Busy day today, so getting out the latest Special Correspondent report and Facebook Funnies quickly.
I’m told that 14,000 people registered for ID cards but that attendance was 9,250.
To correct what I said earlier, it sounds like there actually were overflow spaces.
A tent in front of the Oak Cove.
It’s also possible they set up all the different locations so that they can give whatever figure they want without anyone being able to know that it was inflated, because any one person only knows how full their own area was. [There will be a better idea of this when everyone is out in the open today…]
EM-18, Instant Rudiments Reads is cancelled, as is the very concept of an “Instant Rudiment Read”.
So auditors have been taking prior reads on rudiments for basically EVER.
Apparently LRH cancelled EM-18 in 1968. He instructed it be removed from the E-Meter drill book in a dispatch. Which it was.
But then when the book was being re-released, someone “discovered” that the previous edition has “mistakenly” omitted EM-18, and so they put it back in the drill book.
Confessional Procedure is now only 11 steps instead of 28. The HCOB is 3 pages instead of 7. It’s been reverted back to the original LRH revision, with any non-LRH revisions since then removed (didn’t COB personally oversee the non-LRH revisions of Confessional Procedure since GAT 1?). The data to support this is in the LRH lectures on Confessionals, which had been all chopped up and partly included on Level 2. All of the improper editing of those lectures (Huh? Editing of lectures?) has been corrected.
Rudiments Definitions and Patter had been revised by a random person. Rudiments procedure was completely wrong and nobody has actually known how to do them.
HCO PL SPOT CHECKS, where sups do spot checks on students on the materials from a few days earlier; the whole thing was not written by LRH and has been cancelled. Same with Sup Meter Checks (Word Clearing Series 5 or 7). Not written by LRH and is cancelled.
Warehouse at Int where everything was put into chronological order. Missions out to every location LRH had ever been to find absolutely everything, putt it all together, and then go through it all. [Never heard this before….]
Also, to look for things that “didnt’ make sense” and dig into the history of those items and research why they didn’t make sense.
Basics are definitely a pre-req for Academy Levels.
Another reason the levels are shorter is that ALMOST ALL THE LECTURES HAVE BEEN REMOVED, because they had been instructed by LRH to be removed as being out-gradient.
It used to be there were one or two binders of lectures per Academy Level.
Now there is one binder of lectures TOTAL for all Academy Levels combined.
LRH said to go back through and take them out. But they crept back in in certain time periods.
LRH’s 1959 Academy Lectures are what was supposed to be on the Academy Levels. . These were on the Academy Levels but they were all mixed up.
LRH apparently ordered 8 times for the Academy Lectures to be fixed but nobody ever did it.
Only 6 HCOBs on the course, and 4 of those are of the KSW series. So basically the Metering course is just E-Meter Essentials, the Meter Drills, and these few references.
With all the digital innards, or whatever, this meter doesn’t pick up all the “extra” electrical fields in the environment that were picked up by the carrier wave of the Super 7 Quantum (Static electricity from body motion, heaters, fans extra body motion reads,
$2,500 for this rundown.
Cause Resurgence has it’s own floor. This rundown can be done multiple times. It was likened to a “Touch Assist” that would be done whenever needed.
COB couldn’t show video of the floor because there is nothing to see.
He said this rundown is basically “Thetan Objective Processing” and so all it requires is space. No barriers. Nothing to see. No contraption. (Isn’t this rundown supposed to be running around a pole? If so, he did not allude to this AT ALL)
People hearing this briefing were left with the impression that one entire floor of the super power building is 100% complete wide open empty space, no walls or anything. But this can’t be true. I’ll know more after the tours tomorrow.
20 new Class XII’s have been trained. L’s tech has been completely reworked as well (no details though).
Course closed Wed night and has been closed since. The Coachman is already empty and delivery will open up on Monday in the Super Power building.
Super Power will be ready for delivery on Monday.
There are about 100 Super Power auditors ready to start delivering.
No word on how many people are prepared to route onto Super Power.
Based on Power Processing, which is why it’s called SUPER power.
Doesn’t sound like there was really much hype about this.
There has already been so many freakin’ Super Power briefings, what more could be said?
I’ll try to find out how they are spinning the fact that staff aren’t receiving it first, even though that’s exactly what LRH said would happen.
Digital student progress boards
Digital student graphs.
Digital reporting of student points.
I’m told that all FLAG intensives are $5,000, period. Including OT intensives.
I need to verify, but I think this is a price INCREASE on lower-level intensives, but a decrease on OT intensives.
I’m told pricing on training has not actually gone up. Need to verify it.
$20K for a training package through Class 4. I think this is a price decrease.
The “buy now” emails from the FSMs were not true.
COB almost moved to tears by the wondrous adolation of the longest standing ovation in history.
Hands. Were. Numb. OMG.
And the Ringmaster of Brownnosing is joined by his able deputy — Ed Bryan.
COB almost in tears?
I do not doubt it. If I could “fool all of the people, all of the time” I would be close to tears of laughter as well.
New name would be David Mustravage”
Congrats, Mike on the helicopter harassasment stunt. Brilliant.
We are getting lots of calls from Flag and outer orgs already to buy the new release, which we are told is $10,000. We are not told what exactly the new release is of course (being in California), just the money amount, which is wanted right now.
Since Flag auditors are calling to buy the release from them, this means that SALES QUOTAS are will be going back in effect. This also means staff mmembers won’t be able to sleep until their quotas are met.
The IAS event is next week at Flag. Uh oh, more quotas are coming.
Shall we give Dave a standing ovation for that too?
This so called bridge has become such a frankenstein, leading to brick walls and bottomless canyons. I can’t believe he’s taken the tapes off the academy levels. LRH checksheets had such a wonderful balance of mass and significance, procedure and history, that they created a great end phenomena for the course itself. I remember them well.
“I’m told that 14,000 people registered for ID cards”
Mike, does that mean there are only 30k Scientologists left?
For sure it is not 60k then.
Couple comments on the new Golden Age of Cutatives: 1) Confessional Procedure HCOB: LRH personally worked on this bulletin with Phoebe Mauerer who was RTRC I/C at the time and he approved the bulletin in November 1978. Revisions were made after that, as I recall based on whatever but if the bulletin no longer resembles the Nov. ’78 one than the Monkeys at Typewriters have been at work. 2) Academy Levels. In 1978 when LRH worked with RTRC on Academy Levels checksheets the stable datum was that they could not put more issues on a checksheet for any level than were on the 1968 checksheets. That was adhered to strictly in all checksheets in 1978 and thereafter. LRH worked over those checksheets thoroughly and to say that he wanted the lectures taken off that were later than 1959 is to lose some major tech points for an Academy student since every lecture on the levels was from the SHSBC days in the 60s. I will have to check the lectures but I don’t think any lectures on those 1978 checksheets were from before the SHSBC. I wonder if DM also removed the tech films from the Academy Levels since those were after 1959 as well.
DM of course will be able to play this game until the day he dies–every few years throw the clubbed seals another piece of rotting fish to keep them in line (the line to the cashier) by finding stuff that was supposed to be one way and changing everything around and then switching things back when something threatening is on the horizon. I hope Mosey’s case in Texas puts an end to the madness.
Thx 4 the infos, Dan.
I know I’ve been a chatter-box today but this is such an important time. It’s so good to be able to be out of the Matrix with you guys. So refreshing to talk with people who can really see, instead of butting heads with people who refuse to look.
Here is a post from Tony Ortega’s blog that I thought you might find insightful:
ex sea org member
• 8 hours ago
As an ex-Sea org Member I find this fascinating.
That is such a poor turnout it almost defies belief.
I collected the statistics for all Scientology for years and know the true numbers very well. Even on the worst event, such a poor turnout would have resulted in ethics action on just about everybody straight away. This is pathetic. 75% of those people in the photos are Flag Land Base staff and outer-organization trainees.
Over 20 years in the making and this is all David can muster? Whoa.
I think the total space of all Scientology buildings combined means its about 1 Scientologist per 10,000 square feet. Pretty lonely place. I’m not sure there are enough staff just to white-glove the premises of Scientology anymore every Saturday morning.
We used to get that many just to an average briefing in the mid 90’s and even then we would be punished for not having enough there. But this is the biggest moment? Wow…
I loved the gossip I heard about “the new tech” being found. I think this is done very 3 years or so, so they can release the courses and make everyone pay for doing it over again. Of course, no one sticks around in Scientology long enough to know this, so after it happens 3-4 times they get the message and leave.
It is official. Scientology is the world’s fastest shrinking religion. Fact. God, it is lovely to watch the collapse of this cult, but the pace is just mind boggling, i do not think there has been such a membership demise in any group so fast since the KKK was around.
Hopefully the “The End of Endless Con Jobs”.
End of endless con jobs, Formost. Yes. Please.
I can barely resist saying something about other kinds of jobs – what the parishioners would give DM if he’d only let them…and he probably would but he’d be afraid he’d be shooped on Mike’s blog.
Bad me.
I had the same thought. Mutual badness! haha! Chatter as much as you like.
Greetz Indie8.
I abide by LRH’s wishes to not distribute confidential materials except to those qualified to administer them, and it’s not the altered & incomplete net-download stuff either. More than one version was boosted out of AOs, the ’84 DK one you can probably google for.
Thanks, Formost – I should be elig. for that very soon. I respect you keeping the tech in.
Thanks for the direction.
I’m just amazed at so many people who have keeled over after OT V. I would love to know why this has been happening. I know you can’t evaluate for those on OT V but any right indications would be helpful.
Indie8 … this year a Solo NOTs course was released to the scene that is absolutely hairline standard, no GAT additives, altered or unnecessary actions, making anyone 100% competent auditing the materials.
Find any of the Class IXs and higher out here and they’ll be able to help you get properly trained up and see you through to the end. (That’s completion, not cancer … lol)
The only thing that could have made this better: an enormous Pie Face painted on the bottom of the helicopter, with a very subtle smirk.
Mike & Mike,
THANK YOU for showing the world that David Miscavige and his cult are like
the starving snake that eats it’s tail to survive.
Truth TRUMPS Dave’s “agreed upon apparency of existence.”
Mike and Marty video about how DM uses implant technology/Black Dianetics. Similar to NLP, only worse because he’s using reverse Dianetics and Scientology to invalidate, intimidate and negate. Thanks for this, Marty and Mike.
If DM is willing to use Black Dianetics on his own juniors, who don’t give him any money, what lengths has he gone to to hypnotize and control the whales and the plebs? Is it clear yet, lurkers? Come on, stop cheering this manipulative, violent, out 2-D criminal. Show your non support by not contributing your time, your money and your applause. He is the Anti-LRH. Horrible.
Anyone care to comment who’s had direct experience with this?
Bravo, sir. DM may have been hoping for an R6 moment to actualize (“the helicopter’s going to cra-ash”), but of course, it didn’t. That was a master stroke.
Re: the FB comments, isn’t this what they all said about GAT 1?
Mike, can you or Tony call in an NLP expert and have them decode the hypnotism that DM is using to make these people uniformly go out of their freakin’ minds? Seriously, here’s what people can do with that NLP stuff, if they wanted to use it to manipulate people. Watch what this guy does in just a minute and a half.
And then this one. Making people take blank pieces of paper as payment for goods. Unethical as hell. Isn’t that what Dave is doing, only in reverse? Getting people to pay for nothing and having them rejoice about it? THIS IS part of what he’s doing.
And how the news people use it to manipulate their viewers and shoot down their critics. Notice how people who are still in handle any truth you try to tell them. This is very “psych’y” but please don’t disregard it for that reason. DM is using this and getting his guppies to use it to by shutting off people who say something different than what he wants them to believe:
Wow. thank you for sharing this. I’ve never seen an analysis of this before. Even the suit that the interviewer is wearing… it’s a power suit. Like a suit of armor. Wow wow wow. Thank you for showing me this. Wow. What an education.
Hi Zana,
Thanks and you’re awfully welcome. There HAS to be something that’s being done that is making all of these intelligent, rational people turn zombie like and refuse to look at any other truth but the official one. You looked. I looked, everyone here looked. Why won’t they?
And, yes, this is fascinating stuff. WE aren’t supposed to use “other practices” but the great and powerful DM can use this and copper rods and 100 year old scotch.
“There HAS to be something that’s being done that is making all of these intelligent, rational people turn zombie like and reuse to look at any other truth but the official one”.
They are making themselves right.
They are making themselves so very, very right, because they are THERE and on the spot and kind of have to behave and talk in an over the top way because such is expected of them at all events anyway, and because it is particularly expected of them now, and because they have to make themselves right for being talked into being there, and because, being there, they have to convince themselves that THIS is truly and finally IT, and they have been RIGHT to stick with COB, RIGHT to ignore their doubts, RIGHT to make huge financial sacrifices, RIGHT to hand their children over to the church – whatever they have done or not done because of Scientology and David Miscavige, they have been RIGHT.
And even if, while this event is going on, any of them have doubts or considerations they will shroud them from view, and they will whoop and holler and gush and hyperventilate and praise and ecstasize so that they’ll be able to leave with no-one the wiser.
That is so fascinating Indie8! Good data!
YAWN …… that’s what in the greatest announcement in the history of the whole track? Youse gots to be kidding me, right? Auditing worked JUST FINE in the early 70s with none of this digital mumbo jumbo, and all of the “unearthed LRH” which Ron himself apparently didn’t give a shit about. How many people attending these events is IRRELEVANT. It could be a million for all it meams. After all the moolah is collected for all the “new” stuff, the end result will of course ultimately be ….. YAWN…… wake me up later Davey …… strike that, DON’T wake me up ….
All this work they did to go through LRH despatches and find the mis-cancellations and alter-is could easily have been done with a half a dozen people in well under 5 years and been completed by latest 1990. But no, an army of 500 commission-based reges for IAS, Cornerstone real estate acquisitions and Ideal Orgs can sort your training and auditing difficulties out in a jiffy. I have yet to see one single presentation that requires more than a large cleared basement space to apply all of this. I guess an Ideal Org is required to run 11-step Confessionals, NED PTS actions and operating that new Mark VIII I’m sure needs at least 2 floors. This is way beyond pathological lies. Oh yeah, I forgot, at least 2,000 sq. of hallways to carry over your meter-drill reads SIM card to the Sup.
Mike, you are way better at the Mission Impossible stuff than Tom Cruise could ever be! Thanks for all that you are doing!
Thank you Mike Rinder and Mike Bennit!! You delivered a HUGE blow to the Cult of Scientology and David Miscavige!! You forced him to cut his “sherman speak” speech short! Miscavige can’t escape the SP’s – they are everywhere!! What do you think is next for Slappy Miscavige and his circus – Scientology?
Love the idea that all of Scientology yup till nite was a pilot program and only now is the real stuff coming out. Would love to hear what LRH would say about that.
See my comment above, GH. I got the same feeling.
Here’s of shoop of Mike. This is awesome. Link is from Tony Ortega s site from one of the comments.
As for the attendance numbers, any idea of the number of extras that were hired?
(Maybe one of your shots showed the parking lot for the extras.)
Well from reading the above it seems DM has been studying Milton H. Erickson techniques and has made himself the stable datum of what is correct or incorrect in the tech. Obviously it seems one cannot trust the written materials and since there are so many hidden data lines one can ONLY trust the little guy to tell everyone what is correct. My hands hurt from applauding, NOT.
David Lingenfelter
Is all these women trolling for 2Ds with cash reserves. Gary Wattman, WTF is he doing in his icon photo?
Same goes for Mike Desposito, babe magnet or full metal wallet? Except for Nick M. who seems sexually confused. It happens.
Ed meet Amy. Amy kneels down. Watch Amy lounge at the FH’s pool with Ed’s money. Thank you COB.
Well, Ed is happily married to the flower arrangement provider for the “Church,” Pat Frey, so I doubt there will be any “on her knees” behavior with Amy. And I don’t think Ed has much money anymore, after giving it all to you-know-who.
Confused as she is about who’s really providing standard tech, Amy’s an alright kid.
And I don’t know what Gary Wattman is doing in his photo but WTF is he TALKING ABOUT??? COB intro-DUCED us to Scientology??? Ron would be irate at that praise, directed at that little pip-squeak, miscavige.
DM is raping LRH’s name and taking all the credit for himself. Tears in his eyes, my ass. He knows he doesn’t deserve that much love and adoration. I hope it caves him in (out-exchange) and he blows like any good being would do, having committed the overts that he has, not only on the people, Ron’s friends, but on Ron himself.
You reading this, DAVE? I mean it. YOU are guilty of monumental overts. You know what they are and we do too. Yes, that one, oh yeah, and those too – yes, and even THAT. Yes, especially that.
Run. Run before they find out who you really are.
Yep, there should be some carpet overlay for not only the PC but auditor as well. Linoleum or tile flooring is best. Same goes for some types of clothing too.
Neither shielded meters, this new Mark VIII or any other GSR can fully protect against static electricity, and other precautions need to be taken as well.
HCOB 11 Aug 78 I Rudiments, Definitions And Patter is in the 1991 Tech Vols. I don’t even have any revised versions, so it must be some GAT revision I haven’t yet come across.
I have both the on-source LRH dictated/approved and ACC versions, and whatever he supposedly hid in walls was not of any benefit to him. Hiding them inside CO$ walls is not exactly a brilliantly hatched plan … lol, esp. since David could freely move about and could have gotten a safety deposit box anytime he wanted … lol.
And disconnection was reintroduced in 1983 without LRH and COB permission, and there never was a real disconnection policy in the church!
Yes there is. FZers/Indies NOT-IS this one generally: HCOPL 23 Dec 65RB Suppressive Acts, Suppression Of Scientology And Scientologists, instead focusing attention on other cancelled and revived materials.
Thank you for that, Formost. Oooh, I would LOVE to see the ACTUAL materials on OT V. TOOOO many people are falling over, dead, after being on that level the way it’s being delivered. Got a link? Mike has my email if you’d like to write me directly. (Thanks, Mike)
So that’s it, huh? Just another rearranging of the deck chairs by the Finder of Lost Tech.
I find it fascinating that the whole process of learning how to audit is being “fixed” by a guy who never even made Cl. IV.
HCOB 30 Nov 78 Confessional Procedure contained 28 Steps which cancelled BTB 31 Aug 72RB. Looks like an earlier HCOB was cancelled by that BTB.
The GAT I version was revised Aug. 26, 1996 left all 28 steps in place.
They most certainly were out-gradient, but I had no problems studying them. Would be nice to know which lectures are beeing kept for GAT II.
I’ve been using shielded GSR meters for years. I always knew there is something seriously wrong with the inferirior CO$ ones, and I don’t use them. Junk as far as I’m concerned. Note that the Mark V and VI were not mentioned, but the crap DM implemented after LRH’s passing.
They wanted parishioners to buy them a new building. Surely Soopa Powr doesn’t require that kind of square footage.
That’s more fair.
The FB posts are way too “COB” focused. It’s a relief to know that no one contributes anything of any value.
I wonder if maybe that “Cause Resurgence” is a typo. Shouldn’t that be “Cash Resurgence?”
I suppose now the 50 programs written by the COB himself kicks in.
Don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Begs the question will there be a GAT 3 ?
Some of these changes I can see (only from what is being written in this blog piece) might actually be OK. But for me, “might” is the key word. With all the lies that I’ve seen spewed out from the church, who knows what is really correct and what isn’t. But the solution is to get a conceptual understanding of how it all works and comes together. Observe the results and understand how they came about. Work out the full concepts and attain certainty. I don’t trust David Miscavige, that’s for sure.
Mike, I hope you will allow me to congratulate you on your superb win today: you forced COB to look up to you. I am going to post here what I posted at the Underground Bunker:
Flying a helicopter over Miscavige’s head is a damn powerful message! He was absolutely powerless to stop it: street closings, armed security everywhere, i.d. cards, and his own helicopter, didn’t stop Mike Rinder. Mike Rinder forced Miscavige to look up at him…imagine what that did to Miscavige.
Able to disrupt a 15 year awaited event in a single afternoon!!!!
Look! UP in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a chopper! It’s SUPER-MIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(So sorry, Davey. SPs ARE everywhere…)
Were there ANY management terminals there? ED Int? President of the Church? WDC Chairman? Sr C/s Int? Was it 100% RTC?
Mike, I have a dial wide grin on my face today. You are the best!
Really, I think he knows that. He says this to squash any questioning from the smaller beings, who may start to wonder why it took so long fix all of this, and maintain his cult status as the biggestest being.
Great Full OT shots on Ortega’s Blog.
A Helicopter!!! Bwahahahahahahahahaha!!!
OH, if you could have a PA system like the police have and start making announcements in that “Official Mike Rinder, voice of the Church of Scientology” voice. (Don’t underestimate the power in that)
“David Miscavige is a crook!
“He is taking YOUR IAS money and buying 100 year old scotch and expensive cars for himself. He is cheating on his wife with another Sea Org member. ”
“Where is his wife, Shelly? Where is our friend, Heber Jenzsch?”
“Why can’t we see the books that show where all this IAS money goes?”
Maybe you can’t do that but, oh, that makes me laugh.
Maybe we should have one of those planes that pull the banner behind them?
“COB is not a crook” with a picture of Nixon on it. hahaha (COB has been declared?)
And he is of course against disconnection !!!
Maybe he will cancel the 3 swing FN, saying that an SP introduced an improper interpretation of the def of FN, causing overrun, and that another SP said that it was ok to run Dianetics on an OT, inventing a full out tech handling which was called advanced program. This is of course cancelled. All tech terminal to report for FDS. Right data : “Dianetics forbidden on clears and OTs”. He was also aware of another arbitrary consisting of doing Sec Checks on OT’s every six month. Heaven forbid, this is going against CS serie 73. And disconnection was reintroduced in 1983 without LRH and COB permission, and there never was a real disconnection policy in the church!
You summarized in one paragraph the biggest blunders. I would add the policy on fundraising being completly ignored. Dang, I guess LRH forgot to write a specific policy of no complete Psychopaths allowed to run the Organization. Who would have thunk?
Ron did mention that, in PDC 20. Watch this clip from :55 where Ron talks about a “bogey man.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jG9X0gEedDs
LDW – EXACTLY right.
So DM was wrong when he didn’t catch the correct tech in GAT I or… is he lying now?
So impossible to know.
In the 80’s I asked someone what the difference was before and after the “updates” for OT V. He said, “David Mayo knew everything to take out of OT V to make a thetan incapable.” Well, all I know is that since the “updates” back then, there sure are a lot of OT Vs keeling over from cancer, thank you very much.
I was told this hair-brained story about how “David Mayo was so evil that he HID parts of OT V in a wall and spackled and painted over it so no one would find it!! Remember that he was a carpenter, you know… And then, low and behold, we were doing renos and THERE IT WAS!” What a bunch of … malarkey.
Maybe Mike can shine a light on that? Was that just a shore story?
Be that as it may, the BIG question is, as you mentioned, LDW, is a) will people get their money back for all the out tech AND B) will the people who have been declared for questioning the tech – spotting the out tech and reporting it – be ‘un-declared’ by a general amnesty? Will they admit their earlier F-up by reinstating auditor’s certs, un-declare the declared and give commendations to those who did report the out tech in the first place?
The even bigger question, I guess, is, will anyone who’s been declared WANT to go back in the church, now that we are re-establishing true LRH out here?
Are pigs flying yet?
These are great questions to ask the people who call us now and want to get us back on lines. A) Will people get their money back for all the out tech and B) will the people who have been declared for questioning the tech — spotting the out and reporting it — be “un-declared” by a general amnesty? Really good! Thank you for these. I’ll be using them.
Thanks, Zana. And great idea about using them with the call-in people.
Their “big solution” is going to breed so many more problems. We’ll make sure of it.
And thx for coming down the ride. Now if we all can just get up!!
10 min standing ovation? I call that being cultified! Pitiful on how blind we can be.
I’m cynical enough to believe that they were all coached and prepped to give Him a very long S/O.
I’m no longer a true believer…but when I was CO CMO PAC in the late 70’s I received pilot auditing on “Power of Choice” processing which, I believe, was part of Super Power…it was pretty good…and was discontinued because a couple of staff in CW blew after this processing (EP of choice to get the hell out?)….if this is more of the same LRH tech it might be interesting…as a former SO…..all in…true believer…its hard for me to be too critical of those still ‘believin’ they’re saving this planet…..been there…done that…it was kind of fun thinking I was that special and powerful…..almost went to Int..in ’79.,,..might be in the ‘hole’ with Mithoff, Heber, etc now…..
Thx Mike
Followup on my last comment: Scientology has some excellent self improvement techniques that are likely superior to just about any other self improvement system out there. Ditto for a good portion of the admin tech. However Scientology does not bring about spiritual immortality (how could it since a spirit is immortal anyway) nor does it cause a being to regain all his previous knowledge from the past trillion years (if it did I’d hopefully be jamming with Eric Clapton on a regular basis) or allow one to knock hats off a head at a distance (which would be nice when someone is wearing a big old hat in the seat in front of you at a theatre). This basic problem with Scientology is not COB or any other boogieman. The problem is Scientology which will collapse under the weight of its own false promises no matter how many updates, programs, strategies, etc. are released. Bottom line: Scientology, whether corporate or not, is based on promises of “states of being” that have not been achieved except perhaps accidentally here and there. Scientology has not delivered the goods and for that it deserves to be upbraided for. And that’s a quote from KSW.
Exactly. The reason I signed up, and the reason I left. Scientology has some value, but ultimately does not deliver on the big promises. Bait and switch.
If the bastards had not jacked prices up sky high and engaged in all the stasi-like thuggary, i would have little trouble with Scientology. I got a lot of benefit from Life Repair and the Grades. I never did the OT levels. From what i have read of the processes and theory of the OT levels on the net, they seem rather silly. Moreover, the OT level processes look absurdly simple. They should be VERY cheap to do. But if people do them and like them, then hey, good for them. But by laying in the heavy secracy and then making them crazy expensive, not to mention all the Ethics brow-beating and sec checking, by the time people get them, it seems to me they are rather condiditoned to believe they work, if only cuz they have spent so much damn money on them.
Yes. And when the processes DON’T work… when they don’t deliver a Clear or an OT who can walk through walls, remember everything ever said to them and create as much financial MEST as they care to conjure up in their little brains… when all that fails, then it’s the fault of the PC or the Pre-OT person… whatever. It’s THEIR fault and they MUST pay huge sums in order to correct their own stupidity… or else it’s the Auditor’s fault, because they followed LRH’s directions… which are no longer the right directions… so now you have to pay even HIGHER prices to get it re-done because… you’re a chump.
All these people are on the Sucker List.
My mom had a salesman come to her door when we were kids and he wanted to sell her a set of photos that would be taken of us kids. When she asked him how he heard about her he said, “You’re on some sucker list.” :-))) Needless to say, she didn’t order the photos from him.
So…. we were all on the Co$ Sucker List at one time… and these guys are STILL on the Sucker List. Jeeeezzzzz…..
I know what you are saying, Kevin. However you are missing one element…those of us who have actually been there, actually done that and are not afraid to separate the bull from the useful. One can get excellent results and help people with the useful bits of tech without in any way agreeing with or promoting the false promises.
Guy says, “well do you actually get people to rekindle their telekinesis?”
Answer, “No, I’ve never seen any evidence of that.”
Guy says, “well then it’s all a bunch of crap.”
Answer, “I don’t think so, but I do think a lot of promises were made based on hopeful thinking, rather than factual accomplishment.”
Honest, straightforward.
Now if the guy can’t talk to girls and he says “Will this help me to be able to talk to girls?”
I can honestly state that in 97.2% of the cases, using these processes will handle that problem.
AND I would design a program, without a lot of stupid arbitraries, which will actually help the guy with his personal concerns.
The Co$ is obligated to continue lying about shit. It can’t help itself because of the policy the Co$ is based on. It will continue playing this game and drawing in people who are basically delusional. It will not cease this game unless and until it’s charismatic leader is legally thrown in jail for the fraud he’s committing. And even then, there are many thousands of people who will cry “foul” from the roof tops and continue to believe in HIM and praise HIM and cry for the day HE will return.
I believe he’s been neutered to the degree that he can no longer harm us. No small thanks to Marty and his lovely wife, the Headleys, our inimitable host on this blog and many others.
He’ll continue to run his cult and will have his seals clapping. Or he’ll get nailed and put in jail.
In any case, there is tons of very useful tech which can be used as it is, or integrated into other subjects, as is currently occuring in many areas. I think anyone who is looking objectively can tell what can and what cannot be accomplished based on actual results.
The tech is now free. Use it or not as you wish.
I agree with you, LDW. The ACTUAL nuts and bolts of the tech are very helpful to people. If everyone in the world did the actual, original communication course, how easy would it be to talk to each other and come to agreements, etc. For me, just that alone is worth the price of having been in Scientology.
And then there’s the rest.
No one ever told me that I would be “immortal.” They did tell me that Scientology would increase my perceptions and understanding of people, which it has, in spades.
As LDW said, now it’s free. Use it freely to help yourself and others.
DM will eventually blow or fall over dead from the stress of his own overts. Either way, that day’s a comin’. In the meantime, if you’re a Scientologist, and you want to, use Scientology. In the time it takes for DM to fall, we will all be better off because we continued our journey without his suppression.
Hip, hip, hooray for the real, new civilization builders.
Well said, Indie8. I read some of the wild promises and basically ignored them. Learned what I could learn that was useful, contributed to many people (according to them), delivered some useful stats. Then, when I saw the music changing, I left the dance floor quietly, making no fuss, and have been living “happily ever after” since then. (Not ALL the time! LOL) But right at the beginning, I discovered the real comm cycle, that both sides had to be practicing it. That opened my eyes. I don’t know whether the old man discovered that stuff or stole it. I no longer care. He made it available and for that I’m grateful. He paid a pretty heavy price for his own errors of thinking, acting and dealing dishonestly with others. I hope he does better next time around.
Again a covert way to invalidate auditors by saying the handling of rudiments, your study tech, the original LRH tapes on the Levels were all wrong and you know nothing. With all this Basics being a pre-requisite, it just stretches way too long the training of auditors even with the chopped St Hat and Levels. What a bummer.
Also it invalidates the pre clears by saying all the rudiments priorly handled on you were out tech. How some of the more valuable people (auditors) dared to do so???
Oh, he did not get a record of applause, sometime in the past the Captain FSO got over 15 minutes of applause, real heartily welcome to a real Leader. So, sorry Dave, you did noir even came close. Too bad…sniff, sniff
It is very sad to see one of my former best friends commenting on this drivel. This person disconnected from me and “unfriended” me on Facebook with no qualms or proof. Here this person is clapping like a seal and yet in 35 years involvement has never gotten past Student Hat nor done an OT level. And has given well over $300k to Flag and has been dicked around on clear status. Some people like punishment. I made it clear that I have not disconnected even it this person did.
That is mind-boggling. $300,000 lighter and 35 years later…
that person is still not Clear or OT. WTF? LOL. It’s hard to believe what these guys will fall for.
I was thinking about Ed Byran… been in for 42 years… and NOW he’s finally going to get it right. ! The real thing…. until the next real thing comes out. What a waste of a life.
The lies are so humungous that it’s mind-boggling. Do they not feel a tinge of cognizant dissonance? … or whatever that is… the Princess with the Pea under the mattress. Do they not feel that there might be a pea down there somewhere? Or a rock? Or a big boulder?
So Miscavige has shuffled some deck chairs on the titanic. The true blue give him a 10 minute standing ovation which was obviously something of a relief to Him – He made it through the first part of the week end without being heckled or subpoenered. Unfortunately Scientology remains the fastest shrinking cult in the world with square footage of empty Ideal Org space at another all time highest ever and the public rejecting it emphatically. Btw seems according to a KA drinker actual attendence was barely 6000.
+1 !
They also flew more than a few staff out from LA (at the least). They were dressed in “event clothes”, not in uniform.
who found a better racket in Grease Cleaning of restaurants
…and doing a crap job at that…while pissing off the other people in that field because he 3Ps other companies.
Well he had better belly up to the oiliness table and get his ruds in.
I think DM is saving the fact that Super Power was supposed to be delivered to staff first for a future “discovery” aka GAT III.
Years ago they used to have Senior C/S Int Bulletins when they found out-tech being delivered in the church. There would be a program written up and sent out to the orgs for correction and compliance. Amazing. Let’s continue the “out-tech” for years instead of easily correcting the scene. That would have been a really tough one correcting EM-18. Maybe there’s no Snr. C/S Bulletins cause no Snr C/S in the house.
“Rudiments Definitions and Patter had been revised by a random person. Rudiments procedure was completely wrong and nobody has actually known how to do them.” Now there is a release I’d like to see – if anyone can get their hands on the revised HCOB, please post it.
How could they change it? It was pretty damn simple. Go back to old school check it for a read, get some itsa, and recheck it for a read?
I guess when you are schooled in gang bang sec checks, getting ruds in isn’t a priority.
How many were paid? Cheerleaders sitting in the audience, every fifth?
Sounds like some common sense changes such as nuking the idiotic spot checks and meter checks. The problem for COB and Scientology is these changes won’t make a damn bit of difference as the real issues causing Scientology’s downward spiral are inherent in the organization as well as the “basic on the chain” which is that Scientology has yet to create one actual “Clear” or “OT”. Now if COB could fix that he might be onto something.
Very true about the products.
But religions are group activities, and the ecstatic responses of the members, the chorus members on Facebook, at least seem normal for some religions which have ecstatic parades or events, etc.
If you can’t get OT in session, then some of the members get to go ga-ga during events!
I’m reading Lorne Dawson’s great chapter on “Charismatic Legitimacy and Violent Behavior” and Miscavige by definition is on that chart.
Hope in the future, that when Dawson further writes on cult leaders, he takes up Miscavige’s recent history. (The last book articles didn’t include Scientology, but hopefully future new religion scholar anthologies won’t shy away from Miscavige’s violence and adulation that is current history.)
So, miscavige has “discovered” that there was indeed gross out-tech at Flag.
Wonder if they’ll give us our 100K refund now?
Sound bite statements, sound bite solutions. It’s just like GAT I where the results of a poorly done eval were stated as the ultimate revelation, “The blind are leading the blind). The resulting programs worsened the scene.
A few of his current “revelations” have been written in knowledge reports by tech terminals for years. Many of these tech terminals have been declared SP for insisting others look at the out-point.
I’m waiting for one of the clubbed seals to describe the greatest moment in the history of the the whole universe in one word:
Thank you cob …sniff, sniff, for making a Cleared planet Earth attainable. Sniff..sniff, you were right to slap and choke and punch people to get us to this point. You’re Ideal Org program will now be able to go into full swing…sniff, sniff,..If they don’t then I will know that it is just some other SP getting in your way. You are an infallible being and I’m sure that LRH is looking down on you and smiling. I’m sure..sniff, sniff, that GAT 1 was a failure because of some other SP’s who you are gracious enough not to name, sobbing… Anyways, even though others have gotten in your way and have made all earlier programs fail, I am SURE this one will be GREAT!! (Tears of joy rolling down my cheeks and hysterical laughter.)
Tissue, Tony?
Needs more hand cream, his TA is going high ….
Yes please. Thank you for caring Less. Sniff.
Kinda makin’ ME get “misty” over here, Tony. He cares so deeply about us! Nowhere in the history of the universe has anyone given of himself more! Oh My God now I’m crying just thinking about the sacrifice HE has made for us!
Booooo hoo hoo hoo hoooooooo…!
YES!! They should make a bust of cob’s head and put it in all of the LRH offices.
I thought maybe just remove the “of” from that sentence for it to make great sense.
9,500 people for Hype rehab
No more plaid Bell bottom slacks, green alligator sneakers,
Hot pink ruffled shirts, extra wide lapel blazers.
That will make the COB cry non stop
And Amy Giles kneels to Ed….snicker snort.
…on Hollywood Boulevard.