I dont know what the run-of-the-mill NOI member thinks about this weird mashup of scientology and the NOI, but I do know what L. Ron Hubbard would say.
Mixing practices = squirrel. And there is no doubt this fits squarely within the Hubbard definition of “mixing practices.” Since when does rising up the Tone Scale equate to the “thinking of God”? And what does Doubting Thomas have to do with the Reactive Mind — Thomas refusing to believe Jesus had risen from the dead without seeing proof is the reactive mind at work?
Hey RTC — why aren’t you doing your job? They are even using your Trademarked terms without attribution? Somehow the NOI is allowed to do what nobody else is allowed to do? They go berserk if a scientologist uses “the technology” without acknowledging L. Ron Hubbard and paying a royalty. Let alone an “independent scientologist”…
How do you explain this one Dave?
And when is the leadership of the NOI going to come to a realization that scientology sees them as a “squirrel group” and that means only two things: they fully convert to standard, unaltered scientology, or they are shut down entirely. How long can the charade continue?
whoops… this was meant to be a reply to Barbet’s post, below.
Thanks for mentioning this Barbet – here is a link to the news article:
This woman talks about how she was brought into Nation of Islam at a young age by her mother, how she spent her childhood isolated in the movement’s private schools and not allowed to socialize with outsiders, then how she was forced to work for higher members for no pay, how she was disconnected from all her family and friends when she left and coerced to return, and is currently in hiding as she fears their retribution – it looks like the NOI and the CoS are not such strange partners after all, as they have very similar methods of operating and keeping members, including child labor and human trafficking.
The UK Daily mail published this story also: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4899614/Muslim-cult-trafficked-woman-decade-child-labor.html
This is the most racist set of comments I have read in a long time. Why do you assume NOI members would have to have scholarships to afford services? “They were ‘Zulus’, or whatever…”, defines black people by tribal affiliations from hundreds of years ago is . NOI members are Americans now, whose ancestors built this country with their bare hands. Stick to Scientology please.
NOI is not Islamic. It’s a racist, space alien cult, run by a bullshitting, pomaded huckster.
NOI is using a racist, homophobic, narcissistic drug addict’s made-up ” technology” and calling it,
what, therapy? Religion? ” God’s thinking”? I guess there’s a symmetry in a gussied-up, anti-Semitic pimp
using a pill-popping racist’s hustle…
Personally (from my own observation), I’ve found that much of the tone scale is valid and useful (maybe not 100%, but most of it ). But again, that’s from my own experience and observation; I grant that others may have observed other phenomena.
I wonder if NOI knows Hubbard’s history on racism? Or that Miscavige used racist slurs to denigrate the African American x Scientologists Jesse Prince.
Maybe we should all email this info to their head quarters.
Nation of Islam take notice; this is what Hubbard thought about apartheid.
In a letter written in November 1960 to Hendrik Verwoerd, a former president considered the architect of apartheid, Hubbard praises the devastating practice of forced resettlement of non-white South Africans:
I present to you L Ron Hubbard:
‘Having viewed slum clearance projects in most major cities of the world may I state that you have conceived and created in the Johannesburg townships what is probably the most impressive and adequate resettlement activity in existence,’ says the letter, which was brought up during South Africa’s 1972 Commission of Inquiry into Scientology.
Behind the facade of his well marketed messianic PR is another story. A story that is suppressed by Miscavige. But the truth can’t be suppressed forever.
I don’t think the NOI gives a shit about Hubbard’s background or Scientology beliefs. They’re using Dianetics as a mental procedure.
Brian, please stop confusing Nation of Islam with mainstream Islam – it’s a whole different group. Nation of Islam is a small, American-based, black separatist group, founded in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s, and is NOT recognized by mainstream Muslims, they disavow this group.
Aparthied was not considered wrong to N.O.I. – they are FOR separation of the races, they do not advocate ‘race-mixing’, are against marriage of blacks and whites, and one of their tenants is creating an area within the U.S. only for their black members.
The Nation of Islam’s beliefs are nothing like mainstream Muslims, please, educate yourself as to what this group is and believes. Here is a link to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s page on Nation of Islam:
While mainstream Muslim include people of many countries and skin colors, Nation of Islam is a strictly black-only group and is rightly classified as a racial hate group. NOI members can become Scientologists, but white people can never become Nation of Islam members. They call while people “devils” and hate Jewish people, gays, and many others. Brian, you have posted before with advice to Nation of Islam, and it is very obvious you have not yet read anything about the group. You are making of the mistake if hearing “muslim” and thinking you know what this group is – once again, it is nothing like mainstream Muslims, who do not recognize or agree with the N.O.I.
Nation of Islam founder Wallace Fard, as well as their current leader Elijah Muhammad, tell their followers that black people lived on a paradise earth until an evil scientist named Yakub created a race of devil white people who ruined it and rule to this day and must be defeated. So it’s no wonder that they can believe the Xenu story of Scientology.
Martin Luther King Jr., the American black activist who advocated peaceful protest, condemned the Nation of Islam with it’s insistence on violent methods and hate speech. The Nation of Islam has a long history of violent crime and leaders have been arrested for murders, child slavery, assaults, and organized crime. I posted links to the news articles several months ago, I wish you had taken the time to better inform yourself on this small, racial superiority group.
Once again, I strongly urge you to educate yourself on what the Nation of Islam is, and stands for, and stop equating them with mainstream Muslims, who do not share their beliefs.
My point is racism, not theology.
Hubbard’s racism and Miscavige’s racism.
whoops, one small correction: Nation of Islam was created by Wallace Fard, continued by Elijah Muhammed, current leader is Louis Farrakhan.
Islam itself is a worse cult than Scientology ever dreamed of being, and NOI is simply the most racist and hateful strain of it in the US. Islam is a death cult, a political ideology of domination, submission, and control, whose text was written by a warlord and pedophile. After reading the koran, I can’t even consider it a religion. I have a catalog of the passages in the Koran and the Hadiths that Muslims live by.
Scientology may be evil, but it does not enforce its tenets by the sword and revere jihad.
Doesn’t it?
The Hole, physical abuse, “Fair Game”…….etc.
Look up any YouTube video where Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan speaks. You will likely be shocked. Hubbard and Miscavige come no where near the racist remarks made by Farrakhan. Their hatred for white people, Jewish people, gay people. My family is very diverse, by marriage and children, we include, white, black, asian, hispanic, native american, and biracial kids of many types. Our family also includes members of many faiths, christian, muslim, catholic, quakers, baptists, as well as agnostics, and hard-core athiests. Every one of our family members, in-laws, etc., are shocked and repulsed by the Nation of Islam’s hatred and stance on racial separatism. Their inside publications, such as their “Final Call” newspaper meant to be seen by black people only, (not available freely) contain some really horrendous propaganda and hate speech.
For some reason, people hear “Muslim” and think they know what this group is about. But the NOI is not a recognized group by other Muslims. The NOI was created in America, 70 years ago, by an American, Wallace Fard, and is not affiliated with the centuries old religious group known as Muslims that has a long history of culture, architecture and faith in ancient lands, in Europe and the East, and the NOI has been correctly classified as a racial separatist movement.
I have had personal dealings with many Nation of Islam members through community organizations and law enforcement. I know their stance on racial superiority and hatred for white people, Jewish people, and their condemnation of intermarriage between people of color. It’s very disturbing.
Do not take my word for it! Look it up yourself. Search Youtube for Nation of Islam speeches. Read articles, commentary and analysis by news media and informed sources. Watch TV interviews with Farrakhan. Listen to what he says, himself. I have read their own publications and literature and watched their convention speeches before solidifying my opinion and stating it publicly. Have you?
I’m not asking anyone to accept my conclusions or agree with me… I’m just expecting people to look up information and inform themselves about this group before making assumptions on what they stand for and believe.
T.J. — thanks so much for taking the time to clarify this. A lot of people have this misunderstanding about NOI.
NOI are their own brand of crazy, no more Muslim than they are mainstream Christian.
Thank you for allowing people to post and share information on your site. Congrats to you & Leah for your Emmy win! 🙂
Yes TJ I am very aware of the difference. The reason I posted what I did was because it was the white folks doing the separating.
My post was simply to point out that the man they get their “tech” from said some things about African Americans that they should know about.
Thank you for clarifying for us TJ.
Do you really think that NOI leadership did not do any research into Scientology and Hubbard before signing their members up for courses? Tony Ortega has photos posted of NOI leaders and Scientologists together taken many years ago and NOI members are not forbidden from reading things on the internet, so I feel pretty sure that no one needs to rush to inform them that Hubbard made some racist remarks. It is more likely that the average CofS member knows very little about the NOI. In the past, the NOI has also aligned with the KKK, as they stated their goals are similar (total separation of black and white peoples) So I just find it strange that you suggested we mail NOI ‘headquarters’ about Hubbard, so kind of you to want to save them from racism. I was going to leave you a link to prove up what I say, but upon Googling it, found a multitude of links and info, so it should be very easy for you to find if you have any interest. Done with this subject now, so no more follow up posts from me. I try to limit my posts to 3 maximum on any subject to avoid annoying anyone else who might not have any interest in the subject, and don’t want to drag it out too long. Adios! Peace to you, and all.
Many hundreds (if not more) of former Scientologists have been labeled squirrels and declared suppressive, not allowed to officially practice their chosen religion.
Now open squirrelling is practiced and encouraged.
Hey still-in lurkers, your religion has been hijacked. It no longer exists as originally advertised.
Anyone have any data on what happened to the attempted Holy Alliance between the Buddhist community and Co$? It was a big deal at CC when I was there in the late 90’s early 2,000s.
Seems to me this NOI thing started as a PR caper to get the Co$ aligned with other religious groups. Probably with the aim of giving CO$ some legitimacy. Now it may have gotten completely out of Dave’s control to the point where he doesn’t dare try to enforce his own rules of engagement into NOI’s activities.
Strange bedfellows, for sure. Definitely weakens his already tenuous hold on copyright enforcement.
A lady is KC is suing the NOI for 10-yrs of forced labor with no monetary compensation for 40,000 hrs of labor!
Scientology has very effective control mechanisms. I believe the heart of their ‘tech’ is the domination of the memberships will.
NOI leadership has wet dreams thinking about what they could do with that level of control.
Sorry cannot see what is wrong with the tone scale, except that LRH claims, that he is the only person that has made such one. There are hundreds of scales, they reflect human behavior. From the Kybalion, to Soren Kierkegaard and Abraham Hicks – there is no reason to burst out in ignorance every time we encounter some tech from the copycat Hubbard. Check the origin and see if it is of some use. Let others know where i really came from or any similar tech.
Everything the cult does is self-serving so it makes perfect sense to me that alignments will be attempted with nefarious purpose and with other nefarious organizations. They have a common ideology…….divide and separate earthlings.
The Tone Scale of Hubbard is a Tone Scale for Pshychopaths
I wonder if the NOI uses the tone level of sympathy being so low to justify being non-sympathetic?
I hate you for saying that T-Marie! We Scientologists know that sympathy is for low toned DBs and tiny thetans. Only implanted wogs think like this.
Ron’s tone scale is “science”– perfect science. We all know that hate is higher toned then sympathy.
Therefore when someone is suffering I hate them for it. If I was to be sympathetic to other’s suffering I would be being reasonable.
We all know being reasonable is anti tech. Anti results. Sympathy is for degraded beings.
Sympathy is a Marcab conspiracy just like love and understanding. In session I cognited that psyches from Farsec and Marcabs work together. They are preparing earth for a space alien Invader Force. Please……. we all must be OT to avert a cosmic disasters.
Except the Marcabs and psyches working together. That’s my creative license.
I’m staying with the “Bodies In The Shop” explanation offered by Joe P. As re the NOI it can’t be about money because NOI is not overall a moneyed group, quite the contrary. Also, someone I knew who had been a frequent Flag PC told me that org staff were instructed that NOI were not to be reg’ged as were the others. Easy does it on them. So its unlikely that money is the motivating factor. Has to be the Div 6 New Public Stat. No other new people are coming in to the cult for services. Also as someone else pointed out, the cherch can now claim to it rich white celebs and whales that it is “helping” African-Americans.
The NOI space opera believers and the Xenuvians totally deserve each other and, I genuinely believe, should share their own very special planet together for the next Infinite Eternity 😉
Ha ha ha! Agreed!
Not sure why COB is fooling around with such small potatoes as Louis Farrakhan and the NOI when he could set his sights on aligning with Kim Jong Un and North Korea.
Cha Ching!!
Sounds like Islamic Sufism.
Shouldn’t it be “the thinking of the eighth dynamic”?
I was at Flag when this whole thing started, at that time it was “confidential”. What I see is that NOI is not really a “muslim” religion, it’s just the name. They follow their god and they follow the orders of their leader I think Tony Muhammad and they are mostly black.
He got some basic auditing and some grades and then ordered his entire religion to do the HDA course and set a target to train 1,000 Book One auditors. This is how they want to “make the black people great again”.
Then some of them started to do the Purif and this is just a special project to make the entire NOI use Scientology. They were coming to the Fort Harrison for graduations, Tony was recording videos for them with his directions, etc. And all the crew at Flag was briefed about it and shown the video and how you are not supposed to look them in the eye, as that is one of their religious buttons (not sure how they will do TRs) and generally they were supposed to be treated like VIPs. Just calculate how many new members this would mean if an entire religion started to follow Scientology, that is the main point.
Don’t look them in the eye, huh? Not what Scientology would call “a good indicator”. Maybe the Dwarf will find some Lost Tech from LRH about how TRs can be done without confronting someone. OMG, this – Mike, you’re amazing for coming up with this stuff, but if I didn’t know better and totally trust you I’d think some of it was photoshopped. This NOI event promo, in particular, is just – well , there are no words for how outrageously this flouts LRH! KSW…oh, yeah!
Interesting, especially the eye contact thing and the VIP treatment.
BTW — welcome, Peter! Looking forward to reading your blog.
Peter N – That makes sense. The NOI may be playing the CoS rather than vice versa. Buy a book, get some minimal training and start auditing. Who needs a $5,000 e-meter? Half the congregation goes Clear at a tiny fraction of the cost. The NOI doesn’t give a rat’s ass about Elron’s intergalactic conflict story, they have their own story.
There’s an interesting article about Farrakhan in wiki. It says that on Saviors Day in 2013 it was announced that 8,500 members had undergone Dianetic auditing. The organization announced it had graduated 1055 auditors and had delivered 84,424 hours of auditing. Sounds like NOI stats are straight up and vertical.
The tone scale is bogus, now NOI gets to use it to push their brand of bogus, bogus.
I see this particular NOI activity as a good thing… at least in the short term.
Let me explain: Right now “radical” Islam is invading the west and is being aided, abetted and deliberately shoved down our throats. The media would have us believe that “radical” means “extreme”. What it actually means in this context is simply by-the-book; following exactly the commands and dictates of the violent, war-mongering ideology of conquest espoused by the so-called “messenger of allah”, mohammad… (or one could easily say the messenger of some very evil entity.) An analogy would be “standard tech” in scn. It’s not considered extreme or radical; quite the opposite – it’s simply following the “scriptures” exactly as written. At least in theory.
I have read much of the Quran so I’m not just saying this off the top of my head. Islam is inherently, demonstrably violent and destructive towards all who oppose it; which is exactly why it’s being forced into the west with open arms by the ruling elite to do their intended dirty work via enabling and protecting with “anti-islamophobia” laws and similar bullshit. See M-103 in Canada.. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/10313/canada-anti-islamophobia-motion
The Quran is chock-full of violent shit like the following. Seriously, all one need do is look… Surah 8-12 : Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): “I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.”
Although the majority (supposedly +/- 75%) may be “moderate muslims” they are simply those who are either too afraid (multi-generationally) or too rational to do what they’re commanded to do in the Quran & Hadiths, whereas “radicals” are actually toeing the line and doing exactly as the messenger says they must do to please allah. Not surprising on either side of the coin given that the punishment for apostasy is death. So one either does a convincing job of seeming to be a true believer or else actually whole heartedly believes and “walks the walk”. We really do have a serious problem looming here.
But my overall point is that if NOI or any other not-quite-so-“radical” muslim group is trying to raise the awareness or to somewhat raise Islam from its dark-age depravity in any way – I’m all for it. Because as things stand right now, islamazation of the west IS the agenda of the powers that be, for their own destructive purposes of bringing the west to its knees. So the less violent and less insane and less “radical” islam can be made – the better. That is extremely unlikley to ever happen but if anyone can make it happen it will be someone of Farrakhan’s stature.
Based on everything I know and have read, Islam is being deliberately harnessed to destroy the west along with western values and mores.
IMO, pretty well any organized religious ideology is insane and more or less destructive on various levels, but if it seems to help someone and does not require destruction of others – let it be.
Meanwhile, by the degree to which any devious and destructive cults (Islam in particular) can be brought collectively up-tone or made less overtly insane, they will be made less destructive and less of a threat to the rest of us while also buying us time. Reformation of islam is about a likely as reformation of scn — but ppl like Farrakhan are at least putting a chance there. A better choice of words might be “evolution” rather than reformation.
(BTW, my personal view is that The Powers That Be intend to foment and let things get so carried away and extreme that society will, (after thorough media programming) demand and agree that outlawing all organized religion is the best solution and ultimately, TPTB will replace it with whatever they plan to – probably Luciferianism in rouge & lip gloss… but that’s another story.)
I’m curious as to what type of Dianetics they are doing. If it’s R3R,
“Locate an incident of . . .”
“Is their an earlier incident of . . .”
then some of them are going to start running past lives. Might even happen with Book One style auditing.
I wonder how that fits in with going to Allah’s heaven, if that’s what NOI members believe in.
I think the answer is in the comment Peter N made above.
Go to the beginning of the Aftermath and tell me when you are there!
I believe you are right, 911. It makes out easy too expand governmental control and reduce liberties
Scn911, Your analysis of Islam is right on the money; thanks for posting it. However, your last paragraph is a bunch conspiracy theory crap.
Scn911 NOI & its leader preach violence as a means of getting what they want. By its DEFINITION Islam is a politically violent “belief system”. Just there are no “moderate” NAZIs or communists, there are no moderate muslims. Same as there are no meat eating vegans.
Yes, the Koran and collected Hadiths can be interpreted in a myriad of ways, but the NOI forget that Mohammad called anyone of African descent a “raisin head” and basically said all they are to be enslaved O.o that’s why blacks were slaves in Saudi Arabia until the early 1960’s.
You too?
Thanks for your comment, Scn911. Now would you bring my fries?
Channeled from Dave through RB upon reading todays post.
From: COB, Eclair-istic Leader, His High Sir SIRNESS, David You-Know-the-Hell-Who
You have the nerve to post ‘How do you explain this one Dave?’ !!!!! Listen, you CSCIMF-whatever, I don’t answer nobody’s questions. I GIVE THE COMMANDS.
AND, FURTHER FAR-FURTHER-MORE, I don’t need no stinking yapping from lost, has-been mega failed minor Go-fers making remarks about me in public. That is ANOTHER high crime, your list of high crimes has now exceeded the 47X expansion limit.
AND WHILE I’M AT IT, whatever it is I say it is always COMMAND INTENTION. AND, I can damn well COMMAND INTENTION away as I will. AND, nobody-the-hell better CI me!!!!!!!!!!!
AND, I want to hear a loud YES SIR from you!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry but what does CSCIMF stand for? I am not being sarcastic. I think I can fill in may of the blanks., but Holey Moley. If I have the rest of those right, Ohhhh…..Myyyyyyy….Goodddd……
Davy slipped his chain…….
BTW I like eclairs…..
Don’e bad mouth them that way.
CSuckingCounterIntentionMotherF………..you get to fill in the blanks.
No offence to eclairs, scones, cronuts, crepes, strudels, baklava, canolli, bear claws, or any pastries of the sweet chewy and fattening varieties. … That does it! off to Dunkin Dounuts!
CSCIMF = C*ck Sucking Counter Intentioned Mother F**ker
CSCIMF: Cock Sucking Counter-Intentioned Mother Fucker.
One of a number of quaint epithets our favorite World-Renowned Ecclesiastical Leader directs at His underlings when they displease Him.
The charade will continue until there is no monetary upside for the Cult of Scamology. After all, Hubbard violated several High Crimes he designated when he ordered the G.O. to implement Snow White. Crimes, “squirreling” and the like take a backseat to cash under Hubbard’s real philosophy…
Hey Bro. Lawrence; have a look at that Tone Scale. Have a look WAAAY down at Minus 8 Hiding. Who do you see down there? Why it’s ‘Slappy’ Dave Miscavige, Tom Cruise and Scientology Media Productions. All as quiet as mice and quaking in their boots.
I don’t see any contradictions between NOI and Scientology either. The PDC tapes dispelled any thoughts
in my mind concerning what is viewed by the upper and lower levels of the religion.
I could never like Moxie no matter how much I tried.
Somehow my reply was to another post.
When I said I did not like Moxie, I meant the soft drink.
Sorry if you thought otherwise.
Much Metta
Ha ha ha!
Not you Moxiemaximus, but it gave me pause too!
Brother Lawrence Muhammed … next COB … you read it here first.
Listen people to a story
Written not so long ago
’bout a con man and a midget
And their daily Truman show
On the gold base was no treasure
Just Dave with his heart of stone
Screaming and demeaning others
Till they lost their very soul
Go ahead and hate your neighbor
Go ahead and cheat a friend
Do it in the name of Hubbard
You can justify it in the end
There won’t be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgment day
On the bloody morning after
Li’l Davey slinks away
Love the poem. It’s poetic truth.
Thanks Betsy. Inspired by the song One Tin Soldier.
Really Great job on the poem, Moxiemax! Hmmm, beautiful vision: “Lil Davey slinks away..”
I usually pick up the tune to your lyrics right off. But you had me at the trumpets. The Original Caste–great song.. Thanks for that..
My pleasure TW.
Thanks T-Marie.
Loved it! Great read…
So on point!
To paraphrase Bane in The Dark Knight Rises, “We are Dave’s reckoning, here to end the borrowed time he’s been living on.”
Tapping my foot to the beat…love it…
The NOI is based on obliterating white people. They are very open about it. They will tell you that the white man was created by an evil scientist 6,000 years ago. Farakahn tells his young black men that for them to have sex with a white women is the same as,
“laying down with a dog”.
Yet there is Scn whale ,Jim Mather’s kissing ass to Farakahn and his family.
And this is what I don’t get. The NOI founder, Elijah Muhammad, is i’ll bet, rolling in wherever his grave is.. his people colluding with the white devil (and in the case of Mr.Miscavage, I agree, but him only).
I guess it’s all about the money. An new income stream for them so they break the rules for them?
I don’t even think it has to do with money. I think there is little to no money flow coming from the NOI to Scientology. Honestly, I don’t understand this unusual relationship and what Miscavige hopes to gain.
Here is a link to an article Tony Ortega wrote about the alliance of NOI and Scientology committing a multi-million dollar medicare fraud scam, this could be why they joined together.
I would have enjoyed seeing that introduction:
“Crazy white people, let me introduce crazy black people…..”
What can you accomplish when you get a diverse group of crazies together? Stay tuned to this Bat Channel, same Bat Time….or should that be ‘Batty’?
Xenu versus Yakub with Doubting Thomas thrown in, that must have been a rousing discussion.
You’re so right – they both have batshit creation stories. And they both want to clear the planet. But of different people and in different ways. It might make for an interesting live debate. Like two rabid dogs circling. These two swiped the wrong way on Religion Tinder.
Cecybeans, I agee conceptually with what you’ve stated but have one bone to pick: what established religion does NOT have a batshit creation story. Going back to the beginning of recorded time with the Phoenicians, coming up thru the ancient Egyptians,the ancient Hebrews, the pagan Greeks, the pagan Romans, Christianity….all have bizarre creation stories. The sanest of the established religions, IMO, Taoism and Buddhism, don’t give crazy reasons for how it all came about, but then, these don’t give you any real reasons. Maybe because they don’t presume to know what they don’t know, which makes them sane in my book.
Good point.
I did not mean to single them out as being that different, only in the context of the two that had been mentioned (both of which are quite recent and depend on the specific prophetic visions and interpretations of a relatively modern individual, or their unique experience, versus collections of stories handed down by cultural groups over centuries). I’ve studied creation stories embedded in world religions for decades, and while there are many whose creation stories are and may have been taken literally, many of them, even then, knew that these were primarily allegories and parables used to explain creation to the masses – the enlightened priestly classes among them were not that fundamental and often believed they were based on an understanding of mysterious universal forces. They have also been subject to evolution according to geopolitical forces.
After the Age of Enlightenment, when scientific reasoning supplanted the need for such allegory and human recorded history became more concerned with accuracy of fact than in moralizing stories, most religions created afterward have reflected such trends. Yes, there are those religions today who have groups who interpret them in strict, literal and fundamental ways (particularly Christianity and Islam), but those religions have always had groups that studied their philosophy or principles in ways that were less verbatim and more parabolic.
A “religion” like CoS that pretends to be scientific, technologically based and all about what is necessary for the modern, educated, thinking person of today to approach the concept of enlightenment, is not dealing in the need for cloaking knowledge of the universe in parabolic creation myths that have been featured in ancient religious texts – just as often to protect their practitioners from persecution from outsiders as to preserve precepts in ways easy to communicate to the masses.
I find it odd that both of these religions that burst upon the scene after the Age of Science, created fully formed by individuals (both of whom grafted on previous ideologies to bolster the illusion of tradition) use those stories to claim an aura of both universality and of the gravitas of time. But CoS in particular is set up to run more like a corporation selling its philosophy as a scientific method, and is structured like an organization with specific products of enlightenment with price points, and a sales force paid commissions, etc.
Taoism and Buddhism (and Confucianism) were more about a governing philosophy for human behavior that both Lao-Tzu and the Buddha created to achieve spiritual harmony that respected and did not seek to supplant the religious creation stories and traditions in both China and India their founders respectively came from. How their adherents and practitioners developed over time into what we recognize as “organized religion” structures today. It is also why they were able to coexist with religions that had specific creation stories involving mythical or supernatural deities that were all a product of both consensus and time.
The Xenu story was created by a single person to justify the need for a “scientific” method or product, which is much different than origin stories that had cultural, historic or ethnic significance or ties, were promulgated orally and achieved legitimacy by wide acceptance over centuries.
What could possibly go wrong?
Now, that’s a positive attitude I can endorse. There’re all good friends with similar objectives right?
I wonder if they exchange Christmas cards and get together at Thanksgiving?
I can only imagine they’d give their warmest blessing if any of their members wished to serve in the National Guard… well… wouldn’t they?
OSD – LOL! – “pithy”
Islam is getting permission to use more and more empty churches of all denominations, are your empty cult buildings next? Jihad on you. Tail. Wag. Dog. LOL
Wow. It gets crazier and crazier.
Mary, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
To paraphrase a well known saying: Scientology is always crazier than you think 😀
Absolutely! Crazy is a work in progress with Scientology. They break new ground every day and double up on the weekends!
The NOI used to say they were just using the “non-religious” part of Scientology, the old Dianetics done in the pattern shown in the book “Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health”. Known colloquially as “Book One”. Which came out in 1950. The first Churches of Scientology were incorporated in 1954.
But there is a lot of evidence that the NOI is not sticking to the Book One, non-religious approach. Training completions at Flag sometimes include NOI members, and not just on Book One. The Tone Scale in the background is not the simplified Book One version that just goes from 0 Death to 4 Enthusiasm. It is the full Scientology Tone Scale that goes below death all the way to -40 Total Failure, and all the way up to Tone 40 Serenity of Beingness.
You may ask yourself, how could there be emotional tones below Body Death? The theory is that the lower tones are the emotions of the spiritual being, not just the body. And of course an organization can easily be in Total Failure. Just ask Dave Miscavige.
There is something happening here, and what it is ain’t exactly clear.
Could it be that Miscavige is actually afraid to cross the NOI? Historically this is not too safe. Or maybe he thinks the NOI can be compromised and sanitized eventually and just wants their money. Or something. One certainty is that this cannot end well for either party. When an irresistible force meets an unmovable object, something’s got to give.
Bruce … four words … Bodies in the Shop … Oh, and the faux muslims can’t say no when Calypso Louie says to jump …
🙂 Joe.
Don’t forget CIDP (Cash in Dave’s Pocket).
“Could it be that Miscavige is actually afraid to cross the NOI? ”
He should be.
Hey! Maybe midget davey is a fan of………….black lives matter?
Nope just” Dave matters”.
Or Dave natters.
“If it’s bringing in money and helping us align with influential opinion leaders, to hell with policy. Let’s get the show on the road!” L. Ron Hubbard as dictated to David Miscavige from Target Two.
I never thought of opinion leaders. Ive wondered if McSavage needed a militant security force because of his McRavaged ranks. He’ll call in favors, right? Thinking Conidential Auditor File.
So, that was LRH’s signal in that Fast Radio Burst from that dwarf galaxy 3 billion light years away Earth received recently!
Yes Rick, and that’s where the materials of OT 9 and 10 will come from.
Major Ron to ground control…
Just disassembling the Helatrobus implant on my way to a distant galaxy. Glad to see my boy Dave has got things in order.
You’ve nailed it, Moxie. I always keep in mind Chris Shelton’s observation that “it’s all about money”. Rules can be, and are, bent for movie stars, whales, and now the NOI. What is the cherch really getting out of NOI? It’s really playing to all the white sheep, especially the rich ones. It can say ‘Look all the good we’re doing for Black people in the inner city…we transcend all racial barriers…we’re not all just white people… now get your checkbooks out.’
I’m a never-in. Based on what I’ve read and watched, whatever good there is in the ‘tech’ occurs right in the beginning: perhaps increased self-esteem, better assertiveness, improved communication skills, etc., and it’s these “wins” that get people hooked. How this is going to play out with NOI members practicing dianetics I have no idea. I’m guessing that NOI members taking courses are not going to be dunned for money as usual, but will be given scholarships and financial assistance. Having more people of color in Scion is a big win in Miscavige’s reckoning; the presumed pay-off will be more white sheep and whales filling the cherch’s coffers. Not unlike what your local supermarket does with “loss leaders.”
As an aside, NOI has its own “sqirrel” problems. Not all followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad are happy with Farrakhan jumping in bed with scientology.
And I’m certain if Muhammad himself miraculously appeared on the scene, his first thought would be WTF?!
Now THAT’S Funny!
And his second thought would be: “Go find your own f___king planet to clear!
NOI always seemed weird. If they were serious about Dianetics, they would be interested in their history. Muslims helped enslaved them. They were Zulu’s or whatever. Why would they claim to be Muslin.
As far as I know, no black person claims to be muslin, which is a piece of cloth. Most of the slave trade focused on people in western Africa. No Zulu’s involved because the Zulus were in southern Africa. Learning a little history would be good for you too.
As for Muslims and the slave trade, Muslims would be a better fit than Christianity. The Muslim slave systems were somewhat kinder. Still cruel, but less so than what was perpetuated in the Christian west. Furthermore, many of the enslaved were originally Muslim. Following Islam is a return to their ancestral roots.
cz, so your answer is what? Why would they be interested in Dianetics?
As for history, I don’t think that they were muslims. Slavery of muslims by muslims was not ok, just ok on non-muslims (which is not very nice). But then muslims could be doing the same as CofS, and inverting philosophy with policy. I won’t justify them.
That was nearly what I planned to say.
“How long can this last?”
-Until the money’s gone.