For the record, and to fill the gap while I finalize another far more important post….
As usual, the OTC’s never fail to impress with their dedication to the Vampire Empire, doing their utmost to suck the last dime out of anything that moves.
Funny about the reference Quinn the Eskimo uses to justify “fund raising” — HCOPL 10 Sept 1982 “Exchange, Org Income and Staff Pay.” I feel compelled to note this as it is such a startling example of the KoolAid Goggles these people wear. The Eskimo apparently cited this PL for the proposition that it is “group internal pressure” that establishes which condition of exchange comes into play.
Here is the section that covers this from the PL:
This fourth principle above is almost unknown in business or the arts.
Yet it is the key to howling success and expansion. It is true for the org, it is true for the individual staff member.
Where a group is concerned, there is another factor which determines which of the four above is in practice. It is group internal pressure. Where this only comes from executives, it may not get activated. Where it comes from individual group members in the group itself, it becomes assured. The internal demand of one staff member to another is what really determines the condition of the group and establishes which of the four conditions above come into play.
How unreal it is that this is cited from the very PL that says at the outset:
So it is of interest what really underlies org income and staff pay.
There is a term used in business called “fair exchange.”
Let us apply this to an activity engaged in servicing the public.
We can isolate four conditions of exchange.
1. First consider a group which takes in money but does not deliver anything in exchange. This is called rip-off. It is the “exchange” condition of robbers, tax men, governments and other criminal elements.
2. Second is the condition of partial exchange. The group takes in orders or money for goods and then delivers part of it or a corrupted version of what was ordered. This is called short-changing or “running into debt” in that more and more is owed, in service or goods by the group.
3. The third condition is the exchange known, legally and in business practice, as ‘Tair exchange.” One takes in orders and money and delivers exactly what has been ordered. Most successful businesses and activities work on the basis of “fair exchange.”
4. The fourth condition of exchange is not common but could be called exchange in abundance. Here one does not give two for one or free service but gives something more valuable than money was received for. Example: The group has diamonds for sale; an average diamond is ordered; the group delivers a blue-white diamond above average. Also it delivers it promptly and with courtesy.
I guess they don’t notice that all this running around chasing people for their money is precisely “takes in money but does not deliver anything in exchange.” And that they are not even TRYING to deliver anything of value, let alone anything “more valuable than money was received for.”
A variation of the “We tell you it’s good news, therefore it is” school of “thought.”
“Here is an LRH quote that we just twisted to mean what we want it to mean, ignore the rest.”
“I am pissing on your leg. It’s raining.”
Sept 30, 2014
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathie Heard, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Mary Lee Krackow, Diane Temps, Karen Brown, David Nunez, Carol Loweree, Bonita Wilson, Hagit Ron, Dean Glosup, Mark Anderson, Scott Kreisberg, Alicia Kreisberg, Vered Ziv, Linda Massey, Chuck Jacobs, Bobbie Kassowitz, Marty Kassowitz, Rochelle Goodrich, Bob Welch, Ray Loomis, Solomon Melnick, Jill Halverson, Alan Gilbertson, Patty Riemer, Megan Mitchell, Larry Marshall, Omer Azmon, Lisa Malm (Women’s Auxiliary), Nick Lekas (PAC OTC)
Kathie Heard opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Down from 61 to 60
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Up from $253,408 to $293,258
Division 4 – Kathy Welch for Tamara Dahill
# of Volunteer Hours – Down from 331.75 to 287.5
# of Events & Briefings Held – Down from 7 to 1
# of Service Starts – Down from 11 to 9
Division 6 – Charlene Thorburn
Meeting Attendance – Down from 28 to 26
Kathie Heard introduced Lisa Malm from the Church of Scientology Women’s Auxiliary (40 to 50 members). The Women’s Auxiliary Has donated over $300,000 to our Church Programs, and helps various other charities with goods, food, etc.
They are holding the Annual Women’s Auxiliary Dinner on Nov 8th at the Angeles National Golf Club. All are invited to the dinner, silent auction and festivities. Tickets are $75 ($45 for staff). A portion of the proceeds will go to Valley Ideal Org.
Megan Mitchell recruited helpers for the October Festival Event on October 5th.
Mary Elizabeth Glosup had the OTC members to complete the OTC Event surveys.
Quinn Taufer, Valley Ideal Org project I/C presented data on the organizational advancements at PAC, including changes at ASHO and LA Org.
He continued his briefing: “It’s on our shoulders to get Valley done!”
From LRH, Speed of Expansion is a problem of management.
We’re building an on policy org at Valley. What does it take to get it done?
Quinn covered important factors during the Affluence weeks at Valley fundraising.
Staff and OTC members’ actions determine the actions of many others in the field, as was visible when TR 0 went in on the total needed to complete the fundraising.
Then the Wilsons moved to NCB and started the ball rolling.
Quinn announced that permits for demolition and Mechanical Electrical and Plumbing can be pulled by November! So we only need the funds to start construction.
Quinn read LRH data: skip your limitations; that’s what it takes to get it done.
Target to complete the fundraising is November 15th.
For the October Festival event on Sunday Nov 5th we need 94 more confirms.
Quinn read LRH data from HCOPL 10 Sept 1982 “Exchange, Org Income and Staff pay.” It is group internal pressure that establishes which condition of exchange comes into play.
Vered Ziv commended all the volunteers for the recent dinners: Karen Brown, Mark Anderson, Heelah Cohen, David and Bonita Wilson, and Hagit and Irad Ron. She announced the dinner on Saturday at the Wilson’s home.
Reminders: Jennifer Charm Jacobson announced the Halloween Party and Event here at Valley on Friday 31 October at 6:00pm.
Kathy Morrill announced the date of this year’s Kids Christmas Party: Saturday 20 December.
OTC members went into production confirming attendees for the October Festival Event on Oct 5th.
The meeting was ended.
(C) 2014, CSVLY, All rights reserved. Scientology, LRH and OT are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission.
And here is a little treat from EUS where they are excited about their 16 orgs getting 39 starts on service (including those redoing Purif, Objectives and signing up for extensions courses). 39 would be the correct order of magnitude for a single mission if they serviced a town of about 10,000. They may clear their community in 20 years or so.
39 for the entirety of the United States east of the Mississippi (and Puerto Rico)? Sit back down guys and go back to sleep.
From: John Stout OT Ambassador <[email protected]>
Subject: EAST US OT COMMITTEE EXPANSION NEWS 2014: Week-ending 9 October 2014Week-Ending: 9 October 2014
East US Charging Ahead on Ideal Org Program!Dear East US OT Ambassadors and OT Committee Members:
Major headway in East US this week, with Ideal Org Fundraising in Affluence and highest of the year! Detroit had a huge week, and was #1 on the planet – Very Well Done to the Motown Ideal Org team! Atlanta had a huge week as well and is just weeks away from completing their Ideal Org renovations funding! Columbus and New Haven each had a strong week, too, and several other OT Committees played hard!
East US Service Starts are on a 3-week uptrend and totaled 39. The OTC in our FCDC Ideal Org topped the continent with 8 starts!
Continue to put attention on activation: East US Active OTC Members must be highest ever in order to achieve our targets. Double your participation to make your OT Ambassador Program targets and complete your Ideal Org!
The competition is fierce between our OTCs in their quests to make their orgs Ideal! While all that is going on, note that we have the international IAS event coming to our orgs in 2 weeks, so have your OTC ready to back up our earth-changing 4th Dynamic Campaigns!
ML John Stout
OT Ambassador East US I/C
Tony DePhillips: “selective quote usage syndrome”
Its scientific term is Contextomy Syndrome. 🙂
Contextomy: selective excerpting of words from their original linguistic context in a way that distorts the source’s intended meaning. A contextomized quotation not only prompts audiences to form a false impression of the source’s intentions, but can contaminate subsequent interpretation of the quote when it is restored to its original context.
“Bloggers are on the frontlines of catching contextomy and alerting possible audience members that they are being misled.”
Thank you MaBu. Excellent feedback. Contextomy. I will have to tell Word to save it as a real word.
“to form a false impression of the source’s intentions”. This is EXACTLY what they do.
Shocking perversion of reference, twisting of meaning and word! “I’m pissing on your leg. It’s raining.” Yes, Mike
Mike, thanks for quoting the actual policy that they are cherry picking blurbs from in order to support their avaricious intentions. Doing this has become their MO. Even the creation of “Ideal Orgs Program” , as you have often mentioned, was begun by taking the title of one of LRH’s policies, “Ideal Orgs”, out of context and then using it as the name of DM’s pet program…..a program which cross-orders how LRH said to make an Ideal Org in the policy.
Every time I hear of another instance of this, it just blows my mind that anyone who has actually done the Student Hat Course could buy into this line of BS. It seems that Cool Aid destroys the ability to read, among other side effects.
Basically, the Cool Aid drinkers have become “believers” where once they were seekers of truth. Believers cannot distinguish truth from lies because they accept facts without personal observation and evaluation.
Dear Mr. Rinder, my question is completely offtopic but I have found no better way to ask:
Did you ever write any article about why the Grade Chart was updated from the old/original OT levels to New OT? Was LRH behind it? Do you have any info on that?
I’d be interested in this too, the grade chart has been changed so many times what even was the LRH intended version if there ever was one?
See (google it) “A Talk on Solo NOTS by Commander David Mayo”. Contains most of the answers you are looking for about why NOTs is to be done before the other (actual) OT Levels (as I recall).
This clip is an interesting example of how some people can spin things. Here Jim Baker is saying the Lord wants people to flourish and lead healthy lives and this justifies them making 1-2 million dollars off of the people sending in money to the PTL club.
It’s selective quote usage syndrome. 🙂
Criminals can join any religion and choose the passages they want to use to justify their insane actions. It’s happened in Christianity and in Scientology, Islam.
I’m glad that I am outside of that bubble and call a spade a spade.
I recall in Christianity they had these “Christian” guys who would regg people over the phone for money to build some Christian amusement park. I think some Christians really lost a lot of money in that scam. I guess all you can do is point it out to people and hope that more and more of them will wake up.
It would have been wise for LRH to have issued a policy or directive or something that stated one cannot use isolated quotes to justify some action. The entire reference should be included. If LRH did, I am not knowledgeable about it.
I am so tired of ostensibly good-willed, on-purpose scientologists using quotes to justify off-policy/out-tech actions, out-exchange, overts, abuses, crimes. Of course, the minions are only following the pattern established by the sociopath-in-charge while he removes access to the actual references and body of work (i.e. no OECs in qual, etc. and original material labelled as “old, we don’t use that anymore.”)
There’re a lot of things I’d ask from Hubbard, but a command to “don’t misquote me” isn’t on the list. For starters, I’d like to see just a scintilla of evidence for all of his “research.” Also, it would have been wise not to throw people over the side of the ship.
Lol! Hubbard is the “Source” of the pastiche Wissenchaft and lack of personal integrity (being whole and undivided). This is an example of another multinational corporate legal structure, that can get away with anything. I’m sure that Harvard Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness would really value would the latest philosophy by the Scion, on best business practices! If anything we have to stop as believing in the “Folktale of Reason that goes back to the Enlightenment period” (Lakoff) and assume that if we give people the facts they will see the “light”. NIET. I mean, just think of all the dopamine that must be coursing threw the donor neuropathways with the language used to frame the giving!! A fool and their money are soon parted.
‘Vampire Empire’
This is the first time I’ve seen this and it’s already a Classic!
I tried to read those minutes and decided to stop with the onset of nausea.
It’s unbelievable these people actually take that gibberish seriously. One look at the academy levels completions or ask how many wdah’s for the week is all a sane person requires to trash the lot of them.
They are actually developing another language or a dialect within the bubble. Maybe a pigeon version of Shermanism, perish the thought – but it’s true!
“Sanest group on the planet huh?” With their unchecked and unrelenting thirst for donations the flow has definitely stuck and they are self-generating a language to justify it. Sad bit is they are so blind the justification is only internal and they don’t see what fools they are making out of themselves.
Yet, when the bubble finally does burst, those people will just blend in with whatever is going on around them without an iota of responsibility for their past and take on whatever is presented to them by the next moron with enough command intention. Sheeple is a good word, baaa…
Yep. The people I know now who are on OTC Committees now were the professional PCS in my time that no one took any notice of or rather didn’t really contribute or cause anything. Harsh but true. In fact many of them I remember as being complete assholes and “difficult” persons then. Just goes to show that the “tech” they are receiving now hasn’t changed them much, in fact they are worse.
Fascinating analysis of the 4 conditions of exchange. This is the new system. Dig out a reference that somehow supports your message, out of context and completely irrelevant to the original intent of the policy.
It is quote faud. It is betrayal of LRH.
The 4 levels are reversed.
No exchange from org to field. Abundant exchange from field to org. It goes from a planned outflow by the org to the client, to an inflow to the org from the client.
This can be drawn out on paper quite interestingly.
The flows are reversed and the 4th condition is now the client’s level back. In exchange the client gets ripped off.
To make this all kosher, you quote LRH policy on exchange. (Exclamation points)
It bends the mind to think with this.
In the clear light of day, this is such a clear case of promotional fraud.
OT Committees committing continuous present time overts against their religion and its founder. Amazing.
So true, Subreption. I was struck by them claiming “gross income”. It’s such a misuse of the concept, it’s more like “loot income”. They don’t pay anyone or have any product.
Exactly Hallie. Good example. I see they quoted Speed of Expansion, and building an on policy org……LRH was talking about service delivery…..bozos.
I just saw a poll that says that 46% of Americans consider themselves Independents, as opposed to Republican or Democrat. How many consider themselves to be Scientologists? Is it 0.01%?
Not likely. Probably closer to .0032238% which is 10,000/310,000,000.
or less.
That number may be a little on the high side.
“This fourth principle above is almost unknown in business or the arts. ”
Where was he living when he wrote that?
This is a principle that is very well known in the arts and in business.
I felt so superior when applying this principle in business until I found out this is normal routine for most businesses.
If money is “an idea backed by confidence”, then scientology PR most certainly is.
Dollar Morgue. This must be the new version:
Get an idea to use the confidence of the field (in LRH and the game) to get their money.
And, what about this statement: “when TR 0 went in on the total needed to complete the fundraising”? We leave it open for your comments; for me I was just imagining all these members wide eyes opened, staring, no blinking, but despite their TR 0 in they CAN’T see what really goes on.
Or, because money stat was down it means their TR 0 was out? Go figure.
And many phrases go like: ‘we will get the permits…’, ‘we will get the plans once….’ and so on; the longer it takes to get the plans, and designs, and whatever, the more money pours in. I will call this “Going on Hoping” (C/S Series 62).
Twisting the meaning of the Exchange PL is not surprising since the meaning of the Ideal Org PL has certainly been twisted big time. I note that Quinn Taufer described the changes at ASHO and LA Org as “organizational advancements.” But probably many of those who donate feel they are getting an exchange — they get increased status and I am sure many sincerely believe that their donation is making a better world.
Love the talking point “organizational advancements.” Goggles indeed for anybody to buy that at this point.
Mike, you are truly mischievous. Aggrivating davey like this before you drop the bomb and really piss him off.
I guess group pressure within the Co$ is to apply rip-off levels of exchange in an utterly sociopathic manner.
I wonder how much of this is, “well, I got ripped off and I’m going to make damn sure you do too.”
Exchange in abundance is what is expected from their “parishioners”. Give lots and expect F’All in return.
Koolaid Goggles is right!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s like watching one tiny little ant hill and the ants think they are the universe.
Thank you for publishing and elaborating on the PL and placing the pullout quote within its proper context. It’s illustrative of how these quotes are often mangled and distorted for intentionally deceptive or nefarious purposes. This is helpful. Thanks for taking the time to do so. It’s much appreciated.
It really ticks me off when my pant leg is wet and I know, just KNOW, it’s not raining and I didn’t just pee on myself yet some idiot tries to tell me my pant leg is dry. I see this seems to work well for others. Wake up! Please…
If there are no clouds in the sky and your pantleg is wet you know one thing …………Dave Miscavage is nearby.
Or his dog.
When I was on staff at a Class V org over 30 years ago we didn’t have OT Committees. All events were handled by Div 6. Are OTC’s LRH policy?
I think they were implemented by the small golden thong worshiper to be used as a method to put the public OTs to work after they reached the top of the pile of Daveshit. This would help ensure that the grifters would be able to keep on grifting, I mean giving.
Yes Jag. Div 6 is supposed to do div 6. OT Committes are supposed to come with projects that they create to support the game.
They have long since been taken over by org and Int management as a vehicle for implementing command intention al la David Miscavige.
I think they’re also to keep control over the OTs by coercion.
I don’t know the answer to that question and I would like to, but around 2001-2003 I was on the Pasadena OTC before the fundraising was getting heated up and it was rather nice. We put on free public events and I handled providing the refreshments. We distributed Way to Happiness booklets. It was a whole different feel. Then I moved to Oklahoma and when I came back and rejoined it was completely different. Events were all for fundraising, nothing else.
“So we only need the funds to start construction.”
With all the millions they’ve already raised they still have to raise money for construction? Oh, that’s right, David Miscavige has lawyers to pay. Keep them well paid Davey, you’re going to need them. We aren’t going away.
Or…it could be that the fundraising is NEVER ENDING. AND, meant to be that way.
Naw…………… it couldn’t really be that way ………..could it?
What is sad is that most likely, a number of the recipients of these reports probably think this is good news. This is probably because the authors use a language that scientologists have been conditioned to respond to with enthusiasm. I doubt many even think about how big their corner of the world really is, and what “clearing” it would really mean.
I say this, not with a haughty sneer, but because I used to respond just like that, and never actually thought about feasibility. Maybe it was just me. Then again, maybe not.
never actually thought about feasibility. Maybe it was just me. Then again, maybe not.
The only people that DO think about feasibility are those that walk out the door.
The ONLY “critical thinking” that occurs inside the bubble is on the order of “all psychs are whole track implanters” and “Joe Blow is an SP” — critical, but not thinking.
critical, but not thinking.
They call it “applying scientology”.
“The only people that DO think about feasibility are those that walk out the door.
“The ONLY “critical thinking” that occurs inside the bubble is on the order of “all psychs are whole track implanters” and “Joe Blow is an SP” — critical, but not thinking.”
I’ve given Scientology a massive benefit of the doubt, devil’s advocate, hindsight viewing.
I when I was helping train the administrative execs and staff, did think back then, that we would prevail and our subject and movement would last the rest of my life, I took the Sea Org hokey contract as similar to a nun or monk’s vows, etc.
I thought our execs would be just like other religious leaders that I’d seen on TV up to 1975, and that Scientology would go forward and act like a religion, even as kooky science fiction past lives therapy that Scientology was and is.
Instead, Scientology’s gone more into childish in house play acting fund raising and membership temporary adulation if those members donate and ‘reach the next level’ of status of donating members!
Scientology is too much show. It lacks substance, and as a result Scientology with its in house focus on donations for their own buildings, rather than spend their money outward on the communities, is truly out exchange as this thread points out.
But LRH is hugely lacking in even envisioning a proper religion for Scientology. LRH’s staff writings so easily blot out the time in the days of the lives of the “church” execs to really even grasp how irreligious they are being.
Time has to be taken to educate the Scientology leaders into religious behavior, so Scientology can be more than the show pretend religion that it is.
I think Quinn knows it is all make believe and lies. He just refuses to acknowledge it. He has to. In the outside world he is nothing. In Scientology he is a mover and shaker. Most scns now a days who are executives have major flaws, hence they relish their position and are downright frightened of the real business world. Imho.
I had the OTC members in mind when I wrote the above. SO staff – well, who knows what some of them really think. I know it’s hard to think when exhausted and under duress.
Judging by a couple Class V staff, some people take what is written very literally.
For example, in Problems of Work Hubbard writes that life is 7/10ths work. Staff member takes this not as an observation (which may have been somewhat accurate at the time it was written), but rather as a law laid down by Hubbard.
In that frame of mind, it would be relatively easy to believe what you are told, instead of what you are seeing in your local field.
Nice post, Gary. I would agree completely. When I was in, I noticed that many staff were not the sharpest knives in the chandelier. But, they would walk around with their collective chests puffed out simply because they were scientologists. Of course, when you fed the drivel that staff and public are fed, you feel superior to everyone who wasn’t a cult member. I remember being told in Hawai’i that I was in the top 10% of all humanity! Pretty heady stuff and back then I just lapped it up. But, even though I not in the top 10% of humanity, I still revel in being po’ white trailer trash. Hey, someone’s got to do it…
Good point, Gary. In Quinton’s case, he has never operated in the real world as he joined SO at a young age and his mom is an IAS reg although public. Of course he is scared to go have to operate in the real world where no one looks at him as a demi-God or exec.
Dollar, I was right there with you at some point in the distant past. And, of course, it wasn’t just you. For a time, it was the majority of us. But, as time goes on, and those still in visit the internet, well, the times they will be a changin.’
The obsessive use of the word “done” without anyone EVER asking, “And then . . .?” is all I need to know to classify these people as one step up from lawn furniture.
Really, Timothy? One step up from lawn furniture? I had them pegged them as a couple of steps down from a sewer line. But, hey, that’s just me…
Don’t denigrate the lawn furniture, it can articulate and perform a service. It can fold up on you just like a scn in the face of an SP, tho…
I give them a teeny amount of credit for being hornswoggled by a con that’s fooled better people than they are, as witness most of the folks who comment here.
I’d suggest you take your balls and go home Timothy. You might get em whacked if you hang around the lawn furniture on this blog. Take a step up good buddy.
Most of the people commenting here Timothy left at the first sign of the con. You should read (and understand) the Dianetics book from 1950 and you might learn something, about yourself.