This is clearly part of the internal propaganda campaign that Miscavige is implementing to try to paper over the large cracks in the PR dam for the scientology public.
The bad news is rolling in day-by-day, especially in LA.
So, time to send out the SuMP team and film “massive dissemination” happening at “Dodger Station.”
That they have to beg for people to show up so that their activities can be filmed is VERY telling.
That their message is now “We’re here” — as in, “Not YET gone” is pretty telling also.
The walls are closing in on scientology. Winter is coming.
“literally drive hundreds of people into our orgs” ….ROFL!!!!
Even before the bad press there was never a time when “hundreds” were driven into the orgs, unless they were paid actors to sit in a crowd (before Scientology learned how to clone crowds into pictures).
“SMP is coming to film the action!”
Everything is a PR event with $cientology. Forget doing any kind of charity work unless the cameras are rolling. Actually, forget any kind of charity work period. Just get ‘bodies in the shop’ to make money.
The average citizen can do much to stifle Scientology’s public dissemination efforts by just showing up to a Scientology out in the open “street” event with a
XENU T shirt
XENU being a taboo word, it causes Scientologists (and since most Scientologists are NOT allowed to publicly learn of the XENU definition) to instead flee when they see the XENU word.
If you define XENU to Scientologists, it supposedly, per their limited understanding, will mess with their minds and damage them, so they flee from anyone defining XENU to them.
Any public person can experiment with this information, but the following:
a) Define XENU to a Scientologist, by saying: “Is it true that Xenu caused the Wall of Fire/4th Dynamic Engram?” (this innocuous question is a huge spoiler alert, because it is a leading question, the answer is YES, XENU did cause the Wall of Fire/4th Dynamic Engram, and asking this suddenly defines XENU to a Scientologist, and gets them acting kind of skitterish, they go into retreat mode when they hear someone defining XENU to them).
b). Next suggested thing to say to a Scientologist: “Is it true Xenu deposited surplus bodiless souls onto earth, and these invisible bodiless souls each have the R6 Implants in them which they leak onto all humans today; and because of these invisible souls with the R6 implants in their soul minds, these souls leak this trauma onto humans, and that’s why you guys do your OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism secret levels to rid yourselves of these Xenu deposited and implanted surplus souls, which you guys call “body-thetans” (pronounced BODY THAY TONS, be sure to say BOTH words)?”
If a citizen can get their heads around the above info, and tells this info to Scientologists, it acts like a huge spoiler alert answer to what Scientology is all about.
Scientology is about the warm up pseudo-therapy that all Scientologists are allowed to know. But Scientology has the secret (censored material to themselves they cannot even talk about publicly) which is the exorcism secret levels of Scientology.
And the exorcism theory is due to Xenu dumping invisible souls who all have the R6 implants in their soul minds, and all humans today are infested with these invisible souls, and all humans have to someday do the Scientology five exorcism “upper” secret levels to rid themselves of these surplus invisible souls that Xenu dumped here on earth.
Tell this to Scientologists, and it will throw a wrench into their minds.
The quickest way is just say:
a) Did Xenu cause the Wall of Fire? I heard that he did.
b) Did Xenu dump body-thetans (BODY THAY TONS) onto earth, and you guys do five exorcism levels called OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 to rid yourselves of your body-thetans?
c) So Xenu must be important to explaining why you do your secret exorcism which you can’t talk about, then?
Yes, Xenu is important, he’s a key spoiler alert and explanation for why Scientology does so much secret exorcism at their upper secret steps of Scientology.
“Curious About Xenu” tickets would today work better than OCA fraudulent tickets.
If Scientology just upfront said:
“Curious About Your Past Lives Case Troubles Messing You Up in Life Today?”
“Curious About Your Invisible Souls Infesting Your Body Leaking Their “Case” Troubles Onto You Unbeknownst to You Today?”
That’d be truer and get to the point, “What Is Scientology?”
Scientology is warm up quack pseudo-therapy and then “heavy” trauma quack pseudo-therapy, and then imaginary past lives trauma pseudo-therapy, and then a whole long bunch of exorcism of surplus souls that leak their “case” trauma memories to mess with a person.
A long stretched out bunch of quack pseudo-therapy and exorcism, is what Scientology is.
No one ever summarizes it down to what it is, and Hubbard never allowed this, so don’t ever expect Scientologists to tell their quackery like it really is.
Scientology is quack pseudo-therapy and quack exorcism, aimed at our supposed DEEP “case” trauma and troubles implanted into our soul minds, and into the soul minds of invisible souls that infest our human bodies, and all this “case” messes with us.
We have to do Scientology to eliminate this “case” off of ourselves.
Scientology is a self professed “modern” “case” elimination quackery subject.
Our own supposed “case” memories need the Hubbard quack pseudo-therapy, and we then need to exorcise our surplus souls (and their “case” memories) off of ourselves, to reach the top of the Hubbard Scientology “case” handling syllabus of quackery.
So they need 100 Scn volunteers, a number they’ll probably miss in spite of massive amounts of call-in, in order to drive “hundreds” into their orgs. Of course, with the attrition rate, that’s maybe a couple dozen who sign up for a course or buy a book to escape.
I think it would be funny to have a counter-campaign of “Curious?” pamphlets that referred people to the many sites and books and shows that give real information on what Scn is up to. Maybe in red instead of blue, because they’d be a warning of extreme danger.
The lower Scientology sinks the more everyone else looking at it is placed on higher ground without having to do anything. Oh, what did Hubbard call it? “The game becomes getting you.” I’ve never really agreed with condition formulas, their own consistent failings speak for themselves but huge amounts of money, gained by deceit becomes harder and harder to do anything with. It becomes toxic in itself, Yingling bears testament to that! Goodness me, something as evil as that speaks on behalf of all the well intentioned people still trapped in Scientology’s prison of belief. She’s nothing but a professional attack dog! She has to have a master who signs the checks, otherwise she wouldn’t exist on the scene.
Like in the game chess, once you lose the initiative and have to go on the defensive all you have left to hope for is that your opponent makes a mistake – that’s not going happen DM, all you’re good at is making the wrong moves (your dishonesty guarantees it, you have nothing to sell but despair). The world is watching.
SMP’s Dodger Stadium video will generate literally… HUNDREDS of people into the orgs? Southern California had, in 2019, 23 MILLION people, Lydia Hopwood!
Must think bigger–you have a planet to Clear!
Oh, wait. A BILLION YEARS is already doing that. It is scientology in reverse, and it is clearing scientology orgs worldwide of people.
“Winter is coming.”
I love that! Yes, indeed.
Winter is coming, dave, and there is nothing you can do about it and you are so stupid you think that trotting out your video or going to Dodger Stadium with “Curious?” tee shirts would help. That will only make it worse.
Your brand is a toxic pile of nuclear waste.
Another scathing book, the Masterson trial, pending law suits, oh boy! Little Miss Cabbage, whatever did you do to “pull this in”? Confess your crimes now!
“. . .it will literally drive hundreds of people into our orgs!”
Be careful what you wish for COS. Someday soon, it may very well happen. But is won’t be the pretty PR image you’re dreaming of. I can see the day when Big Blue attracts a furious crowd like so many angry villagers armed with torches and pitchforks storming Dr. Frankenstein’s castle.
I’d settle for a few dozen law enforcement officers and IRS agents driving into their orgs.
If I hadn’t escaped a most 40 years ago, I’d be curious why they were paying big bucks for all that promo yet whatever building I was in was empty. I’d be curious why a film crew had to film me handing out flyers. I’d be curious why people treated me like I was radioactive when I tried to get them to take a flyer. But..I’d be down there handing out those flyers because I needed that free tshirt.
Handing out flyers at events is mostly done so that the footage can be shown at an event TBD at your nearest org. It doesn’t take much to make the flock feel like something good happened, in spite of the horrible press that scn is getting.
It will not drive hundreds into orgs, it will be lucky to produce one person that thinks “wow” and maybe they happen to be driving by so they walk in.
Hundreds will see the footage of tickets being handed out. They may even make up a story about someone that walks in to an org.
I know about the Atlanta grand opening, as I was on staff then. The next big event after the grand opening had Jason Hemphill lying about the stats at Atlanta. Several of us looked at each other during the event and mouthed “Is he talking about Atlanta???” I think that lying about stats is “greatest good” so I would imagine that current public at events from now on are really going to hear a line of bullshit, even more than in the past. And they will eat it up, sadly.
sump definition: a pit or hollow in which noxious liquid collects, especially one in the floor of a bathroom or basement.
The only thing that the public is curious about is why Scientology is still tax exempt, why they haven’t been shut down and of course WHERE IS SHELLY?
For those that really want more understanding about Scientology, its little demented “leader” and his missing wife, I suggest that they read the new book “A Billion Years” by Mike Rinder. Maybe there should be fliers passed out at Dodger Stadium promoting the new book! I bet Dave would lose his mind over that. I also recommend some large promotion for the book to be put on the side of the public buses in Clearwater.
Good idea. Maybe the LA Ex Scn group or even a person should buy up billboards like Willie and wife did some years back. The billboards in LA and Clearwater would be a picture of the cover of Mike’s book.
A billboard with the promo photo for Mike’s book on the left half with the word “CURIOUS?” to the right would be pretty darn simple. Maybe add a link to the aftermath foundation and you’ve got the full deal.
They can’t handle the truth! (Gosh, do I have to say it?)