Following up on the recent post about Orlando some Special Correspondents sent in some information about other “ideal orgs” which I thought I would share.
The Boston Org has now had to move out of the building they have occupied for decades and into rented facilities because in typical “ideal org style” they completely screwed up their planning.
A lot of money was spent to renovate the “old” org building and it was one of the nicest scientology orgs on earth location and building wise (not counting the marble palaces of late). Then the “ideal org” madness set in.
To make a long story very short, they sold their historic home in order to get enough money to buy a new place that was “adequate” for an “ideal org.” But of course the buyers actually wanted to take possession of the property they purchased, and OF COURSE there was no way Boston could raise the money to renovate the “ideal org” in the time frame that they “postulated” before they would have to vacate the old Beacon St premises. The sad story rolls out from there.
Here is the original Boston Org on Beacon St.
Here is the new “ideal org” — which like the “ideal orgs” in Detroit, Philadelphia, Chicago, New Haven, Kansas City, Montreal, Battle Creek and other places around the world — is falling into disrepair and has not even STARTED renovations (they probably don’t even have enough money for the “Planning Fundraise” to be called a done.
The “most urgent strategy for clearing the planet” is only “urgent” in the pitch to collect money. RTC, CSI and IAS would rather see these buildings sit empty and decay than invest any CHURCH money in them. Even when an org like Boston, the “model org” for accomplishing “St Hill Size” mentioned specifically by L. Ron Hubbard in his “Birthday Game” issues, has to slink off to a rented space out in the suburbs. They didn’t pay rent at Beacon St, so now they not only have to raise the many millions required to get their “planning approved” and then “renovations phase done” — they have the added financial stress of now paying rent AND no longer being in the location where they have been FOR 40 YEARS.
Many business have failed utterly because they moved. Scientology’s brilliant “managers” are going to have this org move TWICE. Because they sold their perfectly adequate building in the hopes of collecting enough money to get a much bigger building they don’t need, and of course, that hope was just that. If “postulates” bought buildings I would be living in Buckingham Palace. But that’s not how things work in scientology — if you don’t go along with “command intention” (in this case, “get into an ideal org now”) you are a CICS (counter intentioned c**ksucker). And in a self-fulfilling prophecy, the PROOF that the staff in Boston are in fact “CI” is that they have not “made it go right” and have now lost their building.
Here is where they have moved into. The third floor of this building at 1515 Hancock St Quincy Mass. They also have a storefront that will allow them to bodyroute everyone who walks by that has never heard of Google.
Possibly, this will be the final nail in the coffin of Boston Org. It seems unlikely they will EVER move into their “ideal org” and they will languish in Quincy, slowly going bankrupt like Philly, Chicago, Detroit and many other orgs across the US and the world.
Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara is another “Orlando” story.
They announced to their field that they were purchasing an “ideal org” building just off the 101 Freeway in Ventura. It was another “perfect” ideal org — out in an “office park” area inaccessible other than by car with no restaurants or other facilities nearby, it would be the perfect “ideal morgue.”
This was the property they selected:
Here is how they promoted it in August last year:
Miscavige even announced at one of his Voldemort Graduations: “Santa Barbara and Vancouver both made a giant step forward to obtain their respective buildings, and they will be announced as soon as the deals are finalized.” (Funny, this reminds me that I should check up on Vancouver as they too have their own “ideal org” clusterf**k nightmare).
Of course, they used this “fact” (just like Orlando), to try and pry money out of their handful of public.
And like Orlando, they are the red-headed step child of the WUS Juggernauts who are making the entire WUS “ideal” — starting with California. You see a lot of hype about Valley and Silicon Valley and even some about San Diego. Santa Barbara is left to fend for itself. Their “Alliance” is with Pasadena in the “California Coastal Alliance” — but Pasadena is ALSO part of the “LA Alliance” to get Valley done.
Poor old Santa Barbara. This was complete pie in the sky.
Well, here is reality.
The building was sold on August 8th, 2014 — but not to the church or any church entity. To the Ventura County Credit Union. They paid $7.7 million.
Santa Barbara is not going to raise $7.7 million this century.
But they used this to “sell” the urgency of “giving money.”
Funny, no announcement now of their change of plans. Probably the people trying to reg money are still using photos of the building they are never going to buy as a “postulate.”
The state of the existing Scion Buildings, ideal or not, seems to be disrepair, except for the newly opened over the top Hyatt Regencyish one on Clearwater, which is barely used. This has always been a conundrum for me, a truly blessed never inner.
How are the current koolaiders deluding themselves into believing their ‘religion’ is moving on up when the evidence is RIGHT IN FRONT of their eyes? Has everyone bolted except for a few hardcorers who have OJ Simpsoned themselves into believing nonsense, and the brandnewers who have no idea(l) about anything?
Let me guess: Title the old Boston Org was held by the local Org. Title to the new property is held by the Int. Landlord, under little Davey’s micromanaging thumb, so he ‘owns’ it for all practical purposes although it was paid for by the local parishioners. From the runt’s perspective this is all to his profit, straight up and vertical, no matter what happens with the new building.
I have said this before:
All of these empty Ideal Orgs, the solution is turn them over to MORMONs
to be managed. When you got people to fill them up reclaim the spaces as you need them.The Mormons will rent them out as office spaces and massage parlors small businesses and make a profit. Big Cash Cow !
No,No, No can’t do that , its BAD, don’t listen to the bitter defrocked apostate
raving SP.
I wish Jeannie Sonnenfeld could be interviewed. I’d love to have 5 hours of her time.
Does anyone have Jeannie’s phone number?
Jeannie runs the Cinncy/Florcence “Ideal Org”, she’s significantly helped make past large orgs, and she’s still in the game, Cinncy won the Birthday Game a couple years back now.
If one of the long term Idea Org execs could be interviewed, candidly about Scientology in house history, that would be significant to get from the local “successful” Executive Director position, the ups and downs of all the various income source lines that keep an Ideal Org that was a somewhat legitimate operating org going.
Does anyone have Jeannie’s cell phone number?
[email protected]
These building scams are such blatant fraud. I see a giant lawsuit in their future.
That “old” Boston Org building was beautiful!
What a typical SP Miscavige is. He really goes “by the book”…..the book that lists the 12 characteristics of an SP, that is. He uses LRH policy as toilet paper. Ideal Orgs? Read the LRH Policy. Then, if you can figure out what DM’s off-policy definition of “Ideal Org standards” is then maybe you can figure out the logic behind what they have been doing in Boston. But I doubt it, because logic doesn’t have a place in these decisions any more than LRH policy does.
Did any of these people ever read LRH’s admonition against “unmocking a working installation”?
Here is a demo on that concept for the benefit of Int “Management”:
(1) Look at the photo of the “old” Boston building. (I have taken many a pleasant walk in this historic district which is really close to everything.)
(2) Then look at the picture of the “new” piece of crap they have purchased.
(3) Then look at the picture of the rental. In Quincy?! How’s the foot traffic in Quincy, guys?
Repeat steps 1,2, & 3 as necessary until you understand what “unmocking a working installation” means.
Sounds like a perfect description to me.
Possibly Futile Logic Alert:
For any lurkers on the fence or under the radar.
Let’s suppose there’s a family of 4: husband, wife, 2 children, and they live in a small, 2 bedroom house. Their mortgage is affordable. They can pay their bills. OK. Now, this couple plan to have 2 more children but they know that the house they’re in will be too small and that with 4 kids they’ll need at least 4 bedrooms and more likely 5 once the 2 older ones are in their teens plus he wants a home office, and she has always wanted a sewing room, and then there’s his over-educatd and under-employed younger brother who comes for extended visits, so they really need a guest room…what they’re looking at is a 7 bedroom house.
And this couple has the very solid consideration that they cannot and absolutely must not have any more children UNTIL they have purchased, furnished and relocated themselves into their Ideal Home – a 7 bedroom McMansion.
Now, lets say that someone dies in the family and leaves them enough money for a down payment, and they obtain a large mortgage on the strength of their good credit , and reliable incomes, they buy their big new dream house, with plenty of room for the children they already have and plan to have, and they move in.
Now they have to heat this place, air condition this place,landscape it so they fit in with their upscale neighbors. The property taxes are out the roof. They have to charge up their credit cards to re-furnish immediately because their old furniture looks shabby in this new place. Now, she can’t get pregnant because she has to keep her job full time so they can afford the mortgage. Several years go by and this couple still has 2 kids. They can’t afford the time, effort or expense of more children because all of their time, money and effort are going into maintaining this house the very house that they believed they had to have in order to expand their family. But their family hasn’t expanded at all, just the space that the family occupies. And by this time their older kid will be going to college in 2 years, which will make 3 of them living in this huge house they bought so they could expand their family. Without more children, their family is shrinking..
Allright, now, first question is: Do you know of ANYONE – any family, any average IQ family – who would operate like this?
Neither do I.
Question #2: Would YOU operate this way?
I think not.
But,. listen up, people: THIS IS the premise, the entirely UNWORKABLE premise, upon which David Miscavige’s Ideal Org Program is based, to wit: “FIRST you must have, THEN you can do”.
IT DOESN’T WORK! Never has, never will. Nothing EVER “expands” this way – honestly!
Good night.
I think a more accurate comparison would be a small family, with one 8 year old child, live in a two bedroom house that is almost all paid off and bills almost all within their budget. They decide they want to expand their family, and have 6 more kids. So they move into a $1.5 million dollar home, which they renovate so it has 14 bedrooms. You see each “new” kid will be a genius and need it’s own personal live-in tutor. They will also need a classroom in the new home and a fully updated media center and computer room with all the latest equipment so the “future” kids will have all the latest and greatest access to technology. (Never mind all the technology they spend tens of thousands on will be totally out-dated by the time the non-existent kids hit 10 years of age when they might actually make full use of such things.)
So they move into a 16 bedroom home that’s totally unaffordable. They start training and hiring tutors for the future kids. They buy all the classroom materials and computer technology needed for 6 kids. They fill all the closets with the latest clothes they just know these future kids will want to wear. The wife and husband take on extra jobs to try and afford all this, plus start maxing out their credit cards. They totally neglect the one child they do have, who starts acting out and wandering the streets. After a few run ins with the law for petty vandalism and other small offenses he asks to go live with his grandparents out-of-state. The parents agree to let him go, since all their energies need to be devoted to the new, improved children they will soon have.
However, the couple finds they are totally exhausted and with all the effort and expense – no new kids are forthcoming. Their big home, expensive facilities, and 10 live-in tutors are all going to waste. They don’t have the money to adopt, so they look into taking in some foster children so all facilities and tutors aren’t going to waste. (Just to be clear, the foster kids are the NOI) So they take in 3 foster kids, but they are already teenagers and aren’t following the program the parents envisioned. They seem to have their own set of goals and only use the expensive computers and live-in tutors for their own purposes.
The parents decide maybe building a new pool, buying exercise equipment and hiring a personal trainer will help boost their energy and health levels, and help them get pregnant. So they use their remaining bit of credit to do so, but still no new children are forthcoming.
Finances are getting tight and they can’t pay their bills. They look to family members to loan them some money. But, their one child wants nothing to do with them and has told his grandparents and extended family all about their insanity – so now the entire family thinks they are crazy and resents them for neglecting their only child. The parents are appalled at the lack of support (i,e, money) for their plans so they turn their backs on all of their family members.
Then the creditors start filing suit, the bank starts foreclosing procedures, the tutors are all quitting because they haven’t been paid in months, their heat gets turned off……..
SunnyV, thank you. You took my basic concept hurriedly written, made it far more accurate, inclusive of all pertinent factors and illustrative. Beautifully written.
Aquamarine your idea inspired me to extrapolate and do a real world comparison to the ideal org insanity…it’s hard to capture just how stupid and crazy it all is but we can try!
Aqua, I’ll modify your example a bit. You have an INFERTILE couple who want to have 20 children (in the natural way). They live in a 1 BD 1BA house. Infertility treatments don’t work. SO, they get the bright idea of buying (100% on high interest credit) a 21 BD 25 BA, 10 acre estate as they figure if the buy it, the babies will magically appear.
OMG, Swampland, I’m cracking up!
And I just realized that what you and I and SunnyV have been illustrating is – are you ready?- Ladies and Gentlemen, we introduce
For dramatic, immediate expansion on ALL of your dynamics!
Now you’ve done it Aqua. You know that Miss Cabbage reads this blog and every response DAILY? How long before we see your “FIELD OF DREAMS TECH!” roll out?
If anything, good fucking riddance.
That place was a pain in the ass getting protest permits for, due to Beacon Street being a residential area.
On top of that, they either social engineered or had people within the adjacent buildings having bitch-fits whenever anonymous showed up, playing every part the “concerned citizens”. I’ve personally been threatened with death by some of these supposed tenants. It was always the SAME people, though, and a small number.
Now they’re in commercial property, in an office building. The advantage is clear if there are ever future protests by anons.
Same goes for the Ideal Org property.
Hey Mike,
I hope we get an update on Vancouver. From what I’ve gathered, nothing’s been done in at least three years as that’s the last time either of the two websites that show up for “ideal org Vancouver” has been updated. I am dismayed that there are people in my neck of the woods who fell for this scam, but the good news is that Vancouver has the highest real estate prices in the world. If they do ever find that perfect building for Miscavige, it will either be out of their league price-wise, or it will be like many of the idle orgs I’ve seen which are good buildings but in out-of-the-way locations which will never get foot traffic. Seriously, who puts a church in an industrial park?
The current location is Hastings St. It’s in the downtown eastside, which is infamous for its drug problems and such, but on the other hand it is one of the main streets into and out of the downtown core, and that street does feature a lot of visibility and foot traffic. Leaving that location for something bigger and grander will be, like the rest of the ideal orgs, a boondoggle.
Mike mentioned something that hasn’t really clicked with a lot of Exes, but it’s something as a Never-In that I’ve understood for a long time: visibility and foot traffic are irrelevant. No one is going to be body-routed into an org, mission, or test center ever again, thanks to smartphones and Google. That era is dead.
This seems to be one of the last principles of Scientology that Exes hang on to. I have no idea why. If you’re an Ex who still believes that location vis-a-vis body routing is important to an org’s success, can you give me a reason why that doesn’t involve an LRH quote? I’m not being snarky for once; I really want to know.
Espiano, I can’t quote you the exact LRH reference but in one of his HCOPLs there is a list of factors which include accessibility to housing and transportation so that an org can be easily reached. That said, you’re right, body routing as a viable means of procuring new public is a thing of the past, and no matter how accessible an org is, no matter how much foot traffic there may be, once an internet search is done, its all over, and The Church of Scientology
s PR is so bad that in the USA it is at best a joke and at worst a ruthless, money grubbing cult to be avoided at all costs. A good example of this is New York Org, which I scoped out last time I landed in Manhattan in that area. Its in Time Square, the Crossroads of the World, if you will, and hundreds of thousands if not millions of people are in Times Square every normal day – for business, for pleasure, in transit, for tourism, etc. We could barely move on the sidewalks there were so many people. But, NYOrg? – dead, baby. People know.
And, Espiando, I’d like to add, as regards New York Org, I am told that this was an org whose renovation and furnishings were fully funded by the IAS, to the tune of either 11million or 18 million (I heard two different versions but both confirmed that the IAS ponied up for this – Mike would probably know the exact figure) so the emptiness of this org cannot be blamed on its parishioners being bled dry. I was told that public had held a few fundraisers and raised about 300K over a few years. So what would be New York org’s excuse for its emptiness and failure. Inquiring minds want to know. Must be all those psychs in New York City. Or the staff are all out-ethics. Pick something – any Why Is God will work, except the Internet. Oh, excuse me: “Why is God” = Scientologese for an explanation for a non-optimum situation which is merely an excuse and does nothing to solve the problem.
The way I see it, the “church” of Scientology is caught in a whirlpool that they can’t get out of. By 2002 the mighty Flag Service Org (FSO), that produces more delivery and income then the rest of Scientology combined, had steeply down trending (Danger) statistics across the board. Approximately $100,000,000
had been lost to the Lisa McPherson fiasco. Orgs and Missions around the world were in a pathetic state.
The Freewinds couldn’t dream of supporting itself and was a welfare ship. Scientology’s main public and supporters were waiting for an OT 9 and 10 that didn’t exist. International Management was torn apart and under siege by Miscavige who considered the base was just completely full of SP’s.
The following are some of the unusual solutions that followed:
1. A full out push for donations that didn’t require an exchange of actual service.
2. Give the stalled and unhappy public screaming for the release of OT 9 & 10 a new game – redo the Bridge again at their own expense. Also include repurchasing all the books and materials. Blame it all on “SPs” and LRH. Pretend to be saving the day.
3. Declare as SP anyone with CI to #1 and #2 above. Use disconnection and intimidation via OSA agents and PIs in an effort to enforce obedience. This included International Management itself.
4. Make it impossible for public too get their unused money on account returned to them. Despite this being in direct violation of the refund policy held since the 1960’s.
5. Spare no expense in labor and money to provide the smoke and mirrors needed to convince staff and remaining Scientology public that all was well and the “church” was expanding like never before. Thus public would invalidate the obvious outnesses they were seeing and continue to play along.
6. Tighten the leash on public and staff in an effort to maintain information control and seek out “CI”.
Create more and more of an internal police state.
As #1 – #6 above creates worse PR, more legal cases, less active public, less staff, less delivery, more failing orgs and Missions, etc the solution is INCREASE #1 – #6 above. Brilliant!!!!!
That is the whirlpool Miscavige is steering the ship down as he stares at the Assets and Reserves graph, with a tall glass of scotch in one hand and the remote for his tanning bed in the other.
Really great post, Matt.
Yep…..that about covers it!
Thanks for your insight Matt. It amazes me how well #5 and #6 have worked. Once the smoke gets cleared and the mirrors get smashed, it will come crashing down.
The question is are they still taking in more “donation” money than they are burning through? It seems like they wouldn’t be but with 1.5 billion on the books, it makes one wonder. I can’t wait for the inevitable crash-and-burn and thank you to people like you and Mike for making it happen sooner rather than later.
Another Stream of Consciousness Alert:
I know that applying logic is futile when someone is insane like Miscavige, but I still wonder if he ever considers how, leaving aside paying their bills, and eating and so forth, ordinary non-whale Scientologists can afford to donate handsomely to Ideal Orgs and the IAS while at the same time buying their auditing, their training packages, 2 meters, etc. But then, if one of your key substats is “Number of people made wrong”, then the sheeples’ not buying this because they donated to that, or not donating to that because they bought this, and them feeling badly about what they didn’t buy or donate to, and the staff feeling badly about what they weren’t able to convince the sheeple or buy or donate to – all this would all contribute to his Number of People Made Wrong Stat as part of his SP Ideal Scene for any given activity. Brrh… I just got a chill, and it isn’t from the air conditioning.
I agree. It is humanly impossible to not be a “person made wrong” if you do everything they tell you to do. You will be bled dry, not be able to donate more and that will make you “wrong”.
Hello all! I am a never-in, but I was moved to say this….If that last promo piece, which communicated the status of those Ideal Orgs after more than 10 years, doesn’t wake some of the sheeple up, nothing will. Surely at least some will wonder WTF? I would not only be wondering where all the money has gone, but be paralyzed at the realization that the church will be regging me for ten more years, only to STILL not have them completed!
Wow. The Boston Org was so impressive. I first saw it in 2000 when Bob Minton and Stacy Brooks held a small protest there with Tory Christman just a few days after she left the group. The building was beautiful. I was less impressed by the way we were greeted.
“Parents, Children, Communication….”
Hey Guys, David Miscavige is completely honest about his intentions. He states ” I am going to BOOM scientology, and its going to go STRAIGHT UP and VERTICAL”.
“BOOM!” as in blow sky high, “BOOM!” as in blast into a million tiny seperate pieces.
At the end of DM’s reign, people will be able to say “Well, Scientology sure went BOOM – and a million little pieces went STRAIGHT UP and VERTICAL. He always said he would do it, and by god he was as good as his word.”
I see that a chunk of change was donated to the Santa Barbara Ideal Org, and then the building was sold. I know some of the names on the promotion above and wonder if anyone doesn’t question where their money went since the “Ideal Org” was sold off. Someone has to be thinking about this, unless they just don’t care, like it was a needed tax deduction?
Whenever I see the phrase “Move up in Status NOW!” such could be inducive to causing vomiting (if one was PTS to management etc.) But when I see the phrase in various “promo pieces” I sometimes think of an English guy (staff and a well trained auditor) I knew who told me he was at one of the first lock down events at St. Hill for IAS in the 80s and he was so disturbed at what was occurring that he had to stop the car on the way back from St. Hill and vomit in the ditch. I’d say that was an appropriate and correct reaction in such a case. When an IAS Speaker gets up on the stage the perfect response would for all present in the crowd to start vomiting like the girl in the Exorcist! These people have stabbed LRH in the back with all this nonsense. Gives meaning and “mass” now to the HCOB “Misrepresentation of Dianetics and Scientology”.
The planned “Santa Barbara Ideal Org” was actually to the south and down the 101 in the city of Ventura. The facility was the old Affinity HQ.
I have been there a few times on business over the years. The building is actually quite beautiful. I checked online and the site is 9.7 acres, 512 parking spots, and an ocean view. I’m surprised Miscavige didn’t snap it up purely as a “buy and hold” investment and then lease it to some wog biotech firm that can’t afford Santa Barbara or Goleta. IMO, this facility looks like it should be a biotech HQ.
Miscavige had Social Betterment Properties Int’l acquire Larry Hagman’s mansion in Ojai for $5,000,000, That property is on 32 acres. Aside from using the property — as Mike Rinder noted — for a luxury Narconon drug rehab (or perhaps a Luxo-Introspection Rundown babysitting manse) the former Hagman Estate has no real practical use other than as a private mansion. Before he passed away, Mr. Hagman said he believed his throat cancer and pre-luekemia were caused by the high tension lines that had been erected right next to his property some years prior.
The old Affinity HQ was listed at $9.7 million in 2011. If nothing else, CSRT could have purchased it outright and had the Church use it as a PR filming location. What Mike noted is correct however: This place has no foot traffic whatsoever and never will. Located on a frontage road next to the 101 northbound, the building is on a dead end street. You can’t even see the place from the freeway due to the eucalyptus trees in front of the building.
Better call in the chainsaw crew from Clearwater to open things up. Don’t worry about permits Dave, you are too important a dude to bother with stinkin permits. Cut those frickin trees down and don’t look back.
Selling that building in Boston and buying a dilapidated replacement at the cost of having to move into rented quarters while it’s all put together makes absolutely no sense, until you look at the opportunities for the sleight of hand that it all creates.
I’m more than sure that it goes like this; a building is found that will cost a few mill, then the CofDM costs out the renovations, adds a margin, plans to stock it with their own over priced chattels; electronic displays, simulators, films, books, tapes and meters, then adds another margin. Next they tell the field to pay for it, raise money and mortgage their house, dog and cash in their kid’s college funds and their own retirement plan. Because the whole agonised future of every man woman and child depends on it.
He now sells the old building and puts the cash into the Sea Org reserves (or is that the David Miscavige retirement fund?) after the mugs move to the new site, then Int landlord adds the rent to the new org FP. The people that sacrificed everything to pay for it now struggle and work for nothing so that DM has a ‘return’ on *his* investment.
The org never does any good, roll out the new scam to salvage all orgs, an International dissemination studio.
The man is a criminal genius and will be remembered in the same light as the great evangelic scam artists and the Jim Jones’s that have pock marked our history.
Thanks for what you do Mike.
When I was still-in, a basic Ideal Morgue reg strategy was to conflate postulates with reality.
This how it was done: Public would be invited to a “showing”, a video and a fly thru, of some building, and told, “This is our new building”.
A simple declarative sentence, right?
Not, “We would like this to be our new building”, or “We are considering this as, etc”, but “Here it is, this is our new building, and this is how much we’re going to need in order to complete the sale.
Then they regged us for the donations.
This didn’t make much sense to me but I wasn’t paying too much attention to Ideal Morgue Fundraising at that time.
However, not long after this first screening of “our new building” I happened to find out they hadn’t even put a bid on this building,and in fact, the building wasn’t even officially on the market for sale, although it was empty.
I queried this with an org ethics terminal who attempted to explained it all away by saying that they were “Postulating new realities”.
I had another term for it: Fraud.
That was the beginning of my feelings of doubt, mistrust and contempt, well before I even started reading the blogs.
“Postulating new realities” wow. Of course from an organization which encouraged “postulate checks” then accused you of being out ethics if you wrote a bad check and didn’t cover it, I guess that makes all kind of sense sadly.
Come to think of it, if a used car salesman had hard sold me to buy a car by pushing me to write a check then “make it go right” to get it covered before it cleared the bank, who would be culpable if it bounced – the salesman, me, both? Where does the fraud begin, where does it end?
My husband and I discussed once that religion is for those people who need to repent on Sunday because they do so much bad the rest of the week they need something to make them feel better.
It seems like the hardest core Scientology adherents boast of their integrity while telling the boldest lies, perhaps that is why when we were in Scientology we were taught that we were so much better superior to others – it was the only way we could live with continually giving away pieces of our soul for the sake of our religion.
I always hated the way the cult used financial blackmail to get what they want.
In Seattle they promised us that we could make payments on the Idle Org so a bunch of us got the earnest money together and put the down payment on the building. THEN they said we COULD’NT do payments so we had to get all the money together for the building or we would LOSE the earnest money.
It was this kind of shit that made me think that the people that were running this circus were truly fucked up.
Here I see it all over again and it looks like this is intentional not just stupidity. Maybe it’s both. I mean when you get people PTS to a little dictator and they are scared for what little lives they have then they start doing dumb shit things. I really hope more people wake up so we can get rid of this bozo in my life time.
The “GOTCHA”move , explain the truth you get Disconnected from your family,
discover the whole truth your a Declared S.P.
Then amazingly enough conditions improve, health gets better,life gets better.
Me too Tony. I’d love to see the big donators sue for the buildings. Don’t beat yourself up for being generous and trusting, such wonderful qualities. They are the lying, extortionist assholes.
RTC has “Haunted House OSIS”
Take sixteen buckets of Prozac with ten gallons of Scotch and call me in hundred years
I notice in the pictures, San Diego is stamped “fundraising complete” over the picture of a gigantic building.
That building pictured was sold wasn’t it? If so, where did the millions of dollars go that parishioners donated to buy that building.
Dave is ‘churning’ his real estate portfolio to increase his take.
Where’d the money from the sale of the Boston org go?
To buy their new White Elephant that they cannot move into as they don’t have the money for the lavish renovations required…
Good question. Where did the money go from the sale of San Diego Org?
I guess you’d have to have some Texas roots to know this……but at one time Texas was a country.
So was Bavaria. Both of them ceased being countries in the mid-19th Century. You don’t see any Funnies from Munich Org saying that if they go Ideal, Bavaria will be the first Ideal Country. That’s because Germans, even German Scientologists, are sensible.
This is not a scientology thing (“Cleared Texas” is). It is a general mindset in Texas that they are their own country and don’t do things the same as the rest of the country. If you havent spent any time there, it’s difficult to grasp the ethnic.
Lived there for a couple of years, did all nine months of my Army training in the state, and have relatives who are from there thanks to an unwise marriage by my cousin. I know the mindset quite well. Texas scares me, as it should Miscavige. They are very different down there.
Don’t Mess With Texas. :o)
Thank you Mike, the posting reminded me of ODD (Organizacion de Dianetica) in Mexico City where they have fallen 1 1/2 year behind paying rent and are about to be evicted.
Also, building morgues in the ‘Capital of the World” – Los Angeles – is another sign of disaster as this, and surrounding areas, are filled with people that have left the Church looooong ago, either publicly or ‘under the radar’.
Disaster and collapse are just looming right at the nose of their dear leader.
Every time I see “Texas, the First Clear Country” I giggle
a. Scientology does no business in Texas, remember Davie boy?
b. Texas was a state when I was a child, when did it become a country?
But, I guess if WUS is a continent, then Texas is a country in that continent. Word clearing anyone?
The Beacon Street building is gorgeous! What a shame. Such a beautiful piece of real estate. The new building can’t hold a candle to it even when renovated.
Valerie — it is ironic. This phrase “Texas The First Clear Country” was coined by Dean Stokes…. SP MIssion Holder.
When I was on staff there, Dean Stokes was a wild man. Ironically, there were 35 mission staff who all lived in the building. The course room was full and there were three full-time auditors.
However, that was in the 70’s. Different times.
Yeah, I’m old enough to have known Alan and Dean back before they were SPs.
It looks like there was CI on the Ideal Org program in Boston, and for good reason! That building was beautiful. I bet there are a few ARC broken New Englanders reading this right now!
Show me a member of the Cult that is not in the middle of an ARC X.
Less than a no affinity for the ‘Wog’ world they are trying to clear, complete un-reality on the current situation and cutting communication with any and all as fast as possible at the slightest hint that not all is well in Ding Dongdom.
“Ding Dongdom” is that special place in the world where you go after consuming Kult served Kool Aide and other assorted Daveshit.
LOL – that’s an accurate description of the members I know. They just love Ding Dongdom, and will stay there forever, unless Miscavige personally gives them the go ahead to start thinking again.
Don’t hold back, Coop!
Eventually they will have the ultimate ARC-X, when they realize Scn does not deliver what they promise. No Clears, No OTs, No Total Freedom.
This is the EP of your Scn experience.
The Beacon Street building is indeed beautiful. What was deemed wrong with it, does anyone know? Too small, maybe? What a shame and a waste.
Not big enough for an “ideal org” and lacking a large space for the FART Div 6 which is THE thing that booms these ideal orgs….
So much incompetence can only be intentional. DM’s postulate? Ruin scientologists utterly.
Succinctly put! It’s ALL intentional! His mantra is “SHOW (GIVE) ME THE MONEY!”
OSD — I agree but as I have commented a few times now, I don’t think it is about “the money” as much as it is about control. Sure he gets satisfaction looking at the “Total Reserves” graph which never really goes down and just keeps accumulating more and more, but I believe it is the measure of control he has over people that gives him the satisfaction a sociopath derives from dominating/hurting others. Continuing to get people to give you money which is a) not in their best interest and b) is a transparent scam is a direct reflection of his ability to lord over his flock. It’s hard to get into that sort of thinking. It’s insane. Martha Stout described it perfectly in The Sociopath Next Door.
“It’s hard to get into that sort of thinking.” Yes, it is.
But I have observed powerful people (not sociopaths) negotiae ruthlessly over small sums of money, not because they needed the money, but because they could, because negotiating is their GAME, and they LOVE this game, it is their PLEASURE, the playing of it, the ferreting out of the weaknesses of their opposition, punching around for whatever seems possible to extract with the goal of “Better off in my pocket than in yours”. These men might state that they need the money but they don’t. Its the game that they love and need. It exhilarates them. They play to win but they are social personalities who have no interest in ruining or destroying, because if they did that then they would be
Now, if I take this concept of loving and needing a game, of living and breathing for a game when one is already endlessly rich, and apply it to what David Miscavige does to people, against their own interests and against the interests of Scientology, then I can think with it. Its his own sick game. It isn’t really for money per se anymore, rather, the money is an index of how much control he has, how much he can get people to bend to his will, against all their own inclinations, against their better judgement and best interests, and willingly hurt themselves. Because they DO hurt themselves. They all do it ALL to themselves! And not because they are “self destructive”. They do it to help! They hurt themselves FOR HIM. That’s how he feels good and wins. That’s his game.
Hard to confront.
When I said “Ruin scientologists utterly”, I wasn’t joking. It is what is happening, in every sense of the word. Money is just a small slice of the pie.
They had to count Pasadena twice so Santa Barbara would not be alone in the coastal alliance.
nice catch.
Quick! Someone broadcast urgently to all points WEST of Pasadena. The Sea level is rising such that Pasadena is now on the Coast… Ironically, this was probably the LEAST false of the statements made above by the Church.
The Boston org story is very sad, but there is even more to it, and it is even worse. Before the 2008 property value crash, Boston org wanted to sell their building for $25 million. This would have bought a new building, the planning and the renos and they would have long ago been done and moved into their new Ideal org had they made that sale. But, no….management (i.e. Miscavige) did not approve the sale. Property values then crashed the org building was not sold until years later, for much less money…and here we are today. Miscaviage can add this one to his list of orgs destroyed, which is probably his secret definition of an Ideal Org.
I totally boggles my mind that so few kool-aide drinkers have noticed elephant in the room – DM blowing up successful activities, shooting down field auditors en-mass, shutting down some orgs, collapsing others and forcing others into bankruptcy.
Boston flushed out of their building, CC London Poof! gone, Orlando gurgle, gurgle, on and on.
And the kool aide people are “yah- we are sooo valley! this is cool, we are wearing dark suits and sunglasses, we are soooo Tom Cruise!! DM is the greatest!! ”
I really thought for a long time that scientologists were smart. Actually they are just unbeleivably dumb, dumber, dumbest.
OK over a short period you might not figure it out, but come on -over 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, it’s just a trail of carnage and destruction across the entire Scientology landscape.
Right now the latest. If Narconon had been properly cared for it could have been a valuable drug rehab program, a show-piece for Scientology and LRH.
But no , they skip medical staff, lie about what they really do, and make it a scam, and now it is totally out of the running -no longer a serious detox or rehab- it’s a “halfway house”.
Meantime the sheeple cheer and hurrah.
Well at least they are moving towards total destruction at a rapid clip.
Dave, If your closet vegan look doesn’t work out, you might want to try full blown anorexia to reduce your profile as a target.
I really thought for a long time that scientologists were smart.
They are, they’re out, what’s left are NOT Scientologists
Very good post, EXESSO.
SSA, you’re right on the money! When Miscaviage does things like your wrote about, he’s thumbing his nose at every single scientologist, SO, staff members and public. Always keep in mind that the staff and public pay for these Idle Morgues while he holds the mortgages. How brainwashed can these people get!
GTBO – very correct observation. Those who are left “in” and worried about how they can “move up in Status” and all the other crap they put up with cannot be described as Scientologists. They are actually Reverse Vector Scientologists.
Well I don’t want to brag about my amazing SP powers but I postulated last year that they would NOT get that building or any building and guess what? DONE!! I will be on stage to accept my OT MAXIMUS AWESOMENESS INFINITY statue next month at the event. I mean if just me can do that imagine what else I could postulate into being??? Hahahahaha. If only that were true. I would have won the lottery about a 100 times already. I have WAY more important things to think about than their lame buildings. Scientology is so 1990. Santa Barbara would never have something so out of date in its town. Grody.
In the immortal words of Fergie — they are so two thousand and late.
Hahahaha. SOOOOO true Mike.
You go, BBJ!
Yes–when I read that the org is supposed to be in Ventura I thought “Right—Santa Barbara is probably hip to their lies and doesn’t even want to have to deal with their manipulative behavior and created problems regarding city regulations and the like.”
Yay Boston! Great article on the org from my home town and thanks to the special correspondent. Anyone interested in more on the Boston org and it’s people past and present can go to the thread on the ESMB site:
Sad about boston, I was there in the early 70sand new boston staff over the years. I agree boston won’t come back from this insanity.