Here are the latest batch of lies put forth by “Flag.”
Not just the “Mecca of Technical Perfection” and the “Friendliest Place on Earth” but “Global Vulture HQ.”
Interestingly, they being with a likely true statement. In all of 2014 they managed to make 393 OT VII’s. Highest Ever! And at that rate, even making it to the 30 year old target of 10,000 is 7 years away.
But wait, things are going MUCH better this year, averaging 10 completions “every single week.” Unfortunately, I keep track of the drivel that Barbara Dews and Jeff Mintz send out and the average of OT VII Comps per week is 6.1 per week. Over the entire year. NOT 10. And if that pace keeps up they will be closer to 300 comps this year than 400.
All other stats that follow are just made up “long term affluence,” “4X,” speed of accomplishment and resign rate. I have never seen ANYONE publicly promote resign rates before – it tells you what the real attention is on…
But you get to the end and that is where the biggest lie of all is found, “Flag is by far the most economical way to get up The Bridge.”
That is seriously laugh out loud ridiculous, even when you DON’T include the massive regging for the IAS, Super Power and “4th Dynamic Programs” that are an integral part of the “Flag experience.” Flag is NOT cheap, and like a Roach Motel, once you are in, you cannot get out.
And finally, there is this measure of the magnificent expansion occurring in the scientology world:
“Flag makes 20 to 25 OT Completions every week. That is more than the whole rest of the planet combined.”
Between AOLA, AOSHUK, AOSHEU and AOSHANZO they cannot make 20 OT Comps per week (realize this is an “OT Comp” for Sunshine RD, OT 1, OT II theory, OT II, OT III Theory etc). And two of thee are “ideal”….
We can make the funeral as epic as you like.
I don’t mind having a little fun.
But the end of a corrupt cult a monumental act does not make.
no fake doth make
GIve me gong, I’m happy.
This church is a lie, oh yes it is.
Just a big PR front, a bubble, hollow promises filled by your command and your sweat and, sorry,
minus your dollars too.
I can spare you all the unpleasantries,
but I can’t spare you.
I’m getting sick of calling it a church.
48 out of 50 Clears distinctly agree, IT is distinctly not for you nor me.
I tried to say that with a nice smile.
For this church is literally being displaced by the information age,
just throw it in the pile.
Finally, truth does prevail.
Sing Imagine or maybe Let It Be,
All the words blissfully fitting, just like you to me.-mm
Not just the “Mecca of Technical Perfection” and the “Friendliest Place on Earth” but “Global Vulture HQ.”
I loved that one Mike, your pen is sharp as a dagger and it goes straight to the point and the target.
This: “Flag is by far the most economical way to get up The Bridge.”
Tell that to the ordinary South African Joe Schmo who has to fork out R68,000 for ONE intensive at Flag. This makes Flag services unobtainable to 90% of South African SCNs – unless they are multi-millionaires (and they’re all declared now anyway).
Heads up to all you South African lurkers still living in the bubble: If you’re so inclined, for the price of ONE intensive at Flag, you can now get up to OT5 at an independent practice – right there in your own country!. No insane regging, harassment for constant donations, compulsory attendance at events & fundraisers or IAS Patron status required.
Correction Shelley, one intensive costs R80 000! Those going over wish it was R68 000.
For R200 000 I will deliver (in the US) up to OT XXI. In 2 weeks!
I’ll do it cheaper and faster, but I only take Krugerrands.
“Flag makes 20 to 25 OT Completions every week. That is more than the whole rest of the planet combined.”
Does anyone else ever notice the ser facs that go out in Church promo or is it just me?
Yes, I do and its amazing.
thanks Ann
Ye be the queen of my dreams. Hang on to your heart,ok?
There is a story, I don’t remember it very well…
It is about a boy who falls in love a girl.
And they both are so very happy, the boy blissful like he had never known…
until he takes his heart one day and puts it in her pocket.
And from that moment, he knew only sadness, the girl wanting only to be free.
I love and admire your heart, for as long as you keep it in your chest,
where it does belong. Where I do so admire.
Sweet sweet Ann, I want only for you to be happy and feel safe, that it will endure.
Always more-mm
Hi Mark Marco, I swear you are most charming,sweet and always brighten up my time when you post.I thought your story was beautiful,and because I want you to also be happy and safe,do not worry I do not plan to be free of you for along time.I hope that even after I fly away I will never ever be far if you need me and will always love you for you.OK I can hear bloggers laughing about us,but that is what happens when two writers get together.Happy laughter!Although Mark is far more disciplined in his posts than I could ever hope to be!The thing is we both want the church or cult or whatever one wants to call it, held accountable for harming so many in so many ways.What has been done in Ron and David’s name continues to,have repercussions years and decades later.I personally have no quarrel now with liberal and not the political usage of the word, Indies who want to help people.The fundamentalist ones I won’t argue with because they feel superior to this DB as I’m sure they see me as.When I was in I would have held the same viewpoint.But now with all you warriors how can I go wrong? Love and evermore Mark,Ann.
I feel morally obligated to let you know …that
Indeed, I have been moderated for [bleep], recent submissions that did also include sexually oriented references, AND references to orientation, such as the beast I am capable of being, full disclosure (mostly), which is more of a nervous tick type thing, sometimes, not exactly a personality trait.
Hi Mark Marco, I understand. Really I do not care if you are green,purple with four legs and four arms.Laughter! I care about your heart, mind and beautiful spirit.Anything else does not bother me at all.As long as you can be happy and free and on your path,I am honored to walk beside you.Infinite Love,Ann.
you are so courageous
AOLA alone routinely made over 100 OTs in a single week late 70s through the 80s. 20 to 25 a week is terrible. This says it all. I wonder how many SHSBC comps and Class 8s are being produced? It would be interesting to see a current price list. The orgs are dying. I find it hard to believe they even advertise this low production. I can not imagine what it would be like to be managing any of these orgs and attempting to find the ‘why’ and never getting close and the Thursday Financial Planning must be a real bitch. I am so glad I made it out of there. Thanks for keeping us informed on the current disaster.
Hi Cece, It is great to meet you.A wonderful post and when I think back to the boom days at Asho F where I was 74-78,and @ Day as well and AO and FOLO, today’s super Mike post makes me Happy! whoops my evil intentions toward this cult just hit overdrive! Bad, Ann can’t help it! My best,Ann.
Hi Cece, I forgot to add to my post congratulations on getting out.The freedom feeling never goes away for me! Love,Ann.
If only they type “Why is Scientology Failing?” or “Why orgs fail?” on google might give some answers. This page is the second result and I think it’s very applicable to Scientology:
Wow, this is PRECISELY applicable to Co$.
How do you know when a scientology organisation is lying?
They’re communicating.
According to the tek, lying is the lowest form of creation, no wonder Flag is at sea level, with any luck it’ll sink soon and then they won’t be able complain about aquariums, they’ll have become one.
Have to say that the comments are some of the best parts of this blog.
They’re the heart & soul of this blog, Katylied. Nice Steely Dan!
More bad news for DM -
When it rains, it pours. Miscavige is really pulling it in. He is so busted. Cares not, tra la la la la. And he’s off to the next big event and more applause!!!!!
re: Low Flying Drone link:
The Hollywood reporter says 88,000 UK viewers saw Going Clear on pay cable, a record, this despite litigation pressed by the church successfully until now. Again, suppressive acts backfire. Again, DM demonstrates his uncanny ability and excellent marksmanship, shooting himself in the foot.
88,000 more people inoculated against DM, scientology & Hubbard!
A happy thing indeed!
I love John Locke. Please tell everyone except John Locke, I don’t like making him edgy.
I think the that the emphasis on “resign rates” is a sign that the disaffection rate is very high when the koolaid drunks leave the Flag bubble and get exposed to NBC, HBO, life, etc… so they need to keep them AT Flag. Ha. Good luck with that. Scientology is shrinking into itself…
Bottom line is there is no place to hide these blindfolded dingbats except inside Flag’s cloistered walls…
What do they mean by “resign rate?”
To sign up again. Complete a course and sign up for your next one.
Well okay, Flag is exaggerating a teensy bit but at least it’s pushing out its OTVII product onto the world with “intestinal fortitude” (if you know what I mean). And it’s doing it more often than anybody else. Barbara presumes we already want to go OT (and be more able than any human has ever been before) so she’s trying to sell us on why we shouldn’t patronize our local Ideal Org down the street and go with her instead: “I can do it better and I’m cheaper than the others, honey”.
I recall my first, last and ONLY visits to Flag. A Flag registrar named Kitti Georgius led me on to believe I was not welcome at Flag and should try something else instead. Something I was confused enough to believe. After the damage was done she tried to seem like she had truly apologized for her actions. In her mind perhaps as I don’t accept apologies from people because apologies are not true amends. But, I don’t have time and money anyway to be involved doing things to other people I might need to apologize for, so what sense did her actions make? 🙂 That one small fact alone tells you what at least 1 person was involved in at Flag and why the environment there is NOT distraction free as it is advertised to be. It was a very distracting place. People kept showing up around me that had “cognited” on what the sick registrar I met was doing and “actually helping her along”. Flag is not the place for me. And these days I don’t even desire to go there anymore whether I am welcome or not. I rarely say this to people, and I don’t want to but Flag is the exception. 🙂
Hi Lawrence, Thank you for this post.Very informative for me.You know when I was in Sea Org I truely would have adored to go to The Apollo and now when I read what happened to you,I am so glad that I did not get to go there or to Clearwater.I imagine Flag is even more distracted now by David Miscavige and his situation.Could not happen to a nicer person either.I’ll bet he is right royally pissed 24/7 these days.Always,Ann.
Flog has been ripping off Peter to pay Paul for years. This, I think is a good indicator that the cult is shrinking drastically.
I think what’s going on could be likened to a body which is chronically dehydrated.
In chronic dehydration, whatever water the body obtains first goes to the brain, to keep the brain alive. The other organs and tissues suffer for this in an ongoing, low grade dehydration but the brain takes priority over all other body organs for water and nourishment.
(My apologies for likening it in any way to a brain, but I do think that Miscavige thinks of Flog as the “brain”, or “mind”, of all of Scientology, per that LRH reference about “Thetan-Mind-Body-Product”. As such, I do think that he thinks that if Flog dies, Scientology is dead.)
Ergo, (I think he thinks) if paying customers are dwindling in the outer orgs then scooping up anyone anywhere who is ready, willing and able and shunting them to Flag is a survival mechanism because if the “head” dies, then the “body” dies. That’s what I think he thinks.
Dehydration reminded me of Lisa McPherson.
Aqua, I remember the ’09 St. Petersburg’s (now the Tampa Bay Times) article entitled ‘Truth Revealed.’ I’m not sure who said, maybe Joe Childs, but he said the “Church was collapsing.” What an uproar from the cult! And now, 6+ years later, we’re actually witnessing the downfall of this cult. As every week goes by, it’s just getting worse for them. Nobody can deny that they are straight down and horizontal.
Hey OSD, business is looking up, it’s on its back.
Now that’s clever! Wish I’d thought of that, Subreption!
You’ve been pushing for over 3 decades, but you cult is still constipated.
Man, that’s going to take one hellava of enema! I hope we never hear the words, “Thar she blows!”
Hi OSD,Now that is very funny! Thank you.XO Ann.
Hi threefeetback, Your post was great! Isn’t that the truth! Thank you for the apt description of the cult! Always,Ann.
When contacted for comment earlier this morning Scientology spokesperson Karin D.M. Pouw said that Commodore David K.P. Miscavige was unavailable because he will be meeting with the Roman Pope. When asked what the lunch conversation topics would be she stated that as a well respected religious leader Pappa Scientologia is regularly consulted by Francis. At this time Pope David is hoping to set up a confessional system for the older church which will subcontract confessions and turn them into a profit centre for the Catholics as it is in Scientology using LRH/DM registered “Lie’n Die” Tech.
“The Pope emerged shaken and pale from his meeting with Mr Miscavige. When questioned what the two leaders spoke about, His Holiness muttered something about increasing his ‘status’ and that he was late for a meeting with bankers to put a mortgage on the Vatican.
“In contrast, Mr Miscavige appeared gleeful and announced he would soon be moving the Church of Scientology to ‘new digs’ in Rome.”
Hi Mike Nimble, Good to meet you. Your post is just delicious and you have David Miscaviges number 100%. Thank you.Best,Ann.
“Future is the creation of a future illusion and the working toward that illusion to make it a reality.”
Flunk for wordy obtuseness. That’s the real reason “Study Tech” had to be invented — to try to get students to understand what Hubbard was saying.
Even the dullest wog business leader would probably put the concept simply as “the future is created by making your vision a reality” or something like that.
In terms of Ron-speak, I guess “Scientology is the creation of an illusion of OT powers and working toward making that illusion an agreed-upon apparency at which point it becomes reality by definition.”
Resign rates? Why don’t they ever put a cancel rate, a let’s go forever rate, a unsatisfied customers rate, a I’ll kill you next time you sell me such a shit rate, a I lost my family in that cult rate, a how many people left an org with BIs rate? Well, no need to ask such “entheta” question, sure.
What about people UTR rates? That’s certainly in affluence….maybe even 47X.
Hi roger gonnet, I love the let’s go forever rate and may I add to your wonderful post a let’s blow forever rate! Always Ann.
Once one has blown for good there is no ticket to return. Being an SP is so much more fun!
roach hotel 😉
Hi XenuYesXenu, Yes roach hotel! The Hollywood Inn had them big as cats and one time the entire Inn got an invasion of scabies! Every room on all seven minus the attic,floors! No amount of hot water etc at the laundromat would get rid of them.I slept one day on the covered patio that went into the parking lot it was so bad.I did not care who saw me I was dead tired but had to get away from those bugs! Eventually something was done but it was itchy and awful! Always Ann.
I bet all of the outer Ideal Orgs are happy the way Flag is throwing them under the bus….Solo 1 at Flag 2-3 days…..1 week at outer orgs. Can’t wait to see Ideal orgs go rogue and tell Flag to bite the big one.
Oh, all the Idle Morgues HATE FLAP! And, once again for the umpteenth time, it’s all fueled by what? DESPERATION! FLAP doesn’t give a shit about outer morgues. It’s all about them.
Since they call it the “Mecca” of technical perfection, I wonder if ISIS is interested in coming to FLAP. Maybe arrive when DLHDM is in town to give him some tips on how to abuse people. Especially the beheadings…..
I cannot even imagine the pressure on the staff there. As the upper management push has ALWAYS revolved around the amount of money Int can and does extract from the FLB it must be the worst of hells there now that most people have either left the church or stopped buying services.
John, I sure hope you’re right.
Another justification for existence Miss Dews? This hav level is “what I don’t want to know can’t hurt me”.
About 5 years ago, Miss Dews was here in Alaska and I gave her a copy of my Technical Alter-is Report. She read it. Her reply was, “Things aren’t right in the Church”. Now, five years later, still things aren’t right in the cherch.
“Flag makes 20 to 25 OT Completions every week. That is more than the whole rest of the planet combined.”
The above is black PR on the other AOs, like they are useless, unable to reach Flag standards. This is vey bad promotion of scn. But, what can we say of such blind people?
Absolutely spot on, Silvia! Flag is Black PRing the other orgs. And then to boast of speed of delivery at Flag is out KSW and they’ve been doing that for years. I wrote that up at one time and al it got me was two MAA’s showing up at my house unannounced “to handle me.”
Hi Cindy, Oh my,those two MAAs must have made your day! Like some of my GO/ Intel pals they sure use Handle you literally and physically! Always, Ann.
Cindy, you mean they put there hands on you? I mean you said they came to handle you. I hope they, at least, said “Thank you.” That, or, “We’ll be gentle.”
The Lifetime Grand Master of Black PRing orgs — all (and I do mean all) orgs — not to mention virtually all execs and staff – is Miscavige himself. He is a black PR factory spewing forth his hatred for all who serve him. His black PR lines have permeated the rest of the SO turning it into a culture of black PR – of each other, the rest of Scientology, etc. Miscavige and SO staff and OSA NW staff, etc do not only black PR “apostates” and “SPs”. And this is all reinforced by Miscavite essentially having redefined Black PR solely as any criticism or slighting or questioning or disagreeing of him by others. What a clusterfuck.
It’s every morgue for itself now, Silvia.
Sylvia, your post made me ponder the term “scientology completions.”
It’s the clearest (pun intended) and most absolute “oxymoron” ever exampled by calculated human endeavour. And some people just can’t seem to get enough of it. How in the world can an org, any org and Flag in particular still have their doors open is another oxymoron.
An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which incongruous or seemingly contradictory terms appear side by side.
Nothing is permanent in scientology, so how can you complete anything? Multiple GATs, reissued books over and over, Clears nullified and recalled, OT8s put back on 7, checksheets constantly rewritten, tech alterations, never ending sec checks, purif’s ordered redone, all permanent auditing certs cancelled, back to objectives and redo the grades and levels etc. etc and the list goes on and is created upon as an ongoing cash cow and income line.
I certainly didn’t intend this be a word clearing session but ‘moron’ is in the term and it just seemed to perfectly explain and apply to what a scientology product actually is – a moron, and all this from the most ethical group on the planet.
Yes, I noted that. Is that a sign the Scientology is turning on its own?
In any organisation, that’s usually an indication that the end is nigh.
You know, that’s exactly right; you can describe and attribute the fall of Rome that way…
When before there was no army to slow the advance of the mighty and terrible Romans, in all of Europe, noble.
Again, I think about how 48 of the first 50 clears were declared,
mostly while LRH was alive. That is a turning inside, out.
-Oh, for the power of the pen…the power of our voices.
And I think, also, how this girl, daughter of my best friend, the most beautiful creature I ever hoped to see, got sick and started turning inside out, putrid mess inside, the result of crack addiction.
To the core, this church is bad, trying to hide what’s really in there.
Let’s just bleach it out,
with a little ol’-fashioned Sunlight, shall we? Dead is dead,
Until the smell goes away, then dead is something that may or may not be remembered.
“Did you know when it comes to COMPLETIONS, people moving up The Bridge, we are hitting Highest Ever Levels, totally because of that fact, people are getting through faster.” SAY WHAT? The dumbifidity never ceases to amaze.
WTF??? Their logic escapes me…..
It’s every potential penny that’s escaping miscavige’s grubby little mits – they want it real bad. Simply logic really – it’s a great example one way valued logic.
The Bridge… LOL!
I got kicked out of Flag once, asked to leave. Today, it’s a pleasure moment.
yes, iForrest, yes…
this is a reflection of me, my story too
well, well
iForrest, tell us the story of your getting kicked out of Flag. Enquiring minds want to know…
I am curious on these numbers…By your numbers there are already about 7,000 OT VII’s….How far back do they count this? Also how many of these have been declared SP (like you and me) or are completely off-lines? Also do you know these numbers for Clears? I would imagine 80% of all Clears since inception have either been declared or are off lines, would you think this percentage is reasonable?
Brian. I take their figure of 6600. But this is THEIR number. Of course if you exclude those who have died, who are declared or are “no longer on the level” this number may be more around 1000.
Which means they have the potential of achieving 1,000 new solo auditors and 1,000 OT VII comps in one year when dave comes out with GAT 3 and makes every one of them redo solo and OT VII. At this point they will claim super, never before speedier results.
Of course, how could anyone ever expect to truly complete OT VII without superpower and ALL of the objectives done at least twice?
If the grand total of 30,000 practicing Scn-tists is accurate, even 1000 OT VIIs hardly seems plausible, especially given that the hidden agenda, as we have deduced already, is not to get you over the Bridge, but stuck on it.
Hi Mark Marco, Hooray for Hollwood! I love your post.Stuck on the twisted,broken Bridge,what a Night mare! Love and everything.Ann.
Mark, after Going Clear, it’s hard to imagine that some ‘ins’ would still stick by the cult. Every single Idle Morgue is just that: They’re idle and this is where you go now to die spiritually. Gosh, what a difference when the mission holders were still around & it was still fun. Although the internet has pulled open the curtain and exposed EVERYTHING. There’s nowhere they can hide……
It was fun.
It was.
I am almost afraid to say it, how fun it was. Because you know from there I went straight to the commune, Delphi, nobody but Scn-gists surrunding me.
Martin Samuels was our mission holder. We all so loved and admired him.
Of course, he is out now.
And, you know what? I’m going to the beach. Good to see you, thanks.
Brian, great post! You bring up some very interesting questions.
And here’s Babs cutting her own throat again in an attempt to pimp GAT II: Electric Boogaloo. It takes two to three days to do Solo I with full Flaggotry in effect, according to her. But it takes a week at an outer org, also according to her. So, she wants someone to pay Flag rates for Solo I (much higher than at an outer org, I bet), plus airfare and rental car, plus accomos and food at the Fort Homicide, plus getting pressured to resign (at Flag rates) for Solo II through OTIII, plus the hidden cost of getting regged until no amount of Preparation H will relieve the pain, all to save a few days on Solo I.
This sounds like the hard sell for a timeshare, only worse. A lot worse.
“Fort Homicide.” You gotta love it! Espi, once again, outstanding post! I guess everyone (orgs, missions, ASHOs, etc., are feeding off each other now.
Student: I was thinking of doing my Solo I at Tampa Org. It’s not quite as much money.
Barbara: WTF are you talking about! It only take 2 to 3 days to complete here at FLAP! It takes a week at one of the piss poor orgs! Why bother going there when we can do everything here? Do you have M/Us? How many times have you done the student hat?
Student: Ummm…twice now.
Barbara: ONLY TWICE???? Holy fuck! You need to do it, at least, 7 times to really GET IT! You know, you’re not worth my time! You’re way to reasonable! Go away. We don’t need you here.
Student: But, but….(crying now)PLEASE TAKE ME! OH GOD, PLEASE TAKE ME! I’ll be a great student! Just give me a chance!
Barbara: I’ll think about it………….
“Flag makes 20 to 25 OT completions every week. That is more than the WHOLE rest of the planet COMBINED.”
Really? Outside of Flag, all those “ideal orgs” can’t even average one OT comp a week?
How exactly are they getting people up the Bridge at “unprecedented rates?”
Where’s the logic behind promoting ideal orgs then?
And this is not just some “BS” estimate cooked up by a few “bitter apostates” on the fringes of the Internet; this is the Church unintentionally shit-talking itself and its methods!
P.S. Additionally, I personally find it interesting how they are publicly promoting how just utter shit the rest of the Scientology world is, all to concentrate resourcesamd attention on Flag. Sounds more akin to desperation than expansion.
I am reminded of a story I read once of a man who was marooned on a deserted island where there was no food and he was starving to death. He had a knife. So he started out by ambutating a food to eat the meat. And then a few days later he amputated part of the leg and ate it, and the story goes on and he develops a taste for it. The last entry in the diary is, “Tomorrow I”ll have lady fingers.” Flag is cannibalizing the lower orgs which feed it. The end is near.
Cindy, I think the end is here.
I wonder what Dave is chewing on today? Maybe we don’t really want to know!
Yo Dave,
What’s left good buddy? Fresh road kill shipped in from South Africa?
BTW, how are your minions doing down there these days anyway? I have not seen any new Idle Morgue updates.
Yeah! What up wit dat, Tiny?
Yeah, NO.
I read it as resign (see ya later bye bye) and chuckled. Thanks for the updates and the smile to start my day!
Wishful thinking…. although now you mention it, since there are at least 5X more SPs than Sea Org members (anybody who left the Sea Org at any times is psychotic and therefore SP), and quite possibly almost as many SPs altogether as there are active Scientologists – around 30,000 per reliable estimates – 100% resign rate would be about right. Now THAT’s straight up and vertical.
Ask me how, I thought the same thing. Resigns. Hmmm, I thought printing up names of people who left the cult was against KFC….ahhh, I mean KSW. Another dream of mine shot to pieces……
Rekindle that dream Dude… (you know, buy the book reading tablet twice).
Hi Mike,Having my coffee and outright laughter about the line “Flag is by far the most economical way to get up the Bridge” Even in the misty long ago ASRing Days @ AshoF if I had been told to write that in all my comms,I would have been scrubbing toilets,scrubbing blue dust, and eating cold congealed beans for a year.I just even then,could not write that.Vultures for money and spirits indeed! Always,Ann.
Yaaaz ? and how is REX Fowler doing on OT 7 ?
I just bought a wheel barrow full of Going Clear DVD’s from amazon.
Saved a few bucks on pre delivery, nice.
Jose, how many did you purchase? And how much are they? I need to get one, as everyone should do. When never in friends come over, that’s the movie to show them. And watch their jaw drop……..
one is 22 bucks and change, save a few bucks one each.
This is my Christmas shopping early, big list includes senators,congressmen
World leaders like Putin, the Pope,a few others. Chines Ministry of State Security,
CIA lunch room at Langley, MI 6 in London. all the usual suspects.
You’re my hero, Jose Chung! I hope you’re a one man wrecking crew!
For every dollar that Scientology promised a product and did not deliver
they are getting it back dollar for dollar in Going Clear anyplace where it hurts David Miscavige the most. Fair is Fair I call it Popcorngate.
( movie angle on Nixons Watergate )
Oh, I”m plenty old enough to remember Watergate! I love your Popcorngate! It’s a perfect fit, Jose! Maybe this will become a franchise. One documentary after another on the cult. That would be my dream come true!
Brilliant, Mr. Chung. Most excellent work.
-agent mark marco, decodified
Hi OSD, I bought a whole bunch of Going Clear DVDS as I am an Amazon Prime shop hound for books and DVDs there.We have all this equipment that can stream stuff but for Going Clear I wanted a hard copy. I have three much younger siblings who have not given me the time of day in years,but guess what Santa is bringing them for Christmas! Always, Ann.
Good for you, Ann B! We need to get these DVDs into people’s hands. As bad as it is now, for the cult, we can make far, far worse for them. Hehehehehehe!!!
Hi OSD, Thank you for your post. Yes these DVDs can get around the world at lightening speed now and David Miscavige cannot stop it nor can all those OT Completions as they rocket thru the levels at Flag, “the friendliest place on the Planet”XO Ann.
Way to go Ann.
Hi I Yawnalot, Why thank you so much! I would love to see the looks on my non comming sibs when they open their gifts! I’ll probably throw in some Texas fruitcake that is actually good because they will need a little sugar to get over the shock of Santa’s delivery.Laughter! Always Ann.
Ann B, you have relatives that are still in? How many? How many years in?
I do hope that they watch the documentary and not just throw them out as “entheta.”
Hi I Yawnalot, Oh boy I have been having the worst time with this IPad! I meant to convey that not a single member of my family has ever been in.It is like the reverse of those who have family still in.My sibs much younger than me,two live in Cal. one outside of Boston,have wanted nothing to,do,with me because I joined SO.Never contacted me the four years I was in and ignored me when I blew.So all these years later when I have always sent Xmas birthday stuff and heard nothing back,I decided what do,I have to lose,by sending Going Clear!Although you have it so much worse because your loved ones won’t or can’t see what you do about cos.Always,Ann.
Hi OSD, My new post about my family was for you and I got mixed up,with I Yawmalot.Just out from cataract surgery might have something to do with that! Sorry! Love to you.Ann.
Hi OSD,Good day! This is in reference to a post from you yesterday.Things got a little crazy ,but now I can reply.I did not make it very easy to figure out when I said my much younger sibs were getting Going Clear for Xmas.If they were all in SO now it would be easier to ascertain their viewpoints and why they would not want to comm with me at all. The thing is no-one in my family has ever been in.When I came back home in 78, they rejected me totally because I had originally joined SO for life + 1 billion. So over the last 37 years or so, I have sent birthday and Xmas cards with goodies inside to them and to my nephews and nieces.I did not expect to hear back and I never haveSo this Xmas Sanra decided to let loose and send them all the DVD.That is why they will fall over in shock and either toss it or watch it.I’m hoping for the latter.Always great to see your posts.XO Ann.
After meeting Barbara Dews one time – I decided to skip the Oat Tea levels…LOL
We did a little research on the stats in the local Morgue – Dead / Empty / a string of shattered lives is the end result.
Just a few families holding on to hope.
Scientology is beyond dead – it is total failure and being nothing!
Hip Hip Hooray!
Idle, I share your thoughts. And I especially liked, “Dead / Empty / a string of shattered lives is the end result.” That it is, my friend, THAT IT IS! And, of course, it’s only going to get WORSE for them from here on out. I can’t seem to stop smiling…..
“Flag makes 20 to 25 OT Completions every week. That is more than the rest of the planet combined.”
Expansion? Straight down then horizontal…
Just compare the stats at Flag to prior to Basics / Stupid Powerz – nothing has changed at all…stats declining down to nothing. They have a $220 million dollar building that was supposed to BOOM the Morgues – but they are still Idle…hence my name – a postulate…has come true…Scientology is nothing but Idle Morgues.
There it is in black & white — Fewer than 40-50 completions/week across this entire planet. And let’s face it, that means the whole guh-LAX-ee. I think the numbers of Jedi being trained by Yoda in the Dagobah system is higher than that.
hgc10, this bolsters my surmise of a few days ago that there are no more than 5,000 ACTIVE scn’ers on the entire planet. (people that actually doing a part of the Bridge (either side) on a weekly basis). I’ll even include Indies into that number.
John Locke, I can only guess, but the 5,000 number seems right to me, perhaps even the upper limit. I’d like to see one of those John P Capitalist analysis of the numbers posts, breaking it down. But I would say it’s those actively doing the Bridge plus all staff/SO plus count The Owner and Tom Cruise for 100 each, because they’re such a big beings.
I’m basing my guess on my gut after having looked at and verified the stats of every single org & mission on the planet, weekly, for a few years and then comparing it to the activity of a few now. Yes, I think you’re right in saying 5K is the UPPER limit now.
I missed that little datum, thanks for repeating it.
Right or wrong, 5000, we can assume the figure is far closer than that of the standard Scn PR model figures,(my arch-enemy).
This is getting to be like watching a wild horse die in the desert. Sad, I know, for all you guys still getting a thrill reading eMeter needles. I remember, getting that mezmorising…feeling…just watch the needle, drifting back, drifting…and forth…
I feel strangely comfortable here, btw, it is inexplicable. It’s like feeling comfortable in a rubber boat, the sea full of sharks, both hungry and a little pissed. Glad to be being. Ready to b attacked, you know, on points like “The tech is invalid.” For me, this is like wargames and I’m setting myself up, theater of actual battle: newsroom of CNN, someplace like that. Because, boys and girls, I’m practicing a new religion.
“hgc10, this bolsters my demise of a few days ago that the…” Wait…my bad. Your SURMISE. John, if your number is accurate, you have a standing invitation to the party I’ll be hosting at the beach. And we all hope your number is a little too high…
And, hgc10, I am a Jedi Knight and proud of it. I hope you’ll join me. May the Force be with you. And to those still in, may the Farce be with you.
OSD, I am going to have to forego your generous invitation for the time-being. Unless you can undo the existence of the gawdawful SW prequels, wherein the Jedi behaved like the dumbest, most impotent, most foolish bumbling schmucks who stepped on their own dicks every time they languished in their council chairs endlessly discussing how Anakin is a dangerous problem, yet doing nothing about it, and how there’s a Sith lord running about they can’t identify all the while Palapatine is practically stamping the floor proclaiming that it’s him, then I can’t at this time consider joining up. If those Jedi had been faced with Xenu, they would have been free-floating thetans in a nanosecond.
Sorry, just sayin’.
Wow! You do know your Star Wars!
It is a STUNNING admission. 40 – 50 “OT levels” a week, and as Mike points out, that would include inane actions like the “sunshine rundown” (“walk around outside and notice things” or something as I recall). In its heyday AOSH UK was doing about that on its own. Quite startling actually. The LIE of straight up and vertical expansion laid bare in its all its magnificence. I think attendees – if there are any – at this years IAS event here deserve to be made aware of this as they roll up at the gates of St Hill.
Shouldn’t that be ‘begin’
As to Flag reports, they are consistent about lying. And as several Exs have pointed out, the lies chip away at the cognitive dissonance, which means more people becomes Exs or go under the radar.
Keep lying Flag. You are helping Clams break free.
This blog should be renamed to: Something Is Being Done About It.
Miscavige and his little cult are going down the drain.
Benjamin, if you threw a bucket of water on DLHDM, he would melt.
10,000 OT VIIs in 7 years assuming none of those OTs die.
But we all know OT VIIs have perfect health and vitality, so I am sure they will reach their goal
“10,000 OT VIIs in 7 years assuming none of those OTs die”
Or are not declared, good luck with that!
I personally know five who are out, healthy and happy. I know of several others ‘on the level’ who are bankrupt and struggling or have routed off the level and likely will not ever return. Hip, Hip …………….
Yo Clive Dude,
I think your number on or through is in reverse mode. And this brings up a larger problem which you may want to discuss at your next muster.
When the number of ex-cultites that are on or through the Flog BS Lineup exceeds those that are actually in good standing, how will you deal with all of that thetan power which is directed toward the ultimate KSW action of ‘Keeping $cientology Wallowing’ in it’s own bed of lies and deceit?
Keep in mind that we only need to watch you do what you do best …………. which is to create a lot more do-do than can be cleaned up easily. Speaking of do-do, say hi to Jasmin Arrelano and Kathy True for me over at the MAAs office! They always seem to want you to do more of what does not need to be done.
Over and out good buddy!
Excellent point!
Now, those are some stats I’d like to see….the numbers of declares each week, month and year.
Me too. They’re probably “silent” declares. Love to know those stats.
Glad to see that flog is delivering on the promise.
verb: resign;
1. Voluntarily leave a job or other position.
2. Accept that something undesirable cannot be avoided.
“We have a 100% resign rate from OTIII onto New OTIV…”
Since definition #1 doesn’t make sense, we must apply definition #2; thus, we can understand that 100% of Xenu’s victims have resigned themselves to doing OTIV. (See, even after all these years, our Study Tech skills are realy gud!)
Of course, one can’t help but wonder if this 100% rate is because OTIII and OTIV are sold as a package, right? You literally cannot do OTIII without immediately being moved onto OTIV (because drugs are bad). That’s what I remember — correct me if I’m wrong.
Still, en-dashes are such close cousins of semicolons. Why say “re-sign” when you can say “resign”. Those troublesome punctuation marks!
Made this comment before the coffee was finished brewing. Not en-dash, but hyphen. Punctuation is hard, especially without coffee.
You posted BEFORE coffee??? Wow IMT, you’re a lot braver than I am.
Before coffee?? Is there such a thing before doing anything? If there is that must the dark side…
Perhaps miscavige has banned coffee for downstats (everyone below him on the org bd). It would explain a few things.
That would explain almost everything…
Even Indies have trouble with dashes thanks to Study Tech. One time at the South African blog, scnafrica posted a pimp mail that said “Solo-OTV package now 35% off.” Formost, who used to post here when Mike was still ideologically pure and now plies his trade at Milestone Two, said that this was inapplicable because OTV is audited, not solo. It never entered his head that it meant “Solo to OTV package now 35% off.”
That being said, I remember reading about the Solo to OTIII packages that they used to sell, because Hubbard said that the moment someone hits Clear, they need to start the OT levels immediately and run through I, II, and III ASAP. This makes sense in Scientology’s own weird way. Now with GAT II: Electric Booglaloo, the Solo to OTV package makes sense, because OTVI is being sold in three sections in its own package deal. No one’s published any price lists that have packaged III and IV, as far as I can tell.
I preferred to read it as definition #1, that 100% quit the cherch as soon as they saw the space opera bullshit. But we know you can never ‘resign’ from scientology, they have to throw you out, no matter how much you want out.
Resign rates. Vs. Re-sign rates. I’m choosing what’s behind door #1. Buy bye.
What a difference a dash makes, but then, David Miscavige doesn’t understand punctuation. Period!
Hello, Valerie!