Here is one of the vaunted “Volunteer Ministers” that “you support with your donations to the IAS.”
Except your donations to the IAS don’t get SPENT on these Volunteer Minister activities unless there is a video opportunity involved, in which case they pay to fly the video team there and perhaps a VM or two who can put yellow shirts on other people.
GoFundMe is turning out to be a interesting source of real world (as opposed to bubble reality) information about what the IAS is actually doing. He is asking for 50Gs to do VM activities. Drop in the bucket for the IAS.
You may recall Cary Goulston — I featured him in a post where he called for scientologists to cancel their HBO subscription in protest of Going Clear.
Just like the Andrik Shapers page, there is no mention of scientology.
But you can bet your bottom dollar that images like the one below have been used by the IAS constantly to raise funds for the “War Chest.”
Which raises the question: I thought the “War Was Over”, thanks to the IAS?
It’s always good to know “Something Can Be Done About It – As Long As You Give Money.”
Laughable. This is the kind of thing that the IAS is allegedly funding. It’s also funny that he hasn’t raised a single dollar through this “GoFundMe” campaign since everyone knows the money would just go right into the coffers of the IAS or whatever scam du jour is operating (Valley Org perhaps?).
I notice that all forums of x scientologists are so warm,welcoming,never a passive aggressive remark barely ever, so much love! How can so many understanding ppl be SPs? Also if ever a pro scientologist troll appears working there confront or just nasty remarks,are almost always taken with a grain of salt in total apathetic context. never a cruel remark. always a compassionate answer with facts and an offer to help in spite of there abuse,it’s excused. With the understanding,there mindset,can’t be reasoned with until they awake or crack. Always just a genuine plea for the poor shlub to look at both sides. Then the small social media presence of in scientologists are full of nothing but passive aggressive,cruel,hateful,closed minded,abusive,sick,foul, arguments and disagreements. Literally all that was good about scientology has left. Scientology. It is nothing now but sociopathic or completely selfish, or anti social robot people that pay tons of cash to better them self. The clergy is full of broken ppl. That were oppressed in shit countries now so eager to be a powerful decider,with a lust for control stemming from terrible life experience. Evil,scientology so sneaky knows the perfect humans to exploit. Africans,Eastern Europeans,South Asia etc. They never experienced true human rights therefor whatever mental abuse they get they can’t see it as oppression because they experienced worse,so as long as scientology doesn’t oppress them like back home they are content. so sick man!
Isn’t that what the IAS pays for? Are the people in the bubble so blind that they don’t see the millions aren’t being put to use? I mean Orgs are fundraising for buildings & expenses and the IAS is all about making the planet better. As someone who was never in; it blows my mind that no one is asking for transparency. Do they really not question where the money is going? Aren’t the Go Fund Me pages making it clear(no pun intended) that they aren’t getting financial assistance through the IAS? Why should people on the outside donate when SO much has already been donated for VMs and various programs?
What really makes my butt itch with public statements about, concerning in, related to and in general spruking about scientology is, it’s all about prediction for helping others & no facts & no actuality. Like… plenty of sizzle & no sausage.
Even back in the ‘hey day’ of the 80s when scientology didn’t have dlhdm for very long the biggest sprukers for the movement weren’t practicing auditors and the highest money earners for the cult weren’t either. It’s a PR world that’s for sure. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying actual auditors are an answer or anything like that – there’s far too many negative opinions about that to make public statements concerning the subject.
But a common thread of all bullshit is that the one shouting the loudest, demanding the most money is generally the one who knows least about what they are taking about as far as application goes. Politics oozes that crap from sunlight till dawn with experts who couldn’t change a light blub. Bankers who couldn’t run a household budget or probably the worst, police or military commanders who’ve never earned the right to wear a uniform.
But of all the organisations who beg for money the IAS is the worst. Nothing would be more honest or pleasing than to see an honest IAS income/expenditure account. I would be my life that less than 2% of money paid to the IAS is actually used to help people in need (not photographers or PR people either). They guard their income/expenditure as if their life depended on it, which it does.
The other fact emerging concerning the modern scientologist is that they are without doubt the most blinded and stupid people ever to write a check.
In the name of help, many crimes are committed, dm’s scientology tops the list as the most criminally oriented organisation in the history of modern times. If you don’t believe it, let’s see the real books of this tax free charitable organisation, starting with the expenditure of the leader itself and then services delivered.
Sheeeesh, I wish that guy would hand the baby to someone who knows how to hold it.
I guess it’s just a prop to him.
Hi Victoria Pandora, Thank you for pointing this out.The baby looks petrified.I’d be too if I was handed to that person.I guess the baby knew they would be asked to donate $ for the humanitarian work the cos believes it does.And we know where all that goes…Take Care Ann B.
Hi Brian, Thank you kind sir.I’m so glad I graduated away from Ron’s World.& now I can breathe freely & dream that one day all within ” The Prison Of Belief “will leave.All except one & he is going down with that lovely asbestos ridden ship.XO Always Ann B.
LOL! Looks like it got pulled from the funding site. Scamology, dead at last.
I am sure many still in think the IAS is doing so much for humanity. Unfortunately, they are so wrong.
Hmmm. I can’t seem to find this GoFundMe page. Perhaps someone’s knee jerked?
This is in response to Windhorse’s 50/50 tongue in cheek/serious comment:
I hear you and agree as re the blood boiling due to the continual outrageousness of the con that is the Cult of Scientology.
I’m not a Buddhist but I’ve always been of the “can’t we talk this over and try to understand one another and just get along somehow ” school of operating in life.
I hate when my blood boils. I hate injustice!
But then, this IS what’s going on, and it DOES need to END, and, whatever else he’s doing for himself and his family, Mike is doing something very effective toward ending of this cult’s abuses.
However the Cult-Cookie ultimately crumbles, the abuses ARE going to end.
Disconnection as a policy, WILL end.
Fair Game WILL be Game Over.
We’ve got Mike’s satire, his witty turn of phrase, and we’ve got the cult practically satirizing itself with Thursday Funnies, and we’ve got Regraded Being too.
So all in all, we’re getting our laughs with our facts.
Being able to laugh has always been – for me anyway – a big help to confront, extending to the most horrendous incidents in my life.
So during this process I’m ok with my blood boiling almost daily.
Even without the wit and fun provided here, I would force myself to read these facts every day.
This shit cannot be allowed to go on.
And, sure, we can laugh at the same time. Why not?
Aquamarine: As for this not allowing this shit to go on —- well, it will. Billions buy a LOT of longevity.
But we can support those who continue to expose it and I hope we will all continue to do so.
As for laughing. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a usually very understated sense of humor as well as a rather self-deprecating one.
Scientology/dianetics and the crimes committed in the name of LRH/standard tech/church and the “religion” as well as the now tax exempt status (which happened in 1993 or thereabouts) which apparently makes intelligent judges cower … are ALWAYS worse than we think.
Just always.
Some have been harmed deeply. Some just a bit. Some see some of the harm others not so much. Some have died. Some are dying.
But to me — none of more deeply harmed that those who lost their children … at any age through death or disconnection.
My heart continues to break for these people. AND I hope it will always break for anyone who loses through whatever means their family.
Windhorse, thanks for your reply, and I agee, a billion buys plenty of time.
Please don’t think that because I like/need to laugh in order to confront, that I think the cult’s atrocities are actually FUNNY. They’re in no way in themselves funny. But yet, some things can be and actually are.
Was anything about the Holocaust funny? I would think decidedly not.
Yet, Mel Brooks thought so.
He cherry-picked bits and pieces of what was Adolph Hitler’s reign of unspeakable horror, and turned these bits into a hilarious film. The laughs are just non-stop.
So, the point being, if a brilliant Jewish writer can use the Holocaust as grist for his comedy mill, we can use bits and pieces of Scientology’s reign of suppression and laugh also.
This doesn’t mean that what the cult is doing is not harmful, damaging and painful.
i have posted yesterday & today on Go Fund Me site….yesterday’s was removed…
Cary Ghoul-ston, Vulture Minister At Large, demonstrating the magnificent way that Scientology is able to merge begging for money with the White Man’s Burden. Not even L. Fraud Flunk-Out during his “I was Cecil Rhodes, only without Teh Ghey” days could have done better. Bravo, Ghoul. Bravo.
This whole pimp-fest is nauseating in the extreme. It’s got all the elements: racism, patronizing, begging (oh, the begging), more cognitive dissonance for the clams to not recognize…it’s really amazing what they can fit into a GoFuckMe pimp. It’s really no surprise they’ve turned to GoFuckMe. It finally got through their thick skulls that no one’s showing up at events because they’ll get regged to death. However, the regging must continue, so why not do it through the Net?
Money reigns supreme in Scientology. Like that’s a profound and original statement.
Puke !!! This guy is making himself look like a run of the mill humanitarian helping poor children out in other Countries. Next, is Scifitolgy ( lol my fancy creation ) gong to have commercials like the other churches I’ve seeking donations for starving children ? These guys don’t seem to stop at anything ! Lucky not a dime has been donated in three days !
If it’s any consolation, it’s raised exactly $0 in 10 hours. At that rate it will take them….infinity. Yes, this is the Route to Infinity!
I’m sure Doctors and Nurses (why do these people always capitalize job titles like that ? It’s just bizarre…) just luurrve being taught the “tools of knowledge” by people who did not even finish their high school, can’t write decently and speak in gibberish.
I would be so thrilled.
Hi Kemist, Those poor nurses & doctors.If the person pictured came within 100 feet of me & I was a patient I really would feel like I was in a horror movie! How amazing that he felt compelled to help them with their patients.Help them & fleece them @ the same time.What a multi tasker.Scientology continues to open mouth & insert foot.It is pathetic.Take Care Ann B.
Seems like the campaign was removed. Too embarrassing. 🙂
SPs: 1 Cary: 0
Sri Lanka has been recovering from disastrous civil war that lasted for 25 years. I don’t think a few touch assists are going to do anything to help.
This begging attempt is the fruit of Cary Goulston entire $cieno experience. Now he gets to use the brand name of the VM’s and try to get some money for himself. Have no illusions, Cary will come up with some other pictures of him with some other downtrodden people who have been earthquaked or tsunamied or worst of all, volcanoed into some opportunity for scumbags like Cary to make a dollar.
A dollar he will share with DLHDM if he knows what is good for him. This franchise is Cary’s reward for loyal service to the COB. Such franchises are closely guarded and only given to the most loyal. This is how the dwarfenführer keeps some on the hook and in his thrall.
This is why there are web sites that let you see if a ‘charity’ is legit. Goulston would not make that cut in any universe. May Gonesh urinate very heavily upon him.
“Sri Lanka has been recovering from disastrous civil war that lasted for 25 years. I don’t think a few touch assists are going to do anything to help. ”
Hey, hey zemooo, lets not be so negative! The correct C/S is to do a fly over at 30,000 ft and drop a couple million TWTH booklets on the islanders. The seas (and seals) will immediately calm down and all will be well. Just ask ole shit for brains Dave how it’s done! 🙂
Hi Newcomer, Love this post!Those TWTH booklets were a little after my time,but love the vision of the seas & seals calming down as the great David Miscavige drones on in a language only he can decipher.XO Always Ann B.
Can’t find this post on Go Fund Me. Perhaps they took it down?
I was just able to view the GoFundMe website for this VM farce:
Still at $ZERO and counting.
It even had Roger’s comment at the bottom.
You can leave comments on that GoFundMe page. There are 2 currently–1 that says it is a Scientology scam; and the 2nd that “praises” it as being CoS 😉
Thanks Maureen. I couldn’t find it and wanted to read the Mission Statement.
“We have delivered hundreds of workshops, and donated and distributed hundreds of thousands of educational materials”.
DONATED hundreds of thousands of educational materials? The guy is full of shit.
I saw Roger’s comment. Believe it or not, there will some Scientologists who will not get the joke or think that his comment was covertly hostile. They will think its peachy keen and so “theta”.
Here is proof in the pudding that the IAS doesn’t fund Humanitarian projects. The IAS collects millions (has a billion) and then doesn’t spend it. The IAS is nothing but a fraud and a scam.
Here is proof that the parishioners pay for all of the costs of their VM or their humanitarian work. The IAS doesn’t help them with travel costs, food, water, etc. Money only flows one way in the CoS: IN.
Ask yourself, when Katrina hit (one of the deadliest hurricanes in US history) or the Asian Tsunami happened, where was the IAS = The Church of Scientology? No presence. Not there. Zero money donated on behalf of the CoS to relief organizations. Yes, a few VM’s went out and gave assists and helped clean up. A handful of VM’s, compared to the scale of these disasters. The VM’s that went did so at their own expense, and the IAS = COS barely supplied them with a few bottles of water a day.
I saw so many other churches and religious groups donating money, clothing and food. I sent checks to the Red Cross and cleaned out my closets to donate clothing. This gave me pause. I’m just one person; where is the church? I saw the IAS = Church of Scientology do nothing. It was the Asian Tsunami and Katrina that made me see what the IAS really is: A FRAUD. This was the final straw. The jig was officially up for me.
The IAS has no position or relevance in society and is non-existent for the individuals who are working on its behalf.
Shame on the IAS and anyone who supports it.
I guess they took it down.
Interesting. Cary Goulston had such success in getting Scientologists to shut down HBO, he has decided to never mention Scientology again. I wonder if Mr. Bright Spark knows that he is raising money under false pretenses. Scammers used to have to go door to door, or run telephone boiler rooms, but crowd funding is so much easier for idiots who always believe they will get away with fraud.
If Brad Kugler is the son of Ben Kugler, the scam artist apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. There was a whole write up on either Marty’s or Mike’s site about Ben Kugler and his partner who were doing a big planned community for Scientologists in “good standing only” in Clearwater in a shi shi area. Maybe someone who knows the details can tell the story. But what I remember was they got lots of investor money from Scns and then never opened, went bankrupt, and the church had to bail them out by buying the property from them.
“As a Scientologist, Mr. Goulston knows the Church of Scientology is legendary for its compassion and generosity. Mr. Goulston is doing valuable work TEACHING medical doctors and nurses how to better care for their patients. Most impressive Mr. Goulston!”
I couldn’t resist making a comment on the site, the first one. Obviously I have no problem being one point one as I think that position on the tone scale has been unjustly maligned for too long.
Re: The War is Over
Hey, they’re no dummies, they know war is profitable. When one war ends, find a new one. Any one will do. But, for the last decade it appears to be a war on parishioners pocketbooks.
This is actually per their “religious scriptures.” If being “at war” was the cause of the affluence, they are bound by policy to implement that successful action. Anything else would be off-policy. If no natural war or threat is present, they will have to manufacture one.
He was teaching THEM tools and knowledge? Arrogance to the max, if indeed they paid the slightest attention to him.
Which I highly, HIGHLY doubt.
My thoughts exactly gman. I’m sure they saw him as nothing more than a nuisance.
If indeed it ever happened at all… I hope it did though. I’d love to see a Scientologists telling a medical doctor about the genius L Ron Hubbard technology of the touch assist.
We used to say it a different way back home…..go f..k yourself.
That’s what I’m talking about!
Mike — THIS isn’t fair 🙂 — I have a ton of stuff to do and getting completely AMPED UP over what is just absolutely unconscionable begging IN THE NAME of helping … photographed by non-other than one of the RICH KIDS (now an adult) of scientology – Brad Kugler … well …
How can a calm/cool/collected errr buddhist (?) go about her life?
Seriously — this is ALMOST as horrible as Grant Cordone saying how DEGRADED anyone who isn’t rich LIKE him, is.
I am so thankful that because of my own circumstances I am gone gone gone from that horrid group — known as scientology and dianetics.
DID I learn stuff. Of COURSE I did.
But make no mistake — I probably would have LEARNED stuff in a far less mind-bending group that has taken me years and years and years to unwrap and untangle the morass that became my own deluded mind.
Rant over — but PLEASE Mike — be kind. Don’t post stuff that can get many of us who are just too old (joke, kinda) to be able to take the rise in blood pressure from having our blood BOILING,
Good rant Windhorse!
I enjoyed it too!
Hi Windhorse, Great post.My blood boiled for years & years & I still have to untangle the mind from nightmares that pop up & they transport me right back to certain horrible situations with The SO. But then I found this blog & my blood calmed right down.Nightmares sure I will probably always carry those, but when I get down or sad or just discouraged with the cos, I come here & share a laugh, a tear,a hug with all you wonderful bloggers.Mike as long as you fight on I will too.XO Ann B.
Being betrayed by those who are untrustworthy is a graduation Ann. The great hope for spiritual emancipation is alive and well outside Ron’s prison of belief.
“May you find that joyous path that brings undreamed of possibilities for you and yours.”
Brian, founder and sovereign lord of Briantology.
despise deceit
“Lying IS the thread that has woven the tapestry of Scientology. Teachers teach and students learn.”
Brian, founder of Briantology
“I am not interested in wog morality” L Ron Hubbard
Telling the truth could be considered “wog morality”. The doctrine of the all powerful OT, in Scientology cosmology, that creates its own truths, undercuts and is 180% opposite to the recognition of truth itself.
If reality is only an opinion or viewpoint, then to a person who considers themselves the All Powerful God of all perceptions, then lying is only an All Poweful Big Being creation and has no cosmic, universally accepted standard.
This is the legacy of a liar. This is the philosophy of depravity.
Scientology the road to truth: hardly
Nauseating. Creepy. Cant assimilate into society, so he becomes an isolated cheerleading idiot for An isolated deranged idiot.
Slime. Pure Grade ‘A’ USDA assured slime. That kind that if it gets on you, it takes forever to wash it off. The Volunteer Vultures are like the black plague. Nothing positive just negative…
I was in deep – but even though I was under the “influence” – I could see that the VM program did NOTHING for anyone.
Shortly before I left the building – I watched one of the “illegal PC’s (due to being on Psych med’s but wasn’t too illegal to donate $3,000,000 to the building fund and Planetary Clearing Scam) pay to have a member flown to one of the recent disasters to “help”. The LOVE BOMBING worked on this Illegal PC – they milked her/him dry.
Another Illegal PC was milked out of her/his total inheritance so “her/his” parents could “have Scientology” when they came back.
I found out from them later that the parents specifically stated in their will that they did not want the money to go to Scientology….and the girl/guy gave it ALL AWAY to Scientology. ALL OF IT!
I recall that during the event – they showed the video where there were only a tiny group there to “help” give assists.
I had a wognition – The Gold HOTTIES came out and did a video and that is the ONLY thing the IAS pays for.
I would not give another dime to the IAS. What a scam.
“Another Illegal PC was milked out of her/his total inheritance so “her/his” parents could “have Scientology” when they came back.”
Jeeeezus. Just when I think it couldn’t get any worse. That’s Scientology!