These people are absolutely shameless. They can no longer be categorized as the Little Rascals. They are no more than vultures.
Apparently they have decided to “fundraise” directly to public from the “ILO” and they will ask for money for anything and everything. This is either a way to make a little extra income from commissions or it it part of one of the infamous “you out-exchange criminals in the ILO are going to at least pay for your room and board by earning some income selling Basicss/congresses/Ideal Org statuses/IAS statuses/anything at all you can persuade someone to give you money for.”
I have already published two previous pitches from this gang of vampires for the New Zealand “ideal org” and “SMP” (KCET studios).
They just keep flooding out the demands.
Now here is one for the IAS to “general public.”
Dear Dorothy,
We are wanting to let you know the next upcoming Maiden Voyage Event is all about us – the IAS.
If you saw Maiden Voyage number 2 you do not want to miss this one as this covers guaranteeing mankind’s freedom.
The bottom line is that in order to guarantee mankind’s freedom, it takes putting the energy there to do so and that is what we are calling upon you to do.
This is for yourself, your family and the rest of the World.
We would like you to consider removing all stops and barriers to moving up to your next IAS status. If for some unknown reason, such as a natural catastrophe you absolutely can not do this than we ask you to make a meaningful donation towards your next status.
The feedback from those who attended the event aboard the Freewinds was nothing short of completely inspiring regarding the future of Scientology hence why we are so compelled to communicate to you now and we definitely want to hear back from you regarding flowing that energy to the IAS.
Here is what LRH had to say on the subject:
“Let us face the reality of this thing. The world confronts several crises. Man’s inhumanity to Man is gaining monuments daily. The time to bring a chaos under control is before it is well begun. We’re slightly late as it is. Brutally, there is no other organization on Earth that can slow these down. Factually, there is no other know-how on Earth that can plumb the problems of Man. So if we don’t want all of us to be sitting among the charred embers, we had better get busy.” LRH 18th ACC (1957)
The Aussie Team based in Los Angeles
Robyn, Colin, Tony, Cathy, Zee, & Margy
Here is their IAS pitch to Australians (or something).
Dear Gerald,
Here we are Australians taking care of Australians from far away lands.
We are wanting to let you know the next upcoming Maiden Voyage Event is all about us – the IAS.
If you saw Maiden Voyage number 2 you do not want to miss this one as this covers guaranteeing mankind’s freedom.
The bottom line is that in order to guarantee mankind’s freedom, it takes putting the energy there to do so and that is what we are calling upon you to do.
This is for yourself, your family, for Australia and the rest of the World.
We would like you to consider removing all stops and barriers to moving up to your next IAS status. If for some unknown reason, such as droughts, floods or other natural catastrophes you absolutely can not do this than we ask you to make a meaningful donation towards your next status.
The feedback from those who attended the event aboard the Freewinds was nothing short of completely inspiring regarding the future of Scientology hence why we are so compelled to communicate to you now and we definitely want to hear back from you regarding flowing that energy to the IAS.
Here is what LRH had to say on the subject:
“Let us face the reality of this thing. The world confronts several crises. Man’s inhumanity to Man is gaining monuments daily. The time to bring a chaos under control is before it is well begun. We’re slightly late as it is. Brutally, there is no other organization on Earth that can slow these down. Factually, there is no other know-how on Earth that can plumb the problems of Man. So if we don’t want all of us to be sitting among the charred embers, we had better get busy.” LRH 18th ACC (1957)
The ANZO Team based in Los Angeles
Colin, Tony, Cathy, Zee, Robyn & Margy
Not really my idea of how you “take care” of Australians…
This trend began with the release of the “Basics” in 2007 when everyone at the HGB was ordered to sell book packages. And they could not go home until they met whatever insane quota they were set. The RTC and CMO nazi youth enforces compliance. It became an insane asylum. People sleeping even less than usual. Mad scrambles to find account information for dead people to debit their accounts for books. Shipping packages to people who never ordered them etc etc
And of course, a “successful” action like that must be reinforced. So, the insanity continues.
And when the stats are down, the insanity reaches new lows.
Pretty soon they are going to have scientology “top management” panhandling on Hollywood Blvd to collect “donations for the IAS War Chest.” It’s not too far off…
IAS is done, now we’re onto Ideal orgs again.
Got this email today.
We now find ourselves at the last week in the series of Maiden Voyage events.
I’m sure that if you managed to see the earlier events you know what your in for on this final event. And that brings us back to the importance of getting every org to Ideal now as these are the key to planetary clearing as they are bases from which we emanate our 4D programs.
The message is simple – we are asking you put your shoulder to the wheel and support the ANZO alliance by donating to Auckland Ideal Org to make this become an ANZO reality.
We want to hear back from YOU on how you can do this.
Your ANZO TEAM from the International Liaison Office in Los Angeles
Colin Davie, Margy Pearse, Robyn Smith, Cathy Grist, Tony Benson and Zee Fear
One has unlimited ability to ask for donations when one does not have to account for the money raised. What a racket!
Well it’s obvious what’s happening here,just like those televangelists in the 80s Tammy and Ted was it? They had to raise 2million dollars every 2days to keep there amusement park running and other finantial obligations. This is what is happening and I hope soon the gold base will be a golf course like there grounds are now That were bustling with faithful followers of the 80s Pentecostal reformation in the 80s cable $$telethons.
Hi Mike,Your post regarding Ron & The Bridge,His Bridge rings so vividly true for me.I never had half as much training & processing as so many here have.Nor did I work under David or know intimately the ways of Apollo,Gold Base & Clearwater etc.I commend all here who wore the badge of SO-OSA & blew when they saw the danger to themselves, families & friends.So very brave.I did however have this extremely fine tuned ability to ” know things “Still have it,I knew 6 months before diagnoses of cancers that I had cancer.No doubts.So my very 1st SO day when it seemed like at muster I was hearing a foreign language,no dictionary of terms given me,had to fight my way through the new terms.I instantly knew that Ron’s Tech His Bridge His quotes were all his.I of course was not there at the end of life for him,yet I believe he was very ill.& why not? What he did to his family his faithful SO slaves,the young hot pant girls Mary Sue,the hand over of all to David Miscavige.I have read some differing accounts as to who he really wanted as successor but David got the job for life!My late parents divorced after 23 yrs of marriage in 72.Yet they stayed around Boston the rest of their lives my Mom remarried once again & Dad 3 times! But the irony is they both got horrible cases of dementia Alzheimer’s & both passed completely off and out of their heads.Totally different personalities so nothing they said could be trusted.I had to stop visiting my Dad because he thought I was his first girlfriend & tried to get frisky.The point being where Ron’s head was near the end I can’t say.But I have to be true to my experience.His heart was always black,therefore the Tech & Bridge all of cos was his private amusement park complete with nightmare rides.Thank you for your work here everyday.Love Ann.
I remember getting calls from a CLO executive trying to sell me the Basics books. It struck me as odd that a continental management executive was engaged in phone sales and I told her so. She brushed my comment aside with “That’s how important it is”, or something like that.
Destroying any semblence of organization while destroying those supposedly served by those organizations is quite an accomplishment, Mr. Miscavige. Surely you will soon release The Sociopath’s Guide to Administration in a seven volume set.
sure, otherwise the dwarf could kill them in RPF’s RPF.
The vulture metaphor is some what of an insult to real vultures that do humans a real service
by removing dead and diseased bodies from the environment.Many were Killed in India in the last twenty years or so and the death rate for humans and livestock increased so now the gov. of India is trying to reeducate the citizens to not kill them any more. Ignorant people in our country still kill them however because they believe that they are a threat like large hawks and owls. Just saying.
The funniest thing is, the fact that we find this so outrageous will be a sign to them that they are succeeding “because the squirrels start to scream”. They will never realise that we scream because their actions are ACTUALLY outrageously silly.
This post and the comments might be an impetus to write more such silly emails.
Though I’m pretty sure they are not making a dime from it, so they might get some conditions assignments due to their low stats!
Top management is already busy at LAX
“If for some unknown reason, such as a natural catastrophe you absolutely can not do this than we ask you to make a meaningful donation towards your next status.” Are you sure this wasn’t written by Regraded Being?
Hi Still on your side,Laughter,I had to read this primo piece of nonsense twice.Close to RB but no cigar.Thank you.Ann.
I found the perfect quote to describe the Vulture Culture: “a moral hazard and a pyramid scheme that will continue as long as the milkmaid has a cash cow to milk”. Of course, that was the Finnish foreign minister talking about another Greek bail-out, but you have to admit that giving more money to Greece is just about as much of a toilet-flushing exercise as giving money to the IASsholes.
Is it possible that Scientology is becoming cash poor, land rich? Has Miscavige sunk so much of Scientology’s money into real estate that the cash on hand is shrinking? I would love to see the day when he has to start unloading real estate to pay the bills. I guess this will coincide with the day Nancy Cartwright et al finally get their heads out of their arses and stop financing this “religion.”
Sounds about right…sounds just like North Korea, elaborate buildings all to feed the dear leader’s ego, even though they’re too cash poor for basic necessities.
While reading all this promo tripe, I wondered what they really think the “freedom” they are promoting would actually be like. How would they describe that world in words with actual achievable specifics they are aiming for? Do they think in this future everyone would be wearing sea org uniforms, smelling roses and eating chocolates? Would part of our day involve running around poles for sheer fun?
These nameless aims can’t be equated with any existing scene or scientologist as they exist right now. Even at the top orgs – with supposed top people working their hardest – after 65 years – they still got……….nothing. There is a heavy dose of delusional going on with anyone connected to these promotions.
Everyone would have the freedom to obey Miscavige’s every whim. Once the RPF has a billion parishioners doing lower conditions he will finally be able to take a vacation.
“This is for yourself, your family and the rest of the World.”
I love that – 1st dynamic, 2nd dynamic, and 4th dynamic.
See? You’re not donating for Scientology, the good friends of your 3rd dynamic. No! you’re donating for the world! You’re eternity!! Shoulder to shoulder we stand as a united front!
Any money given to IAS is spent on Miscavige and his needs. It’s all lost money.
“We would like you to consider removing all stops and barriers to moving up to your next IAS status. If for some unknown reason, such as a natural catastrophe you absolutely can not do this than we ask you to make a meaningful donation towards your next status.”
Translation: There is no reason on God’s green Earth that you should not make a ruinous “donation.” However, If you just lost your home or if your bread winner just perished, the least you can do is fork over a large part of what you still have! Preferably, more than that!
This begs the question: What would a REAL church do when they see someone in such dire circumstances? Many poor and small churches give all they can to those in need. And here’s one of the richest “churches” in the world, hitting up even those who have just gone through a “catastrophe” to give to THEM???
The fact that this beg letter has been used on two continents is telling as to how very representative of the “church” it really is. It is also remarkable that the six undersigned could not find a single one between them who was capable of grasping the difference between “then” and “than.” El Con’s educational “tech” at work clearing the planet? I thought these were the masters of word clearing?
If the Scientologists would just cease violating people there would be no attacks to defend. They got everything, buildings members money sponsers poster children. Then they turned violently on one another.Under Miscavige’s secret service in a decade of violence and one of the worst displays of man’s inhumanity to man we have seen in the civilized world. The leader has a restraining order on him Texas for domestic terrorism!!
If someone told me their drinking water had been poisoned for the last decade, I could make some sense of it.
Now they send emails with the purpose to restimulate others. Begging still as if they are the ones in danger and being prosecuted. Begging for help as they crank damaged beings out onto the sidewalk.
Magically speaking, it is if they have all gone under some black magic spell which requires them to self and other destruct.
Hi The Oracle, Like this post.Especially the part about black magic spells & self/other destruction done by the still ins.The beautiful dream has crashed & is burning.Eventually mop & sweep up the broken pieces of souls & I hope not more bodies will be done.Then we will all celebrate! Ann.
As a past participant in the ILO Basics madness of 2007 and onward, I am quite certain the current beggars are not doing it with hopes of a commission, but because they are scumbag parasites that need to be forced into earning their keep.
“If for some unknown reason, such as a natural catastrophe you absolutely can not do this…” Doesn’t Shortarse Miscavige qualify as a disaster area (albeit a rather undersized one) all by himself?
I just realized they’re actually missing the boat by giving natural disaster areas a pass. The government just granted us some emergency aid after the flooding here. We shouldn’t be using it to rebuild, they should be swooping in to snatch it out of our hands.
Hi Brian,Thank you for this post.Goodness no,you could have been in the SO one week & had more experience than I did!Sometimes posting leaves out inflection & visual clues as to mind set when speaking.I never meant to imply I was better than you at all. Saving the world was right up our alley.Love to you both Ann.
All of these distortions, asking for money and getting it, is inspired by L Ron Hubbard’s deceptions of claiming to be the “only hope for man.”
This equates not giving money to the planet going to hell.
This is the problem and David Miscavige is using these hypnotic commands of “only way” technologies to support his greed. Just like Ron did.
L Ron Hubbard is Source.
Hi Brian, Remember when all the SO was so on Source! If Ron had asked me to drive a car to the edge of a cliff,I would have.Spooky how much Theta Control he stole from me!Always Ann.
He didn’t steal it Ann. We willingly gave it to him. We gave it to him in good faith. We thought we were helping. Our good hearts believed.
L Ron Hubbard was a Hypnotic Operator per his writting on Altitude Instruction.
He used his position to manipulate facts. We all truly thought we were helping the planet while suit cases of cash were secreted away to Lichtenstein and he was planning black ops on critics.
L Ron Hubbard was not a good man.
Hi Brian, I thought about your post,& willingly gave theta control to Ron is more correct than my he stole it.My thoughts were faster than my typing.I think Ron stole my innocence works more in the context of my thought on this.Meaning there was a large part my belief that refused to see the violent,dark side of him & SO & now OSA.In the beginning I never had any inkling of what would happen to me.When push came to shove, Ron would have me thrown under the bus in no time with no remorse.That was what was put in place when the innocence died.You are so right,not a good man,not good Tech not the invincible Leader of all universes here to Clear the planet! Not caring about his SO Slaves.Always Ann.
I got it Ann, you have a lot more experience than I in th Sea Org. I was only in for a year.
Your experience goes deeper than mine.
BTW Ann:
Thank you for all those years, where in your heart and in reality, you helped people.
Scientology attracted some very cool people. Our help button was spring loaded and ready to be pressed.
Saving the world; right up our alley.
Ps the only monuments (love how the typo got repeated twice) I see to mans inhumanity to man are IAS trophies. I guess proofreading isn’t expected because no one on the receiving end is actually expected to be reading these.
Do you really need to read the messages at all? They all boil down to “pseudo-friendly greeting , give us more money/time and money, strong sales closing, LRH quote and of course , ML”
Hey we’ve had floods here all week. I’m relieved from donating. Phew!
Also on the plus side, No Vulture Ministers have showed up to help with disaster relief. They must have not caught when we got declared a disaster area by the government. No wonder the cleanup has been going so smoothly. Move along. No touch assists needed. Only shovels and people willing to throw things in dumpsters allowed in this area.
Very degrading for a ‘church’ which does absolutely nothing for humanity, far less for its parishioners.
Are there any “status awards” when one makes a “donation” to a blog?
Oh yes.
They start with the official bestowing of the status of Almighty All-knowing Glorious Maximus Savior for $10 and they just go up in “monuments” from there….
Non-Victimirious Freedom Metal of Knowledge.
Hi Mike,I forgot to add that seeing top management in cos panhandling on Hollwood Blvd in 2015-16 That would be quite a situation!In a good way…Always Ann.
Hi Mike,I love the part in the ANZO Team post where it says” if for some unknown reason “you can’t hand over all your $ now,no worries we’ll be back around!Droughts & Floods were nice touches,feast or famine if money is not immediately offered for services not promised or delivered.One just keeps going up & down The Bridge.Always Ann.
Hi Ann, wow, I’ll bet that everybody in drought stricken California is so relieved, thanks to their “natural catastrophe” they’re exempt from going broke to “move up in status”, LOL!!
Hi Kathy H,It really is absurd,this ” move up in status ” It reminds me of my freshman- sophomore high school years,when all the cheerleaders & althelets were bestowed status upgrades & had their trophys & secret clique clubs.I was a far far away planet circling my own sun & pretty much left completely alone.Yet I was inside gathering all my skills for the journey away from high school & into the broader world of real true & strong friendships.I thought the SO was the Dream Team.What a nightmare! Ann.
Command Intention is to not panhandle on Hollywood Boulevard, but to engage in another activity, which, it has been proven, can also make money (look up “world’s oldest profession”).
However, the male members might have objections to this. It might just threaten Australia’s position in agricultural trade with southeast Asia (seriously; an Australian cabinet minister actually said recently that this was a reason why Australia shouldn’t pass same-sex marriage).
IAS War Chest will ensure constant conflict demanding more money
to fight the rising tide of chaos ,not mention the COBs personal account.
“Man’s inhumanity to Man is gaining monuments daily.”
Momentum. They either can’t C&P from an online text, or they can’t transcribe a short quote from the Source of their whole scam.
Ideal Orgs?
This is funny…amongst the local Scn public the IAS Maiden Voyage Event is THE event to avoid. Any one with half a brain comes up with a “legitimate objection” (e.g. family holiday planned months ago, I’m working, family gathering you can’t miss or you’ll create a PTS sit…ANYTHING).
This is the inside joke the staff and SO fail to get.
No one wants to spend a nice summer evening locked in a room while the vultures circle.
The fact is – BOTH staff and public HATE the Maiden Voyage “event month”. Staff have to put in even more time, while Ad Council pulls out their hair having to cover the event POs, and the public just want to have a little time off and chill out.
Sooo glad to be rid of that insanity.
It does look like those who ‘earn’ commissions are being hammered by high quotas.
“We would like you to consider removing all stops and barriers to moving up to your next IAS status. If for some unknown reason, such as droughts, floods or other natural catastrophes you absolutely can not do this than we ask you to make a meaningful donation towards your next status.”
So if you don’t have the money to ‘move up in status’, you should make a ‘meaningful donation’ anyway? WTF???
Being a reg used to be a perk that the faithful were granted by COB. Ten percent could be decent living, if you weren’t stuck in Los Angles. Now it is just a boiler room where the regs are chained to the phone and computer.
First they came for the mission holders and I said nothing’
Then they came for the fence sitters and the under the radars and I said nothing
Then they came for those who didn’t have a pallet of ‘Basics’ in their garage and I said nothing
Then they came for the regs and I got real happy and I said hip hip horray……
But then they came for my IRA, my 3rd mortgage and my car, and no one was left to say FU.
Where do I send my check?
You’re right, Roger, they forgot to put the part where you could just type in your credit card number, CCV amped all at the bottom of the email and hit reply. They’re slipping…more than usual.
> scientology “top management” panhandling on Hollywood Blvd to collect “donations for the IAS War Chest.”
That would be more honest than the current approach.
There’s a saying about government that one that can give you everything you want can take away everything you have. Just as true for Scientology, one of the most out-exchange organizations to have existed: a church that can give you everything you want can — and will — at least try to take away everything you have. In exchange for … fraudulent products of Clear and OT that hold nothing real.
Also, the fundraising messages show the typical failings of Scientology editing — using than instead of then, missing commas, capitalizing a non-proper noun like world, spelling cannot as two words, and so on. True, they are a step up from the bastardized English of Nigerian “I just inherited millions of dollars and want to give some of it to you for your help” scam e-mails.
“In exchange for … fraudulent products of Clear and OT that hold nothing real”
Sorry to say, but you have no clue about what you are talking about.
Clear and OT is as real as LRH once stated. Impossible to reach with “other fishes to fry” and extremely tough to reach even though you are 100% dedicated to get there. Everything around you is created to degrade ANY attempt to get there… or even dream about the reality of it. On top of that you are pounded 24/7 with lies of such a magnitude it even would impress on a mythomaniac.
You keep believing that and I’ll keep believing that I have a nine-inch penis. The difference between us is that I can at least flip the ruler upside down.
Well said Roger. But it is no use explaining it (not that you did) to these yip-yapping “Clear is all bullshit” dudes – they can’t confront their own minds let alone others’ minds.
Foolproof, I may be reading you incorrectly but I wouldn’t object if somebody referred to me as one of those “clear is all bullshit dudes”. I would object, though, if someone said I was unable to confront my own mind or the expressed thoughts of another. If someone suggested that about me I would require that they clearly explain how they arrive at that notion and I’m certain they wouldn’t be able to in an adequate way.
Hi Roger Hornaday, Another excellent post.Thank you always. Ann.
That’s some funny shit.
‘Gaining monuments …’? Meaning the Ideal Orgs …?
The urgency for money is directly proportional to the length of the LRH quote used to inspire compliance. Here we have a seven lines quote but no matter the length of the quote, the usual fallacies are there all naked and fully exposed. For instance, in this empowering quote the question is begged, “On the basis of what observable evidence is it asserted that scientology can help mankind?”
Hi Roger,Like your post.Because Ron said so would be my thought but he left out the word observable so it became “On the basis of what evidence is it asserted that Scientology can help man kind? Then nothing has to be written down,just stated & did he not state once,If not written, not True? $ + Ron quote= compliance.And I can take that to the bank!Ann.
Hi Ann. “Because Ron said so!” (insert laugh track)
You see, Ann, Ron is smarter than we are because he knows things nobody else ever knew before like how our eyes get all watery because we were a clam in a past life and you know, stuff like that! And engrams that make us act silly-buggers until we go CLEAR and then it’s the BT’s that make us act silly-buggers. But we’re not supposed to talk about that because it’s sacred. 🙂
Hi Roger, Geat post.My lips are sealed for one second,then poof no more scaredness! Ann.
Wouldn’t it be fun if *all* they had was panhandling, Mike? I can see them now, dirty, unpressed “uniforms”, sweating in the heat, and passersby moving away from them, repelled?
“If you saw Maiden Voyage number 2 you do not want to miss this one as this covers guaranteeing mankind’s freedom.
The bottom line is that in order to guarantee mankind’s freedom, it takes putting the energy there to do so and that is what we are calling upon you to do.”
I think the bottom line is that david, let him die, miscavige is going to need upwards of 50 million to cover his sorry ass over the next year. Lawyers to keep him from being deposed; payoffs to the narconon lawsuits; millions for new and improved narconons so he can keep up the pretense that it’s expanding; a couple of hundred new private investigators; new scuba equipment (because he crapped in the old suit) etc. etc.
And you can be sure miscavige isn’t going to spend one dime of the funds he’s already extorted from his minions. He needs new money from all you CICSers.
Big Brother miscavige isn’t guaranteeing anyone’s freedom, you idiot. He’s got the concept of 1984 down pat and in full operation inside your less-than-cognizant noggin.
All the money in the world isn’t going to keep Miscavige from being deposed, he may think he’s untouchable but he’s not. I’d love to see a class action suit by former members/contributors demanding a full accounting of every cent that’s come in!
We need to think the IAS is a legitimate group? The same group that told all of us with a lifetime membership that they were no longer valid back in 1985. The group that would cleanse the world and make it safe for all Scientologist started by betraying a trust? A group formed in secrecy behind trusting Scientologists backs?
A group that used threats and intimidation before the ink was dry on their historic document signing?
A group that won’t ever reveal where the money is and how it is really being used? Say what you will about Hubbard and Scn in general, but my two cents says the true downfall of Scn as a subject began in 1985 with the formation of this criminal group. This group does exactly the opposite of what it says it is doing.
You are 100% right… but the plans for all this was created long before 1985!
Indeed, Hubbard vanished from public view in ’72 except for telexs to Management so Mayo claims – great hidden data line that one. 1975 RTC is formed, by 78 Mayo rewrites the Bridge with NOTs disregarding the earlier Bridge and rearranges it so Dianetics is deleted from OT3 and many other procedures. So OT’s aren’t allowed to run it now, yet they ran it for 10 years without problems before that. Also Out Int handling reduced to “key out ” only, hence End of Endless – it’s squirrel without a Dianetics step. All sorts of tech implemented with Hubbard signing everything but no lectures or video confirming anything – yeah right, that’s Hubbard’s style isn’t it??
Mayo says Hubbard got sick and he had to rush to his side and they come up with NOTs to save his life (bullshit), and a critically sick man is denied visitation by his wife and children the whole time? That makes perfect sense. By 82 basically all Saint Hill tech staff declared and mission network destroyed, financial police run amuck. Not long after that Mayo gets declared too for being a squirrel and sets up shop as an independent but what do you know? – he’s get “sued” out of existence and disappears (retired for job well done more like it). Yet Mayo’s Bridge is kept by RTC (why?). Did you know he was a founding member of the RTC? He became the Freezone’s hero for being declared but all that did was reinforced HIS Bridge outside the Cof$ – and they bought it completely (and Brooklyn Bridge too). Divide and conquer at work.
The Bridge according to Hubbard was complete in 1970 and was later shuffled to the alternate Bridge by RTC and then it basically disappeared. Power, Power Plus, R6EW and the Clearing Course was how it use to be under Hubbard and is his Bridge.
Think what you like about Hubbard and Scientology, the whole affair is strewn with lies and betrayals but it especially heated up to red hot in the 70/80s. Huge money at stake and no need to produce products, what a great scam. But to think that NOTs and the Bridge presented by RTC is Hubbard is about as real as miscavige is a good guy. has some interesting date coincident stuff which puts RTC, Mayo and miscavige in perspective.
But hey, criminals do what criminals do. Hubbard bash all you want but at least share the load to include the ones who took the money.
Well, just for the dsake of truth. I can assure you that Hubbard DID get extremely ill. He did bring Mayo as Snr CS from Flag to audit him. He did tell Mayo what to do. He died specify no Dianetics after Clear. I have listened to every single discussion Hubbard had with Mayo and Melaine Murray. I have read every CSW and every response on the compilation of the NOT’s materials — which is a COMPILATION of what Hubbard said and he hand corrected every submission.
This is not “Mayo’s Bridge.” David Mayo did EXACTLY what L. Ron Hubbard told him to do. It is Hubbard’s bridge.
Whether you think the whole thing is bs or whether you think it is the salvation for mankind, it, like everything else in the tech scientology is truly L. Ron Hubbard’s creation (whether HE stole it from someone else is a different issue). He would NOT allow others to become “source” — this idea you have that Mayo is somehow a second creator of scientology is what resulted in Hubbard declaring him a squirrel — you may have never seen the infamous issue on it. But what he DIDNT do when he cast Mayo out and called him an SP and squirrel was cancel ANY of the issues he had compiled for Hubbard. That was later done, but like the Basics Books, it did not change any of the fundamental tech, just the punctuation.
Hope this helps sort things out for you.
Fair enough but is there one single piece of evidence on tape or video of Hubbard mentioning the words NOTS or its procedures – just one reference anywhere that is actually in Hubbard’s voice validating that process? Or any spoken word validating that the CC is now alternative and Dianetic Clear trumps it – it’ll take just one lecture where he explains it and I’m sure this controversy will sit plainly where it belongs – on the truth side of the ledger. It’s not as though it’s a minor change to the Bridge. Hubbard sure did lots of lectures and videos on solo and R6, GPM processes yet ZERO explaining anything about NOTs which was SO IMPORTANT it replaced ALL of them. We only have the words of others for many years that it is so. Was Hubbard that sick? Too sick for his family as well? And what of Bill Robinson and his dismissal of NOTs, not that his Excalibur isn’t squirrel or make believe either.
It is possible older people do get sick from time to time, I know I’ve been there and most people I know over 60 have the occasional serious episode of body malfunction to contend with. It doesn’t mean one’s life’s work is altered because of body aliments of old age, they were never designed to live forever no matter how OT you think you are.
It seems impossible to believe that the most meticulous time sequencing writer and lecturer to suddenly leave it all to others to rearrange the public delivery of scientology without a single personal word uttered about NOTs. Or rearranging the Bridge so that it results in so many people leaving Scientology and refute it. Are you saying Hubbard concurred with the mission network declares, the formation of the IAS and the declaring of Saint Hill tech terminals? Apparently he was lucid enough to rewrite his will at the last moment and disown his own family interests.
So you’re saying Mayo told the truth about Hubbard’s letter to him and his posting as Snr CS Flag for the next 20 years?
It could be suggested that the only common thing about scientology is that everyone has a history of lying about it.(and please, is it possible to comment on something without having to endorse it or condemn it. Just a comment on it).
Well, unfortunately, there aren’t really any publicly recorded lectures by Hubbard subsequent to the Class VIII lectures in 1968. There are a couple of Ron’s Journals. Not sure what he mentions in there, I dont recall and cannot be bothered looking it up. No doubt if he does talk about NOTs or RTC or CST or anything else that people don’t like the easy answer is to call it a fake.
Just to straighten out one thing — NOTs does not replace the Clearing Course and R6EW where the filmed lectures you talk about are found.
And just to set your mind at ease, there are many recorded discussions with L. Ron Hubbard about NOTs. I have heard them. They are just not public. I also spoke to him personally about the subject of NOTs. To pretend he knew nothing about it is just silly. He invented it. Every last bit of it. And he was still trying to audit it to the last day of his life.
And yes, Mayo did tell the truth about the letter to him. He was anointed by L. Ron Hubbard to be the person who was to oversee “the tech” — and he was very highly regarded by Hubbard after he audited him at LaQuinta in 1978. Until he wasn’t and was suddenly a squirrel and an SP. He follows in the footsteps of a VERY long line of people, going all way back to Dr. Joseph Winter….
I Yawnalot, I was in the Sea Org at FOLOEUS in very early 70s. I worked in the office a lot and interfaced with the CO Molly Bornstein Al/Kate Bornstein.
We got telexes from Ron almost daily. Molly would report to him the amount of money the orgs were making. That was the purpose of the telexes: GI
And after Molloy’s telex reading she would tell us we have to get the money stats up.
One time there was a intermittent short in the lighting system when Molly was interfacing with Ron. We all grinned and new that it was Ron’s special powers that was at work.
Thanks Mike. I sort of have a list of questions going around and around I try to gather info on. You were there(ish) so I can’t ask much more than what you saw and heard.
I have no doubt NOTs is something Hubbard cooked up, sorry to put it in a way that sounded like he knew nothing of them. I guess the frustration of doing SNOTs for a number of years and getting zip out it, Seeing countless people not enjoying it, and a lot blew the level as well as the church. I did OK up until NOTs but definitely off church lines after that. Then I go off and do R6EW and wow, there’s the TAA I never got on NOTs. “Funest” process I’ve ever run. I more or less think NOTs was never intended to be an OT Level at all more like exp 3 or something like a personalised assist pgm. As far as I’m concerned NOTs is folly and tops the list of things to avoid.
It’s a personal perspective thing I guess but I’ve never been involved in a subject with so many experts and counter information flying about than scientology. But I know what I see in front of me and very seldom take anyone’s word for anything regarding scientology.
Thanks for your reply too Brian. What it must have been like uplines in those days I can only guess at (but glad I wasn’t there nonetheless – it was a bitch enough being a techie where I was in my time).
It’s all hypothetical now anyway, the church is defunct and that’s good and it’s all a fairy-tale I just did (once upon a time).
I guess a logical question I forgot to add was – what is this about Hubbard never seeing his family again from the early 70s? Seems unbelievable that question would even raise itself concerning a guy who had access to more money than he could ever spend and unlimited staff members who wouldn’t hesitate to turn any wish he had into their command. I just don’t buy he hid from the authorities and couldn’t reunite with family. It leads to an easy summation of who is running who or was he simply insane and if so who were his minder(s) that denied his family visitation and controlled his comm lines? And if he was insane or going that way – well… what was his tech he developed with Mayo then?. The conjecture just runs and runs with this subject. So much bs, so little else.
Interesting that you spoke to him personally about NOTs, how old were you then? And I just have to ask – are you telling me that Hubbard told you NOTs is OT5 to OT7? That is the new Bridge as stipulated by Hubbard?
I guess the thing that stands out the most is the amount of hidden data lines regarding Hubbard’s life and the tech of the 70s yet it was his pet peeve he stated more than once “no hidden data line exists within the technology of Scientology, it’s all in your materials”.
Not going to waste any more time explaining things to you.
Nobody ever said Hubbard didn’t see his family after the early 70’s. That you “just don’t buy it” doesnt change reality.
You should read some books — start with Going Clear and Russell Miller’s extremely well documented and researched biography of L. Ron Hubbard.
Hi Brian, The Rats are blocking me today! I thought I would try here in answer to a post you wrote concerning caused mental forms being held hostage by someone in authority.I suppose my whole this life, I have had that happen on a lower level with parents,siblings,teachers,doctors,those I love & those I don’t.Yet Ron/David were are two of the best at this.I do not do psycho-babble to figure out why I let myself willingly give up that most guarded part of my body,my mind.One of the reasons has to do with when I left SO in 79-80’my late Dad sent me two times a week to the most obnoxious psychiatrist cos Deprogrammer around.His theory was give me as much sleeping pills relaxing pills forget about it pills as I could take without ODing,so I would forget the SO.Well did not work at all. The pills just made me numb & sick.I learned to flush them away & fake taking them.Pretty easy to do once you learn the guy’s drill,because all his drugs & incessant droning on about nothing only made my SO memories worse.So I knew that I certainly was not staying on that path.After all this I literally closed down into myself for years & years.That is why Mike & family & all here pulled me up and out of that jail,I had built around me to keep pain out.Now I’m bring it on I need to look at all that happened to me.Thank you both so much.Ann.
I Yawnalot, Arthur Hubbard came over to my house in Hollywood in early 80s. We were so excited to see him. We were star struck really, but very natural at the same time.
I remember asking him about his dad. I asked him,”please Arthur, won’t you tell us a story about Ron?”
Arthur Hubbard looked down at the floor, I sensed embarrassment and shame but denied it, he did not look at us and said,
“I don’t see much of my father, we only see him at dinner on special occasions.”
We were all true believers at the time and out faith did not ask any further questions.
But his response to us haunted me for a while. But I never aloud myself to ponder his very sad looking response.
It was an unsettled sadness and shame that I saw on his face.
Thanks Mike, the amount of time you spent on this is appreciated. To have this site and do what you do is remarkable enough without questions I’m sure you have gone over countless times. But if you talked to Hubbard personally about NOTs you are a privileged man with inside info, a rare thing. I will bow out satisfied I have my suspicions well in hand now. I have read a number of books and like most things – false and almost true along with speculation is intermingled with the truth. This subject unfortunately is dismal the deeper one goes.
Best regards also to Brian, thanks for you reply. I image that image of Arthur Hubbard and his response would have been most unsettling.
You’re welcome.
Potpie, the true downfall of the cult as a subject began when El Con lied about EVERY major claim he made for the “tech”.
Advertising the desperation on the part of ILO administrative staff exposes the “off policy” nature of all this Ideal bullshit…. Those “under the radar” types who understand this, but have children, grandchildren or business associates still “in” must cringe at this desperation…
Disconnection is the only thing holding this criminal organization together.
I have had overts in the past and I have enjoyed taking responsibility for them. It answers anyone’s question afterwards of “How did you do that with overts like that?”. But in all my years, I have never sought, to raise money, to hire people, to make it look like to other people, that other people they know have overts and I don’t. As does the Church of Scientology EVERY DAY since I have known them. And that is a long time. Vultures is too good of a word for the church because at least vultures by nature and are actually doing what they are supposed to be doing. The Church of Scientology is not and does not even come close! 🙂
Hi Lawrence,I am beingning to think there is no word yet to describe Church of Scientology that can come close to the secret mess it was then,& the total disaster it is now.The Bridge is tangled in a web so suffocating it will never untie,& Ron’s name now owned as a copyright by David,All the tech & processing ripped to shreds.A empty mansion with every window & door wide open as the stills ins flee with David Miscavige to some hell haven & all the buildings are sold off or rot into themselves.May the Dawn break! Ann.