This is a direct quote from a policy by L. Ron Hubbard of 15 Aug 1960 DEPARTMENT OF GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS
The bold-face is mine to highlight some of the most disturbing passages.
The object of the Department is to broaden the impact of Scientology upon governments and other organizations and is to conduct itself so as to make the name and repute of Scientology better and more forceful. Therefore defensive tactics are frowned upon in the department. We are not trying to make the Central Orgs and HCOs “be good”. We are trying to make their reach more secure and effective. Only attacks resolve threats.
In the face of danger from Govts or courts there are only two errors one can make: (a) do nothing and (b) defend. The right things to do with any threat are to (1) Find out if we want to play the offered game or not, (2) If not, to derail the offered game with a feint or attack upon the most vulnerable point which can be disclosed in the enemy ranks, (3) Make enough threat or clamor to cause the enemy to quail, (4) Don’t try to get any money out of it, (5) Make every attack by us also sell Scientology and (6) Win. If attacked on some vulnerable point by anyone or anything or any organization, always find or manufacture enough threat against them to cause them to sue for peace. Peace is bought with an exchange of advantage, so make the advantage and then settle. Don’t ever defend. Always attack. Don’t ever do nothing. Unexpected attacks in the rear of the enemy’s front ranks work best.
Never put the organization on “wait” because of courts or other matters. It’s up to the Department to make the actions of HCO Secs and Org Secs right, not enjoin right actions on the HCO and Org Secs.
To win we must have treasure and verve. If a Central Org and HCO function perfectly as service units then treasure and consequent security for the further advance are to hand. If the Department operates with verve and elan, even with rashness, it will afford a screen behind which organizations can work.
This is CURRENT policy employed by scientology. No policy of L. Ron Hubbard becomes “old” — that is strictly forbidden. Only he could decide to cancel something he had written,m and rest assured, he did NOT cancel this policy. In fact, he expanded on these ideas in a number of other later writings. It is in evidence in their responses to Scientology The Aftermath. Every day.
It is this type of policy — not the “beliefs” — of scientology that prompt and justify their abuses.
These are the policies (and thus practices) of scientology that we must all continue to expose and bring to an end.
For a more extensive description of how scientology approaches “problems”, see Dealing with Critics of Scientology — the L. Ron Hubbard Playbook.
Great Netflix series, really hope to see change in Scientology and hope to see more from you and Leah.
Ortega, for example, writes about Scientology at least once a week and broke the news last week that Miscavige s father, Ron, and a niece of Hubbard escaped from the Sea Org base camp in Hemet sometime this spring after decades with the church.
This is insanity. Why have it so much questions on the table?
This guy was nothing but a FREAK. That final photo of him snapped on that ranch just before his death says it all. Folks should print that up on posters and parade around scientology buildings with it. Looks like scientology practices served him REAL WELL. ??? Just a rotting old rancid cigarette smoking carcass of a human being with his long bedraggled hair. He looks like a homeless person that the police dragged out from under a bridge. ???
Now I understand where lil-LRH gets his ruthlessness.
A man who LOOKED sane…but wasn’t. In “public” he appeared to know what he was doing. Within the SO, he behaved like a tyrant and bent all SO members to his will. Li’l Davey is merely following his Master’s bible. He actually has surpassed Hubbard in hostility and covert operations. And insanity is, of course, something which is passed down the line as are most common mental illnesses. It does not require a bloodline to take place The lack of real education, in both their cases, simply fed their insanities further. Neither could/can love. Both were/are “alone” in that they can never make sane connections to others.
Outside the church it seems like most people regard Hubbard as a kook or a ‘mental case’, but the more you read about him, I don’t know how you can arrive at any idea other than his being a malignant narcissist, as Prof. Stephen Kent posits on the show.
You can’t read these policies or hear the recordings of Hubbard speaking and see a deranged person. These writings are attached, coherent, and intricately designed to be deliberately ruthless. These are not the ravings of a lunatic, but the machinations of a tyrant.
I would like to share my wins after obnosing that photo of OAT TEA Tubbs using all 57 percepts
Nut Job
Hubbard… what a dick.
I just love that picture of L Con. Priceless!
Greasy, flabby, smokey thetan perfection.
I would like to share my WINS and write up my Success Story after OBNOSING that photo of Tubbs using all 57 PERCEPTICS
Con Man
Tub of Lard
Oat Tea
Nut Job
Thanks Ron – for the tech! Without it I would have never had such amazing WINS!
It is strange that picture was ever released.
Way back in 1984 one class VIII in RTRC (Ron’s Technical Research
and Compilation unit) at Int (International HQ) got in big trouble as he
basically said that Ron was an “old man” with the insinuation he was
sick and not to be listened to. When that picture came out I agreed.
That photographer deserves an award. What a shame photo gems like this don’t get the Pee Arrrrr they deserve…
Wouldn’t it be great to give REAL purpose to these true “Images of a Lifetime?”
Ron Lawn Art: Simply place Ron’s image over statue. Your dog will make a splash!
(Pee-Meter sold separately for competitive male dogs who like to aim for higher
“There are no dog PC’s…” But there will always be dog feces:
Place Ron image over receptacle with sign nearby for trash day: “Pick up The Cans Please!” And be sure to give a good ack. “Thank you for taking that load of sh*t!”
If you’d like to disseminate the tek with quote from source on the dogipot, this would be pawfect:
From “Assists” Lecture. 3rd October 1968. #10 of the confidential Class VIII series of lecture:
“But there’s the incident called ‘The Obscene Dog…’ …The Obscene Dog was a sort of a brass dog in a sitting position and anybody who got around to the front of the dog got caught in some electronic current and passed through the dog to the dogs rear end and spat out. Thetans didn’t like this.”
The only way this “Always attack, never defend” policy could work or ever does work is if the organization applying it has clean hands. For any individual or organization like Scientology, which has filthy hands, its a disaster of a policy.
An organization or person being unjustly accused or maligned could simply make a statement: “That is untrue. Here is the proof that what you are claiming about me has no truth to it”.
Scientology can’t do that because mostly the accusations ARE true. So, there is no legitimate defense.
So, what else is a cult to do except attack the accusers with ad homs, while carefully avoiding any actual discussion of the issues because the accusations are actually true.
Observing this kind of reaction from anyone or any organization to being accused of something is a huge tip off to me that the accusations are in fact true.
Moreover :), If a person or an organization is known to be litigious, and gets accused of something publicly, and does not sue for libel (or slander? I’m not a legal person) then THAT’s a tip off that the accusations are true. If its well known that an organization sues at the drop of a hat, or that an individual settles all of his or her “negotiations” with “Ok, you don’t like it, sue me” – well, why would this organization or person NOT sue if something being said was damaging AND untrue?
But on the other hand, couldn’t we *all* use a bit more verve and elan? 🙂
The German government does NOT recognize Scientology as a religion, but as a highly abusive business masquerading as religion whose political goals conflict sharply with the values enshrined in their Constitution.
They have it exactly right.
I’m right behind you, Len.
Makes me want to move to Germany. Seriously.
Germans don’t like the cult! I don’t blame them.
Wow. A government applying logic. What a concept.
no doubt, Jason, my man explains it good.
WOW…great video Gib!
Yes, maybe the German government should burn all Scientology books and harass on the streets and then send Scientologists to “resettlement” camps in the East? Burn down the Churches?
Another example of the Hubbard playbook in use;
A quote from the Church of Scientology “We never comment on individual parishioners’ lives”
Apparently this only applies to individuals who are in good standing, and those who have left deserve hate smear character assassination web sites and videos of churchies nattering about the now departed.
More verifiable bullshit from the Church of $cientology.
It is interesting how they equivocate on their answer about disconnection. They make it about associating with other faiths, but they didn’t address people who *leave* scientology. Jehovah‘s are kind of the same. They will still associate with you if you’ve never been with the church because there still a chance you might see the light. But if you were in the church and left? Forget you.
JWs are scary cult nut jobs, an organization with policies that give the Cherch of Scientology a run for its money with regard to ignorance and cruelty.
All religious cults should each have their own separate countries, or one big enough country with their own separate areas where they can each of them, live in peace and quiet and solid agreement with their own select brand of doomed nuttiness.. I’m sure they’d be happier that way.
Yes, I’m being horrid. Yes, I know this is the wrong attitude. I do know that Intolerance of other viewpoints never solves anything, is a waste of time and energy, and its own trap.
But what the fuck. I feel like being horrid right now.
This policy will be the death of the cult.
Attacking those who legitimately have a grievance has backfired on the Cherch every time. And their dwindling numbers only make their belligerent hubris more ludicrous.
The government should read this. Courts should read this. Lawyers need to know this. Gawd!
Yes, everyone should read this! Especially the KA drinking bubble dwellers. AND put it on the upcoming A&E Leah and Mike show for the world to see.
Hi Rose, I’m glad you are out. We were on staff together back in the early 1990’s in SF.
I held many posts during my staff time under Lynn Irons Robert Reifer and then Kathy Steiner. Even married a OT.
Wow. Blast from the past. What’s your name, rank and serial number LOL PM if you choose to stay private. 🙂
Per Art of War, armies fight most desperately when on killing ground. Miscavige and C of S are near to or on killing ground. So we see the increasing desperation in their attacks. I would not ascribe any “verve” to OSA these days, though. More like venom or vomit than verve emanates from that sector.
Thank you Mike.
I may consider that beliefs are related to attacks. LRH stated he had been the ‘only one” to raise above the bank and the “only one” to discover management and technologies to help humanity that no one had ever known before.
This gave him power, money and followers.
He felt threatened when Governments, correctly so, were demanding taxes and proves of medical certificates to back up his activities to cure illnesses.
Any one who dared to contradict him became an enemy, and that belief still carries on till today: any one that contradicts Scn or the pretended ecclesiastical leader, is an enemy and should be destroyed by following LRH’s Policies.
To not do so was threatening income, power and control over others.
The ‘tool’ LRH used to convince others that his Policies on attack should be used was that Scn, was the only answer to save mankind. Many believed on this idea thus, the Policy dictated to attack the so called enemy was to be used and followed for the sake of mankind.
no doubt, Hubbard turned critical thinking into an enemy. How dare you criticize my work of freeing mankind. I’ll show you wrong, you critic or critical analyzer , thru play of words, I’ll get you to be an enemy of freeing mankind, freedom of speech. That’s what I am, I am LRH.
Always attack or have them sue for peace.
In the end he said he failed and wasn’t coming back.
It still surprised me that I still get surprised after reading things like this..
Don’t worry. That’ll go away.
Thanks Pierre Ethier for putting online Ron’s Journal 68, given by Hubbard in 1968, a 1 hour talk/journal which summarizes Hubbard’s rationale.
Dept of Special Affairs staff today who study this 1968 talk would learn Hubbard examples of how to counter attackers of Scientology.
This talk/journal from Hubbard gives really any outsider to Scientology who is studying Hubbard’s rationale, a good summary straight from Hubbard.
I tried to read from Pierre, but apparently he is another Fool Proof type, who insists that there is always a person failing to live up to Standard Tech behind the scenes fouling up the works, and that if only he, with his perfect auditing powers, were involved things would always be made to go right. He fails to see the person to blame is not poorly trained auditors, untrained auditors, auditors run by the RTC, it is L. Ron Hubbard himself, a narcissistic paranoid sociopath con man who made wild promises of super powers, but never delivered on even the mildest of his claims.
RJ68 is a study of rheotric
Of course.
It ain’t necessarily so
It ain’t necessarily so
De things dat yo’ liable to read in Ron’s Bible
It ain’t necessarily so
Li’l David was small but oh my
Li’l David was small but oh my
He fought big suppressives who made all dem messes
Li’l David was small but oh my
Oh David he lived off de whales
Oh David he lived off de whales
For he made his home in dem fishes’ abdomen
Oh David he lived off de whales
I’m preachin’ dis sermon to show
It ain’t nessa, ain’t nessa
Ain’t nessa, ain’t nessa
It ain’t necessarily so!
MJM, if George Gershwin is turning in his grave its to thank you for parodying this great tune of his in order to lampoon a tyrant.
Very kind words Aqua. Let’s not forget Ira.
You’re right! Thanks, Iram thank you, baby!
El Con was criminally minded from a birth. Know colloquially as a sociopath. Everything else of any significance he did was governed by that insanity.
This is going to guide the CoS reaction to the GDPR privacy rules that took effect in the European Union yesterday. They’ll attack a very popular law, one that the government is committed to enforcing. And it’s a law that, because they cling to the stupid and antiquated policies of Hubbard, they can never be in compliance with. Their collection of vast troves of deeply personal information about members, their archives of information about opponents, politicians, etc. are all major violations of the law, subjecting them to immense fines.
And attempting to attack Eurocrats enforcing the law, either in person or attacking the various country-level privacy regulators, will backfire like the latest Wile E. Coyote scheme to catch the roadrunner. It’s a battle that will go on endlessly. The EU gets great press for persistently enforcing a popular law and Scientology will be able to play the victim card endlessly to gin up more IAS donations from gullible whales in the US, just as they’ve been doing around the (admittedly unjust) persecution of Scientology in Russia.
I have a blog post about the GDPR this morning, for those interested in learning more:
Thank you for this link. I wish the U.S. would do this, Scientology would be gone a lot sooner here.
I commend the EU!! ??
And as a necessary complement to the L. Ron Hubbard Playbook is that good old standby, the L. Ron Hubbard Paybook.
Hubbard’s ruts didn’t include self change.
Hubbard died with “body-thetans” still bugging him, he failed at his own medicine, and admitted to Sarge at Creston he’d failed, but his passing thought that he’d failed he ought to have shared with the movement, and allowed everyone to get out of his ruts.
And he stated that people had no idea how many there are which means that no one has completed, or will complete, OTVII and beyond. So the little shit will have everyone doing the Bridge to Total Insanity over and over and over based on the stable LRH datum, “Times over the Materials equals Certainty”. So, you have to ask yourself, “How did that workout for LRon?”
Chuck, no disagreement with what you’ve said, but allow me to point out that Hubbard admitting to Sarge that he’d “failed” is indicative that he, LRH, had himself had the purposes stated in his written materials., i.e. of helping/saving mankind, of clearing the planet as it were.
If not, then how did he fail? Why would he admit having failed to Sarge? To what line of endeavor was he referring when he admitted failure?
Certainly not in the finance department as he made a ton of money. And there’s no doubt that making a great deal of money was one of his purposes. But if it was his only purpose, then he certainly did not fail in it.
You knew him and were active in the cult when he was there so I’d be interested to hear your take on this.
Aqua, he failed in taking over the world as was his goal.
Wynski, you’re such a good counter-puncher. Thanks for my final laugh of the night 🙂
And don’t get a swelled head if this posts twice because I’m not sure if the first one went thru.:)
Thanks Aqua. I take his his affirmations as the base of his personality. I think he was somewhat of a schizophrenic and at times really believed in “OT” and saving people but that was secondary and subordinate to his primary purposes. So he did have both sides which explains how he could be kind to people from time to time.
I too noticed that my posts “disappear” as soon as I submit and I cannot edit them.
but he also admitted he wasn’t coming back to Sarge. What’s the Sea Org motto?
We Come Back
Wow. I thought it was Nihil Fac Nobis.
“These are the policies (and thus practices) of scientology that we must all continue to expose and bring to an end.”
Ooooh, wait! I just got the BEST Sea Org Motto!
Listen to this:
“Semper Defesseis, Semper Esurientum”.
Sounds imposing, no?
Translates to: “Always Tired, Always Hungry”.
Very funny Aqua. And much closer to the truth
Great exposure Mike. That of course is but one aspect of the Scientology Office of Special Affairs.
For the less familiar readers there is also a big push to make the Scientology movement appear benevolent and it hinges in the following:
From ‘Ron’s Journal 68’, with references to the “human rights button” excerpted only:
“…And the general attack line is along the line of human rights; yes human rights…
Now I’ll give you a clue on how this is handled, somebody comes up to you he’s hostile – he’s hostile to Scientology and he says to you and he says na na na Scientology and you say why are you against human rights and uh and if you know anything about human rights like the universal declaration of human rights, United Nations – that sort of thing you know if you know something about this subject you just follow it right straight up – in other words you don’t defend Scientology, you just attack along this line of human rights, you see…
Tell him or her …uh …the hostile person the hostile press line uh…for instance a newspaper writes an article on how bad Scientology is – any Scientologist reading this should run right to that newspaper and demand: Why are you against human rights?
Whereas an attack on Scientology is actually an attack on human rights – anyone making an attack on Scientology is an attack on human rights…
Each time Scientology is attacked, we build into society, if you do this, we’ll build into society an actual stimulus response mechanism whereas an attack on Scientology is an attack on human rights”
Mr. Hubbard, incomplete CSW. Please resubmit with accurate and usable data. I have written a dev-t chit for your ethics file.
And a JE chit. Endangers my job of living.