It’s SaTerraDay
More on Conditions in Scientology
According L. Ron Hubbard:
“A Danger Condition is normally assigned when:
- An Emergency Condition has continued too long.
- A statistic plunges downward very steeply.
- A senior executive suddenly finds himself or herself wearing the hat of the head of the activity because it is in trouble.”
First Dynamic Formula
- Bypass habits or normal routines.
- Handle the situation and any danger in it.
- Assign self a Danger Condition.
- Get in your own personal ethics by finding what you are doing that is out-ethics and use self-discipline to correct it and get honest and straight.
- Reorganize your life so that the dangerous situation is not continually happening to you.
- Formulate and adopt firm policy that will hereafter detect and prevent the same situation from continuing to occur.
It’s All On You, Baby
True to form, per #4 above, LRH assumes you’re to blame for the condition. Your personal ethics are out. You caused the sudden downturn in stats. Drunk drivers, criminals, and acts of God are not to blame. Sorry, it’s not a virus, it’s all on you. Could the man have been more evaluative?
It’s never management who is to blame. Heaven forbid, your boss or senior did something that caused the stats to plunge. In Scientology, the individual is responsible for his own condition. All the time, with no exceptions.
Dream On
#6: How is one supposed to formulate and adopt new policy within the realm of Scientology if LRH strictly forbid anyone but himself from doing so? Formulating and adopting anything besides what he already wrote is “off-policy,” and considered “squirreling.” Rest assured, formulating and adopting new policy is not allowed in Scientology.
“…prevent the same situation from continuing to occur,” Seriously? The same situations in Scientology have been occurring for half a century: dwindling enrollment, lawsuits against the church, big pay-outs, anti-Scientology TV programs, movies, books, and websites in the hands of the public. Income from services is down, and SUMP is still not open. The list goes on and on.
Whatever the post and whoever is manning it, Danger Conditions continuously happen. And happen. And happen. Except for little, meaningless situations, the same conditions always reoccur.
You’d think by now that formulating and adopting “firm” policy isn’t working. And by extension, LRH’s golden rules aren’t completely workable. That his policy isn’t the way out and it’s time to try something new—something that would actually handle the “situation.”
If church leader, David Miscavige, still uses the Conditions, how does he justify the state of Scientology, week after week? How does he—and everybody under him—think the “dangerous situations” have been handled” and are not still “happening?” Management still applies conditions, don’t they?
Just Sweep it All Under the Rug
#5: “Dangerous situations” have been happening for decades and nothing has been “reorganized” to prevent them from happening again. In fact, with the advent of the Internet and social media, Scientology is in a more dangerous and precarious state than it’s ever been in. The public think less and less of the church with each passing day. A recent blogger said its reputation has been tarnished beyond repair.
Every morning people click on Internet sites detrimental to Scientology. Every year, more and more books are published damaging to the church and its leaders. Negative movies and TV programs air with increasing frequency. Parishioners continue to blow. “Dangerous situations,” continue to occur.
Scientology would rather fold up and die than change and admit to wrongdoing. Their need to be right and “100% on-policy” supersedes their need to “correct it and get honest and straight.”
Last Words
Scientology has never risen above the Condition of Danger. They’ve never gotten honest and straight. Not when LRH was still alive and pumping out his bulletins and policy letters, delivering his “congresses,” and not when DM took over. Either the Conditions and their formulas are faulty and don’t work or Scientology has never applied them correctly. Which is it?
Still not Declared,
Terra Cognita
You quote the first dynamic formula then waffle on about LRh blaming the individual?
First Dynamic is actually self, more of your MU’s we have to put up with.
If you are going to attempt to ridicule, please get it right mate!
Having been in the SO…. I don’t recall ever once, doing a danger formula on a (or as a) 3rd dynamic….. It has been years since I read the formula, but i do not recall ever seeing something like:
1. bypass your teams’ habits or routines…
2. Handle the danger or any situation in your team.
3. Assign your group / team a danger condition.
4. Get your team to ethics, so they can work on getting their ethics in.
5. Reorganize your team, so the dangerous situation no longer happens on your team.
6. formulate and adopt firm policy for your team…..
….. have you?
I thought this quote from my favorite science fiction author(sorry LRH) is appropriate here with this article.”Most civilisation is based on cowardice. It’s so easy to civilize by teaching cowardice. You water down the standards which would lead to bravery. You restrain the will. You regulate the appetites. You fence in the horizons. You make a law for every movement. You deny the existence of chaos. You teach even the children to breathe slowly. You tame.”
Frank Herbert, God Emperor of Dune (Dune Chronicles #4)
Funnily enough, hubby and I were talking about this just yesterday. The “admin tech” is so incredibly cumbersome, contradictory (find me one policy, I’ll find another that nullifies it) – and complex – as to be virtually unworkable. 7 frigging volumes – and thick ones at that – to run a small to medium or even relatively large company? Or, for that matter, an org with 30 staff who are running around like the proverbial chickens each trying to do the job of 10 people. Who the hell has time for that? When we were WISE members and expected to implement the MAKH (Model of Admin Know How) into our company it drove me to distraction. In effect it plunged the stats because we spent more time trying to “implement and do things according to policy” than just getting on with the damn job, doing the work – and bringing in the $$$$.
In my experience, Scientology seems to work only in the carefully controlled environment of Scientology.
The elements that seem to work in the real world were stolen from someone else OR just enough change was introduced to make it fit.
More often, tubby tried to plagiarize, but introduced some twist on the thing that made it fail.
And we all hoped beyond hope that he would come up with( steal) something that would make SOMEthing actually work as advertised.
There is something to be said in favour of the conditions, I believe. As with most people, the vast majority of the time I did conditions was just to get through the damn ethics handling and get back with life. As I was starting to get disaffected with scn, I made the decision that I would never again do anything in scn which did not observably change my life for the better. I then did conditions, and decided I would do them for real. They worked! Shortly after, I left scn never to return.
Terra, I see this as yet another mechanism in which effective blame flows down from the top down – starting first with Hubbard, and now Miscavige. Any lower level of management, personnel or activity is subject to this when when being held to account by a senior. I imagine Miscavige takes responsibility for the things that go right (or that appear to) but not for those which go wrong, following in Hubbard’s footsteps:
“Narcissists blame others
Whatever the source of the sensitivity to criticism and difficulty admitting mistakes, the upshot is a tendency to blame others when anything has gone wrong. Blaming and fault-finding in others feel safer to narcissists than looking to discover, learn and grow from their own part in difficulties.”
I think that “Formulate and adopt firm policy” in the context of Scientology and KSW can only mean reaffirming and doubling down on implementation of Hubbard policy – in which case it functions as thought reform, like communist “self-criticism,” requiring the individual to see themselves as having erred due to having failed to rigorously implement correct doctrine.
I have a question for the ex-SCN people here. How do Scientologists actually look at the “You pulled it in!” idea when it comes to problems with other Scientologists? If another SCN member wrecks your car, didn’t the guy who wrecked your car pull it in himself? Yet it is your problem. Hell, if someone gets declared and blows, leaving you with more work, isn’t it the SP’s fault?
There are few worse lies than to tell a powerless person they are responsible for everything that happens to them.
Omega – Car crashes are irrelevant in the big picture. Mr. Hubbard suggested that thetans can and do create universes which is pretty powerful. This viewpoint, incidentally, is not unique to scn. Other religions and practices share it. (being facetious here in case it isn’t obvious)
TC, I’ll take the bait.
“Either the Conditions and their formulas are faulty and don’t work or Scientology has never applied them correctly. Which is it?”
BOTH: And here is why. Hubbard’s ethics conditions are such a narrow fraction of real life conditions as to be unworkable on all levels, save for the top honcho (who is exempt). It is like trying to play a concert with a one-key piano. To demand that each post in an organization crank up a set of stats and conditions puts every terminal/post/human in the org at odds with every one else. That is a kiss of death to ever trying to develop teamwork. Applying the ethics conditions fully would turn them into cannibals.
Then there was this utterly false statement that this “First Dynamic Formula” was to be imposed on non-SO, non-Staff Scientologists and to make them toe the line with the church. This heavy fisted approach helped a number of us in the early 1970’s to step waaaaay back from the AO and ASHO, and their brainwashed SO fanatics. One of the remarks that was developed (and shared around) when we were cornered by these minions was to tell them that: OH! Indeed! I have been working up my 1D Formula. And guess what I figured out? Scientology is only one of several third dynamic activities I am currently involved in. You guys are having to compete with my job, my biker club, my beach group, and my party group. Keep sharp or I will spend even less time/money on you guys.
We thought it was funny, yea.. they didn’t.
If I ever start a Punk band, Danger Condition sounds good.
Nobody really does these condition, other than to get through them as fast as they can so they can get signed off. Left to their own discretion nobody would do these on their own. There’s some OK ideas there, you know if sales are down, work a bit harder and smarter to get them up etc. etc. But to punish people and give them the “Lord of the flies” treatment, is just more Scientology bullshit. Scientology has some workable things, but underlying it all is this religion based on fear and nonsense which undoes all the good stuff.
You are 100% right. If I operated my business by assigning lower conditions my people would be crushed and demoralized and very quickly I’d have to hire all new people, who in turn would get crushed and demoralized, and so on and so on. The people who work for me are hardworking, skilled, honest and loyal to me. I would NEVER put them in “lowers” because something didn’t get done by weeks end, or at some arbitrary time of the day! I would never use lower conditions on them PERIOD. That’s NOT the way you manage people! Praise. And not phoney flattery either. There’s always something that you can acknowledge with sincerity. Some little thing. Gentle correction. Gentle! Tempered with what they’ve done right. People have pride! You don’t trample on someone’s pride. Mostly just make sure they know the job and the company policy, let them know you’re safe to talk to as necessary and then leave them alone and let them do it. No helicoptering. I keep some stats but I don’t assign them any stats. Little oonuses, at year’s end bigger bonus’s, little informal surprise lunches. Keep it light. It works out, somehow.. Works for me, anyway.
TC – this is another great essay. So spot on, got me to realize a lot. Thanks.
That danger formula seems logical when applied to a personal situation or a small business. A large business might have too many moving parts to assign a business wide condition which would demoralize parts working effectively.
In my day I recall the Organization Executive Course, I think it was called, which was sold for big bucks. I think a some people not interested in the philosophy of scn bought it. Like any approach, they probably used some of it and not the rest. I doubt all MBA business programs at all universities are identical.
I stuck with the tech side of scn. One administrative idea I used a couple of times was the CSW, Completed Staff Work. Instead of telling a senior about a problem, you stated the problem with your suggested solution and submitted it in writing and it was approved or disapproved.
I played sports in high school and didn’t have time to be on the debate team. I think Terra likes to present a totally negative side of all aspects of scn just for the purpose of debate – haha
When I was in scn years ago I ran a small construction business for a while. I had no previous business experience and the Condition Formulas, I think they went from Non Existence to Power, were simple and useful. As a point of view, everyone is in a ”’condition” in life and in business whether they realize or not.
CSW was not born of LRH. This is a standard step in effective problem solving that has been taught for eons. He was not a genius…he was genius at stealing others ideas and calling them something different.
Teen – I’m not saying the CSW was unique to scn, just something in the “admin tech” that was useful. It doesn’t really matter to me if Hubbard plagiarized from Plato or Martians. Hubbard signed his own name to the bottom of everything for copyright protection.
Hubbard’s Scientology management is based on industrial and military management principles developed in the first half of the 20th century. They have a certain effectiveness in the context of heavy industry and unskilled labor, but it’s with good reason that they were largely replaced by modern principles such as TQM (Total Quality Management), and that something like 9 out of 10 of the Fortune 500 companies of Hubbard’s and Scientology’s heyday no longer even exist, with the remainder like the “big 3” auto companies having undergone often tortuous periods of bankruptcy and management reorganization.
Thrown into that is a dose of high-pressure sales technique – still effective in one-on-one situations, particularly with older generations accultured to be polite and unassertive even in the face of rudeness and manipulation. Plus, of course, everything is shaded with Hubbard’s predilections such as scapegoating, finding a “who” rather than even considering the possibility of systemic problems or changed external realities. There is an element of positive thinking and dogged determination in it all, that can produce results in certain sorts of endeavors, particularly those involving sales and aspects of public relations (which is why scientologists and their businesses are clustered in endeavors where those are key), but it is ultimately limited and hampered by a lack of ability to adapt to circumstances and to change.
Richard, I think Terra just explains why scamology is a completely criminal cult that has killed and ruined many lives while making the couple criminals running it rich.
And since not one single major tech claim made by Hubtard in his philosophy is true based on evidence, why anyone would “stick to the tech side” would prove an interesting study in neurosis.
Also, the ethics conditions are NOT “admin”. They are ethics in scamology. Hubtard said there was Ethics, Tech & Admin “tech”.
Wynski – I only studied the “tech” side of scn which was my area of interest and nothing administrative. I was in scn from around 1975 to 1982 when things were different. Myself and others in that category are becoming dinosaurs and nearly extinct! Be happy I’m still around to occasionally say something nice about the subject (not the cherch).
I have some very mixed views on this.
Firstly, in answer to the question about first dynamic danger conditions:
Suppose you are a salesman and your sales have completely crashed.
The first dynamic condition is what you do yourself:
You might decide that what you are doing that is out ethics is going out partying every night and not going to bed until 2:00 a.m.
The new policy you might impose is limiting the partying to twice a week and otherwise getting to bed before 11:00.
The other part of the danger condition (not shown in the post) is for the person in charge, in this case the Sales Manager. He might take over some of the salesman’s accounts himself or reassign them for instance.
Scientology always takes the view that the person himself is responsible for his own condition regardless of the circumstances. If you are walking on the sidewalk and a slab of concrete falls on your head, then you must have “pulled it in.”
Obviously, this is insane!
Nevertheless, if something goes wrong in my life, I would always look at what I did to cause it before anything else. This is not to make myself feel guilty but to try and avoid going the same route in the future.
It’s all about learning from and rectifying your own mistakes and this is kind of where the danger formula is coming from.
But it is still possible that after doing these steps the conclusion is that management was so screwed up that success was all but impossible.
In one situation, this is precisely the conclusion I reached and promptly headed for the door.
In Scientology, management is disfunctional and corrupt beyond anything likely to be encountered in the outside world. If you do a Danger Condition within Scientology and reach this conclusion then the consequences are likely to be harsh. Leaving Scientology would not be accepted as the correct policy change in your life, naturally.
Management is as pure as the driven snow and must not be challenged.
This is the kind of thinking that allows old wizened Poison Dwarf to remain in charge although he is obviously a miserable failure and stat-crasher.
“If you are walking on the sidewalk “…………….and your cherch decides to get your wife to donate $100,000.00 to the I AYE ESS and not tell the small being hubby ………….then you must have pulled it in.
What goes in can go out ………………… out of a cult dedicated to making spouses lie, cheat and steal and report on each other. Whats not to like about a group like that?
Yo Dave,
You’re done making claims on me good buddy. What ever is happening to your cherch is something You must have pulled in. Do Your conditions loser!
Yes, its interesting how the size of one’s “beingness” as evaluated by the cult, is invariably determined by the amount of money one is willing to give the cult. Accordingly, per the cult, the size of one’s beingness is a wildly fluctuating statistic.
It’s interesting that you should use sales as an example. As I pointed out in another comment, Scientology’s management approach is mostly only suitable to sales, and particularly sales of services and intangibles that are hard to quantify and whose sale is thus based primarily on promotion of concepts rather than measurable (and comparable) qualities. It’s focused on the “big league” hard sell techniques that Hubbard embraced – along with an antiquated style of excessively and inflexibly quantitative management not very suitable to modern businesses.
If you’re a salesman, the other reality you have to consider – just the sort of thing that Scientology can’t handle – is that the service or product is, or has become, hard to sell; if you’re in the business of selling Volkswagen diesels, magazines and newspapers, and so on, the reason for the crash of your statistics may simply be an external reality that you can’t change and have to adapt to.
Scientology’s teachings about taking responsibility for situations are useful, though ultimately common-sense, and hardly unique; but the only cover part of the realities that need to be handled in many circumstances and situations.
David Miscavige needs to “disappear” and wake up as a “house guest” of Kim Jong Un . . . LOL !
Count me in!
DM as a “house guest of Kim Dong Un would be dangerous. One might learn from the other.
i doubt that Kim would “embrace” the “XENU Myth” . . .LOL !
Also, Miscavige would have “assassination & spy gear” on his person, which would be “discovered” before he regained consciousness . . . GUARANTEED to be exceuted by Kim ! ! !
The truth is out. There’s not much they can do about it now. Admit all the lies? Where would they be if they told the truth?
Maybe this bullshit is workable on Tgt 2 (?), but after a decade & more of personal experience with condition formulas my conclusion on their workability is finite and conclusive. They are bullshit, don’t work and are expressly designed to keep the minions introverted and malleable for control purposes.
Just imagine for one moment if they did work… we wouldn’t be have this blog, nor would we be so thoroughly pissed off with the scam of Scientology.
They fall into the category of ‘vomit’.
It is also my conclusion that Hubbard’s non stop research was intentional as it was the only way he could maintain the delusion of the workability of Scientology. KSW 1 is the biggest lie he ever told. It could be suggested in 1965 he concluded, “EUREKA!” – I’ve perfected the perfect scam and the formula for maintaining it. Once again think about it… if it did function as a workable technology of the mind and life we wouldn’t be here complaining about it & wondering what the fuck happened to our families, friends, money & careers. He turned what could have been an interesting view of life into a criminal enterprise. No matter what the believers of the tech say, Scientology is composed of broken and shattered dreams. I for one would dread to have the conscience of a card holding member of Scientology, they are mental terrorists! Even if they don’t know it, which makes the scam even more insidious.
I find conditions useful to a point. I have uses for them which as I shared do not include assigning conditions to my staff – not even the higher ones. Because the higher ones are not sustainable! You can’t keep having affluences without continued expansion of your staff and area to handle it all, and frankly I like having a small business. I don’t want a huge staff. I never wanted to be very big.. So, sue me, I’m a suppressive, I guess. Or I have MUs, or need false data stripping. Whatever.
You know Aqua, I reckon one of the biggest disappointments in Scientology is the giving over of your self confidence to follow or believe a set of rules which promise more than you can ever achieve by yourself. If you believe or follow that, well… that’s one hell of a big role of the dice! Sure the rules seems logical but it all rests on how you use them and what amount of common sense you apply. But the driver’s seat is always yours in the long run. Trust plays a big part, along with natural, biological or economic leadership, but to be happy with what you’re doing takes confidence in doing it. Sure auditing can make you feel good, but does it result in the claims made for it? After many years of trying it, I don’t think so. Group control is the essence of Scientology management, that’s why the subject failed. It only cares for itself, not you or I.
As soon as you start blaming yourself why Scientology doesn’t work, the mental cancer it produces begins to show its symptoms.
What’s that saying? “Doctor, heal thyself” or something like that.
I see some sooth in what you speak of, I Yawn a Lot.
Like all scientology tech, admin, and ethics, the conditions contain some truth and workability IF THEY ARE APPLIED SELECTIVELY AND SANELY.
The ABSOLUTE belief in their total truth and applicability, in spite of so much indisputable evidence to the contrary, is what makes the enterprise ultimately unworkable and, to some degree, insane.
It’s this insane aspect, that is driven home and enforced by KSW, that is the subject’s greatest failing. For it may beget or bolster a determined and focused belief, which can synthetically release and sustain some power and contentment for a while, but cannot sustain it indefinitely because it does NOT align with the actuality of life.
The blind and unbalanced fervour of the zealot may seem empowering but is actually enslaving.
In all honesty, some of the best people I’ve known were Scientologists, and some still are.
In all honesty, they could be right and I could be wrong. But my experience and my reason tell me that something of some definite potential good has become much enstranged to the values of truth and freedom.
It’s sad and the immortal words from the song Ambulance Blues come to mind,
“ You’re all just pissing in the wind.
You don’t know it but you are.
And there ain’t nothing like a friend,
Who can tell you
You’re just pissing in the wind.”
To say this to him, her, or them, would, understandably, be seen as the worst invalidation and suppression, and would only elicit a rote and/or raging response.
Yet, sooner or later, life will, whether in wail or in whisper, reach these good people with these words.
Yep, I hear ya. A good friend is honest for the most part. But it’s always you they hold dearly.
“They are bullshit, don’t work and are expressly designed to keep the minions introverted and malleable for control purposes.”
I think you distilled this one perfectly I Yawn.
Once more a story bubbles to the surface from the files of, shit I did when in the bubble.
So there I was in business, momentarily forgetful. Normal people make mistakes, they forgive themselves. They fix it and move on.
But no, I had to do a Danger Condition. I cancelled appointments so I could find the missing item. And I did find it. Could I have done it later with less freak-out, and now, now, now, urgency? Yup.
But no, I was a good scio, so I treated the item misplacement, as the first thing I had to do. Handle!! It’s a Danger. I know because I taped a big, “I am in a Condition of Danger” note on my lamp on my desk. (Cue weird looks from my secretary.)
I handled it alright. And I found that it was a inventory step failure. So I had to get my ethics in. Change my operating basis and formulate and adopt new policy. So the secretary got a new ledger and spent time drawing little pictures and writing descriptions of items. And spending hours a week on a task to make sure that one item didn’t fall through the cracks once a year or so. Big win right?
Well no. Because that wasn’t my only Danger Condition. My part-time secretary ended up a 40 hour a week staff member.
I spent hours tabulating stats so she could keep a set of weekly stat graphs that I didn’t have much time to look at. It was a time suck that I chose not to see as a time suck. I thought it was time well spent in being more ‘organized’ because organized people don’t misfile or mis-stock items right? We’re all Homo Novis and shit, right?
At a certain point my non-scio secretary questioned how many hours she spent on all these ‘new initiatives’ from my handlings. I was not pleased. My spouse also thought it was getting ridiculous, but dared not speak of it.
A family crisis occurred and the secretary was suddenly gone.
My spouse and I just did necessary business actions, cut the stat graphs down to only one, and noted needed data for taxes and budgeting. Suddenly it was like a wog business. And that was a very good thing.
When things got back to normal we had ditched the various time sucking ‘handling’ actions, and could get the secretarial stuff done in ten hours, not 40.
We occasionally mislaid something and searched when our next window of time presented itself. No biggie. We not-ised that we had dumped years of danger handling steps and procedures.
All was smooth and happy and I got more done and was less stressed, by my business. The cherch still twisted me in knots stress-wise, but my business became a safe and calm place.
I quit doing weekly conditions. More time saved. It was a nice big withhold. But such a happy thing that it never came up in my interrogations, I mean sec-checking.
I look back on the write-ups I did, the overts I wrote up to find what “I did” that caused this. In a typical grasping at straws, but believing it fashion, I’d find where I’d cut the comm of my spouse, or been late to a client appointment. Something where I erred. I’d write it up and that’d be the ‘why’ for the Danger. So I’d have to be nicer to my spouse, who I was probably only being snappy to because I was being hit up to borrow more money by the cherch and stressed. The ‘why’ found was always my overt act. Which in retrospect is ridiculous.
Nowadays if something funky occurs, we just look at what happened, go, oops. Fix it and move on. Fast, easy, stress free and sane.
Sometimes when you search for a reason why, it just causes much bigger problems. Sometimes when you see a mess up, fix it and move on, meaning to deal with its cause later, you never do get back to it and it never happens again. And that is the best handling. Not finding a head to put on a pike. Not finding someone to blame.
Life outside is so much better. Thanks for the article. It reminded me of this Danger Condition thing. Which was one of the incremental steps I took on the way out. I now see what cognitive dissonance looks like inside the bubble from yet another angle.
My understanding is somewhat limited but doesn’t “first dynamic” mean the person themselves? Just trying to understand this commentary in the context of that quote, and couldn’t make heads or tails of it.
I mean, can’t one “formulate and adopt policy” (whatever that means) even in their own life?
Yes, it is you yourself.
The conditions sort of make sense if taken into context with the rest of Scientology. However, they do not allow you to be you – everything associated within the Church of Scientology is geared for the wealth accumulation of Scientology ie David Miscavige. The Church sells “freedom,” but only deals in slavery.
It would be confusing for you, best of luck trying to wrap your thinking gear around it.
TC the conditions are faulty. I can point out control mechanisms built into each condition.
That being said, Scientology cannot bypass normal habits and routines because those are policy so the cult is always in danger.
” LRH’s golden rules aren’t completely workable.” Lron’s golden rule is them with the gold make the rules. And golden rules will shower upon you, like a gentle warm rain.
Warm rain. Is that anything like a Golden Shower?
OSD……..I do recall decades ago one of my fellow employees who was having a really bad week say to the supervisory person giving him a hard time that entire week…
“Piss on you, piss on me, piss on everyone you see”….could that be the true COS……Golden Shower possibly???
I give you an example how I did apply the Danger Formula in my life in Scientology.
I have been assigned to the Deck Project Force in 198x in Copenhagen. (some very mild form of RPF designed to punish Class 4 org staff and get them to toe the line.)
First day had been assigned to the kitchen crew. Hotel Nordland or so. Maybe name was different. It was the berthing for AO public and outer trainees. Work end had been officially 10:30 pm but the kitchen crew had to work till job was done. 1 am or even later.
This is a danger condition for me. So I did apply danger the next day.
First action: bypass the in charge of the kitchen operation and take over.
Second action: assign my environment the task that we finish all work at 10:30 pm.
Third action: make it happen.
And I made it.
Next day I had been the in charge.
And we made it at 9:30 pm.
On Thursday that week I completed my Deck. Then I should collect my OK for liability Thursday after 2 pm. At FOLO EU. It took me to 5:00 pm and even had all the top of the org board on my OK list.
You can apply the conditions 2 ways. The victim way or the OT way. It is your decision.
By the way that Deck had been the second time and the last time (time frame 1976 to 1992 // 10 years on staff during that time frame) to ever have done the lower conditions.
Schorsch, as you were still stuck in the scam of scientology after finishing the above mentioned danger formula, that proves that it didn’t work to get you out of danger. That you still believe in “OT” and Hubbtard shows that your IQ is in need of a formula to handle THAT deficiency.
Wynski – man, you never mince your words, this what I love about you.
Thanks Ms. P. My view is, Life is short; so deal with those who would harm people quickly.
For further information on The Conditions and their use read the book Blown by Lauren Halsted Burroughs. Just finished it.
I was in Scientology for a long time and had no clue this type of activity was going on in the Sea Org.
So was I and I didn’t know either, Visitor. I just thought there was something wrong with them. Well, there was, as I found out after I left. They worked 80 hours a week under enormous pressure, were made continually wrong and “responsible” for any and all org non production and/or flaps, were poorly fed, sleep deprived, their every movement controlled, their every thought controlled…yeah, there was plenty “wrong” with them.
God forgive me, I really didn’t know. I thought they were mostly – not all of them, but mostly, as a group, mean and nasty and arrogant BY NATURE.
AND if that were not bad enough, for most of my time in Scientology (always a public, never staff) I believed – are you ready? – I believed that the main reason they joined up with the Sea Org was so they would not have to get a JOB.
I thought they were palming themselves off as caring about the planet when actually they just wanted to be taken care of, and at the same time, boss people around and put on airs about how they were saving the planet when in fact it was the CL V staff that were “working their guts out” holding down wog jobs and working full time in the orgs, “making it go right”.
And the SO I would see ordering them around and talking to them with NO empathy, no kindness. It used to make me BOIL inside. Or simmer…I’d go out of my way to make sure I wouldn’t do ANYTHING they asked me to to…instead, I’d find an Org staffer and buy it or do it or whatever from him or her and not the SO.
I also made a point of batting whatever they said to me back over the net in a way that really pissed them off but they couldn’t say anything because I was being “polite”. All very conservative, tone level wise. I liked pissing them off because I saw them as abusers and the Cl V staff as their victims.
And this 1000% wrong evaluation of the Sea Org members as a group (there were some individual exceptions, a few nice and very kind SO members I knew, about 4 of them, over the years) which as a group I believed were “useless eaters” , abusers, “the enemy” continued until I was nearly out and reading the blogs and understanding, finally from all the many scores of stories of ex-SO members, the truth. From the blogs I learned what their lives really were, had been, under that billion year contract.
I could not have been more wrong. i hope I can someday meet up with these SO people and tell them that I understand now, that I made a severe error in judgement – I don’t know what I’d say, but I’d get this concept across somehow.
The only experience I had with the sea org was dating a sea org gal for awhile. Yes, that was possible in the 1970s. I liked her a lot but she always had some attention units* back on the job.
*Sometimes sciospeak is fun and descriptive. I could never get more than 90% of her attention units and figured it was because of the sea org, but maybe/probably it was just because I wasn’t her dream guy – lol
Thanks for sharing this, Aquamarine. I’m a never-in but curious how these dynamics (original sense of the word) work inside Scientology. I’d heard that Sea Org were the elite. But of course, that would also cause resentment, especially when paired with that trademark lack of empathy that Scientology trains people in. It’s interesting to hear your process figuring out what was really going on.
Not sure if you’ll get this, Cat, but its the Sea Org members who are trained to show lack of empathy. Unlike the Class V org staff. Not knowing this, and not understanding or even having a clue to the pressures under which the SO lived and labored, I would observe how bossy, arrogant, self righteous and smug they mostly were when they interacted with public and staff of my org and I would think to myself, “THESE are the people who think they’re going to tell ME what to do? THESE people, who make the staff cry (I saw that) and have no understanding of how hard they work, and how hard we all work? THESE people think I’m going to snap and pop for them. NO WAY. No way I’d EVER be in a position to let these people have power over me!” And true to form, I would never sign a staff contract, mostly because of fear of being under “these peoples” thumbs. I believed them to be for the most part, cold and uncaring and not belonging in Scientology! Again, I had no clue that “these people” were themselves FAR more victimized than they were victimizing the CL V staff, which was bad enough, with their arbitrary, unreal orders, make wrongs, and generally gumming things up. I just didn’t know. that THEY were following orders from THEIR SO seniors and so on up to Miscavige, orders which if not obeyed would land them in the RPF – I didn’t even know that the RPF existed! So my blame of the Sea Org for their interfering and for what I saw as always gumming things up, was based only on what I knew, which wasn’t much! Wrong targeting, on my part, due to lack of data, really.
“Not sure if you’ll get this, Cat, but its the Sea Org members who are trained to show lack of empathy. Unlike the Class V org staff.”
I certainly understand your description of how it seemed at the time and your later realizations of the suffering Sea Org members were subjected to. I get how that understanding allowed you to later have compassion even for the abusive behavior you witnessed.
Perhaps what I don’t get is the idea that non-SO Scientologists are not trained out of empathy & compassion. What I gathered from what I’ve read is that the TRs are done on everyone right from the beginning. The main purpose of bull baiting, in my estimation, is to train out empathy — empathy for yourself when it’s being done to you and empathy for the other person when you’re doing it to them. I do understand that there are other kinds of training and also just the effects of constant deprivation and abuse. I can well believe that a chronically sleep-deprived and verbally abused SO member trying to meet impossible expectations would show less empathy than a better rested, less verbally abused staff member. I can also well believe that some Scientologists do not allow their empathy to be trained out of them. (You seem like one of those, as does Paul Haggis.) But it still seems to me that the elimination of empathy is part of the Scientology religious ideology. Sympathy is actually a dirty word. Am I mistaken on that count?
Aquamarine –
What you said above (even as a lowly WOG never-in) got across what you want to say PERFECTLY!
I’d never thought about the perspective you shared above (which is how many of us NI’s see how the SO staff treating people at the ORG level, even knowing the backstory!) before.
What you wrote does an excellent job of “flipping the script” to help us ALL see why it is SO important to never “judge a book by its cover!”
It was beautiful & touching. I hope lurkers (esp OSA & SO) see it, but also public that hear the stories & think that the SO/Scientology life is TOTALLY different – nope, same flavor, just different intensity, maybe?
All this verbose-ness to say, I think what you said was perfectly powerful if/when you find yourself in that situation!
Thanks so much, jennyfurr. I’m glad that what I wrote might be helpful to others, as it summarized a huge lesson for me. It was a shock to find out, via reading the exScn blogs, that the “cold chrome steel” exterior of the SO was not THEM – as for years I had believed!
And that they actually WERE real, human, caring, NORMAL people! Some of the best people one could find! And that what they projected was what they were REQUIRED as Sea Org members to project. Once understood, this it was a BIG eye opener and a big (personal) relief! And yes, the lesson was definitely not to judge a book by its cover, that concept.
Darn! I’m a relative newcomer to this struggle to topple DM (The Tiny Fuhrer) and I’m trying to compile a list of good books and web sites that provide reference materials. I’m surprised that I’ve never before seen the book, “Blown” by Lauren Halsted Burroughs.
Some of the happiest stories I have read or seen involve people who successfully blew this cult. I don’t think I’ve ever seen or heard how Mike Rinder accomplished that. I really enjoyed learning how Spanky managed to escape. Those stories always remind me of WW2 Concentration Camp survivors. Some of them say that when they finally were able to leave the camp, they reset their birth date to the day they left. I’d imagine that many of the survivors of this dreadful cult might feel the same way. Congratulations to you for managing to blow.
So far, the best source I’ve found for books is Mike’s blog – near the top of the page – under the title, “Important Reading”. Also, I find the web site “Operation Clambake” ( contains some good reference maerial. There is a section there titled “Personal Accounts” and I almost always read one of them when I’m feeling blue. They always manage to cheer me up!
Personal accounts of people who have escaped (aka “blown”) from this cult never fail to make me feel good. Perhaps the book you are recommending will be added to one of those lists. Perhaps it’s already on that list but I just failed to find it.
P.S. I have never used any Social Media – like Facebook or Twitter. I notice that most all the entries on that site are very succinct and rarely exceed 100 chars or so. I want you all to know that I’m now focused on making my posts here very brief. I think it must be painful for any of you to read posts that consist of several paragraphs when you know the point they make could be made in just a single line or two. I want to try and find a way to make my post much shorter and I will try to do that. Honest! I think one good technique to use is to write my posts offline and edit them until they are succinct and then post them. I will try to do that from now on.
Skyler – You’re assuming that everyone who ever participated in scn was or felt victimized.
Richard, that is true. You are correct. For one thing, celebrities are treated very differently than other people. I have never heard of any celebs being imprisoned against their will in RPF. I’ve never heard of the Tiny Fuhrer beating on any Celebs. Never heard of any celebs being tortured or otherwise abused.
I know Tom Cruise has said he considers it a “privilege” to call himself a member of CO$. Perhaps the happy people don’t realize they have experienced Mind Control? Perhaps they just don’t recognize its true face? Or, perhaps most people don’t get free perks and luxuries worth millions of dollars in exchange for beating the CO$ drum?
I know there are other examples of people who are proud and happy to be a member of CO$. But please, won’t you tell me this … does all the good done for people who are proud and happy outweigh all the harm done to those imprisoned in RPF against their will? Or imprisoned on some ship on the ocean? One of the benefits to CO$ of keeping people on ocean-going ships is there is no law preventing them from being beaten, tortured, humiliated, starved and ultimately murdered on the ocean.
Please understand Richard. I’m not trying to sling mud at you. I know you are correct and that my words have been greatly influenced by my feelings against CO$. But I must thank you for correcting me because it is a mistake for the opponents of CO$ (like me) to use the same tactics as the proponents of CO$ (tactics like lying, cheating, stealing, torture, starvation and all other forms of abuse). If you doubt that, just spend a little time reading about Lisa McPherson who many people claim was murdered by CO$. Murdered because she got sick and was too sick to behave the way CO$ expected.
Skyler, for whatever its worth, and I’m not proud of it, but I was in the cult for 27 years as a public and I didn’t even know that such a thing as the RPR existed. . I’m not sure how typical that is or was. Just saying.
Edit: the RPF, not RPR.
Richard,for the amount of money parishioners pay to get up the bridge and what gets charged to Sea Org members who “blow” (I’m sorry,I am trying not to laugh at the lingo that’s used) ,everyone in Scientology is potentially a victim. Except DM,der kleine mann kind mächtige maus.
What a shameful situation perpetrated on the innocent public by “useful idiots”!
The upper echelon of Scientology management orgs were all assigned conditions much lower than Danger by Miscavige in the early 2000’s, and I highly doubt they have ever been upgraded at any point since that time. One wonders what condition Miscavige thinks he should apply for the state of Scientology. My guess is that he probably considers himself to be in a perpetual condition of Power.
Yes, Hubbard’s “ethics condition formulas”. Completely insane. This goes triple when considering trying to apply them to the statistics he assigned to most posts in an org.
Of Courses El Con Tubbolard NEVER applied these himself when he was running scamology. Otherwise he would have been in lower conditions constantly. I bet not a single person can remember HE running around trying to get his liability formula approved.
Criminals cannot say they were sorry.
You are certainly correct. Criminals never say they are sorry. Unless of course, they are caught and face some jail time or fines. Then, if they think it will lessen the penalties, they will often admit they are sorry.
And it’s often true. They really are sorry. But only because they got caught.
I hope and pray that one day soon the Teeny Fuhrer will be a very sorry sack of shit as he is led away to his life sentence in the penitentiary. What a crazy monster!
He has ALLEGEDLY, albeit with hundreds of witnesses, committed crimes that should see him locked up in the pen for 15 to 20.
I wonder how his Homo Novis superiority will be perceived by his fellow inmates.
Oh David, what have you done to yourself?
You’re correct; $cientology has never applied the conditions formulas to make things better. It still commits fraud, violates the law and subjects itself and its staff to risk of imprisonment. If the US govt raided again the same flaps would result just as those that followed the Snow White fiasco. $cientology uses only policies that push income up and justifies all its illegal and off policy crimes with the notion it is all for the “greatest good”. The Conditions Formulas do work and could improve things but only if and when they are applied truly and fully. But that isn’t going to happen at all from all I’ve seen over the last 45 years.
Glenn, I hope you will keep faith that one day, we will finally see this tiny crazy monster get what he deserves.
After all, many of the very worst Totalitarian states seemed as if they might last forever. Remember Hitler’s “Thousand Year Reich”? In 1940, It seemed as if there was an excellent chance the Nazis would conquer the entire world. But, in the end, the biggest problem they faced was that their leader was insane and he encouraged his followers to fight among each other in order that the strongest would win out. He figured that was the best way to run his state. But his thinking was terribly flawed because, after all, he was insane. Also, he was a WW1 Corporal who tried to control all of his WW2 Generals. An impossibility if there ever was one. (Sound familiar?)
IMO, it was a formula for failure. The CO$ Fuhrer frequently reminds me of Hitler. So many similarities between the two. I’m surprised that “Daffy Laffy” never told his followers to use a special greeting every time they saw him. Something like, “Heil Hitler”. Of course, in his case, it would have to be, “Heil Lafayette”. But I would guess that people would change it to “Hey Daffy Laffy”! Do you know what the “L” stands for in “LRH”. It is to laff!
I too have seen the similarity to Hitler and that is from personal face to face contact with Mr. Miscarriage.
My postulate is the dude will see the end coming and take the same “out” that the Fuhrer did.
What I never understood and still don’t is why – ok, here’s an example: A Reg sells someone an auditing package, let’s say 4 intensives. Ok, the preclear is excited about it and promises the Reg that he’ll have all the money in by Thursday at 2PM. Ok, so far so good. Reg is happy, preclear is happy. Then, the preclear finds out that the check that he was going to use for the auditing has been delayed. He’ll be getting it, there’s no doubt, there’s just this delay. It will clear his bank Friday morning, but not before. He’s relieved, he wants this auditing (or whatever – training, etc.) and there’lll only be a 2 days delay.
Ahhhh BUT! In a Scientology org, that Registrar is going to UNRAVEL..
That Registrar is going to go INSANE!
Because he’s not going to get it by Thursday at 2PM.
“Can you borrow it from your parents lets see if we can get you a credit line increase is there anyone you know who would front this money for you for a couple of days its so important the planet we don’t have an infinity of time THINK in terms of solutions we’re going to be theta the problem solvers now listen I KNOW you can do this…”
Insane. This PC , seeking help, needing help, now not only has to pay a very large sum of money(which he was quite willing to do and still is willing to do) but he now has to HANDLE the registrar because the Registrar, clearly, is out of his freaking mind. For nothing.
Out of his mind because of a 2 day delay.. The preclear is fine. Looking forward to his auditing. The money WILL be there. A deal HAS been done. But no – its no good, its all shot to shit because the poor guy couldn’t get it in under the Thursday at 2PM wire.
Instead of the Reg saying, “I understand. Its fine! You’re fine! I know how much you’re looking forward to this! Bring everything in on Friday and we’ll get you set up!”
See, instead of nurturing the person, making him right, being on his side when he has a minor unintentional set back on his payment target, instead of validating what were his sincere intentions, THE REG GOES HAYWIRE ON HIM, HAMMERING him with “SOLUTIONS” TO A PROBLEM which is NOT A PROBLEM AT ALL TO THIS PC!
Its a PROBLEM for the REG, because of this INSANE BIRTHDAY GAME ARBITRARY. Its a problem for the Reg because he or she is going to get shit from his seniors because he didn’t “get his product” by Thursday at 2PM!!!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile, that preclear guy gets made wrong, effectively- and feels like its “not good enough”, like his effort failed.
Grrrrrhhhh. So Uhelpful, so Unnecessary! So STUPID.
THIS is what I could never understand, and why I at best marveled at and at worst resenteD like hell the inane, insane Birthday Game. Its so wrong to put people thru this anxiety when they’re trusting you to HELP THEM!
The Birthday Game is hurtful, horrible policy!
OMG, another rant. Oh, well, I got THAT out of my system 🙂
Happy Weekend, people!
ps: And the Registrar gets made wrong also. Unfairly. He’s getting a nice product. He did his job well. But he’s not getting it SOON enough, so he’s going to get in TROUBLE! Instead of being rewarded he’s going to get YELLED at and punished. So nuts. Alright, that’s it. Goodnight.
Here’s the answer I found after far too many years of being accosted financially by the cult. IT IS ALL AND ONLY ABOUT MONEY!!! That is the PRIME MOTIVE. I walked out and the bleeding ceased. Okay, have to admit part of the process included assessing and comparing the “results” I got to the money I paid. Also an eye opener for sure and with the same result. I could go on and on but wont.
My weekend’s going excellently, thanks for the postulate.
I once knew a member of Amnesty International (AI) and I thought it was wonderful they chose to have this purpose-driven life. I recently decided that I likewise wanted to join some meaningful struggle and decided to try to help bring down CO$ and put a stop to all of their terrible crimes against people and families. Admittedly, my contribution will be tiny compared to others. But eventually someone will contribute the straw that will break the back of this cult and its insane leader. (Link to AI below).
I only spent one week taking CO$ training and socializing with people in CO$. Thank God I decided that was plenty and I fled and never went back. Fleeing CO$ had to be one of the luckiest decisions I ever made. But 35 years later, I began to watch TV program “Aftermath” and it reminded me of my own experiences. I began to visit web sites like Mike’s Blog and Operation Clambake ( and watched films like “Going Clear”, “Merchants of Fear” and “After Scientology”.
Even though my experience was just a tiny drop in the bucket as compared to others, what Glenn wrote reallly rings true, “IT IS ALL AND ONLY ABOUT MONEY!!!”. However, once LRH died, it may have transformed and may now be about other issues such as, DM’s insanity and his insane need to prove that he is a huge man on the World stage and towers above all other men. Seems to me that is his “Napoleon Complex” (Link below) that describes how many very short men need to prove they are superior to taller men.
But there remains one question that puzzles me greatly. Suppose the day comes when DM manages to get his hands on every single dollar in the entire world. What then? What possible plan can he have? To whom will he leave all that money and property and control of CO$ when he dies? Is it possible he believe that he will live forever? Or that he has the ability to come back to this world and retake possession of all his money and control? If he dies with no will (intestate), all his property will pass to his immediate family. But he has no immediate family. He disconnected all of them. And due to his behavior, he has no friends. My guess is that after he dies, the banks will freeze all of his property and after the designated period of time (seven years?), the banks will seize all his buildings and all his billions and the only good that will emerge is that people will learn about Mind Control and Cults and the result of crazy behavior and in future, people will be less likely to fall for this crazy horseshit.
“Napoleon Complex” –
“Amnesty International” – – “Amnesty International’s primary goals include: (1)freeing all prisoners of conscience; (2)ensuring prompt and fair trials for all political prisoners; (3)abolition of the death penalty, torture, and other degrading punishment; (4)ending extra judicial executions and “disappearances”; and (5) working to …
NOTE TO MIKE: please feel free to omit the link and description of Amnesty International if you feel it is inappropriate to include them in your blog. P.S. You should have seen this post before I edited it down to this size. Writing my posts offline and editing them before posting turned out real good.
Glenn and Skyler,
Thanks for your responses and you’re right, via the Birthday Game, the message that gets communicated is, “ITS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY”. And that’s the wrong message. And so unnecessary, when a furor is created over a few days delay, or even a week or so…I always saw this as nuts – the org is GETTING the money, albeit somewhat LATER…why alienate a customer who is on board. Well, you answered – they’re crazy. Its crazy because the cult is crazy! All about the money, driven by greed, crazy!
Evaluations don’t work in Scientology, because no Scientology evaluator would ever dare to identify the Real Why (root cause) even if it was staring him or her in the face. But of course Scientology evaluators rarely have the brains and experience necessary to recognise a Real Why. Thus, Scientology evaluations are always and invariably just pieces of verbose irrelevance that have nothing to do with the problem at hand.
The the so-called conditions formulas therefore never work, and wouldn’t work even if they offered valid step-by-step solutions to the problem at hand, simply because neither the problem, nor the cause(s) of it are ever identified. The reason for that is the very nature of the entirety of Scientology’s so-called management “tech.” In practice, the so-called conditions formulas are just a brutal control mechanism wielded by “managers” over their underlings.
In other words, the so-called conditions formulas are only good for intimadating underlings, but a completely insane piece of irrelevance to improving individual and organisational performance. Believe it, I know this LRH schtik inside out, from many years experience..
Mike Balint
I would like to add a small example, so what I have said above might be better understood by those unfamiliar with the issue.
SITUATION (Problem):
Not enough paying PCs (auditees) to audit, or none at all, one particular stats week in a local org. Therefore the income stat is seriously down or collapsed for that week.
(Talk about the insanity of running the finances of an organisation strictly on the basis of cash inflows in a single week up to Thursday 2pm, then starting all over for the following stats week! In other words, absolutely no scope for strategic planning or a strategic horizon.)
REAL WHY (Root Cause):
Sales and/or marketing failure some weeks and months before.
(In turn, the underlying root cause of that is usually “upline” Sea Org management level forcing senior management in the local org to take its eyes off the ball and get involved in some nonsensical “new direction,” or even arbitrarily grab for the Sea Org indispensable local staff involved in sales and/or marketing, so that whole area in the local org collapses as a result).
Auditing failure that week. (Duh?)
Director of Production (the “executive” in charge of auditing) is put in “danger” or even lower condition, and is started on a program to get back to “normal” condition.
Talk about having an argument with your wife and kicking the dog as the solution, which is one of the classic examples sof suppressive behaviour given by LRH himself in his “technical” policy on the antisocial (suppressive) person!
No further comment required.
Mike Balint
Michal just reminded me that the correct title is Director of Processing (and not Director of Production).
I hear you on all, Michal Balint. You have so nailed it.