Follow up to post a few days ago OT IX & X: Promises, Promises, Promises where I covered the announcement from Captain Miscavige in 1995 of the requirements for the “release” of the non-existent OT IX and X.
That prompted a reader to send me this letter from 1993 where he had earlier laid out the prerequisites for OT IX.
Class VI or Class V Grad
FPRD Auditor Training Course
Hubbard Senior Security Checker Course
PTS/SP Auditor Course
Happiness Rundown Auditor Course
PDH Detection and Handling Course
That sounded good at the time.
No public person had done all those courses, so it seemed like it was a safe demand. And of course, it would make money with OT VIII’s having to buy training courses (which are cheap to deliver but not to buy).
But within 2 years, Captain Crunch was having a bad realization.
What was he going to do if someone DID finish those courses and inquired about starting OT IX? It could cause dissension in the ranks…
That’s when the goalposts were moved. Out of the stadium, out of the city and across the country. No longer would the requirements be limited to individual training, now he would add all orgs the size of old St Hill and a “safe environment.”
So much for OT IX and X.
Bait and switch is too kind to describe this.
More like taunt and trick.
And 25 years later the clubbed seals are STILL buying it.
I wonder if they don’t ever think “If these are the real OT levels, don’t we need some real OTs who can help expand scientology and make a safe environment? Isn’t this having to have before you can do?”
Or even given any thought about Hubbard’s oft quoted My Philosophy where he rails against “wisdom” being locked away in ivory towers and not made available to the people?
The OT VIIIs of the world are not demonstrating much awareness or ability to think…
Always Fascinating how people can fall under the sway of a psychopath heading up a bizarro cult.
With folks on the prowl to serve him with papers, and also LEO on the under the radar hunt now with a raft of sealed indictments, I wonder what slimy rock Mr Miscavige has crawled off under to hide. Best not come out Little Davie. The hammer is set to drop.
Ron’s Org has all the OT levels available to OT40 and at a fraction of the price. These levels were completed and attained by Capt.Bill who stated they were given to him by LRH telepathically because if he said otherwise ,the rum soaked violent midget would sue him for patent infringement.
Steve Motyl,
I’ll stick with the mushrooms, thanks. The view from the bordello of
Infamy, on the Rim of Infinity, is truly magnificent, by the way.
OT40= Operating Twat, 40 times over
I made it all up. Those nights of benzedrine and rum in Cuba were, ah,
particularly memorable…
Cheers,ML, righty-o, ciao,
El Con, Target 9 ( so fine )
Another thing that hit me and the OT8s I spoke to after that news came about; Saint Hill before the release of XI and X, was that it was, to me, the first time I had heard that a new level of ‘spiritual freedom’ was to become available after an organizational requirement was met.
None of us at the time remembered this being the case. As fas as I know, LRH released levels when he announced some technical breakthrough. Nothing to do with organizational targets.
Then Ideal Orgs overrode that requirement and I knew with total certainty that that was BS from Miscavige. Oh how immersed was I.
Routedout, Yes I was with you questioning why the organizational targets to be met instead of personal individual targets? I felt it was not my job to expand the orgs. That was COB’s job. Oh, and note on his signature on the requirements bulletin: He signs it “Captain” David Miscavige. This was so long ago it was before he demanded the COB title and not the captain one.
Ha ha ha!!!
It is like gambling i guess.
He told me GOOD LUCK when he disapproved my Petition RE being pregnant in 1988.
I’m gonna be so happy when he is in jail.
He’s in a jail infinitely worse than any prison facility that incarcerate peoples’ bodies.
And I hope he’s there for a long, long time.
“And I hope he’s there for a long, long time.”
He probably will be there the rest of his life, but it’s still a tragedy. Not one that any of us can fix — or should try to fix. But still, a waste of a human being is a waste of a human being. He has some talents, but he has dedicated them to becoming this ruthless cult leader and continuing the ruthless cult. That is a terrible legacy. What kind of positive meaning can his life have? He even destroyed his own wife.
Yeah he is in a self imposed prison, but he still has a great amount of “Libs”. He eats the finest food money can buy, exquisite clothing, John Lob shoes, rivers of top shelf Scotch, a very comfy bed, travel to anywhere his black,tiny heart desires, SCUBA dives and freedom to beat on anyone whom has the misfortune to cross his path.
When was the last meeting of the Watchdog Committee for Scientology? And who is currently on that committee? Those actual posts will never be filled unless the IRS comes calling. So I call $cientology in violation of the ’93 agreement. Quick, someone send $cientology a tax bill. You know Clearwater and Los Angeles would love to send a bill.
Zee Moo, they will NEVER get called for the WDC not being operational. They could never prove it was so. Best stick to the provable. Like being in violation items under law for being a N.P. Religious entity.
COB, Chairman of the Bordello, pimping for his Ideal Whores.
Now that’s a party! We’ll probably go all night!
I heard that Scientology was not releasing Oat Tea Nine and Ten until everyone is cleared on the planet. That is what an OT Eight told me recently. She is covertly pissed and suppressing her disappointment. I am UTR and she does not know but we had a nice conversation about how long she thought that would take. Her eyes glazed over and she changed the subject as the cognitive dissonance stopped her mind from computing that scenario.
Well, you two obviously you need to step up to Patron Victimorious to speed this process along! :o)
And you better do it NOW! This is not some game you know! Old
For anyone who would care to speculate just how this criminal scam will terminate (or be forcibly terminated), I would like to recommend an excellent PBS documentary in the series, “American Experience”. After reading this episode of Mike’s blog, I was strongly reminded of all the parallels among many of the various criminal scams in operation in the USA today.
This documentary is titled, “Oklahoma City” and it primarily discusses the terror attack in Oklahoma City in 1995. It also discusses the related events at Waco and Ruby Ridge where it finds some parallels.
I found many parallels between the leadership of the cult at Waco and this criminal scam/cult that we discuss at this blog. I recommend this documentary to you because I believe you will find it very interesting if you have not previously seen it and also because it is so extremely well produced. It’s a wonderful example of excellence in the craftsmanship of films and TV shows.
I was particularly struck with the comparisons between the leadership of these groups. It is truly pitiful to see the way the leaders’ defects are laid bare for all to see. My conclusion was that the destruction or termination of this scam is truly inevitable owing to the lack of so many leadership qualities that are required to make a success of any cult or scam like these.
When held up to ridicule, the shortcomings in the so-called “Pope”‘s leadership skills are glaringly obvious. It would be laughable if it were not for the incredible pain and suffering that so many victims must endure.
I encourage all of you to watch the film! It may be tough to watch, but, it’s worth it.
Thanks OCD (& Skyler)! I’ve heard some great comments about it but then forget once we go to find something to watch.
I’ve seriously gotten some of the best documentary recommendations from you guys on here! BalletLady sent me a great one dealing with mental health issues (due to a parent who struggles) recently. Hard-to-watch usually also means “needs-to-be-seen!”
Did your personal troll (who was trolling YOU accusing you of trolling here) finally go away? I had to laugh when he accused you of trolling.
It’s OSD.
I hadn’t noticed
I wonder how much longer it will be until the Villagers get more restless, organize, storm the gates, and add to his already rising stack of reasons to get out of town.
Nobody will “storm the gates”. The whole system is rigged so that when you are not in lockstep, then you get put in your place, segregated or ostracized.
Also, the cognitive dissonance is all the time in play, as well as Stasi-like surveillance.
Not unlike a 1984 situation, where dissidents are isolated and convinced that they themselves are either to blame for the problems or they are insane and did not see what they thought they saw.
I mean no disrespect by disagreeing with you. But I think it’s almost a certainty that no one can predict the future.
I feel confident – indeed I long for the day – when this scam is terminated. But there are several possible ways it may die and I don’t believe anyone can predict exactly how it will happen.
1) The authorities storm the place and rescue the unfortunate tortured victims and imprison the scumbag leadership. This is my preference.
2) Some tortured soul who can no longer stand reality will take matters into their own hands and terminate the scam with an act of extreme violence. This is not a good solution. Reference the Nuremburg trials at the end of WW2. Putting monsters on trial so the whole world can see them is an important component in the prevention of more of these monstrosities from plaguing us in the futhre.
3) People will finally get so sick and tired of all this bullshit, they will simply lose interest and walk away. I would hate this option because it means The Rat winds up with all the money.
4) The Rat will finally chose an exit and abscond with all the money. I would hate this option too.
5) I know there are some more options. But I just don’t want to give any Rats any good ideas.
Yep, give ’em the Truth Rundown. That will fix their wagon.
Reminds me of Frankenstein.
Easy now. Frankenstein is one of my cousins.
I thought were Old Surfer Dracula.
Only if he has hella sun screen!
Was Bela Lugosi a past life clear? Enquiring minds want to know!
He’s my half brother. Old
Do you know my uncle, Mr. Hyde?
Why yes, yes I do. He’s a nice guy.
It’s Frankensteen thank you very much.
It must be such a problem for david miscavige that there are “old timers” who actually keep records, save letters and orders and blue on blues and green on whites, that have every edition of the Tech Volumes, Grade Charts, and Bridge to Total Awareness or Freedom (or something) from day one.
One thing that can be said about “Standard” Tech is that it has been changing since day one, but when Hubbard changed it, it came “revised.” When Captain Miscavige changes it, it’s because he has done the “research” and has gleaned it and all those who are still buying say with their eyes closed, “okay.” Standard Tech has never been standard.
How many times can Captain Miscavige milk the “We’re closer to Source/more Standard than ever” line? What could they possibly be revising at this point, and based on what material that they haven’t had hold of for decades?
You mean it’s Standerer?
It’s somehow still standing.
We’ll have to take everything down. We can’t just leave it alone.
I was just wondering that myself. I’m theorizing here:
I think the desire of the Still Ins to be operating in a high state, their longing to reach this spiritual goal, the yearning for “super powers” are very strong in them, and all of the above have been strengthened by the sacrifices they’ve made along the way, all these years.
I also believe that the fact that they’ve been HANGING IN for so long, cooperating, believing, trusting, jumping thru ALL the hoops that Miscavige has been holding out; I think all of the above combined has SOLIDIFIED their determination to get to OT 9 and 10 – solidified it to the degree that they are now deaf, dumb and blind to any data that will act on them as a warning or a deterrent.
Its been their goal for soooo long. They’ve given up soooo much. They can’t let it go now. They just can’t.
They GOTTA make it, or drop the body in the attempt, sort of thing.
They’ll swallow ANYTHING Miscavige says, no matter how idiotic to get to OT 9 and 10.
They’ll jump thru ANY hoops COB holds out, or die trying.
Because the alternative is to face the truth, that it will NEVER happen, that they’ve been conned, for years, and that their sacrifices, their efforts, time, money, all of it, have been in vain, and that they have wasted their lives.
So, no, they’ll soldier on, uncomfortable, dissatisfied, inwardly exasperated, inwardly impatient while outwardly maintaining the requisite “enthusiastic” tone level. They resent it, it sucks, but the alternative?
As Hubbard put it, “Too gruesome”.
Just a theory.
What a wonderful post, Aqua. You are truly an inspiration both to the victims as well as prospective writers. IMHO, you have a great talent for writing.
Well, thank you, Skyler. I’m blushing in cyberspace. With the edit feature gone I find myself too lazy and impatient, mostly, to edit as I post, so stuff just gets banged out. But it is from the heart, so thank you.
“Oh, OT IX & X are real. Nice, eh?”
That’s what I thought! Scribe slipped that one in when I wasn’t looking. Stick to to your little poems Scribe and don’t make other stuff up.
I still talk to some still-in’s Aqua. Interesting stuff. They’re lost and sucked in, until something happens, and then a slow erosion takes place to move them gently across to UTR.
I sill hold out hope.
A couple of them, nevertheless responded to my ‘nudges’ by slapping me a with clutch of KRs. Oh well.
“…until something happens…”
YES! Something happens – something, could be a little thing, yet, for some reason, it registers.
Something goes “click” and it wakes them up a little, and they get more alert, they start paying attention. And this paying attention gets them another “click” or two, and so forth and so on….and they’re on the road to UTR. (I like how you phrased it: “a slow erosion takes place to move them gently across to UTR). And once they’re UTR, they’re on the road OUT.
Aquamarine, I think you are spot on in this observation. The nature of the Service Facsimile is such that they cannot admit they’ve been conned because that would make them wrong and the one thing they can’t be is wrong. So they will soldier on, cognitive dissonance and all, till the bitter end. How sad. Or maybe they deserve what they get for being idiots.
I hear you Cindy. Being right, they have to be right. And I think they do deserve it. Anyone operating this way, for any reason, deserves to suffer, and will suffer. I’ve had my own issues back in the day, not Scientology related, wherein I had to be right, refused to look, refused to listen, the thing had to be the way I said it was.. I got what was coming to me. Live and learn as they say. its a dangerous way to operate.
miscavige is the king of the hidden data line but the “clubbed seals” refuse to see that too.
Yes. No green policy volumes, no red technical bulletins, no SHBC tapes and materials. He has usurped source. Still-in’s, newer ones especially, cannot access LRH policies and bulletins. ‘RTC’,and Miscavige are it now.
Yes, Routedout, he did usurp the tech. Took the source books away, maybe burned them, who knows? There is no BC now. Is there a Specialist Courses where they would train for Grad V and the other specialty auditor courses?
Cindy, as far as I know, they train up on the various auditor trading levels with printed packs of material, purportedly based on technical bulletins but not presented that way. They cannot access the original bulletins and have to rely on the presented packs.
Super weird to older times.
Routedout – I agree it seems weird but newbies wouldn’t know it was once different. They would probably feel “connected to Source” through books and lectures and the basic auditing processes would continue to produce “wins and cognitions” leading them to continue on the Magical Mystery Tour.
Auditor training was separated into theory and practical. Theory was studying the supposed reasons why the processes worked and practical was doing the questions and commands in session. So they apparently dumbed down and summarized the theory part.
Also, much of what Hubbard wrote in the technical bulletins might be contradictory to what DM is delivering.
The Newbies are brainwashed imbeciles from infancy.
The older Still Ins? The ones in long enough to remember the Green Vols and the Red Vols including the all important Verbal Tech Checklist?
Those old timers who were auditor trained, admin trained? Xenu only knows?
I have no idea how they justify following Command Intention that clearly perverts and outright violates just about everything LRH wrote about what to do and not do. Maybe the simple answer, the cliche answer is the correct answer.
Maybe they’re just stupid.
Seriously, I’m not being funny.
Maybe the smart, perceptive, aware ones leave or go UTR, and the ones who stay and go along with this out-tech and off-policy are just stupid.
I mean, however simplistic, it sounds, however axe-grinding it appears to dismiss them this way – it could be true.
Interesting that Hubbard placed hiding very low on the tone scale and that’s what he did toward the end of his life as well as Miscavige now. Cognitive dissonance much?
I’ve often thought of the impact of his tweaks on the Preservation of the Tech project. They etched those metal plates. I wonder if he bothered to get that redone? If so, what a waste!
I’m wondering if it might be fun to hold a lottery for people who might like to guess just what the next title he might like to pretend he was awarded.
I was looking at the Drudge Report today and got the idea he might try, “The Chosen One” or maybe “Our Lord and Savior”. I sure do hope that no real church would take offense at that one.
I want to get rid of my books and CDs, but I hesitate to send them to landfill. I would be happy to give them to an org, but I’m an SP. I’m happy for an indie or researcher to have them, but I have a feeling no one will want them. I’ll list them anyway to see what happens.
Remove your name from the books and materials and put them in boxes and leave the boxes outside of an org one night, Im.
Hey Mary, good point.
I’ll add that the only thing ” standard ” about the dreck is its bullshit conent!
THANK YOU, THERE AREN’T ENOUGH WORDS OF HEARTFELT GRATITUDE FOR YOUR KIND, CARING, LOVING WORDS OF COMPASSION. ONLY 18 months ago we lost our 8 year old male long haired Tuxedo cat Flynn…to inoperable throat cancer….that was unbearable since he was only 18
MISCHA, like Flynn is being cremated & will be returned to us soon. I miss her meowing when she sees me, running to me, wanting cuddles & pets, her warm body laying next to me during the night, her purrs when pet…her looking for me & running to me… lonely without her….
sorry..Flynn was ONLY EIGHT YEARS OLD…
So sorry for your loss, balletlady. We have a dear cat that we adore and I can’t imagine life without.
Thank you for being so kind to these little ones and making them feel so loved while they were with you. You gave them a beautiful life.
I’m already crying…
Thank you kind compassionate friends OSD & “Marc”…& everyone who extended their own stories of painful loss of our fur babies…..
We don’t have any grandkids unfortunately & will never have them….she & Flynn were our loves……
Oh, Balletlady, this touched me so deeply. I know just what you mean. Sometimes I can see/feel Squeaks so clearly – the feel of her little, delicate skull under my hand, the sound/feel of her purring as she lies on my chest (which she always preferred to lying in my lap) Your description of missing Mischa and Flynn is so poignant. No kids here, either – these were (and are – it’s not over yet!) our Furbabies. Love from Briget
Yes, you understand perfectly. Two of our cats were adopted from the SPCA…first my son’s cat Lexi…& then 9 months later I went to look at kitties..I held one but she wanted NO PART of me…I was deeply wounded!
The 2nd kitty I picked up…well, she hung on to me for dear life…began “kissing (grooming me) & purring wildly”….when they tried to take her off me, she dug her claws in & would NOT let go…they literally had to Pry her off me!
Then I said..”I WANT THIS ONE”….she chose me! MISCHA had these HUGE EYES…..biggest eyes I’ve ever seen on a cat….everyone who saw her remarked about her huge bright eyes that you felt could look right into your deepest part of your soul.
She was feisty….no one or nothing held her back. At 11 lbs she had my son’s 84 lb Golden Retriever Remington & my daughter’s 78 lb Lab Harley on the run…she literally CHASED THEM OUT OF MY BEDROOM & THEY ran LIKE THE DEVIL WAS ON THEIR HEELS!….
She was 100% mine, always with me, meowing for me, running to me when she’d see me….always “grooming me” & purring away. Trying to sleep at night is a no go…I miss her body near mine & hearing her breathing & moving around on the bed during the night…..
I guess you’d know all about that, and so would many others….my heart aches for her….THANK YOU & GOD BLESS
Please accept our heartfelt condolences. My wife and I have been in your difficult position, and unfortunately we will be there again, all too soon. The remembrance of joy must tide us over. Life, hard as it is at times, hurries us along with a new sunrise every day.
I’m so sorry Balletlady! Losing a pet is heartbreaking. They are family.
Thank you Kat (so appropriate)….she was/is my baby.
That’s the whole thing.
And when they (your cats) cross over, high upon that ridge, you’ll see them running towards you, across the Rainbow Bridge.
Hello Mike,
in your previous post you referred to Issue # 16 of the Highwinds magazine. Here is the frontpage:
That issue came out in 1993, not in 1995 (I re-checked the copyright mention).
With regards to that letter from Miscavige: I suppose he replied to a question from a Class V org staff member as to which OT IX and X prerequisite-courses could or should be delivered by the Class V orgs. In that context, he would not mention the SHSBC.
YEs, you are correct, the Highwinds was 1993. My error.
The first requirement in the letter is SHSBC or Grad V.
When I read the word “High Winds” it reminds me of th comedy schticks that Benny Hill would do.
Typo, “poser” is “Power”
Bkmole, “Poser” works bout as well in “are you ready for all that poser?” ‘Cause it IS all posing, isn’t it?
KTL grad here, being pedantic: “Are you ready for all that, poser?”.
Ha, thanks. Yes, poser is probably more appropriate.
I’m surprised that we have no Foolproof to set us straight today.
OT VIIIs are a shining example of the failure of Hubbard’s “Tech”.
It is clear that there are no OTs in Scientology. Their are a few rich Scientologists who pose as OTs because they have money. They show little else than that. And how are these current OTs countering the avalanche of bad PR that continues to grow as more and more Scientology crimes are exposed. They can’t. To truly handle spiritual power one most be able to confront the truth. Never going to happen in Scientology.
The cult is imploding, the more the members withdraw from the real world, which they must do to avoid seeing the truth of Scientology’s fraud.
A good question for an OT VIII: when is OT IX & X coming out? Are you ready for all that poser?
Dave, as the final prerequisite for OT IX & X, add the following: “upon LRH’s approval from Target Two as communicated to COB.”
“The OTVIIIs of the world are not demonstrating much awareness or ability to think”.
And you thought they might do otherwise? Poor little cult members. Their days are numbered.
“At cause–knowingly and at will–over thought, life, form, matter, energy, space, and time–subjective and objective.”
I would have thought a few OT VIIIs could easily assert their will and effect their plans across all of Teegeeack. SPs and enemies would have no influence to impede the impressive power of such advanced Operating Thetans.
What’s taking so long?
The mental attitude of a dedicated Scientologist always surprised me. Returning from the Freewinds, a Sea Org lady decided to sit next to me on the airplane. She opened the conversation by saying “Hubbard is a total genius. There will be no OT IX until all orgs reach Saint Hill size.” Needless to say, I did not speak to her for the rest of the trip.
When I returned to Clearwater, I had lunch with an old friend. He said “I’m looking at OT over a number of lifetimes. I don’t care how far I get in this life. I’m coming back.”
So I think Miscavige can say whatever he wants and a thousand or so people will yell and scream and clap their hands.
This comment is so sad, to me. Hubbard’s lies, insanity, or quackery – whatever you believe the truth is – has so deceived these people that they are wasting the only life they have to live. Disowning the only family they will ever have. Investing all their existence in these absurd books, in silly 1950s pseudoscience, and in the science fiction imaginations of a pulp writer that would be laughed off the pages of a comic book today.
So many people fooled into wasting their lives… on nothing
It’s their choice.
I completely agree and it does make me truly sad!
My old Friend has a 34 year old daughter and he has not spoken to her in over 10 years.
Sad, sad, sad.
On rare occasions there may be good reasons for family to avoid each other.
Hubbard’s weak, paranoid religion is not one of them.
My God. Not hearing from someone for 10 years would bury me.
Dave’s take on tough love.
Yeah, I got your tough love! Fuck him!!!
‘What is Greatness’ in Dave’s case is to remove him from office, into shall we say, a more confined space.
I am ready, willing & able to stuff the dwarf where the Sun don’t shine.
That’s a good point: we have all the time in the world.
It was a naughty, secret thought I had, because I was a spiritual being timeless and deathless, that I could pick up again next lifetime—the org expansion, the Bridge, if I failed. The only real worry was that I had to progress enough that I would be able to choose a body in a first-world country so that I could have access to and afford Scientology.
I know a Still In auditing on VII who once shared with me his anxiety about the possibility of his being born next lifetime to beggars in Bangladesh, and, no, I’m not joking. What worried him was not making it to OT8 before death THIS lifetime. Well, that was 8 years ago. He did make it to OTVIII. Of course he still gets sick and needs glasses, still writes things down so he won’t forget (maybe he has whole track recall but can’t remember someone’s name he met yesterday?) and last I heard he still puts his trousers on 1 leg at a time, but hey, he’s OTVIII, that plaque on the wall says so, by golly! As my New York City friend would say, “That and $2.50 will get you on the subway.”
I wonder if anyone has reached the rarified air of meeting those qualifications for OT IX since Captain Miscavige wrote that letter back in 1993? I suppose that there is no need to bother, since everyone knows that all the orgs reaching St Hill size will never happen. Anyone with eyes knows their own org reaching St Hill size will never happen.
Heh heh, ” the OT VIII’s of the world are not demonstrating much awareness or ability to think”…which is exactly the result Flubbard wanted and intended.
The Road to Total Freedom= The Road to Total Slavery, predicated upon total, unquestioning obedience to, first Hubbard, then Miscavige, and the dreck; or, alternately, if you are an independently stupid Hubbardite, total obedience to Dead El Con and his dreck.
And the Gerbil Wheel Rolled On…
Mark:”And the Gerbil Wheel Rolled On…”
You mean Squirrel cage?
It has to be “Gerbil.” A Squirrel is a person practicing Scientology out side of Miscaviage’s reach LOL!!
Sammy is correct!

Over hill, over dale
Like those dogs who chase their tail
And the sheeple go rolling along
In and out, hear them shout
Smiling to suppress their doubt
And the sheeple go rolling along
That song is going to be playing in my head all day long! Talk about an ear worm!
A Foolproof Refrain for Scribe’s Fine Lyric:
And it’s Please, Dav-ee
Bleat the Sheep of Oatee Three,
Shear Back Our Wool ´Fore It Gets Long!
For Where E’er We Go,
We Hypnotically All Know
That Ron Hubbard Could Never Be Wrong!
Alternate Refrain:
(Sung with Power!)
And It’s Damn Fool Me!
Cry the ‘Bots of Oatee Three,
Donating Money All Day Long!
And Where E’er We Go,
Damn Wogs Snicker ´Cause They Know
That Ron Hubbard Got E’vry Thing Wrong!
Well, tee hee hee, if we can’t sticker the Die Hards of the Land of El Ron, who can we sticker?
And the Lord Foolproof said (to the man who probably murdered Davy Crockett in a previous life): “Do not take the End Words of thy R6 God in vain! Method 9 * Rate HCO PL HANDLING THE SUPPRESSIVE PERSON, THE BASIS OF INSANITY before Thursday 2PM and then do A-E and thou willt surely come into the Kingdom of Heaven, and all that! Well, if you’re lucky. Probably not, saying that… Nope, I take that last bit back. It’ll never happen…”
Thanks for the information. My lawyer tells me that he can write a case that Scientology is not a religion from your blog postings. No, I am not kidding. You act in a manner that is totally non-religious. You see Hubbard wrote only fiction really. So fiction is not religion to start with. Your comments only apply to fiction.
What makes scientology any more fictitious than christianity or islam? And what makes FP any less religious than those of said faiths?
Good point.
The only difference between scientology and christianity or islam is that scientology presents itself as a 100% workable “technology” and other faiths are just that. Faith. Scientology claims NO faith, only exact application.
In truth, that is a lie and scientology is just as much faith as anything else, including faith healers.
And FP is a perfect example of a fundamentalist of any faith. Logic cannot dislodge faith. And you CAN believe anything you want and tell the world it is absolute truth. No stopping a man of faith on a roll….
The true believers of any faith are also equally certain that they have seen healings and miracles as a direct result of kissing the feet of statues, sacrificing animals or whatever their ritual activities may be – including of course the use of admitted “religious artifacts” like E-Meter branded electropsychometers.
There are probably a few lesser-know faiths that would claim to be similarly exact applications, including some of the ones related to the ritual magic of Crowley’s Thelema that Scientology is rooted in, and arguably also the practices of Voodoo.
Amen to that.
So not only do they deny the very essence of their religiosity, they sprinkle themselves with sciencey glitter whilst denying logic, evidence and the scientific method. Most odd.
Yeah, the Kabbalah Centre also springs to mind. Their ridiculously expensive brand of jewish mysticism is promoted as a “science” and a “technology of the soul.”
Ah! So it was you George that Mike disallowed (at first), probably because of the embarrassing comment. Feel free to fork out loads of money with your lawyer – but we all know it is some sort of silly attempt to do, well, I don’t know, but feel free! Mike’s COBber Dave and his lawyer team are waiting with baited breath no doubt. Perhaps Dave should set a lawyer team loose on you for your silly little pamphlet book on “OTVIII”? (By the way George, I am not an official of the Church – just saved your bacon there eh?)
And please knock off these silly little attempts at introversion such as “check your mind” and the other little suppressive remarks and barbs you drop in to your comments, as covered in many policies re Suppressive Persons. Brian does the same – has no effect.
Oh, look everyone FP tried to make a witty comment. Let’s all give him a round of the sound of one hand clapping as a reward for attempted humour.
And the Smegmatic Sycophant, Stoolfloof, stood before the masses, drunk on the ass gas of The Departed Hubtard, and, secure in his Supreme Arrogance and Profound Ignorance, bleated thus: ” Verily, though it hath no scientific basis, and produceth not the empirical, visceral results it assiduously
claimeth, I robotically and stubbornly, in a rapturously oatmeal state, do confidently assert its unimpeachable veracity and total perfection, this dreck of woo and poo and sociopathic stew! All bow and scrape and acknowledge my superior insight! I am the best regurgitator of useless, culty bullshit, the BEST, verily! ”
In the name of The Lard, The Lost, and HCO Poo…
So the answer to the insanity of Hubbard is… more Hubbard?
Not even his son(s) wanted that.