It’s always so good to see the results of the billion dollars the IAS has collected at work.
They found a person who handed a WTH booklet to some kids in the neighborhood and they “stopped fighting.”
If ever there was a monumental accomplishment that explains “what your donations buy” it must be this one.
And this is what they CHOOSE to promote? The best they’ve got.
The ultimate….
It is highly likely that this person who gave the neighborhoods kids a copy of this booklet did NOT get the booklet from the IAS. More than likely he or she had to buy their own copy to hand out. AND they are also expected to hand over money to the IAS to “make these vital programs possible.”
Almost certainly the IAS simply steals the “success stories” from the WTH Fdn and then publishes them, saying “one of the things the IAS supports is WTH.”
There was no camera there documenting this person handing over a booklet, so you can bet this was not an IAS activity.
In the normal world, this is called fraud.
Wasn’t the IAS originally the SEF (Safe Environment Fund) Recall the SEF was formed back in the late 70s as the fund raiser to cover the legal expenses of Mary Sue and the others who were ultimately sent to jail after the raids on DC and LA? I recall a number of GO staff running around hitting us up for “donations” to the SEF back then. Has the SEF morphed into the IAS and the “cause” been diverted to money for idle morgues?
No, not exactly. SEF was to fund lawyers for the DC 9. Hubbard blew a gasket when he discovered this had been set up and it was shot down.
The IAS was established originally as a repository for funds generated outside the US to remain outside the US (and thus outside the reach of the IAS). It was formed under Danish law by a Danish lawyer (Jakob Arrevaad) as an “association” with no corporate situs (though its administration and banking was established in Cyprus).
Thanks Mike. Was not aware Hubbard was upset when he found out about the SEF. No wonder it didn’t last long.
And thanks also for explaining the difference between it and the IAS.. I guess all I witnessed by fund raisers for both of them (terrifically hard sell) made me do and “A=A” on it.
The latest Tom Cruise film is in wide release in only a few days. Please support all cast and crew of any film that DOES NOT have Tom Cruise, a scientologist. Any celebrity who financially rewards the criminal organization scientology and benefits from its inhuman acts deserves no support. Ignorance is no longer an excuse.
Tom Cruise is a perfect example of the Stockholm Syndrome: His family was torn apart by Scientology and yet he remains silent not only about his plight but the plight of other families torn apart in Scientology. He is a poster child for the real Scientology: an evil cult that brainwashes their members into total submission.
Well, two things:
1) The story is almost certainly fake. EVEN if it’s not then it’s, guarantee, heavily embellished a la “L Ron Hubbard style” to fake “a win”. I mean, think about how BS improbable this story is. I’m going, like, OH SURE. Have I read Blubbards Way to Happiness you ask? ? As a long time scientology watcher I can tell you I most certainly have. And do you know I was more impressed by a giant pile of hot kangaroo dung that I observed steaming in the hot sun on the side of the road in Australia last year than that POS pamphlet.
2) ???????????????????????????????????Scientology ???????????????????????????????????????
If it’s Scientology, it could always be worse but the IAS is pure corruption and it seems fitting it is at the vanguard of social betterment initiatives by Scientology. Come on now, an unnamed source said that a handful of booklets stopped a couple of kids fighting… geezers! What is more impressive than that? Finger touching tech for trauma patients? Yellow T shirts by the thousands at natural disasters… a plane ride in Travolta’s big bird, what?
This planet is clearer than ever, maybe us apostates are too mean spirited to see that?
well, believe it or not, Hubbard wrote in original 1950’s Dianetics he cleared 270 people, and yet no proof.
And I fell for it, my bad.
AFAICT, there have been ZERO Book 1 clears created by Scientology… or by Tubby, hisself, in the 70 years since that book was pulled out of his ample derrière.
Yes, Scientology/Dianetics and the truth aren’t the best of friends. But you are not alone, lots of people fell for the offer.
Lets not call it Scientology anymore as the tech has been altered so much it should be called Daveism or
Davetology you pick.
Any who the Davetologist left are left over BT’s off a rats ass. Scams, Lies, and we stand tall not.
Oh, sorry for giving a rats ass a bad rap.
Typical. Every year the IAS would steal legal victories they had nothing to do with and feature them as big IAS victories at MV and also the IAS annual event. Contrary to what the public is led to believe the IAS only kicks in for funding of a very small number of Church legal cases, and the vast majority of cases are funded out of org weekly FPs (very often CSI’s weekly FP, but also local org’s). GLF is not even allowed in most cases. But the IAS has no qualms about touting any legal “wins” of any C of S anywhere, to most of which the IAS would not give the time of day.
I can not imagine how Hubbard could possibly be proud of his cult were he alive today. There he’s taught his minions that if you lie–which should be most of the time per his example–lie big, again by the great founder’s example. And breaking up a few fights by a few youths who were undoubtedly just waiting for the right opportunity to put down their fists so that they could put on their reading glasses instead and immerse themselves in these fascinating materials? Really?
Hubbard averted nuclear conspiracy, mastered 3 dozen professions, unlocked the mysteries of the ages one and all, amassed multiple advanced degrees (without ever passing a single class to do it), and collected medals left and right; including some medals that had not even been invented yet–until he did, . And pacifying a few punks is how they follow his example?
But even more importantly, in a lifetime as a con man Hubbard cheated people out of hundreds of millions of Dollars. And here they are bragging about a few Dollars spent o a few cheesy books? Enough to make a fat man shudder!
Anyone care to explain to us never-ins what “Maiden Voyage” is? (If not, I totally understand. 😉 )
It’s an event on their cruise ship, the “Freewinds”, consisting of different bogus presentations each evening, but the maiden voyage is mainly about MAKING ? MONEY ?. If you went, you’d be hounded, harassed, and pestered until you had given far more than you could afford. Many of the documented Scientology suicides were due to utter financial ruin. Like Nancy Cartwright (Bart Simpson)’s late fiancé.
Ms Q…. Here you go
You’d think they’d run the person’s actual name instead of just their initials on such a glowing comment.
Oh, that’s right…. It’s fake.
Last month I went into a really bad neighborhood and spit on the sidewalk. A cop told me yesterday that there hasn’t been an assault in that area in a MONTH!
My Spitting Tek is working!
AWESOME. Tell me: how do you process this oh so holy crime-stopping spit? I live in Rio de Janeiro, we could use gallons of that down here.
AnaF. For Rio you will need to drink 4 ounces of coconut rum blended with one ripe banana & crushed ice. Drink quickly and then face Sugarloaf, make sign of the cross and start spitting.
FANTASTIC. I’m confident even our ultra hardcore criminals here will be startled by such powerful holiness. Many, many thankness for the techness.
You obviously did the saliva rundown.
I did. But, she didn’t want to swap spit.
Fuck?! There are alternatives…
When I was in Scientology – I stopped all of the crime in our City by handing out the WTH booklet.
At least that is what I believed happened.
I am very embarrassed.
That mind fucking goes deep.
This brief comment gets at the root of things, imho: Elron’s crowning achievement was nothing more than a rapid and evidently extremely effective method of brainwashing and mind control, and it scares the shit out of me. The escapees who post here are clearly very intelligent, well-spoken people, and the only way I can understand how they got so deeply sucked into “this thing,” as Leah puts it, is that they were brainwashed–right from the very start.
“Religion” my ass.
Funny how Elron rhymes with Enron.
Hey. On the positive side, you believed your own marketing. You must be very good at it!
Right. They don’t even have to read it. All that’s needed is for the booklet to be placed into their hands. Then the magic begins. The criminal, the lame and the halt, all the multitudes in trouble or in pain. Just touch this booklet.
You ain’t the only one, MG.
My take on parsing Scientology PR is that the reference to “with honor statuses and monthly supporters” indicates that they’re actually counting something relatively new (or dormant, and selected for a big push) – those add-ons to basic IAS membership – and thus can claim “highest evers,” because they started at zero not long ago. This is something they seem to do fairly often now, introduce some sort of new “stat” that they can claim is going up.
We also see this with local org PR, when they’re claiming “highest evers,” it’s actually often referring to the stats of a new staff member – who of course started at zero. The orgs’ (and Scientology’s) overall, historical stats, things like Well Done Auditing Hours (WDAH) and Gross Income (GI) are an inconvenient truth they’re glossing over, that are probably crashed and in “Emergency” status….
It’s interesting to see their sort of addiction to always having to try to portray everything as being “highest ever” and “record breaking” or whatever. I gather that staff and members mostly realize it’s a farce, and yet continue the charade. I assume they will robotically continue it even as Scientology continues to shrink, and someday it is going to get really bizarre when the CofS is quite obviously a mere shell of its former self and yet continuing to make grandiose claims as if things had never been better.
Scientology and even more so DM has to show up statics. In Scientology, ethics and statics are so closely linked as to be two sides of the same coin. If you have high statics of production especially in a sales position you can get away with pretty much anything that isn’t hurting the branding of Scientology. High Statics equals Ethics Protection. Having low Statics means you must be out ethics. Part of this is that the only other acceptable reasons for downstats have already been ‘solved’ by the tech. For example, you can’t keep saying you don’t understand the tech since the church has study tech. Anyway, a large part of how DM is able to get away with his crimes is that he has his
‘false up statics’ to point to in-order to show he is in ethics. And if DM admitted that Scientology was having problems publicly. It would create a huge problem since Scientology has all the answers. Thus the only possible reason are Out-Ethics leadership or Psychs and SPs. Of course, Psychs and SPs can only be effective if people are already out-ethics.
Statistics or stats.
Sure, he has his false up statistics, BUT…but – I’l like to see someone from EVERY Scientology org write Him a letter essentially asking, “Yo Dave! Whassup with my empty org? If we be expanding so goddammned exponentially, why are our voices echoing in the halls here?” Much Love, etc. About 140 or so letters, each asking the same thing. Would He flip out or what?
First policy: Never question Miscavige.
As an aside, isn’t it interesting that the so-called technical bulletins are referenced as HCOBs? Probably a coincidence, right Dave?
Whoa! Wow! Fer sherr that IS quite a coincidence. Surely it had NOTHING to do with the Dwarf anointing himself with thist title…this title seemingly pulled out of His ass,….pulled out of SOMEWHERE because NOWHERE is it on ANY Scientology Org board.
GAT could easily be defined as Dave’s opinions of Ron’s opinions.
Well put!
Michelle MacMahon is grasping at straws, or something less substantial than straws. This ‘contest’ she mentions has a very low bar, one that most Clams could attain. If they wanted to attain that huge level of Maiden Voyage Commendation.
How incredibly lame. But at least Michelle gets to claim some ‘letters sent’ stat. It will accomplish nothing more than that.
Anxiously awaiting the day that Leah and Mike and the whole Aftermath gang take that little snot stain Miscavige DOWN! It is nice to know that they will also be there for the ones who were damaged by this cult.
If / when Leah is Saturday Night Live host. Will definitely be worth watching. .a skit or 2 with her in it. Im sure would win an Emmy…Another stake in Scientology’s ?
Now wouldn’t that be great Shirley?! Excellent thought.
Yes Peggy. Especially since i haven’t watched SNL much since Chris Farley. ..David Spade..Amy Peohler ..Adam Sandler left…Leah would be amazing
I haven’t watched SNL for years Shirley, and not that much even then, but yes, that would be one time I would tune back in.
There is so much about that heartwarming story to love, isn’t there? Since he/she didn’t say this was gang fighting, my guess is that it was a couple of kids scuffling. Unpleasant, but it happens. In that case, any distraction would be enough to interrupt their train of thought.
My favorite part, though, is that the children didn’t even have to READ the booklet. That’s how powerful it is. Just the fact that they held it in their hands unlocked some magical peace between them.
Unless, of course, she just gave them one copy. Then they would have to fight (over who got to rip it to shreds).
Passing out sacred scripture in pamphlet form is actually quite dangerous for the recipients. What would happen if the little tykes went past an ‘MU’ and became confused? They could end up being a raging SP such as myself. This concerned Community Advocate should not only be handing out these precious tomes, if they want a foolproof method of helping these violent little meat sacks, they should sit down with them and use standard GAT II word clearing tech. I suggest Method 7 or 9. This will surely put an end to the fighting these disturbed youths are engaged in. And while their internal squabbles might come to an end, the Community Advocate will most likely get their ass kicked for subjecting them to the ‘tech’.
Isn’t there something in Scientology about “exact time, place, form and event” that’s required in auditing? I wonder how come there’s so little detail about this incident where a couple of WTH booklets magically quelled a vicious conflict.
Scientology = Do as they say, not as they do – or else.
The last still in scientologists are the people who after they saw the emperor has no clothes on OT VIII became so excited that they decided to remortgage their house,ransack their kids college funds and run up bill cc bills to bring these beautiful clothes to humanity.I used to feel sorry for them.
Their kids don’t need college, they are in the Sea Org. Besides, LRH routinely denigrated higher education, being a college dropout himself. See his records:
I feel sorry for the kids. Trained for nothing, completely unqualified to make their own way in the world. Totally propped up by their parents and lovingly plopped right into that demographic with the highest crime and the lowest income, and to make their plight even more pathetic and ludicrous they don’t even realize how they’ve been shafted. If they dropped out of high school they arent’ even employable at McDonald’s. Yet these Scientology kids think they’re the elite of the world. That’s what they’re told, by their parents and friends and by their orgs. Good thing for them that a number of these clueless teens and 20 somethings have parents with family businesses – their parents will always employ them.
Wow, what a non story, assuming of course it’s true, knowing the cult’s fondness for lying. You could get better results giving those kids an Xbox, but hey, where’s the money in that?!
As Michelle is counting on me to be part of the RECORD BREAKERS, I am counting on her to continue scamming people with more vapid announcements in order to bilk “donations” from the dwindling supply of kool-aid drinking Scientologists.
“In the normal world….”.
The church of scientology is so far from “normal.” In its own words it’s a “suppressive group.”
I was just thinking yesterday nothing is more suppressive than scientology. And David Miscavage is the most suppressive person I can think of!
Always incredible!
Same fraud is used for Human Rights program social betterment program . The irony of this is how extensively Scientology violates TWTH tenants and Declaration Of Human Rights tenants.
Let’s add “hypocrisy” to the “fraud” label. I’ve observed that Scientology can take anything remotely positive and turn it into a scam.
Exactly. Then its MAA’s and Ethics Officers use the cockamaime PTS tech to not only convince its members that their family or friends or colleagues are “on the dark side” (PTS or SP) but that they are if they don’t agree. It really is too bad this church can’t be sued for libel/slander because damages because of its “tech” can be proven.
Doesn’t MAA stand for my answers asshole?
He was a proud member of the IAS.International Association of Suckers.
If in the normal world this is called fraud, in Scientology’s bubble is called ‘never before in history there has been such a super extra incredible terrific expansion’!…and whatever else Sherman-speak could add.