This email, perhaps more clearly than anything I have seen demonstrates the insanity that pervades scientology’s endless carrot dangling for “eternal spiritual freedom.”
When you have finally spent enough time and money to make your way through OT VIII “the first real OT level” — you are now instructed that in order to continue to long-promised OT IX and X (which do not exist) you will have to start at the VERY bottom and repeat all that over again in order to be eligible to take the next step.
The illogic of this is astonishing. The only reason to do the Student Hat, Purif and Objectives when you come INTO scientology is to “prepare you” for getting “real auditing” on the Bridge. They are “undercuts” to being able to run Grades Processes and Dianetics. You will be too enmeshed in misunderstood words, drug induced stupors and “out of present time” to really benefit from auditing.
But when you finally get to the top, you apparently haven’t proven that you are not hindered from making case gain. Even if you spent 10 years auditing on Solo NOTs. NOW you have to ensure you have your Objectives redone (because the first time or two or three you did them didnt count as they were not “Golden Age of Tech II”).
They have truly begun to dangle plastic carrots. They have run out of real ones, and the plastic ones are cheaper and last longer. They believe if they keep telling the donkeys what wonderful carrots they are with flowery language and exclamation points they will keep pulling the cart. Eventually, even donkeys realize the plastic carrots are a scam.
Look, here is a thought for all your OT VIII’s that actually makes MORE sense.
If you can become PTS and lose all your gains by remaining connected to an SP — and this IS what the tech says — then it stands to reason that an SP is more powerful than you. Thus you can save decades and hundreds of thousands of dollars and become more powerful than the most powerful OT: simply get yourself declared. You will be able to completely dominate and control even OT VIII’s. For free! Instantly. Think about it.
Dear New OT VIII,
You have made it all the way through New OT VIII with your technical skill and your persistence. Well Done!
You are one of a very elite group of beings who qualifies to do OT IX and X when they are released. To be ready for these levels you must have completed your Purif (if you were CSed for it), the SRD, the new Student Hat course and the Advanced Solo Auditors course.
Let me ask you a few questions:
- Would you like to greatly increase your havingness?
- Do you ever feel you should be able to operate more stably as an OT?
- Do you desire to be a more competent OT, more in control of your environment and more able to quickly complete cycles of action with no procrastination?
The SRD gives you all these gains. It is one of the most powerful levels on the Grade Chart. And doing it as an OT VII completion is truly very special.
LRH wrote,
“Without objectives, no being is likely to recover in his infinity of future”.
Well, the objectives give you so much positive case gain that not only do they change your level of competence but they greatly enhance the gains you get from any further auditing.
I want you to come to the Freewinds to do your SRD.
We deliver the SRD only to OT VIIs and OT VIIIs. The course is delivered in an environment that is completely removed from the day to day distractions that you are living with.
If you add up the amount of time you spend driving back and forth to the org (all lost production time), the cost of the gas and parking, the cost of the food you eat, you can see that stretching the SRD out over a long period can be expensive. Here on the Freewinds your accommodations cover your room and food. There is no commuting, no parking, no lost time. Everything you need for high velocity progress through your SRD is right here.
The point is that you need to get ready for your OT IX and X right now! OT IX is “Orders of Magnitude” and OT X is “Character”. These are the OT levels you have been waiting for ever since you completed New OT VIII. We are pushing hard to get everything in place so these levels can be released. Now we need YOU as a New OT VIII to be ready for these levels so they can be released.
In Ron’s Journal 35 Ron wrote:
“In this time and in this place — for possibly just a little while, we have this chance. To go free and to make it. Planets and cultures are frail things. They do not endure.
I cannot promise you that you will make it. I can only provide the knowledge and give you your chance.
The rest is up to you.
I strongly advise you to work hard at it — don’t waste this brief breath in eternity.
It will be good for you or bad.
And for you, my dearest friend, I’ve done what I could to make it good for you.”
Come to the Ship. Do your SRD intensively. Get ready for OT IX and X. Ron created these levels for you and is it up to you to avail yourself of it.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
ML, Russ McKevitt, D of T FSSO
On a side note; the following is the blurb for an upcoming Disney, sorry, Marvel comic –
“This is the one everyone will be talking about! One of the biggest heroes in the Marvel Universe will fall! Who it is and how and why will divide fans for years to come. Will the heroes of the Marvel Universe survive the unthinkable happening? The fallout to this issue is enormous!”
For a few seconds I thought I was reading the usual $camology “gosh, wow” nonsense. In closing; since Disney took over Marvel I stopped buying their product. It’s crap now.
For me RJ 35 (and all other subsequent RJ) have not been written by Hubbard nor said.
ok, Dave.
Yeah, yeah that’s fine. Be silent. Let this be my letter of gratitude and we’ll just get it over with, thanks. Does the world a last favor, shutting up.
Don’t matter, what us or ours, nor hairy meatballs have to say,
just shut up.
…uncork the good stuff and kick back, we have a lot to thank you for…before I shut the door on the other side I wanted to tell to be sure to understand, that you understand me when I say you are truly great, and I pray that your silence speaks for eternity. I can’t make it sound more meaningful than that. What was I saying now, yes, that there’s so much to be thanking you for…
after shutting up.
Such as,
all that time and every moment in between
for eternity,
both coming forth, and, even more especially (for being more apparent), that which comes, or is
coming from behind, not-to-mention and all that which does, let’s not forget.
Just to endure you, Dave.
A little rich, usually, for me to say such a thing out loud, foul, but I’m, as in I AM happy to make this solitary exception in your case.
Thanks for dying peacefully,
just another perk for being silent
This gift is just for you:
Finally, you are (appropriately) separate from the rest of all human existence, of all tenses.
Your silence, and your gracious acceptance is appreciated.
All the Universe is for everyone,
except you.
Scientology promos are like infomercials: “But wait, there’s more!” if you act NOW, for a limited time, blah, blah, blah. What they really need to do is hawk their wares on the Home Shopping Network: “Eternity is going fast. There is only 15 minutes left to lock it in at these rates. We are losing money at this price, people!”
Interesting, by the way:
I read with interest to then laughing out loud but as you went on the situation became very real and a hint of nausea washed over me as the deception so well described for me by you stated so clearly why I experienced such relief in my own ahha moment “it’s a cult!”.
Say, Dave:
Yes, I do mean you, David Miscavige.
When is YOUR book coming out?
Scientology is here to save the world? Can we start with Syria?
A million people are fleeing their country, some of them joining ISIS just to fight their own Prime Minister.
What is Scientology doing, or hope to be doing for them?
Dave, are you there?
Speak, if there is no book give us a speech, but for God’s sake say something.
Enlighten us.
We do have Ruthless, Troublemaker, Going Clear, and all the books that came out before, you know,
after Dianetics.
I’d call Dianetics hyperbole. And the others mentioned, Truth. What do you say? Do you ever say anything?
Because of you, Dave, I’d say the world is doomed to misery, except for one thing and that thing is music.
You cannot stand up to music, Dave, that is what I say. You cannot make music go away.
And, in the void of your silence, I would like to brighten the light of truth with lyrics that include
the word believe, and the idea of telling, since you are all about believing and not believing, and let me say good bye in advance:
Hey Joe now do you think you’ll ever die?
I don’t believe in money
or dirty lies
Hey Joe tell me where you’re gonna go.
Yeah, curious how a joe can call himself a leader at the same time as being perpetually silent.
Leader of what? Mimes, I suppose. Himself. Ok, but I keep getting the impression he has himself completely deluded in the realm of self-knowledge. I’ve yet to hear him talk about IDENTITY, as a topic, not to mention anything else, at all.
Leader? decidedly not.
That he calls himself one reminds me of the very definition of megalomaniac. Fitting as the word might be, it was hardly worth the effort to type it out, as the list of psychological disorders, slash, illnesses, is apparently so dauntingly lengthy…
…yeah, Dave, thanks for packing up your church-bags and disappearing together, You, your church, and your multiple personalities. The real you really is pretty scary. I hate to sound cold, but, I do harbor the desire that you perish from the human condition never finding out who the real you actually is. I’m sorry, if I turn out to be the actual one to inform you – that you are going to die, just like the rest of us someday. Immortality? Great, I’m happy to be left out of your next life, the rest of Eternity sounding painfully similar… to yesterday already.
Then, [EVER] sharing the company of your wisdom?…
Just entertaining THE IDEA
of that kind of wretched experience would be so unpleasant I’m afraid it would disturb my afternoon tea,
and I do apologize for the absence of trained trumpeteers upon the final departure of you church, happy as we all shall be. The End.
That is so lonely, (“lonely at the top”), and so true, I almost felt sorry for the guy.
Too happy to be actually sorry, though, that part is true, too.
“I don’t believe in money.”
Ha. That must be a brain-teaser for dear old Dave. His primary purpose is money, and without it as a concept, he would have no reason to get out of bed, much less go anywhere…except into some sort of purgatory (where no one else exists). It would be just like the guy stuck alone in the middle of the Sahara with no water and no food, just a massive pile of worthless gold, worthless because it will not save his life.
It pays, to not believe in things.
Have I mentioned that I think no I know that those people over on milestone 2 are morons.
Close. They’re actually morons on steroids…
I would and do not want any member of the Church of Scientology to be either of my parents in the future. That is the real benefit of doing the Objectives right the first time, knowing that one won’t get any worse. 🙂
Good one OSD.
Can we please be careful to remember that the “Church” is evil, but the people generally are not.
Mislead? Sure. Evil Leader, I think that is now indisputable. There are a lot of people, somewhere, who call themselves scientologists that have clue that their beliefs are fundamentally grounded in a fatally flawed, single-source belief system. The leader is a moron, by definition. I reserve hope and compassion for the rest.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the smear sites started to say that Mike was a lazy bum because he didn’t post a new story on his blog every day.
(I’m not complaining.)
YEs — I have been a little predisposed. Putting something out every day when also traveling and doing other things can be a challenge sometimes…
Mike , I just realised that your blog has been going for over 3 years now which makes it 3 x 365 posts which means you’ve written up at least 1095 posts. Congrats on passing the thousand post mark….and thank you.
Mike, your just an outstanding upstat!
Yes Mike thank you.
Take your time Mike. We’re just a little spoiled. 🙂
Even I admit to checking the site every hour to see if a new post is up. LOL
Hi NOLAGirl,Me too,I am guilty of the same! I just can’t get enough of all you SP rascals! Mike does such a great service,but even he needs a break from us! xxoo Ann B.
They have 12 step programs for problems like yours, NOLAGirl.
Pour me another OSD. 🙂
No worries. You’ve been Ka Kahned – by me 😉
Don’t worry…it’s Thursday, but not yet 2pm…you have plenty of time!
With two young kids, the fact that there is a new post almost every day is very impressive!
We just miss hearing from you every day. And like NOLA said…..we’re a little spoiled!
Forgive us, Mike, we’re addicts 🙂 You do an outstanding job. Really superb. I could see you with your own syndicated daily column somewhere, should you want that. But you’ve addicted us, and if/when you ever stop blogging we’ll need to form our own version of AA to recover. We can call it RA, and meet online once a week 🙂
That’s where we come in… and thanks to everyone who does post here.
Seriously, everyone. My heartfelt gratitude for getting your Truth out there, however you do it.
so that none of our children be deceived. And, by doing so, we do indeed become greater than our former selves. Amen.
(trusting that it is ok to pray, still…) Mike, we owe you one. Travel safely, and I hope you find many friends.
From some of the OT success stories I have read here I gather that the End Phenomenon of OT 8 is the ability to find lost car keys. Is the EP of OT IX the ability to not lose car keys in the first place?
Nope, you don’t get that until Oh Tea Ten. Oh Tea Nine is the ability to punch someone without feeling remorse. Dave is the only GAG II Oh Tea Niner completion so far.
But wait until you get to Oh Tea Eleven ………… that’s a real barn burner but won’t be released until the planet has been cleared ……… of Ess Pees. It’s too risky for such powerful tech to be in hands of low lifes.
You crack me up, Cooper.
You know how to find lost car keys, Doug? Hmmmm…doesn’t that mean you’re still in Scientology? Because that’s the only way you could have gotten those powers.
No I do not I never made it that far up the bridge
I can laugh at that shit all day. Doug. I’m easily entertained.
How can you do New OT IX and X..? Was there a normal or old
9 or 10? I guess it could be new since it doesn’t exist yet.
What shameless money grab. Not only do you need to redo everything , but they want you to pay for food and lodgings too. And they’re selling this as a bargain vs sleeping at home and driving to your local org.
Kool-Aiders will buy anything. There is no way for them to know if the content of OT IX and X is written by LRH or by Miscavige. I can figure out some series of processes and release them as this levels and they would not see the difference. When a person is in a very bad need of a product or service; he will buy it. No matter what. This happens in all cults. Power of choice and inspection are gone since long ago.
The freedom to doubt is also denied.
Inside the bubble of isolation, the cult will punish you, then punish you again in the form of emotional torture and call it “therapy” or some such nonsense, all to keep you from thinking for yourself.
Critical thought is outlawed inside the “Church” of scientology. That, my friends, is real isolation.
And isolation is anything BUT therapeutic.
Thanks again, Roberto!
The myth of scientology “case gain” is the same as the myth of the scientology “win”. They are experienced repeatedly but there is no cumulative effect. They are like taking step after step up a down-moving escalator while receiving thunderous applause with each step.
Some smart people finally get hip to the fact they haven’t really gotten anywhere but a few love the feeling that comes from their delusion. It’s about keeping that feeling alive at any cost. Perhaps in some cases it may be fear-based. An eternity of going down a dwindling spiral is pretty scary stuff if you actually believe in it. It’s a lot scarier than having to do the Student Hat again. If it were me, however, I’d flip a coin.
Hi roger hornaday, Wonderful to see your post.I liked the bit about “case gain” Yes experienced repeatly and actually told I was being obstinate because at the time there was no cumulative effect as far as I felt.And your comment is spot-on regarding the love those in,feel from their delusion.I seem to recall a Sea Org member at Asho who had a same two sided coin,quite good at sleight of hand too especially around the coffee machine.He always got free coffee,laughter! xo Ann B.
I woke up this morning. Whew! Now that’s case gain…
Are you OT 10 yet OSD? You just skipped OT9. Do you go exterior OSD? And do your auditing without your body? Now that is massive case gain.
Thunderous applause for OSD, until the roof comes crashing down!*
(*I’m dreaming of the demolition of that big, blue building,
just to make things right, and send the message out to the world:
this is what the “eternity” in scn-gy really means, which is “condemned”)
New OT IX and New OT X,?
What exactly was the Old OTIX and OT X
“The illogic of this is astonishing.”
Reason, logic and even CoS policy are now superceded by “whatever COB says”.
While in, when I pointed out an illogical program or situation, an organization executive would respond with twisted reasoning and out-of-context quotes from Policy Letters. If persistent, I would be labeled a troublemaker and dealt with forcefully.
It’s an interesting, albeit sad, phenomena: Somehow these people (Scientologists) have lost the ability to reason.
My simple explanation is that, under the reign of a sociopath, the smarter people leave and the remaining ones aren’t very rational.
By: Michelle Rindels The Associated Press Published on Tue May 03 2016
LAS VEGAS — A Catholic woman fired from her job at a bottled water company led by a Nevada lawmaker has filed a federal lawsuit against the business, saying she was pressured to watch videos on Scientology and was denied pay raises because of her religious beliefs.
Grecia Echevarria-Hernandez filed a discrimination lawsuit April 26 against Las Vegas-based, also known as Real Alkalized Water. Republican Assemblyman Brent Jones is president of the company. His son, Blain Jones, is executive vice-president of the company and is running for a Nevada Assembly seat.
“I have not seen the legal documents at this time, so I cannot comment on the alleged claims,” Jones said in a statement Tuesday.
The plaintiff said she was hired in March 2015 as a “brand ambassador” for Real Water, which markets water infused with electrons that “can help your body to restore balance, and reach your full potential!” according to the company website .
On her first day, Echevarria-Hernandez said she was forced to watch several videos with religious undertones, including “The Secret” and others based on Scientology.
Her supervisor later told her that she could get a 25-cent raise if she participated in self-betterment courses, and the plaintiff said she tried to sit through one of the classes. But it also had to do with Scientology and made her feel uncomfortable, so she left early.
The plaintiff let her supervisor know she didn’t want to participate because she held different religious beliefs — she was baptized Catholic and attends a Christian church. As a result, she was not eligible for raises, according to the lawsuit.
“Plaintiff felt alienated by all of the other employees because they all held the same religious beliefs, and clearly did not approve of her choice to not participate,” the complaint said.
Echevarria-Hernandez said that she wasn’t previously written up for poor performance, but her supervisor wrote three reports on Oct. 8, 2015, alleging she wasn’t fulfilling her job duties. Another person fired her the next day.
“The termination was not based on deficient job performance as defendant claims,” the lawsuit says. “In reality, defendant sought a reason to terminate an employee with differing religious views.”
Echevarria-Hernandez alleges her treatment violated Nevada law and constituted discrimination, retaliation and an unlawful employment practice under the federal Civil Rights Act, which applies to any business with 15 or more employees. She’s seeking compensation for past and future lost income and benefits, unspecified damages for emotional distress, and punitive damages.
No court date has been set.
The case will depend heavily upon the content of the videos and whether they constitute proselytizing, said Ruben Garcia, a professor of labour law at UNLV’s Boyd School of Law. It’s not illegal to discuss religion in the workplace, but such talk can cross the line when it becomes pervasive or creates a hostile work environment, he said.
To win, the plaintiff would need to prove that she was fired or denied raises based on religion, or that the religious environment in the company hindered her ability to do her job, according to Amy Rose, legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada. Many employment discrimination cases filed in federal court are settled before they make it to trial because they must go through a mediation step first.
Brent Jones was elected in 2014 and is known for stances against taxes, Common Core education standards and the state health insurance exchange. He’s being heavily targeted this year by both Democrats and more moderate Republicans after recruiting a slate of anti-tax candidates to run against incumbent Republicans who supported Gov. Brian Sandoval’s $1.4 billion tax package.
Jones has spoken publicly about his belief in Scientology, a religion developed in the 1950s by science fiction author L. Ron Hubbard.
It’s not the first time Jones and his association with Scientology have been subject to a lawsuit.
A fellow member of the church who had previously suffered brain damage sued Jones and the Church of Scientology years ago, saying he lost money when an ostrich-raising venture Jones ran in California in the 1990s failed. The case was settled out of court, but it emerged again as a campaign attack in a colorful 2012 Republican primary that Jones ultimately lost.
I’m not donating to the COS until I see displayed the results of Miscavige’s Jo’burg sec check auditing files. and of course his OTXV cert.
Plastic carrot. Oh my goodness, never a truer description.
Please never stop your commentary, Mike.
hi mike – the shit these morons and (in your own words “rubbish”) write to delude their “PTS” public is soooo twisted and screwed up that they put the Khymer Rouge Doctrine in Cambodia of the 60’s to shame!!! – and ur right get declared (like I am) and control OT’s by just being in their presence – its cheaper and faster to obtain “SP POWER” so why spend $500k plus and 10-15yrs on brain washing and inval when SP Power on all dynamics is just a negative Facebook posting or tv interview!!!
At least this letter has a different quote from LRH than the same ones they use over and over again. the man was one of, if not the most prolific writer on the planet (and that is one accolade that is actually true) yet for some reason, the quotes they use from him always seem to be repeats.
As to the endurance of our planet and cultures, scientology has been proven to have little and less to do with its survival or destruction, and more to do with the adage that there are suckers born every minute, in every lifetime.
Hi sashiebgood, I liked your post.You are so right about Ron writing everything and anything he wanted when he wanted,yet repeat quotes from him seem to be minus 47X upwards and mostly the same ones.Finally a slave found a newer one! xo Ann B.
If you do the original 1970’s LRH Bridge, ALL of it as laid out, including Power, R6EW, and the Clearing Course, original OT I-III, then the intermediate short step of Solo NOTs to clean up remnants of OT III, then the incredibly short steps of original OT IV-VII, you DO arrive at the potential for the promised and vastly understated EP of OT VII exterior at will with perceptics.
I mean, really …if you have any procedure to do, from making a cup of coffee to changing gaskets of an automobile, to an appendectomy, to processing 80,000,000 checks through a bank clearing system, assembling an aircraft, vacuuming a carpet … the assumption is that if you want the desired results, you will do all the procedures as directed because those procedures were developed over a period of time to produce results desired.
You have to do the Grades (regardless of any of the various states of declared Clear you may wish to attest to), then you must do Power, R6EW, and the CC. You do the whole line-up. Training – studying the mechanisms of the reactive mind and the processes which were developed over 15 some odd years to handle them – is a necessary. After Power, the vast majority of auditing is Solo, and you pay maybe as much as couple of thousand in C/S fees, and a maybe as much as ten thousand for the packages, Part of that depends on individual cases and conditions.
At OT VII you do have the potential to fully develop as a spiritual being exterior to a body, but that is the potential which must be realized by the individual himself. You can lay out all the materials for a course of study at any level, grammar school, high school, college, masters, PhD, but the individual himself has to actually study and assimilate the materials. In the instance of what Scientology is – an applied religious philosophy – you have to assimilate and follow, deriving for yourself, the logic and the experiential causes and effects of life and living to go about living your OWN life, lived as YOU say.
That is the subject of Ethics. And believe me, if you think your personal ethics can somehow be dictated to you, you are w-a-y off track, not even in the ballpark, not even in the same city. Your personal ethics, your decisions about how you want to be and do things, your decisions about what you want to have (“what you want to get out of life”), are yours alone to make and are the very definition the core of the essence of your life as a living being. Figuring out what to do in in each facet and stage of life requires some very hard thought.
(And I could go on almost forever about the subject of getting a handle on life. Some have recommended going off into the wilds of nature to be on your own, by yourself. That’s a bit extreme, in my view, and doesn’t guarantee anything. You have to give up all your agreements, to be alone, really. Maybe being out in the wilds and totally lost and disoriented would help, because you realize you cannot rely on others, at that point, and the biggest challenge is to overcome raw, gut-instinct, panic. The more sedate philosophical approach is to work with admin scales and actually look at your goals and ideal scenes, and how’s and why’s of trying to achieve them. And it gets very, very “spacey” when you look at everything in the context of eternal life. You do not have the “lost and disoriented” physical threat feeling of life-and death in a matter of days or even hours and minutes, but you do begin to feel a bit like you’re treading water in a swimming pool. There is so much to consider about your goals and other people, about love and hate, success and failure, the nature of Creation and the purpose of life, good and evil. The EP of OT VII is to put you on a plateau from which you can actually see all this, and it is your reality of living – but OT VII does not do the work of your personal ethics for you. It cannot. Only the individual himself can do that.)
“If you do the original 1970’s LRH Bridge, ALL of it as laid out, including Power, R6EW…”
LMAO! God, El Con REALLY screwed some people up for life.
Man aint that the truth.
Truer words were never spoken….
If this is truly what you believe then congratulations. You have obviously swallowed LRH’s gibberish with abandon and feel the need to explain, at length, it’s benefits and EP. May you and your multiple BTs live long and prosper…
I don’t have to worry about BTs anymore. You might not believe this, Scott, but, it turns out my BTs don’t know how to swim. When I paddled out one Saturday morning, they all drowned. Some were telling me they were glad to get away from the dwarf….
And HOW do you know all this as a certainty in regards to OT7?
Interesting Nickname. Have you done this? If so, can you go exterior at will? If so, is there anyway to objectively prove that is in fact what you are doing?
When you have a college degree that means you have demonstrated apprehension of the material required to possess that certificate. If you have a certificate stating you are OTVII, according to you that means nothing really except that you may or may not be able to realize the EP eventually. As for being “exterior with perceptics” that is a myth and Hubbard fiction. The absence of evidence that anybody is able to demonstrate that ability stands as my proof that it is a myth.
A complete and utter Myth that will go down in history. In other words…IT’S ALL CRAP!
Erm, erm…
To earn a PhD from a legit university, you have to publish original research in peer reviewed journals. Preferably as a first author.
Hi Nickname, thank you for your well communicated comment about the tech. I enjoyed and took heart from what you shared. Obviously what you wrote had a very different effect upon others who responded by jeering at you and make you wrong because their opinions and experiences differ from your opinions and experiences. There are those people who simply cannot handle a viewpoint that differs from their own, whether they’re out of the cult or still in. For my part, and I can only speak for myself, I invite you to keep sharing. I’ll listen, and if I don’t agree, I will explain why without insults.
Aqua, an OPINION is something like, “Apples are better than oranges.” A LIE is something like, “If you eat Cheerios with our special milk you can jump off of a cliff and FLY!”
He’s being pummeled for LYING! NOT for stating an OPINION.
As an adult you should know the difference betwix the two.
Hi Aquamarine, Just when I was thinking, “Gee … not one positive comment ….” Thank you for some real thought and rational reply. One wouldn’t imagine that advocating free thought and self-determinism of thought would “draw fire.” We get involved in realities, from “curious about” to being overwhelmed, to the point where we think realities rule us, and we lose our self-determinism of free thought. Even to the point that some things are not to be perceived (e.g. you wouldn’t want to say that Earth is not the center of the universe, back before about 1600 AD). All of this is better said in The Factors. The whole line up of the original Bridge was to get the individual to inspect all his or her agreements, at all levels. I don’t understand all the gradients there, how they all work together. The rest, I’ve said, but I wanted to emphasize the importance of ethics, of self-determinism, and of admin scales which sketch out goals and purposes. Goals and purposes seem to me to define one’s ethics. Each individual has many admin scales going, and these are integrated, or nested. Make coffee as part of make breakfast, as part of getting ready to go to work, as part of … and so on to “living a good life.” One person’s admin scales interact with others. There are zillions in full swing every day, every time anyone says something, but no one had defined the component parts of an admin scale. An economist would say it’s supply and demand, but some supply and demand is very personal. The subject of admin scales and of personal ethics has been neglected or overlooked, when it should have been a (continuing) primary action, to get the individual to look at what his interest in Scientology is, and what he would like to achieve. People (generalization, there) think Scn is somehow above or not even related to classical philosophy, other religious thought, and psychology, and that’s just plain not having listened. Scientology is there as a summary reference, and resolution, to be used, not to be used by. Scientology is not about agreeing, but about as-is-ing agreements. To most I think their initial goals would be in the range of improving their conditions or abilities (or just getting out of pain and emotional suffering). But as one gains abilities to think more freely, those goals and purposes and envisioned ideal scenes begin to materialize, and improve in specificity, and should be revised periodically. And at some level, the individual will start asking things of himself, or you can ask him about, things such as “What is ‘friendship,’ really? Is there an admin scale for that? What about a big esoteric one, like an admin scale for “Love?” How many forms and definitions are there for that? How does all this work?” And very specific admin scales, like the ones for a single communication cycle. The individual defines their own personal ethics, what they really want out of life, what they really value. And really, I think that’s at least a major goal LRH had, to get the individual to look at and define his or her own personal ethics in relation to others and in relation to Creation. Only the individual himself can do that.
Nickname, being “Exterior with full perception and mobility” is something EXTREMELY easy to demonstrate to others. In fact, it is 100x easier to demonstrate than the incredible abstract and subjective “Cause Over Life” bullshit. So my point is, why you or any other of the MS2 guys don’t just go ahead and demonstrate how ANY ONE of you actually possesses any “Exteriorization” ability? Wouldn’t that be a much, much easier way to get others to change their minds about Scn/LRH ? I certainly would IMMEDIATELY, if the ability is proved to be CONSISTENT and STABLE.
Quite a few of the MS2 guys are either Solo-NOTs completions, or are VERY close to. So why don’t you guys start the Old OT levels (which you all have available) and prove to YOURSELVES whether or not it was all exaggerations (like many he was guilty of) from the Oldman ? And then decide – as a DISSEMINATION tool/strategy – to DEMONSTRATE to others that “abilities” gained ? Or are you are going to hide behind the petty excuse that the Oldman told us to “refrain from ‘demonstrating’ our ‘OT’ abilities to the ‘uninformed’ ” ? Isn’t that just TOO convenient ?
Don’t get me wrong, I think that “Exteriorization” is a REAL state worth pursuing that quite a few people (oriental sages) have – though they are not interested in proving it to anybody. But then again, they aren’t neither dissemaning that they ARE exteriorized, nor “selling” anyone “Exteriorization” techniques, but you guys ARE. See the differences here
If you claim to something being true, you ought to be able and WILLING to PROVE it to others. Otherwise, it all is just cultish talk, and nothing more.
Well said. 🙂
There are more snakes than ladders in $camology so I’m not in the least surprised.
““Without objectives, no being is likely to recover in his infinity of future”.” My brain hurts.
Ooh, are they going to put a pole on a raft, place it in the sea and make you run around it. Being an OTVIII (Out of Touch (with reality)) you will just use your superpowers and run on water. Better yet use your vast mental power and take over the mind of some insignificant chain locker dweller and make them run in your place.
“The course is delivered in an environment that is completely removed from the day to day distractions that you are living with.” Meaning completely devoid of anything that resembles the reality of those outside $camology. The next paragraph is a long winded way of stating, “Look, we don’t like the idea of you using OUR money to eat, live, pay bills, etc.”
Brilliant comment, Kronomex. “My brain hurts.” Mine, too.
What hurts is a lot is that the OT VIIIs and everyone else in the bubble just nods and says, Yes, whatever you say, O Master.
My toe hurts. Does that count for anything? No? I thought so….
Hi Kronomex, A great post,thank you.Running around a pole on a raft at sea! I just can’t choose between that one and my days gone by runs in Griffith Park barefoot! And Whoopie I get to do that twisted bridge all over again and again…because OT 9 & 10 will always be waiting in the shadows! Laughter xo Ann B
“You are one of a very elite group of beings who qualifies to do OT IX and X when they are released. ” translation; you are one of the many IDIOTS still expecting a squadron of flying pigs soaring over the SP building in tight formation”
Lol! Touche.
Doug… you mean… really mean……that I WON’T see that squadron of flying pigs????? Really????? Omigawd, all that money and I’m not going to see those vaunted pigs! Arghhh! (I guess I’ll just have to settle for reruns of Mike’s helicopter flyover and COB’s instant panic and escape. At least I won’t have to pay for that! LOL)
Hi Doug Parent, Catching up on posts and yours made this Wed morning.Love the image of the flying pigs “soaring over the SP building in tight formation”. Way to go piggies!xo Ann B.
I find the feeding of the arrogance to be a particularly heinous aspect of the brainwashing. It’s interwoven in the fabric of it all, it’s so gross. “You’re special, you’re different, you’re above. You and just a handful of other big bright beings are able to see the truth. YOU will save the world and lead the lowly out. You have knowledge of the ages no one else does.”
It’s so isolating . From my current vantage it’s in no way subtle. I’d always thought I was one of the humble ones – shuddered at the braggarts about me, what a fool. It was embedded in me, and stole my own view of the world.
it’s very true that many (i hesitate to say all, but I think it is safe to say “most’) people want to hear that they’re special, different and above others. few people want to feel like they’re just a face in the crowd, that their life will only be important to themselves and to their families and loved ones. but sadly, that is what most Scientologists will end up being – not the big beings that they want to be, not even to the leader(s) of the cherch, just a name in a file or on a yellow piece of paper. I have no doubt that many of these people want to believe that their sacrifices have greater meaning, and that they truly want to make some sort of difference in the world. but if someone can be discarded so easily by a group that only loves you when you’re toeing the line, it means that there is no greater meaning in this doctrine. these would be “world savers” are only cash machines, jumping through hoops until they’re unable to hop anymore. it does steal one’s view of the world, removes the connection from humanity as a whole in a way that’s so insidious because it lures people in with the promise of a deeper connection with humanity but then hands them an excuse to separate themselves by thinking of themselves as above.
Well, to be honest, I actually did see a bunch of pigs soaring over the SP building in tight formation. Now…I was a bit spaced out.
The “promise” of OT IX and X seem incredibly hollow. What is it that you are supposed to attain?
The E.P’s are; a 100% cleared bank account.
My wife MUST be OT as she cleared our bank account.
Before getting the ‘wins’ on OT 9 & 10, you do need to bend over and grap your ankles first….
Whatever OT 9 and 10 is supposed to be it’s
a product of David Miscavige. Never mind the hype,
by D.M. design it makes one more crushed, defeated and
controlled. If LRH did write OT 9 and 10 this would already be
leaked on the internet .
Good point, Jose.
There is LRH tech that say’s an Org’s public will never rise
above the case and training level of it’s ED.
Take into account David Miscavige never finished
Auditor training after slapping a Public and he is
completely paranoid case wise ( throwing all top execs
in his special private prison, aka the Hole)
My opinion that there is no Bridge to total freedom
including OT 9 and !0.
I believe Dave never graduated from High School,
tampoco. (neither)
On a lighter note,
I bet the field of Psychiatry could offer up some documentation for him…
Off topic: I watched a segment on Dutch news show on PBO “Een Vandaag”.
The item started out about the Louis Theroux documentary and had a few seconds of it.
As most Dutch people don’t know anything about COS there was an introduction with LRH and Tom, John, Kirstie and so on. Little David wasn’t even mentioned. 🙂
Other than that a rehash from earlier news, like the 20/20 show with Ron, and Jenna’s visit to Amsterdam in 2013, which was a part of her book publishing tour.
The IMHO most import part: Scientology Netherlands only has 170 active members.
Small and failing org, like Jenna already said in 2013.
Commenting were Karen Spaink (Dutch Old Guard) and Rinke Verkerk, a journalist that infiltrated for a short while in 2015.
I think Mike said it prefectly-NONSENCE. That’s all the cherch is now. All its policies, rules, auditing., ethics , declares, etc are total nonsense to those who have left. The bots can’t see that.
Of the Ron Miscavige stalker domains that “someone” bought, 546 of them now redirect to the ronmiscavigebook smear site.
Why I kept going all the way to OTV when the reality of what the OT levels were or more realistically were NOT sunk in when I finished OTI still amazes me to this day.
I know of a person who couldn’t have sex with his wife while working on OTVII (and that sucker goes on for years), because it would mess with his case.
The unfortunate cold hard reality of scientology is that the higher you go on the bridge, the lower your confront and ability to behave in a rational human manner becomes, the more fragile a person you become.
Even on the Fleecewinds the people on OTVIII are not allowed to dine with the hoi polloi because it would be harmful to their case.
If the OT levels, the SRD or anything else scientological was really what it was purported to be, wouldn’t it stand to reason that you could do it anywhere under any conditions and nothing could stop you because you were THAT able.
Re: Valerie’s Comment
Where, oh where, is the %^#@(& “like” button?!
@jennyatlax LOL but seriously I heard that an OT XXVII thought the like button was getting too much use and as-ised it.
Yes, it worse than insanity.
It is outright fraud and extortion.
But what I have realized that the cos tends to mostly trap people who cannot think for themselves.
The COS really capitalizes and eternally exploits upon the phrase: “There is a sucker born every minute”.
“There’s a sucker born every minute” is a phrase closely associated with P. T. Barnum, an American showman of the mid 19th century, although there is no evidence that he said it. Early examples of its use are found instead among gamblers and confidence men (conartists).
The COS capitalizes and eternally exploits to the nth degree; the naive, the ignorant, and the feeble minded.
Then they do or commit a lot of acts and processes that are embedded in the philosophy, egregore, and the tech that further disable your ability to think for yourself and ask questions.
It covertly and insidiously and diabolically perverts or and disables your innate common sense, sense of right and wrong and better judgement, if you had any to start with.
Or if you did not have any, they will do everything possible to make sure those faculties are disabled as much as possible to make you a loyal and obedient slave for as long as possible, eternity is the ultimate goal.
This is the cause of psychosis, as Jon Atack mentions.
This is why anyone who has been in scn for any length of time is in some way fucked in the head for good, without highly specialized corrective auditing and corrective education.
If anyone is interested in this type of corrective auditing and education, please contact me privately.
Make the subject “Corrective auditing”.
diogeneseii at
Hmmmm…you’re charging, of course, right? So now you want to take over and “correct” someone else’s mind. Sounds like you were never in and know nothing about those of us who were…other than to disparage us as humans and insist that we all became drones at the drop of a TR. Well, l got enough out of it for over 16 years and I can sure smell a rat.
Dare I say, if somebody is having mental issues after being audited, the very LAST thing they need is more auditing!!
100% correct frodis. And ANYONE suggesting such an action is most likely quite insane or, criminal.
Gman, Frodis, and Mike, there is a right way and a wrong way to do almost everything. Almost all the auditing I have seen done in the 19 yrs I have been in the field, has been wrong, in whole or in part. Right way auditing is an amazing thing.
Dio, unicorns are also AMAZING animals when you can catch one. LOL!
This blog is amazing. It’s fascinating to see so many actual emails/posters from the church itself. Your expert commentary exposes their bs, but it’s almost not needed. The desperation is loud and clear.
OMG, it’s good old Russ McKevitt !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Russ was a long time Sac Org public who later moved to Texas to prepare for achieving his lifelong dream of joining the See Orge and be on the Freakwinds. Well done Russ on making it. Remember, you have to Bee Oh Tea to make it to OHHHHH Tee!
Yo Russ,
A couple of comments good buddy on your diatribe.
” I want you to come to the Freewinds to do your SRD.
We deliver the SRD only to OT VIIs and OT VIIIs. The course is delivered in an environment that is completely removed from the day to day distractions that you are living with.”
Well those day to day distractions are mole hills compared to what you and the Teddy Braggins of the world can conjure up at all hours of the day to extract what is not yours from a public held prisoner on your raft. (we’re talkin passports here Russ)
” If you add up the amount of time you spend driving back and forth to the org (all lost production time), the cost of the gas and parking, the cost of the food you eat, you can see that stretching the SRD out over a long period can be expensive. Here on the Freewinds your accommodations cover your room and food. There is no commuting, no parking, no lost time.”
Yea Russ, I venture to say it would be nothing compared to the cost of all the ‘lost production time’ generated by the endless regging interspersed with random sec checking while you look for SPs which are holding your prey back in life. You could probably pay yourself $1000.00 a minute for all that lost time, gas, parking and food and still come out ahead by not showing up for a Freakwinds Rape and Pillage event.
And lastly:
“The point is that you need to get ready for your OT IX and X right now! ”
Really Russ, RIGHT NOW? No Russ, you have cried ‘WOLF” too many times. There is no RIGHT NOW just like there is NO OH TEA NINER or TENOR. There are only fools floating in a rustbucket in the ocean dreaming up ways to scam people into arriving for their fleecing. Hopefully there are less and less coming to visit these days.
And remember Russ, I am now a full blown Ess Pee and my power to disrupt your faithful but oh so vulnerable flock increases with each passing moment. Like your lovable LRH said, one can lose all their abilities when exposed to the suppression one single little SP can create. Thanks for the boost in status Russ, I love being an Ess Pee.
End of rant.
“The illogic of this is astonishing.”
Yes, it is. It really, really, really is. And what’s even more astonishing is that the Sheeple accept this astonishing illogic.
Hopefully, not all of them. Hopefully, there is a portion who are NOT accepting this illogic.
Now, I WANT very much to believe this.
To that end I’m keeping in mind that what we read here are the “Success Stories” from the OBEDIENT sheeple that get leaked to Mike.
What we DON’T know are the thoughts, questions, queries, concerns, etc. from those Sheeple who are NOT ok with redoing their bridge from the ground up in order to be eligible for OTIX and X.
I would really like to believe that there actually exists this latter group, and that they are a substantial number of sheeple.
PS: Keep in mind with this comment that, cynical and skeptical as I sometimes can be essentially I’m an optimist.
Out of the park with this article, Mike!
calling it Total Freedom when stepping outside the bubble is forbidden, and labeling everyone who is not a scn-gist as a lesser being, or inferior, or worse. Total Freedom would include accepting data from more than one source, such being the nature of Truth.
“Would you like to greatly increase your havingness?”
Careful there $cientology, Creflo Dollar might sue for trademark infringement. That is what the clampire is reduced to today. Prosperity preaching and sales of old retread courses that are designed for one thing, income to the mOrgs. And don’t forget the running around a pole smell test that can only be done in Clearwater.
There is no OT 9 and 10, Lron never wrote them. When and if they come out, the clampire will about to fall. Not even $cientology can more that target any further away.
The carrot and the stick….. Phil
I think I am going to be sick!
I already am. Watch it! I’m about to hurl…..
Let me ask you a few questions:
◦Would you like to greatly increase your havingness?
◦Do you ever feel you should be able to operate more stably as an OT?
◦Do you desire to be a more competent OT, more in control of your environment and more able to quickly complete cycles of action with no procrastination?
And finally: if you’ve reached OT VII/VIII and you’re STILL having to ask yourself questions like these has it never occurred to you that none of this crap works, and that it might be time wake up and let go of this madness?
THAT gave me a big laugh, Graham! Spot on!!!
There is a new alternative route on The Bridge – The Exit Rundown.
The EP is the restoration of one’s personal integrity, the ability to differentiate truth from lies, and the ability confront the evil of the Third Dynamic bank.
Certs Awarded: Suppressive Person Declare
Finally, a Scn rundown that really delivers.
This is so true. If it weren’t for losing my son (which is the most evil way to keep me connected to this truly suppressive group), I’d say this “alternative route… – The Exit Rundown” and its EP is exactly right and the truly true Truth Rundown.
I don’t know if you meant this ironically but… it is actually, in my own experience, LITERALLY true. The leaving process was BY FAR the most “case gain” I’ve had “in Scientology”. This year is my 7th anniversary free, and every day I smell the freedom and it’s GOOD!
Mike thanks for the three + years of superb postings and staying true to what’s right.
If I understand the scientific method correctly then anyone can perform independent research and anyone could independently verify that research. Given this it would be possible for others to independently recreate and verify The Bridge and then work to extend it. But if LRH is the sole source and cannot communicate due to being metaphysically challenged then why bother with The Bridge at all?
And speaking of gaining super SP powers I’m thinking of writing in a brief appearance by DM into the novel. Given the protagonist’s aversion to Reds the character will be addressed as Comrade Slappy.
The problem is not so much that LRH cannot communicate now as he never published his “research.” He never stated a hypothesis. He never described any results except anecdotes. He never provided quantitative data (except to say his shit works 100% of the time). He never provided experimental protocols. In short, LRH never did a single thing that bears any relation to science.
Hi hgc10, Thank you for a perceptive post.As those who have read me here,Espiando I am sure I crack you up occasionally because I am so clueless with science and math it really is hysterical!However even after all these years Even I can see Ron did not research a thing ever.He communicated whatever and I ate it up till the RonAid started leaking out the first time I was hit in Sea Org.Good thing that started to very slowly wake me up.xo Ann B.
From what I’ve seen and read, LRH spoke with an air of authority and certainly like any good preacher, salesman or motivational speaker. Only after the show is over can you take the time to consider the value of the claims…and a good salesman tries to delay that as long as possible.
Worth scientific review is Chicken Noodle Soup.
Not sure about OT powers but You will feel better
enough to write a success story.
“Without objectives, no being is likely to recover in his infinity of future.”
I object to this line of reasoning. And what the Hell happened to staying in Present Time?
And just what the hell does “infinity of future” mean? Sounds important, but it’s meaningless.
If they’re going to be making people redo the entire lower bridge, wouldn’t it make sense to redo the Comm Course too? We can take it back even further! Have everyone redo the “Oxford” personality test. We can have them leave scientology, and come back in as a brand new student, newly in a new unit of time…
I like the comment about driving being lost production time. OSD does it bother you that Hubbard would consider surfing to be lost production time also?
If the great man thought that of me, I would quit surfing right then and there.
Hi OSD, Loved your post about going all the way back to the Oxford Personality test! Perfect! Off topic but I just got a stash of Kona coffee from Hawaii so I am savoring my cup & picturing you talking shop with your dolphin pod! You are such a good soul and an incredible talent with all you do.xo to you 2.Ann B.
When our son and his wife got back from Hawai’i, he brought us 2 1/2 lbs of Vanilla Macadamia Nut Kona Coffee. Want to come over and share a cup or two with me?
Hi OSD, That coffee sounds like Heaven.I am the only coffee drinker as Walter likes coffee ice cream,but never cared for it hot.I’ll be right over and can hear your wind chimes already.xo Ann B.
“We can have them leave scientology, and come back in as a brand new student, newly in a new unit of time…”
Or, just have them leave scientology.
They’ll be much happier!
I’d pay the amount I paid to be in to be able to have that do-over.
In other words, back all the way out and get that time back.
Problem is, the people I’m talking about have IVs filled with Kool-Aide they stick in their veins…
I think you missed the new and improved Success Through Communication Crs, OSD. A real dog’s breakfast. I would really love to know the back story on how that came to be; it’s just an awful course.
Do fish swim?
OSD if a student was newly in a new unit of time he wouldn’t need the objectives at all, hell he wouldn’t need to come in the fricken door!!!
I have just completed SP Rundown XIII. No thanks to my auditor, LRH, but of course my special no thanks goes out to the most wonderful being on the planet, COB.
OMG!!!! Your now OT XIII??? How was it? Was it everything you thought it would be? Your the first OT 13 that I’ve ever communicated with! Wow! Wait until I tell my wife! Gosh, Amy, you’re a star!
OSD as I mentioned before my blushing bride of 28 years has Wife OT XIII™ powers which she demonstrates on a daily basis. The most mindbogglingly epic of these powers is Having To Deal With My Silly Ass XXVIII™ (with Oak Leaf Clusters).
Wow! You’ve REALLY got an OT wife! Mine is Japanese-American. When she gets pissed, she brings out this really long sword. That’s when I go to Motel 6 for several weeks.
Yep, it’s outrageous. When i heard about being CS’d to do the student hat, objectives, etc. over again, it started the beginning of the end. I think i’ll keep my next $200,000. Hey Davie, can you see which finger i’m holding up?
2016: the year people vote with their middle finger
Dave, how’s it feel to be one of THE most hated individuals on Teegeeack?
Me too, Tommy Richer. That was the beginning of the end for me too. No way I was going to redo those courses.
Would you like to greatly increase your havingness?
I already did.Since I stopped coming to the Fleecewinds my havingness is greatly increased.
I can keep my passport,I can have my own life not a life that according to you is ruined by billions of space cooties that you will “help” to get rid of. I am saving a fortune by not having to constantly cough up dough for important things like surveillance of mr Big Being no2’s daddy.
Do you ever feel you should be able to operate more stably as an OT?
Getting rid of greedy self deluding psychos made me a lot more stable.
Do you desire to be a more competent OT, more in control of your environment and more able to quickly complete cycles of action with no procrastination?
Since I am not getting 10 calls for cash every day,and I do not have to give these silly massages at the marathons I stopped procrastinating and now have the time to train for and run the marathon myself.
Freedom for me was looking out of that airplane window, seeing the Fleecewinds and see it getting smaller and smaller as I flew.away.
I hate to fly, but that was one of my happiest moments – flying out of Aruba and kissing the ground in Miami.
Hi Xenu’s Son, Thank you for a beautiful post.I loved your last lines! Wonderful! So happy for you being out & free! xo Ann B.
“I cannot promise you that you will make it. I can only provide the knowledge and GIVE (sell, extort, bait & switch, etc.) you your chance.”
Yeah but, when you do get off, you find your sanity has taken off on a slow boat to China…
…to hell.
Do birds fly?
Russ is OT VIII. Perhaps he could do a demo in front of observing scientists to document that he is now at cause over matter, energy, space, time, life, and thought, both objectively and subjectively. (Oh, wait, that was the original definition of OT VIII, before the watered down version that can neither be falsified nor verified.)
Falsifiability is one of the key pillars that the scientific process stands on and, as such, anathema to Scientology.
If this was a real religion, the next step would be graduation.
Every sage from Buddha to Jesus, to Aldous Huxley has said, “I’m kind of old and sick/in trouble, it’s time you pick up where I’m laying my work down. Consider this to be your Doctorate: find a place where the Tech is weak/nonexistent/incompatible with happy, healthy, and wealthy living, and patch it up. I’ve given you all the tools, told you all I know. ”
And it would be a good thing.
Perhaps, if Scientology were ruled over by a committe, it would be so.
But it is not. Miscavage is a scam businessman, not a prophet.
Hence, all he can do is repeat the old and falsify the new.
The only truth in that propaganda piece by Scientology is:
“I can’t promise you that you will make it”
And that is a promise LRH and David Miscavige have kept true since 1950.
Let’s all give a hand to LRH for the CON!
“You can save decades and hundreds of thousands of dollars and become more powerful than the most powerful OT: simply get yourself declared. You will be able to completely dominate and control even OT VIII’s. For free! Instantly.”
Poetry to my ears.
Poetry to mine too. I am working hard at becoming SP VII and it’s great fun and it doesn’t cost a penny.
Hi Alex De Valera, Me too, loved your post! I would adore to become SP 7 & 8.No money put out and great fun also.I enjoy your posts.xo Ann B.
Man, am I feeling powerful or what! What I do need, though, it a Goldenrod in my hand. I can walk up to any Model Idle Morgue, show them my Goldenrod and watch them quake in the boots. I can start reciting the contents of OT3 without fearing that I’ll get pneumonia and die! Hey, that makes me cause over death! Holy shit! With each passing moment, I’m getting more and more powerful! And how did I get to be this all powerful being? I JUST MOCKED IT UP! FREE!
Have you considered stopping by Julian’s office to find out what you need to do to get a golden rod written up.
I mean think of the increase in Powerz you stand to gain if you can get it in writing! Let me know if you need a letter of recommendation, remember, I’m here to help!
I dream in Goldenrod colors now. Hey Julian! You pea brained punk! Fuck you! You want me, come and get me! If you don’t show up, I’ll know you’re nothing but a little sissy…
I guess he takes after Miscavige who is afraid to show his face in public. 🙂
What kind of a church is terrified of ex-members, and stages a lock-down when a car drives by with a sign that encourages members to call their loved ones? One led by David Miscavige who is so terrified of the world outside the church bubble, he hasn’t granted a press interview since 1992.
Brilliant, huh? Nobody lays the common sense smack down better than Mike Rinder!
Since I’ve been out since ’82, I’ve saved decades and hundreds of thousands of dollars. And I’m more powerful now than I ever was in the cult! Saaaaaaaayyyy…..maybe I should start my own church. That’s where the money is…
Welcome to the WOG universe!
In this universe, do Wogs fly? Or, do Wogs swim?
I’m sure if one were to add up the costs of driving, gas, food and whatever other BS expenses they think you are using to do courses on land as opposed to the boat, those costs would not even come close to money one will spend to get to the boat and then the amount of money one will have to spend to get off the boat. This does not include the real “lost production time” of your job/source of income. And if an OT really believes that crock of shit then they get what they have coming. What a surprise to a new OT VIII to find out that they lack in havingness, are not stable, don’t control the environment and are lazy. It is sad but yet cruelly funny to see the elite of the elite in Scn be turned into complete idiots as they are told how powerful they are and what they need to be even more powerful…..ah yes self determinism at its finest.
It appears Mr McKevitt is lost in a rambling echo chamber of OT crazy that never ends and where everyone else is to blame and if only the last remaining 8 or 9 Scientologist in the world could get their act together and start over with say – a personality test – then they could locate their ruin and their credit card and then maybe finally the imaginary OT IX and OTVIII could finally be released.
“…OT crazy…” I like it, Katherine!
Staff: What crazy OT level are you on now?
Public: I’m on the OT 3 Crazy level. And let me to you, this level is beyond Crazy.
Staff: Wow! I wish I could get Crazy like you!
A question for all scientologists lurking or posting here, (N.B. I said nothing about being a church member).
Do you STILL believe (after the COMPLETE lack of ANY real evidence) that El Con left a “bridge” to “OT” (god like powers and state) after he ignobly died trying to electrocute his demons (BTs)?
Yes. Because of their personal gains by having the Hubbard therapy and exorcism.
You can’t dismiss the gains people got, and even hardcore critics have even lauded what they thought was their “Clear” moment when they had what really spectacularly changed for them at those moments when they felt they due to the session “big win” they had, they reached “Clear.”
It is so personal.
But to nitpick them, you can’t get them to do again for you right now their “out of the body” hallucinations, none of them can do the out of the body hallucinating at will.
If Scientologists got personal gains, then even if Hubbard had a sorry ass “case” and had losses at the end of Hubbard’s life, what I would think is that Hubbard didn’t have any really good “Repair” of his messed up case stuff.
Hubbard was his own guinea pig, is how I justified it. I read also the old Otto Roos story, and in that story Roos justifies Hubbard’s messed up case from what are known as “out lists” and for Hubbard also having a whole bunch of unhandled evil purposes (from Hubbard’s early 1960s case therapy called “Goals Listing” where Hubbard racked up loads of “Rock Slams” related to a lot of “list items” and that in even Hubbard’s own theory was horrible amount of “out lists” and evil purposes that Hubbard needed to get fixed.)
So I have gathered from my reading that Hubbard was a really self messed up case, in his guinea pig self auditing years, messing with his own mind.
In truth, of course he was just doing endless crank crackpot stuff to his mind. I don’t believe even his own solutions are valid today.
I think if one really grades all of Scientology, it’s a huge false memory installing fantasy memories implanting operation, which conditions the members into layering positive self validating ideas onto themselves even as they are conditioned to dream up past lives and all manner of other things as what is wrong with themselves. They are also conditioned to reach epiphanies as they do all this self therapy and fantasy past lives creating.
So, if they have learned the knack of conditioning themselves to have epiphanies, then the imagination/fantasy past lives incidents don’t have to really be real, they just have to be successful at conditioning themselves to have their brain numbing enlightenment epiphanies (cognitions).
So it can be futile to even get a Scientologist to listen to all the true bad facts about Hubbard, all the truth can bounce off the Scientologists, since they as Scientologists did learn how to get their epiphanies and have their gains and have their wins. If Hubbard was messed up, then there are numerous reasons even per Hubbard’s theory.
Yes, Chuck, that sounds like a good explanation of the self delusion mechanism in scn.
Good luck getting a answer Mike Wynski.
Gary, there’s one at the top of the page by a person still deeply hypnotized to the point of intentionally telling lies in its post. There is a small % of those (who were probably highly mentally unstable to begin with) who will go to the grave believing.
Great point Mike. I guess in order for me to achieve the status of Super SP (SSP or SP squared) that you and few other brave souls have attained, I need to redo my declare actions/steps added with maybe a helicopter ride over the superpower building or a few online interviews on the so called Church.
Having church members fleeing from the sight of you is quite an effect I would like to expand on. I’m sure in your case, some OT’s would collapse to their knees and begin sobbing like babies due to your presence.
Ron Minor
Russ McKevitt’s son was my TR’s & Objectives (SRD) co-audit twin.