The leaks from the bubble continue to expose the truth to the world.
The “Ideal Org” program is an abject failure.
It was “launched” more than a decade ago and is NOWHERE.
Here are the facts that this email confirms:
1. The entire United Kingdom still only has ONE Ideal Org and that was paid for by the IAS as part of Miscavige’s PR campaign. He told the IAS to fund it as he was trying to gain charitable status in the UK (different from religious recognition and something still not accomplished) but also used it to promote himself. Not one other org is even close.
2. In theory the London “Ideal Org” should have generated more Missions which should have become new orgs (surely 8 years is long enough to get something going in accordance with Miscavige’s “yellow arrow CGI”….) — instead all that happened is that CC London “combined” with London Org.
3. Now the rest (all) of the UK orgs — HAPI, Brighton, Plymouth, Birmingham, Manchester and Sunderland — are combined into the “UK Org Alliance” to try and get ONE org done because the reality is that trying to get them ALL done is just a lose.
4. And look how far they have to go after 10 years and combining everything in the UK — they are a little over halfway to getting ONE org done.
The fact that Miscavige continues to lie every day about how he is leading a massively expanding international religion is sick. He truly has created a world inside his bubble based on promises constructed by a liar.
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2014
From: UK Ideal Orgs <[email protected]>
Subject: A message from Mike Ricketts, UK HumanitarianDear Scientologist,
After a full briefing on the Ideal Orgs by the Legal Director UK Massimo Angius, it became very clear that 2014 is an important year for all UK Scientologists.
London Org, as our first Ideal Org, played a massive role in our recent Supreme Court ruling of officially and legally recognised as a religion in the UK. We need to get our Ideal Orgs opened so we can help make the UK the first cleared country.
These actions help us achieve Charitable status too.
It is very real to me that if we are to achieve the opening of Birmingham Org this year we will need to work together as a united force. The role of the UK Alliance is to work together to get the Ideal Orgs open.
I took a look at the figures and this is the data.
We need 100 Humanitarians for Birmingham Ideal Org. We currently have 54 Humanitarians (a donation of £50,000 to UK Ideal Orgs) so we need another 46 more.
We have 200 contributors who have donated over and above £2,500 and many are well on their way to becoming Humanitarians.
If all of these donators became Humanitarians we would have raised over 8.5 million pounds.
Those that are Honor Roll and above will be on a special plaque that will be created and on perminant display in Birmingham Ideal Org. There are 1700 people that are at a status below Honor Roll, a donation of £2500. Once these contributors achieve Honor Roll status we would raise a staggering 3.7 million pounds.
It is not just about what you do it is also that you do something and work with us to create this energy flow so we can get the building funded by March 2014. Even if you do a minimum direct debit of £25 per month while you work out your larger donation this will keep things moving forward and will contribute to the overall game.
Of course we need significant donations towards Ideal Orgs but all contributions make a difference and help to get larger donations.
There will be more briefings and very friendly fundraising events until the job is done. These will include small and large events. Keep yourself informed and continue to help us to form up teams to support this strategy.
Do not hesitate to call me if you feel you can help me. Call me on 07956 066 162 or email me at [email protected].
Mike Ricketts
Ideal Org Humanitarian[GIVE YOUR GIFT ONLINE!]
The ‘Ideal Org’ program in the UK has been an abject failure. The only thing the RCS has to show for it is a huge white elephant in the shape of the building in London which (allegedly) cost £24M to complete and is moribund with just a handful of regular ‘parishioners’, and a handful of dilapidated (but expensive) buildings that are totally unsuitable and will probably never become org buildings.
The replacement for Sunderland (Northumbria Ideal Org) is possibly the worst example of Total Fail, but the others aren’t far behind. See this thread for a snapshot:
These minutes from a council meeting are rather damming:
“• Former Windmill Hills School – included on the local risk register
This is a Grade II listed building which has been vacant for a number of years. In 2007 it was sold to the Church of Scientology, who later deemed it unsuitable for their purposes but, due to the decline in the economy is unable to recover their expenditure. The property has been subject to vandalism, theft and fire damage and most recently, in 2011 the northern wing was badly damaged by fire. The Council served a draft Urgent Works Notice on the Church, which prompted them to secure the building and the Council are currently working with the insurers to secure the repair of the fire damaged section. On completion of the repairs consideration will be given to using a s.215 notice to secure repairs to the remainder of the building. The site is recognised in the draft Urban Core Area Action Plan as being part of the Town Centre and wider regeneration needs.”
So, not only did they spend £1.5M of ‘parishioners’ money on a totally unsuitable building, they left it to decay and be vandalised, and now have to pay tens of thousands to fix it up after which they will try to sell it on at a huge loss.
But does L’il Davey care? No, he’ll just demand that those CICS raise even MORE money to buy a bigger building!
Hi Laurie Dlm,
Got what you said about being careful because you want to stay under the radar for the benefit of maintaining your comm line with your children. I understand fully.
Here is some advice for you though:
(1) Do not give out any more personal information about yourself (like case level, number of children, how long you have been off lines), because that kind of information can be used to zero in on who you are or might be statistically.
(2) Use a little mis-direction by occasionally tossing in a harmless “red herring” (false data) about yourself in your comments.
Perhaps you are already doing this, i.e., you might really be OTVII or OTIII, or you may actually have a different number of children or your name may be Larry rather than Laurie or whatever. If so, you are way ahead of me. I’ll just leave those possibilities up in the air for whoever.
Meanwhile, thanks for being here. The more the merrier!
Espiritu, thank you so much for your advices. I thought of this actually this is why I don’t spread the story. I really appreciate your caring.
It is quite unbelievable to think that this Church that is supposed to take care of reactive minds in order to save the planet, not only doesn’t do it but gets specialised in hunting people who haven’t done anything to them in the first place….and to think that the staffs who do this will end up being beaten up by the Devil Master…..Do Sps ever win?
The UK is struggling and the Valley Org in LA went dark and non-existent after GATII came out.
We need David Wilson to come out and save the day with his indulgent emails. He can school us in the history of Islam, point fingers at other priests/pastors and the best of all, make us privy to his telepathic communications with Captain Miscavige as they stare into each other eyes.
Interesting about Valley Org, Pepper. :Can you shed more info on the Valley Org going dark after GAT II?
Hello there! I have been “spying” on you for about 2 weeks and I enjoy it so much that I decided to jump in and join the group!!! It is refreshing to read your comments and Mike’s blog. I am in the UK and left all orgs a long time ago, I am OT5. I however will have to be very cautious as I have 2 children still in it and on staff though we know thanks to Tommy Davis that the Church has never had a policy of disconnection and never will have it. :o)
Laurie, I hope you kids get out. And, of course, there is no such thing as disconnection..
tell me about it! As they are on staff there is not much I can do, just hope The Little Man will commit THE mistake that cut his head off. SP do commit mistakes, so…..
To Brigit,
I actually dd the World Stats at Saint Hill each week back in the day
during the late 1970’s. . My estimates are that today is a fraction of that.
Scientology is a shadow of what it was when LRH passed away,very accurate and fair statement..
Miscavige throwing his reputation under the bus via his lawyers ?
One more question: How many orgs were there on the planet when LRH left in 1986? And how many orgs are there today?
Of course it would be interesting to know the same thing about the number of missions, but I realize that it is probably more difficult to find exact figures for missions. I know for a fact that most missions in Denmark have closed down over the past 2 decades after having struggled for years because no new people came in.
The greed is repulsive to say the least.
I would like to know if the church is officially and legally recognized as a religion in the UK, as stated in the letter?
Also I would like to know what DM´s case level is, if anybody knows.
It is recognized to perform marriages, but is not recognized a tax exempt charity.
Miscavige was on OT VII though didnt ever audit. As of 2007.
Maybe he can’t be bothered with 6 month check?
6 month checks are an INCOME source. They are not done on SO Members.
That seems to validate no technical reason exists to do them. I guess it’s assumed SOs ethics are always in because they are routinely sec checked anyways for post-related concerns. Not sure if that does their Solo NOTs progress any favors either.
Do you happen to know who his C/S was at the time?
At what time? Ray Mithoff and Hara O’Hare most likely at whatever time you are asking about? I really dont get what the point of this is though?
“As of 2007.” The time you referenced. The point? None in particular, except I was supprised to learn DM would let anyone near his “case”, as paranoid as he seems.
Yeah, he didnt for a long time, hence no auditing for years and years before that…. I was wondering what difference WHO it was made?
Oh, I get it. I read “what difference” (sloppy reading, sorry). I’m not really keeping track of who went into the Hole when, so was bsically wondering if Mithoff had been declared/incarcerated by then and this meant DM was letting himself be C/S’d by an “SP”. The question was just my morbid fascination of DM’s crazy idiosyncracies and had no further significance than that.
Mike, So if DM was “on OT VII, but never audited it” then he is not “on” OT VII. So his case level would be NOTS. But then the next question is, is he a New OT V or is it “old OT V”? Or as the SO said, did he get “Mayo NOTS”? I bought into the Mayo as the Devil Incarnate thing, but now after looking, researching, I see Mayo was probably the best auditor/CS around. Which explains why DM got rid of him.
Asking about anyone’s case level is sort of irrelevant. I dont think he is a Grade II completion…. He is “On OT VII” like the vast majority of people who are “on OT VII”. Old NOTs, new NOTs, Mayo NOTs, blue NOTs it all addresses the same thing and is really not a whole hell of a lot different. But certs on a wall and the status of “case level” is really meaningless. How the person lives his life and conducts himself is a far better indicator of where they are “at” than “case level.” I have met some tremendously incompetent, insecure and borderline crazy “OT VIIIs” and some people who have done Life Repair who demonstrate more OT abilities and behavior than the vast majority of “OT Cert bearers”.
I dont think discussions about anyone’s “case level” is fruitful. What does it matter? The only place it is worth anything is to give you some false status within the church. Other than that, those certs and levels might as well be issued by Parker Brothers along with their monopoly money.
I agree with all you say, Mike. OT is as OT does; not what a cert on the wall says.
I know a person on OT VII who was having a 2D with person A, and then went on a tour to tout his poetry and had sex with person B and person C while on tour, while keeping person A on the line back home, and he lied to all three of them about the others and so was promiscuous and lying with all three. And all the while auditing on OT VII and acting pious and holier than thou.
And I know other Scns who will cheat you or deliver a bad exchange level to their employees and/or public, with the justifier that it is to “get up the Bridge’ and so “the end justifies the means.” I only asked about DM’s case state cuz I was surprised he was even Clear or above. I thought he avoided getting auditing at all costs as most SP’s do and so was surprised to read that he was “on OT VII.” and the fact that he is not auditing on VII tells me he is behaving as an SP does, which is that they don’t show up for session, per LRH. I don’t know whether Dm gets case gain, but one of the marks of an SP per the tech is that they can’t make case gain because of being out of valence and thus unable to as-is stuff.
“Do not hesitate to call me if you feel you can help me. Call me on 07956 066 162 or email me at [email protected].
Sincerly, Mike Ricketts Ideal Org Humanitarian”
I can help you, Mike.
1) Read LRH’s policy entitled Ideal Orgs. It’s in the Data Series.
2) Do a clay demo of how Ron says to make an Ideal Org.
3) Compare this with what Mi$cavige and his IAS “land lords” are doing.
4) Make a decision as to which of the two would really result in more people benefiting from Scientology Tech.
5) In the future, support only those who have good will towards others as shown by their actions.
Let’s all get this to a DONE !!! HURRAY.
And then what?
Oops, a new target for something else will have been fabricated the following Tuesday for yet another reel-in of your cash. Seems to me, LET’S NOT GET ANYTHING DONE AT ALL, so we don’t get any more targets thirsting for our wallets. The only reason this scam works is because of it’s participants, and as soon as they stop playing that game, the scam is dead. Then giv’em a target to go f**k themselves by this Thursday.
I like that target 🙂
I love the “we are working so hard” thing. They don’t even know what real work is. Bugging people for money so that someone can spend whatever they want, without accountability, is not real work.
This is utterly and disgustingly outrageous! How can these idiots not see that what they are doing (robbing the mentally ill-read clubbed seals) is nothing else but a criminal act? And how come the “victims” can`t see that these disgusting messages have nothing to do with Scn or moving up the bridge? And for those who will fork out their hard earned mony, how can they be so fucking stupid? Goddamit it makes blood boil!
Correction to my post: should read: it makes my fucking blood boil. Pardon my french dear bloggers. I just got a emotional there:))
I am with you on that Alex! What is worse is that I did that too. I am that frickin stupid ….. and it really pisses me off. And it makes my blood boil too.
Yo Dave,
Yuck it up fuzzball. Your turn is next! And I am laughing now! 🙂
David Miscavige has to grab the Bull by the tail and face the situation.
He already has. Check out his shit eating grin at the recent IAS fleecing! He has not come to terms with it but he is facing it …….. the proof is in his smile.
Yo Dave,
What do you think Ray Jefferies first question to you will be? I doubt you will be wearing that shit eating grin then! Cheers!
True, but if he grabs the bull by the tail, guess what he will be directly facing…………..(this is not an X-rated blog, right?)…….lots of Doo-Doo!
Hmm, that could lead to some embarrassing situations…
The Tipping Point has definitely been working on the down side for a while.
The Hard impact such as ENRON crash may not be seen, possible scenario
could be one day soon the door’s are swinging open in the breeze and nobody home,
paper strewn about on the floors.Like everyone in the bubble got the word then got up and left.
I used to think the tipping point had come and gone but I’m not so sure anymore.
I think Gat II and the SP Cathedral was the final rocket burn for Captain Dave.
Will history record the tipping point as the moment Lamont Jefferson stood up and secured his clients deposition?
I truly believe Mônique Rathbun and her attorney are entirely capable of ending Captain Dave’s “ecclesiastical” voyage.
Once he’s back on earth and subject to the same laws as the rest of us then the tipping point will have happened and the down side will be unquestionable.
I think it has come and gone, but that it may take a while for the momentum to catch up. The fear of disconnection is still in some people’s minds, but it is fading. The economy is not easy and some grow tired of paying or being spat upon for “not making it”. These legal cases are incredibly important, not least for the awful PR they generate through discovery. I am very grateful to Monique Rathbun for taking this to the court, even though it was a fight she never asked for and didn’t have to take. Let’s support her where we can, financially and in our thoughts.
“We always deliver what we promise”
We promise to take as much of your money as possible, and when you’re broke; abandon, and punish you.
We always keep our promises.
Is there anybody who knows someone else who ever paid $ 50.000,– to be able to eat his Hamburgers – for he is paying extra of course – at his local McDonalds restaurant ?
I know there is etc. but how stupid one has to be to spend his money that someone else can buy a house so that he can deliver the SERVICES he already has got paid for ?
“Those that are Honor Roll and above will be on a special plaque that will be created and on perminant display in Birmingham Ideal Org. There are 1700 people that are at a status below Honor Roll, a donation of £2500. Once these contributors achieve Honor Roll status we would raise a staggering 3.7 million pounds.”
Don’t believe that shit for one minute. My then wife and I donated over $70,000.00 to the Sacramento Ideal Org and not only did they not put my name on the plaque, they refuse to this day to include Sheri Kessels name on the plaque even though she has stood behind the Org and supported it fully and remains in good standing with the cult (sorry, I mean church).
When I made the donations (sitting with Quinn Tauffer, Dennis McKenna and Sheri Kessel at a fundraising event in 2005) I specifically stated that the funds were from our family trust and not from me only or my wife only. Who the fuck really cares anyway?
Furthermore, my son Phil Kessel is now on staff at Sac Org and you would think that common decency might prevail and the Sac Org might find a way to at least acknowledge Sheri and Phil and (daughter) Haley for their contributions to helping make the Sacramento Ideal Org a reality. It is a truth that they really did donate to that completed facility) Are you kidding! There is no way because their Dad in now a declared SP (12 Feb 2013) The Sac Ideal Org was done and open with the plaque in place long before that date so I wonder what was up when the staff decided who should and should not be on the plaque.
Well one thing is for sure, I would be very embarrassed to see my name on any plaque in any Scientology Org anywhere on this or any other planet. End of rant!! Point here is don’t believe the bat shit crazy hype about getting you name on a plaque.
Coop — this is a story repeated over and over. And it’s symptomatic of Axiom One of the Church of Scientology:
Money is our God. Once we get your money, all bets are off and all promises void.
Yes Mike and if Money is their God then our Kids and their lives are their Patron Saints.
It is interesting how the second generation CO$ kids become hostages used to extract time, money, dedication and silence from the old timer parents. I wonder how many kids on staff did not have Scn. parents? That would be excepting those from Russia and other outside of the US countries where there are those looking for any reason to escape to the US. Unfortunately it is going from the frying pan and into the fire!
Sad but probably true. Mike Ricketts has – I believe – three sons in the Damnation Navy.
The kids might come back smartly if a lawsuit for criminal regging[1] is brought by the victims. While there is no guarantee that the kids will see the light, at least there is much less blue asbestos away from the Damnation Navy…
[1] the legal name varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but just tell a jury about being locked in a room with a group of big guys until a cheque was signed, and see what the court decides..
Hey, that is breach of contract. Totally illegal. Get a lawyer and fix it. I used to move from town to town when it got too scammy. Not anymore. I hire a lawyer and I fix it. Honest people have rights too or didn’t you get that memo? Are we to all be spectators while we watch Monique make efforts to fix things in her neighborhood and her state? What does it take for other people to get up and stand up and CORRECT the situation?
You and the Church had a verbal contract when you donated that money. If your name is not on the plaque it is breach of contract. If THEY breached the contract you have a right to get your money back! They can call these “donations” but if ANYTHING was promised in return it was a CONTRACT.
See Garcia lawsuit. Nothing is quite that simple when it comes to the church and the ability to hide behind the First Amendment
I encouraged Louis to go for breach of contract. Nobody has done it yet. From promises in Sea Org contracts ( 2 1/2 hours of study a day the biggest lie) to verbal contracts to implied contracts the Church is NOTORIOUS for breaking agreements with enthusiasm. They may have some rights but they also have obligations. Someday someone will be in the position to sue for breach of contract, and that will be an interesting one to observe.
Just like someday someone will be in the position to obtain a restraining order.
The Church of Scientology doesn’t have rights to break the law in the name of “religious freedom”.
TO — you are of course right in principle, but not in practice. A verbal “contract” with a religious worker (or any ‘contract” with a religious worker) is not justiciable under long settled First Amendment law in the United States. It is considered to be an internal religious dispute which cannot be addressed by Courts. It is why such cases do not win. See Headley’s e.g. But fraud is a different animal. And the church wants it both ways — they don’t want to be bound by “contracts” on one hand but want to try and enforce them when convenient to them (Enrollment Agreements).
Wow. So that means Sea Org contracts are a load of malarkey? And the “Freeloader” bills are another convenient scam?
Sure, Sea Org contracts are completely unenforcable. And the only “enforcement” of Freeloader Bills (which they have basically stopped issuing since it was exposed that they just made up arbitrary numbers and then discounted them) is that “you are not eligible for services” unless you paid it off. The church itself has tried to defend them in court by saying they never do anything to enforce collection. See Schippers case.
And that hostage taking you note Cooper is a very very evil act, which is why I have nothing but contempt for Scientologists who participate in the “disconnection game.”
Yes, and I know of one big whale in Las Vegas who doneated till he was flat broke and they still came and leaned on and harrassed him to continue donating to the Vegas Ideal Org and Rennos, and they got more from him by saying his name would be on the plaque. Four or more years later and his name still is not on the plaque and he can hardly pay his bills he is so strapped from over-donating when he was long since tapped out. Promises broken by the church so easily without a thought about it.
And you’re right that next they take your kids and once they have them, the threat is disconnection if you don’t tow the line.
“…a special plaque that will be created and on perminant display in Birmingham Ideal Org…”
Yup, typical bullshit (aside from the mis-spelling of permanent). It’ll be there until you start asking questions that “you don’t have the fucking rank” to ask.
I wonder if they did somehow come up with 46 Humanitarians worth of additional donations (2.3 Million.) Would that actually get them into the building or would it just be to purchase the building. If the latter, this would be followed by an exorbitant remodel plan that would require 6 years or so of new donation requests. Then, just when they get close to getting the renno’s paid for, a decision to take a large chunk of the money and buy a “Testing Center” is made. This moves the finish line again.
They bought a building for Birmingham in 2007 back in the heyday of the criminal regging of Bob Keenan and has bags full of cash he picked u on his motorcycle in the middle of the night around the country to “fund ideal orgs.” It became a flap (like Plymouth and Sunderland) because it was sitting empty and going further and further into disrepair.
So, what do you get when you have a product that’s way too expensive; then you make it even MORE ridiculously expensive (fund raisers) because orgs are not bringing in enough $ and public BECAUSE of their incredibly overpriced services? Of course, no new people, and a broke field. Can you imagine this in the business world? It’s like going through you local grocery store’s checkout line and finding a pack of gum for $150.00. And then, not only having to pay ridiculous prices, but having to jump through hoops before you can even chew it. Wonder why no one’s chewing gum? Yea, come join our group. It’s overpriced, violent, takes all of your time, and you have to donate to it. As it is today, Scientology is the most unviable organization on the planet.
Well stated! Exactly!
Is “donator” a Brit word? Because, in murkin English, it’s “donor.”
Happy New Year, Parishioner.
Great News for 2014!
As you know, the Ldn course rooms and HGC are bursting at the seams, people are queuing around the block to get into the Test Line, books are selling out faster than we can put them on the shelves, missions are sending in more public than we can cope with, we have five recruiters working all day processing applications for staff, there are three security staff at the front door controlling the number of people entering on a one in, one out basis so we don’t exceed the insurance limits. Consequently, our VFP’s are beginning to flat-line because we’re at the limits of our MEST space, and waiting time for services is stretching longer and longer.
But that’s not all: St Hill can no longer cope with the Clears we’re sending to them, and that’s why I’m chuffed to announce our great news…London Org has been granted permission to become an AO! To that end, the IAS have given us virtually unlimited funds to purchase the buildings either side of us and buy the multi-storey car park opposite the org outright.
To celebrate, everyone who made a personal donation to London Org’s success is granted their next level of auditing or training FREE!
Email the ASR now, because this award will only stay open for the rest of this year (quite frankly, we’re chocker at the moment).
The London Org Team
Poet, sad to say but that was the scene at Ldn Fdn in 1979 when I was there on mission from Flag. There were so many new people in for oca, we had to build a number of new cubicles to accomodate the demand. The course room was full, reception always very busy. The destruction this asshole Miscavige has managed to accomplish is beyond comprehension
Agreed Alex, I saw it myself; remember how tatty the building was yet how high-toned and exciting the atmosphere inside? But there’s a sunny aspect to this, and that is that the opposition and trouble and present difficulties stem from the fact that the tech works and the philosophy is sound. Some people are very, very determined to derail Scientology, Miscavige wasn’t the first and won’t be the last. Fortunately, the whole subject is available outside the CoS and being practiced independently. It was LRH’s creation then, and now it’s ours.
Hummm…1,700 people below honor roll; 200 honor rollers; 54 humanitarians. That’s 1,954 total contributors to the most important, most promoted, most “command intention” strategy that exists in the Co$ today.
Sounds like there definitely are fewer than 2,500 total beings inside the bubble in the UK.
The ideal org strategy, as near as I can figure is, “come in to our splendid building and join our planet-saving group so we can take all of your money and build another splendid building.”
I think Mike is also on a “nice little earner” here, to use the phrase the British do. In other words I believe he gets 10% or some % of any donation that comes through him as do amyn of these “IAS Registrars”. But even if he doesn’t get a commission he is actually committing an overt of commission (sorry, couldn’t resist the pun) by deflecting people away from paying for Training and Processing.These people are actually all in Treason to LRH and the subject of Scientology. The product of an Org is well taught students and thoroughly audited PCs. I don’t see or even hear much of that going on, or it even being inquired about.
OK Ricketts, let’s see if I have this right. If everyone who gave $2500 instead gave $50,000, then you will have hit your target? Fair enough. And if pigs could fly, I could have really fresh bacon delivered to my front porch.
Hahaha, very good comment !
on top of it he is talking about pounds (£) so it would be 3500 $ or 75,000 $ to become an “Humanitarian”
just crazy !
The only thing you will get on your porch from the cult is a pile of shit!
Come to think of it Cooper, I’m rather glad that pigs CAN’T fly. And also glad that the well is starting to run dry for the mini-Pope and his con game.
Church of Miscavige=Church of Beggars.
It’s great to see how stalled this “Ideal Morgue” program has become. So thrilled to not be constantly subjected to it.
I love what miscavige’s lawyer reportedly repeated in court yesterday, “It doesn’t matter if my client has a black heart, what matters is that it’s a case of religion.”
He really does have a black heart, attempting to clean out every gullible kool-aid guzzler’s bank account. Really, the bridge is definitely expensive enough, that you shouldn’t be constantly hounded for buildings.
My guess is that the lawyer, is sick of miscavige and trying to get the judge to put his obvious disdain aside and rule in favor of the “1st amendment.” Probably everyone involved that read the text messages Mike was subjected to thought – “I would never work for this fucking guy.”
DM is way fucked. I can only assume the attorney hates him. I dont see how anyone likes him. He deserves the Karma that is most surely on the way.
Of course his own attorneys think he is a sociopath. He has done nothing but set them for losses by giving them false information. He has caused them to perjure themselves and everyone else and they have been busted over and over again. He was the husband from hell, the son from hell, the brother from hell, the boss from hell, the Scientologist from hell, the Sea Org member from hell, etc etc.
Don’t you think he is also the legal client from hell?
That is hilarious, Oracle! I think what’s happening is a “who can throw whom under which bus, sooner,” but then again, it could just be Keystone Cops. From a big enough perspective, the whole thing is funny. Thetans who can’t say what they are because they don’t know, someone figures it all out and thetans are sagely skeptical about all this, then in less than a third of a century it’s an underground movement of bitter defrocked apostates who’ve forgotten the LRH Bridge works, or have never been aware of it … really, you can’t make this stuff up … oh, wait ….
Don’t forget he was also the “auditor” from hell that time when he punched his own pre-clear in the face.
And he was the “C/S” from hell when he C/Sed Lisa McPherson’s case.
Actually, I didn’t forget, (etc etc), but thanks for the reminder. It is getting mighty interesting as a lesson in social intercourse. The truth is, Judges make decisions based on LAWS and Decisions already made by earlier judges and written in the law books.
David Miscavige has already put the entire field of Scientology at risk, by putting himself in that courtroom as a result of domestic terrorism. Because whatever rulings go against him, will go against the Church of Scientology. Forever after this,.. based on this case right now in Texas.
No matter how he makes it appear he is in some religious freedom fight, he is only trying to obtain a license for himself to be able to dabble in domestic terrorism. And he is doing it on the Church’s dime and he is putting the Church and Scientology at risk.
Because it is his nature to always set others up for losses. In fact, I think it is his basic purpose that runs through time.
In every thing he does, to understand what is happening, one only needs to ask oneself, “How is this going to set everyone up for a loss?” To see where he is heading.
Unfortunately he can not see, on cross dynamics he is setting himself up for losses too.
When you set someone up for a loss, two people lose. You, and the person that loses. When you set someone else for a win, two people win. You and the person that wins. Because “other people” fall across your other dynamics.
You shoot the farmer, you both go hungry. You give him irrigation, you both eat.
What is the purpose of the activity of Scientologists? To farm releases and clears. Competent people who can communicate, solve problems, and make others right.
Look at the crop.
The farmers have been shot down and masqueraded into beggars and soldiers. There is no crop. Seeds have not been planted. Any promise being kept alive is being done by the likes of us here.
Maximum creation minimum destruction is really the only policy one can stand on and still win across the dynamics.
The Church has long been in Maximum destruction minimum creation mode.
When David wiped out the mission network, he destroyed the greenhouses where the seeds are nurtured.
Now he and his church are being subtly positioned beside nazis and the KKK, portrayed with a “black heart”. I would say his lawyers are going to do excellent work, their level best, but make him pay for it every step of the way.
He has met the lawyers from hell.
That’s why Captain Blackheart has more than one lawyer. Waaay more than one. My prediction stands at 27 lawyers (for David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige alone).
Bet John Grisham would have a field day with this. 27 high-powered
lawyers from a billion $$ Corp set against 2 lawyers in a case of one citizen who just wants to be left alone from their harassment.
I know it’s difficult because everybody reading this knows that every attorney in that courtroom represents DM, but as a matter of record Ricardo Cedillo, who repeated several times that “It doesn’t matter if my client has a black heart, what matters is that it’s a case of religion”, is not DM’s attorney. He is attorney of record for Church of Scientology International (CSI) which has currently fallen on their sword for DM and admitted to the surveillance and funding the Squirrel Busters. He therefore is not claiming that DM has a blackheart but that the organization CSI may have a black heart.
As a brand name, since Captain Morgan does well in the rum market, perhaps Captain Blackheart could corner the scotch market.
Smokey — you are of course correct. Though I think this is distinction without a difference. Yes, CSI has fallen on its sword — actually prostrated itself an d is grovelling before He Who Shall Not Be Named. CSI is the alter-ego of Miscavige, as are all the defendants in this case.
yes, but someone was stalking Monique outside the courtroom using the old “public space” shore story. Anything to intimidate.
I guess it’s just another CICS who’s trying to get Captain David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige into trouble with the law…
OSA is just making sure she refuses a settlement.
That’s CAPTAIN He Who Shall Not Be Named!
Yes but what is the black heart of the organization that he is neither confirming nor denying may or may not exist?
Captain David Miscavige doesn’t have a black heart.
He IS the black heart.
What do you expect from a Legal Director named Massimo Angius?
He sounds like a large steak.
Mmm. I’m getting hungry!
It is obvious that the “HOLE” is being added onto in time for March
“RPF,RPF” roster.
Mike Ricketts = my crickets.
The only ones who are responding to him.
Not sure what role if any the London org had in the recent Supreme Court ruling. I got sick half way that email, I stopped reading. What is the obsession with pretty buildings if they cannot deliver things people really want and really need? If people are getting things they really want and really need and is working to make their life much better, you don’t have to ask them for anything, they will ask how they can help. These guys just REFUSE to place the horse before the cart!
The second to last paragraph first sentence; [There will be more briefings and very friendly fundraising events until the job is done]
Very Friendly, to me this is telling, if someone makes a statement like that it usually means the opposite.
Also by March 2014 they want to have a donation total of $14,011,400USD
As well as if you give so much money you get your name on a plaque. Unless like many many other members you stop giving to the IAS. Or any other infraction. or if you question the cherch.
How does this syndicate keep on going Worldwide membership is in the 10-15k member range. Can they really hold out that much longer?
I love how the fundraising event has to have the adjective “friendly” to distinguish it from all previous fundraising events.
Definitely the Org, and all this is off purpose and, as you noted, is based on somebody else’s purpose with a vested interest. The target by March is unreal. And additionally, ‘friendly’ fundraising events are promoted, meaning what? That you won’t be harassed, made wrong and sent to ethics if you don’t pay?
Who knows….
“For a liar there is misery before, during and after lying; thus the life of a liar is just miserable” Vedas.
Dave, Pull your head out.
Actually LOOKING at the results of one’s actions is not in the repertoire of the SP.
For 20 years OSA UK has been using “obtaining charitable status” as a button for pushing IAS donations, and now Ideal Org donations. Assigning credit to London org for the chapel/marriage decision is just a PR pipe dream. Ideal orgs, if they ever are achieved in the UK, will not achieve charitable status, especially the way the Church operates, which is certainly not in the public benefit.
SOS — yes, good point. London Org had absolutely nothing to do with the High Court decision. That Lord Denning decision was unsupportable and it was only a matter of time before it would be challenged and in this day and age nobody could have upheld it. And you are right — the church cannot pass the public benefit test. Miscavige himself invested a lot of time and effort in making the presentation to the Charity Commission personally. And it didnt work.
Didn’t work? That’s the understatement of the Century. I was there when he was showing the Charities Commission bods around St Hill. His body language was a weird combination of boredom and arrogance. A dismal display of talking AT them rather than conversing WITH them. This why Mike Ricketts, a decent guy, and his OTC buddies are pissing in the wind. Thanks to Dave the negative press on Scientology is straight up and vertical. The Daily Mail has almost daily articles on Miscavige’s cult. In the last year you’ve had “Scientologists at War”, all the major media have carried stories about Marty’s harassment action, Leah Remini or whatever is going on at the time. You couldn’t force new public into an Org with a cattle prod right now – the public just aren’t having it. Dave is the ultimate saboteur.
When did that take place? I am fascinated by his behavior…..this guy is so out of touch he forgets that the entire world is not bowled over by his mere presence. I bet he just thought if he showed the commissioners around, they would do whatever he demanded. It’s narcissism at the highest level
It was in 2002 or 2003 I think. I was there with him for that tour. He definitely believed that if he gave them a personal tour and presentation they would all fall at his feet begging to give him charity status.
BTW, these were not the Commissioners. They have staff that gather information and make recommendations to them.
How dare they not send the actual commissioners! Didn’t they realize they were dealing with someone on par with the Pope? And the Pope doesn’t answer the door for just anyone you know….
While I have every hope that the Charities Commission will be able to beat off another application by the church of scientology I do feel that the official recognition as a religion gives them more traction; I also agree that the finding was inevitable. The problem is the Charity Commission guidelines include “spreading a religion” as a charitable act. This really needs to be removed as other, legitimate, churches can still have charity status for their genuine out reach programs that really do benefit society. The church of scientology lawyers will play this one big time to say that’s what they are in the business of doing, spreading a religion, ergo they should have charity status and if denied will claim religious discrimination.
I have written to my MP expressing my concerns and suggesting it is high time we removed spreading a religion from the Charities Commissions guidelines, something the Charities Commission has already told me will require and act of Parliament. Hopefully other people will do the same.