I wanted my family to be Patrons of the IAS, to support the only religion that is really changing and bettering conditions for mankind planet-wide. I became inspired because it would mean that we would become guardians of our religion and, more broadly, for every being on this planet.
Since our original postulate to become Patrons of the IAS, we have been working towards the status by making regular donations and it was a huge win for us when we recently achieved our Patron. Since then, every member of my family has become more active in Scientology. We are all moving on the Bridge and either helping on staff or on the Johannesburg OT Committee.
The International Association of Scientologists is infinitely valuable towards clearing this planet. Not only are we halting the dwindling spiral through the Fourth Dynamic campaigns, but we are also making delivery of the OT levels in Africa possible through the opening of AOSH Africa!
In this way our contributions assist in ensuring that we clear planet Earth!
We are backing up Command Intention and contributing to the most important drive to free mankind and it’s a great feeling.
Shannon Green, Johannesburg, South Africa
Patron of the IAS
This is yet another example of the delusion that exists within the scientology bubble.
Here are just a few of the more bizarre statements:
…the only religion that is really changing and bettering conditions for mankind planet-wide.
Pray tell what evidence you see of this? Right there in South Africa (let alone planet wide), what is it that Scientology is accomplishing to really change or better conditions anywhere? If that WERE true, wouldn’t you think situations like the collapse of Venezuela would have been prevented by the “St Hill Size” org there? Don’t you think the violence that plagues inner-cities like Chicago and NY would have been curtailed? Declining literacy levels? Anything at all?
… we would become guardians of our religion and, more broadly, for every being on this planet.
OK, you have a massive and very fundamental misunderstanding. Hubbard made protecting the religion the job of the Sea Org. More especially OSA and RTC. You have nothing to do with being a guardian of scientology, let alone “every being on this planet.” You are apparently on ANOTHER planet if this is truly what you believe. Why are t you joining the Sea Org if this is what you think is important?
In fact, like many others, you have been told that if you give money, it gives you some imaginary special status. You can buy yourself a humanitarian status or be announced a guardian of the galaxy. It’s about as real as the Marvelverse of Super Heros.
The International Association of Scientologists is infinitely valuable towards clearing this planet.
Really? How so?
Not only are we halting the dwindling spiral through the Fourth Dynamic campaigns,
Actually, they are not doing ANY of this. It is why Narconon bilks insurance companies and requires a $30,000 payment before anyone can begin. It’s why Applied Scholastics begs for money to keep their headquarters open. And why WTH charges exorbitantly for copies of their booklet. And Criminon is just a non-entity.
…but we are also making delivery of the OT levels in Africa possible through the opening of AOSH Africa!
Hey, the 5 people a year moving on from Clear always had enough money to go to Denmark or England for this, and it’s really not changed anything.
In this way our contributions assist in ensuring that we clear planet Earth!
Yeah, you don’t seem to understand this clearing of the planet earth thing is going backwards. As scientology makes one or two Clears a day, the population of the planet is increasing by 225,000. Every HOUR of every day more new people are being added to the population of earth than Clears have been made in HISTORY.
if your boat is taking on 225,000 gallons of water and you are bailing out 2 you would not continue announcing you are making great headway on your world cruise.
We are backing up Command Intention and contributing to the most important drive to free mankind and it’s a great feeling.
With all of this easily discoverable by you, you should be feeling utterly ridiculous. Not smugly jubilant. There is nothing great about it. You are being scammed.
This monthly donation thing might be a “pilot program”. With many scientologists UTR or reisting or avoiding regging it’s a source of continuing income. Devious but clever.
Whenever I begin to believe that the delusion-level of the Still Ins can no longer annoy or amaze me, there’s an article like this, with “wins” like Shannon’s…and I sigh. What a waste. Waste of time, waste of money, waste of effort. What an utter and complete waste!
One day all the idiot Still Ins – these self-appointed superior beings who bask in their delusory wins, these die-hard Still Ins having such a good time seeing what they do not see and not seeing what they do see – one day these people are going to have SUCH a rude awakening. A great shock is coming their way.
And I can’t wait to ROTF and LMAO at them.
Serves ’em right, the dumb f**ks.
OK, ok, I KNOW that’s not the right attitude and they need and deserve authentic compassion. Yes, I do know this.
Whine Alert:
But JEEEEEEEEEEEEZ they are just soooooo persistently, stubbornly, so exasperatingly, so INFURIATINGLY… dumb!
‘’ We are backing up command intention & contributing to the most important…………… blah blah blah etc ‘’ What a fucking idiot .
Well, the CoS may not be doing fuck all in RSA, but the independent group headed by Tracy Henley and her gang is doing tremendous work in Joburg. I’ve been there twice to visit and the place smokes. Anybody interested in doing Scientology in Africa should contact them. They are basically a Ron’s Org outfit and going great work.
Hi Dan,
Scientology is not scientific or spiritual. It was created to dupe its followers and enrich its founder. It is not a therapy. It is not a workable ” technology ” . It is a mish-mash of contradictory claims and cheesy 50’s space opera, slapped together by an intellectually lazy, narcissistic criminal and his deluded followers. It does not produce ” Clears ” or ” Operating Thetans “; it never has and it never will.
Consider embracing a higher quality fairy tale…Really?
Is Tracy Henley related to Rick Henley?
Thanks, Dan. I’ve never been to SA. If I could get away I’d go on a trip and get some auditing. I’d go to Israel too.
The South African Scio writes: “Since our original postulate to become Patrons of the IAS, we have been working towards the status by making regular donations.”
Wouldn’t they be better off making regular investments towards retirement? I know of no other religion that raises money this way. Churches and synagogues are happy to receive donations but they don’t assign lifetime statuses to givers and they don’t claim that giving provides spiritual powers specifically to the giver.
And has been pointed out, Hubbard disapproved of what the IAS does. He was greedy, but he sought to gain wealth through selling Scientology services and books.
Martin Luther complained about how some churches in his day offered absolution from sins in exchange for donations but that was centuries ago.
Everything about scientology is disgusting and it didn’t have to be that way. If David Mayo’s group had succeeded perhaps I might be participating myself.
Scientology failed because Hubbard was greedy and crazy. It got worse and worse. Once he started throwing people overboard from his ships he had clearly become violently insane like Captain Bly.
It didn’t have to be that way. But it is. Scientology is doomed. All that is needed is the loss of its tax-exempt status to put it out of its misery.
WRONG Jonothan. Scamology failed because it is a scam. IT DOESN’T WORK. THAT is why There is no real Indie field despite the CoS no longer going after such people.
“Move Up In Status” MY ASS, LADY ? You’re not movin’ up in shit.
After being in the Cult for 30 yrs, I look at All religions with scepticism. I think people of ANY Faith can become too involved to the point of not looking anymore as nd just accepting anything they are told. It’s a scary thing.
Most organized religion has been a scary thing since …………. Adam and Eve? Did they have a religion? Most religions have a Creation Story and an End of Days Story. Scientology has a Creation Story but does it have an End of Days Story or is it a continuing saga?
If people had been talking about “our religion” when I got into Scientology in 1976 I might have looked for the exit door. I wasn’t too religious back then. Sciencetology sounded appealing. Maybe I had an MU but I mostly stuck with the science part.
And yet … I kind of enjoy reading these IAS “success stories” … Yeah, after 35 years working for Scientology, I morphed into an “SP” (I was kicked out AFTER I left, ha ha, true!)
No bitterness on my part , I generally enjoyed my time in the CoS, and yet I am somehow HIGHLY ENTERTAINED by these people who think they are clearing the planet, though they themselves have virtually no ability to sanely perceive life around them.
Does that make me a bad person?
No, I don’t think it makes you a bad person. You could be similarly entertained by the harmless-type schizophrenics in mental institutions who act out their delusions if and/or when not thoroughly drugged. Some of them have delusions concerning their identities which are quite amusing. (Of course I’m not referring to the violent schizophrenics who hear voices telling them to kill people.)
Now, as re the delusions of the Scn Still Ins, I TRY to laugh at them because laughing at them is not painful – to me!
You know, its PAINFUL to watch people being continually rooked with their full approval and cooperation!
So I think its better to help them and laugh at them rather than get all roiled up.
I would THINK that medical people in insane asylums try to laugh too (not AT the patients of course!) so that they can get thru their days and do their jobs.
yah Mike, here they are talking about religion,
shouldn’t they be talking about clear and OT and how they have perfect recall? Even whole track recall, that would be a head spinner. And how the stats have gone up so much?
And how so many company’s hire people with people having scientology certificates of having achieved the state and awareness level of clear and OT?
After I split in 1982 I kept my “Minister of the Church” certificate. I figured I might use it on a job interview sometime to prove I was “A man of good faith”. The cert even has a Gold Seal on it! A “Clear” cert wouldn’t mean anything to a prospective employer back then.
“”if your boat is taking on 225,000 gallons of water and you are bailing out 2 you would not continue announcing you are making great headway on your world cruise.” Great point and great article, Mike.
If your finite planet is taking on an additional 225,000 people a day or 82,125,000 per year on top of the almost 8 billion already here you might have problems. The Pope and the rest of the be fruitful and multiply crowd need to have a revelation about birth control. Earth population in 1960 was 3 billion.
On a side note: $camology at work –
“The Church of Scientology has been contacted for comment but did not reply at the time of writing.” The silence will be deafening, no doubt followed later by the usual screams of outrage about “religious freedoms” being attacked.
I really hope they don’t let themselves get sucked in by this bunch of cultist scumbags.
It is just so heart breaking to see someone who was born into this world with the same potential for a happy life than everyone here has. But then to realize they are taking all that potential and just flushing it down the drain. Heart breaking!
Even worse … they are taking all the potential of their entire family and doing the same thing. Oh My Gosh. Hey Shannon, please won’t you consider that you are taking all the potential happiness that your entire family may have and you are flushing all that potential straight down the drain?
Won’t you please consider Mary Kahn? Won’t you please watch the episodes of Leah Remini’s TV show concerning scientology and the aftermath? Won’t you please take a look at all the info on the Internet concerning Mary Kahn and her family? Scamatology is doing the same sort of things to your family that they did to Mary’s family. Please take a look for your own benefit and for the benefit of your family.
Scamatology is a “Black Hole” and you are helping them to suck your entire family and all of their potential happiness in this life right down that Black Hole where it will never be seen again.
Shannon Green, for your own sake, won’t you please take a look at Mary’s story while you still can? You don’t have to do anything. But it will only cost you a little bit of time and you may then rescue your entire family from the “Hell on Earth” called Scamatology. I would wager that one day, they will come to understand the truth and they will then thank you for rescuing them from this evil monstrosity. I predict they will then thank you on every day left in your life.
Please do yourself and your family a tremendous favor and investigate rescuing them.
True words Skyler. So gland i saw the warning signs and now I am totally enjoying watching my grandchildren (who escaped with me) playing their sports, doing well at private school & i love every minute of it, because i can i have the freedom, time and money to do so.
You’re tearing yourself apart and getting your heart broken, Skyler. These people will NEVER watch Aftermath or read Mary Kahn’s story.
What Aftermath and people like Mary Kahn do by ftheir coming forth and telling their stories is to keep OTHERS away from Scientology – MILLIONS of others.
This is no small thing. It is, in fact HUGE because the effect is ongoing…wider and wider circles of effects.
The people who have themselves disconnected from their parents won’t be watching Aftermath nor will they be reading anything negative about Scientology on the internet.
They KNOW that doing so is THE FIRST STEP out the door of Scientology.
Not to mention how much trouble they’ll get into by doing so. They don’t DARE watch anything or read anything negative, because doing so will ALSO make them WRONG and these cult bots are so programmed, so brainwashed, so suffused with their own rightness and importance, that being WRONG about the cult is UNTHINKABLE. ESPECIALLY being wrong in front of the very parents from whom they oh-so-righteously disconnected – no-no, no-no, no-no!
So that’s the bad news.
But via Aftermath, millions of people have been informed about the lies and abuses being perpetrated by the Church of Scientology. This show won an EMMY! And having watched the show, a portion of these millions who watched will do FURTHER research on the internet, and in turn a portion of those will be interested enough to PURSUE reading and watching about the lies and fraud and abuses and disconnection as re Co$…an ever widening circle of information.
THAT is the good news, Skyler, and it is very good news indeed, and I’m inviting you to feel happy and glad about it
Edit: What I meant to say was “…an ever-widening circle of interest in the vast amount of information about Co$ that’s out there.”
I can see DM laughing in his Scotch bath when he reads this stuff from his “flock” whom he fleeces so well.
It’s the only stat he banks on.
I have long had that picture too, of DM laughing at them, Wyn.
Hey Mike. Please allow me to add something to the statement you made below. You said:
“With all of this easily discoverable by you, you should be feeling utterly ridiculous. Not smugly jubilant. There is nothing great about it. You are being scammed.”
To this, I would like to add: “You have always been scammed. This organization never does anything else to its members except to scam them.”
“the only religion that is really changing and bettering conditions for mankind planet-wide.” Really?
Without much effort at all, one can find homeless shelters, soup kitchens, drug rehabs, prison outreaches, youth programs and many other things sponsored by quite a variety of churches. In addition, there are countless organizations that were inspired by the religious values of their founders.
Curiously absent from ALL of these efforts at “changing and bettering conditions for mankind planet-wide”, is but one name: the name of the “church” these saps donated to. In fact that one appears to be pretty much “the only religion” that would do absolutely nothing to make the world a better place. And they refuse to do so not accidentally but on principle!
This is a great article Mike! As I kept reading you responded to every thought I was having one by one. Perfectly explained as to why it’s BS! Now if she could just hear you and grasp it.
Scientology creates euphoric fools, mentally created tragedies, hence it ruins lives. The above is the ideal result of delusion worked by an asshole team of a scam artists. The only end product of Scientology is sorrow. None of the promises of Scientology are real, provable or have produced examples of anyone attaining freedom. Talking to someone about your problems is a good thing, what Scientology does with that is despicable in the extreme.
Clearing the planet? Wow, that really can be a very scary idea. In fact, as far as the cult goes, and what LRH most worshiped, what his smarmy protege most worships, it takes on a whole different meaning than what these faithful brainwashed fools believe they are doing.
I must take issue with one of the things you said Mike. You questioned whether The Scam is doing anything for declining literacy levels. I think you may be wrong about that. They most certainly are causing literacy levels to decline.
Just look at the posters and advertisements these people create. They are full of spelling and grammatical errors. It has widely been reported that “Scamatology Education” has very little basic Math or English skills and the result is that most everyone brought up in Scamatology is woefully unprepared for any kind of job that requires reading or writing skills.
So, when you question whether they are making any impact on declining literacy levels, I have to say that no other organization in this world is responsible for causing a bigger decline in literacy levels.
Is it possible you may have seen this incorrectly?
P.S. For anyone who may not be certain about this, in my post above, I’m just trying to be funny once again and I’m likely failing once again. I do feel sorry for that lady in the poster though. She seems like such a nice lady. What a shame she is throwing away her life and – even worse – the lives of her family. One day she will come to regret that very much. I just hope she is able to escape The Scam while she may still be able to do something about it.
This looks like all the success stories one has to fabricate so to either quit wasting time and money on some stupid no result level of the bridge to no where or to escape ethics actions. Totally unsupportable bullshit just like all the other fraud that spews from this cult!!!
I really don’t see how they continue to believe they are accomplishing anything- yet it seems that they do. The group refuses to see the truth that is staring them (glaring them) in the face. I can’t help but think that it will soon start crumbling as more news headlines report on issues within the cult- the “good ship folly-spot” (shout out to twitter) is being reported on major news outlets- and although they are probably spinning so fast the smoke is rising, some may start to wonder how these high OTs “pulled” this in.
I think at this point the media would need very little nudging to start looking into the cult again, so I will be back in the letter writing campaign. The open door that was just presented is too good to pass up!
Kat, I don’t know why you don’t know this: just pretend you’ve done a great job! And, that’s it!
“…the only religion that is really changing and bettering conditions for mankind planet-wide.”
Wow. It’s a good thing that I didn’t have a mouth full of coffee. I would have totally trashed my keyboard and screen.
Right, on Chris! This exact statement caught my attention as well. Consider this asinine statement in the context of the photo Mike posted on Thursday of the woman going “Clear” in Venezuela. People in Venezuela are starving, desperate for food, clean drinking water, and medical attention for their children. I know this first-hand because I have personally spent a great deal of time in Venezuela with humanitarian efforts. Not once did I see Scientology there providing food, water, medical treatments, or anything of value. So, the claim that it is the “only religion that is really changing and bettering conditions for mankind planet-wide” is so full of shit that words cannot possibly express my disgust.
I’m not a religious person in any conventional sense. But i know that there are countless numbers of religion-based organizations who care at least as much about the people they’re trying to help than they do about their own spiritual ideology. And you can exclude the COS from that benevolent group.
I’d be on the floor laughing my fucking ass off!
This post is proof of the derangement that happens in the mind when studying L Ron Hubbard.
This is a con man’s dream:
The more money you give, the closer the planet is to being safe and free.
The pride these IAS money givers feel inside the bubble is seen as a mental derangement in the real world.
These people are under a spell of make believe.
That’s what I’ve been say all along. IT’S ALL MAKE BELIEVE!!!
Now don’t get me wrong. It’s fun playing make believe. But when money is involved, it’s not very fun.
mmmm… you mean all that time in the casino was bad too?
WE studied Scientology and did not become deranged.
I disagree that studying Scientology per se makes someone deranged.
I believe we’re looking at people, who, for one reason or another, MUST be right about the Church of Scientology.
To be wrong about Co$ would be, in Hubbard’s words, “too gruesome”.
They might suspect they’ve been rooked.
Evidence ABOUTNDS that they’ve been rooked.
Yet they’ll deny the validity of this evidence.
They can’t confront having been rooked.
So, they go on “believing” because BELIEVING makes them right.
And of course, donate more money!
Doing so makes them feel like their they are 100% right.
And that’s a good feeling!
It assuages their doubts – for a while
Of course this donating makes them even BIGGER fools.
Which they can’t confront.
So they deny it and “believe” even harder than before, and donate again.
And so on, and so on.
This is their trap, I believe.
This is my theory, my opinion, for whatever its worth.
They HAVE TO be right about Co$.
Must Must Must Must must be right about Co$!
They simply CANNOT be wrong about this!
This is the worst mental trap there is.
Its not only Scientologists who do this.
People have fixed ideas about all kinds of subjects, i.e. , delusions about lovers, spouses, children, neighbors, religions, politics, other organizations, etc.
What it boils down to is that in a person’s life there is SOMETHING or someone about which, or about whom, the person has a fixed idea, and MUST “be right”.
about that fixed idea.
Evidence be damned!
To be wrong about it would be too painful, that’s all.
They’d rather go on being fools than confront that they are fools.
Mark Twain had a quote about this.
The sunk cost fallacy. Who would wish to admit their actions and donations were all for naught and they had, in fact, been hoodwinked?
“…we have been working towards the status by making REGULAR DONATIONS” (caps by me). This is something I have been predicting and I think I saw something about it on Thursday Funnies and that is a recurring monthly donation. COB would love to be able to hit that credit card or bank account every month before you are able to make your monthly payments to survive i.e. rent, food, insurance etc. Another prediction is that he will eventually have a ‘tele-thon’ type event on SciTV. Why not? That would really tell him how many are watching at any given moment.
My grandmother in law kept SonlifeTV on 24/7. What is that you ask, why it’s Jimmy Swaggarts own TV network. They have a monthly ‘Share-a-thon’ that lasts for 5 days (sometimes 3). It’s funny they call it a ‘Share-a-thon’ when they share nothing with you but ‘The Word’ all while begging for money and getting lots of it. When SciTV hit the airwaves the first thing I thought about was the ‘Share-a-thon’ Scientology style. Of course SwaggartTV gets way more viewers than SciTV. It is low budget production, almost always live, rarely repeats stuff more than 2 times a day, has a couple of their own TV shows and, this is the clincher, they tell exactly what their religion (Jimmys version of it that is) is all about. Hell they’ll even throw in a Bible with a donation and that tells A to Z what it’s all about. Scientology has people that have been members for 30 years who have no idea what Scientology is all about.
So tldr: I foresee monthly mandatory donations and ‘tele-thons’ on SciTV.
In the pre DM days I doubt that one success story in a thousand mentioned “my religion”. If that’s the current scientology mindset then it gives at least a bit of explanation as to why current scientologists are willing to give money for nothing. Most if not all religions say they have the path to personal and world salvation.
It’s hard to say if Hubbard would have gone the “Our Religion” route and asked for donations like DM since he departed before tax exemption. It sure became a money maker.
“In the pre DM days I doubt that one success story in a thousand mentioned “my religion”. ”
No, not uncommon since the 60’s when Hubtard HEAVILY indoctrinated staff & public that scamology was a religion and made auditors into a religious position.
Memory loss is a symptom of being brainwashed
Laughter – In the 1970’s I only met one person who referred to scientology as her religion. All of the scientologists I hung out with were decidedly NON religious! Let us pray.
BTW I’m not an atheist.
“With all of this easily discoverable by you, you should be feeling utterly ridiculous. Not smugly jubilant. There is nothing great about it. You are being scammed.”
…and you know it if you’d only take the blinders off – the ones that you put on.