It is sometimes quite astonishing the things scientology promotes.
Here is another “success story” from an OT VIII. They are proud of this, and want the world to know. I read it and think to myself how crazy and deluded they sound. Yet they think this is the most incredible recommendation possible.
I have bolded some sections to make them stand out and added a few comments in red.
YES, I did it – I’m a New OT VIII completion!! Where the heck do I begin? SO MUCH has changed in my universe…I’d like to tell you briefly about my life, to give you a better perspective as to how OT VIII has impacted it:
I am 41 years old and was very lucky to born into Scientology as a 3rd generation Scientologist. However, only after I started my OT adventure in 2014 did I realize how I’d not truly taken advantage of all the benefits of The Bridge. I had done many basic courses and absolutely applied basic tech, very much called myself a Scientologist but I had no real drive to get myself to OT or get trained. I sure wanted others around me to do so….just didn’t have a big drive to do it myself. This is completely contradictory to the hype about the basics, AND about “applying the tech.”
Luckily I had an OT V husband who decided it was time for me to go OT as well. So it began: the moment I started my OT levels my viewpoint of me not moving up The Bridge changed. I KNEW that LRH had intended for ME to go up to OT and it wasn’t just a 1st dynamic activity anymore – as I had previously thought – it was for all my dynamics survival.
So, I arrived to the Ship for OT VIII and my viewpoint was that all my dynamics were finally aligned after OT VII. Never had I been so happy across every single one of my dynamics. You just know this is all going to turn out to be a lie… that is last week’s news, how great OT VII was.
I did the OT VIII Eligibility and Oh my gosh, I had such an incredible viewpoint shift of responsibility and care and right from wrong, than ever before! I was at a whole new level!! The Elig and MAA program were so completely thorough; every single ounce of anything was fully handled! Just curious about how you have “anything” to be handled with the MAA if you just finished OT VII?
Then I got to walk through “those big white OT VIII doors” and stepped into a course room so full of affinity and calmness it honestly caught me off guard. Not saying much about all the other course rooms… I immediately felt part of a very special family. Before I even began my OT VIII solo auditing, my husband texts me and says “keep doing whatever you are doing. My stats are in affluence and I’m so busy all of a sudden!” Total delusion. I remember wondering what was going to happen when I began the actual auditing!
My 3 Supervisors were each my favorite in their own way and boy do they know their stuff!! Any time I hit a hiccup or had a question they instantly knew how to address it – and always with the correct LRH policy. These 3 amazing Supervisors, along with the wonderful Solo Consultant, and my AWESOME OT 8 C/S, got me through this phenomenal level with the utmost care, standardness and intention.
Listen, LRH says OT VIII is unique to each Being individually. It’s the very first true OT level – positive gain, no longer negative. I’m going to give you an analogy of what I went through on this Level so each of you fully understand whey every single Being on this planet NEEDS to do OT VIII – and sooner than later!
Ok, remember how I said my dynamics were all aligned and I was happiest I had been? Well, I began auditing on OT VIII and “all hell broke loose”…at least that’s how it felt. Yeah, that didnt last long… Before I arrived I was this trimmed tree with roots VERY grounded because I had worked so hard through OT VII and got all my dynamics, or roots, in their proper alignment and all working. So here I was this pretty tree firmly planted on a ledge, all trimmed and nobody could knock me down.
But here comes OT VIII and HOLY COW, this tree – a.k.a. me – gets uprooted completely, shaken upside down and side to side and all the soil & rocks go flying off. I continue to shake but slowly & surely, again with the guidance and help of the Supervisors & C/S, I start to realize how UNSTABLE I was as a Being. WTF? Now after being sure she was totally in control of everything, suddenly she is totally unstable. Well, so much for OT VII… Sure this lifetime my dynamics appeared aligned….but I WAS NOT STABLE. I was strong but hadn’t realized that as a Being, the postulates & things from my past were really holding me back from my true potential. It was like I was walking on this skinny ledge, I had my roots holding me but if a big gust came from my past, there was a potential of my being knocked off the ledge – no matter how big my roots were, I would have fallen.
OT VIII was like taking a superficial covering off of the real me – Truth. I AM ME. And I am a very big, beautiful, fully trimmed tree with roots no longer grounded – I am free to reach out past any previously imagined limit of my abilities. I am simply not stuck on anything from the past. My present is so much longer than before and I am SO excited about the future!! I am so much more powerful and able and calm and STABLE for real. Yeah, if she ever gets to OT IX — even if it is just repackaged Objectives processes — she is going to say how she THOUGHT she was big and stable and powerful, but then she started on OT IX and realized all that was bs.
I am no longer on that ledge, but I am all around. Now THAT’s dynamics success & freedom like never before and THAT was OT VIII for me!
I wish I could name every single person who has helped me get to this point…each of the Ship crew you are SUCH AMAZING individuals – every single action has made this trip so smooth, so incredibly theta and so supportive. THANK YOU to every single Sea Org member on this Ship for welcoming me and allowing me to achieve OT VIII. It means the world to me and I will repay you by going back out there and man, I will be shouting my wins to the roof tops and I am not shy with communication – I’ll start kicking the butts of everyone I knew to get onto and through OT VII FAST so that they can then immediately come to the Ship. OT VIII IS true freedom and clearing as a Thetan!
Thanks to my 2 kids, Braden & Kallye, who have allowed me to be gone for weeks at a time to do my next Bridge step, always sending me support, encouragement and filling my cell phone up with funny videos and messages. And thank you for making me the proudest Mom in the world for all your participation and interest and application of Scientology!
And incredible love & thanks to my husband, Ken, who was up here exactly 1 year ago as a New OT VIII himself. He has literally packed my bags for me to go start OT I and VI – oh yeah and for this OT VIII trip as well! He always makes me push harder, do better and live up to my full OT potential. Your care, love & support for our kids – and even me – while I am gone is SO appreciated and makes it possible for me to just concentrate and fly through my next Bridge step. We make a great team you and I. Thank you for being with me through every step of the way and thank you for coming with the kids to help celebrate my OT VIII completion. Without you I absolutely know I wouldn’t have made it here this fast. So thank you Honey!
And so much thanks, respect & appreciation to COB & RTC for the Golden Age of Tech II for OTs. I am 100% positive that I wouldn’t be here, today, with all my immense wins & gains without them.
And to our Commodore, LRH, no words I have yet discovered have been able to express the respect & admiration I have for him and pride I have in being a Scientologist and I am honored to be an OT. Sir, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the simplest yet most powerful OT level I have ever done. I will be doing my part and not rest until we have this planet cleared and then I plan on going to Target 2 to help out there next. Thank you Sir. To LRH! – A.W.
This is the best they have. The top of the Bridge.
And the repeated message of everything here is “well, I thought I was doing well, but that was just an illusion, and I shouted that from the rooftops too.”
Part of the bait and switch of scientology has always been “the next level will handle it” and “blow you away” — even if the “next level” is going back to do Objectives or the Purif or study the Student Hat.
This is all part of the big status game in scientology — so well explained in Mike Westen’s recent posting Scientology and Status.
Someone compared this OT- idiot-status with something of hindu scriptures.
True. The difference there is:
The hubbardism or miscavigism is a sold nothingness. There is nothing to gain. They deliver, what is promised. They tell you all the time how real it is. And reality is not for free.
In the vedas you get sold also nothingness (as an idea), but for nothing. They say it is an illusion. So you cannot demand money for unreal things. Only if you are a betrayer. I believe, this is more honest.
The buddhademon hubbard will be proud to still convince us with his absurdities and generate energy with that bullsh…
Lets have fun also with that absurdities.
These guys with their bodythetans are so “full of love”. Cold is the separation law – their only weapon which let them control each other cultists. So i cannot see my kids since years. This is coldblooded and ruthless. They are in fear to loose their sisters and brothers if they speak to any outsider, who is not in the cults opinion.
Sorry, i have never seen so cold people, than these OTs and pedophile seaorg and CMO people. Also my exwife, now up at the upper seaorg level, told me hundreds and hundreds of storys about these superegos. She was (despite of regging them ruthlessly) disappointed and frustrated on these SS-type characters.
Nobrainets, which believed, they are intelligent. The Nazis and Stalinistas, the fascist right wings, netwokers and all this crowd believe, that they are intelligent. What a joke.
Thanks for posting this Mike:
“…all my dynamics were finally aligned after OT VII. Never had I been so happy across every single one of my dynamics.”
I guess I’m not the only BIG THETAN who’s WINNING ON ALL DYNAMICS!
The MAA thingie after OT 7 is to remind an otherwise elated person that the reality is that you are a barely-better-than-degraded being dilettante that still has so much to learn about true 3rd dynamic responsibility, and you had better get with the program if you expect to get on OT 8.
Did anybody else flash on the fact that “Malarky” is an Irish term for “Bullshit” and the in the last blog or 2, the topic was about Ireland.
Co-incidence? Probably. But I will certainly keep my eye on Ireland to see just where this might go.
I’m always on the lookout for consipiracies and I fear that some Irish Scamatologists just may be behind this madness and perpetrating some great fraud.
Or perhaps I am just out of my mind like so many friends keep telling me.
Only time will tell.
OT 8 are supposed to be able to be at cause over mest…. so why never any miracles I never hear of ANY?
Talk is cheap… SHOW me what you can do as an all powerfull OT8. I guess because they were wealthy financially to start with
Even before setting foot on “the bridge ” that’s suppose to show their OT abilities?
Yikes, look like that was that written at “gunpoint” on the Freewinds. I am sure she was blinking out “torture” in Morse code while she wrote that.
Being an OT myself – Operating Tomato – I can read the hidden code in her statement. I don’t think she had a pleasant time on that leaking tub.
The Kool Aid is strong with this one. Something I find crazy is that this girl is friends with all sorts of Ex-SO from the Int Base that know better because they blew or were kicked out. Instead of spill the beans of save a bunch of people the hassle and waste of all the years, they still pretend to drink the Kool-Aid as well, they are all “friends” and getting along together. Friends don’t let friends drink Kool-Aid. When some of these people learn the truth, all those who should have told them are gonna look like dicks for playing along to get along knowing full well the whole thing was just a big long money grab.
From everything I’ve heard from people who have done OT VIII, it is a colossal disappointment. There are descriptions of it online. A LOT of people left Scientology after OT VIII, after realizing that the “top of the Bridge” was an empty hoax. Several have committed suicide, after realizing that they wasted their lives and money following Scientology’s “yellow brick road.” One friend of mine was suicidal after VIII and had to be talked down. Now out of Scientology. Once you get to the “top” there is no hiding Scientology’s fraud.
Apparently the original version also even really upset many people with its revelation of Hubbard’s occultism and Luciferianism or proto-Satanism, probably coming mostly from the early influence of Crowley who also fancied himself in roles related to the Antichrist or Beast of the book of Revelation.
It seems to me that Miscavige and the remaining “tech” crew then couldn’t come up with anything creative or innovative to replace it, and basically just tried to re-do it focusing on essential “finding yourself” psychobabble and exploiting the typical hypnotic-like effects of auditing including post-session “highs,” augmented with build-up of prior expectations, plus the exploitation of confirmation bias including the requiring of “wins” afterwards. Once that high wears off, it can indeed be a real crash, particularly given all the expectations built up and the sacrifices required to get there.
p.s. Regarding the auditing “high,” I checked the state of research, and it does appear that production of adrenaline or similar chemicals can be stimulated when the hypnotic interaction is in some way emotionally triggering, as would presumably happen in reliving traumas or dramatic events (including entirely imagined ones) as done in auditing – though I can’t find research specifically testing that. To the general point, there’s this:
Oxytocin and cortisol in the hypnotic interaction.
“Changes in oxytocin and cortisol levels were tested in healthy volunteers during hypnotic interactions in standardized laboratory sessions. Pre- to posthypnosis changes of oxytocin and cortisol were related to the hypnotic susceptibility of subjects and the relational experiences reposted by subjects and hypnotists on several paper-and-pencil tests. Results show that the changes in oxytocin are not related to hypnotic susceptibility but to relational experiences. After the hypnotic interaction, the subject’s oxytocin level increased if perceived harmony with the hypnotist was high, whereas it increased in the hypnotist if the subject had memories of less warm emotional relationships with his or her parents. The results are interpreted within the social-psychobiological model of hypnosis.”
The actual production of endorphins, endogenous opiates or similar compounds has been ruled out, even though it has been confirmed that hypnosis has very similar effects to elevated levels of those chemicals in the bloodstream:
Toward the Development of a Biopsychosocial Model
“Evidence supports the efficacy of hypnotic treatments, but there remain many unresolved questions regarding how hypnosis produces its beneficial effects. ”
I met my first OT VIII completion in ’88 or ’89. Nice guy but his ‘wins’ were completely underwhelming. He sort of put on a happy face and was quiet about how great the level was. I was on my way out the door for good during that time period and thought that if that is all there is after all the investment of time and money, something is surely wrong with this picture. I didn’t know what was wrong at the time but I trusted my gut and bailed. Things only got better for me after leaving. With the advent of the internet my suspicions were confirmed. Scientology is a world class con. Nothing more and nothing less.
Similar experience. I had a looooong runway to finally achieve True Freedom Release.
You know how many “leave” scn, but deep down, kind of still know that somewhere along the line, they’ll have to go back and face the music in order to continue up the bridge? I called it True Freedom Release – that state when you have absolute certainty that you will never go back.
Seeing OT8’s (and 5’s and 7’s), and looking at them objectively, without any sort of justifications, I realized – you know what you get when you clear an asshole? A cleared asshole. So what then was the point?
There’s lots of reading to be done between the lines – what caught my eye is “It’s the very first true OT level – positive gain, no longer negative.” So she experienced “negative gain” on every previous level?!
Ah, Scientologists’ Freudian slips. Even communications from staff these days seem to be full of tacit admissions that things went all wrong in the past.
And it sounds like yet another person on a post-auditing/post-hypnotic “high” of adrenaline and endorphin release. Plus of course under the gun to produce the mandatory “win” to be let off the ship to get back to her family, without further expense.
Come to think of it, maybe that bit slipped in about “negative gain” is like the surreptitious things captives in North Korea did, like finger signs in forced photographs, to signal defiance of their captors….
One very important component of this is you never never never talk to others about the OT levels. Flubtard said it’s different for each person. HA!!! If they only knew, but they can’t talk to anyone or compare notes.
I compared notes once. They said I was an SP.
Five years to go from OT 1 to 8? Definitely a whale, married to an OT8 whale. Nice of the kids to understand Mommy being away for weeks on end. 4th gen ronbots!
The real reason they do it on the ship is the “end phenomena” of leaving the boat by walking on the water. No, they don’t? Shucks, missed opportunity.
That, or they’re just still scraping by like always, having gotten some windfall like a rise in home value or an inheritance, and have been regged to invest/squander it all on their “bridges.”
Good way to escape!
That entire screed is almost entirely free of testable claims that could be used to support or disprove Scientology. Except for this one:
“I wish I could name every single person who has helped me get to this point…each of the Ship crew you are SUCH AMAZING individuals… ”
Correct me if i’m wrong, but isn’t PERFECT MEMORY supposed to be one of the things that you get well before OT VIII? Like, when you’re clear or something? She should be able to name each crewmember. And even if she wasn’t personally introduced to them and didn’t see their name badges (do crew have name badges?) she should be able to get that information with her OT abilities. By ‘just being theta’ or having command over MEST or even just quickly going exterior and seeing them while writing this?
You know, i can tell she’s never been exposed to critical thinking because she says she’s born and raised a scientologist (actually, that probably interfered with it). And if she’s a whale, as some her have speculated, then her wealth has probably shielded her from the consequences of her foolishness which would also prevent her from learning from her mistakes. Still, even with all that, i’ve gotta shake my head.
It’s so sad that she’s a third-gen. Scientology lasted in the family long enough that she got born into it. Worse than that is that she has produced fourth-gen kids. Nobody woke up in all that time.
As a second-gen kid, it hits me.
We have no idea how she really feels. She may or may not believe what she said above. I say that because, every person HAS to write a success story after an action or you can’t get out of the building or off the ship. No success story? Then there is no completion for you… and it will cost you more money… probably for sec checks. After all…the tech works 100% and you HAVE to be VGI’s. Period! If you’re not? It’s YOUR fault! All this by following what one man said is the way! He said there are no absolutes then set about making absolutes all over the place! Ironic to say the least and I mean the least.
Yea, when you’re writing a success story, especially for a major action, you’re also trying to convince yourself of the “stellar gains” you’ve gotten. Perhaps maybe by stating them you feel that they might come true. Also, you know what’s expected of you, and you want to show others how great it is. That would be the ethical thing no matter how you felt. Greatest good. A lot involved computation wise. Them steel jaws can shut really tight.
As someone who knew nothing about Scientology until I watched Leah’s show, this sounds like so much gibberish! The vocabulary used by Scientologists is so strange because they are using English words, but not in a normal context. It’s almost like it’s another language but not. I noticed this on the show too with ex-Scientologists- they’ve spoken in this other vernacular that the rest of us don’t use in every day life for so long, they still use it.
Also so crazy that she gets to OT8 and realizes that none of the other OT levels did a damn thing. All that money, all that time, to find out it wasn’t what you thought it was! What a diabolical technique to keep people buying more and more levels! SMH
Great reply!
“”It’s almost like it’s another language but not. I noticed this on the show too with ex-Scientologists- they’ve spoken in this other vernacular that the rest of us don’t use in every day life for so long, they still use it.”
It IS another language, skewed to describe the alternate reality which IS scientology.Though I don’t use scn terms in other areas, I find it’s easier to use them when discussing the subtleties of the cult experience precisely. Otherwise, things get “lost in translation”.
A prime activity of cults is to invent language or add specialized definitions of existing words. Hubbard even said something like “In any new science, there is the need to define terminology”. If it’s a real science, that’s so true. You would adapt an existing word, like “process” into “processor”: a computer component that performs operations on data. This makes it easy to communicate scientifically. Hubbard tricked us into thinking he had a science.
In a cult, it functions to shape your thinking to the way of the cult, and you end up not being able to relate to non-cult members. It can be difficult to recover from. I still have trouble translating some concepts into English words rather than the “Scientologese”.
Reading between the lines, when she first arrived to do her ‘OT VIIII eligibility and MAA program’ this simply means that she was ‘sec checked’ within an inch of her life just to make sure that she was onboard and not going to be any sort of troublemaker after finishing her OT VIII level. The last thing the cult wants is another George White or others like him out there stirring up trouble. It’s sort of a mini ‘Truth Rundown’ to keep the marks in line.
This woman obviously has whale status. She makes no mention of the mind blowing ‘reg cycle’ or ‘recruiting cycle’ she would have been routed to after completion if she were a normal struggling scientologist trying to get off the ship and get back home so they could get their ass busy and scratch up some cash to get those bills paid that were incurred as a result of buying their own personal ‘bridge’. She mentions wanting to not only do anything and everything to help ‘clear’ this planet, she even wants to join forces with the ‘ol Grifter on Target Two to ‘clear’ that dirt clod. With lots of cash available, the cult won’t rock the boat too much to extract as much as they can from her and her old man. The IAS will descend and improve their status. They will probably be new mission holders after buying a mission package (for a mission that will never open). Pallets of ‘basics books’ will be purchased and donated to libraries around the world and soon thereafter end up in the nearest landfill. Even more pallets of ‘The Way to Happiness’ pamphlets will be purchased in an effort to transform some Third World country into a paradise but will gladly be used for TP instead. Much nicer and gentler than a corn COB.
There is a good chance she will remain a good little scientologist and do all that is asked of her as a result of that fun little ‘OT VIIII eligibility and MAA program’. She might have a few ‘this lifetime overts’ that need to be kept under wraps. She might be a good little scientologist at the top of ‘The Bridge to Total Freedom’ but she is really a slave to the cult with ZERO ‘OT abilities’. I’d bet a nickel that she doesn’t even have the abilities that were touted in DMSMH cuz no one else does. One can only hope the blinders come off someday but with this one I see no hope.
“The last thing the cult wants is another George White or others like him out there stirring up trouble. It’s sort of a mini ‘Truth Rundown’ to keep the marks in line.”
When I first started with Original OT VIII on Rathbun’s Blog in about 2008, the struggle was intense. Very few believed that Hubbard wanted to be the anti-Christ. I get greater acceptance every day now from all sources. It has been a great personal journey to expose Hubbard, Miscavige and Scientology for the fraud that they are.
George, I had become familiar with Crowley before encountering Hubbard, so when I saw the contents of original OT VIII, it made complete sense that Hubbard would be following in the footsteps of his major occult teacher and claimed “very good friend,” who had styled himself The Beast 666. Understood in its context, as Hubbard put it as a symbolic “role” – based on dismissing Christianity itself as mistaken symbolism, including rejecting the existence of God – it’s not so wildly sensational, representing more of a brash occultish atheism than satanism, though its particular implications are still troubling.
I’m glad to hear that you’re having success exposing that connection. It exposes how disingenuous Hubbard and Scientology have been about their true ideology, which is an egoistic end-justifies-the-means extreme utilitarianism that does functionally fit with the description of what is traditionally understood as evil. People should understand that true nature, and other legitimate religious and ethical groups need to know they’re dealing with something deviously abnormal – along the lines of Satan as the Great Deceiver in a traditional Christian frame of reference.
Ms. B,
And once her euphoria wears off and she’s back home as a shiny, new OTVIII with her already OTVIII hubby, and their lives still don’t change much, and they as individuals still don’t change much and their relationship doesn’t change much and there’s no OT9 for either of them to do, AND/OR they’re told they have to RE-do another course AND/OR get their local org Ideal ( AND/OR some org somewhere Ideal) BEFORE OT9 can be released – when reality sets in, and neither of them can get the next, much-needed OT9 Fix, they’ll be unhappy as individuals, and their marriage will suffer and the cult will then probably work on getting them divorced…”for the greatest good”.
Ms B. Haven, I’m pretty sure the very LAST thing the WTH pamphlets will be used for is TP. MUCH too rough and nonabsorbent. If they used a softer, more pliant paper for the thing, it MIGHT have some use in the real world. As it is, they have absolutely no redeeming value.
Third World citizens will take what they can get. This is a bit reminiscent of a similar tragedy in the US when the Sears catalogs adopted a glossy format. Still, both are gentler than a corn COB.
I have mentioned this before but I will state it again for any UTRs out there…during the big Basics push where everyone was regged to buy multiple copies to be donated to libraries around the world I decided to check local libraries for copies. I thought well that would be something…being able to read all the Basics Books without having to pay for them. Some people were regged enough copies to fill every library in their state. I looked at every public library within a 200 mile radius of me…no Basics. I asked several librarians if they had received the copies and just trashed them and the reply was emphatic all around…no copies of Basics had been received. So it was just another money grab. I would say that people were regged for way more copies than were ever printed.
Also I noticed that in this persons declaration she mentions that OTVIII is the 1st ‘real’ OT level. I’ve noticed that this statement keeps popping up in literature recently. I don’t remember hearing that much about it being the ‘First real OT level’ until the last few months. I’m wondering why this is popping up in literature and declarations all of sudden. If this is the first ‘real’ OT level then what the hell are 1-7? Miscavige doesn’t have the imagination to come up with any new levels on his own and he doesn’t trust anyone else to do so I wonder what’s next?
” . . . she even wants to join forces with the ‘ol Grifter on Target Two to ‘clear’ that dirt clod.” laughter!
BULLSHOI ! ! ! (which is just Overpriced bull sh**)
ALL of these supposed wins she mentions have been stated and written up thousands of times from people completing: ethics conditions, the comm course, HQS course, all of the grades, all of the OT levels, oh yeah and super power, etc., etc. And this is the ultimate at the end of the bridge? That’s like Ralphie finding out in the end to “just drink your Ovaltene” and then he had a nervous break down and beat up that kid – lol.
Delusional doesn’t even describe this bat shit insanity. Somebody here has to come up with a better word- Brian, George, Aqua, Wynski?????? What say you.
Looney tunes?
My late father’s comment would have been, “She’s not thinking clearly.”
Sounds mild to us but from him it was a serious insult!
I never thought to connect “Be sure to drink your Ovaltine” with his getting even with the bully. Interesting idea.
It’s really instructive of how strong the Emperor’s New Clothes groupthink can be to read this.
This is a person who just found out that they ‘mocked it all up’, that she is who she always was, that “you are you”, as was put on the Aftermath. And she’s probably paid over a million dollars to learn that she is who she is, all told. Yet she can’t stop gushing about this “win”.
The human mind can be so easily brainwashed that they can serve you a plate of nothing and you gobble it up and tell others how great it is. By this point, she’s been put in altered states of consciousness so many times and been fed things when she’s highly suggestible that she doesn’t realize nothing happened.
But I guess we need to remember that many of these people later say “I thought it was nonsense” or “I was surprised and disappointed” (etc) but were afraid to speak out, especially on the ship.
Great. She is who she is. Good to know. We are who we are. Good to know. Ok, now what? Don’t like something? What is going to be DONE about it?
Must be tough to realize, after spending all that money, that just like the lowliest, most unenlightened wog, you still have to DO things if you want to change conditions.
But the Bridge doesn’t get sold to them that way. They don’t spend all that money because they’re pounded with messages about hard work and self discipline.
Nooooo! Their next level is ALWAYS “magical”. . On which great stuff happens…problems magically resolve, stats go into Affluence…all the effort is no longer necessary when you have magic!
Read the Success Stories of those who completed it, they’ll tell you!
Scientologists are addicted to magical thinking and the Regg’es know this. “Your next level will TOTALLY handle what you’re experiencing now!”
Magic sells!
One of the things I am so sick of hearing in all of these ‘Success Stories’ from the Comm Course, Purif, and all the way up to OTVIII is the puerile statement “I now know who I am!” This seems to be the big discovery everyone is making at all levels of the Bridge. They ‘finally’ find out who the are. Those success stories are enough to turn anyone from Scientology…they sound like they are something written in Soviet era Russia.
‘I would like to thank the Supreme Soviet and all my comrades for finally helping me find out who I am. I will no longer have subversive thoughts. I am now a good citizen and know who I am’
Sound familiar..
Popeye said it first decades before … “I yam what I yam” … The FIRST OT8? …
Here’s how I translate all of that:
“Thank you so much for making me feel horrible then lovebombing me. If I tell everyone how great you are, maybe you won’t put me through hell again.”
This is Abuse 101.
I was great, but not 8.
Not-8 is not great.
Now I’m 8, and it’s great.
Thanks to Ken for the Kash.
I couldn’t have done it without you, Kash.
This is hilarious!
Interesting. I think I get a better feel good type feeling from a one hour $65 massage. Helps to clear your mind. Totally relaxing! Maybe she should have tried that. Not that touchy feely crapola the cult does, but from an actual masseuse.
I agree, Peggy – nothing like a good massage! And if you want to go further, try a yoga class and learn (drop in intro classes are usually $10.00) how to do it for yourself. No need to pay megabucks to be trapped on the Fartwinds –
Let me guess… the Oat Tea found a photo or bust of LRH and stood to face it….saluted… and said “Thank you, SIR” “To LRH”!
Cringe…we all did that.
Talk about Stimulus Response Mechanism implanted into us through the Scientology Brainwashing Technology.
The saluting, and especially clapping Hubbard, was off-putting to new Scientologists. I made many an awkward explanation of that.
And they all have a framed certificate to prove they are OT VIII!
Like my New York friend says, “That and 3 bucks will get you on the subway.”
Nothing wrong with self-enlightenment whatever route you choose, and if it makes you feel good and happier that’s great too, but insofar as being OT is concerned I’ve always thought that “OT is as OT does.”
Never mind “Show me the money!”. Respectfully, show me the OT! And not that piece of paper in a frame on your wall!
Christopher Baranet:
“And they all have a framed certificate to prove they are OT VIII!”
Framed!? NOT until they get home to where they can buy a frame.
scientology would NEVER include one, unless it was a $3,000 or $30,000 optional extra —or higher.
“TANSTAAFL” — R A Heinlein,
But scientology takes it to TANSFAAFA: There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free ANYthing.”, Especially under Dwarfenführer, it’s taken to extremes which 1TH, [1-Ton Hubbard] didn’t get around to. I believe Tubby would have RPFed the guy for his tech and Admin squirreling, but would still have admired his ability to soak the marks for the maximum possible amounts.
Being a never-in, I don’t know how all this works but I was wondering if all of the people on the Freewinds who apply OT VIII are also OT VIII themselves? This would make sense as you can only teach something if you are actually “certified” or “qualified” yourself…. It’s sad that they KNOW that this is all a bunch of junk yet continue to sucker in more unknowing victims. May the trickle of victims one day keep slowing and stop altogether one day soon.
Yes, you can’t administer a level unless you’ve done it. The levels are confidential, and the theory is that you’ve had to have done it, otherwise exposure to the material, like reading a bulletin to apply it, would make you go crazy. Of course, none of it is real and is thus completely harmless.
I can almost hear the mental “voice” going higher and higher pitched as she wrote that. Trying mightily to ignore the fact that she STILL has no powers or abilities beyond what she had before she took her first scamology “service”.
Wynski, we can settle this quite quickly: Put your hand behind you and ask the cult member what it is. Simple & straightforward.
Bingo OSD
Yes…we can play bingo too!
OSD, I wouldn’t play Bridge with any OT who COULD ID what was behind your back, but there’s no “OT” like that in the real world. JUST like there’s NEVER been what he defined as a ‘clear’, who would be just half-step below OT.
Truer words were never spoken!
This was my immediate reaction, Wynski.
Why isn’t she confirming that her new OT powers are real?
Why does she need to use a crude device like her phone to be in communion with her kids, shouldn’t she have noticed that she can now be with them, in real time?
All we hear is this feigned esoterica about being an uprooted tree. Why isn’t she talking about going exterior down to Chipotle for a burrito?
As always, the answer is
“Your next step is when it really gets great”
“All will be revealed soon”
“The REAL gains are within reach”
“You’re standing on the front porch of infinity” (snicker)
I was on the front porch of infinity once. I’ll tell ya, it was boring as Hell! AND BTs we’re all over the place.
I was there once too, OSD. But then the mescaline wore off…
Yup, that’s some pretty GOOD “stuff”, ain’t it?
ROTFLMFA!!! Now that’s some funny shit! Well done, Briget!
It’s funny you said that, because as I read it totally “read” to me as someone talking really fast and getting higher and higher in pitch! I didn’t think about why that’s how I perceived it, but the attempt at ignoring what OT VIII is NOT is likely a big one… the thing I kept thinking in “hearing” it like that is that she was trying to ensure it sounded appropriately effusive and worshipful so she’d be allowed off the ship and to get back home.
The idea of being kept literal hostage in increasing degrees – ESP by my church – is so disturbing/unnerving to me. First in auditing, where you aren’t allowed to leave until the auditor agrees you are done, which is only when you’re in agreement with the co$ party line. Later, whilst self-auditing and requiring a C/S to approve your results (which leads to one’s own mind being party to the “hostage” status). Finally with OTVIII, being on a literal ship with no way to get off, maritime law in-effect – so one may not even be aware that it’s not whatever they tell you it is, where you’re harassed at every end for money and even convinced to defy, lie-to and/or manipulate your spouse vs conferring with them first… or your logistically and physically kept (based on the situation feeling completely in their control) from leaving until you acquiesce.
If I, a never-in, can see how SO many people blow or at least decide to go UTR and cease or severely decrease participating in anything co$-related, you’d think just out of self-preservation and greed, they’d notice and make SOME change just to keep the $ coming?! But no… that’s “reasonable” which is a profanity to the co$!
Amazing how, knowing others’ experiences with co$ and the fleecewinds, how a simple post, like above, can paint such a stark picture. Most have experienced how toneless online communication can be received, and yet what comes (or is forced) from most practicing scientologists doesn’t have the luxury of coming across without “tone” – the false-40 comes through loud and clear!
Yes Jenyfurrr what is NOT said contains the truth when it comes to scamologists. Physicists posit that 85% of the matter in the universe is unseen, so called dark matter. 85% of a scamologist’s communication is left unsaid. It is “dark communication”.
“Dark Communication” is a wonderful phrase.
Excellent analogy and I agree w/Imaberrated… “Dark Communication” is a spot-on description!
After reading that I have no idea what specific benefits or results she received.
She found out she was making it all up all along and all that whole track recall she did from Dianetics on up was bullshit and now that she KNOWS and HAS CERTAINTY that it was all bullshit, she is STABLE and UNSHAKEABLE.
Mary, that’s the best summation of VIII I’ve seen.
She doesn’t know either.
OSD:”She doesn’t know either.”
That’s what I surmised, all the “important” catchphrases strung together into something that the Munchkin™ would blush at while reading. Thus, she escapes the rust bucket to start to rebuild her family’s fortune.
What a crock. No REAL gains or increased or new abilities at all. Just a bunch of hippy kind of feel good palaver.
Glenn, as I’ve always said, IT’S ALL MAKE BELIEVE!!! ALL OF IT. Nothing is real. It’s just in your mind.
With apologies to Rogers & Hammerstein, this is for (my muse) OSD:
We could make believe
I’m OT
Only make believe
You’re OT too.
Still-Ins find
Peace of mind i
In pretending,
Couldn’t you, couldn’t I, couldn’t we
Make believe our pow’r
Is endless
Whole Track Recall now
For me and you?
Might as well
Make believe
We’re OT
For to tell the truth,
We do.
Thanks for that, Aquamarine!
nice poem.
Glenn, you just described ALL of scientology. Because we momentarily “felt good”, we accepted that “it worked”, when usually, we just experienced the opposite of the advertised End Phenomenon.
This is Miscavige’s OT VIII and he finally got someone to accept it as the “top of the Bridge”. OT VIII here is purely a self-delusion. There are no OT powers in Scientology. When Miscavige got rid of the original OT VIII with the anti-Christ reference, he turned OT VIII into a Hindu level. Blavatsky expresses it quite clearly. This new OT VIII is describing what a novice can achieve in Hindu. It is sort of a stable “beingness”. There is an exact reference to this in ancient texts. Actually, most of Miscavige’s OT VIII is a specific C/S which reviews all past auditing. So this person spent most of the level in review. The actual E/P is a joke. I have my own OT VIII bracelet which I am going to wear on my next visit to Clearwater. I completed OT VIII on the Freewinds in 1988. Miscavige truncated a level which produces no OT powers. He created his own OT VIII which is just more self delusion. There is no psychological, theological or metaphysical basis in any of Scientology. It is pure fiction.
“This new OT VIII is describing what a novice can achieve in Hindu. It is sort of a stable “beingness”.
George, you’ve got me going here. What should I read? Or read first? The Vedic Hymns or something? Blavatsky? Please advise, no kidding, I’m interested!
George will want you to pick up The Secret Doctrine and The Beautiful Necessity (Claude Bragdon) — because, even in the wake of the Great Betrayal that is Scientology, he can’t completely quit his metaphysical dreams. He’ll convince you to dump vast sums of energy into building new mental architecture on the rubble of discarded ideas; the superior English and higher literacy and of the fin-de-siècle spiritualists he’ll steer you toward — plus the ersatz exoticism of their Oriental borrowings (a la White’s many-filtered adjective, “Hindu”) — will seduce you so completely you’ll forget to notice how theosophy, quite like everything Hubbard wrought, is empty wordplay. Actually this entire section of the bookstore is a semantical salad bar; one man’s monad is another man’s ultimaton and another man’s theta. So: proceed . . . with your great friends, Reason and Skepticism, guarding you closely. It’s your time, Aqua — and you don’t have to waste it any more.
Well, first, Glass Robot, thank you. I stand forewarned and forearmed before reading anything that George White on this blog may recommend. That said, respectfully and with no malice, methinks you doth be triggered too much 🙂 I can appreciate that but honestly, there’s no cause for alarm. I’m curious about a lot of things. To satisfy that curiosity I’ll read all kinds of things. There’s wisdom all around. But just because I read something, just because its on a printed page doesn’t necessarily make it true. Just because someone who claims to be an authority says, “That’s the way it is”, doesn’t mean that’s the way it is. On the other hand, something on a printed page or in a film can contain truth. Something read or viewed on a whim from an unlikely or unexpected source could have something valuable, something that helps, that can be used. I’m not susceptible as I once was.
I’m done with belief systems but I’m still curious and I so I reach out, that’s all. Its my nature and its fun. Thanks again, though.
Objectively no such thing as “too much” caution in the company of woo. Cancer begins as a single cell, invisible to the naked eye. “I’m done with belief systems” is all I needed to see; your manifest good humor will shield you from subtler malversation (as “against the assault of Laughter, nothing can stand.” [Twain]). Enjoy your cool-minded strolls in the ever-expanding osmothèque of mind-made traps and follies. Rescue anything you find there delightful and sublime.
And to our Commodore, LRH, no words I have yet discovered have been able to express the respect & admiration I have for him and pride I have in being a Scientologist and I am honored to be an OT. Sir, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the simplest yet most powerful OT level I have ever done. I will be doing my part and not rest until we have this planet cleared and then I plan on going to Target 2 to help out there next. Thank you Sir. To LRH! – A.W.
Totally Batshit Crazy™️
If you ever cross paths with one of these body snatched nuts — start running.
Yes, I agree with someone who posted above: she REALLY wanted off that ship! Taking NO chances 🙂