior.
Thanks for showing us the numbers and showing us how RIDICULOUS their numbers are… the ones they pull out of thin air. Thank you, Mike.
I’m also delighted to see how many people come out here every day. I thought it was my “secret little addiction.” 🙂 I never watched soap operas… they just had no pull for me. This is better than any soap opera… it’s an on-going unveiling of a huge crime with tentacles everywhere… and we are all watching to see what happens next, and how the perpetrators are being brought to justice. This is history being made at such a level that it’s hard to have a perspective on it. We are in the middle of the battle.
Right on! Thank you again!
Zana – LOL – this has also been my “secret little addiction” that has gotten me to confront and research more data out there about Scien. It will be one year ago this month.
I am delighted at the number of people visiting each day which suggests, at least to me, that there are MANY lurkers sitting on the fence. I say to these lurkers: “Research, read all you can about your church, be willing to confront EVIL and last but not least review your Code of Honor and then RUN FOR THE HILLS.
Thanks Mike for creating this blog. Happy Birthday to me.
Happy Birthday to you!
And congratulations for living up to YOUR PERSONAL Code of Honor.
If it is successfull for you – keep on doing it. They used to call it: INTEGRITY. 🙂
Zana, I’m right with you! Everyday of my life, unless I’m out of town, I tune into Mike’s blog several times a day. It’s incredible to watch this cult implode in real time! Just like you, I never watch soap operas. But with Mike’s blog, this is true entertainment! And I just can’t get enough!
Mike, from me, and I’m sure from all the rest, many, many thanks for your blog. It will go down in history as one of the blogs that recorded the demise of this cult! Congrats! And, thanks.
Every time I think about how astonishing it is that they get away with such blatant misrepresentations, I have to stand back and face the fact that for quite a few years I, myself, simply didn’t bother to inspect and bought their bull.
While it’s reprehensible to fool people in this manner, in the past, it was merely disgusting. Now, however, they are making up lies to extort money. That is called FRAUD.
Narconon is currently the main target of multiple fraud suits. But this is just the tip of the iceberg regarding false claims made by members of the Co$ which are known about and sanctioned by der leader, captain miscavige.
As more and more scientologists stand back and inspect what is actually occurring, more and more outrage and legal attacks against der leader will ensue. It’s just natural law when you insist on using lies in PR.
I’ve been wondering lately what might happen if a few hundred people sued IAS registrars like Michael Roberts or Howard Becker personally for fraudulently taking money and not ensuring it went where they said it would go. And what might happen if a judge or two agreed that the IAS must turn over their books to the courts for inspection or refund the money?
How much money could the IAS actually get from its members if it were forced to tell the truth?
So much fraud for so long and now lawyers have become wise to the legal tactics used by miscavige and the Co$ to escape prosecution for it. Ron’s “ruin them utterly” line will be a big part of the downfall of this group.
Personally, I think the truly useful aspects of the tech will gain widespread acceptance only once the cult is completely declawed, defanged and impotent. Ruin them utterly? That will depend on how fast they get their shit together and get honest and straight.
That’s a GREAT ideal. Sue Michel Roberts and Howard Becker for fraud along with the IAS, etc. Ask for the books. That’s a GREAT idea. Put names of the real people who write out these letters and fliers making absurd claims and trying to get money. Wow. That would blow up in their faces.
I like this idea too. You think the cult would lawyer up for the IAS regges or tell them they pulled it in and hang them out to dry? Either way, it would end badly – with the greatest footbullets for the greatest number of dynamics.
IMHO Howard the coward Becker is subhuman. I hope I do not find that piece of hammered rat shit anywhere in my vicinity anytime soon.
“That will depend on how fast they get their shit together and get honest and straight.”
Now that is the oxymoron quote of the day! IMHO, I do not see that happening. There is so much of a ser fac going on about how ‘the cult’ is the most ethical group on the planet and all of the other drivel that comes out of a staff members hole, punctuated by liberal use of mother fucking this and cock sucking that notwithstanding the occasional off purpose theety weety assholes that are referenced whenever a donation is under $50,000 USD.
The staff and public at the kool aide stand will go down for the count. This will not be a technical KO, it will be the real deal. When that group hits the mat there will be no detectable movement.
The extremely embellishing, and totally abstract numbers inserted into DM ads with no real or new content, are becoming staid.
It’s almost like you can hear the air coming out of the balloon as you read this stuff.
Sad, Indeed….DM will snap soon.
it’s a tuesday, same as any other day
i have to leave my home town for the freewinds in decay.
it’s my destiny, it’s what i need to do,
they are telling me, i’m telling you.
i’m inside looking outside at millions of faces but still i’m alone.
waiting, hours of waiting, paying my regs and longing for home
they’re looking out for most of us,
they’ll be no SPs when they’re through with us.
Being inside the church is indeed to feel like a foreigner gman.
Monthly Support Program??? I’ve said before and I might even say it again: It is now completely, all about the money! No auditing. No training. Just, “Give us all of your God Damn money NOW!” Wow!
Sociopaths are professional victims
If you could audit the books of the IAS and discovered where
the money really goes you find the truth.
Stevens Creek sponsored De Dinging which revolved around Pavlovian psychiatry,
ie use of ringing bells to condition public to give money on command. Psychs
soft peddle De Dinging as false data stripping which in truth was get rid of public once a select few had all your money. That’s called the IAS now. Medals and pendants have replaced Bells, the IAS will not save the Planet.Discover the truth for yourself ask for an accounting of where the money goes.
It would be interesting to see the anti-scientology book sales stats. Mark once mentioned that his sales increased with scientology in the news – I wonder if the ads have any impact on that also.
I don’t think they even pretend to have a baseline for making up the stats these days. Someone just pulls a number out of thin air and goes with it – no let’s take this number and multiply it by 1,000 or 1,000,000 or something. It is flabbergasting to someone who is not inside the bubble to see the magnitude of falsification of the numbers and wonder just how someone can believe them, but the people inside the bubble have no basis for comparison so they just believe what they are told.
On the other hand, when it comes to the success stories, the thing that I kept bouncing against while reading all these “success stories” was the fact that they were telling the sheeple that people were coming into Scientology by doing the following prohibited things:
1. Surfing the internet.
2. Watching TV.
How in the world can that be, and how do all those people who aren’t allowed to do those things square the fact that they can’t do those things with the fact that people who do those things can be brought into Scientology by doing those actions?
With that in mind (and also remembering that everything I say after this point is tl/dr:
I came into Scientology in the ’70’s with a desire to HELP people. That and only that is why I came in. I saw Scientology as a way to achieve my goal to be a part of a large group helping more and more people.
I cared very little for the auditing side of the bridge except for the fact that that it would help me get rid of things blocking me from being more able to help others, but sucked up every piece of tech and admin training I could get so I could use the tech to help others .
It was never my goal to enter Scientology and have to be in it for my entire life, much like when I went to college. I had a specific goal to graduate and then apply the technology in the real world at a job using the technology I learned in college. Likewise, when getting Scientology training, I wanted to get the training I needed to apply Scientology in my life then go apply it.
When I joined Sea Org, I thought I had “graduated from College” and was applying my knowledge. It was quite a rude awakening in Sea Org to find out that I was not only not helping anyone, but, was being forced to lie and compromise my integrity at every turn, and I was getting less and less free myself. When I left, I became more free again.
Some people care more about themselves than others. Some care more about others than themselves. RFK’s last words were “is everyone alright?” There are people like him that join Scientology to make a difference (Ronit and Yossi come to mind as recent examples). Those are the people who are most easily sucked into giving more and more until they finally get hurt so badly that they walk away.
There are other people who join Scientology because they want to be fixed. Some get what they want, some walk away. They seem to be the ones who can more easily leave.
The people who want to fix everyone are the ones who are getting hurt the worst by the continuous regging because they are the ones who believe that around the next corner, something will happen and things really will be fixed. They can be duped for a long time.
However, what David Miscavige doesn’t realize is that when the person who got into Scientology because they want to help realizes just how badly they have been used, they will be the ones who will be his worst enemies.
Not tl;dr and great points. If we could not be of use to others, of some value to others, what would life be about? Everyone wants to play to win, of course, whether team of individual best. Free markets have proven that the best possible solution is permitting people to be free and produce and play to win. That results in the most efficient allocations of resources. But the underlying why there somehow works out “to be useful.” I gotta toss this one around a bit more. Amazing post.
Really, that’s an amazing post. Your attitude or view or use of Scientology is what I’ve observed in people who walked away from the church. I think it is the correct view. I don’t know whether your comment is the result of a lot of hard thought, or if you just see things correctly and it all seems obvious to you – and you just got motivated to express it. But it’s spot on. Everyone is always going to be different in their life and living, but what you’re talking about in helping others – one way to phrasing to put things into perspective – reflects an underlying characteristic some might refer to, in a very weighty and sophisticated manner, carrying real intent, as “common decency.” I haven’t read “Common Sense” in a while. Now I have to go read it again, quit making me work, OK? (Sheesh.) What the “church” is missing is common sense and common decency. I don’t mean everyone in it, I mean the organization and its practices.
Thanks Carcha, you make me blush. This has sort of been bouncing around in my head for a bit, I just needed to figure out a way to say it that didn’t sound like I thought I considered myself anyone special because that’s not the case. I feel as though there are hundreds if not thousands of like minded people out there reading this blog.
You did a very nice job. Many are indeed like-minded. Still at least *some* serious people in this world. I didn’t mean to single you out as like, um, the only person who is motivated to help and got into Scn for that reason, or the only one who has expressed that, just that you said it much better than most, I thought. You may go back to being not anyone special, now, and thank you for your mad dash through the spotlight.
Thank you. That is the most accurate statement of affairs possible. Pilgrims seeking to help others and mankind, taken for something far, far different. Power to you pilgrim.
Hey Dave, Your popularity is getting fringe-ier by the day.
Great stats, Mike.
People in absolute confusion believe anything they’re told…
Tara – you nailed it. I realized I was in complete Confusion when I left the cult. When I was in – I kept making big mistakes and could not seem to get things together. I had disconnected from everyone in my life and the only ones I was connected to were Scientologist’s. I found them to be some of the most heartless people on the planet – they don’t care about each other or about themselves. So sad for them that they are still stuck in the cult. I hope they get out soon.
There have been no studies done even in the cult as to what “redoing” this Bridge to nowhere – will do to someone’s spiritual, emotional and mental well-being – but I never liked what I saw with the people when I was in – it will only get worse.
Between January and May over 23 000 people wrote in following a visit to the $camatology web-site. That’s 4 600 per month WORLDWIDE. “Reaching the Populations of Earth”. Do they know how many people there are on earth? Surely they could pull more impressive figures than that from out their ass? Eleventy million would have been a much more impressive number.
These sad people are scratching around on the fringes of society and they really can’t see how pathetic it is?
Wait a minute here – 23,000 visits? There are 7 billion people on the planet. 99.9% of these visits are from people that have read the HORROR stories about the Cult on the internet or newpapers, mags and television…they look at the site to compare the lies Scientology $ells verses the truth leaked in the media.
The moles inside leaking out information are telling us they are DEAD – no one is coming in. They are recycling the Bridge and everyone is starting over but they are VGI’s about it because Slappy changed the name to “Survival Rundown”.
Everyone’s mind is now off of GAT II and Stupid POwerz….and on to the Purif and Obj.
They are the fast growing cult in the World.
It is so over for Scientology.
the circling bridge is the descending spiral of the Radical Church of Scamology
Something is rotten in the state of Dave’s marks.
“That he’s mad, ’tis true,
’tis true ’tis pity,
And pity ’tis, ’tis true
—a foolish figure,”
To die, to sleep
to sleep, perchance to dream
That was very clever MJ – still laughing now. Here’s my not-so-good attempt to emulate your cleverness: INT Staff member in the Hole to COB after he gets his 5th slap around the head from the other staff prisoners: “Et tu Brute?”