This is a follow up to the earlier posting I did concerning the apparent upcoming release of the “new” OEC (The Next Big Thing — The Miscavige OEC).
The OEC volumes have not been sold in scientology orgs or from the Pubs Orgs for more than a decade. Miscavige has declared them to be squirrel. Like the Briefing Course — and oddly, the Briefing course consists primarily of a few hundred recorded lectures by Hubbard himself.
It is quite amazing to see how utterly bamboozled scientologists have been by Miscavige. He has done what most old-time scientologists thought was impossible. Replaced Hubbard’s tech with his. Though Hubbard was more than happy with the OEC volumes, and obviously also didn’t have a problem with the Briefing course, Miscavige has “disappeared” them without any protest from the sheeple. They just go along with anything he does or says without protest or even questioning.
One of our readers sent the issue above about the OEC to me. I wonder what “Ron” would say about Miscavige having gotten rid of the OEC and Briefing Course (not to mention Class VIII — also primarily just Hubbard lectures), as well as Key To Life (THE answer to staff and everyone else’s failures, at least that’s how Hubbard presented it) and Life Orientation Courses. The Tech Volumes are also not available and the “Research and Discovery Series” long since fizzled out and stopped being released.
Funny, Hubbard declared in his “Technical Degrades” reference that it was a High Crime to “Act in any way calculated to lose the technology of Dianetics and Scientology to use or impede its use or shorten its materials or its application.” I don’t think he could even contemplate the idea that anyone would just get rid of it entirely….
I think this is just a reminder that Hubbard relied on compilers, not to mention collaborators, ghost writers and unattibuted co-authors (some of whose names were only later purged), and so on.
It may also at the heart of it be an example of what exes refer to as Hubbard’s Law of Commotion, “for every policy there is an equal and opposite policy,” meaning that over the decades “source” was so inconsistent and at times arbitrary, that he left behind a mess that can’t ever truly be made sense of.
I suspect that Hubbard, who doesn’t seem to have been really diligent or thorough, didn’t carefully oversee the compiling of the OEC, which I understand involved a lot of judgment calls, trying to connect sometimes disjunctive or even contradictory parts — and regardless, he would have happily blamed problems in the CofS on others having gotten it wrong.
In my view Miscavige was dealt a bad hand in terms of having inherited a group in invevitable demographic decline (most groups and cults of its era vanished entirely as boomer seekers and hippies, turned into new agers and yuppies) an riven with the sorts of problems alluded to above. He doesn’t really have the ability to pull off Hubbard’s prime trick of putting lipstick on the pig by creating new ‘latest, greatest’ tech, but I think in many ways he caries on in the old man’s footsteps, making changes when he can to try to explain away shortcomings and keep up interest, and implicitly or explicitly scapegoating for others for failures when possible.
Forcing every staff member to exactly apply Hubtard’s PLs is the fastest way to get rid of the cult.
Foreal stated:
“Forcing every staff member to exactly apply Hubtard’s PLs is the fastest way to get rid of the cult. ”
Exactly, though I’ replace the pejorative “cult” with a neutral “organization”, myself.
I put in decades on staff.
I just can’t fathom how staff handle this in their heads.
Time and again I got booted and hauled and raked for pushing back on “out tek orders,- programs -seniors”.
As Mike has competently pointed out many times – Scientology is a fundamentalist cult. Every Scio is a fundamentalist by the very structure of the tek.
Too bad I can’t sit down with some of the old guard and ask them how the Hell they’re doing it.
DM, scientology’s greatest ever squirrel & SP.
His stats speak volumes for his ability to alter the tech AND strong-arm others into following his lead enthusiastically.
If there was anything in scn that actually worked, he’s thrown it out the window along with a boatload of semicolons.
Jere, wasn’t Scientology’s greatest squirrel and SP really Hubbard himself, who continually altered the tech, strong-armed others, and so on?
I think that if there was anything in Scientology that actually worked, it would have ended up in the hands of someone other than Miscvige. All the good people from Jack Horner to David Mayo left and gave up on it in the end.
It seems to me that people like you probably get credit for the only thing around Scientology that likely did work in its heyad, that it drew together a community of well intentioned and idealistic people trying to find ways to better themselves and others, in spite of how Hubbard’s organizational actually worked as a superficial fraud.
Peacemaker, there’s a fair bit of truth in your statement that Hubbard, himself changed the tech so many times that it was nearly impossible to determine the “right” tech to use in any given situation. There was often another issue which directly contradicted any issue you slavishly followed. AND you could get slapped hard if anyone spotted your violation of either issue. That was a part of the “Keep them afraid” technique he and his juniors used so effectively. MustSavage adds physical pain to that mix, as well as often changing the things which seemed to work, like F/Ns.
I don’t recall if I have mentioned this before, so I will give you a real example of how the Tech can be interpreted and enforced by a Miscavige’s staff. I was at the time auditing a German lady on her OT4, all the steps got done according to the instructions and she was very happy. On last step I had to go over a list until all the questions would produce a floating needle and to prove that I achieved that result the session was videotaped. By the end of the session I was confident about having achieved that requirement and to be safe I reviewed the tape and confirmed my own viewpoint, followed by my proposal to have the lady declare to her having completed new OT4. According to procedure the Case Supervisor reviewed the session worksheets and tape and gave the ok with a Very Well Done! as the session grade. Next, the Deputy Senior Case Supervisor AO (Advanced ORG) does the same, followed by the Senior Case Supervisor Class XII Richard Reiss (RIP). At that point we were 4 persons in total agreement about the technical outcome for that session. Upon review done by the RTC Rep Sand Castle the outcome was that the last step was faulty and we all were sent to Ethics and then cramming for proposing a false attestation. Needless to say I was extremely upset and if that was not enough, the Lady who up to that point was bright and shining, got reassigned to another auditor to be repaired. The outcome was that she was upset about having to be repaired and according to the E-Meter infallible reads, it confirmed that the level had been completed and was now being overrun. A single motherfucker had managed to fuck up the good work produced by four.
TT Greco. What a story. Scn it is filled with such bullshit. When was released the WIS book (what is scn) the ED IAS (i forgot his name) came personally down to Europe and gathered up in the conference room all kind of people CLO execs and management people plus entities (wise, smi etc). He started asking to each single one his post and started blasting and denigrating him, then he took the next in the circle and so on.
When he finished he gave to all ensemble another super blast.
His reason? Because that book wasn’t in all libraries. Almost anybody had to do with it.
Then he sent everybody out in Copenhagen like chickens without head to contact libraries and tell them to have that book. Of course it went into a further disaster, CMO came in and got ethics riding on everybody. Then we got all roll back to be sure we got an exchange 4.
It should be that day I woke up and realized it was an asylum.
Wow. My skin crawled a little reading your anecdote. I’m so glad and grateful to not be in. What a horrible, horrible way to screw someone up. You must have felt terrible. A loss for your PC, a loss for you, and a loss for your org – wow. Honestly there are no words for how all around bad something like this is. So glad I’m not in. I could say this 100 times and it wouldn’t be enough.
Dear Aquamarine
Thanks for your reply, in case you’ve missed some detail, the above occurred at Flag, The Mecca of Technical perfection. Few years ago, I’ve founf out that the above German lady died in mysterious circumstances after having completed new OT8.
You’re welcome, TT Greco. Allow me to opine that you are someone who very much wanted to help others, and in that endeavor, despite the forces against you back then, I’m sure you did help people, more than you might know. And I’l bet you help people in present time too.
Dear Aquamarine
You are 100% spot on. Too bad I’ve wasted 22 years before realizing I had been conned
Well, join the club, and I’ll up you 5 years, LOL!
Seriously, don’t regret. You were sincere. You were honest and you were skilled. You DID help people. No kidding, I’m not saying this to make you feel better! There’s no way you were on staff all those years – skilled, honest, sincere, WANTING to help – without helping pretty much whomever came your way.
I was always a public, never staff. The staff of my org helped me a lot. They were very good people. They still are. That the remaining ones today refuse to confront what’s right in front of their faces doesn’t negate their goodness and desire to help for me.
Don’t regret. Be happy and proud.
Ok, you were conned. But whose shame is that, really? Is the fact that you were conned YOUR shame?
No! X100! (I’m very big on this point.)
You were sincere and well meaning; you were honest, dedicated and skilled. Your desire to help was stronger than any other quality in your personality.
Be happy and proud, please. The world needs people like you.
The fuck up was the lady being audited in the first place. ‘Wins’ are self delusion. Becoming “bright and shiny” is the outcome of brainwashing being successful.
FIVE people were in agreement if you include the Pre-OT who was F/Ning. And one pimply, entitled little twerp throws a wrench into the mix, making a mess of a dog’s breakfast of what otherwise would have been good for all concerned.
True, I had forgotten that part.
How unobservant LRH must have been to not notice all the errors in his tech, policy, tech books, and admin books. All of these flagrant errors. Well you all just better thank your lucky stars we have David Miscavige to bail us out. I guess we’ll have to dig out all the platinum etched tech from the vaults.
It also strikes me as odd that no one in the bubble has the same thought.
Overrun I think that you are being reasonable with LRH. Only an SP would have made that many “errors” which are calculated to destroy not only this planet, but even target 2 is probably being destroyed by LRH. LRH blew from this planet because of all of his overts and went to target 2 to hide out from the law. I am sure that Sheriff Miscaviage will get a possee together and bring him in, dead or alive.
I agree with you, Bill, that that RTC rep was an SP destroying pcs and destroying the org. Sometimes these people start out good and well intentioned and then get promoted high up, and in the RTC they take on the winning valence of the RTC (which is not a good one) and they then become an SP trying to destroy all just to show the power they wield. I don’t know if this was the case with this RTC rep, but it is an interesting thing that could just be overrun or could be an evil int to destroy pcs.
I’ve rarely seen as clear an expression of sarcasm, Overrun. Nicely stated.
I predict this will never come to fruition. I’m quite confident Ron will return from Target 2 to put a stop to this nonsense. Don’t think for a second Ron isn’t fully aware of what’s going on here.
Do not buy a front row seat for the celebratio day, you might get disappointed
Coffee spit time Doug. THAT was funny as hell!
According to Pope David, Hubbard wasn’t able to spot the SPs in his own staff for decades. Even David Mayo, the guy who was his personal auditor and who Ron appointed as Senior C/S int, until Hubbard himself could get back with a new body. According to DM, who had no valid training certs and who has avoided getting audited for DECADES, David Mayo, a class XII trained by Ron himself, was a total squirrel almost as catastrophic as McSavage has turned out to be, Davey-boy, who didn’t duplicate the simplest material, dares to alter anything and everything, even going to the time & trouble to excise Ron’s lectures of people mentioned who are on Dwarfenführer’s current “enemies” list. Little twerp couldn’t comprehend even basic schoolwork, so blew as soon as he could (early 10th grade).
Also according to Pope Davey-boy, EVERYone currently in scientology is a DB or SP; unable to do ANYthing satisfactorily. When 100% of a population is judged to be SP, the real SP is the adjudicator, yet few/no scns are waking up to that, or they’d be out here rowing with us, who I believe care more about scn than DM ever did. For him, it’s merely a series of bank accounts for him to raid, like the “Mission” network which he destroyed in one of his first rape-and-pillage raids; Similar to the Vikings’, only more vicious, taking no prisoners and leaving nothing that breathes alive.
Well, he COULD have come back from Target 2 and cleared things up, already, so I guess he doesn’t really care much one way or the other.
Is there anyone positioned to take over from tech source Miscavige if/when he “drops his body” or will the whole thing fall over with him? If it doesn’t before.
Boring. In my opinion, there is no one ready to collect the crown.
Anyone who had a bit of guts, leadership and intelligence was wiped out 15 years ago.
And from his wasteful lifestyle, I don’t think he wants to leave us anytime soon.
However, it could all end well sooner.
I remember at an event (where in the pile of bullshit one in particular must always be highlighted) DM said that “the clearing of the planet will be a matter of this lifetime” and everyone clapping madly. At that time scn had already been downhill for decades. Literally. It was the usual PR, but conscious that there was no turning back.
Now in 2021 with a number members at around 25,000 worldwide, the claims of their expansion for the last years seem even bigger and unprecedent.
Well they may be much closer to the edge of the cliff than we think.
Biring, Dwarfenführer® can’t have a named successor or he’d have the added paranoia of almost certain assassination. The idea is too much load for the twerp to carry without LOTS more booze
Looks like Miscavige wants to edit every line of the OEC to make it seem respectable to smug rich people as if Hubbard is wiser version of the Dalai Lama. Those rants are difficult to turn into bland sermons though.
Miscavige can do anything he wants to do. There is no check on anything he does. At 4 foot 13 inches, he is the biggest squirrel in the $cienoverse. Previous changes to the holy writ were made to obscure Lron’s racism, now changes are made just to sell the books again.
Parker and Stone of South Park fame had DM and Lron nailed down properly.
Squirreling Hubbard’s quackery (the “tech” is the quackery of Scientology), honestly isn’t saying much.
If you think about it, really, Scientology is this quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism sales outfit.
Keeping Scientology Working blames the members for failing to implement the quackery successfully.
Keeping Scientology Working policy really is Keeping Quackery Working, and always blame themselves when they fail, which is inevitable, since quackery is an impossible sale.
Squirreling the Hubbard quackery to make it less nutball, really, there isn’t anything anyone can do to fix the quackaery.
Blaming Miscavige is like blaming any Scientologist for trying to make the quackery work.
Miscavige is just the vicious idiot being the most KSW in making the others wrong, he’s just the most vicious fool forcing others to blame themselves for failing to make this impossible quackery to work, which it by definition will never work.
Human beings’ troubles are not that all humans need to do the OT levels 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 to rid themselves of Xenu’s earth dump of body-thetans.
It’s just an impossible situation to be in, including squirrel in chief of the quackery empire.
All Scientologists do really need to read the final pages of “Going Clear…” and learn Hubbard did briefly think he’d failed.
But even Hubbard was blind to his own quackery, to the end of his life, he still bought his own ideas that he was still infested with some nasty body-thetan(s) which his own OT 7 exorcism “Solo NOTs” didn’t succeed in exorcising his toughest body-thetan(s).
It’s worse than Hubbard ever realised. Squirreling is a natural reaction, even squirreling the unworkable admin solutions of Hubbard they won’t work either.
Re-compiling Hubbard’s work to make it work, is futile.
The quackery problem is deep all the way to quackery founder Hubbard’s mentally defective mind.
Spot on!! Chuck!!
Chuck – When you first mentioned KQW, Keeping Quackery Working, I got a good LOL. You did it again with “the quackery empire”. LOL
I don’t even think I’m the first to suggest this, I think I heard this when I first got onto the internet in 2004, and someone back on ARS chat site suggested that a great “unbrainwashing” method was take the two policies letters: Keeping Scientology working, and Technical Degrades, and just replace the word “tech” and “technology” with the word “quackery” and that will unbrainwash a Scientologist.
If you laugh at Keeping Quackery Working, give doing the full re-reading of KSW and Tech Degrades and replace “tech/technology” with quackery, you will have so many laughs you won’t be able to get through reading KSW/KQW guaranteed.
That’ll cheer you up.
PS: The older I get, the more I realise critics of days of past (the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s), have said it all with blistering humour and that nothing being said is new, it’s just repackaging their old conclusions. Everyone going through the unraveling of Hubbard’s wordsmithing have a lot of fun realisations on the way back out of Hubbard’s mentality.
Moo, he’s 4-foot 11-1/2 inches, 4’13” on his very best days. Don’t exaggerate how big he really is. Minus his ego, he’s shorter than his twin sister, which must really frost his diminutive pumpkins. She’s even smarter than he is, truth be told. Just not as machiavellian
Just goes to show ya, that a big reason some are in and stay in has nothing to do with “What did Ron say.” They can and do wrap their minds around whatever reason COB gives so as not to upset their lives and the comforts of having family and friends and sometimes an income.
Mary: Sounds like the whole Scientology world is PTS to DM.
Turned them into a bunch of cowards. Flushed KSW down the toilet so they could get a little sleep.
It is a tough world out there in Scn.
I was in the SO 23 years and barely made it out of there alive. A number of my ship-mates who were in good health are now dead. Some of my former friends have disconnected from me. But some people have thrown away their Code of Honor. Traded their integrity for a few hours of sleep. I can see that you have not. As long as there are people like you around, we still have a chance.
BINGO, Bill! Only we who aren’t actively sick right now are free of the PTS-ness DM’s placed the whole world in.
Just cutting the supply line of OT VIIs who can do VIII keeps that super-elite cadre from curing all the world’s ills with just a coordinated thought.
Destroying the feeder line of franchises which had been the primary on-ramp for a continuous stream of scientologists careening up the Bridge caused the crash of all other stats. And that was just Davey-Boy’s first overt action.
Just imagine how much money DM would have in his slush funds IF he hadn’t cut scientology’s throat in 1981. Perhaps he’d now have that 10,000 OT VIIs kowtowing to his every whim.
Remember how much cash Ron acquired to “smash his name into the history books” with the bombproof shelters project he funded in his will. IIRC, that WASN’T RTC who he gave nearly a Billion dollars to, but CST. Of course DM controls CST’s purse strings, so enjoys the use of the money, but Ron did it without the naked graft DM’s exhibited, and without the need DM has for a few BIG Whales to keep the good ship Davey-Boy appearing to be afloat
Spot on, Mary Kahm. Its not the tech, its fear of Disconnection.
Wasn’t it Napoleon who said, “never interrupt an enemy while they are making a mistake?”
We all know the result of how well Hubbard’s policy boomed every org across the planet and now that has been improved upon by Miscavige personally. Let that dog lie…
Right, Yawn: “Don’t disturb an opponent making a mistake”
MisCabbage has also completely disappeared Ken Delderfield. He was working in the Flag Carpenter Shop making furniture and stuff the last time I saw him. If you’re not to his liking Miscabbage just “puts you away”. Smells just like Shelly doesn’t it?
Deld, for many years head of the LRH Compilations unit. Trusted by Hubbard to edit and compile his most important asset, his words.
When they moved R Comps to the Int Base, Deld got in trouble for something. Don’t know what.
Deld became a delivery driver, rumor is he got in trouble for kissing one of his clients or some such.
Last time I saw him he was putting together a book about happy marriage, as an “effective blow” against the enemies of happy couples everywhere. Don’t know how that worked out.
On one of my last days at the Int Base I saw his wife Denise (a French-speaker, not well-acquainted with English) being assigned to compile the Basic Books. That must have also been a disaster, she never got any credit for compiling the books.
In essence it is the same issue that is still going forward now – Hubbard’s works are errant nonsense warmed over with a dash of lunacy, but to keep the con alive they have to be dished up again and again.
Maybe a sprig of lemon will kill the stench? Or we can delete all the semi-raisins? A big steaming mound of beans and rice, surely there is a bit of pork in there somewhere? Or is that just part of a cockroach?
Thanks so much for the update on Ken and his wife.
It was in the Fall of 2008 when I last saw Ken at Flag. He was alone riding his bicycle back from the Carpenter Shop. He told me he was building furniture for Flag facilities. He remembered me from years before but had to rush to muster or the mess hall so peddled away abruptly. I truly hope he got no roaches in his gruel.
LRH Comp Unit. Remember it and Ken’s place in it well. It was in the lobby of the CW Bank building and I’d see him there often. He’d tell me a lot about the work and how devoted to it he was. I was impressed that he had direct comm with LRH then.
It would be great to read somewhere soon that he and Denise woke up and left.
No, Glenn, I’m sure Shelly smells just fine. It’s Dwarfenführer® who stinks to high heaven of the foulness he deals in, with a distillery thrown in.
Yes, the farther away from the dwarfenfurher she is the less his odor will impinge. That is likely part of why she is okay with her disappearance. I’m sure she’s quite happy to let the diminutive midget suck up all that scotch hoping he’ll put himself under permanently sometime soon. May’ve then she’ll come back and get everything back on track again?
I remember reading “LRH” stuff like this and getting so excited. I met Delderfield somewhere in my past – I think I was a little girl. It was a big deal for my mom.
To think that the OEC is now missing from a sea org member’s life is wild.
I imagine being in a giant row boat on a tiny lake with no paddles…criss crossing the lake over and over and over using their arms over the side as paddles.
Maybe there’s MCO PL’s now?
Just wild stuff and I’m so thankful that it is in my rearview mirror.
The scientologist of today has no idea what “fun” it was back in the early days.
Great post. Enjoyed all you said completely.
The “early days fun” was, in my experience, lost in the late 70s. It was the first time I ever saw crew being forced to hit up public for bucks. No, not just registrars but any crew who’d do it. It was shocking to me as before that time (and after spending a lot of time with the Hubbard family and other high execs) I had gained the knowledge that truly HELPING PEOPLE was the real goal. Well, that sure ain’t the case anymore.
Miscavige = Biggest Squirrel in Scientology history. Current C of S = biggest Squirrel group in history of Scientology.
Agreement, SSoA:
“Miscavige = Biggest Squirrel in Scientology history. Current C of S = biggest Squirrel group in history of Scientology.”
Miscavige proved to be a very, very simple minded person with no basic intelligence when I read his thirty six page analysis of OT VII and OT VIII. He tended to get hung up on one minor point and endlessly repeat his great conclusions. His conclusions are false and actually stupid. With a very limited mind, he has managed to repeat the same pattern over and over. I remember getting an endless tape in the mail in which he concluded that a very minor typing error was responsible for the failure of LRH tech. With Hubbard dead, it gives Miscavige the opportunity to fill in with his nonsense.
The clock is ticking with NOI. Very soon there will be a split and real Black Nationalists will overthrow Miscavige. The White men in Scientology take Miscavige’s crap; the Black Men will draw the line with him and reveal his inferior white intelligence. By the way, the Malcomb X investigation is being opened up. The conspiracy theory is that the New York Police force and J Edgar Hoover somehow penetrated a Mosque in New Jersey. A Black Man admitted to the killing but apparently was inspired by the FBI. Thousands of documents will now be opened.
Mike said: “It is quite amazing to see how utterly bamboozled scientologists have been by Miscavige. He has done what most old-time scientologists thought was impossible. Replaced Hubbard’s tech with his.”
The only reason I can imagine why no one would object is because both the original tech as well as the tech that replaced it was entirely a load of crap. In other words, it just sounded profound, sounded important, sounded like it would obviously work.
But for anyone who has spent time in the hole or who has been on the receiving end of one of the Dear Leader’s beatings, it is obvious that it is just a fairy tale designed to get people into the bubble and then it would be someone else’s job to ensure they would never get back out.
Ruh-roh? Oh! I’m out of here! Bad things happen with a Ruh-roh!
In the LRH ED 339r hubbard put down the new management. It was a self-balancing org chart, at the top was watchdog committee and down ED int, etc.
Rtc was absolutely not part of it. It appears on the board only later but is on the sidelines as a controlling body, certainly not about management.
Now everything has changed.
If DM has had to “bypass” to manage a dangerous condition, then if he’s still there improvising new things like GAT, GAK, ideal orgs, OEC, Basics etc, he should remember that hubbard says senior danger conditions must be completed. , otherwise you end up in the one below. In this specific Non-existence.
At least in this case the tech seems to be right.
The cult is disappearing.
Overrun I think that you are being reasonable with LRH. Only an SP would have made that many “errors” which are calculated to destroy not only this planet, but even target 2 is probably being destroyed by LRH. LRH blew from this planet because of all of his overts and went to target 2 to hide out from the law. I am sure that Sheriff Miscaviage will get a possee together and bring him in, dead or alive.
“Self balancing”? Are you kidding? Craptology was SO management top heavy and the TOP management given priorities by El Wrong Slugtard GUARANTEEING destruction of the cult that it is shocking that it has lasted this long.
Yes I was kidding.
LmR, Davey-Boy sure made RTC a CONTROLLING entity, didn’t he? Controlling everything right down to Davey Jones’ locker. That the (dis)organization appears to be viable is thanks to a very small number of folks with lots of money, but little sense: The whales.