These self-promotion tweets are so desperate. Miscavige is pleading: “please everyone, don’t think I am a bad man. Look what these other people [sheeple caught in the scientology mind prison] say about me. The bad stuff is all lies, made up by people who want to destroy me.”
How can he not be embarrassed to put this foolishness out into the world?
It’s hard to imagine until you remember, sociopaths have no conscience. They don’t feel shame or guilt or embarrassment. They will tell the world how wonderful, kind, smart, brave, superior etc etc they are without a second thought. They believe in their own superiority and infallibility.
Yet they are in fact so insecure that they feel the need to tell the world how wonderful they are.
Why do you think these tributes are being pushed out now? I was thinking about this. When was the last time Miscavige has been seen in
Public? He doesn’t do something like this for no reason. Could it be he is seriously ill and is trying to build up his ego and legacy? Just wondering why he is doing this now. With the IAS event coming up soon maybe we will get some answers.
I wouldn’t put anything past DM.
I want to know what a “tireless viewpoint” is – because those two words just don’t go together.
No worries, Elizabeth, I got you!
Regarding the bitch-slapping pope of scientology, a “tireless viewpoint” equals…a slave master who whups asses, crushes souls, and ALWAYS has his mind on his money and his money on his mind. He’s an intergalactic pimp and a deft handler of sleazy lawyers and amoral private investigators. He gets his simps and cuckolds to issue these public statements of profound thetanic fellation. This a 24-7 sociopath, hence the “tireless viewpoint”…
Hooe that clarifies things!😉😎
When I look at that pic of Pomerantz oddly enough I see a face drawn onto a big toe. He also has that 5000 yard stare that says “No one home”. I would agree with some of the other posters that this is an ethics action for some perceived slight Jeff committed against Dear Leader yet in recent years Jeff has been more and more relied upon to be the ‘celeb’ face of Scientology. Plus he is a bitter ender.
As for Miscaviges vanity website. You can’t laugh hard enough. At the same time it is sad to see intelligent people gush frivolities and trivialities about Miscavige. It is reminiscent of seeing North Koreans when asked about the current Kim family ‘leader’. They go on and on about how wonderful and genius Kim Jong Un, Kim Jong Il and Kim Il Sung are yet their eyes are constantly shifting looking off camera at the minders who are watching to make sure they get it right and don’t say something ‘not allowed’. It’s fear and emptiness you see in their eyes.
When you watch the ‘Dear Leader’ videos on the site they all sound the same. Basically just like the Pomerantz missive above. All very vague. Has he ever saved someone’s life? And I don’t mean figuratively (ie “If I had never found Scientology I would be dead right now. All praise to LRH and COB”). Has he ever done anything charitable, giving of his time to the less fortunate, giving of his pile of money to those in need…examples nada. According to Pomerantz there’s no job that Miscavige wouldn’t do himself. I call BS on that.
We all know Miscavige is a ruthless abusive tyrant. It won’t be long till the smoking, drinking or stress takes him down. I was looking at the photos of him and Crooze together back in Katie Holmes era. Compared to recent photos he hasn’t aged well. He looks years older than he is. That’s cigarette smoking for you. It plays hell on the face. We will know when he starts getting fillers and Botox. He will start looking puffy and swollen like his bff Crooze.
His fragile massive ego has shrunk to the size of a small pea and he’s absolutely desperate to pump it up again before he begins to…gag…choke…hurk..feel emotions for people who aren’t him.
‘idiot is only taking the cult into oblivion’
That is a common theme of many commenters on this site, and oft-expressed by Mr. Rlnder, too.
‘Ron’, as anyone knows, was more obsessed by money and real estate than any other things.
Little Davey has continued that, so one would have to admit that he is very much ‘on-source’ in those respects.
Their immense holdings in the U.S.A. are very obvious. They have a chokehold on down-town Clearwater, Florida, sure, they’ve killed the district, but largely own it.
A few historic buildings in other places, but in general big, big, big, and on pricey sites.
The Chatswood site in Australia must have involved corrupt planning processes.
So sad. So incredibly sad for the innocently blind, and even more so – far more so, in fact – for the willfully blind.
Scientology clear cognition: the point where you realize that LRH is making it all up.
“How can he not be embarrassed to put this foolishness out into the world?”
I’ve heard it said of such people that would embarrass them would kill a normal person. That seems appropriate for someone like Miscavige or Hubbard.
My guess here is that the folks writing this drivel are doing (yet another) set of ‘lowers’ or they have been threatened in some way. Most of us wouldn’t want our ‘ethics files’ out there for all the world to see.
That picture of Jeff tells the story better than he did. Two words: mindless buffoon. And those are words I don’t throw around casually.
I met Jeff a casually a few times. He seemed like a nice person. Nice people and even smart people can be fooled, just look at what some people are saying in the U.S. election. 1/3 of German people supported Hitler. As one current politician has said, if you tell a lie enough times people will believe it. No one should think they are immune from being deceived. We all need to fact check the information we receive, even and maybe more so if we like the source of that info.
Like those poor folks who send their life savings to the grifter televangelist on the promise that for every $1,000 they send him God will send them a million!
Not to get political, really, but to get the history straight
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
Usually attributed to Joseph Goebbels, though I don’t think there’s any hard evidence that he ever said it.
In order of importance: Know your history. Know your facts. Know your memes.
It appears to me, based on many decades in this cult, that Jeff wrote all that blubber solely because his Ethics Officer forced him to. You know,”deliver an effective blow to the enemies of the group you’ve been pretending to be part of” so he could get back in good graces.
See, from my own personal experience with Davey boy I know with TOTAL CERTAINTY he is a worthless dolt who serves no one except himself. He will do anything to commandeer more power and status. Everything Debbie Cook exposed about him matches my own observation and perception. The idiot is only taking the cult into oblivion and honestly that is the ONLY good the Diminutive Midget is achieving.
VWD Davey Boy. VWD